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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    NM, scary situation with the bus. Glad nobody was hurt. That could have been very bad!

    Getting a tad upset with my one step DD. I told my DH I need to know if they are coming for TG by this weekend. Actually I'm ok until Wednesday, as that is when I will go to town. If they come, that's an additional 4 people, and my shopping list would be quite different. It's not like I can run to the store to get something, it's an hour and 15 minutes one way! I really really don't want them coming at Xmas, and I have to do this all over again!

    For those of you that have left over Halloween candy!

    May be an image of drink and text that says 'WINE & CANDY HALLOWEEN PAIRING GUIDE SNICKERS Butterfinger Reeses Almondj Skrttles HERSHEYS RICH WHITE DRY WHITE SPARKLING LIGHT RED Chardonnay Chenin Blanc MEDIUM RED Sauy Blanc Pinot Albarino DARK RED Champagne Prosecco Pinat Noir Tempranillo Merlot Grenache Zinfandel Cabernet Sauv Syrah vproet'

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Goldie, I’ve never seen a wine & candy pairing chart. I love it! Thanks 😀

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori - great list - didn't buy Halloween candy to give out, but when at the grocery store, they still had some left 50% off so bought 3 bags - miniature Hershey chocolate bars, kisses and mixed chocolates. I've gained a few pounds so I need to stop snacking and stress eating. I want to loose 3-5# - 5 is a little much but would give me some leeway. So why did I buy chocolate. I go back and forth between liking sour chewy candy and chocolate but haven't eaten chocolate in a couple weeks, but eating too much sour chewy candy. Hoping DS will eat some of the chocolate. Giving up snacking is how I lost the weight in the first place and now I'm at what I call my high limit - you'd laugh at me if you knew my weight, but since I've kept it lower, its the first time that I love my body!!!! No belly.

    80 yesterday - sat out in the sun ready yesterday afternoon - arms and front of legs and nice and tanned. Will ready for about an hour this afternoon. Weather is supposed to cool off to 50s and 60s this week.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    Hi ladies- well I thought I posted here yesterday but don't see a thing so perhaps the internet dropped and I lost it. Been known to happen before. Anyways, I hope everyone had a good Halloween and good start to November. I put some candy in bags out on the patio and they cleaned out most of it, then I turned off the line around 9 p.m. I still have some left, I was trying to bring it to work but everyone had left overs around this week so I decided to hold off and bring it later. I love the paring of wine with left over Halloween candy meme, thanks Goldie!

    Been recovering from dental surgery friday to get my new implant done finally. Not as bad as the extraction earlier this year, but some complications with a bone graft they said was healed from the X-ray this summer. They re-grafted one small area and I was on my way and glad to get out of that chair. I had a bit of pain Friday, was pain free yesterday, a bit more sore today. I go back in January to get my final X-ray to be sure things are healed, then I get the final crown done and we call this finished. I have another procedure for something else coming up in a couple weeks. Ready to be done with all this stuff!

    Has anyone heard from Cami? Been thinking a lot about her this weekend. I hope she is doing okay and getting good care. I know we all miss her.

    Goldie- I hope you can get some answers from the family about the upcoming holiday. It's coming up really fast now!

    Will be back next weekend and then will be off the radar for a bit during my week off over Thanksgiving. See you again soon and have a good week one and all.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    I too wish cami well and hope she pops in. Until then (and in her honor), here’s a pic of “Monkey”, a friends cat we’re caring for while he’s in the hospital.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! My mind is messed up from having two different times showing, one on the wall and another on the phone and computer. Got to get that wall clock changed when I get home this afternoon. I wonder how the kiddos are going to be at school with the time change, some of them do not do well with any kind of change.

    Sadie seem pretty unaffected by the time change. She eats when she wants, and sleeps when she wants and listens to my stories about work when she wants. Ah, the life of a dog!

    Goldie--Love that Bellini recipe!And I love the wine and candy pairing guide!

    Morning, Illi!

    Karen--ah, the joys of sitting in the sun! And I hearyou about the snacking, I have to limit what I bring in the house, too.

    Jazzy--wow, it sounds like you've been through a lot with that implant! Glad it's almost completely done! I've been thinking of Cammi, too, and praying she's doing well.

    Hi, Monkey!

    Monday Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    1 1/2 oz of whiskey

    1/2 oz of Brandy

    1/2 oz of blueberry brandy

    1/2 oz of Lemon Juice

    1 tsp of sugar

    Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange slice if desired.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Thought y'all would enjoy the candy wine parring.

    Karen, I'm not a big sweet eater, so no candy here. DH does like his chocolate, so I try to keep a bowl by his chair of some sorts. You always look a healthy weight to me, don't be stressing over 3#, but I get it! I like to be 140-145, currently maintaining at about 142. I don't like getting under 140.

    Jazzy, sorry about the post gremlins, darn them! Good luck with all the dental issues, glad you are feeling better.

    NM, I would think the kiddos do better with the "fall back" as opposed to the "spring forward". I wouldn't imagine Sadie would care about the time change, as you say "the life of a dog".

    I will try and contact Cami today to see how she is doing, as I haven't heard from her either. I will let her know she is thought of.

    As for TG, now the oldest is saying they will come for TG, but not to plan on them for food! WTH, you are coming over and we are eating in front of you? I don't know if she's pissed, or what is going on. I know she is hesitant being around her sister, her and her DH are out and about doing things, mostly outside things, but def. being social. Concerns me too.

    Guess who! Love the pouty one!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    Goldie - Nora is such a cutie pie ❤️😍❤️

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    For Sadie


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    My cats were not happy with the time change--they eat at 11 am, which yesterday to them felt like noon.They eat 4x/day (every 4 hrs. while I'm up), so beginning at 2:15pm CDT I kept pushing back each subsequent feeding until 11pm felt like 11 pm to them. I hate the autumn changeover--that extra hour of sleep is not worth early sunsets--especially when the sun is glaring through my windshield at 3:30. I love late sunsets, especially during outdoor-dining season.

    The only candy-wine pairing I do is either a ruby port, late-harvest Zin, or a dark red like Cahors with dark chocolate. Every other candy I eat--when I do eat it--gets black coffee or espresso.

    My doctors have told me that I will always have a belly, thanks to having had a C-section 37 years ago. They don't tell you that the abs gradually weaken after having been cut, to the point where, by ones 50s-70s, they lose their tone and csuse the belly to pooch out--both a spare tire and that infamous "apron" known as a panniculus. Only remedies, no matter how much the weight loss, are surgery or Spanx. The former's risks & pain aren't worth the vanity boost, and I can't don shapewear without injuring myself (muscle strains, broken fingernails, etc.). I gave up pantyhose and tights for the same reason--thank heaven for stay-up thigh-high stockings.

    DsOTD, when I did drink since last I posted, were mostly bubbly: either Mumm Napa Sparkling Pinot Meunier, or the split of Chandon Brut I had when Bob got off work early enough to go, per his request, to Calo (our old-standby Italian joint since we first moved to Chicago in '78). Fri. night we went to dinner at our BFFs' place, and brought 2018 Fess Parker Pinot Noir (St. Rita Hills, CA).

    Probably gonna teetotal tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Also found out the cause of the iPhone texting problem: the numbers I was dialing were not mobile but rather VOIP and thus not text-capable. The "contacts" listing had only the pseudo-landline number. So I went back to texts received from those people, clicked the little "i," then added the mobile # from their texts to the "contacts." Yes, I'm a dinosaur with a VOIP "landline," but I thought we were a dying breed.

    Here's why typing is such a chore:


    That's Happy inserting himself between my face & chest and the computer. (Using PhotoBooth). What you don't see is one paw on my left forearm and the other on the trackpad.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori - Nora is adorable even with the pout. My weight is good, but I want to keep it within a 5 point range and I'm starting to go over it. Even when I weighed 25# more, no one was telling me to loose weight but I did gradually by not snacking - quite a bit in summer 2016 and some more in the few years since then, till this fall. The issue for me, this is the first time I love how my body looks - with all the scars etc. I'm worried that the weight will keep going up and up if I'm not careful. It's really hard for people to understand that even thin people worry how they look and weigh.

    Sandy - I can see why texting is difficult with a fur ball laying across you. I've always carried my weight in my belly - even in my 20s. At this weight range is the first time that I don't have a belly.

    Jazzy - great sign

    Lori - what a mess with TG. Hope it all works out. It will just be DH, me and DS. No other immediate family in driving distance. My brother and his wife are in Cincinnati and that is a 21 hour drive. They would never come to me as if they go anywhere it is to her son and granddaughter's place in MD. DH brother just moved from Ohio to NJ so way to far, but they always went to his in-laws for TG. Oh well, what can we do.

    I do not like the time change either to Std time or DST. Pick one and stick with it.

    Going to go finish a book I've been reading. I think I have one more book then it's time to get more. I should check out the library instead of Amazon and Costco!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungetes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Going to be an interesting morning at school today, first time doing the pool testing. I hope it goes ok, although there isn't any real reason to think it won't. But the first time doing anything new can be entertaining, at the very least.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--the kids did better than the adults with the time change yesterday. I keep forgetting how resilient youngsters can be! Little Nora is absolute the cutest thing!

    Morning, Teka!

    Jazzy--so very, verytrue!

    Chi--It really is sad how society has decided that the normal human body cannot be considered attractive or desirable. No wonder so many girls and women have body image issues. LOL at Happy "helping" you type! At least your hands will be warm!

    Karen--Do you use a Kindle? If you do and have Amazon Prime you have access to a huge collection of books you can read for free. You can download up to 10 books at a time with no time limit.

    Cranberry Rosemary Shrub Cocktail with Bourbon

    For the Cranberry Rosemary Shrub

    • 1 cup Fresh or Frozen Cranberries
    • 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
    • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
    • 1 Cinnamon Stick
    • 1 sprig Fresh Rosemary
    • 1 teaspoon Black Peppercorn

    For the Cranberry Shrub Cocktail with Bourbon

    • 6 ounces Bourbon
    • 3 ounces Cranberry juice
    • 3 ounces Seltzer
    • Rosemary, for garnish
    • Cranberries, for garnish


    For the Cranberry Rosemary Shrub

    1. Add the cranberries, apple cider vinegar, sugar, cinnamon stick, rosemary, and black peppercorn in a 2 quart sauce pan.
    2. Bring the cranberry mixture to a boil over medium high heat, stirring the mixture so the sugar dissolves.
    3. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes.
    4. Remove from heat and cool completely.
    5. Using a mesh strainer, strain the mixture into a glass jar.
    6. Discard the cinnamon stick and rosemary.
    7. You may like to reserve the cooked cranberries in a separate container to add them to the cocktail for a garnish. Otherwise, use fresh cranberries for garnishing.

    To Prepare the Cranberry Rosemary Shrub Cocktail Cocktail

    1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice.
    2. Then, add the bourbon and shrub.
    3. Shake until chilled.
    4. Strain into 3 glasses with 1 large ice cube (or fill the glass halfway with ice)
    5. Top with seltzer and stir.
    6. Garnish each glass with rosemary sprigs and cranberries.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Teka, Nora is def. a ray of sunshine in our lives.

    Jazzy, love that for Sadie. I'm sure that's just what she's thinking.

    Sandy, I didn't know cats needed to be fed so often! Or is that just "your" cats and them being elderly. I've had 2 c-sections, I can relate. Just thought the belly was from age and lack of execercise. Looks like Happy does NOT want you on the computer!

    Karen, yes thin people worry too. What I hate hearing from everyone when I go to Michigan, is "you're so skinny". If my DH's kids weren't coming, TG would just be another day, as he does not like turkey or my dressing.

    NM, good luck with that pool testing today and glad the kiddos did just fine with the time change. Springing forward my be a different story. Do you every hear anything about the past employment places?

    Yesterday was not a good day. DH is having a lot of trouble breathing and we can't get that machine! He's feeling nauseas, can't eat, can't sleep, crying, depressed, says he just wants to die. I hate this disease. If we can't get the machine today, I hope he will go to the hospital. One of the reasons he doesn't want to go, is their beds. He's 6' 2", so can NOT get comfortable in those. I know they are longer than he is tall (80"), but that's if you sleep with your head all the way to the top. Anyway, his feet always end up hanging over. I told his one DD, that if this keeps up, I can't do TG. He's just taking up too much of my time. Might tell them they can cook it! It's all on them!

    Since it's 2 for Tuesday, adding 2 cocktails in honor of Happy & Sadie.

    The Happy Cocktail (ha ha, the only thing I get in this, is the lemon juice and orange zest)

    See the source image

    Glass: Coupette
    Method: Shake and strain
    Garnish: Orange Zest

    50ml Kamm & Sons
    10ml Aperol
    25ml lemon juice
    25ml Crème du Peche

    I couldn't find one with "Sadie" in the name, so chose one with Golden. So here we have....

    The Golden Dream

    See the source image

    20 ml Galliano

    20 ml triple sec

    20 ml fresh orange juice

    10 ml fresh cream

    Cracked ice

    How to make

    Add all the ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake well.

    Strain into a cocktail glass to serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    The US has the highest rate of Covid cases in the world, with 46,461,714 cases. China, where supposedly it came from, is only at 97,811 and Taiwan at only 16,442. We are NOT doing something right! Arizona is reporting anywhere from 2500-4000 new cases a day.


    Coronavirus statistics - Bing

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Goldie, I agree that there’s is much more to be done with covid but I don’t know if those stats above are adjusted for population. Here’s the death rates by country per 100k population from Johns Hopkins, which indicates that we’re not doing as bad as it may look in context vs overall numbers.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    You are right BabyGirl. Just like for us in the US, California has the most cases, at 4,978,363. But if you go by per 100K, CA ranks 35th. AZ ranks at 13, TX at 20. TN ranks 1stm with most cases per capita.

    State by State Coronavirus Cases as Percentage of Population Tracker (

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Geez, definitely be careful out there 🙂

    I’m heading to the cabin for thanksgiving and the positivity rate for the county is zero. Last summer, they had 17 cases but we’ll mask in town since it only takes contact with one unsafe person. I’ll be tested before brain radiation on Friday, so I’m pretty confident I’ll be safe to the small community as well.

    I hope you all have a wonderful holiday too.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    The west is not doing well with COVID. We are over 1000 cases a day and deaths up too. Hospitals maxed out still. We are 73% vaxed too

  • micheleh57
    micheleh57 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2021

    Hi Everyone! Just finished reading the transcript of the new podcast up front "The Truth About Alcohol and Breast Cancer" with Avonne E. Connor, PhD. Appreciated her honesty about what we know and what we DON'T know about consuming alcohol and BC.

    I really appreciated her citation of the research which indicates that "consuming as few as three to six alcoholic beverages a week may be linked to a 15% increased risk of breast cancer." That's standard and what we all probably know and know well.

    That also makes me laugh. A lot. Because I've never been much of a drinker, sinking even below "moderate" on most measurements. If I have 1 beer every two weeks or 4 ounces of wine every three weeks, that's it. My social circle just doesn't drink and drinking much at home isn't anything I do or have done.

    So answering survey questions about my "drinking habits" is always hilarious to me.

    Because there is no box to check for "12 ounces or less of beer every 14 days, maybe" or "4 ounces of wine every 21 days, kinda."

    The "three drinks a week" is always listed, and never goes below "one to three a week."

    If I am handed such a form at the doctor's office, I just look at the medical professional waiting for the form and give them the "I have no idea!" look and laugh. There's no place for me to put my answer, at least that a computer can read!

    Really do appreciate everyone's POV here - and the recipes, too! It IS *realistic*!

    At the same time, has anyone tried the Ritual brand of non-alcoholic spirits? The company is now distributing in my area in the greater Seattle area. Good? Worth it? No? Yes? Thanks!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited November 2021

    Sorry MIchelle - I don't agree. It depends on the type of cancer & your individual stats whether alcohol MIGHT contribute to your risk of BC (or not). I'm not a statistics person, but this has been discussed so thoroughly on this site & everywhere else. I don't believe alcohol caused my ER/PR negative BC and I'm not giving up my nightly cocktail.

    Edited to say - I don't think eating steak occasionally caused my BC. Or sleeping late on Saturday mornings. Or walking 6 miles a day or exercising 4 days a week. Or the fact that I don't like Kale but do like spinach. In short - we DID NOT cause our breast cancer.

    Edited one more time to say that my oncologist, my surgeon, my cardiologist and my PCP all agree & approve a a drink or a glass of wine in the evenings - even throughout active treatment - and certainly now.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori - I hate when I'm told that I"m too skinny!!! I was small as a kid and heard that often and also during my adult weight. I eat healthy and walk daily. It's just my build. My son is build like me and my girls nothing like me but more my husband's side of the family. <y girls thankfully embrace their bodies. Youngest calls herself curvy!

    Jazzy - CO is the same as NM. Hospitals are bursting at the seams. 80% of cases are unvaccinated and over 70% of the state is vaccinated. Cases and hospitalizations are up over 100 from a week ago.

    I saw something on the news that 3 schools in my district are going remote due to being short staffed. One district said in the past they had 900 substitute teachers and now only 300. Every school I've covered this year is short staffed. The school I"m at has a long term sub for the special education teacher. Yesterday the principal was helping cover classes.

    Dreary day again today - no sun and in the 50s. Sun is supposed to return tomorrow :)

    Going to heat up the last of my homemade chicken soup - its so yummy. I also ate a big bowl last night.

    Kim - I used to have a Kindle but now have a few years old iPad Mini - I bought it for travel and don't use it often. I have ordered several free books, but I prefer holding a paperback book when reading..

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! The pool testing went really well, now we wait on the results. I got curious when the tubes weren't logged in as received at the lab by the end of the school day, come to find out the nearest lab is somewhere in Massachusetts! One of the big schools had a positive pool reported yesterday, the nurse there tested everyone in the pool, everyone tested negative. So they have to do the testing again today, hoping whoever it is will show positive on the rapid test today. Hopefully our results will post today, given that tomorrow is a holiday. Just have to wait and see.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--I don't hear much from the former workplaces, most of the people that I worked with have moved on to other positions. Once in a while I get a nugget of gossip, things don't seem to be going well at the nursing home. It was an independent nursing home, it's since been bought by one of the big nursing home management companies. It sounds like things are getting really difficult for you and DH. Such a horribly cruel disease. I hope the machine came and is helpful. And I think it's perfectly fine for you to tell everyone they are welcome to come to the house for Thanksgiving, but you will not be cooking due to needing to take care of DH, so they will have to arrange for feeding themselves. Leave clean linens on the beds and let them make their own beds. Leave a note in each room listing where the cleaning supplies are kept, where the garbage goes, where the broom/vacuum cleaner lives. They'll get the picture!I stole that from a couple I worked with in Hospice. Similar situation, large family that all wanted to come and stay for a few days during the summer. The visitors took care of themselves, even washed and remade the beds before they left, even cooked meals for everyone while they were visiting!

    LOVE the DOTDs!Especially the Golden Dream!

    These are both amazing and thought-provoking reports.

    Illi--I bet Thanksgiving will be beautiful and peaceful at the cabin!

    MicheleH57--I love the way it gets reported that 3 to 6 drinks per week increases risk 15%--whenever a relative risk is reported and not the actual risk number I expect there is exaggeration for effect happening. What is the baseline rate the 15% is based on? In my case chemotherapy would have reduced my risk of recurrence by 50%, but I turned it down and people think I'm crazy until I point out that the risk change was from 5% to 2.5%. Not worth the 33% chance of permanent nerve and cardiac damage from the chemo. I haven't tried the Ritual non-alcoholic spirits, but I have seen them advertised. Maybe you can try one and post a review?

    Minus Two- good points, especially in light of the fact that medicine cannot tell us with certainty all the causes of any cancer. Yes, there are correlations, but very few have actual pathological evidence support causation. Asbestos and mesothelioma is one. I think the blaming the victim mindset comes from medical people who don't want to admit that their treatments are failing to cure their patients, so it gets turned around to say that the patient "failed" treatment. And it's not "my" cancer. I did not go out and buy it, and I am certainly not making a living off of it.If it belongs to anyone, it belongs to the oncologists!

    Karen--My Mom prefers to hold a physical book when reading, too. I personally don't mind either way, but lean toward the e-reader as I can carry around a whole bunch of books very easily. It's wonderful living in a time with so many options and being able to choose what we like best!

    Continuing the Gold theme:

    An elegant, chunky coupe rests on a marble counter with a gray wall behind it. The glass is filled with a golden drink with a thick foam head. Six flakes of edible gold rest on the foam in a line.

    Pot of Gold Cocktail


    • 1 3/4 ounces Irish whiskey
    • 1/4 ounce Islay scotch
    • 3/4 ounce ginger honey syrup*
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1 egg white
    • Garnish: edible gold flakes


    1. Add the Irish whiskey, Islay whisky, ginger honey syrup, lemon juice and egg white into a cocktail shaker and dry-shake (no ice).
    2. Add ice and shake again until well-chilled.
    3. Double-strain into a chilled coupe glass.
    4. Garnish with edible gold flakes.

    *Ginger honey syrup: Combine 1/4 cup chopped ginger, 1 cup honey and 1/2 cup water in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 2 minutes, then let stand until room temperature. Strain into a container and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    BabyGirl, that's amazing your little community at the cabin is at zero. Enjoy your time there.

    Karen, it is that time/kind of weather, isn't it, chicken soup. I brought up here before about the skinny comments people make and it feels the same as when/if you were to tell someone they were fat. My DD is not thin either, she's not really fat, but thick? She's tall too, so she can carry it good. She's large breasted, not sure who's side she gets that from, my mom or her dad's.

    NM, glad you like the Golden! Hoping all goes well at school. I mentioned earlier that one of the schools out here had to go remote because of being short staffed. Ha ha, I'm like you, I NEVER say "my" cancer. Nope, not mine, I didn't ask for it, it does nothing for me, wherever it came from, it can certainly go back! Maybe I got it from you? IDK. But I say "the cancer I have". The other thing that drives me nuts is when people say "so and so lost their battle".

    Ended up leaving here around 2, at the advice of our ALS person that helps us, who is also an RT, her name is Rondo. DH's o2 was hovering 85-90, and has been for quite some time (I believe), but at least for 2 days. She said his body can't keep breathing like that. FF, FINALLY at 10pm he got a machine. One of the odd things, and I did not know, is you can't give a person with ALS oxygen, it will make them worse. Almost every one, that came in the room, wanted to put him o2! Due to his situation, if they were to put him in a room, it would have to be ICU, unfortunately they had none, full with Covid patients. So they kept him in the ER, but did bring him a reg. bed, instead of the thing he was laying on, that wasn't much bigger than a stretcher! As for the kids, I know how they live and I really don't want them cooking or doing dishes! I have seen son in law wash dishes, it involved rinsing them off in cold water, no soap. I'm not worried about any cleaning or making of beds. I will survive! I just want it over with.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    Karen, I order books onto my tablet thru my library. I read so much I could never afford to buy new ones. I do prefer a book over the tablet but got into the habit when covid hit. I did get a gift card to B and N recently and spent that on paperbacks to take on vacation. If we go. Usually the resorts have a library you can leave them in before heading home.

    Regarding the drinking podcast--I started reading it but then felt guilty. So I didn't finish it.

    Covid!! Ugh. SIL in hospital with covid and pneumonia. Started getting sick Halloween eve and went in yesterday. She has chronic leukemia and her immune system is pretty wiped out from chemo. Yet she persists in going to parties, out shopping etc. That upsets me. We aren't in the clear yet.

    Thanks for listening!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    KID - I originally got a Kindle for travel when I'd be. gone for 3-4 weeks and it took up much less room than 3 or 4 books. I went to order books from the library, but I don't know where I put my library card. When we travel, I take all the extra stuff out of my wallet and this last trip in the summer I never put it back and don' remember where I put it. Looked in the kitchen desk drawer and its not there. Need to look through my dresser drawer and if I don't find it, I guess apply for a new one. When we travel it's to see our kids, fortunately they live in places we want to visit. With DD#1 and SIL we stay with them and its usually a long week-end. DD#2 is still in university and has 3 roommates so we rent an airBnB and she stays with us over the week-end. We go for 2 - 2 1/2 weeks. DS lives by us.

    Lori, both of my girls are very buxomy and short. DD#2 is 5'2" and DD#1 is 4'11". My son is 5'10" and is lanky - he looks taller than he is. I love your analogy - when I was pregnant with DD#2, a parent at my school touched my belly without asking - boy was I livid but couldn't say anything. I equated that with touching someones large breast or behind - normal people don't do that!!!!

    What is the machine that they gave your husband. I didn't know that people with ALS. can't be given oxygen.

    Kim, my school district is closing next Friday the 19th due to staffing shortages - the Superintendent is new this year and young - maybe 35. He said it is a chance for families to be together, get their kids vaccination and give teachers a day off!!! My girlfriend works in the before/after school program and they have to work Friday to take care of kids whose parents need childcare and they also have camp Thanksgiving week, M,T,W. My district has closed to 90K students and I think 88 schools. Normally, pre-covid, we had 1200 substitutes and now we have only 400. People are quitting, retiring earlier and taking more days off. Tomorrow I have a 3 hour evaluation meeting - and that doesn't include the IEP. I didn't test the student, but the SP quit so I'm reporting out test results. I don't want to be in the meeting for 3 hours. I'm hoping that I can present my results, sign off and then return for the eligibility part. I emailed my manager and asked if she is okay with it. I've covered at this school before testing and I have some concerns with the special ed teacher and her ethics!! Am I rambling?

    Still not used to the time change. By 7:30, it feels so late!! Sweet dreams

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Kid, good reason to not finish watching the podcast. I hope you got a drink afterwards! Sorry about your SIL, I'm assuming sister in law, since you said "she". I have hard time feeling sorry for someone that gets covid that continues to go out partying, socializing, eating, shopping, etc. And we're always here to listen.

    Karen, the maching is a non invasive ventilator, similar to a bi level, or bi pap. ALS patients can have o2, but they also have to have one of these machines. Just not o2 by itself. Oh my, my DD's are tiny, but then you don't look to be very tall either. That's a pretty big drop in substitutes Karen.

    Surprisingly, DH LOVES this machine. A couple years ago, when he was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, he was like "no way, forget it" I'm not trying to sleep with all that crap on my face. He slept all night, w/o waking up, no halucinations, he can breathe better now through his nose, he's not drooling as much. I can even see a change in his attitude. I sent Cami a message on Tuesday, but did not get a response. So I reached out to her DD yesterday. She's doing pretty good, has not had to have a transfusion in 6 weeks, eating 2 meals a day and maintaining her weight at 115.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    Goldie- thanks for the update on Cami. Much appreciated Heart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Thank you for your service to all Veterans on the boards and in the Lounge.

    Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem, didn't get up till 6:30, when the sun was staring to come up!

    Hmm, I just realized that this is short week by one day due to Veteran's Day, and next week is a 2 day week due to Thanksgiving! The year is moving along so fast.

    Goldie--I'm with you on the "lost the battle" line. It's the same as saying "So-and-so allowed cancer to kill him/her" like we have so much control, or didn't fight hard enough, or somehow are responsible for our own deaths. No one says "So-and-So killed him/herself by not wearing a seatbelt when the accident occurred."or "So-and-So killed him/herself by driving drunk and crashing the car into a telephone pole." Makes me nuts sometimes. The one I like the best is "A car drove onto a sidewalk and into a crowd injuring several people." No human being involved, just the car driving itself!Sorry to hear about DH needing to go to the hospital. I take your point about how others clean and do things not being what you would be comfortable with. Wish I was close enough to be able to help out somehow.

    KID1919--Sorry to hear about your SIL.It's hard to understand sometimes why people choose to risk their health and even their lives this way. Hugs.

    Karen--odd coincidence, our school is having the first COVID vax clinic on the 19th! My district has half day classes on Fridays, with the afternoons reserved for teacher activities--Professional Development, I think. Anyway, the clinic is going to be in the afternoon with parents bringing their kids to the middle school. The hospital giving the shots wants parents to be present. One parent wrote a letter explaining how she and the divorced spouse have joint custody and joint decision-making capability, and how she does not want ANY medical care or procedures done outside of a medical facility and only with both parents being present. She very strongly feels that schools are not appropriate places for any medical care at all. I can understand not wanting the child to get a shot in a school clinic, but the nurse at that school is now wondering what to do if the child ever needs a band-aide or any first aid for an injury, as that would be giving medical care outside of a hospital or doctor's office. A lot of schools are closing early for Thanksgiving or switching over to remote learning due to the number of teachers, staff, bus drivers, out sick with COVID, in quarantine as close contacts to a confirmed case, or sick with the other nasty respiratory virus that's circulating right now. We have the same problem with subs here, too. Teachers are getting very stressed out with teaching in person and remote classes simultaneously.I was listening to the recording of a recent School Board meeting the other day and was amazed when one of the Board members talked about changing the district policy to no longer quarantine students or staff who are close contacts of confirmed cases. His reasoning is that the policy can be changed from following the Maine CDC guidelinesto whatever the Board wants because when the state of emergency expired, the guidelines became recommendations, and so can be adopted or ignored. The Board Member wants no one quarantined from school or any school activities, and also wants no masking during any sports activities. No masking would be ok for non-sports activities like band, chorus, drama, debate, etc, too.What was frightening was that the rest of the board looked like they were seriously considering the idea. I know everyone is getting tired of the COVID stuff, and frustrated with being in a state with one of the highest vaccination rates AND one of the highest daily new infection rates in the country, but to out and out ignore quarantine scares me.

    Smokey Old Fashioned Leather Bound Book with brown Old Fashioned, whiskey ball, leather book and green plant

    Leather-Bound Book


    • 2 oz Steel Horse Whiskey
    • 0.25 oz Cascara Vanilla or Vanilla Extract
    • 1-2 Drops of Crude Pooter Bitters (Smoked & Salted Bitters)
    • 1 Smoked Sugar Cube (We used sugar cubes from Yes Cocktail Co.)
    • 1/4 Cup Ice


    1. Combine the whiskey, Cascara/vanilla mix, and bitters into a cocktail mixing glass.

    2. Muddle with the smoked sugar cube.

    3. Fill 1/4 of the glass with ice.

    4. Shake or stir for 30-seconds.

    5. Strain the liquid into a rocks glass over a whiskey cube.

    From <>

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2021

    I haven't been on in a while and just now when I am reading all the posts its like meeting up with old friends. It's funny how you get attached to people on these message boards.

    I have been very busy between grandchildren and my mother. I know that I am lucky, my mom won't be here one day and my grandchildren will get older and be able to drive their selves, but they sure do wear me out.

    I remember when I first started chemo it was in December and my mom thought I couldn't drink the Christmas wine because of it. I asked my Dr. if I could drink wine at Christmas and all he said was I probably shouldn't drink the whole bottle. For a while I was having a glass of wine and a piece of dark chocolate every night before bed. It was like a special treat I gave myself.

    Goldie, I think that you have way too much to do just taking care of your husband to even worry about Thanksgiving dinner. I hope it all works out for you.

    Hello to all and fun to see new people. I glad to hear about Cami, thanks Goldie for letting us know.

    Happy Veterans Day! My husband is buried in a veterans cemetery, I was going to go out today because they always post flags on all the graves , but it is quite a ways away and I did not make it out.