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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Welcome, emac! I lived in the PNW (Seattle, practiced in Bellevue) from 1971-78 and OR was just beginning to come into its own as a wine region. There were a few wineries getting most of the press--Knudsen Erath & Tualatin (their rose of Pinot Noir tasted like brut strawberries). WA's Columbia Valley had more back then. We went back in 1989 when Gordy was 4, stayed at Salishan Lodge and toured a few more: Amity & Sokol Blosser were the standouts (at Amity, the owner gave us a half bottle of Pinot Noir for our picnic--which due to yellow jackets we had to conduct inside our rental car in the parking lot). In 2011, my singing partner & I were driving back to the Portland airport from a folk music conference in Eugene, and detoured to 99W to visit some more wineries (he doesn't drink so he was extremely indulgent & gentlemanly). I was flabbergasted to see how many there were---far more than even in the early '70s Napa Valley.

    No wine last night with our wild boar leftovers--the juleps packed quite a punch. (2-1/2 oz. of Bourbon will do that).

    Today we went up to Froggy's in Highwood for Mother's Day (lunch, not brunch). DsOTD: a brut Cremant de Limoux with apps; with entrees and a cheese plate, a bottle of 2014 Bouchard Savigny-les-Beaune (we took home half of it) and to go, a couple bottles of Cotes du Rhone they had on special (same price per bottle as on the by-the-glass list for a glass). Just made a half-caff breve cappuccino at home.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Looks like I'll need to keep the heat running for a little while longer. 30 degrees outside this ayem with frost in some areas. Brrr. Went to visit the mother yesterday. I usually take her out for lunch at our favorite restaurant, Olive Garden, for her birthday and Mother's day. Tried to for her birthday, but we never did make it out, there was always something going on that didn't work out. We don't usually go out on Mother's day itself due to the crowds for Mother's day and the 2 big universities having graduation ceremonies this weekend. So I decided to try going the take-out route, and it worked out fantastic! I got chicken alfredo that we both like, and a Tour of Italy with lasagna, chicken parmesan, and fettuccini alfredo, soup, and a couple of desserts, took it to her place, and we split it all up and had a wonderful meal and visit. Mom really liked doing it this way, and said several times how much easier it is than going out to eat, so I think we may do things this way going forward. We both saved the soup for today, and have enough food leftover for another meal, too.

    The news people are saying Maine is second highest in COVID transmission after Rhode Island in the US. After all the ruckus we went through getting rid of universal masking in schools there are schools re-instating mandatory masking. Some towns are, too. One of the teachers that travels back and forth between my school and the sister school tested positive over the weekend, which has me shaking my head since this teacher is one of the most germophobic and most attentive to masking, insisting on having a personal supply of KN95 masks at both schools. Just goes to show that the virus will find a way, I suppose. And yet here I am, surely exposed over and over again, not masking at school, and still haven't caught the thing. I'm beginning to wonder if the dang virus has mutated to target people who are scared of getting it while leaving the rest of us alone!

    When I got back from Mom's yesterday, the puppers decided they were going to fight over who was going to get into my lap. The argument got pretty loud and pretty active, but the only one who got any scratches was, you guessed it, me! Nothing big, just a scratch on my arm, but enough I had to yell at them and dump them both onto the floor, then you should have seen the looks I got from both of them! "What's the deal, Mom, why did you do that???""It was MY turn, I was just trying to take MY turn!"

    Minus--I would happily take some of that heat from you, I am so ready for non-winter-like temperatures to get here! I'm still working on the break between jobs, I need to make a decision about that soon. Not fair to the company to keep them waiting on a start date.

    Emac--I'm a white wine/rose wine fan myself, never did learn to like the taste of beer, but I have had a couple of fruit ales that I liked. I mostly enjoy finding a drink with a name that sounds intriguing or interesting. Most of those drinks I've never tried. Sometimes I don't even know what the ingredients are! But it's fun. Anybody can post a DOTD, and for a while we even had a BOTD--Beer of the Day-- going on.It's a fun way to learn a lot about beers and wines and all sorts of other libations.

    Chi--Froggy's, that's quite a name, I bet the food there is great!

    Rhubarb Pisco Sour | My Kitchen Love

    Rhubarb Pisco Sour


    • 3ozPisco
    • 2ozRhubarb Simple Syrup see below
    • 1oz.lemon juice
    • 1egg white

    Rhubarb Simple Syrup:

    • 2cupschopped rhubarb the deeper red the rhubarb, the deep colour the syrup will be
    • 1cupsugar
    • 1cupwater


    Rhubarb Pisco Sour:

    1. Place all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with lots of ice and shake vigorously for 30-60 seconds, or until egg white is frothy. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

    Rhubarb Simple Syrup*:

    1. Place rhubarb, sugar, and water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Set aside and allow to cool. Strain liquid through a fine mesh sieve, pressing down on solids. Save liquid for cocktail and set solids aside (really good on vanilla ice cream or yogurt!!!). Place rhubarb simple syrup in a mason jar or another airtight container and chill prior to use. Will keep in the fridge for about a week.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Saturday we broke a record at 89. Yesterday a more pleasant 73. Will be 90 again on Wednesday

    Have a great birthday yesterday. My family spoiled me - mani/pedi (I always ask for my b'day to start sandal season off), flowers, earrings, flowers beautiful plant for the garden and great pair of Chaco sandals. Since it was also Mother's day, I get it all in one swell swoop. Our traditional Sunday dinner - grilled Beyond Burgers. Got to talk to all my kids and my bonus son!!!

    Now back to the grind - 4 weeks to go and now need to get serious about doing paperwork at night or I'll never catch up.

    Have a great Monday.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited May 2022

    Morning all, I hate to brag but the weather is a huge part of why I moved to the cabin. It’s already a beautiful day! 71 degrees, sunny and clear with 14% humidity

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Illi, glad you were able to go to the cabin after all!

    We finally made it up to 72 by the lake, but very windy. (Inland, it hit 84). Tomorrow it'll be in the 80s everywhere and humid, and just as I predicted, it'll storm toward midnight (severe chance is "marginal"--1 in 5 chance--in Cook County and "slight"--2 in 5--in Lake on north), with a "non-zero" chance of tornadoes. This always happens, even out of a clear blue sky, because humidity produces towering "heat instability" clouds. It's a Hobson's choice here: cold & dry or hot & stormy (sometimes cold & stormy)--only "Hobson" gets to choose it.

    We're definitely in "medium transmission" in the city, less so than in NYC but not far behind. I was feeling somewhat confident because Bob & I got our second boosters after Omicron and the city's health commissioner said that "hybrid immunity" (provided the Omicron was in the past 3 months) is strong. But tonight's Late Show episode was cancelled when Colbert showed symptoms of a COVID recurrence (from which he'd recovered only a week ago) and his bandleader Jon Batiste tested positive midweek. Colbert didn't re-test positive, but he's isolating again. What's scary is that he took Paxlovid but it didn't prevent a symptom "rebound." I'm grasping at straws here, but I think when Colbert & his wife tested positive a couple of weeks ago, they were only triple-vaxed and it was their first COVID infection. And their symptoms were on the strong end of "mild" till the Paxlovid kicked in. (Ours were less than a bad pollen day).

    Froggy's was founded in 1980 by a chef from Brittany (his co-owner is former Bulls star & ex-coach Bill Cartwright). It's a bit of a schlep up to Highwood, but wine-wise (for us) it seems to pick up where Cellars left off--they have monthly tastings of French & CA wines and even occasional cooking classes. (In 1986, at Williams-Sonoma, their then-chef de cuisine did a demo class, teaching how to make the vanilla sauce for the poached lobster). There are whimsical frog tchotchkes everywhere (including the door handles on the restroom). They have a no-parking sign outside declaring "Violators will be toad."

    DOTD was a breve cappuccino out on the deck (first time since autumn); and with leftovers, some of that leftover Savigny-les-Beaune.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Getting up to another frosty ayem, but the temps should get up into the 60's again today, it actually hit 70 yesterday for a little bit. So there is hope yet for turning the furnace off for the summer! Not that I need the furnace once I go to bed at night, the puppers really do keep me nice a toasty warm. It is going to be interesting to see what happens this summer when the nights get warmer. I'm sure we'll work something out, both Colt and Zoe like to be comfortable.

    Karen--happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful Birthday/Mother's Day time.Good for you!

    Illi--I am so jealous! Enjoy your cabin and your wonderful weather!

    Chi--If only you were friends with this Hobson character and could influence their weather choices! Froggy's sounds like a fun place to visit. I'm not so sure about vanilla sauce on lobster, the only thing that should go on lobster is melted butter or Newburg sauce, in my mind anyway. But, hey, whatever floats your boat!

    The Mountain Mule Cocktail


    For Pine Syrup (optional):

    • 1 cup pine needles (Spruce or Douglas Fur needles provides the best flavor profile)
    • ½ cup water
    • ½ cup granulated
    • Sugar
    • Pinch of salt

    For Drink:

    • 1 ½ ounces of vodka
    • 4 ounces cranberry juice (optional)
    • 1 tablespoon of pine syrup
    • 1 bottle of ginger beer (We used Golden Ginger Beer from Rocky Mountain Soda Company)
    • 1/4 lime
    • Cranberries, pine sprig,rosemery and lime wedge for garnish

    See also Ginger Bourbon Punch


    Pine Syrup

    Making your own pine syrup is optional. If you want to buy pine syrup instead, you can find it online from Dram Apothecary or go to a specialty liquor store.

    1. Start by rinsing your pine needles and roughly chopping them.
    2. Boil water in a small saucepan.
    3. Once the water in boiling, add in the pine needles and cover.
    4. Remove from the heat and let the needles "steep" for at least 30 minutes (the longer you leave it the more flavorful it will become).
    5. Once done steeping, strain out the pine needles in a fine mesh strainer and discard the solids.
    6. Save the water and add back to a saucepan.
    7. Bring the water to a simmer and add in sugar and salt.
    8. Let simmer for 1-2 minutes, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
    9. Remove from the heat and let cool.
    10. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for up to a month.

    Mountain Mule

    1. Fill a copper mug or other serving glass with ice cubes.
    2. Add in vodka, cranberry juice (optional for added color and flavor) and pine syrup.
    3. Pour ginger beer over top and fill to the brim.
    4. Squeeze in the juice of the lime.
    5. Garnish with cranberries, rosemary or a pine sprig, and a lime wedge.

    From <>

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688
    edited May 2022

    Good Tuesday to you. It's another cold, wet morning so I'm working on my first cup of coffee with steamed soy milk. I told my mom I would go to Costco with her so I'm hoping we top 50 degrees by then.

    Illimae - The cabin sounds amazing. I hope you can get some rest.

    I'm cautiously watching the COVID thing here. I'm in healthcare. I did the first two surges and I'm not really wanting another one. Knock on wood I have not gotten it. I don't even know how. I was knee deep in it for both surges and crossing our fingers we've had an uptick in cases but it hasn't necessarily translated to an overwhelming uptake in hospitalizations. So. Oregon is a little less mask driven than the Portland area so most of us come and go without masking unless you are in a medical facility where it's required. This weekend the weather is supposed to about face and we will see sunny skies and highs near 80 so I think that will help. More folks will be outside and having windows open. I think we'll see a drop as the summer inches in.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Good evening Loungettes, welcome Emac! Not going to say much and too much to post on everyone.

    Karen, Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a nice celebration.

    NM, your weather is beyond cray cray.

    Emac, a warm welcome to you. I hope you stick around. We are small fun group of gals. Usually newbies come in for a few drinks and then disappear, so I hope you feel welcome and stay.

    ED, you are a doll, glad you checked in. And I know what you mean about taking care of your DH. You are doing amazing and will continue to do so as long as you can. I'm glad you are able to still do that.

    BabyGirl, sorry to hear about the RB findings. Let us know what you find out. FURB!

    Things are going well here, my nieces were beyond surprised to see me at Nora's birthday party. More on that and other things when I get home. Looks like not much has changed here with the "website", if not worse. I head home on Saturday. Today was the first day I have logged in since I got here, so lots of reading.

    CheerZ to all!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited May 2022

    OH Hooray - GOLDIE posted. Sounds like you're having a great time. We'll look forward to hearing about Nora's B-day party, although you may or may not be able to post pictures. Hope the trip is fun & restful & great & peaceful all at the same time.

    And where is Jazzy? I don't remember that she had a long vacation planned??

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Wednesday, Women and Wine get together is after work this evening, we're going to a restaurant I haven't been toyet and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not sure how the puppers are going to react to my coming home late, that should be interesting. It was wonderful sitting out on the deck after work yesterday, watching the doggos chasing each other around and playing, with frequent check-ins for ear scratches and pettings. Still having frost warnings for overnights, though.

    Emac--what do you do in healthcare? Good for you for not catching covid so far, I haven't either but I haven't any idea why not. I'm hoping the better weather will start a drop, too, Maine currently has the highest or second highest transmission in the country. Masking is coming back in many settings.

    Goldie--Good morning, and glad to hear you are having a good time with Nora and the family!

    Morning, Minus!

    Big Wednesday Cocktail


    Mix all ingredients together and shake very well, then pour into a glass with an orange slice and enjoy!

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Morning gals! Supposed to be another beautiful day here in Denver! I gotta go out as soon as it's light, and cover this little area on our parking with that red bark! I've arranged the border bricks yesterday, and got it ready to finish up this morning! I mowed our lawn yesterday, and everything is looking good in our gardens! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't mess around outdoors, Ha!

    Dear Husband is okay... just don't like him walking around in our yard with all the flag-stone out there. Afraid he will trip & fall again.... even with his cane! He just likes to keep track of me when I'm outdoors.

    We got our 2nd booster shots yesterday at Walmart, and also the pneumonia shot. THAT and got my car back out of the repair shop, costing over $900, and we are good to GO damnit! Just little worries and appointments keep you running and busy I guess!

    Do you gals drink Aloe Vera juice? I mix it up with orange juice, and coffee cream in a quart bottle, and drink a glass every morning. I'm thinking that since I've been doing that for about 40 years, maybe that's why I feel better now than I ever have? We are 84.... and I don't have Asthma anymore, no more allergies or those weekly shots, and I just thank God that I can still take care of my Husband and fool around out in my gardens! Sure I had breast-cancer, took Tamoxifen & lost my hearing, but I've been wearing hearing aids for over 10 years. And I fell once, & broke my hip, but have a rod & a few screws, and I get around great!

    We don't really go very far when I drive... Only to a few stores, but not anything like we used to! Just trying to take care of ourselves, and we don't dine out, but then we never did... Our Denver Daughter comes over a lot on her day's off to see me & "Big Daddy" and always brings us lunch and a fun time! It makes me feel good, watching how she helps her Dad with his food, helps him up & down, and in & out of her car, etc!

    Take care of those puppers NM... fun hearing about you and them! Have a beautiful day gals! xoxoxo

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Chevy - glad to see your post. Your garden sounds lovely. I don't drink coffee - how else could I mix the aloe vera juice? Where do you get it. I don't do cream either, but I do drink OJ every morning. Is there a taste to the aloe vera juice? Don't want to ruin the taste of my OJ. I'm going to have to google it. You sound fantastic!!! Maybe we can meet for tea in June when I'm done school if you are up to it.

    Summer is here too soon. 88 today and most of the next several days high 70s and 80s.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Morning Karen! I mix the Aloe with juice... any kind of juice! You can buy the flavored or plain Aloe at Walmart, and they sell it by the gallon. I add a little coffee cream or maybe even coconut milk... just because I like the taste!

    Fruit Of The Earth Original Aloe Vera Drink, 128 Fl Oz

    They were out of it at my store, but I ordered it online.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited May 2022

    Chevy - always glad to read your posts. Back in the dark ages, some of the very first posts I ever read were you & Cami trading friendly insults about stripper poles & etc. So glad you have a daughter close by - just in case. But you are doing a marvelous job taking care of your DH. Just don't forget that you need to re-charge yourself too so you can keep going.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!I had a lovely time with the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together, but I am sure tired dragging my butt out of bed this ayem. The puppers were not too bad about me getting home late. I suppose the treat of a bit of steak out of the doggy bag didn't hurt that part.

    Chevy--Wow, you have been busy in your yard! I bet it's looking really nice. And then a busy day of appointments on top of that! I've heard of drinking Aloe Vera juice, but have never researched it. What does it taste like?

    Karen--send some of that warm weather my way, we still need it!

    Morning, Minus!

    Beautiful, Jazzy!From your garden?

    This is what I had last night:

    The Chapel Hill Bouquet

    Magellan's iris flavored gin, hibiscus syrup, & St. Germain elderflower liqueur shaken with fresh lemon & lime juice garnished with a candied hibiscus flower

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Jazzy - gorgeous flower

    the student I was supposed to evaluate today is going to be absent so I have a whole day to do paperwork. Let's hope I'm productive as I wasn't last night!!! And the report is due tomorrow morning, so no more putting it off!

    Today is the last of the May b'days! 3 b'days and mother's day in 9 days - busy month.

    Have a great Thursday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Lovely flower, Jazzy! Hope the wildfire smoke steers clear of your neck of the woods.

    DOTD Wed. night was Mumm Napa "Santana" NV Brut (yes, that Santana). Last night, a bit more of it and some Duckhorn Decoy Pinot Noir on which I tried out the new Coravin Model 3--which I bought at half off because my 5-yr-old Model 2 seems to leak. But this one leaked too. I found out why: I'd been storing the device on the last bottle I tapped--and if the needle stays in the cork the cork can't seal itself back up. I also found out that it's okay, even advisable, to remove the foil capsule in order to tell if the cork is natural or plastic (the latter is a no-no for a Coravin). Live & learn. This new one came with an aerator and two screw-cap replacements (so you can even preserve a screw-cap wine if you swap out the caps immediately). Now, to find a device to preserve bubbly better than the pressure caps I've been using...

    Not sure about tonight--since Bob's not eating (it's 'scope-prep night), I have no idea what I want to eat, so I have no idea what I want to drink. His DOTD is mag. citrate & Gatorade. Eeeuw.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Jazzy - gorgeous petunia

    Had a lovely dinner tonight with my son for his birthday - we shared a steak (he ate 3/4 and I ate 1/4) and I grilled it perfectly!! I' so full! I should have taken a photo of it!! Making him oatmeal walnut chocolate cookies - we used to make a large cookie (pizza pan size) for. birthdays but no one wants it anymore. It was so nice to be able to have time alone with him. DH has been in Vancouver all week.

    Sandy - can you share the link again for the wedding photos?

    Have a great night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! It seems like Mother Nature has flipped the switch, temps now in the 70s and 80s during the day, not dropping to frost level overnight. The weather talkers are talking about breaking high temp records over the next few days. Now if Ican just convince some of the kiddos at school to take off the heavy sweatshirts and leave the hoods off they won't end up with headaches and feeling miserable after recess. The puppers don't seem to mind, they are running around and wrestling as usual, maybe the breaks in between are a little bit longer, but that's all.

    Karen--Ah, how nice to get a surprise paperwork day! And look at all the birthdays you've celebrated!

    Chi--my condolences to DH, scope prep drinking is not fun drinking!


    A sweet and chocolate-y Birthday Cake Martini recipe to toast any birthday girl!!

    Birthday Cake Martini


    • 2 ounces Vodka
    • 3 ounces Coconut Cream (or half and half)
    • 1 ounce White Chocolate liqueur (I used Godiva)
    • 1 ounce Amaretto
    • Ice
    • For Glass rims:
    • 2 tablespoons honey
    • Sprinkles


    1. Place the honey and sprinkles on two separate shallow dishes. Dip your martini glass in the honey first and then into the sprinkles to coat the rim. Set aside.
    2. In a cocktail shaker, combine all the ingredients with ice and shake very well. Pour cocktail into prepared glass.
    3. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022

    Good morning ladies- TGIF. Hope everyone had a nice Mothers Day last weekend, mothers of children, pets, plants and more. I have been super busy meeting some critical deadlines this month on my project and we made it! More challenges than not, but so it goes with healthcare IT. I won't have anything big again for a bit, although we have some work to finish still around this one phase we are working on. I am really planning (and hoping too) that I can have a decent summer.

    Also on the good news front is my dishwasher FINALLY has come to town. I have been working on this since I started my kitchen reno last summer. I gave up on Lowes in the end, went to a local appliance place that was great, ordered it, and it's finally here. My dishwasher is from the build 18 years ago and been leaky and on it's last legs. I will have my new Bosch installed a week from tomorrow. Whoot! I live supply chain challenges in my work as well as in my personal life these days.

    Our fires here are still bad, and more popping up all the time. Between the severe drought, super low humidity, hotter than normal temps and high winds, it's a no win. There are still two large fires up north, one that has made the national news which you may have heard about and burns 30K acres a day sometimes and is moving towards Taos Co now. Taos and the surrounding areas are my most fav part of this state. They are saying they won't have the big fire out until July. We get summer monsoons that start in June-July. Water will help to get out the fires, but then will create floods and mudflows.

    I am enjoying my back yard patio, a lot of things in bloom in my gardens and pots. I like to share those here and will have more to share and hope you enjoy them. The cactus are just starting to bloom and more to follow.

    NM- I love to hear your stories about the new pups. They sound like they really love their new home with you. How is your mom doing? How is your program going too?

    Ill- glad to hear you are out to West TX now. I think I saw something about something on some imaging coming up. I hope they can get those spots taken care of so you can enjoy the summer in your new place.

    MinusTwo- I hope you are staying cool in Houston. I saw in one of your posts is warm already in TX, which I remember well from my time living there years ago. I too remember Chevy and Cami joking around about the pole. I miss Cami, I think of her so often.

    Karen- you are almost done with the school year up in CO?

    Chi- I would love to see the wedding pics too if there is a link you are comfortable sharing. Did the kids take a honeymoon?

    Teka- hope you are seeing more spring in North Country.

    Goldie- hoping your visit with your brother is going well.

    I am looking forward to some summer music here, and mini get aways, along with my week back east to spend time with family in July. My concert that got postponed a few weeks ago is now reschedu!led to June. I also got a ticket to see James Taylor in July, and both Kenny Loggins and Bonnie Raitt are going to be here this year. Old school favorites.

    Time to get on line to work soon. Wishing everyone a good weekend

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Jazzy - 3 more long busy weeks!!! One of the best concerts I've been to was James Taylor and Carole King together. Even better than Sir Paul who was the day before (or was it the day after). I think it was 2014. Sir Paul who is a favorite was much better in 2005!!

    Gorgeous day out - blue sky, sunny not too windy and not too hot.

    Have a great Friday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Jazzy, please stay safe out there! Just a reminder that N95s can protect against more than just pathogens. The kids are still gathering the wedding pix, but I will post what I have here as soon as this site's imaging kinks have been fully worked out. They will be honeymooning next month—provided Spain doesn't shut down again.

    Hot everywhere today, but not along the lake. Bob's colonoscopy (blessedly uneventful, only one polyp) was down at Little Company of Mary in Evergreen Park (SW Side), and it was in the 90s—so hot that when he was discharged, he decided that for his first cup of coffee he needed it to be an iced latte from Starbucks drive-thru. Unfortunately, the line was so long that I was afraid to burn up too much gas running the A/C (necessary for the hourlong drive home), so we went inside where it was delightfully cool but service was even more glacial. (Two baristas handling all the drive-thru, Uber Eats and in-store orders). True to Starbucks, when we finally got our drinks the labels said “Sany." I think it's company policy to charmingly misspell.

    When we got home, the dashboard thermometer read 71F—and sitting out on the deck in my T-shirt dress & sandals it felt downright chilly. Storms tomorrow, clearing and in the 50s Sunday & Monday. So much for patio dining. As to dining, it won't be in Evanston: it's the one suburb that is now at high transmission level for COVID (the rest of our metro area is medium).

    DOTD last night was water, water and more water. Tonight at Regalia with the kids, it will be alcoholic again—not sure if we will start with cocktails (they have some fun ones) or bubbles. Will report back

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited May 2022

    Beautiful evening for a drink on the deck 😁


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Gorgeous, Illi!

    DsOTD: when we got home, cracked open a freshly roasted (May 10) bag of Metropolis Red line and made a double espresso. With dinner at Regalia: Bob had a "Six-Toed Cat" (pamplemousse liqueur, gin, prosecco, cassis), Gordy had an "Aviation" gin cocktail, Leslie a "Regalia Spritz" (prosecco, rose, St. Germain, amaro) and I had prosecco. With dinner, a Vermentino from Sardinia. And after dessert, house-made limoncello.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! I'm looking forward to a lovely weekend with lots to do, the refrigerator decided to die yesterday so I've got a bunch of stuff on ice and some stuff to cook off and get in the downstairs freezer before it goes bad and the search for a new unit and arrange for delivery and installation. Ah, the never-ending joys of homeownership! The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Jazzy--Hooray for the dishwasher finally making it to town! I think I have heard about the fires. It sounds like a really scary situation. I think of those fires every time a high or serious fire danger alert comes up here, and that's been daily for the past few days. Everything is so dry. The puppers are doing well, the weather has finally turned enough that we can get some outside playtime after work. I'm sneaking in a little training at the same time. Mom is doing well with the exception of having more and more trouble reaching things over her head, and with the cervical spinal arthritis and dowager's hump she's developed, anything over 4 feet is over her head now! What worries me the most is her using the microwave that is installed OVER the range. She can't see into it and can barely manage to get cups of water in and out to heat up for tea. She puts everything she heats up in the microwave in glass containers or plates since she read about plastic leaching dangerous chemicals into the food in a microwave and arthritis in her hands makes it hard for her to hold onto heavy things.I just know she is going to drop something onto the glass top stove and break it, and probably burn herself in the process. I wish I could convince her to heat up the water in an electric kettle or in a teapot on the range, but she just will not entertain either idea. I'm taking a little break from my program, my next class starts on August 1st. I wanted some time to shift gears from school nursing to hospice, and get back into a real full-time routine, not to mention that I still have no idea what to do for a final project, and work on that starts after this next class. I'll be doing a lot of quality improvement work in the new job, and the school likes QI projects, so I'm hoping those will line up and I can use an actual work project for my final project. Your concerts and mini get-aways sound like so much fun!

    Morning, Karen! Hang in there, school is almost done for the year!

    Chi--I was just reading what a Starbucks employee wrote about being encouraged to misspell names on the cups so people would take and post pics, giving the company free advertising! I can believe that is true, and it is effective, not to mention a lot of fun. Glad to hear Bob's scope ent well.

    Illi--WOW! Wish I could join you!

    image alt="">

    Summer Sun Cocktail


    • 2 very red, ripe tomatoes (1 pound), quartered
    • 4 medium carrots
    • 2 ounces tequila
    • Table salt and freshly ground pepper
    • Nasturtium flowers and leaves, for garnish


    • Step 1 Using a juice extractor, process the tomatoes and carrots. Transfer juice to a small pitcher.
    • Step 2 Stir in the tequila, and season with salt and pepper.
    • Step 3 Pour the mixture into two ice-filled tumblers. Garnish with nasturtium flowers and leaves, and serve.

    From <>

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2022

    Hello Gang! I have not been on for quite awhile and am trying to catch up on reading. My mom is having a bad time right now so my sisters and I are taking care of her. One of us are with her day and night. She has really bad vertigo, the doctor said it is one of the rarest and worst types. The physical therapist came out and showed us what we needed to do and they will come twice a week and depending on how she is add more if she is able. Between her and grandchildren, I have been busy. Hopefully, my mom will be ok soon, my older sister wants her to move in with her, but my mom said that my brother in law would drive her crazy and she wants to stay in her own home.

    I hope everyone is well. I am drinking lots of coffee right now, but I do occasionally have one of those coconut/pineapple ICE drinks with spiced rum and pretend I am on an island...

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited May 2022

    Misty - sorry about your Mom. Hope there's a positive resolution soon.

    Mae - oh my that is gorgeous.

    NM - my dad at 90 was finally persuaded to use an electric kettle after I told him that's what the Queen of England uses. Maybe you could pick someone she admires and "sell" it that way? Did you decide to end the school job on Friday & start with Hospice on Monday??? At least you're taking a break from school.

    Jazzy - I too love hearing about your mini-trips & concerts. Sorry I've been remiss in answering your email.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited May 2022

    Misty, Sorry to hear about your Mom's vertigo. It can be truly awful. Sending healing wishes.

    My Australian friend says everyone uses an electric kettle there. They are really handy and can shut themselves off.