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how about drinking?



  • elle2
    elle2 Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2021

    I had a less than market pour of merlot this evening. If I had been in a wine bar and paid for it, I’d have been annoyed, but hubby poured it for me, so, okay! I don’t usually drink merlot, but tonight, it was amazing! I haven’t had a glass in many weeks. Feeling happy!🤗

    Goldie - A little about myself: I’m 57, second time around bc, 44 first time, yep, 13 years later. No genetics, no Mets- a new type, no reasons, just the one who hits all the stats. I live in AZ too, on 1/2 acre, on the grid. I love animals and have a horse and a dog and 2 kids. I travel as much as I can and Covid has really put a crimp in my plans. Add this bc and I had to cancel an October trip to London and the Cotswolds. Ah well, I’m sure things will improve in the future.

    Minus2- my fave reisling is Chateau St Michel, sweet harvest. $7.99 a bottle, discounted if you buy 6 or more! Certainly a summer wine, and I’m partial to the 14 Hands smooth red blend because, well, there’s a horse on the label? These things are important!😂

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a fun interaction with a student yesterday. An hour before the end of the day she comes in and announces "I have two COVID symptoms. I need to go home now." She then starts rattling off the COVID symptoms she's obviously memorized. I'm sitting there listening tp this knowing that she had COVID last year, so the chances she's really sick with COVID right now are very low. Not impossible, I know, but really low. Anyway, no choice, call the parent, send her home, she has to be tested before coming back. While waiting for her ride she natters on about how her sister is going to be mad at her because she will be in quarantine and that means her sister can't have a friend over after school, and her parent will be mad because of having to stay home and take care of her, and maybe now they will let her see another family member she's not allowed to see. I think this little one is going to be a bit of a handful! Bright and entertaining thing, though.

    Arrgh.The news is showing a report about the rate of school staff being vaccinated. We have to report that monthly, first report was on the 10th of this month. I report the number of staff who have given me a copy of their vaccination record and the number of staff working in the school. Not everyone who is vaccinated has given, or will give me, a copy of their card. So the vaccination rate is "very low" in my school's county, and parents are getting upset already. I had 10 whole days to get copies of vax cards from everyone, on top of getting school started. Next month's report will be more accurate as we'll have time to get more people to remember to bring in and copy their cards. In the meantime, the info is going to be used to push through a vaccination mandate for school staff. Let's make big decisions on seriously incomplete information, why don't we?

    Minus--yup, foot massages. And back rubs, too. COVID is here to stay, and I will be very glad when it's been around long enough for the fear factor to fade out. That's what so hard, everyone is so scared about getting exposed or exposing someone else that it takes a lot more work to help them hear information and process it. But that is the nature of a pandemic, and probably our "new normal" (how I hate that phrase!) I've got to admit that I really like many of the Arbor Mist fruit flavored wines, they are under $10.00. Not very sophisticated palate, I guess!

    Elle--I'm not a red wine fan in general, but I have had some very nice Merlots. Glad you could enjoy a glass!

    high horse cocktail with skewered cherry garnish, served on a metal tray

    High Horse


    • 1 1/2ouncesaged rum
    • 1/2ouncekirsch brandy
    • 1/2ouncecherry liqueur
    • 1/2ouncesweet vermouth
    • 2dashesAngostura bitters
    • Garnish: brandied cherry


    1. Add the rum, kirsch, cherry liqueur, sweet vermouth and bitters into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with a brandied cherry on a skewer.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Reader, if I only had my phone to post with, I most likely wouldn't post!

    NM, I wonder if that little one came in saying she had Covid symptoms cuz she knew she would get to stay home. Could become a new trend for the kiddos!

    Elle, where in AZ are you? Sorry you find yourself dealing with RB (rat basTURD) yet again, but I guess it's better than mets. I have a wine bottle out of a winery in Moab that has a horse on it. I'll take a picture.

    Still getting stuff done around the house and watching Michigan weather, so I know what to pack.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Elle, welcome! Fellow oenophile (that's a wino with a bank account) here. Your second dx is very much like mine: IDC, Stage IA, Grade 2. (This time out they'll likely prescribe an AI rather than tamoxifen). I too am fond of Costco's NZ Sauv. Blancs. As for Ch. Ste. Michelle, I used to live in Seattle and practice law in Bellevue, east of Lake Washington, as well as the district courts in those Eastside 'burbs & exurbs. When I had morning traffic court call in North Bend (just w. of the Cascades), for lunch I'd drive west to Woodinville and get a half-bottle of Ste. Michelle (was not a fan of Columbia Crest across the road), plus a small salami, baguette and hunk of cheese and picnic out on the lawn (of course I brought leftovers home).

    When I was in college in Brooklyn, my family used to go up to Washingtonville's Brotherhood Winery. It was mostly sweet plonk but still pleasant. I discovered good--especially French--wine in the months after I graduated from law school. Nordstrom's had just transitioned from being just the shoe store "Nordstrom Best" into a full-fledged dept. store with a wine dept. It began doing themed tastings--the first one I attended was Burgundy and the second was cru Beaulolais. My law school's chaplain was Jeff Smith (later the Frugal Gourmet) and his wife Patty went to those tastings. After that, a fine wine shop--Esquin--in Pioneer Sq. hosted some serious tastings: prestige cuvee Champagnes, Madeiras, Sherries, and Medocs. That truly spoiled me--and the Chicago area, to which we moved in '78, had some very serious tasting opps. as well. My very first trip to Europe was with a wine merchant and his trainee salesman: Rheingau, Nahe, Burgundy, Loire, Charente and Bordeaux.

    My taste in rieslings runs to the dry ones: Alsace, Leelanau/Traverse area of MI, Willamette Valley, and some CA ones (most recently, Fess Parker out of Paso Robles). As our sisters here know, we used to have a marvelous wine-centric bistro w/in an easy walk of me called Broadway Cellars (later Cellars Bar & Grill). It hosted bimonthly winemaker pairing dinners (CA, OR, France, Italy, Spain) and--pre-pandemic--monthly "20 for $20" tastings, featuring 20 wines and all the paired buffet food you could eat for $20, with discounts on wine purchases. Between those tastings and dinners, about half the wines in our cellars came from Cellars (with the rest mostly bubblies from Mumm Napa's club, red blends from the late great Signorello in Napa--it burned down twice, Williams-Selyem pinot noir, and LaSpinetta in Tuscany (we toured there in 2016). I so miss traveling--both foreign & domestic. (Hoping our next trip to NYC is long enough to rent a car and head off to the North Fork L.I. wineries). Sadly, Cellars closed its doors on Labor Day--it couldn't make a go of it being open only 4 days a week and couldn't expand its hours because of staffing shortages plaguing the hospitality industry. It was also our go-to for celebrations & commiserations (yes, even the repast after my FIL's funeral) for its entire 15 years.

    Have been dining home alone the past few days, so teetotaling. Bob got home late, so we headed to Fireside (open till 1 am, al fresco dining). DOTD was Mionetto Rosé Prosecco and for Bob, the 14 Hands red blend (and when we got home, decaf cappuccino out on our deck).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I don't know about anyone else but I am looking forward to the weekend break from the high anxiety stuff at school this week. I need the time to step back and make sure I'm not getting involved in parts of the Pooled Testing thing that aren't my issue, like the newly erupting High School drama. There were 3 hot email threads running yesterday, the alerts were constant, to the point that I had to turn off the alerts for a while so I could concentrate on other stuff. I do not need to be in the email every minute, especially on Gym day. Yesterday was gym day, and the injury instrument of the day was frisbees. Did you know that a frisbee thrown by a 3rd grader can break the arm of another 3rd grader without leaving a bruise or even a red mark? And that the "broken arm" can be cured with an ice pack? It's true! And cleaning up a skinned knee with "soap that doesn't sting as much as the soap mom uses " makes me the "best nurse ever"? Yup, yesterday was a bit of stressy day, but there were some real smiles in there, too!

    Sadie reminded me that everything can be fixed with belly rubs, too. She thinks belly rubs are better than ice packs.

    Goldie--that little one did know she'd be sent home. I suspect I'll be seeing a lot of her this year. It happened a few times last year, too, toward the end of the year. Everyone has the symptoms memorized at this point, we seen and heard them so often.

    Chi--love the definition of oenophile!

    image alt="Stress buster drink recipe by Bishakha Kumari Saxena at BetterButter">

    Stress Buster


    1/2 part dry gin

    1/2 part dry vermouth

    1/4 part triple sec

    1/4 part apricot brandy

    1 splash peach schnapps

    Cocktail glass


    1. Shake with ice and strain.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Kim, had to laugh at the "soap mom uses." My mom used to use merthiolate--which stung like crazy, when the mercurochrome, iodine and Bactine other moms used didn't. She was of the firm belief that if it didn't sting, it wasn't working. I noticed my neighborhood CVS still sells merthiolate. (I use the "liquid bandage," which does sting).

    The FDA did recommend an EUA for boosters for those >65 or at high risk of severe disease. (It didn't mention immunocompromise). So I needn't feel guilty about having gotten mine. Only wish Moderna had come out sooner with its advice to give half rather than full doses as boosters--not because my side effects might have been milder and more transient, but because someone else at risk could have gotten half my dose.

    I have most of last night's prime rib left over. If I'm eating alone tonight (Bob's partner, whose fibromyalgia and anxiety over her b.c.--same stage & grade as mine--is retiring and he's getting much more work and coming home later), I may Coravin a pinot noir. Thus far, my fave coffee is Dark Matter's "A Love Supreme" med. roast blend. (The company is Black-owned; when I can't get my usual Metropolis Red Line espresso beans, I use Dark Matter's "Unicorn Blood" espresso).

    Speaking of coffee, my new 14-oz. Ember e-mug (and the car charger for the travel version) came today. Can't pair it with the app yet, as the battery needs to charge first. I've gotten so spoiled by having coffee that's hot to the last drop! Been using Ember since 2017.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Decided not to Coravin--there was a scew-cap bottle of Meiomi (Santa Barbara/Monterey/Sonoma) 2019 Pinot Noir on the dining room rack. I know that means Bob will probably feel compelled to knock the rest of the bottle off tonight, but it's not for me to judge.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Taking Sapphire in for an oil change this morning. Mom's getting together with a bunch of friends for supper tonight, wants me to come too, but I think I'm going to pass given the sky-high COVID transmission rate in the county where I work and the really high likelihood a lot of it is the Delta variant. All these people are older, most but not all are vaccinated, and I just do not want to be the one who brings it into their community right now.

    We've got some serious fog going on right now. There's even a weather advisory up about thick fog in places. The ground is still pretty warm but the air is cooling off at night now. Fall is coming!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Chi--My Mom was of a similar mind, if it didn't sting it wasn't working, and if taking care of something didn't hurt, we'd be less inclined to make up injuries just to get attention. Ah, coffee hot to the last sip is a true luxury!

    Front view of two mugs of white Russian hot chocolate with two spoons on cloth.

    Hot White Russian


    • ▢ 4oz.(2 parts) freshly brewed coffee
    • ▢ 2oz.(1 part) Kahlua
    • ▢ 2oz.(1 part) whole milk
    • ▢ 1oz.(1/2 part) vodka (I like Grey Goose)
    • ▢ Whipped cream for topping (optional, I guess…but add the whipped cream!)


    • In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine all ingredients and heat until warm (I recommend 150-155°F). Do not boil.
    • Pour into mugs and serve immediately, topped with whipped cream, if desired.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    NM, I'll bet you didn't know you could heal broken arms! I hope you are able to destress over the weekend. Sweet of you to pass on dinner with mom and friends, just in case you could be carrying.

    I'm just bopping in for a few as I still have so much to do before I leave. I will be leaving here Monday morning at 6 ayem, go get my infusion and head to the airport. 4 hour drive, hour and a half infusion, wait at the airport, fly out at 3, arrive in Detroit at 10 and an hour drive to my brothers!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Goldie - hope you have a wonderful trip to see your kiddos & family - but my what a LONG day to get there. Also hope you'll be able to de-stress and not worry about your DH the whole time you're gone.

    Edited to say - oh NM - I want a White Russian right NOW and I haven't had breakfast yet.

  • elle2
    elle2 Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2021

    Goldie - What wine fo the Tenders have available this weekend? I might stop in for a glass and a charcuterie board. I'm in the East Valley where I stayed after ASU. I have tasted a few of the Arizona wines and they are coming along nicely, getting better every year. Enjoy your travel to Detroit and your time with family.

    MN - Funny how different states are about COVID. Parents here just want to keep the kids in school, since all the reports show the kiddos are the least of all groups harmed by the virus.

    ChiSandy - I loved reading your response and how much you "study" your wine! However, I'm not sure you could call me an oenophile since the description denotes "a disciplined devotion to wine, accompanying strict traditions of consumption and appreciation." My consumption and appreciation of wine have absolutely no restrictions or discipline involved! My family did visit Sonoma Valley a few years back and we came home with a case of the Meiomi wines. Very good whites. I do own a Coravin, but, uhmmm...I try not to use it.

    Unfortunately, I'm no longer in your bc catagory ChiSandy. Last week, my dx was updated, which is shown below, and came as a complete shock to me. Now, I'm in that grey area of having a new bc, negative margins, but with isolated tumor cells in the one and only lymph node that was removed and dissected. Are they mets from the original bc 13 years ago that were just lingering about after Tamoxifen? Or are they the new IDC that escaped and are hiding out in the lymph nodes? The cells are isolated micrometastases >200 which is considered a zero. My immediate response was, "well, take out more lymph nodes to be sure you've got them all." My surgeon is worried about the 30-40% chance of lymphodema, which outweighs the chances of having additional isolated cells in the other lymph nodes. But a quick test (nonen-something) showed my chance of recurrence would be 22%. MDA has weekly board meetings where docs present atypical issues to roundtable with others. My case has been sent up for the monthly meeting next week with members from the Houston facility and others. I'm confident that experienced group will be able to make the best decision for me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I got a nice surprise yesterday, took Sapphire in for an oil change and tire rotation and such, and it was free!I had totally forgotten that I got a year of free routine servicing! That made my morning. Sadie was not impressed that I didn't remember the free service for a year thing, but she doesn't have anywhere near as much stuff to remember as I do!

    Goldie--have a safe and fun trip!

    Minus--I say go for the Hot White Russian, before breakfast or not, it's coffee, after all!

    Ellie--Here in the HTL we tell the Tenders what we like and want, they make sure to keep it in stock for us! There is a huge push to keeping kids in school full time, in person here, too, but it's about to blow up in our faces.Lots of schools are doing pooled testing because participating students do not have to quarantine FROM SCHOOL, but do have to quarantine FROM THE COMMUNITY. Many parents are not doing the community quarantine part "if they can go to school they can go to day care, after school programs, parties, shopping, whatever."I can see it starting to run through the community like a wildfire already, and all the added confusion is not going to help any. It's going to be a very long and busy year contact tracing and monitoring isolations and quarantines. As to the new diagnosis, I can understand wantingmore of the lymph nodes removed, and wishing there was a way to determine if those nasty micromets are from the first or second tumor. There just seems to be no easy way to get through this journey for anyone. Having confidence in your treatment team is a very good thing, I'm glad you have that.

    A tall glass holds a multi-layered drink, going from deep red at the top to orange mixed with crushed ice and then a thick and opaque orange base. The drink is garnished with a generous sprig of mint, and served on a table on a balcony.

    Sea of Confusion


    • 1 ounce Hamilton Jamaican pot-still gold rum
    • 1/2 ounce Clear Creek pear brandy
    • 1/4 ounce yellow Chartreuse
    • 1/4 ounce Cappelletti amaro sfumato rabarbaro
    • 1/2 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 3/4 ounce passion fruit syrup
    • 6 dashes Angostura bitters
    • 1/2 ounce Lemon Hart 151 rum
    • Garnish: mint sprig


    1. Add the first six ingredients to a footed pilsner glass over pebble ice and swizzle.
    2. Add the bitters and Lemon Hart 151 rum to top.
    3. Garnish with a large mint sprig.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Where is everybody? Did I say something offensive? Or is everybody just busy?

    image alt="The Long Hello cocktail | Recipe | Cocktails, Aromatic bitters, Calvados">

    Long Hello



    Mix all ingredients (except the sparkling wine and nutmeg) with ice, stirring until chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail or coupe glass and top with sparkling wine. Garnish with freshly-grated nutmeg.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2021

    No, Hah! Good Morning sweet Kim! I'm always here, even when I don't post anything.... Gotta read what my gals have to say.

    Things are just a little rough lately.... It's hard thinking of losing my Brother Kenny... He was one of those who didn't want the vaccine..... And he paid for it with his life.... At least I got to say "good-bye" right before he passed away. The nurse took his phone into him, laid it on his pillow, and I talked loud, and told him I loved him, and to hang in there, and that I would always be with him....

    An hour later, his Daughter texted me while we were in the store, and told me he was gone.... It just hurts so much.... but I have a place in my garden for memories, and an urn with his ashes.... so I like to think I still have him with me...

    And then things are not so easy here at home.... trying my best to take care of things, to help my Husband, and keep us both from being frustrated.... or mad.... or sad.... and to just enjoy every day we have together, right?

    Also trying to clean out a bunch of stuff we've accumulated in all our 66 years of marriage! Our anniversary is next week, and I thank God for our lives together!!! And pray for a million more tomorrow's! Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Elle, hope the tumor board has good news for you. Latest phase of the TAILORx study showed that OncotypeDX testing is still warranted for ER/PR+/HER2- patients with up to 3 positive nodes. The risk of lymphedema is quite real--back when I had 4 nodes (2 non-sentinel "hangers-on") removed, my surgeon's NP thought that was still low-risk but still possible; now, it is thought that as few as 2 nodes removed poses a lifelong risk. As someone who, despite having had only "subclinical LE" (per the specialist), has to wear compression in-flight and for resistance exercise, I can tell you that you want to avoid that risk as much as possible. You will most likely (fingers crossed) be recommended to get endocrine (more properly called anti-"hormonal" rather than "hormonal") therapy again, this time an aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as anastrozole, letrozole, or exemestane. Since you had a mastectomy, unless the nodes removed were clavicular, you probably won't need radiation again.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    As to drinking, Sat. night Bob & I grilled--we had some more of that Meiomi Pinot Noir.

    Yesterday, we went to the Bears season opener at Soldier Field. I had not planned on drinking--but the near-2-mile walk from the train to our seats had me panting & sweating (I even sweated off the Flector patches I had put on my back; when I went to the rest room at halftime, as soon as I pulled down my jeans the patches fell to the floor), and the seats (while being on the 50-yd line in the club level) were so high up & steep that we were afraid to go get refreshments due to fear of losing our balance while carrying drinks or food while trying to walk. But it was brutally hot up there. So when the beer guy came around, I eagerly got a Miller Lite (3.2gm net carb). At halftime, Bob got an IPA (the drink line took forever due to one guy's credit cards getting rejected) and I got a club soda with lime. The ice in it perfectly chilled the remaining beer, and the lime made it taste great.

    We walked back (in the heat, feet & back aching) to Mercat a la Planxa, only to find it no longer is open Sun. & Mon. So we walked further north to Russian Tea Time. I had a split of Möet Brut Imperial, and Bob had a "Beluga" brand vodka flight and then a 2019 Georgian white wine (a Rkatseli/Mtsvane varietal blend called "Do-Re-Mi"), which looked deep orange like an oxidized & sweet Tokaj but tasted fresh & bone-dry. We were famished and parched. When we got home (took the train, just aa we did in the morning), I had seltzer and coffee and went to bed early; slept >10 hrs.!

    Oh, and the Bears won! (Hence the bubbly).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Looks like another beautiful day shaping up, but the weather people are talking about overnight frost a little later this week. Fall is definitely working its way in.

    Something that I've been afraid of happening at school happened yesterday. A parent lied about a student getting a negative test and sent the child to school before quarantine was over. This is going to be one very, very complicated year.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Chevy--I'm sure things are very rough for you right now. I believe we do still have those we love who die with us, through memories, keepsakes, rituals, a million different ways. But it still hurts. Trying to clean out after 66 years of marriage, what a job! I can't imagine the memories that is uncovering. Getting frustrated, mad, sad, all are normal. Make sure you are taking care of yourself, too.

    Chi--how disappointing to walk that far and find the restaurant closed! Glad you found another place with really good food.

    Blue Insanity

    2 oz of Triple Sec

    2 oz of uv blue raspberry vodka

    2 oz of blue curacao liqueur

    6 oz of smirnoff black ice

    Place some ice in a highball glass. Add the UV, blue curacao and triple sec. Top with Smirnoff, and serve.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!

    Tenders, please pop a shot of something yummy in my coffee, please!

    Maybe the smell of fresh coffee brewing will wake us all up.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    "Is there anybody out there? Anyone at all? "

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2021

    Morning Kim! Hah! Kind of quiet around these parts, right? It's just so nice to stop by here and hear what everyone else is up to! Takes my mind off of things that aren't so fun, right?

    I read that just maybe we can go in for a booster shot now? I was beginning to think we weren't old enough yet...Loopy

    This whole year or more of Covid is just wearing us down. Even though we've been vaccinated, we still are afraid to go out much. We go out early to the store, and don't hang around places like we used to.

    And then losing my brother because he didn't believe in the vaccinations, is just hard. I have a special place in one of my gardens for his urn with ashes, and the huge rock he helped us bring down out of the mountains and beautiful statue & plaque that Sheri sent us... just a place to think of him... Heart

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2021

    Hello! School buses are back to normal, that gives me a break from picking up kids. I still have to pick up my daughters 2 girls twice a week and take them to dance, and my sons 4 year old twice a week because the older brothers play football, one middle school and one high school. The 4 year old does not have fun watching and would rather play so he stays with me.

    Friday will be three years since my husband died and I finally feel ok. I was ok before, but always felt like a heaviness inside and a smile wasn't really felt inside. Anyway, now I feel much lighter and not sad inside all the time.

    I want to travel and want to go out west because I have never been there and want to see the beauty there. I wish covid would go away. I suppose we are all tired of it. My youngest son who lives with me has Asperger's, very smart and sometimes very funny. He doesn't go out and do a lot so I am trying to plan a trip that he would like. He does like the mountains in Tn. and N.C. and I would like to go to Helen, Ga. I showed him pictures online and he said he would like to go there. So I am trying to see when he can get time off from work to plan a trip there. I think I may put his name on my deed. The other kids say its ok with them, they both have places to live and he would be the one that would need a place and he lives here and pays for some of the upkeep anyway. I don't want any of my kids to feel slighted or hurt if I die and they feel bad because things were not divided equally. I really don't have alot of stuff to argue about, so maybe it really doesn't matter.

    It is still so hot here, Oct is when we get some cooler weather, but this morning was so nice and you could feel a little cool breeze that is so welcome after the heat and humidity every day. I told my older son that I think I need to move a little further and that means that everybody will have to move with me. LOL

    Tomorrow is my once a month breakfast with a former co-worker and I am looking forward to that. I am planning to buy tickets for Diva Night here. I don't think they did it last year. It has a bunch of raffles and crafts to buy and food, bands and all of the proceeds go to breast cancer research. One year I went it was the '70's theme. This year is Disco. It should be fun. I went with some friends last time and I know 2 of them want to go again, I thought that I would ask my sisters to go too.

    Hope you all have a nice day and looking forward to some fun for the weekend.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited September 2021

    Hi Kim I so enjoy reading your posts. Sadie reminds me of Sillie Sammy our gray kitty. Always up for playtime and being a little wierd!

    Chevy I am terribly sorry about your brother. We just lost a dear friend of my husband's, same reason. 60 years old and in Kidney failure. But no vaccine. DH was friends with him for 40 years.

    Two day brightening pics for you. A wonderful portabello stuffed caprese salad I made recently. Pretty and tasty. And our kitty. The other is shyer and hard to capture.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2021

    Chevy - I'm lurking today. I'm so sorry about your brother 🙏❤️😔

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    M, you could never be offensive. I think you are getting the rain I think, that we just had for the last couple of days. Been chilly here, just in the 50's. Oh dear on the parents sending the child back to school early, yikes.

    ED, I'm sorry for hurting heart, wish I could give you a real hug.

    Sandy, sounds like you got your exercise in going to that game.

    Had a busy day yesterday with my brother and his partner visiting and my son came after work. Played games and had pizza. Same brother is coming back today. One of my GF's is coming tomorrow, and then everyone on Saturday, so about 12 people I think.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited September 2021

    I’m here, mostly just reading along. DH is out of town for a week, so I’m relaxing and enjoying my alone time, watching movies and cleaning up the kitchen before the tornado that is DH returns. He’s not destructive, just have too much stuff everywhere. I’ve got scans early next week but I have no issues currently, so I’m as calm as one can be.

    Hello to all!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Kim - sorry, I got busy drinking last night (LOL) Well, not really but it seemed appropriate for this thread. Shameful about the parent lying & sending the kid to school. Have you retired your canoe for the season?

    Chevy - great to see you posting more. You're one of the first people I followed 10 years ago. I'm so sorry to read about your DH. And your brother.

    I made it out of the liquor store today w/o breaking the bank. Bought two bottle of a red wine that I tasted several weeks ago - Crimson Thread. It's a red blend from CA - and of course they don't have to tell you all the wines included. But the label says: Our red blend has luscious aromas of dark cherry, blackberry & blueberry. Tempting hints of brown sugar spice are complemented by supple notes of vanilla & a round velvety finish. $8.99

    I've been having trouble with extreme dry mouth at night. Yup - I have spray Biotene from my chemo days, but by the time I wake up enough to spray - I'm awake for several hours. One of the causes can be alcohol so I'm keeping a diary. If I drink gin & tonic, no problem. If I add white wine, maybe just minor problems. But when add a glass of red wine at dinner - Katie Bar The Door. My tongue gets literally glued to the top of my mouth. Lots of other potential causes - like a bag of potato chips at 9pm or my new carpet - but I've about decided the primary cause is AGE. Thank heavens a glass of Amarula at 9pm doesn't seem to trip it.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Mae - I saw your doc appointment schedule. Whew!! However I agree with the concept. I try to make at least two & possibly three appointments on one day so I don't have to drive to the medical center as often. Hope you're enjoying a relaxing break with DH out at the cabin.

    ANd Goldie - thanks for sending a picture from your vacation.

    Jazzy - aren't you supposed to be on hiatus for another 10 days or so?? Still, good to see you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! TGIF, TGIF, it's been an exciting week at school. Lots of COVID craziness early in the week, then a Lockdown Wednesday afternoon. Dismissing all the kiddos with a driveway full of police and sherriff's vehicles is an experience I would just as soon not repeat. It went smoothly enough, but created a lot of anxiety, understandably. Not being able to tell anyone what was going on was really hard. Fortunately, all ended well, threatening person located and served no-trespassing paperwork, threatened person (an adult) unharmed. Reminds us all why it's so important to keep the doors locked and someone in the front office at all times.

    Sadie's response to the big story was for me to take her to work (not allowed due to health regulations) so she can take care of troublesome peoples. She changed her mind when I pointed out that she would have to get up with me in the ayems and not go back to bed after breakfast!

    Chevy--I'm still sorting through the booster research. Not sure what the final outcome is going to be on that. I can't imagine booster shots going over very popularly when so many states are having to mandate vaccination for healthcare workers and the fed having to mandating vaccination for all employers with more than 100 employees. Personally, I'd like to see 80% of the world population vaccinated for the first time before we start worrying about booster shots, but that's just my opinion. Losing your brother must be so very hard. I can't imagine losing my brother. I've gone back to not going out very much myself, with the transmission rate so very high here right now. and I'm masking in public places, indoors anyway. The place in your garden to remember your brother sounds really special and beautiful.

    image alt="">

    Hello Friday


    Ice cubes

    1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)

    1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)

    1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2021

    I have a place in my back garden for my brother! We were up in the mountains one time many years ago, and we had stopped to look over the view.... I loved this huge rock that was beside us, and Kenny picked it up & put in the trunk of our car, SO HEAVY! So this is "his" place! His ashes in an urn are across from there, under an arch... It's just a place where I can remember him... He wore head-bands when he played the drums... His fan-club had some made, and he sent me one years ago! Funny how little things become so important as years go by....

    May be an image of 2 people and outdoors