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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    No photo description available.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    We all need a drink right now. DsOTD: Ruggieri Prosecco Rosé with appetizers; 2018 Belle Glos Pinot Noir with entrees; and at home, safely back from a snowy walk, the limoncello I bought at the duty-free in DaVinci (Fiumicino) Airport on the way home from Rome in 2018 (been keeping it in the freezer). Back to teetotaling this weekend, with Bob working late at all three hospitals.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Moring, Loungettes! Welcome to a windy and very cold Saturday ayem. We're under a windchill advisory, current Real Feel here is -17. Yup, 17 BELoW the donut. 3 to 6 inches of snow predicted for Monday.

    Goldie--this is such a difficult time for you. I wish I was close enough to be able help or just visit. I can't imagine how different it feels to be home alone after all the years with DH. Texting the death certificate to the brother sounds like a good, easy way to go. And I would make sure their Mother knows who is responsible for the delay in notification. In know there must be a million things to take care of, and I'm sure people will give you time and help you as much as you need to. Glad to hear you have some family coming.

    Good Moring, Loungettes! Welcome to a windy and very cold Saturday ayem. We're under a windchill advisory, current Real Feel here is -17. Yup, 17 BELoW the donut. 3 to 6 inches of snow predicted for Monday.

    Goldie--this is such a difficult time for you. I wish I was close enough to be able help or just visit. I can't imagine how different it feels to be home alone after all the years with DH. Texting the death certificate to the brother sounds like a good, easy way to go. And I would make sure their Mother knows who is responsible for the delay in notification. In know there must be a million things to take care of, and I'm sure people will give you time and help you as much as you need to. Glad to hear you have some family coming.

    Earth Angel Cocktail


    45 ml Rum Light White Appleton

    15 ml Lemon Juice

    40 ml Lemon Soda

    190 ml Ice



    Add ice cubes to glass

    Pour in light white rum

    Add lemon juice

    Top with lemon soda

    Garnish with lemon

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Good morning all and once again thank you.

    Karen, when I first moved to AZ, DH and I lived in his store for a year. Then we moved to the property and lived in a park model trailer for 5 years. The property was just dirt, so we needed a well, septic, solar, etc. We had to get things up to handle the business before thinking about a house.

    As for me, I'm doing ok. From being diagnosed with cancer in 08, then being told in 14 I was stage IV, I've gone through those long periods of being sad and depressed and finally decided it doesn't change anything, in fact it makes it worse. So my choice is to move on. It's not easy, not easy at all. My mind doesn't stop, you wouldn't believe all the chatter going on in my head! My DH planned many many trips for us, several surprises for me, we have seen a lot. He was a great provider and we worked together.

    Tears are hard to come by, I don't know why. I did not cry when my mom passed either. I get teary eyed and cry some, but not a lot. Karen, I think you have gone through that, if my memory serves me right?

    Nora and her mommy and daddy all have Covid. Daddy went out with some buddys and that is how it started. My step grandson has been exposed at school, but did test neg. He has to test again, I think on Wednesday. None of these are vaxed.

    I'm waiting on the call from the mortuary, to let me know it's time for the cremation. I don't know if my MIL knows yet, which is really tough. I've just been cleaning and clearing out all the medical stuff that DH had to use. I just can't look at those things.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Oh little honey, you sound numb! I remember so many of those things you describe... With my Grandma, and my Mom and Dad... And a few months ago, my Brother. So much to go through, and it all hurts.

    Sometimes we fall apart, and sometimes we don't. Sometimes I just want to cry, but I know even though we are together, it probably isn't going to get much better. BUT we still have each other. I can't imagine what I would do if I lost him..... So you are my inspiration.... Stay strong..... for you! xoxoxo

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Same here—I didn’t cry when my dad died because he had been so deeply depressed (we even thought it was Alzheimer’s) for years, even decades that I felt we’d lost who he was long before. My mom was prepared and had most of the details (funeral, paperwork, etc.) worked out before I even got to NY the next day. When my mom passed, she had been in hospice (but discharged after 6 months) and had end-stage COPD/CHF (and likely lung cancer, though she refused to even get a biopsy because she didn’t want treatment)—but it was still so sudden that my sis & I immediately sprung into “organized mode,” just as Mom had done 20 years earlier, and the wheels were already in motion when we got to FL the next morning (Mom had of course prepaid and pre-planned her services, in both FL and her final destination in NY. I still get a little teary but can’t really cry yet—been criticized as a crybaby in my youth and it had been “scolded out of” me by my teens. (I vowed never to do that with Gordy).

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2022

    Goldie- all that you and your husband accomplished and trips together are beautiful memories and a great example to your children.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Lori - your memory is accurate. It is very hard for me to cry. And this bother's me a great deal. I want to be able to cry!

    Wow - you guys did so much in AZ with taking dry desert land into a business and a gorgeous house/home.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited January 2022

    Raising a glass ( well a mug) of Baileys irish cream coffee to you as you travel this hard road Lori and to all the supportive friends here.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! A bit warmer this ayem, -3 with a wind chill to -7, but should get both up above the donut as the day goes on.

    Goldie--you have been through so much. And with Nora and her parents having COVID on top of it all is even harder. I don't blame you for cleaning out all the medical stuff as fast as possible. Not everybody who grieves does it by crying. Everyone does it their own way. When/if you need to cry, you will. Just do what YOU need to do for yourself and grieve in your own way. Hugs and prayers.

    Chevy--hugs to you, too.

    Chi--isn't it amazing how long early experiences can influence our behavior?

    Morning, Misty.

    Karen--don't beat yourself up about not being able to cry easily. If crying isn't your way, it isn't. Hugs.

    Reader--Oh, my, what a mug!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Kim, prior to trying Effexor after my oophorectomy, I could cry - its gotten a little better but its been an issue for me ever since. I only lasted 3 weeks on Effexor. I used to be able to cry and have been searching for that part of me for 15+ years. I don't beat myself up, it is something that I want back. To me, it is one of the biggest things that BC took away from me.

    DD#1 co-worker tested positive for Covid. She was at work all week, though she did wear a mask. MY daughter is furious at her boss for allowing the woman to stay at work. DD is fully vaxxed but its just going on 2 weeks since she go her booster.

    Going to do my banking then bake. I asked both my DH and my DS what cookies they want me to bake and got DK. Then DH asked for Mexican wedding style cookies but I don't have powdered sugar. DH also wants this streusel cake but I need more pareve sour cream. I don't think I have enough for 2/3 cup. I wonder if 1/2 cup plus 1/3 cup margarine would work but I don't remember if it call for butter/margarine or oil or neither so need to check the recipe. I do often substitute ingredients. Everything I bake is pareve (not dairy and not meat, not vegan either as I use eggs so I guess you could call it vegetarian).

    Those in the way of the storm, stay safe, stay warm.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    DOTD last night: FitVine low-carb Pinot Noir. Thus far today: pourover of Honduras; half-caff hazelnut "red-eye" (Nespresso shot of Sumatra into a small Keurig decaf hazelnut); half-caff unsweetened coconut/toasted almondmilk breve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Just dropping in to let you all know that I am doing ok, considering. I am reading, but just not in the mood to comment. Empty and numb. Looking forward to my brother and DD visiting. Oh, and my washer took a 💩!

    Karen, I thought so about the crying.

    Sandy, I AM actually a cry baby! So is my DD.

    NM, are you getting slammed with that snow storm?

    ED, I wondered if everyone knew what ED was for! Wishing you all the best with your DH and many more tomorrows.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited January 2022

    Holding you in our hearts Goldie.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2022

    Goldie, My sister is in AZ on vacation. She sent us a picture of the desert this am while I sent her a pic of our 18 inches of snow. Hang in there.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Oh boy KID, be careful out there! Can you share your picture with us?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    My daughter in Toronto has a snow day today so they must be getting hammered. She's been complaining. A friend who lives near Toronto said her husband never closes the office and closed it today. I'll post pictures from my phone.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    imageimageMy daughter’s front yard and street. The other photo is driving in Toronto, not sure how far from her house. She lives right by a main through street.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2022

    I have no idea how to share a pic but I can try.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Yikes! Our dusting of snow has pretty much evaporated from the sidewalks, and looks pretty on the lawns. Tomorrow will be near 40, but Wednesday the bottom will drop out again.

    No DOTD to report--except I've discovered I've been using way too much coffee for my pourovers. I'd been eyeballing the beans as I've poured them into the grinder, and decided this morning that just for spits & giggles I'd weigh the grounds before starting to brew. Turns out I was using over twice the recommended amount, which is only 14 gm. (17 for espresso). And the taste is just about the same.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! This week's Monday is also pool testing day. Good thing we had yesterday off, snow, sleet, then rain, then below zero temps, everything is iced up if it wasn't cleaned off before getting wet.I woke up at my usual time and jumped on the computer to finish this week's paper for school, didn't quite make it before the internet connection went out, but got really close. When the internet connection came back it didn't take long to finish up and post.

    Karen--I haven't heard of pareve.Looked it up, it's interesting.I didn't realize that antidepressants could affect the ability to cry, but I suppose it makes sense. I can see where you would miss that part of yourself. I feel for your DD#1, letting a worker stay after a positive test like that seems irresponsible, but there is such pressure to keep businesses going and people working/kids in school no matter what that I'm not really surprised to hear it's happening.

    Morning, Chi!

    Goldie--I got about 4 inches before the rain started melting it off. Still have about 2 inches under a glaze of ice now. Sorry about your washer. It's ok if you don't feel up to commenting, we understand.

    Morning, Minus!

    KID--quite the picture exchange!


    Chi--wow, it's amazing the difference between weighing and eyeballing measurements!

    Winter Wonderland Cocktail - 12 Cocktails of Christmas

    Winter Wonderland Cocktail


    • 1 oz Cream of coconut (such as CocoLopez)
    • 1½ oz Vanilla Vodka
    • 1½ oz Creme de Cocoa
    • Ice


    1. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine cream of coconut, vanilla vodka and creme de cocoa. Shake until well chilled and combined. Strain into an ice filled glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Good morning friends- just a quick hello while I drink some coffee and get my Tuesday going. They sent us remote to work again as of last week. I had a couple days on site last week, more remote time this week. I like being home again and we expect to be remote at least through February. Omicron is on the move and a lot of people are getting sick everywhere now. My perfect work schedule is sometime on site and sometime remote which I have been working towards on my new project. I plan to work remote 2 days a week after we are asked to go back again, already cleared it with my director.

    Goldie- thinking of you sister and hope the family coming to be with you can help you through some things that need to happen. Be kind to yourself, and let others step up to help you who can.

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Just as our new case rates are decreasing (as also in NYC, Boston & DC), they're skyrocketing out West (espec. CA, AZ & NM). Stay safe, Jazzy! Glad you can work from home.

    Today it hit 45F here (of course, in Chicago winter warmups come with either rain, wind or both--and we are earning our city's nickname today). Tomorrow, the bottom will drop out--and Thurs. will see wind chills of -20F. Of course, that's mani-pedi day. Sorry--the OOFOs will have to take a back seat to the UGGs, even if that means I have to sit around the salon longer and leave with Baggies on my tootsies inside my boots. I have a pair of flip-flop pedicure socks, but they hurt between the toes.

    Had lab tests yesterday--K & Mg. normal but vit. D is ever-so-slightly over-the-top, even after ditching the D3 supplement 3 weeks ago. NP says I can continue taking my multivite, which has 1000 IU of D3. And my COVID antibody titer is 8540, 5 mos. post-booster. Not spectacular, but (per my melanoma MO) definitely not immunocompromised--he says it's "very good" and I can hold off on a 4th shot until it's either officially recommended for those >70 y.o. or the multi-variant-tweaked vaccine is available. Meanwhile, I have plenty of high-filtration masks and I wear them whenever I'm in a public space--even outdoor parking lots.

    And today was my semi-annual full-body skin checkup (last one was in Sep. 2020, shortly after my diagnosis & treatment for ocular melanoma--then it kept getting postponed due to COVID closures, my back injuries, derm.'s maternity leave, etc. But today it was all good (no suspicious lesions--just dandruff, eczema, ingrown hairs), so I'm back to an annual schedule. Derm mentioned my complexion looks better than ever--I told her I'd started getting facials every 6 weeks and sunscreening whenever I'm out in daylight.

    Not sure what if anything I'm drinking tonight (just killed off a big bowl of chicken soup). Will depend on what I'm eating (tamales, per Bob's request, when he gets home). Might try that FitVine keto-friendly Sauv. Blanc.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2022

    Karen1956, well that looks like a mess! My DIL is Canadian but lives here. We got about 18 inches in Buffalo. ok lets see if I can get a picture to post. Yea! I did it! This is my nephews house and the little guy I babysit. Note the snowy background.



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    What a cutie ❤️😍

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Getting up to chilly weather, with some snow coming in today, but not supposed to amount to much. The pool testing vials got to the lab, now we wait for results. Not sure what to expect, all Monday testing was moved to Tuesday, so the lab has gotten a HUGE influx of tests to run. Hoping for results today, expecting they will come in tomorrow or even Friday.

    On the news they are talking about amending the Good Samaritan law to protect people at the scene of a drug overdose from prosecution for drug related and misdemeanor crimes to increase the likelihood that EMS will be called and decrease overdose deaths. It's a sad commentary on society when something like this has to be considered to save lives.

    Jazzy--that sounds like a nice combination of remote/onsite work. Good for you for working it out ongoing!

    Chi--good to hear you are not immunocompromised!


    image alt="Liquid Babysitter - Easy Cocktail Recipes">

    Liquid Babysitter


    • 1/2 oz. Rum, spiced
    • 1/2 oz. Sour Apple Pucker
    • 1/2 oz. Sour Cherry Pucker
    • 1/2 oz. Sour Grape Pucker
    • 1/2 oz. Sour Watermelon Pucker
    • 1/2 oz. Vodka
    • Fill with 7-up

    How to Make It

    1. Add ice to glass.
    2. Add ingredients and stir well.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    we were supposed to get freezing rain during the night but at 6am it hasn’t started yet. They are now saying it will start in time for rush hour. My school today is 15 minutes or so drive. I had planned to take day off it it was too icy. First day at this school. My other school that was to end is continuing as the person who was to start backed out. So I get to stay there z2 days till filled. Principal wanted me to stay rest of year but my team said no. We have too many FMLAs and vacancies.

    KID, what a cutie.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Karen, how do they even drive in that? How is your SIL?

    KID, a cutie in deed! And I love the slobbers on the window!

    NM, hoping for a good pool testing. Love the DOTD, def. a pucker!!!

    Sandy, you have some chilly chilly heading your way, be safe.

    Yes, numbers here are through the roof. And the night my DH passed, I had paramedics, shrerrif, diputy, mortuary, and NOT ONE wore a mask! I'm still waiting on DH's ashes. Friday they told me over the weekend or Monday. Called Monday, we think we can do it this after noon and you can pick up Tuesday. Call Tuesday, they give me the excuse that they are waiting on death certificate (BS), we'll do it the afternoon and you can pick tomorrow. So hoping today. Stupid Tony text me again, when you get that can you take a picture of it and send it to me....grrrr! Told him Darrell wasn't even cremated yet and I don't have them yet, but yes I will. I have trouble getting moving in the morning, the days are long, and in the evening when I go to bed tired, hard to get to sleep. The days are long and lonely.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Goldie- you told the brother you would send a picture when you have it. I would not respond any further to his messages. Grrr......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Dearest Lorrie! You know, don't pay much attention to ole what's-his-name! Just take a photo of whatever he wants, send it, and be done with it! SOME people think blood means more than just some sort of marriage thing! I can't imagine what you are going through... Take time to take care of yourself, and sometimes just ignore things that hurt or upset you, which could be a lot right now.

    You know, I have my brothers' ashes out in my back-garden, under an archway, along with a big ceramic heart one of his daughter's sent me to be next to him.... and a few other things.... It's just someplace I can be next to and feel like he is there...

    And yes, I'm also amazed at how many people don't care about masking up! Not to mention not being vaccinated! Guess it's their choice, but a poor one... You take care!