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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Responding by memory, so not alot!

    ED, you do an amazing job taking care of you and DH and home/gardens. I am so glad you are able to do that, and that your DD is close by.

    BabyGirl, beautiful pic. Love the capture of the moon. Do you put an orange slice in your Blue Moon? I read somewhere that you may have to go for more radiation?

    NM, what about a countertop microwave for mom? They don't cost much.

    Misty, sorry to hear about your mom.

    I have to get pictures off of my phone from Nora's b-day. I gave my son his $5500. I first gave him the $500 that I had already told him I was going to give to him, since I paid for his sister's plane ticket. Then said to him "too bad it's not $500 eh?" He says "you could make it that!" I say "ya, and what would you do with that?" Something was said about a jacuzzi, and I pulled out the envelope with the 5K in it and handed it to him. He's like WHAT? Is this what I think it is? Yes. Uh why? Cuz I want to. He put his hands over his mouth and began to cry and says "I'm about to have a heart attack." He was speechless for about 2 minutes while just crying harder.

    Got home last night around 8pm. Makes for a long day, hour drive to the airport, sit in the airport for an hour, almost 4 hour flight and then a 4 hour drive home! Had my neighbor come to water for me while I was gone, got home to no water! She left my spigots on and drained my tanks, which I filled before I left. So probably 1500-3000 gallons of water wasted! I have hose attachments with shut offs, and she just shut the water off that way, instead of closing the spigots themselves, and water just leaked.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited May 2022

    Goldie, looks like the final plan is just a change to Enhertu for now. We’ll rescan in 6 weeks and see if the brain remains stable. Radiation deemed riskier than necessary right now due to a new met overlapping a previously treated one. This is what I prefer too, so I’m ready, first infusion on the 26th

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Waking up to fog and damp, but it will burn off, and then it's supposed to be cloudy and rainy. At least it's going to be in the high 50s to 60s and will feel generally warm. Yesterday got downright HOT! Had to get the fans cleaned up and running to be comfortable. The puppers didn't seem to mind, they would romp and wrestle and then flop over for a rest, as soon as they stopped panting they'd go back at it again.

    Misty--sorry to hear your Mom is having trouble. I can understand her wanting to stay in her own home, though. It makes for difficult times and decisions. Love the idea of the ICE drinks and rum!

    Minus--I'm finishing school nursing on a Friday and starting hospice on Wednesday. I'll try to figure out if someone Mom looks up to uses an electric kettle, and maybe I'll just buy one and have it delivered. She doesn't want another item on her counters, but using the microwave is a problem waiting to happen.

    Wren--not only is the automatic shut off an important thing, but using a kettle Mom won't be taking boiling water out of the microwave from over her head and eventually dumping it all over her head, face and arms.

    Goldie--I talked about a countertop microwave, but Mom won't spend money on one when she has one that works just fine and doesn't want anything else on the counters "getting in the way." I even offered to buy it for her. I think I'm going to get her a kettle, I'll find a small one that won't take up much space or try to talk her into using the little coffee maker to heat up water. I love your son's reaction to your surprise gift! That was a long day. Sorry to hear about the water!

    Beach Water Cocktail Recipe with just 3 Ingredients



    • 1 1/2 oz Blue Raspberry Vodka
    • 1 1/2 oz Coconut Rum
    • 6 oz 7UP


    • Stir all ingredients in a glass and add ice.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! Another very foggy morning, with rain and possibly thundershowers this afternoon. It's certainly muggy enough for T-bumpers, if the sun breaks through at all during the day I bet I'll hear or see one this evening. It will be interesting to see how the puppers react.

    I hope everyone had a relaxing and rejuvenating Sunday, or at least some fun!


    Whatever is your favorite!

    One of my favorites is Limonchata and setlzer water, very foamy, very light, very lemony!

    RumChata Cream Liqueur | Have Your Unusual

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    BabyGirl, have you do the Enhertu before? Hoping it helps and it's easy on you and kicks those rat basTURDS to the curb. I'm always afraid of what SE's are going to be when changing to a new treatment.

    NM, I kind of figured what your mom would say, but hey, it's doesn't hurt to throw a suggestion out there. Heating water up with the coffee pot is a good idea. Run the water through it w/o any coffee. Have you explained to her about getting burned and busting the glass top stove? Not too big of a break between jobs for you. I hope you get some summer weather soon, been in the 90's here!

    Found out when I went outside, rodents of some sort chewed my only 2 tomato plants down, and dug up maybe 30% of the beans. A garden is such a struggle out here! So yesterday, the first thing I did was set traps. Didn't want to leave set traps for my neighbor to deal with. My tomato seedlings I gave her to care for died, so not sure what she did to them. But it's all good!

    My first niece, Nora's mom, when she saw me, came rushing over to me in tears, gave me hugs and said this was the best birthday gift for Nora. And did this 2 more times after that. My other niece, did a double take and then sprinted over to me, practically running anyone over that was in her way! I was really feeling the love. But they were more excited seeing me than my step daughters were with $5K!

    Hmmmm, I don't think I have a favorite cocktail. I do like some Tequilla Rose on ice to sip on.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Reading what you gals say about SE's and effects taking meds AFTER we have been diagnosed. You know, I took Tamoxifen for about 1 1/2 years after my Lumpectomy. One morning I woke up unable to hear out of one of my ears. Then I tried allergy pills, etc.... THEN I lost my hearing in my OTHER ear! Needless to say I stopped that drug!

    After lots of research, & talking to the Doc's, I found articles about Tamoxifen & hearing loss! I WASN'T losing my mind after all! Just my hearing! Been about 10 years now, but hearing aids helped .... Seems like SOME women with a certain "gene" lose their hearing or even worse, from certain meds!

    It's just that we are so afraid of getting cancer again, we reach for or accept any meds that might help us!

    Be careful gals!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022

    Good afternoon ladies- hope everyone is having a good start to the week. Did anyone see the eclipse last night? It was cloudy (or maybe it was just smokey) so it was not that great here, but at 5 a.m., the news said "go outside now and see the blood red moon." That I did and wow, just wow. I have a great photo taken by someone locally I will share here when I can. It's from the top of the mountain here nearby and beautiful.

    Goldie- sounds like a wonderful trip and some nice welcomes. Little Nora is a cutie pie, glad she is doing well. And sorry to hear you lost water and plants. The desert is a rough place for much to survive. I have birds trashing one of succulents in a pot, must taste good and have to be careful with my petunias as the local squirrel has come in and chewed the flowers off. In the more severe weather we are having this spring with heat and no moisture, I think a lot of the settlers that came out west and all they endured during the dust bowl days, droughts, etc. Living in the desert is not for the faint of heart, right?

    Ill- I think I missed a picture and maybe also about you having a new reoccurrance. I am glad you have a new treatment plan.

    Misty- sorry about your mom. A relative of my sister's partner's family is going through this vertigo thing too (she is almost 90) and trying to get answers. Sending hugs.

    Karen- you are in the home stretch!

    NM- you are in the home stretch too.

    Okay back to work. I am not motivated today but trying....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Too cloudly last night around here to see the eclipse, alas.

    Lori, Nora gets cuter every day (and you look terrific)! Misty, so sorry about what your mom is going through. Vertigo is awful, and a bear to treat. Illi, fingers crossed that the new treatment works.

    Scanxiety time again tomorrow--my quarterly ocular ultrasound. Hoping for at least "stable" if "shrank" is off the table. Still no word about Bob's car--dealership called Fri. to say they haven't looked at it, and then Sat. to say they started but are "taking it apart" which tells me it's not the hybrid battery, which is easy to find in the trunk and easy to test, but likely the throttle body--which requires dismantling the dash. It's what caused my '02 Taurus to accelerate out of control but back then (2011) the cost wasn't much less than the blue book value and I wanted a hybrid anyway. These days, even though it's just as pricy to fix, the supply of new cars (especially hybrids & EVs) is practically nonexistent--and even if the trade-in is higher than in years past the cost of a replacement would be through the roof.

    Grilling (solo) tonight--will likely have some of that leftover Savigny-les-Beaune (if Bob killed it off, will Coravin myself some Duckhorn Decoy Pinot Noir). Sat. night I was cleaning up and trying to carry too much to the recycling bin, and my elbow brushed the edge of the sink ledge and broke my favorite little Perrier-Jouet "fleur" champagne flute. Oh, well...

    UPDATE: There was less than an ounce left of the Savigny, and it was fairly acidic, so Decoy it was.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday!. Another foggy ayem here. The sun did break through briefly yesterday, but no thunderbumpers. The weather talkers aren't saying much about having any this afternoon. The refrigerator died over the weekend, so I'm doing the ice blocks in the fridge to keep the few things I need kept cool thing. Found and bought a new fridge online yesterday, now going through the process of getting a delivery/setup appointment. Apparently I'm going to have to do that by phone, which I really do not like. It's such a hassle, and often I can't understand the person on the other end. But what must be done, must be done, right?

    Life with the puppers is settling into a routine. They seem to recognize when I'm getting ready for work, and are always happy to see me get home. They're beginning to learn when bedtime is, too, and remind me if I stay up too late. It's still a riot the way they take turns escorting me to the bathroom!

    Goldie--Mom has mentioned she's wondered if she will drop a mug and break the glass top stove, but she has that microwave and she is going to use it no matter what. I've got to accept that there is nothing I can do about the situation. So sorry to hear about the rodents getting at your garden. I hope the traps work to catch the little buggers. Your visit sounds like it was wonderful! It must have felt so good to get such an enthusiastic reception. The pics are wonderful, it looks like it was a marvelous party.

    Chevy--It's an unfortunate truth that a medication's side effects don't get discovered until after the drug is approved and put in use. "Post-approval monitoring" is the only way to find those SE that pre-approval testing doesn't uncover. And as you say, we have to make choices under very frightening circumstances and when we are just learning about all the ins and outs of a condition or disease. Hopefully, the expansion of genetic-based treatment will start minimizing the kinds of situations like you were in.

    Jazzy--I didn't get to see the moon, it was cloudy here. I really wanted to, but it just wasn't happening. Can't wait to see the pic!

    Chi--it sounds like hybrid cars are complicated to troubleshoot, not that non-hybrid cars aren't. So sorry to hear about the favorite glass breaking, those little things are what make life so rich and the loss is real.

    Mouse Trap Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz of Triple Sec

    2 oz of Vodka

    2 oz of Orange Juice

    3 oz of 7-up soda (or Sprite)

    1 1/2 oz of grenadine syrup

    Shake vodka, triple sec and orange juice with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass and add 7-up (do not shake, stir). Layer the drink w/ grenadine on top.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    ED, not sure if you remember Chrissy (from Australia), she too had hearing issues from Tamaoxifen.

    Jazzy, I watched the eclipse, pretty amazing, and I saw the picture you posted on FB. That was a nice one. I quit growing petunias long ago, the rodents like the flowers all too well. I guess they must taste good! Living in the dessert is NOT for the faint of heart, but I knew this and the rodents will never go away.

    Sandy, good luck on your scans, and sorry about the car.

    NM, sorry about the fridge and I hope it doesn't take long to get one. I guess you are right about mom, only so much you can do. Mom busting the stove would be the lesser of two evils, like you said, she could burn herself. Nice to have an escort to the bathroom...LOL!

    Well doomas here this morning. Went to make coffee and forgot to put coffee in flter thingy, so all I got was a pot of hot water. So I go to make another pot. Put the water in, put coffee in the filter and make coffee. I start to smell kind of burnt coffee. I go in the kitchen, doomas me forgot to put the pot on the burner this time! So now I have a whole pot of coffee that ran on my counter, down into the rotating corner cabinet.....UGH! 3rd time was a charm! Went to town yesterday for groceries and some other things I needed done and picked up 6 tomato plants, parsley and a pablano pepper, $40+. I hate spending money like that for plants, as I always start from seed, but too late now and all my tomaoto seedlings died. So, you can guess what I'm doing today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Yes Goldie! My tomato plants are really doing well... I plant them in my own dirt/compost/scraps mix, and they are blooming AND I have little tomato starts! Have to move the pots in the garage Thursday, as they are calling for snow Friday, & cooler temps!


    I remember Chrissy! SE's can come from anything we take, you just never know. Seems as though those of us with a "certain gene" are more prone to the hearing loss... but who knew? Guess I'm lucky, right? At least I haven't been infected with cancer again..... Now I figure I'm too old to get it... Hah! Actually I feel so lucky, to not have any health problems .... nothing like I used to!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited May 2022

    NM, Sounds like Mom is immovable until her microwave "breaks down". Good luck.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    I haven't been here since the 14th. Speaking of side effects, when I developed bilateral carpel tunnel from Arimidex, I had surgery on my right and a couple weeks later called Astra Zeneca and low and behold, they had just changed their insert with the Rx and CTS is a side effect and they told me that I had to call the FDA. Everyone had told me that I fit the category to get CTS - NOT!!! As soon as I went off Arimidex the CTS went away in my left wrist before I had surgery. On Aromasin, I developed bilateral deQuervanes tendonitis and I'm sure it was a side effect of the med. And. post chemo, my already poor hearing got worse - probably a side effect of chemo - I always had a moderate to severe hearing loss in right ear and it got worse and "goof" left ear had a noticeable hearing loss so bilateral hearing aids and even with them I struggle. I want to find out if I'm a candidate for cochlear implants.

    Lori - Nora is adorable. And so nice to have such a warm welcome from your nieces. And you look great!

    Kim - when is your last day of school?

    Booked our flights to visit both DD#1 and SIL and DD#2. Booked an AirBnB for our last week but need to book the first two weeks. Thinking of going to Cypress for 4 nights.

    illimae - gorgeous view!

    Hi Chevy - are you ready for the change in weather on Friday?

    I'm on a new page and don't want to loose my post. Sorry for not addressing everyone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022

    Hi ladies- doing some lurking here tonight before I go outside to do some yard stuff and also go for a walk. The winds are staying down thankfully. One of the fires where a good friend's daughter and family live is more under control. Another got contained to 100%. The big one still rages on. If the winds stay down, they have a chance of getting control on the big one. They got some rain last night too. Thousands of fire fighters here working on our problem.

    Chi- I hope the scans went okay. Do they talk to you right away or do you have to wait and go back for results? Things in the eyes are scary, I hope you are okay.

    Goldie- I won't put any petunias out front because there is a squirrel in these parts who likes to eat my pretties. I have them in the pots out front where they do fine and the squirrel does not come. Some of the finches have been eating one of my sedums. They say if things are eating your garden, you are not part of the ecosystem? My yard is filled with bees and hummer and other birds.

    Karen and Chevy- I had terrible issues with my feet on the hormone blockers. It was so bad the first couple months I could barely walk. Said the moisture was out of my tendons and got some suppliments and some foot creme that helped but? Breast cancer then crippled by drugs? I took a break, it got better but my feet hurt on some level until I was done with the five years on it. I also have some hearing loss in my left ear and waiting to see an ENT but it all may be related to these drugs.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! A fire drill is scheduled for this afternoon at school, that's always fun. The kiddos do really well with them, and don't start acting silly until we're on our way back into the building. The dog ticks are thick and heavy again this year, we're waiting for the playground and ball field to be sprayed. I'm getting lots of kiddos with blisters on their palms from the monkey bars, that's a sure sign of warmer weather!

    I've got the puppers set up for a BarkBox and a BullyMake box every month. Sadie and I both enjoyed her BarkBoxes, and the BullyMake box will have hard chewer toys for Colt. They'll both get the treats out of both boxes, that's what I use for training most of the time.

    Goldie--Petunias do taste good, they are a commonly used edible flower in cake decorating! Living in the desert must be a difficult place to live. I'm sorry about losing the seedlings. She does have a little coffee maker that uses the pods, I've tried to get her to use it to heat up water for tea, too, but she just won't. Three tries to get coffee in the ayem, boy you did have a challenging start to the day! I've done all those things, but never all the same ayem.

    Chevy--snow in the forecast for the weekend? WOW. I'm hoping that forecast is wrong! Having good health is a blessing.

    Wren--I think you have a point! Hmm, I wonder if there's a way I could get it to stop working? Probably not, and she'd just call the landlord and get a new one. But I'll think on that.

    Karen--the last day of school for the kiddos is June 9th, my last day is the 10th. So exciting to have your trip booked!

    Jazzy--doing applications in this last job search I ran across the question "Are you disabled?" and read the definition of disabled. I was surprised to see having a history of cancer qualifies as a disability and wondered about that, after reading about yours, Chevy's, and other's experiences with long-term side effects I now understand why.


    Deaf Knees

    1 part chocolate schnapps

    1 part crème de menthe

    1 part Grand Marnier

    Pour chocolate schnapps into 2 shot glasses.

    Float the crème de menthe on top.

    Float the Grand Marnier on the Crème de menthe.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Geez gals! We all have so much in common and tied together because of breast cancer! I'm just glad we DO have a place and friends to talk things over with!

    When this hearing loss first happened I just thought it was allergies... which I usually had from Spring through Summer. But allergy pills didn't help! And trying to find a cause was the hardest! Not much information or ideas as to what happened. I mean even the Docs didn't know. At least hearing aids, and THEN figuring out what happened helped a little. I STILL can't hear like "normal" people, but I can live with that!

    Yes! Snow coming in Friday, Hah! Rain & cold starting Thursday, so I'll move all my tomato & pepper plants in the garage. I don't mind.... gives me something to do, right?

    My Husband fell again yesterday! About 5 times now this past year! He is unsteady on his feet, and with all the uneven flag-stone out back, he shouldn't be OUT there! BUT I ran to get some help to pick him up! Got this little neighbor boy, who is 11, but REALLY stocky, and he gladly came over & just got in back of hubby & picked him up!! I was sooooo thankful! Sat him in our lawn chair, and talked to him & even though he hit his forehead, scraped it up, along with his hands, arm, & knees, he was "okay"... I then went back over to take that kid some ice-cream cups, and a $20. He wanted to come back over to see how he was doing, along with his "little" sister, and they even helped me get him into the house, and down in his chair! He was just scraped up.... & we then went to sit on front porch, to talk, and I got our next-door neighbor to come over, and he sat & talked with us for awhile.

    You know, our Daughter's are worried about their Dad, not only his walking, but his memory issues, but I could not bear to have anyone else take care of him... I will gladly take care of him, no matter what... We are in this together... ever since 1955 when I MET him! It just hurts to think of us not ever being close together... We DEAL with things as they happen.... So Thank God for every day, right? And pray for a "million more tomorrow's"

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Chevy - your neighbor kids are sweet to want to come check on your DH.

    You must of been just a wee bit when you met your DH in 1955!!! High school sweet heart or junior high?

    YUP its one day at a time and sometimes just one foot in front of the other.

    Working on our summer travel plans. Definitely going to get 2nd booster after hearing a doctor on the local news station (a cardiologist who is the regular doctor for the station) stress the importance of it especially for anyone high risk and she said 65+ is considered high risk. We both had Pfizer for first 3 shots so looking to get Moderna. She also said to home test before travel, take plenty of home antigen with you while traveling and if get Covid start on the Covid meds at first sign of symptoms. We are both going to ask our pcps for an Rx at our next appointments in June and July.

    Kim, you are done a week after me. My friend in RI goes to the 20th or so.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Wren, lol on breaking the microwave!

    Karen, glad you booked your flights. Will they be back to back? I'm just watching prices now for my trip to MI in Sept. They are too high right now, hoping they will come down. They are almost double what they usually are.

    Jazzy, we are expecting winds in a day or so for 4 days. Most likely they will work your way. I hope they can get some containment on that big fire. I think ours are all contained.

    NM, have fun with the fire drill! I'm sure the kids are getting excited for summer break. RE the coffee, my brother says "I wouldn't be telling people that if I were you"

    ED/Karen, sorry about the snow! We've been close to 90.

    ED, so sorry about DH's fall. Glad he didn't get hurt any worse. I know you will, and do, care for him well. No one else can do as good a job. I knew with my DH the day would come that I would not have been able to care for him, as he would eventually be in paralyzed situation and he was a big guy. So sweet of the neighbor kids. Your DD's are concerned because they love their dad.

    Accessed the garden more while I was out there yesterday. Darned rodents ate 60 of my 75 beans, so I have only 15 bean plants....GRRRRR! I may have spoke too soon about the fires. I can smell smoke this morning. Looked on line and there is a fire about 30 miles west of me. Doesn't give a size or cause.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    First things first--at 2.75mm, the eye lesion is stable (yay). The ocular onc had a fellow visiting from an adjacent hospital, and when he recited my history, a lot of things came into focus (sorry, I couldn't resist). First of all, it's not in the ciliary body itself (really poor prognosis) but in the choroid just behind it (average prognosis). Second, he did get a few cells for biopsy but they were "inconclusive," and the melanoma dx was made on the basis of appearance (shape & size, but coloration is lighter than a typical choroidal melanoma). He still expects a bit of eventual shrinkage--and if all stays stable (knock wood, kinahurra), beginning in July 2023 I will go on a semiannual rather than quarterly followup visit & scan schedule.

    Next, the bad news: Bob's car does indeed have a dying hybrid battery, not the throttle body. The battery control module needs replacing--which, if it works, might allow them to "recondition" the battery just enough to coax another couple of years out of it: just in time for the hybrid/EV battery shortage to be in full swing. (If it's just a bad cell module or two, it doesn't make sense to replace the cell(s) because any of the other aging cells could go blooey. A refurbished battery (good for 8 years or until the rest of the car croaks) runs anywhere from $2400-3000 plus labor. They will tell us whether they have an Escape hybrid (regular or plug-in) in stock--new only (a 2022 would be fine, no need for a '23)--and if so, whether it's worth trading in or trying to keep the Fusion alive as long as possible.

    Is it possible to get a protective (and heatproof) cover for the stove's glass top? That might be a good compromise. (BTW, our microwaves have always been "countertop" models--we have a "niche" built into the cabinetry above the counter, far from our stove).

    Going to Regalia tonight (painful walk, as my IT-band syndrome or bursitis is causing pain in my R groin on flexion & knee when weightbearing; and my L bunion/ingrowns plus 3rd toe callus-over-spur hurts too). Didn't get back from my facial in time to make the walk-in ortho clinic at Skokie Hosp., so I'll go tomorrow for X-ray, ultrasound, and PT referral. Doubt I'll need an MRI. Meanwhile, I have a message in to the suburban clinic that does the Sklar bunionectomy (minimal incision) and toe-shortening. (That callus & spur makes my 3rd toe as long as the big toe). $64,000 question is whether they take Medicare assignment. If not, back to the drawing board. I am willing to go majorly out of pocket for stuff like specialty cancer meds, but not for matters of comfort.

    DOTD: whatever goes with what I'm eating. (Had 2 shots of Nespresso today--one at home, one at the esthetician's studio).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited May 2022

    Chevy & Jazzy - I too had hearing damage when Taxotere killed off the hairs in my ears. I recently read there is research going on to regenerate that hair. My audiologist said it's not happening with people yet but looks very interesting.

    SNOW??? Oh my goodness. It was 99 degrees here today IN THE SHADE!!!

    NM - fingers crossed to see if you can figure out how to unplug the microwave AND talk to the maintenance people ahead of time so they won't fix it for her.

    Goldie - I know you're just sick about your garden. So sorry. Hope the fires don't come any closer.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    DOTD was prosecco with soup & salad, and Montepulciano d'Abruzzo with the entree.

    More car mystery: Bob got a couple of texts from the dealership. First said they were still trying to investigate what was wrong; then, after he asked about the throttle body (to which they replied they'd looked at it), another saying "everything is working as it should." THAT tells me it is indeed the throttle body (or at least its control module), because those problems are (in Fords) notoriously intermittent and unpredictable. My guess is that the control module malfunctioned and the throttle got stuck closed (resulting in the "bottom dropping out" before total stall). 6 months before my Taurus croaked, I was driving along and the same thing happened: sudden loss of acceleration followed by slowdown & full stop; I pulled over and restarted, and everything was fine. Dealership (different one) couldn't reproduce the problem. 6 months later, the throttle stuck open and all hell broke loose--and even resting it overnight didn't cure the problem. I'm going down there with him on Friday to see whether we should trade it in--assuming they have anything in stock worth trading it in for. Makes no sense to take it home, never knowing whether or when it'll happen again, this time causing a serious accident or worse.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I just found out that I get to take tomorrow off from work. It's student-led evaluation day, which is done partially in person and mostly virtually, so it's considered a no student in attendance day and I am not required to be present. Since I got an email from the principal verifying that suggests to me I better take the day off! I know the budget is very tight, and I suppose every hour they don't have to pay for my services helps. I guess I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. The puppers will be happy to have me home, I expect.

    Chevy--oh my goodness, what a sweet neighbor boy! And for him to bring his little sister along to check on DH, that is really nice. Glad to hear DH Is ok. I can imagine the girls are worried. It's a worrisome situation. I'm praying for a million more tomorrows for the two of you.

    Karen--sounds like your travel plans are coming together and you are going to be well prepared. I bet you are starting to get excited!

    Goldie--The fire drill was fun, after I got over being jumped almost to the ceiling when the alarm went off because I forgot even after setting a reminder alarm! Vacationitis is certainly setting in with the staff as well as the kiddos! Having a fire so close must be scary, I'm praying it stays away from you and is controlled quickly.

    Chi--that is really good news about the eye lesion! Not so good news about DH's car. I hadn't thought about a cover for the glass stove top. I will look into that for sure. Your description of your foot issues makes me cringe, so very ouchie!

    Minus--thank you!

    A flaming Game of Thrones inspired cocktail for your next Game of Thrones viewing party! Inspired by the green explosive Wildfire used in the show. This easy Game of Thrones cocktail is caught fire with Bacardi 151 rum and sweetened by using a mix of Midori and Watermelon Vodka to make a melon martini so good you might explode. // #gameofthrones #cocktail



    • 1 ounce Midori (or Any Melon Liqueur)
    • 1/2 ounce Watermelon Vodka
    • 1 ounce Vodka
    • 1/4 ounce Simple Syrup
    • 1 teaspoon Bacardi 151 (optional)
    • Ice


    1. In a shaker add your Midori, watermelon vodka, plain vodka, and simple syrup. Fill the shaker with ice to the liquid line. Give it a 30 second hard shake and strain into a heatproof coupe or martini glass (or any small heat proof glass) to serve.

    Optional Fire Floater

    1. After you've poured your cocktail into your heatproof coupe flip over the back of a bar spoon and slowly layer your Bacardi 151 on top of the cocktail. Putting away your 151 and clean up any drips/spill, taking a stick lighter, carefully light your cocktail by hover the flame just above the liquid surface. Once it lights, let the cocktail burn out or CAREFULLY AND GENTLY blow it out when ready to consume. Let glassware cool before consuming!
      BE CAREFUL the glassware and the top layer of the cocktail will be very hot. Let it cool down before consuming the drink. Elsewise you can burn yourself. Use a paper straw to sip the cocktail from the bottom up if you don't want to wait for it to cool all the way down.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I just found out that I get to take tomorrow off from work. It's student-led evaluation day, which is done partially in person and mostly virtually, so it's considered a no student in attendance day and I am not required to be present. Since I got an email from the principal verifying that suggests to me I better take the day off! I know the budget is very tight, and I suppose every hour they don't have to pay for my services helps. I guess I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. The puppers will be happy to have me home, I expect.

    Chevy--oh my goodness, what a sweet neighbor boy! And for him to bring his little sister along to check on DH, that is really nice. Glad to hear DH Is ok. I can imagine the girls are worried. It's a worrisome situation. I'm praying for a million more tomorrows for the two of you.

    Karen--sounds like your travel plans are coming together and you are going to be well prepared. I bet you are starting to get excited!

    Goldie--The fire drill was fun, after I got over being jumped almost to the ceiling when the alarm went off because I forgot even after setting a reminder alarm! Vacationitis is certainly setting in with the staff as well as the kiddos! Having a fire so close must be scary, I'm praying it stays away from you and is controlled quickly.

    Chi--that is really good news about the eye lesion! Not so good news about DH's car. I hadn't thought about a cover for the glass stove top. I will look into that for sure. Your description of your foot issues makes me cringe, so very ouchie!

    Minus--thank you!

    A flaming Game of Thrones inspired cocktail for your next Game of Thrones viewing party! Inspired by the green explosive Wildfire used in the show. This easy Game of Thrones cocktail is caught fire with Bacardi 151 rum and sweetened by using a mix of Midori and Watermelon Vodka to make a melon martini so good you might explode. // #gameofthrones #cocktail



    • 1 ounce Midori (or Any Melon Liqueur)
    • 1/2 ounce Watermelon Vodka
    • 1 ounce Vodka
    • 1/4 ounce Simple Syrup
    • 1 teaspoon Bacardi 151 (optional)
    • Ice


    1. In a shaker add your Midori, watermelon vodka, plain vodka, and simple syrup. Fill the shaker with ice to the liquid line. Give it a 30 second hard shake and strain into a heatproof coupe or martini glass (or any small heat proof glass) to serve.

    Optional Fire Floater

    1. After you've poured your cocktail into your heatproof coupe flip over the back of a bar spoon and slowly layer your Bacardi 151 on top of the cocktail. Putting away your 151 and clean up any drips/spill, taking a stick lighter, carefully light your cocktail by hover the flame just above the liquid surface. Once it lights, let the cocktail burn out or CAREFULLY AND GENTLY blow it out when ready to consume. Let glassware cool before consuming!
      BE CAREFUL the glassware and the top layer of the cocktail will be very hot. Let it cool down before consuming the drink. Elsewise you can burn yourself. Use a paper straw to sip the cocktail from the bottom up if you don't want to wait for it to cool all the way down.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    duplicate post removed

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2022

    Sandy, great news about eye lesion.It’s so, basically joyous, when we go to a doctor and the report is good. I went to the Skokie Ortho clinic about two months ago for my left knee buckling, hip, groin sharp pain, and pretty much being unable to walk after sitting down for awhile. Hobbling. Gets better as I walk, but that, plus the BPPV, has monkeyed with my confidence, so I, who still walk 10,000 steps a day, hesitate when I come to a curb, so much so yesterday that an old lady- probably 20 years younger than I, asked if she could help me step down and I took her arm . Major feeling of vulnerability to do this. At Skokie Clinic, DO, who I did not like, X-rayed knees, saw only the most minor osteoarthritis and wrote PT order. I’ve been going twice a week, but little improvement so far, and like an idiot, I sprained the calf of my good right leg getting out of the bathtub, so it hurts more than my bad leg and I’m unable to do the exercises for awhile. Today go for bone density test, first since being on Arimidex for 3 years, tomorrow Jada, BS, nurse practitioner, for routine, I hope, check

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Sandy, glad you got a good report on your eye.

    Minus2, I didn't hear anything about that fire and now I don't remember where I saw that. I could smell smoke yesterday morning, so started Googling and found it. And yes, I am sick over the garden.

    NM, I too had thought about some kind of cover, but the main concern is her burning herself. How's your weather looking for your long weekend? Ha ha, that cocktail would certainly start a fire!

    Was trying yesterday to get my swamp cooler ready to go, only to find out the faucet on the back of the house is turned off. So I'm thinking it's turned off under the house. So I go crawling under there, I have maybe 3' of height and probably 20' to go. I get a flashlight and 3 small rugs, to keep having one to put in front of me to crawl on, so I'm not in the dirt. Get up there and nothing I can see to turn the water on! Back out and find a light switch right there where you first get under the house. Oh, and I took a broom with me to get the spider webs, which there weren't too many. So the water must be turned off in a valve box somewhere. My solar guy will come over and help me tomorrow or Saturday.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Sandy - years and years ago - early 1990 or 1991 my husband company car was a Taurus - there would be days it wouldn't start and we'd call AAA, they couldn't find anything so we'd have the car towed to the dealer and there was nothing wrong!!! It happened 2 or 3 more times till finally it didn't start at the dealer and they were able to fix whatever was wrong. His company cars have been Fords for over 36 years and this one is the only one that we had that problem with. He now has anFord Edge (I think) for his company car. It's a 2015 and been a great car.

    Snow in the forecast for Friday and Saturday. It got to 90 today and at 7:06 its still 84. By tomorrow it will be in the 40s. I will bring in my 2 petunia hanging baskets and the plant my son bought me for my birthday that I planted in a pot for the garden fountain. We generally wait till Memorial Day to plant. This year DH wants to plant ground cover in the fountain garden and petunias but just not as many flowers so in the winter there is something besides dirt.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Judy, I don't think of you as an "old lady," but rather an "excellently-maintained" one. (And describing a 68-yr-old as an "old lady?" I wouldn't mind being 68 again). I didn't go to the clinic today--the groin/knee pain is intermittent and wasn't too bad today (though I wince climbing stairs, which is usually easier for me than the eccentric contractions involved in descending...remembering the advice of my PT in rehab after my tib-fib repair in '96: "...up with the good foot, down with the bad"). I awoke with that dull ache in the side of my calf and said "oh no, you don't.." and rolled over and went back to my dream. The first few steps out of bed were painless--but the knee/groin/back kicked in as a reached the bathroom. I suspect they're interconnected, via the iliopsoas muscle group.

    It's the foot (L toes) that is truly bugging me, even walking around in my UGG sandals. Despite the foam spacer, I get intermittent burning pain beneath the big toenail plate (those scrolled sides feeling ingrown even with the corner barbs excised), as well as that dang callus at the tip of the third toe. FootFirst (the Drs. Sklar of bunionectomy-commercials fame) wrote back saying they are "Medicare non-participating" (i.e., they don't take assignment), and require payment in full up front but will bill Medicare for me so I get reimbursed. Not sure how much it'd cost, especially if I also have that 3rd toe shortened. We'll see--I think when it comes to surgeries, the ingrowns will have to go first, and then perhaps the L breast reduction. The latter was originally intended for symmetry, but now it's getting to the point where I'm getting L mid-to-upper-back and even under-bust rib cage pain, and worsening my kyphosis (shoulder slump). I was willing to insert a pad in my R cup to even things out when dressed, but I think the boat has sailed on aesthetics.

    Meanwhile, back at the Ford dealership, the service rep (doing double duty as receptionist) texted today that the "tech" told her he was getting "low-battery codes." We asked which battery--the 12V or the hybrid? She replied "the regular battery." Well, seeing how that one's almost 7 yrs old, and replacing it is <$170, that's a no-brainer. But the recent decline in mpg, and the sudden deceleration on the road, check-engine light and complete stall-out all still point to the hybrid battery. Ford warrants it for 8 yrs or 100K mi., whichever comes first. Bob's is 11 yrs old and had >175K miles on it. Our plan is to replace the regular battery, hope for the best, and start new-car shopping right away. He wants to stick with a hybrid, and needs the ground clearance of an SUV (AWD is secondary--he just doesn't want to get stuck on the icy center "hump" in snowy alleys). That dealership has a 2022 Escape Hybrid, fully loaded, in stock for $44K--$7K above sticker. Evanston Subaru (where I got my Outback and keep her maintained) has no cars in stock but will order built them to our specs, for sticker price. A Crosstrek Hybrid might just fit the bill for Bob--and it may arrive before the Fusion finally croaks. There's a new Subaru hybrid in the works, but probably not till almost 2023.

    (I also wonder if the brake job from the place around the corner may have been the culprit, as hybrid batteries get recharged in large part by braking; or the fuel pump or injectors, which may not be feeding the engine enough fuel for the spark plugs to ignite the mixture sufficiently. Anyone here an amateur mechanic? My 9th grade science unit on the internal combustion engine predated even fuel injectors replacing carburetors, much less hybrid cars).

    DOTD: Duckhorn Decoy Pinot Noir.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    UPDATE: After watching a raft of YouTube videos by professional (and serious-amateur) mechanics trying to diagnose & treat the identical problem on the identical 2011 Fusion Hybrid (FFH), I am convinced the trouble is caused by the hybrid battery, not the 12V (aka "regular" or "system") battery (which is what starts the gas engine and powers the electronic accessories). Apparently, one of the functions of the hybrid battery (besides driving the Atkinson 4-cycle motor) is to keep the 12V battery charged. If the hybrid battery is low or dead, it will drain even the newest 12V battery. A hybrid battery contains 28 modules, each of which has 6 cells. The modules are twinned, producing 14 "packs." Even a single "pack" can bring the car "to its knees." I told Bob that when he goes down to the dealership tomorrow, to demand to speak to the tech in question and not take "no" or "he's busy" for an answer, and to put me on speakerphone. We may have to get the car towed to a hybrid specialist mechanic. I suspect that the Great Resignation may be affecting dealerships--knowldegeable and up-to-date mechanics may be in short supply, and the Ford dealerships do most of their service business in the "Quick Lane," performing routine stuff like prescribed periodic maintenance, tires, etc. And few of the cars they service are hybrids--at any given point there were fewer than 100,000 Ford hybrids on the road (most of them being 2010 and older Escapes snapped up by taxi fleets). Come to think of it, we ought to find a garage that services Yellow or another local cab company that bought up all the Escape hybrids for their fleets.

    Other interesting things I saw: one guy who bought a 2011 FFH at auction in 2020 and had a dead battery, found out that the computer on that car assumes after 9 years that the hybrid battery is dead and therefore shuts off the engine's access to it (he found a way to reset the battery's "age" to a few years "younger;" and the car ran like a top, with mpg improving from 17 to 32 within a few minutes of driving). Another guy spent hours diagnosing using various software (including Ford's own) only to find that the problem was a blown 220V fuse (embedded in the same housing as a 120V, and which had to be ordered).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Karen, until we bought my Outback in 2014, from the time my little '72 Datsun 1200 gave up the ghost, we drove only Fords: first a couple of Escorts ('81 wagon for me, '83 hatchback for Bob); then an alternating succession of Tauruses ('86 him, '88 me, '91 him, '93 me, '96 him, '02 me) until 2005 when he bought a Five Hundred and then our 2011 Fusion Hybrid when my 2002 Taurus SHO went "psycho" (its throttle stuck open and I had to ride the brakes and turn it off to get it into the garage). When his Five Hundred began to nickel-and-dime us, that's when we got the Outback (originally for him, but he wanted my Fusion instead to save on gas).