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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Lori, good advice from Jazzy and Chevy. I'm sorry that the days are so long. I can't imagine the pain. Sending you hugs. Thanks for asking about my SIL. Thankfully he is finally feeling better. His 40th birthday is in 2 weeks and I'm hoping that this will be the beginning of good health for many years to come.

    COLD today and drizzle this morning and this evening so no walking outside - didn't want to risk falling and didn't want to bundle up. At work, I'm now in a middle school that is in an old high school (1920s) - it is 3 floors - so I walked the building - up to 3 floor, down the hall and back down - repeat a few times.

    Ordered the 4 free antigen home tests from the govt. Now need to order KN95 masks. I've been wearing cloth over surgical mask as it gives a better fit to the surgical. Masks are required in doors in Denver and by my school district. Happy to comply and try to reduce my risk of getting Covid.

    Chevy - your garden for your brother sounds so comforting.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Going to be busy at school today, one of the pools came back positive, so I need to test everyone and find out who is sick. Tested another student yesterday after a parent found out about being positive, and guess who else was positive? A sib at the sister school tested negative but was having symptoms. That family is down for the count. I wonder how many more I will find today.

    Karen--does that mean you are now covering 2 schools? It must be hard to be balancing coverage for all the people who are out for one reason or another.

    Goldie--it is so not right for you to have to be going through that with the mortuary. And Stupid Tony can just go to work and get the death certificates himself if it's that important to him and it will help you. I can't imagine how lonely you are feeling. Hugs.

    Morning, Jazzy.

    Chevy--so true how many people are beyond caring about masking or anything else pandemic related now. It is exhausting to keep up with it all, but so necessary for other people's wellbeing.

    Karen--I just ordered the 4 free tests, too.

    Test Pilot


    • 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice
    • 1/2 ounce falernum
    • 1 tablespoon Cointreau
    • 1 1/2 ounces dark Jamaican rum
    • 3/4 ounce light Puerto Rican rum
    • 1 dash Angostura bitters
    • 6 drops Pernod
    • 1 cup crushed ice

    Blend together, strain and serve

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is making it through the week okay. Its Thursday so we are in to the slide into the weekend now.

    Very busy on the new project this week with some series of meeting on my project and more next week. Makes getting the worky work hard to get done but squeezing it in where I can. I do like this project better, more "my thing" but some of the same dynamics exist with outside vendors acting like you are working for them. This project has a lot of vendors too due to the nature of it. This project will take me through 2024 and then I have another year to get to where I can think about retirement end of 2025. Well at least retire from this, I may go back to contract/consulting work, or do something PT for awhile.

    Tonight I am doing a talk for a professional organization here. It's in person, which I am not thrilled about but am going to do the talk but not sit and eat there with the other participants. I asked earlier in the month if they might move it to virtual and never heard anything until this week when they said days before "well we can if you need us to but then it will have to be postponed." I don't get that as they have done plenty of virtual sessions through the entire pandemic. Anyways, I am going to go do my thing and then call it good. I usually do a talk at something once a year here but have not done anything since 2019 or earlier.

    Been trying to get back on track with better eating here in the new year. I always do the old South Beach diet, Phase 1 in January to get rid of the bad eating habits over the holidays. Helps to get back to some clean eating and loose a few lbs. Its two weeks but I came off it yesterday as I am just needing more energy and some carbs. But think it did the job I wanted it to do. I lost 5 lbs and now going to focus on dropping another 25. Going to increase my exercise with some outdoor walking now that I am working from home again. But as many of you know, the struggle is real (when it comes to weight loss.....)

    Events here are starting to get cancelled again. I bought a single ticket to go to see the traveling performance of Hamilton that was scheduled to begin next week. It was scheduled for last winter and got postponed to this year and now to May 2023. My particular ticket is good for Memorial Day weekend and usually am out of town on the long summer holiday weekends. I am going to call about a refund. I also have a ticket to a jazz concert end of February and expect that is going to get postponed or cancelled too. I won't try to do anything more then, will just wait for summer outdoor music. No fun vacations, no plays, no concerts, sigh.

    Goldie- thinking of you and hope the family is there now and able to help you. Hopefully they can help to triage pesky messages and phone calls with people who sometimes have too many questions when you are finding your way through. I hope you get the ashes back easily this week sister. One day at a time.

    NM- the gov has called in the National Guard to help not just our hospitals here, but also to support the schools that have a big teacher shortage. They will be helping as substitutes. I hope you are looking forward to your vacation in a few weeks and nothing has changed with your plans, but know things are changing all over the place. It will be a good break from the deep winter in Maine, the job and well, your mom too. I hope she does not try to call you every day while you are away.....

    Karen- I ordered some of those home tests too. We are supposed to have places here where we can get KN95s soon. I am double masking in the meantime. My friend in Denver said it was very icy up there yesterday, perhaps it will be today too. Be safe sister.

    Chevy- New Mexico has had a mask mandate since last July when things started getting bad again (and now much worse). I just assume this is our new normal now.

    Okay friends, time to get going to work and wishing you all a good day. Will pop in later this weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Karen, I'm glad to hear your SIL is doing better. I saw that where you can get those free at home kits.

    NM, I guess you will be finding more and more positive cases at school as cases are climbing everywhere. Has mom said anymore about your "little trips"? Ha ha, in regards to Jazzy's comment, perhaps you shouldn't remind your mom about your trip and just wait for her to call, then say say "I'm in FL mom, don't you remember?" I know, I know, you would never hear the end of it and be the bad daughter again!

    Jazzy, glad you like your new work schedule and sorry about the performance getting canceled. Covid sure is wreaking havoc on things. Nat. Guard as sub. teachers....WOW!

    I was able to get the ashes yesterday and death cert. are not available for 4-6 weeks. So I had 2 papers, one was for if I want to spread ashes in a public place and the other one is just giving his name, date of death, day cremated, just a paper for the ashes. So I took a picture of both, sent them to stupid Tony and told him that's all I have. He said that should be good, thank you. You're welcome! I also went and looked at washers and made an appt. to get my hair cut Friday. Stopped and made a withdrawl at the bank and was shocked at how much was in there, I had no idea, as DH always took care of the money and bills.

    Here is the link for anyone who wants to order their at home test kits. - Free at-home COVID-19 tests

    The grammar check is telling me I'm using "their" wrong in the above sentence and it should be "they're". I don't think so!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2022

    Goldie - Your use of their is absolutely correct! Good to hear you were able to get the ashes and are hopefully done dealing with Tony. Enjoy your haircut! You certainly deserve some pampering. What a good thing to find out you have more $ in the bank than you thought! Cyber hugs and positive energies coming your way.

    DOTDs - Indulged in two today. Irish cream liqueur laced Coffee Mocha in the AM and Chambord White Wine Spritzer for lunch with declicious take away DH picked up.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Lori, looks like your "grammar check" must have cut English class the day the unit on homophones was taught! Either that, or some Gen-Zer who grew up texting (and never picked up pen and paper) revised spellcheck and grammar check for the 2020s. Oy. And I still can't wrap my head around EMTs not wearing masks.

    Jazzy, just as stuff is closing down where you are, Chicago was officially declared to have passed its Omicron peak as of Jan. 3, and things are slowly being reinstated in person: the Auto Show in Feb. (and the "First Look For Charity" cocktail reception is tonight); rock venues are reopening and concerts scheduled (Kacey Musgraves was last night); both the South Side Irish Parade and the city's dye-the-river-green St. Pat's Day Parade will happen for the first time since 2019 (the pandemic was declared just days before the 2020 parades, though the river did get dyed in 2020 & '21. Most houses of worship have gone to dual in-person/virtual mode--though my temple, which went virtual-only Jan. 8, is still staying that way for the time being. Unfortunately, that means I'll have to do my cantorial stint on Zoom without the congregation "backing me up" on the parts where I'm a bit rocky. Now I'll have to "cheat" with an earbud cueing the cantor's recordings from my iPhone while I have the cue sheets & readings on my iPad, with my laptop's webcam and built-in mic doing the Zoom duty. All this with having to find a suitable backdrop, set up the tripod ring-light, guitar stand and music stand...the latter two out of camera range. I'd signed on to do all this live, in the sanctuary, with a congregation that loves to sing even when urged not to. So now not only do I have 10 days to woodshed but also to figure out all the tech I never thought I'd have to use again.

    I, too, ordered the free rapid tests. But I'm not going to try to get the free N95s--I have plenty of them and KN95s, and should save the free ones for those who can't afford them.

    I just had a booze-filled bonbon as my DOTD.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I found the infected person in the pool at school, and another student tested positive at home before school started.That makes 5 positives in 10 days, and I'm really afraid it's the tip of the iceberg, or the beginning of the dominos falling. I am no really afraid I'm going to catch the damn thing right before February break and not be able to go on vacation. I'd rather catch it now and get it over with. When I talked with Mom on the phone last night I mentioned the number of positive tests going up, now she's worried that I'm going to catch it and get seriously sick and maybe die from it andshe won't be able to stand that, and now she's going to be worried about that happening. Like I'm not doing everything I can to keep from getting sick short of quitting my job. I got a call from Mom's neighbor yesterday afternoon, she had been trying to get through to Mom to let her know that they (the neighbors) will be away for the weekend and couldn't reach her by phone. I finally got hold of Mom, she had turned the phone off during the day when she was doing something she didn't want to be interrupted, then lost her phone and didn't find it until the evening. And still she flat refuses to get a land line so I have some way of reliably getting in touch with her. Sigh.

    Jazzy--that organization really did have time enough to set up a virtual meeting. So many people/organizations are just so tired of all the pandemic stuff that they are starting to give up on doing/enforcing mitigation activities. Good for you with the nutritional reset and weight loss! I'm sorry your outings are getting cancelled and postponed. So far here in Maine schools are going remote or closing for a time due to teacher and staff shortages. Bus driver shortages are getting to be a bigger and bigger issue. No talk about using National Guard for that, yet, but I expect it's coming. I am so looking forward to the vacation, and so afraid I will test positive and not be able to go. I'm just doing the best I can and praying a lot. If Mom does call every day I can at least keep the calls short, or let them go to voice mail and text her back later. She won't get the texts, but I can tell her I sent them and if she still hasn't gotten her phone situation fixed after all these months, that's not my fault.

    Goldie--yup, the positive cases are piling up. The district High School has more than 30, almost 10% of the student population. 5 cases out of my 70 students is 7%. Maine CDC has redefined outbreak status as 15% of the student or staff or total school population, not counting home tests. So by the CDC's figuring, I only have 2 cases. And then there are the kiddos who are home with symptoms but whose parents won't get them tested. Mom will ask about me coming over for my birthday pretty soon, then I'll tell her I'll be in Florida, and then I'll not mention it unless she brings it up.I did tell her a while back, but I'm sure she doesn't remember. She hasn't mention the little summer trips recently. I figure if I work the summer school schedule there will only be the month of August for her to plan those trips and she won't get it together and it will take care of itself. I think you are correct, the grammar check is wrong. Glad things are moveing forward for you. Hugs.

    Celia--nice indulgences!Good for you!

    Chi--isn't it amazing how much more work virtual anything is than in person? I'm sure you will do just fine, and the congregation will no doubt be forgiving of a glitch or two.


    Golden Phone


    Serving: 1

    • 1 ounce blanco tequila
    • 1/2 ounce yellow Chartreuse
    • 1/2 ounce Lillet Blanc
    • 1/4 ounce crème de cacao
    • 1 dash Regans orange bitters

    Garnish:lemon twist, Luxardo cherries


    1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled.
    2. Strain into a Nick & Nora glass.
    3. Garnish with a lemon twist and two Luxardo cherries.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Morning gals! Man, I am so afraid of getting the virus, that we hardly ever go out anymore! We have had both the shots, AND the booster, wear our masks when we DO run to Walmart, but I know there is still a chance we could become infected! We don't shop around like we used to, and the only one that comes to visit is our one Daughter that lives not far away! I feel like a hermit!

    SHE works in a store, and is always masked, but you just never know, right? And right now, the stores are on strike, so she is always outdoors on the picket lines! Wait.......... Maybe there is an unknown "reason" this happened! At least I would like to think so! Maybe it is called an "intervention".. Hah!

    My Brother, who thought he would get sick from the vaccine, didn't get vaccinated. So, I lost him in September, due to the virus. GEEZ I still miss him so much.........! He lived in Nashville, but we talked all the time... He called when he didn't feel good and was going to get checked out "tomorrow"... but when he didn't call, I called their Senior Living, and they told me he was taken to the hospital!... Then a few days later, he was gone.

    I can't understand all the reluctance to the vaccine! It's like a badge of honor these people wear, thinking no-one is going to tell THEM to conform!

    So, can you tell I am cranky? Maybe at MY age, I'm entitled, right? I remember getting shots all the time when we were in school! And then the Polio scare! Science has come so far, but there are those who resist anyone "telling them what to do!"

    I'm just trying to deal with life, and what is going on.... Trying to stay calm, and not lose patience or my temper when things go haywire... But sometimes I just have to go out-doors, slam the door, and take some deep breaths! Then go back in before I freeze to death, Hah!

    Kim, I keep thinking of what you would tell me..... So I calm down. Things could always be a lot worse, right? Love you guys..........

  • SupportforAmy12
    SupportforAmy12 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2022

    Ready this thread made me very happy!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Oh WOW! Thanks supporter! We just try and help each other...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    NM, I just have to chuckle at your mom. Like you said "not your fault". I know you love her, and worry about her, but there's only so much you can do, right? Vacay just around the corner!

    ED, you can be cranky if you want, and that goes for all of us!

    Got my hair cut. How come they don't ever do what you ask? I told her I like the front (around my face) angled. I don't like for it to look like it's cut straight across. Well, if she angled it, I can't tell. And it's up to my shoulders, which is ok as it's so thin from so much of it falling out. Cami reached out me re my DH and I also spoke to her DD. She's more more and doesn't hardly even talk on the phone. She does talk to her sister, but not as often. I went and got a washer yesterday. Neighbors will help unload/install it either this morning or this evening. I ordered urns for myself and family. In April we will have a celebration of life in Moab and spread some of Darrell's ashes. I picked up some containers at the dollar store that have lids to put ashes in and pass around. Is that too tacky? I don't know what else we could use and I don't want to spread all of his ashes there. Similar to this. There will be about 15 people I think.

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Bright, sunny, and minus 2 degrees this ayem. No wind, not even a breeze, which Is helpful. I had one student test positive each day this last week, all of them have other family members testing positive as well, most have siblings in other schools in the district. I'm seeing best friend to best friend spread now, probably taking place outside the school when they are together without masks and distancing, but can't be sure it isn't in school spread. I expect we'll be in outbreak status in a week or two. If I can just keep from catching it before vacay time. . . The newest thing families are doing is to refuse to get tested or have their children tested, even when notified of being exposed, because, 'no testing means no quarantine.' Students exposed, not vaccinated, not in pool testing, instructed to quarantine and showing symptoms are starting to be sent to school by their parents, and the parents are refusing to pick them up when called, and apparently, nothing can be done about it, they have to be allowed to stay in the school. This is in-person learning "at all costs" in action!

    Chevy--it's hard to live like a hermit, isn't it? At least I get to go out to work. While your DD is outside picketing, she's safer than when she is inside the store, but still potentially exposed. But aren't we all at this point? If I can absolutely identify 3 exposures for myself, how many exposures have I really had where I just didn't have information to know it was an exposure? The vaccine reluctance is a direct effect of the politicization of public health, IMO. Balancing the rights of the individual with the rights of the public in general is hard, sometimes, more so as people get further and further into the "me, me, me" orientation and away from consideration of others. Even that wouldn't be so bad if there were still real consequences directly related to individual choices. Choose not to be vaccinated against polio? Can't attend public school. (There have always been exceptions for people with allergies to vaccine components or in situations where the vaccine posed a medically known risk to the individual). Instead, choose not to get the COVID vaccine, everyone around you has to work harder to protect you and well as themselves while you blithely do as you like and ignore quarantine and isolation and the effect of the death of loved ones on everyone around you. . .

    Hi, SupportforAmy12!

    Goldie--I do love my mom, and worry about her. Sometimes she exasperates me, though. Holding on for vacay! I do not think the containers are tacky for DH's ashes to be distributed. I went to a memorial once where the person's ashes were separated into zip lock baggies for the family members who wanted some. Each family member then chose their own way to honor them. One had jewelry made from the ashes, one made a ceramic container, one made a wooden container, some were spread in different places, one was going to put them in her jewelry box, some bought urns. They all had special meaning and the focus was on the meaning and the memory, I don't think anyone even noticed the containers.

    r/cocktails - The Herbal Hermit

    The Herbal Hermit

    50ml Bison Grass Vodka

    25ml Green Chartreuse

    10ml Benedictine

    Stir with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass.

    Garnish with a lime twist or a sprig of thyme for a savoury touch

    Very herbaceous cocktail with a touch of sweetness from the Benedictine.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Good afternoon ladies- hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. I agree with Teka about January feelings. I think the holidays distracted us from a bit from life such that it is and the bleak midwinter.....

    Goldie- you have made amazing progress sorting through some of the plans for your husband's services. Moab is a beautiful place to scatter his ashes, and know it was a special place you both enjoyed going to. Glad you were able to get a hair cut, although it sounds like you are not thrilled with the stylist though. If it's up to your shoulders, they must have taken quite a bit off? I hope that feels good at least? And glad you got the washer purchased and hope it all gets installed and working easily. Mine went out at the beginning of the pandemic and was able to buy one right away, but it took awhile to get delived and set up because everyone was panic buying freezers back then as there was a worry of shortages. Keep taking good care of yourself. Hope you are sleeping well......

    NM- I am so glad you are going on your trip soon. It will be good to tell your mom the friends will be checking in on her, and they can always have the police do a welfare check on her if she doesn't answer her phone. Hopefully you won't be getting called all the time while you are away. You need the break sister. I can't wait to hear about all the fun cocktails you are going to have on your vaca!

    Chevy- I know the loss of your brother is still really hurting you. I hope that him being nearby in the garden gives you a bit of comfort. The losses during this pandemic are just horrific for families. Sending love sister.....

    We got some sad family news on Thursday. One of our first cousins passed this week. She had been ill for a few years, and hospitalized recently but had gone home a few weeks ago. We knew this was probably coming, but it happened really fast so a bit of a shock for us this week. Looks like our summer family reunion is going to end up being a memorial service. I know so many of us here are loosing friends and family from all kinds of things.

    Going to go relax for a bit and decided to spend some time in nature today.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Jazzy sorry for the loss of your cousin. May her memory be for a blessing. I think the passing of the first of one's first cousins seems to mark a divide in time.

    Lori, I think the containers are a thoughtful touch, letting everyone participate in honoring Darrell; much classier than sandwich Baggies.

    Omicron is generally slowing down here, though it ticked up a bit downstate Thurs. compared to Wed. Likely people reporting their positive home rapid tests to their providers or the health dept--which while distressing, is more accurata and will make a true flattening of the curve that much more meaningful.

    Didn't drink last night, though on Thurs. when we went out to Calo I had a split of Möet, and Wed. at L. Woods, a glass of a so-so OR Pinot Noir. We're going to Regalia tonight with Gordy & Leslie for an early birthday dinner (my 71st is tomorrow, but the restaurant is closed Sundays and Gordy will be working). DOTD will depend on what I'll be eating.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    I haven't read any posts, just wanting to let you all know that Cami passed this morning. I didn't think my heart could hurt any more than it does already!

    I love you my reCOCKulous friend! She loved that word, and ballCOCK, but only because she worked for her nephew who did heating and plumbing.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited January 2022

    Oh no Goldie. So sorry to hear about Cami. Thank you for letting us know.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    I was thinking about her today. She will be missed by so many ❤️

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,709
    edited January 2022

    I was wondering about her too, damn.

    Sorry you had to break it to us but thank you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2022

    I did not know her but I'm sorry we have lost a sister.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Lori, I saw Cami's daughters post on FB. So sad. I know you and Cami had a special bond. Cami will be missed. Hugs my friend 🤗

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    OH NOOooo! The first thing I thought of when I woke up, is "I wonder how Cami is!" DAMNIT! I just can't believe it....Hug My heart just hurts.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2022

    Thanks for letting us know about Cami. Thinking about her cat pictures always makes me smile. She is missed.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Sandy - thanks for you recommendation for masks. I just ordered 10 black over the head from BonaFide masks. Some of the other companies were more than I wanted to spend. A co-worker also gave me the name of an American made company called WellBefore and I ordered 10 from them as well. I'll decide what I like best. WellBefore has 2 sizes and I went with the small and hope its not too small. 7" across instead of 7.5". I got coral as the only ones they had were pink or coral. I would have preferred blue or black. I prefer over the head as they are easier with glasses and hearing aids.

    Hope everyone is well. Need to go for a walk and run some errands.

    Kim - my position is a float, so I often have more than one school. Floats coverage FMLA, maternity leave, and vacancies. I love it, but it takes lots of flexibility. One school that was supposed to be filled and the person didn't come, may now have a SW starting soon so that may fall off my plate and my second school will go to 3 days (hopefully not 4). I like having an extra day to catch up on paperwork and I also have meetings every other Thursday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Crying at the news of Cammy-Cat’s passing.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2022

    So sorry to hear about Cami. She will certainly be missed, she made this site so fun.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    I looked up Cami's name and the last time she posted was in October. I feel bad that I didn't notice it was so long, but I know Lori was in touch with her and her daughters. May her memory be for a blessing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Oh, no, not our Cami! May her passing have been peaceful & painless. Her memory is a blessing to all of us.

    Well, a not-so-happy birthday, First Cami. And Bob came down for coffee and announced he was feeling OK but had yellow snot, so he decided he should rapid-test. He said he could never forgive himself if one of his unvaxed patients died. So we pulled out a 2-pack of Abbott Binax. He tested positive wiithin 3 minutes. I remained negative through all 15 minutes. So I called our HK and told her not to come in (except to get her paycheck on the porch Friday)--her DH is a dialysis patient and thus immunocompromised. Also called Gordy to tell him to test too, because we all (except Leslie, who had a toothache) went out to dinner last night, All of us have been triple-vaxed--the guys with Pfizer, my HK & I with Moderna (and my booster was full-strength). Bob's feeling OK (except for a very low fever--99.6--and a slight headache, which went away after I made him lunch). So it's gonna be just us & the kitties all week. He is sort of relieved to have a weeklong vacation--he's been working too hard.

    But if he re-tests negative on Tues., it's back into "the belly of the beast" next Saturday--it's his triple-hospital weekend. I was quarantined (as was everyone around here who was not an essential worker) for 7 weeks back in early spring 2020 . I think I can handle a week--heaven knows I'd been doing it more than usual lately due to HK's vacations & emergency trips home to AL for family funerals. But not looking forward to hauling garbage & cat litter out to the alley, especially in the snow and upcoming subzero temps. (HK says to leave the laundry alone--she will strip the beds next Mon.). Bob will sleep in the guest room. He is watching TV in our room because it has satellite (guest room has only cable). No way to keep away from the cats, who are constantly in my face (and Heidi in Bob's as well).

    Last night's DOTD at Regalia was Ruggeri Rosé Prosecco and a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. Coffee & water today--and it's back to keto.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Getting up to another chilly morning, but not quite so bad as last week. 22 degrees ABOVE the donut, feels like a heat wave! At least we can have outside recess again, the kiddos really need that time to run around and make noise, even if it does mean lots of knees and elbows scraped up from falls on the ice. Got word of another student who was exposed who is symptomatic, waiting on test results. Still averaging one a day.

    Chi--I'm sorry Bob tested positive, glad you are still negative. Omicron seems to be doing the headache, low grade fever thing, with some nausea and vomiting among the kiddos.

    Teka--love the 2 stages of winter, it's so very true!

    Jazzy--I'm looking forward to the vacay trip, too. I splurged and bought a new suitcase, a hard sided Samsonite carry on size that will hold a bit more than the carry on/day pack combo I've used for years. So sorry to hear about your cousin. Even when it's known to be coming sooner rather than later it's a shock.

    Karen--floating can be hard, it takes a huge amount of flexibility!Good on you for being a float, I know how much of a difference that kind of position can take.

    Winter Sunshine


    • 8ice cubes
    • 3ozcanned coconut milk
    • 2ozpulp-free orange juice
    • 2ozMalibu or Coconut Rum
    • Coconut Flakes


    • Rim the edge of a martini glass with orange juice and coat rim with coconut flakes
    • In a blender combine ice, orange juice, rum and coconut milk.
    • Blend until a slushy texture.
    • Pour blended drink into a prepared martini glass and serve immediately

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Maybe it's because I (we) are older than dirt, but I'm just so afraid of catching any kind of virus! My husband and I only go out about every 3 days, and then it's a quick early run to Walmart to pick up "stuff." Always before 9 a/m.

    Yes, we've been vaccinated, and boosted.... and always mask up, but you just never know... especially when you see some little "blow safety to the wind mask less tart) running past you!

    Our Daughter comes over maybe 2 times a week with lunch, and any groceries she has picked up for us! She is just fun to be around.... And she really understands what is going on with her Dad... He fell asleep at the table in his chair while we were talking, and she thought it was so cute! So she went over & put her arms around him, and hugged him, and woke him up.... After she left, he tried to remember who she was.... I THINK he knew at the time, but then he forgot.... That's okay... I can handle this.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Bob's temp spiked to 101 yesterday but he's back down to 99.2 this a.m. (but he has been taking Tylenol). He's supposed to go for a monoclonal antibody infusion (sotrovimab--hope they have it) and possible remdesivir infusion as well today but hasn't gotten an appointment time yet. (The specialist with whom he texted yesterday is not calling or texting him back, not returning his voicemails either--might be stuck in the snow down in the SW 'burbs which got twice as much as we did). He feels ok to drive--says it's too risky for me to be in the car with him for >an hour each way; too cold for me to wait in the car while he gets the infusion (no visitors, not even in the lobby). He has to go all the way down there because he's on staff and can pull strings--not so with our closer hospitals who don't know him from a hole in the wall except as an ER & surgical patient at the small hospital that is currently slammed with patients despite it being inferior. He's never been a patient at Evanston Hospital (my preference), so he has no patient portal in its system in order to arrange for an infusion.

    No DOTD last night--he's been drinking Bubly & diet sodas and I need all my wits about me.