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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2021

    "A Place for Kenny" in my back garden! His urn with ashes is under the arch, and a few things that remind me of him...May be an image of 2 people and outdoorsMay be an image of tree and outdoors

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2021

    Reader- your portabello stuffed caprese salad looks delicious. The picture looks like a cookbook picture.

    Goldie – love the picture! Enjoy your family, and a much needed break.

    Chevy- the special space for your brother is beautiful. I hope if brings you peace.

    Minus – when I have dry mouth in the morning, I always just figured I slept with my mouth open. Hmmm… maybe this is another thing I'll just blame on the weather. My problem with alcohol is I get a hot flash every time I drink it. My cousin told me she only gets hot flashes with wine, so she drinks other stuff now.

    NM - it sure is different than when I was in school. I am glad that I am not a kid these days. I am glad there is people like you in the schools letting kids be kids. So many things and people to watch out for.

    Karen- I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family.'

    Hoping Cami is better.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Misty - turns out there are any number of causes for dry mouth - researched at Mayo - starting with sleeping on your back (which I went to great & difficult pains to learn after my mastectomy) to possible gastrointestinal reflux (which of course is a serious symptom of possible esophageal cancer), and then of course aging. I confirmed with the periodontist that the high acid content in my saliva can cause teeth & mouth problems, but is not likely to cause whole system problems (like liver). Big sigh.

    I'm cutting out the wine & back to drinking gin & tonics because: 1) not much problems with dry mouth - but even more important; 2) the juniper berries keep me 'regular'.

    Chevy - you've created a lovely memory tribute to your brother. Thanks for sharing.

    I too am hoping things are going better for Cami.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Actually, reflux is less a symptom than a cause of Barrett's (erosive) esophagitis, which if untreated can cause esophageal cancer.

    Chevy, so sorry about your brother. It's always tough to lose ones we love, but especially frustrating when they might have been able to avoid it. May the shrine you built bring you peace and lovely memories.

    I know I've stirred up a hornet's nest on another thread (mostly among our Canadian BCO sisters), but I am firmly convinced that denying boosters to our most vulnerable would not result in those doses going into the global arms that so desperately need them--especially in those Third World countries (not all, but msny) plagued by corruption, dictatorship, and rule by vengeful warlords. I'm glad to hear that the FDA & CDC agree that Pfizer boosters are warranted for senior citizens, immunocompromised, and those at particularly high risk of serious disease should they become infected. The FDA said the latter category should include health care, education, and congregate-living workers, and that the high medical-condition-risk category begin at age 18. The CDC advisory committee pointedly omitted high-risk occupations and the high-risk category begin at age 50. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky overruled the committee and reinstated the occupational category--and said that those over age 18 with high-risk conditions (asthma, obesity, diabetes, etc,) discuss with their own doctors. Moderna & J&J's booster recommendations will likely come within the next month, and Pfizer shots (pediatric doses) for kids age 5-11 may start going into little ones' arms by Halloween.

    Interestingly, the cops & firemen patients in his Union Health practice who had been anti-vax and anti-mask for political reasons are now trying to get him to declare them "high-risk" so they can get boosters. (They--or their union officials--are opposed to being mandated, though).

    Back to drinking--haven't done much of it since Sunday. Had some Meiomi pinot noir with Mon. night's hamburger and last night's Beyond Burger. (With tonight's I'm just drinking ice water, though I might make a pour-over drip of the Peruvian decaf I bought earlier today).

    But I do have two reasons to crack open some bubbly when Bob gets home tonight (late because he got stuck behind a freight train crossing between going to a couple of his hospitals. First, the White Sox won the AL Central Div. yesterday--making the playoffs two years in a row, which hasn't happened since 2008; and my BIL's thyroid biopsy came back benign!

    Gordy's fiancee is having surgery to remove abdominal cysts next Wed. (Her parents are coming in from Houston and her sister from Anchorage to help out). It was planned a couple of months ago. And I'm getting a liver MRI on Tues--my melanoma onc. says it's part of my scan schedule--so I don't want to blow a chance to celebrate while I can.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Bob just got home--so we opened a bottle of Mumm Napa Deveaux Ranch brut 2016.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! It felt so nice to sleep in this ayem, cuddled up against Sadie and listening to the wind and rain. Got to get Sadie up in a bit for her appointment, she needs a booster shot at the Vet's.Speaking of Booster Shots, the US. CDC's recommendations is for people who got the Pfizer/BionTECH vaccination.

    "Specifically, the U.S. CDC recommends:

    a. People 65 years and older and residents in long-term care settings should receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months after their Pfizer-BioNTech primary series;

    b. People ages 50–64 years with underlying medical conditions should receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months after their Pfizer-BioNTech primary series;

    c. People ages 18–49 years with underlying medical conditions may receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months after their Pfizer-BioNTech primary series, based on their individual benefits and risks;


    d. People ages 18-64 years who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting may receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months after their Pfizer-BioNTech primary series, based on their individual benefits and risks."

    U.S. CDC (2021, Sept. 24) Booster Shot.

    There are no official recommendations yet for people who got the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

    Well, back from the Vet. Quick in and out visit for Sadie. Their lobby is closed again due to high COVID transmission. Sadie was not impressed with having to go in without me, and very quick to pull the poor tech out the door on the way back to the car! Took advantage of being out on a Saturday morning to stop at a local apple orchard's farm store and pick up some cider and fresh cinnamon sugared cider donuts. A treat I look forward to every fall.

    Chevy--your Place for Kenny is beautiful!

    Misty--being in school surely is different from what I remember! We try to shield them from things they don't need to know at their age, but it's hard given what many of them are exposed to at home.

    Minus--I never associated waking up with a dry mouth more often with learning to sleep on my back to help the reflux! Danged if I do and danged if I don't, apparently. Well, dry mouth is easier to manage that reflux attacks.

    Chi--congrats on the reasons to celebrate!

    Food, Juice, Drink, Bellini, Non-alcoholic beverage, Ingredient, Punch, Mimosa, Wine cocktail, Beer cocktail,

    Apple Cider Mimosas


    2 bottles of prosecco (or champagne), chilled

    2 bottles of apple cider, chilled

    .5 cup granulated sugar

    4 tbsp pumpkin spice seasoning

    12 slices of apple to garnish


    Mix the sugar and pumpkin spice seasoning; dip the top of each champagne flute in water then into the sugar/pumpkin spice mixture to create a flavorful rim for each glass. Garnish each glass with an apple slice. Combine the prosecco and the apple cider, mix well in a punch bowl and allow your guests to serve themselves or pour into prepared glasses.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    NM - I saw a sign today that made me think of you:

    "I saw my neighbor talking to her cat; It was obvious that she thought her cat understood...

    SO I went and told my dog... We laughed a lot."

    Missing Goldie & Jazzy!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2021


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Jazzy - delicious but aren't you breaking your hiatus?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Jazzy--shaken or stirred? Gin or vodka? Inquiring minds, er, livers want to know!

    Kim, ever since the start of the pandemic our vet's lobby has been closed to "pet parents." We have to wait outside (in our cars or on the sidewalk), phone to say we've arrived, wait for the tech to come and get our furbabies, talk to the vets when they call us, and pay by credit card on file, with an e-mailed receipt.

    Tonight was the OSF Little Co. of Mary Physicians' Dinner-Dance (first one since early Nov. 2019). Very sparsely attended, mostly by the Gen-X and older millennials on staff. Pity--it was alfresco (cocktails on the lawn or in the vented tent, dinner in the tent), but I guess most older docs felt it was just too risky--or they've gotten used after all these months to not socializing. My DOTD (to go with surf & turf) was Rodney Strong Pinot Noir.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2021

    Hi friends- I am back! Started lurking this week and felt ready to return to all the social media sites (FB too) where I have been taking a break. September has been a busy month, but maybe some more fun in it than I have had in awhile. I went to my fav hot springs over Labor Day weekend which just reopened in August after a fire last year, got to the state fair (you have to provide proof of vaccination), been catching up with friends and starting to enjoy some cooler weather finally. It was in the 90s through most of the month until just this past week, which unfortunately has become the norm anymore. But now it finally feels like fall.

    Also been catching up with some friends for some one on one time lately which has been fun. Chi wants to know about that martini and it was an extra dry vodka martini (with Titos) shaken, with olives. I met a friend for dinner last night at a place I love here and have not been to in awhile and it was just the best. We did the whole thing from cocktails, to apps, salad, dinner, desert, wine and after dinner drinks. I have not had a really good meal like that in a long time (maybe since before the pandemic?) Total treat. I have a few more dinners planned in the next few weeks.

    Balloon fiesta is coming up next weekend and the city is getting more traffic with out of state folks coming in. It's an outdoor event for the most part (except for the museum which has some events) but people are shoulder to shoulder at this event so not a place I will be hanging out. I never go to the field unless people are visiting anyways. I know the city and the state can use the tourism dollars and hope everyone can have a good time and stay safe, but a bit worried this could be a super spreader. Our Covid numbers are up and hospital ICUs have been over capacity for awhile, with higher death rates again. I plan to enjoy the balloons just floating around my hood like I usually do.

    And then there is work, we are in the final months of this phase of this project and god willing I will be off this thing before Thanksgiving. I also am taking that entire week off and it will my first full week off since I started this job last October. And I am about a month out now from my year anniversary at which time I will get a small raise (3%), and some more benefits including some matching on my retirement fund. I don't have any big plans for Thanksgiving week outside of some routine medical things I need to get taken care of without the pressure at work. I may go up to Santa Fe or Taos for a quick junket after the holiday, but going to wait a bit before I decide on that. I made more plans for hot springs at Xmas time, my fav thing to do as you know.

    My sister is doing a bit better as time goes on. She has been back to work PRN but her old job is trying to get her to commit to a regular PT job with benefits (which she doesn't need). I told her to think carefully as it will tie her down more and probably better for them than for her. She likes having the flexibilty of PRN and saying no if she cannot take on something. She is taking a trip back east to our home state next week and has some nice plans to visit friends and family in a pretty time of the year on the east coast. We talked about doing something for Xmas but neither one of us wants to get on a plane for the holiday so we are both doing our own thing.

    I will share a few more photos from my month next and hope you enjoy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    I personally can't taste the differences between unadulterated vodkas (cheap Smirnoff, Tito's, and artisanal Russian vodkas all taste like firewater to me, as does white rum); and if my choice of cocktail is martini-or-nothing, I'll take plain seltzer water. Bob is a fan of vodka martinis (brand unimportant), with enough of the vermouth to detect, and a lemon twist--but a skewer of olives on the side. I don't particularly like gin, but I tried Dutch genever when I was on a river cruise in 2012 and again in Amsterdam in 2019, and I found them interesting. Friends have told me that Hendricks has enough botanicals to have an unique flavor (which is why they don't like it), but if I'm having straight hard booze I prefer bourbon, Islay Scotch, good cognac or an aged (añejo or reposado) tequila. Considering my preference for "mellow," the Islay is an outlier, but the iodine-y smokiness fascinates me--to me, Highland & Speyside single-malts taste like good brown booze ruined by peat smoke. (And except for Tullamore Dew, I can tolerate Irish whisky only in coffee, muddled with brown sugar & topped with loosely-whipped cream). If I had to choose between brown boozes, it'd be either an XO Cognac, well-aged Armagnac or Calvados, or single-barrel bourbon.

    Speaking of the latter, I have an unopened bottle of local (Evanston) Few bourbon, a thank-you gift from a neighbor on my block--who is Few's head distiller--for lending him my traction mats when his Prius got stuck in deep snow in the alley.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Apparently I didn't post this yesterday:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Waking up to rain here, at least we won't' be going into winter in drought conditions. And better rain than snow. Sadie was pretty disgusted this ayem when she went out for her ayem potty trip. How a dog that loves water in ponds, puddles, and lakes can dislike wet grass and rain so much baffles me.

    Minus--LOL!I can just picture that happening!

    Jazzy--looks like you are having fun!

    Chi--my vet was doing the closed lobby thing, call on arrival, tech would come get the pet, but we could pay using a card over the phone. They had just opened up to allow one pet parent to come in with the pet aftercheck in by phone, straight back to the exam room, and check out from the exam room, then straight out of the building. They've gone back to no pet parents inside due to the surge. Two weeks ago I went in with Sadie, yesterday I couldn't.More and more businesses are re-instating masking requirements and social distancing, a few have even restarted limiting the number of customers inside at a time.The Dinner -Dance sounds like a really good time. Too bad so many people opted out.

    One Dance Cocktail


    • 1 1/ 2ounces Empress Gin
    • 3/ 4ounce Lillet
    • 1/ 2ounce St Germain
    • 1/ 2ounce Lemon Juice
    • 1/ 2ounce Simple Syrup, 2:1 ratio
    • 2dashes Bittered Sling Celery bitters


    • Step 1
      Shake well and pour over crushed ice.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! The rain has moved out, more than 3 inches recorded just down the road from me. Nothing like lots of rain to make for a lazy weekend. Sadie and I got absolutely nothing accomplished yesterday, and it felt good!

    Welcome back, Jazzy! Sounds like you had a really good time during your social media break. It must be great to get together with people and get caught up like that. The full 9 course dinner (I didn't count, but you know what I mean) sounds like a great way to spend an evening with friends. The balloon festival must be something to see. Many of them go right over your house, don't they? Glad to hear the work project is progressing. From my point of view a 3% raise is a pretty big one! I'm used to 1% to 1.5% raises when it isn't a straight 3 to 5 cents per hour for everyone. I think you and your sister are wise not to plan travel around Christmas. I have a feeling that is going to be another big surge time. And good advice about the PRN vs PT job. She can be hired on PT without benes (or with very few) and wind up being required to work pretty close to full time hours. As you said, more benefit to them than to her. Can't wait to see the pics!

    Chi--Great description of the "brown boozes," some of those I've been leery of trying. Everybody needs a few outlier preferences, those keep life interesting and people guessing!

    Silver Balloon


    How to make

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2021

    Good morning all. I've been lurking to keep up but not taking time to comment. We've been pretty busy lately. Older son, wife and their youngest daughter have now moved to South America. Their company made reservations for their flight with an airline that will not fly pets in the cabin to their new country, so their min pin is currently with us under the care of their oldest daughter (she is job searching for a job in publishing with little response so far; she does have a part time job here in town). They are coming to the US for a company meeting next month and the dog will travel to them to fly to their new home on a more accommodating airline!

    Younger son whose scans had shown NEAD chose to do a second round of chemo, "just in case". He only received two of the four doses because three of their kids got Covid (2 11 year old sixth graders and a vaccinated college freshman who came home to isolate), in sequence, of course to extend the time. In his words " the cancer center wouldn't let me in the door until I finished quarantine! " Since it had been several weeks from his last treatment, he had a PET scan last week in which one lymph node lit up. Plan is to try the four rounds of chemo again and if need be to radiate that node.

    Then last Friday our elderly, blind dog apparently had a stroke and we had to put him down. We are down to two dogs for now and will be to one after the min pin leaves the second week in October.

    Minus, my dog agrees!!

    NM, what is it about dogs and wet feet? I've seen our dogs practically cross their legs to avoid going out in the wet!

    Jazzy, always love your balloon pictures.

    Goldie, hope you are having a great visit.

    Chevy, what a lovely memory garden for your brother.

    Thinking of Cami. Has anyone heard any updates?

    Still masking here and limiting contact with others. Have recently had record Covid numbers but end of last week reports were indicating a downward trend. Will get today's county report tomorrow morning to find out what happened over the weekend. Our county public health office publishes an online report at 6:30 am the morning after each day the office is open.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited September 2021

    Goldens, yay for your son but so sorry about your dog.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I think things are settling down a bit at school now, got through an entire Monday without having to put out any fires, just the usual stuff I've come to expect. Listened in on the School Board meeting last night, that was rather entertaining. Sadie wasn't impressed, though. Apparently I stopped belly rubbing too often while listening!

    Beaver--Good luck and prayers for the older son's family in South America. I'm glad they found a safe way to get their pup with them! Praying for younger son, too. So hard to balance treatment and isolation/quarantines. And so sorry to hear about the passing of the elder dog. So hard, losing a pet. I don't know what it is about dogs and wet feet, either! But it's kind of funny. I'm still masking and limiting my movements, gone back to grocery pick up rather than going in and shopping. I tend to save money that way, too, so bonus! Numbers starting to come down, but both the county I work in and the one I live in are still in the red.

    Morning, Illi!

    Conference Cocktail


    1/2 ounce Rittenhouse 100 Rye

    1/2 ounce Bourbon, such as Buffalo Trace

    1/2 ounce calvados

    1/2 ounce cognac, such as Hine

    1 teaspoon demerara syrup

    2 dashes Angostura bitters

    1 dash Bittermens xocolatl mole bitters


    1 lemon twist

    1 orange twist


    Step 1

    Stir all the ingredients over ice, then strain into a double rocks glass over 1 large ice cube. Garnish with the lemon and orange twists.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I spoke too soon about things calming down at school. Yesterday we had an electrical fire in the library! Nothing big, thank goodness, but scary enough. Spent almost an hour evacuated out to the ball field. Never a dull moment!

    Awfully quiet in here lately. Where is everyone?

    Alice's Electric Blue Butterfly Cocktail

    Electric Blue Butterfly

    What You'll Need:

    • 1 1/2 oz. Vodka, preferably lemon or citrus
    • 1 oz. Blue Curacao
    • 3 oz. Lemonade
    • 7-Up to fill glass
    • Ice


    • Fill a highball glass half full of ice.
    • Add 1 1/2 oz. vodka, 1 oz. blue curacao, 3 oz. lemonade, and enough 7-Up to fill the glass.
    • Stir gently to mix, and serve immediately.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2021

    Welcome back Teka. I just returned last weekend myself after a month away!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    It's definitely NOT fall in Houston, and I usualyy only drink bourbon in the winter. But I treated myself to an old timey bourbon & coke last night. Tasted delicious.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2021

    Cat GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Had a relatively calm day at school yesterday, which was nice. I'm beginning to feel like I'm getting a handle on things and getting truly organized. District-wise, another batch of students and some staff went into quarantine at the high school and middle school again yesterday. I think both are in outbreak status, now. Praying I don't have to deal with an outbreak in my school, but with so many connections to the middle school and high school it's probably just a matter of time.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Teka--welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your time out from the threads! 38 degrees? Brrrr!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Minus--nothing like a nice treat, is there?

    This apple butter cocktail is perfect for the fall season and incredible delicious! It's super simple too: you need apple butter, bourbon and ginger ale or ginger beer. A cinnamon sugar rim and a fig garnish make it super pretty. YUM. I #apple #butter #cocktail #bourbon #fizz

    Autumn Apple Bourbon Fizz


    • orange wedges for the glass
    • 1/2cinnamon + 1 tablespoon sugar for the rim
    • 3tablespoonsapple butter
    • 2ouncesbourbon
    • pinchof cinnamon
    • 4 to 6ounceschilled ginger ale or ginger beer
    • fresh figs for garnish


    • Rim your glass with a wedge of citrus. I like orange but lemon or lime work too! Stir together the cinnamon and sugar on a plate. Dip the rim in the cinnamon sugar.
    • Fill a shaker glass with ice. Add the apple butter, bourbon and a pinch of cinnamon. Shake well for 30 seconds. Pour the mixture into the glass. Fill the glass with ginger ale or ginger beer and serve!

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2021







  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited September 2021

    Cami, it’s so nice to see you here this morning, although I hate everything you’re going through. Big gentle hugs to you.

    Hi everyone, just had scans, body is good, brain is a pain with two new tiny spots to be zapped in about a month (tiny and slow growing, so no big hurry).

    Thinking of everyone and wishing you all a great weekend 😁.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2021

    Cami, so good to hear from you! Glad to hear you are in the midst of folks who are taking good care of you.

    Illimae, in your pocket as needed until and through your next round of treatment.

    NM, hoping for continued "regular" days at school but suspect you are correct that at least some level of outbreak is coming. Hang in there.

    As Minus said, not fall in Texas yet. We had a few teaser days with lovely cool mornings but then the storm front moved in. We had 4.5 inches of rain overnight yesterday and now the humidity can almost be wrung out of the air!

    May all stay as well as can be.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Cami, so glad to hear from you! May your ace medical team be able to "build you up" to feel better and stick around! Joey is a treasure--tell him you want the yummiest stuff Starbucks has to offer!

    I had a nasty bout of double-scanxiety, and my sugar & starch intake in the wee hours over the past few days reflects that. Had my abdominal MRI & chest X-ray Tues. evening, and the reports came in this morning. All negative for anything cancer-related, but lots of age-related annoyances (including aortic "torsion" & calcifications--MO says the torsion is almost parallel to my scoliosis and therefore likely congenital. Not stenosis by any means. Vertebrae are getting ever-raggedier (which probably partly explains how I threw my back out just leaning over my tomato plants). He also says calcifications show up in people who are on statins--which is the reason for the statins. Have a small hepatic cyst (he says most adults have at least one), 1.1cm fatty adenoma on an adrenal gland, and a tiny lung nodule--all stable since 6 months ago. He wants to see me in 6 months, with another ab MRI & chest X-ray to see if anything's changed.

    So last night (with seared walleye) I had Mumm Napa brut, reasoning I should enjoy it before it goes flat & my life turns upside down. So tonight, I will have some to celebrate my life staying right-side-up.

    Mild (low 70s) & sunny here by the lake (pollen & mold counts reflect that--confirmed by my itchy eyes & chain-sneezes). Have had to water the remaining tomatoes (about 6 or 7 green hangers-on, 2 getting red) and basil (getting leggy & paler--pretty soon may have to resort to the indoor hydroponic plant I started last January from seed. The bees & yellowjackets are having a field day with so many herbs flowering, as well as my mums.Two more days of lovely early-fall weather...and then the waterworks roll in early Sat. morning and probably stick around the rest of the week. As long as my basement doesn't flood, I can live with it. (But Bob's bummed out that going to the Bears game Sunday would be a very wet bad idea).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Cami - so good to see you back ❤️

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2021

    Cami - I seen the cat picture and immediately smiled! I missed your wit and humor! You make an impact on people even over the air waves or satellites or however this internet stuff works.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Cami, my heart leapt when I saw your cat meme!

    Got my bloodwork back--no surprises, except my a1c is the lowest it's ever been since I started having it tested (5.3). Yet my fasting glucose was 131, where it's been for over a year. Maybe it's because when the last things I eat before said "fast," which is usually only 8 hrs. long, tend to be heavier on carbs? Or my genes are lying in wait. (My mom lost 40 lbs. when her PCP told her that the way to ease her digestive difficulties was, in her words, to "stop eating crap;" a year later--at 70, she was dx'ed with early Type 2 diabetes, like her mother before her and my sister during pregnancy).

    Anyway, my MO sent me a note saying "blood work looks fine." So my DOTD was a celebratory split of Moet Brut Imperial with seafood dinner at our old-standby Italian restaurant. At home now enjoying a freshly-brewed pourover of Metropolis Xeno's Decaf (the only one I've found that tastes like coffee rather than sucking on the end of a burnt match).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Happy first day of October! No crises at school yesterday, that was nice. Didn't break the daily visit record but came close. I'm certainly not going to be bored at work!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone. From the bedroom, where she has gone back to bed after getting me up and going.

    CAMMY CAT!!!!!Welcome back!So good to see you again! You know the rule, youdon't have to ketchup, just jump back in. Sorry to hear you've been going through so much. I'm glad Joey is close enough to be able to take care of your taste cravings!

    Illi--glad the body scan was good, not so glad about the new spots but glad they are slow movers.

    Beaver--I'm working on enjoying the regular days now, and prepping for outbreak work. Maybe if I prepare enough an outbreak will bypass us. Maybe.

    Chi--glad the double scanxiety is behind you now. No cancer related findings is very good! It sounds like the other things are pretty non-bothersome stuff. Hoping the basement stays dry.

    Morning, Teka!

    Hey, jazzy!

    Good to see you, Misty!

    drunken pumpkin latte

    Drunken Pumpkin Latte


    2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice, divided

    3 tbsp. granulated sugar, divided

    1 lemon wedge

    1 1/2 c. boiling water

    2 tbsp. espresso powder

    2 tbsp. sugar

    5 oz. RumChata

    3 oz. pumpkin pie vodka

    Whipped cream, for garnish


    1. Combine 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice and 1 tablespoon sugar on a small plate. Rim two coffee mugs with the lemon wedge, then dip in sanding sugar and spice mixture; reserve remaining sugar and spice mixture.
    2. In a heatproof measuring cup or bowl, stir the espresso powder, the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar, and the remaining teaspoon of pumpkin spice into the boiling water until dissolved. Add the rumchata and vodka. Stir to combine.
    3. Pour into prepare mugs. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with some of the remaining sugar and spice mixture.

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