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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Sandy - did Bob get the Monoclonal antibodies?

    Chevy - your daughter sounds like a sweetheart.

    Lori - how are you doing?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Bob didn't get the antibody infusion--they never called him back to set up an appointment despite his leaving many text & voicemail messages. Apparently the infusion center had some weather issues (snow, ice, now subzero cold), according to the interventional cardiologist who's subbing for him. And the one monoclonal that works for Omicron is in very short supply--fewer than 3000 doses alotted to the entire state. He's feeling a lot better and has abandoned the idea of isolating (except to sleep in the guest room and eat in separate rooms). If he is afebrile through Friday, they're going to insist he come in for his regular biweekly "hospital Hell weekend." All three hospitals are slammed with staffing issues and all manner of urgent admissions (shootings, car crashes, slip-falls, heart attacks) besides COVID.

    I will re-test tomorrow after noon--more accurate than in the morning.

    DOTD for me was Lakanto keto hot chocolate--pretty good, tastes like the real thing. Bob mixed himself a Paloma (he's feeling well enough to drink, and while the temp was still in the mid-20s outside, snuck a smoke out on the deck). We're going down to the low single digits here by the lake, with wind chills -15. Tomorrow night will be worse, as will Thurs. night again. Time to dribble the faucets again...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Waking up to some snow, watching to see if school is going remote today or maybe delayed. I'm thinking we'll be business as usual. Got a call from the CDC yesterday after I filed a high absenteeism report and my school is now in Outbreak Status. Which means more than 15% of the students were absent due to illness, and more than half related to COVID.I have to file an absenteeism report every day for the next 2 weeks. Other than that, no changes. I'm still getting reports of one student testing positive every day.

    Chevy--it's so hard when the dementia damage interferes with someone's ability to name a person. I'm sure he knows she is someone important and loved even if he can't come up with her name.

    Chi-- it's good he qualifies for and has access to the monoclonal antibody treatment.

    Morning, Karen!

    Chi--oh no, so sorry the infusion didn't work out. I'm glad to hear he's feeling a little better.

    Spiced Apple Snowball Cocktail


    Ingredient Checklist

    • 1 ½ ounces Laird's Apple Brandy
    • ½ ounce Bénédictine D.O.M.
    • ¾ ounce cinnamon clove syrup (made with 2 cinnamon sticks, 4 cloves, and 1 cup sugar; see below for directions)
    • ¾ ounce lemon juice
    • 1 dash Angostura Bitters
    • 2 heaping handfulls fresh snow (approximately 70 grams)


    Instructions Checklist

    • Step 1
      Make the cinnamon clove syrup: Boil 2 cups of water with 2 broken up cinnamon sticks and 4 whole cloves until the water has reduced in half. Add 1 cup of sugar and stir until all sugar crystals have fully dissolved. Remove from heat and let sit until fully cool. Fine strain into a sealable glass container store in the fridge.
    • Step 2
      Make the cocktail: Stir all ingredients except snow in a mixing glass without ice. Pour half of the cocktail in a coupe and pile fresh snow on top until you have a nice mound of unpacked snow above the rim of the glass. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and pour the rest of the drink over the snow mound.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Good morning all. Friday I went and picked up my washer, Saturday my neighbors came to hook it up for doesn't work! 4 of us and we can't it to work. Call Lowes, they will send one out Monday. They come, install doesn't work. So out of a total of 7 people, this damn washer is smarter than all of us! I haven't touched it, looked at it, nothing and early in the evening, out of the blue, it starts filling with water! Well, dumb ass me, I grab some laundry and soap to put in there, the water fills and then it does nothing. So I have laundry sitting in the machine in soapy water. And they ask me if I want them to send another one! HAIL NO! So now I have to go up and choose another one. They were going to bring one Thursday, but I have treatment tomorrow and my kids and youngest brother are flying in. My DD not getting in until midnight, so we will be staying over.

    Sandy, I'm sorry to hear about Bob. Do you suspect he picked it up at work?

    Here is a note I got from Cami's DD...

    Thanks Lori I literally called the hospice on Friday and they kept asking me how I did it myself this whole week she was declining and her body was shutting down all week. I guess I really didn't realize it. As soon as hospice came they told me she didn't have much time to call anyone she wanted to see so she passed away about everyone that loves her so she got to hear them tell her how much they loved her and how wonderful she was she smiled and held their hands and it was is beautiful.. Seeing so many family members share such great memories her and being with people that loved her.. Joey went in there to finally tell her how he loves her around 2 AM was his shift with my cousin we were giving her her morphine after hospice left literally after Joey walked out of the room to say his goodbyes she passed away.. It's like she was waiting for Joey because he couldn't go in the room to talk to her earlier it was too hard. I have been doing nothing but crying the last two days.. I I know it will get easier but now it's so new.. she was a wonderful mom .. we can talk soon thanks Lori 💔💗💔

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Goldie- thanks for sharing about Cami. She and Joey had such a special connection and truly believe people have a process with leaving and knew she would need to see Joey to finally let go. I am planning to donate to BCO here in her memory.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Lori, bummer about the washer. Bob thinks he picked it up from one of his anti-vaxer maskhole policeman patients at the union health clinic. The antibody infusion centers don't have the one monoclonal that works for Omicron--so most of them are closed for now. (And no way can he go to the outpatient infusion dept. in the hospital, which is full of vulnerable chemo and transfusion patients). Meanwhile, he's feeling better (temp 98.8 sans Tylenol)--and is pissed off that I won't let him go to Popeye's drive-thru. (In these subzero wind chills, my only outdoor forays will be to retrieve packages from the porch and put the trash bag out on the deck in a snowbank). I haven't had any alcohol (except in one of those booze bonbons) since Sat. night. Might make him a hot buttered rum (or a Tom & Jerry if he prefers bourbon) if he wants one instead of just straight up in a snifter. I might even have a tablespoon of cognac myself. Too cold indoors & out for chilled white wine, much less champagne (which I won't open till he's recovered). My DOTD thus far is a pourover of Metropolis Red Line. His is Keurig Emeril's Big Easy Bold with a diet Mt. Dew chaser--so I'm steeling myself for him to be bouncing off the walls. Will re-test this afternoon (just me--no such thing as a false-positive rapid test). If still negative, then I'll know the full-strength Moderna third shot was the key--especially since he got royally bored yesterday and gave himself the run of the house (except to sleep in the guest room). So much for isolation--we're now just "co-quarantining."

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Bob just got called by the infusion center, which is in Norridge (near O'Hare, hella closer than down in the SW 'burbs). He is delighted to get out of the house and has even volunteered to take out the trash when he gets home. (Bet he'll go through a drive-thru for junk food).

    BTW--I just re-tested...negative. (Thank you, Moderna).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    ChiSandy - 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Not much new here, big storm coming in over the weekend, the Mondaypool testing samples got logged in at the lab overnight last night, the school is still in outbreak status, and still getting reports of students testing positive at the rate of one a day. Mom was messing with her phones and lost my phone number so I had to call and text her on both phones to give it to her andcan't get through on either one, so waiting for her to call me. Getting more excited for vacay as we get closer to flipping the calendar page over.

    Goldie--good heavens, what a time you are having with the washing machine! Thanks for sharing Cammy's DD's notes, it helps to know Cammy was surrounded by family and comfortable. Send my love and hugs to the family, please.

    Morning, Jazzy.

    Chi--good to hear Bob is feeling better. Don't blame you for opting for warmer DOTD right now. Here's hoping you continue to test negative. WooHoo on Bob getting an infusion appointment and your negative test!

    white linen cocktail

    White Linen Cocktail


    • 5-6cucumber slices
    • ½ ozfresh squeezed lime juice
    • 1 ½ ozgin
    • ½ ozelderflower liqueur
    • 2 oz(or more to taste) soda or sparkling water
    • Ice
    • Optional: cucumber slices and lime slices for garnish


    1. Muddle cucumber slices in a shaker. Add ice, lime juice, gin, and elderflower liqueur and shake vigorously.
    2. Strain mixture into a cocktail glass filled with ice. Top with soda and stir. Garnish with lime and cucumber slices, if you wish. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Bob is feeling about the same after the sotrovimab infusion—but his temp is down to 98.4 w/o Tylenol. I will re-test tomorrow if I'm still tired and post nasal drippy. Cats are running me ragged. If I test positive, that’s another 5 days w/o our HK but cat duties will still be upon me no matter how I feel, because Bob will be back to working his butt off to pick up the slack from his isolation period.My DsOTD are still water & coffee—Bob's are Mt. Dew & coffee—he is running low on vodka but I'm not going out in these subzero wind chills except to take out the garbage

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Lori - thanks for sharing the note from Cami's DD. How wonderful that Cami could hear so many of her loved ones and that Joey was the last to talk to her. Cami will be missed. My condolences to her family. Weird about the washing machine. We got a new set a few years ago and went for the most basic model. I didn't want a front loader or a "smart" machine.

    We had snow yesterday and snow again tomorrow. 50s on the week-end.

    Lori - enjoy your family

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Lori, thank you so much for Cami's DD's note. The next best way to go, after dying in your sleep at 100, is to be surrounded by your loved ones and hearing how much they love you. And so glad that she held on just long enough for Joey to be with her.

    Bob is still afebrile (48 hrs w/o tylenol) and his nose is finally drying up. Still has a bit of a cough, for which I'm giving him chicken broth during the day and pointing him towards the Ricolas, Pine Bros. honey drops and dextromethorphan softgels at night. (We have hydrocodone cough syrup from his last bout of walking pneumonia and codeine cough syrup from my bout of pertussis just before the pandemic, but not sure how long they keep--and he definitely doesn't want to be "stopped up"). His interventionalist colleague told him not to rush back to work before he feels ready.

    DOTD, because he killed off my bottle of low-carb sauvignon blanc (not knowing it wasn't for him), was 2019 Dr. Loosen (Mosel) Riesling Kabinett. Low-alcohol so a bit more sugar than I'm used to; but the acidity cut through the slight sweetness and was a good match for the lemon on the tilefish I cooked.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to temps at 18 below the donut. Rather chilly. One of the pools at school came back positive, found the infected person who, fortunately, hasn't been in school for a couple of days. The first of the students coming back to school during the last half of their isolation time have started eating lunch in the library, the only place where we can ensure 6 feet of distance between everyone, and now have upset kiddos and families. We've got them in school way sooner than before, which is what everyone wants "at all costs" as long as they are the ones who have to pay, I guess. It's getting frustrating.

    Chi--I hope Bob is feeling better soon. It's good news that his temp is down. Hoping you don't test positive.

    Karen--sometimes the "smart" appliances are more trouble than they are worth, IMO.

    Chi--I second Bob's colleague's advice, we've got kiddoes back in the 6-10 days after testing who are not making it through the school day, they get so tired they fall asleep at their desks. We're switching to recommending students start with half days when they come back.

    Maleficent's Deep Sleep Sour Drink Recipe Card

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Good early Thursday morning. Supposed to start snowing in the next couple hours. Hope it holds off long enough till I get to school. They hired a SW for the one school who is starting Monday. The introduction was sent at 8pm last night. I will go Monday to help transition her and introduce her to the students. I also offered Tuesday, but I'm sure they'll say NO as they have to pay for my time. I replied to the email about 1/2 hour ago. Now I wait for an email today telling me if I'm getting another school or just increasing my time at the middle. One of the APs told me yesterday that they have 11 open positions and no applications and there is no one out there. I'm guessing I'll be there the rest of the year😂. One of my mentees wants to apply for next year as her son is in 6tj grade and her daughter will go there. Her kids went/go to the most affluent elementary school in the district. She is first year and in an inner city mostly Spanish speaking school and it was not her preference. I'm guessing she prefer higher income schools based on comments she's made. I say, be careful what you ask for.

    Have 10 more minutes on my Cubii then need to jump in the shower.

    Stay safe and stay warm

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Bob is feeling much, much better. (He suspects he really had a sinus infection & his usual smoker's cough, and COVID was just "along for the ride"). His hospitals & union health clinic told him that if he feels like this tomorrow he can break quarantine and go out in an N95 mask for the following 5 days. (He wants to get air into his tires because the low-pressure sensor came on during the worst of the cold snap while he was driving home from the infusion center). His colleague told him to take the weekend off and then work the next two weekends after that to catch up. He has become a believer in high-filtration vs. surgical masks.

    We're masking around each other whenever in the same room. Heidi has put two and two together, and no longer sleeps on nor snuggles with me--Happy, OTOH, is my constant cuddle-buddy. Going up into the 20s today, lake snow tomorrow, down below the "donut" again tomorrow night. Nice to be able to shut the taps off, however temporarily. Going up to 40 Mon. & Tues. before first rain on Mon. & then single-digit temps & Snowmageddon for Tues-Thurs. (albeit not as cold as this week). The toilet is still draining very slowly--hoping that I'm still neg. by Mon. so we can call in our plumber. I'd buy an auger, but I have no idea where to use it nor how to disinfect and store it safely.

    DOTD (thus far): a Hario pourover of 'ffeine brand "Teodoro" breakfast blend (mostly Colombia/Brazil). 'ffeine is a roastery just across the state line in NW IN.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Chi- I am glad to hear Bob is on the mend. You stay well sister!

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931
    edited January 2022

    Just popping in to say hello ~

    I can't believe what I am seeing- that The Camster is really gone. :( I'm not on here much anymore, and didn't know she was progressing. My condolences to all of you that knew her well, and to her family. She was a sweet soul and so kind.

    Chevy- you and your DH stay home and be safe. I'm sorry about your brother. It's hard to watch people you love make decisions that are unsafe.

    Chi- glad your husband is feeling better. Fingers crossed he is 100% soon, without any long-term issues.

    Goldie- My condolences to you for your husband and Cami. I hope things get smoother for you soon.

    My drink for the day is fairly tame- a splash of vodka and a rose and elderflower lemonade over ice. Just a wee bit to end my workday.

    Sending a "cheers" to you all, and in honor of Cami.

    <3 Jeni

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    No DOTD for me tonight: reflux. I was okay till I had a mug of Tazo "Sweet Blood Orange" herb tea that was so loaded with lemongrass that even with honey it was brutally sour. Also didn't help that I drank a cherry Bubly to wash down a tuna sandwich with tomato & onion. It came on shortly after that--making me panic because it started as a scratchy throat that I constantly wanted to clear...until I noticed that it seemed to be coming up from my esophagus.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Big storm coming in tomorrow is the big news this ayem. Should be interesting to watch this storm develop, still lots of questions about the track and impact here in Maine. I expect I won't have internet during most of the storm tomorrow, and that's ok, but I do hope the power doesn't go out. That gets boring really fast.

    Karen--it seems like social workers are in short supply all over right now. My school has been without one all year, even though two have been hired--the first one started work, then had to move back to the west coast after a week, the second one never started, kept putting off the first day due to illness, changed her first and last name, and then the background check came in with problems so she was let go. So we've had social workers from 2 of the other district schools come over one day a week each. It's been challenging managing all the crises and DHS interactions.

    Chi--glad to hear Bob feels better and you are still negative and asymptomatic.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Jwoo--rose and elderflower lemonade sounds really tasty! I bet that makes a great mixer. Glad you popped in.

    Chi--what a scare!




    • 1 ounce lime juice, or more to taste
    • 4 ounces bourbon
    • 1 ounce maple syrup, or to taste
    • 2 ounces, approximately, cold ginger beer
    • Lime slice


    1. Combine lime juice, bourbon and syrup to taste in a small pitcher or cocktail shaker. If possible, let mixture chill in refrigerator or freezer until very cold.
    2. Pour over ice in a rocks glass and top with ginger beer. Depending on the sweetness of the ginger beer, you may want to add a little more lime juice. Garnish with a lime slice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Kim, by me, we can hire SSW but not School Psychologists. SPs are in demand nationwide wide. Shortage for years. In my district, SPs are considered a hard to fill position. I've been doing School Psychology for over 30 years and it just gets harder and harder. The demands keep increasing. This has been an extremely hard year for all. After February 1st we can only hire contract people. Finishing up the one school, my 2nd school will go to 3 days as originally planned and my 4th day I'll help with assessments.

    Still sleeping lousy. Some days are just worse than others.

    Everyone is the storms way, stay safe and warm. We are due more snow next week but nice on the weekend.

    Lori enjoy your family

    Time to get busy for the day

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    It's Friday and it's payday 😎

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Just Zelled my HK her paycheck--so she won't have to drive over in the snow to pick it up on the porch, or wait till Monday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    I love Zelle and Venmo ❤️

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    I don’t use Zelle but I do like Venmo and use it when I can, also PayPal.

    Mask mandate is ending the end of the week and is vax mandate for large venues. I don’t go anywhere now except work and once weekly to grocery and once monthly to Costco and Kosher meat market. This loosening of these mandates makes me nervous.

    I ordered KN95 masks in size small hoping they would fit. NOPE! They were out of regular size and I really liked these masks. Silly me. They are all individually wrapped. Wonder what return policy is. The fit across my face but too close to my mouth.

    Weather has been nice this weekend. But things are changing. Snow moving in Tuesday night and Wednesday with high of 15F and low -4F.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Good morning Loungettes. Enjoying my family, but boy it's gonna hurt when they leave. Been playing some games, walked down to my nieghbors and visited with all her farm animals, ended up being a 2.5 mile walk. Got a washer that works finally, 3rd one! But I don't like the fact that IT determines how much water to put in it by sensoring the load. Does not put enough water in it to my liking. Washed some sheets yesterday and they weren't even completely covered. So I put water in some pitchers and added to it.

    I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. NM I saw the radar yesterday for your area, looked brutal!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday. Hope everyone has had an okay week.

    Hearing about all the weather on the east coast (where I am originally from) and hear it's anywhere from six inches to three feet as you go up the coast. Thinking of NM and hoping she is doing okay, I know Maine may have gotten a big drop too. Meanwhile, we continue to be dry as a bone here in north central New Mexico. There have been some systems moving through, but they either go around us or are further north. We are hoping for some moisture this week.

    Goldie- those new washers use so little water, the one I bought in 2020 is much the same. Glad you have something that is working now. I hope the last of your family time goes well and understand your apprehension of people leaving soon.

    JWoo- always nice seeing you pop in. We are all feeling the absence of Cami, even though she has not been able to post for a number of months. She was one of the first people I connected with on BCO about 10 years ago (Teka was another). Hoping all is well your way.

    NM- thinking of your trip coming up and bet after all this snow, you are ready to escape the throes of winter. How is the school program coming along?

    Chi- hoping Bob is continuing to feel better and you have remained Covid free.

    Not much exciting going on this way but I am okay with that. I am happing working from home and getting more things done around the house around my extra time. January has been the start to decluttering and organizing. Today is my pantry and also starting on some work in the home office. I actually like the quietness of this time of the year.

    Hope everyone has a good start to February. Six more weeks to daylight savings and seven to spring here in the northern hemisphere. Who is ready?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited January 2022

    Jazzy - I joined BCO just about a year before you did and YES - some of my earliest memories are of Cami & Chevy teasing each other. They always made my days brighter. Rest in peace Cami.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    I KNOW M.two ! Cammi and I were just like high-school friends... Somehow, we knew we could tease each other, and say things that were highly inappropriate, Hah!

    Janie came over with Culver's hamburgers, fries, AND a pizza from Little Caesars! ! Man those burgers are good! We visited awhile and sat in the sun.... Does us all good... Now I'm washing a load of clothes.... and was it you Lorrie, that was talking about the washers of now-a-days?? You are RIGHT! Man, they use hardly any water, and I'm surprised the clothes even come out clean!

    I remember the wringer washers, and even the old washers! They used a lot more water! sometimes I pour a few dishpans of water on top of the clothes while the washer is "filling"...... Clothes always seem to come out clean though! And I have a dryer, and sometimes I take the clothes out after a few minutes, and finish drying on the clothesline out back by our patio! At least the dryer takes the wrinkles out first.

    Do any of you remember the wringer washers, and then carrying baskets of clothes after wringing them out, to hang on the lines? And ironing? It's been forever since I even got my iron out! I even used to take in ironing, to make extra money.... also did hair for my friends, even cleaned houses! That's so I could be home before and after school for our daughter's.

    About the virus and the "variants"... We only go "out" about every 2 or 3 days, and then it's to Walmart or Kings and like at 9 in the morning! I"m just still scared of being around anyone that we might catch the virus from! And yes, we have had all 3 vaccines, but I still don't want to get even a LITTLE sick!

    My brother, a year younger was afraid to get vaccinated because he got really sick 2 times from the flu shot when he was younger. Well, he passed away in September from the virus. He got sick, and was gone within a week.

    I never thought I wouldn't have him in my life! It just hurts. So gals, just know that I care about you all... We can talk to each other, and feel safe... xoxo Chevy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited January 2022

    Oh Chevy - I learned how to so wash as a child in a Maytag winger washer. Then swing the arm & in to the rinse tub. Then maybe into a bluing tub. Then lugging the heavy basket outside to hang. Or to the basement if it was bad weather. As for ironing... I was first trusted to start with handkerchiefs (of course you remember we all carried those) and then graduated to pillow cases & my Dad's boxer shorts. And sprinkling & rolling up the linen items!! There was no such thing as a steam iron, although one of my friend's mothers had a 'mangle' since of course sheets had to be ironed and she had 6 children.

    Remember rolling our wet hair on orange juice cans to get curls? And sleeping on those horrible big brush curlers?

    Thanks for sharing the memories of your brother. I loved the clips of his music.

    Goldie - still holding you in my thoughts.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Chevy - yup, we had a clothes line when I was little, the apt we lived in had a wringer washer, but my grandmother had a "new" one, but no dryer. I remember my mother kept a coke type bottle in the fridge with a top with holes in it to sprinkle water on the clothes when ironing! Stay safe and warm with this next snow storm coming in Tuesday night and Wednesday. Hard to believe it will be in the teens when it was so nice, sunny and warm today. Sure enjoyed my walk.

    I put up a big pot of split pea and barley soup with onions and carrots. Thinking of making a big pot of chicken and barley soup with lots of veggies for dinner on Wednesday. We love soups, especially ones that are thick and can be a meal.

    Hoping for a snow day or at least a late start of Wednesday. The forecast is 3-6" and 15F on Wednesday, but you never know how the storm will play out.

    Everyone stay safe and stay warm.