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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Haven’t tested yet—might be too soon. Feeling better this a.m.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Best french toast ever. Made with Grand Marnier 🍊


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Yum, Jazzy!

    DsOTD thus far: a pourover drip of "'ffeine" brand Honduras, and an espresso made with Metropolis Red Line Blend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! Yesterday's sleet/rain/snow/rinse/repeat blew through without leaving a whole lot of white stuff behind, but the wind is picking up and the temp is predicted to drop through the day today and tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day in a long time, a record-breaker cold day with wind chills in the minus 30 range. It's going to be freakin cold, heah, folks!

    Goldie--yes, the IT guys are really being incredibly helpful. One of them is working on an algorithm that will even identify the bulk of the close contacts for students. All I can say is God Bless them! I'm sorry to hear about DH being depressed and how hard it is for you, too. It must be so very hard.

    Jazzy--I saw some pics of the funeral and get together after, and used the high rate of infection at the school as an excuse to not go, and it seems to have worked out ok. There were quite a few people attending besides family, but several other family members who didn't attend, too. I bet Rocky is pretty entertaining in the ayems! Let us know if you do find out what they eat this time of year.

    Chi--gotta love the way fur babies dictate our lives sometimes! Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you are getting the big artic chill a day or so before me. Good point about stuff accumulating on power lines. I really thought I would lose power yesterday but didn't, and was happy not to!


    Illi--I bet you don't mind waiting for the fajitas!

    Morning, Minus!

    KID--I'm glad you enjoyed the sledding, and the dinner. I'm sure it will be worth the hangover!

    Goldie--I remember riding a toboggin down a particular hill on the local golf course when I was growing up. We had quite a hill beside our house to sled on, too. I do remember the wooden sleds, and the round plastic disk sleds, and it is a wonder we didn't get hurt or even killed sometimes!

    Love the Salty Sled Dog!

    Jazzy--I never thought about Grand Marnier in french toast, I be it was GREAT!

    There's been a lot of retrospective to the Ice Storm of '98, hard to believe it was almost a quarter of a century ago. My brother, his wife and I, with a total of 4 dogs took refuges with Mom and Dad, cuz they still had power. Mom and Dad kept the dogs when we hoomans had to go back to work and take care of houses without power. I was without power for 5 days, the longest ever since I bought the house. It's wild seeing some of the old video of huge tree limbs breaking and falling and even entire trees, and the one with the power line coming down right behind the reporter and scaring everyone half to death. Some of the same people are still with the news stations, it's a riot seeing how different they look then and now!

    image alt="Ice Storm - Easy Cocktail Recipes">

    Ice Storm Cocktail

    1/2 oz of 151 proof rum
    2 oz of Strawberry Schnapps
    3 scoop of vanilla ice cream
    2 cup of crushed ice (or ice)
    1/2 of banana
    5 of strawberries

    Take all the ingredients and place them in a blender. Pour into two 16 oz. glasses and relax.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    As a kid in the early to mid 60s we went tobogganing all the time. That or ice skating in the winter. Not compares to a toboggan 😃

    It’s quite cold this morning but warming up to low 50s today and mid to high 50s rest of week.

    Time to get back to the grind after a 4 day weekend. I always have 3 day, but Thursday was a snow day. The more I’m off, the harder it is to go back!

    Have a great Monday. Stay safe, healthy and warm.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Sandy, glad you are feeling better!

    Jazzy, is that an egg under your french toast? Did you make that, or were you out and about?

    Karen, retirement sounds like it's sounding better and better. Maybe it's time to rethink that? The pros and cons to it. And remember, we aren't getting any younger. I say go for it, enjoy life. And think of what Jazzy said, I think it was her. That we work to live, not live to work!

    NM -30? YIKES! When I worked in the schools, of course it was inner city in Flint, which is much like Detroit, and lots of the kids walked to school. So when it got cold like that, they closed school just like snow day.

    DH is still not doing well, but it's bowel issues. Causing severe tummy pain, even says it's moved up into his chest and his heart chills/sweats. Of course I know it's not making his heart hurt, but it is moving up and not just in the tummy. Not comfortable in bed or in his chair. Today will be day 3 of not eating. Did a fleet yesterday and day before. Day before just caused a mess on the bed when the fluid came out. So I had lots of towels and sheets to wash. Yesterday he was able to make it to the toilet, but still nothing. Because of the ALS, he is unable to "push". We were up most of night with him up and down. Lots of steps to go through, and getting him dressed and undressed in between the moves. Have a guy coming today from Apria, they supply ventilators, cpaps, etc. He is coming from Vegas and bringing DH a cough assist machine. He is having trouble coughing up any phleghm he has, and that can become a choking issue.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Aw geez Lorrie! I just feel bad for you guys! It's soooooooo hard taking care of someone you have lived with a million years, and watch them go down-hill.... And trying to not lose your temper, and trying to help.... I know.

    Okay, I'll listen to you guys, and every time I get depressed, or angry, I'll think of your words and snap out of it.

    Our Daughter Janie was here visiting again yesterday, and it's always fun with her.... She knows what is going on, and does her best to help her Dad cut up his hamburgers, etc.! She helps me like change the furnace filter.... bring stuff down from up-stairs, and just listens to us! She brings her Dad "treats".... always sweets, but that's what he loves. I know I can't make him eat healthy foods.... just do what I can, right?

    But it makes me feel sooooo bad when a few hours later, DH will ask "who was that?" And who is "Sheri".... and who is she married to?" And then other times he will tell me his address where he lived when he grew up! I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    So I can help him get dressed, and remember things, and find the things he "hides" or misplaces, right? I am lucky to still have my Husband of almost 65 years!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Chevy, Lori, my heart goes out to you both in caring for your DHs. Chevy, watching a loved one's loss of memory about family & friends is especially tough to endure. Lori, I seem to remember when I needed home medical equipment after major orthopedic surgeries that left me non-weightbearing for >2 months, Apria delivered not only a wheelchair, walker, crutches and commode frame but also a catalog that included stuff like bedpans, urinals & emesis bowls. We used to have a "wellness & ability superstore" (I forget the name of the chain) in a nearby strip mall back then, that carried everything from mobility aids to adaptive utensils to rehab equipment to back-relief stuff and of course supplements). I think the whole chain went out of business.

    One more brutally cold night. The de-icer compound we scattered barely made a dent in the sidewalk ice--they provided a little traction, though. Couldn't take out the garbage or recycling--the bins are in the alley, which is a skating rink. Driving to pick up my fish order and buy groceries tomorrow will be an adventure. Spending the evening searching for my Yak-Traxx cleats.

    DsOTD, besides coffee: Lakanto keto hot chocolate (used just water, pretty good); instant miso soup. I have gold rum, butter and brown Swerve, but don't feel like making hot buttered rum.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Sending hugs to Lori and Chevy.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2022

    Goldie - So sorry that you and your husband are going through such a bad time right now. It is very hard to take care of someone. My mom had me and my two sisters helping her with my Dad and it was hard. He was a pretty big man and just moving him from the hospital bed to the chair to change sheets was hard. I don't know how you do it on your own.

    I always like the wooden sleds the best when I was a kid. I moved to Florida when I was 15, so no snow since then. Amanda, my daughter, is 39 and she and her 2 daughters went to Virginia last week and seen snow for the first time. She said it was so great because they woke up to freshly fallen snow, they did everything that you could do in snow and had a great time.

    I am trying to get some things around the house and yard taken care of because I have to have surgery on my ankle for my stretched out ligaments. Right now I have an ankle brace so I don't fall. The surgery is on the 25th, and he said it will take about 2 months to recover. One month with a knee scooter and one in a boot.

    Hoping you all stay safe and healthy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Misteyes - we will be in your pocket as you go through your surgery in a few more weeks 🙏❤️

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Pool testing day today at school, going to be very interesting to see how it works out. Yesterday I sent one student home symptomatic who was exposed last week, another student was kept home for symptoms, also exposed last week, both in the group allowed to stay in school while quarantining from the community. Some of the kiddoes in that group were actually exposed twice, so I will be very surprised if we don't have at least one positive pool this week. At least there won't be hours of phone calling this time around, thanks to the IT guys.

    Temp is 3 below the donut this ayem, with a wind chill to 8 below the donut. Very chilly this ayem.

    Karen--I hear you about it getting harder and harder to go back to work after time off the longer the time off is!

    Goldie--it seems that no child walks to school anymore. Not sure if it not allowed or just no longer on anyone's mind as a possibility. Or maybe it's age-related? I can remember walking to and from to my grandmother's where I stayed until Mom and Dad got out of work and picked me up. I don't remember school being closed due to very cold weather, but it may have happened and I just didn't register the reason. I do remember a couple of times school was closed due to no heat or no water, those could have been very cold weather related, of course. I'm sorry to hear about DH's troubles. I hope you find a solution to the bowel issues soon. I hope the cough machine is helpful. Caretaking is a hard, hard job. You are doing it really well. Care given with love is always better than technically perfect care from trained caregivers.

    Chevy--it is so hard to watch a loved one declining. And it must be heartbreaking when he asks for Janie's name. He has a good time with her and still knows she is someone important to him, even if the brain damage from dementia doesn't let him remember her name or that she's his daughter. You do a great job taking care of him.

    Chi--be careful on all that ice! It is so easy to fall and get hurt when it's icy like this. One of the reasons I really love having a combined basement/garage--I don't need to walk any distance to get to the car when I leave for work.

    Jazzy--LOVE IT!

    Misty--good luck with the surgery, we'll all be in your pocket. Two months sounds like a long time for recovery, but I suppose it really isn't, most recoveries are 6 weeks, and that's a month and a half. Funny how months sounds longer than weeks.

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Pool testing day today at school, going to be very interesting to see how it works out. Yesterday I sent one student home symptomatic who was exposed last week, another student was kept home for symptoms, also exposed last week, both in the group allowed to stay in school while quarantining from the community. Some of the kiddoes in that group were actually exposed twice, so I will be very surprised if we don't have at least one positive pool this week. At least there won't be hours of phone calling this time around, thanks to the IT guys.

    Temp is 3 below the donut this ayem, with a wind chill to 8 below the donut. Very chilly this ayem.

    Karen--I hear you about it getting harder and harder to go back to work after time off the longer the time off is!

    Goldie--it seems that no child walks to school anymore. Not sure if it not allowed or just no longer on anyone's mind as a possibility. Or maybe it's age-related? I can remember walking to and from to my grandmother's where I stayed until Mom and Dad got out of work and picked me up. I don't remember school being closed due to very cold weather, but it may have happened and I just didn't register the reason. I do remember a couple of times school was closed due to no heat or no water, those could have been very cold weather related, of course. I'm sorry to hear about DH's troubles. I hope you find a solution to the bowel issues soon. I hope the cough machine is helpful. Caretaking is a hard, hard job. You are doing it really well. Care given with love is always better than technically perfect care from trained caregivers.

    Chevy--it is so hard to watch a loved one declining. And it must be heartbreaking when he asks for Janie's name. He has a good time with her and still knows she is someone important to him, even if the brain damage from dementia doesn't let him remember her name or that she's his daughter. You do a great job taking care of him.

    Chi--be careful on all that ice! It is so easy to fall and get hurt when it's icy like this. One of the reasons I really love having a combined basement/garage--I don't need to walk any distance to get to the car when I leave for work.

    Jazzy--LOVE IT!

    Misty--good luck with the surgery, we'll all be in your pocket. Two months sounds like a long time for recovery, but I suppose it really isn't, most recoveries are 6 weeks, and that's a month and a half. Funny how months sounds longer than weeks.

    Arctic Mule - Low Carb Vodka Cocktail


    • 1ouncepineapple vodka
    • 2ouncesvodka
    • 1/2ouncesugar free peppermint syrup, optional... I used Torani
    • 1/4teaspoonBlue water enhancerI used Mio Berry Blast Electrolytes
    • 1/4ouncelime juice
    • 6ouncesginger beer (sugar-free)
    • Ice


    • Shake all ingredients except ginger beer together until well chilled.
    • Strain into glass then fill with ginger beer.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Kim aren’t testing. Nurses just reporting positive results when parents tells reason for absence.
    Misty, wishing you an easy recovery with your ankle surgery.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Hi ladies- just a quick pop in today. They sent us remote again as of yesterday, will be in the office one day a week for at least six weeks. Our numbers are very high, and hospitals are still packed. Seems like everyone is getting Omicron now, even if vaxed but most not ending up in the hospital. I do know someone who has had everything from vaxes, to the booster, and even the antibody infusions and is in the ICU on the respirator. Just no way to know sometimes. We will see how the staggering goes in our area with people in once a week but expect that may move to "just stay home soon." I sort of like it because I can keep up better at home, get to the pool to swim after work easier, etc.

    Goldie- lets see, the New Mexican brunch included the red chili marinated port (carne adovada) and there was a friend egg on top but think a bit hidden under the lettuce and tomato. That one was a feast. Then counter that with the fancy brunch at the winery the following day, which served that one slice of french toast topped with cinammon butter and what looked like an egg on the side was some whipped creme with the grand marnier. That was totally divine but one of my colleagues and I told them once slice is not enough for a meal. We did the second one at a winery restaurant I had not been to and the best part of that was the wine! I took a bottle of some delicious meritage to go and learned I seem to know the most about wine in that group. I know that doesn't surprise you either, lol.

    I hope things are better with DH soon.

    Chevy- I have spent time with relatives who have dementia and have no idea who I am but always seem to have a feeling you are important to them. I remember the last time I saw my father's mother, whom I was very close to, we had a nice breakfast and I asked her "do you know who I am?" She said not really, but she said somehow she knew I was important to her. So perhaps they don't loose the feeling of love, even if the other details fade away? That was what I felt was happening at least. I am glad your DD was able to visit and sorry for the challenges here. Glad you have us to talk to here sister....

    I am starting my post holiday cleanse diet today (South Beach Phase 1). Been doing this for years now as a way to get the post holiday salt, sugar, fat, etc. out of my diet after the holidays. I didn't do it last year as I went no where and was not eating the normal holiday food. Being home will make this easier, and it's for two weeks and will help me get back to good standard eating which I am pretty good at most of the time. I usually loose a bit of weight too. Will let you know how things go!

    Have a good Tuesday folks!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Yes Jazzy.... You have it right... They have the best time together, and it just surprises me to have him ask who that was.... I will have more patience... I promise! DD is coming to get us tomorrow, to go to one of our banks... we will add her to our account, instead of only a beneficiary.... And even checks made out with her name added. We are meeting with a rep. and I will ask her questions like can the State take our savings if we pass away! NO! Our other Daughter is afraid if our money isn't "sheltered" in some way, that that money is taken over!

    I knew it wasn't, because they are ON our accounts.... but sometimes what do I know.... right? I know my Husband could not understand anymore how to make out a check... but then I always did this... I'm just trying to have things in place.... just in case....

    It's funny you should mention that... about feeling that they knew you were important to them.... I remember visiting my Grandma in the nursing home....and talking about family... But she couldn't understand who anyone was! So I made a scrap-book for her... with all of our family in it, and talked to her while I showed her the pictures.... But..... you know..... those little times I spent with her are all I have.... she couldn't remember, but then, at that time.... I was close to her.

    Thanks Kim.... Yes, all 3 of us are going tomorrow! To the bank, and then to a little Mexican store not far from here... I can't/won't leave him home alone.... Every day is a new day, right? And thank God we have our times together.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Oh ED, I don't get angry, maybe frustrated some times. My heart breaks for him, watching him go though this. With your DH, in a few hours or at least by the next day, he will have completly forgotten what happened the day before. Perhaps just simple answers when he asks? It was Janie. Glad she comes and I like how Jazzy put it, that perhaps he feels she is someone important, someone that loves him. Perhaps when he talks about his old address, maybe try engaging conversation around that, getting him to tell things that he remembers. With my DH, nothing is forgotten, he lives with it every day.

    Sandy, you have to remember the rural area I live in. I have most things and the Arizona Chapter of ALS has what they call the "closet". And we can get things from that. However, it's in Phoenix. Our PC also suggested that hospice offers things as well. Right now I just need a bedside commode.

    Misty, how fun with kids seeing snow for the first time. Bet you wish you were there to witness it. Good luck on that upcoming surgery. Remind us when it gets closer. As for me, I'm pretty strong willed!

    NM, looks like that cold weather is hitting you now! I also don't remember school ever closing due to the cold either when I was in school. Hoping there are no positives in that pool, but I guess not likely. I know DH wouldn't get as good of care elsewhere. I just can't picture the combined basement/garage!

    Jazzy, good luck on that diet! Glad you will be enjoying working from home. My brother has been since the beginning, and he says the same thing, he gets more done. Also, you will be able to enjoy the pool more.

    Still no sleep or "movement" for DH. And will be day 4 of no food. We are going to his it heavy today, I'll just leave it at that! My PC found a commode, but I can't leave DH today, we need to get this fixed. I've lived in AZ 20+ years, and yesterday I saw my first bobcat, right in front of my porch. So cool! Our numbers here have been crazy, but when no one wears a mask, what do you expect? We have a hospital now that is letting positive staff work, as long as they feel up to it and wear a mask. WTF??? So why fire those that refuse to be vaxed?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,711
    edited January 2022

    Goldie, I’m sorry to read this and hate that your DH, and you are dealing with significant problems.

    Hi to all. I’m reading mostly but have been busy with cabin stuff. We’re on a roll with interior building, so trying to take full advantage of that.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited January 2022

    I finally got some Bailey's so reporting on "Thee French Hens" from the Christmas drink countdown. I can't remember if it was Goldie or NM who posted the recipe. But...Oh yum, yum, yum. Perfect for a cold night. I'll be making this again - maybe too often.

    Original called for 1 oz each: Baileys, Kahlua, Chambord served in a martini glass. I made it with equal amounts of Baileys, Tia Maria & Chambord. Served 'up' w/no ice. It truly was to die for.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Misty, having had many orthopedic-surgeries, I'm in your pocket for the ankle surgery. Two months is a long time for recovery, but my knee replacements took 12 weeks each for recovery. After open-reduction/internal fixation for a shattered tibial plateau, I was non-weight-bearing (mostly in a wheelchair and using a non-wheeled walker to hippity-hop to the toilet or stove) for over two months--basically homebound (except for medicar rides to ortho appts.) due to it being wintertime and my house having seven stairs each up to the porch or deck. Wish I'd had a knee scooter back then--getting around the house would've been much easier..

    Our Mayor has the Omicron variant (she tweeted she's "experiencing cold-like symptoms but otherwise fine") and is isolating for five days. It may well be coming for us all. I will ask my melanoma MO tomorrow if being 71 with a non-removable solid malignant tumor qualifies me as "moderately immunocompromised" to qualify for a fourth shot next week (which makes 5 months since my Moderna booster), whether I should wait till the Pfizer Omicron-specific shot is available (at this point, no sooner than March--which is optimistic), or I should get the fourth Moderna now and then the Omicron vaccine when it comes out.

    First time out of the house since Thursday, because until today it's been too cold & icy to walk and the alley was too icy to leave & access my garage. Had to pick up my Hooked on Fish order, then get gas at Costco (wore my mask because of the cold howling wind and gasoline fumes), and finally buy groceries. Besides, since Thursday I'd had nowhere I had to be. Not going anywhere indoors where I'd have to remove my mask--which means no restaurants for now--except my dentist's office.

    DOTD, with fish & veg: an ounce (the piece of fish was small) of Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve Chardonnay,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Waiting on the Pool Testing results at school, checked the site this ayem, and the vials have been received at the lab. Sent two more kiddos home with symptoms yesterday. It's going to be tense waiting for the results today.

    Getting up to some serious cold this ayem. 3 below the donut here, with weather supposed to be coming in during the day today. Another day of indoor recess, I'm thinking.

    Karen--We've been asking parents to send a pic of the home test in or test results in, but mostly yeah, we have to take their word that a test was even done. In our reports we have to separate out COVID and non-COVID related absences. It's a lot of tracking and counting and reporting.

    Jazzy--Omicron really has changed the whole COVID landscape. More and more vaccinated people are having breakthrough cases, the vaccine's effectiveness is being questioned more and more, the rapid test are getting less helpful, Maine has had to change the definition of an outbreak at school from 3 positive PCRs in 2 weeks to more than 15% absenteeism due to students in isolation to keep the outbreak numbers down so schools can stay open. Contact tracing and monitoring has gotten so complicated, and no one is paying attention to any of it anymore anyway. And there is still all the vision and hearing screening and similar things to find time to do. Good luck with the post holiday diet, sounds like a really healthy thing to do, good for you!

    Chevy--Ihope you have a good day out together. And every day is a new day!

    Goldie--good point about how people with dementia don't seem to suffer from the memory loss, the people around them have to suffer through that. And it must be horrible for your DH to have his body failing while his mind remains alert and intact.My house is built into a hill, the front looks like a two story house, with the bottom being the basement with garage doors, and stairs to the living area. From the back it looks like a one story house opening into the kitchen. It does sound odd, but it works really well. I've get the benefit of a mostly underground basement and attached garage and easy access to the big, fenced in back yard. There is one hospital and one nursing home here in Maine that is letting COVID positive staff work, too. If that doesn't illustrate the staffing crisis I don't know what does.

    Illi--keep up the momentum on the cabin work!Got to take full advantage of such times!

    Minus--ok, now I've got to get some Baileys and try one of those!

    Chi--you are probably correct, it is probably coming for all of us. Glad your mayor is not seriously ill with it.

    Hump Day Lunch | Cocktail drinks alcoholic, Alcohol drink recipes, Mixed drinks alcohol

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Finishing up my 2 coverages this week. Next week I start covering for a vacancy in a large middle school. It’s potential could last rest of year as there are no school psych apply. We’ve interviewed one in the past month, though several social workers. It’s a large middle school about 1600 students grade 6-8. My only complaint is the start and end time is later than I like. I like starting at 7:30. The kids go 8:10 to 4:10. I only work 8 hours so not sure what my hours will be. I’m guessing the staff are also on a linger day. I schedule my appointments at 4 so will have to leave early for any.

    50s today and tomorrow then turning colder again and maybe snow

    Stay safe, warm and hea

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Just being quick here. My DH passed away at 1 am this morning. Be back when I can. I'm just numb and exhausted.

    See the source image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    I am so sorry Goldie. Sending much love to you ❤️🙏😔

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Oh honey!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!! Damnit! I'm thinking of you & I love you..... ! Okay.... I'll behave and I promise to have more patience..... I'm sorry honey...... Jeannette

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2022


    I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's passing. I will keep you in my thoughts and wish you peace and comfort in the days ahead.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2022

    Ah, Goldie, so sad. Sending thoughts, prayers, and lots of virtual hugs your way. Please take care of yourself, especially in the coming days.

    Edited for typos.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    It's like as bad as it gets, you never think of THAT!!! I can't imagine what you are going through.... My arms are around you honey.... Jeannette.... I mean Ed.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Sorry For Your Loss GIF

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2022

    Goldie - my heart goes out to you.