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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Goldie - Las Vegas New Mexico


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day and the first day of April break for me! I was reminded at 5:30 this ayem that I forgot to turn off the alarms. But then I got to enjoy a lovely lie-in and cuddle with the puppers as the sun came up. Lovely way to start vacay.

    Goldie--is that where you are staying?It looks wonderful!

    Liquid sunshine cocktail

    Liquid Sunshine Cocktail


    • 3oz.Malibu rum
    • 1.5oz.peach schnapps
    • 1/ juice
    • 1/3c.pineapple juice
    • Splash of grenadine


    1. Fill a glass with ice. Pour the Malibu rum and peach schnapps over the ice, followed by the orange juice and pineapple. Gently stir. Drizzle in the grenadine and let it sink to the bottom. Do not stir. Optional: Garnish with an orange slice, pineapple, and cherry.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    NM, I guess we really weren't expecting anything less from mom eh? I imagine that will be the last time she asks you to bring the puppers over. Kind of funny that she wanted a husky! The hotel was Jazzy's post, not mine. Your morning cuddles waiting for the sun shine sound nice. What plans do you have for the week? Whatever they are, enjoy!

    Well, I spent my Easter Sunday in the ER. Started Saturday with lower R back pain (kidney) Saturday night I only got about 4 hours of sleep, 2 hours at one point and then another. The pain was excruciating! So I took myself to the ER. CT scan to rule out stones, urine culture, which will take a few days. Treated for kindey infection, given anti b's and pain pills. The doctor was sure to let me know that the scans indeed showed many mets! Ya I know, I'm reminded of that every 3 weeks when I go for treatment. I went to bed at 6 and got up at 5, but I think I got up 6 times to pee as I had been drinking so much water, plus the IV fluids. Feeling much better today, not 100%, but better!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited April 2022

    Goldie, That's not how you're supposed to spend Easter (or any day for that matter). I hope their treatment leads to a swift healing and pain free day.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Good morning ladies- quick message as I am WFH today. We have a busy week here on my project with a site walk through today, some remediation activities on any residual construction items, and then Friday there is a big start for the network build in one of our new buildings we are bringing on line this summer. I am also going to choose to WFH more as I got told last week by the new manager (who BTW I have been helping plenty with mentoring, interviewing, etc.) that I am too loud in the office. That got under my skin and it was after a cell call with someone for work? Anyways, it's not my issue that are work space is not very quiet or private, nor that she has lousy people skills so I am just going to be home more during the build when I will get a lot of calls. Quite frankly, I am too old for her BS and she is not the boss of me. The struggle is REAL!

    The photo, I took a short trip up to Las Vegas, NM which I have not been to in a couple years. The Castenda is a restored Harvey House hotel from the early 1900s. I watched the whole renovation from the time it sat for decades to now, and stayed there right after they opened the fall before the pandemic. They were still finishing rooms when I went there in 2020, but have not been back since. Property is great, bar and restaurant was great, and enjoyed my stay. The gal at the front desk said there were ghost hunters there the night before, and that this hotel is reported to have at least two. No ghost stories for you, but have stayed in there sister property a few times which is also the same age and did have some experiences there. I did a bit of eating, shopping and chillaxin' on the porch was what this gurl did. Came home yesterday to finish some usual weekend chores and back at it today with the work stuff. I will get to Santa Fe this weekend for a concert and overnighter too as my next junket.

    Goldie- I am sorry to hear about your trip to the ED. Are you home now? And more mets? Hugs sister, this sounds not great but hoping you are better today.

    NM- one thing I have learned about people is if they have something to say about anything you are doing, it's usually because it's something they don't feel they could do, or wished they could do but won't, etc. My mother used to criticize me for wanting an education and a career when she went to college in the 1940s and dropped out to marry our father. That was what women did back then that went to college, they went for the Mrs. degree. Later our mom confessed she always wished she had finished her degree and had a career, at least for awhile. And my sister never could wrap her head around my self employment, even though I never asked her for anything during that time. She is someone who loves financial security and everything a FT job brought with it, so running a business and all the cash flow management stuff was scary to her. So your mom not liking the dogs, but wishing she had gotten a husky makes sense to me too? Also, I really hope you can get another teaching job, and not have to return to working for hospice. You have thrived in this new type of work sister. The pups are a hoot and glad you have them for you and also for each other.

    I have to get back to work. More soon when I can!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I have an interview at the Hospice office a little later this ayem. Enjoying the break from school and loving being able to sleep in a little and have ayem cuddle time with the puppers. The wind is picking up and heavy rain and high winds are being predicted for the area, with power outage warnings already being made. The puppers are outside rampaging around, I'm hoping they get a lot of energy burned off outside before they get stuck inside due to the rain. Colt doesn't know his own size or strength, and both of them don't notice things like furniture and people when they wrestle.

    Goldie--I was actually expecting Mom to be a lot more focused on hair and dirt than she was, but overall, her reaction was about what I figured. She mentioned having them come and visit occasionally, but that was pretty forced and probably in reaction to the time I told her I would never bring Sadie to her new place because I know how much she doesn't like dogs and having dogs in her place. And frankly, having to get home to let the dogs out is a very good way to end visits with her without saying I'm leaving because I can't stand the same story or complaint one more time. The ER is not a fun place to spend any time, let alone a holiday. I'm glad you are feeling better, and hope the Auntie Bee's take care of the issue. Shaking my head at the doc who went out of the way to talk about the mets. I would think your medical record would have a clue or dozen that you are aware of that little fact. . .

    Jazzy--working from home does have some advantages, doesn't it? So you are too loud in the office? An office with a poor layout and acoustics for the work being done there? Healthcare as a business culture still blaming the workers for the faults and failures of the system and infrastructure. That hotel looks absolutely wonderful, I bet it's just beautiful inside. Ghost stories would be fun! Hmmm, your Mom and my Mom have some similarities. Mom got married for the first time very young, not even out of high school, and against her Mother's wishes and without her permission. That marriage didn't last long. She did get her GED diploma so she could work in the Post Office, but never really had a career, which I think she would have liked. Still weighing the options for work going forward. Waiting to see what happens.

    Blue Monday drink with orange twist

    Blue Monday Cocktail


    Gear We Used


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Pour in all ingredients.
    3. Shake well until chilled.
    4. Strain into a martini glass.
    5. You can garnish it with an orange wheel or peel for color contrast, and to signal visually that the flavor of the drink will mainly be orange.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Morning friends- my WFH yesterday was good, but back to the office today. The birds are super chirpy out there this am!

    NM- I have worked in a number of industries and do think healthcare does not treat people the best. So no one should be surprised so many of them have left the industry, especially for those who can work in other fields. Our setting is very "old school" and not ideal and all of us know this and adapt the best we can. I knew this new manager might end up being a problem for me because she wanted this role and initially thought I was her competition (but I wasn't interested). Anyways, it was he way she did it and (she has done this before) despite being super loud herself a lot of the time; came and announced it front of the whole area like I was doing something wrong. Anyways, I have been asked to help her with interviews and some mentoring but want to get away from that now and will talk to the boss about it this week (sorry, too busy!) She's not my hire, not my boss nor my direct report, so its time to move on. We also learned on our other team that someone we like who applied to work in her area withdrew his application because he said it was clear she was too inflexible. I think you mean toxic sir! When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    Our moms do sound a lot alike. My mother did go to college for 2 years, met my dad, they got married after the Pearl Harbor attack and he went off to serve in the Navy in WWII. She ended up moving back to live with her parents until the war was over, he went back to finish his degree in engineering, and then they started their life together. BTW, she was studying to be a nurse. And interestingly enough, my mother liked no animals whatsoever. I think your mom has met the dogs now so she knows what you are doing. You need your time for you. Hope you can enjoy the time off this week and that your program is going well too with school.

    Goldie- how are you feeling friend?

    Gotta get on the yoga mat for a quick practice and then off to my day. Wishing you all a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Wren I agree, no day is a good day in the hospital. Believe me, I didn't want to go, but I was in too much pain and I knew it wasn't going to go away. And to wait until Monday to see a doctor, who most likely is going to send me to the hospital anyways, just seemed stupid.

    Jazzy, no drama WFH! I don't know too many people, but the ones I know who WFH, my brother and step DD, say they get more done at home, than in the office. Yes I am home, came home the same day. I don't know if I have more mets, most likely I do, but that doctor wouldn't know, as he doesn't have my previous scans. He just said I was full of them! Funny you, loud in the office. At first I thought you meant like in an excentric sort of way, but then you mentioned volumn. My DH used to tell me I got louder when talking on the phone, and I notice others like that. Good for you in declining to work with the new manager. LOL at "When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Falls in line with "Not my monkeys, not my circus".

    NM, talking with my brother yesterday, they got 4" of snow in MI, and supposed to have wind today. Oh dear, I can imagine the pups wrestling, running through the house knocking things over! Especially Colt! Funny about mom saying the dogs can come visit. I agree, she was just being nice and does leave for a good excuse to leave. "I have to get home and let the dogs out." Good luck with the interview, I'm still hoping you can stay within the school district.

    Still feeling pretty good. Debating whether or not to do the follow up with my PC. I can always text his wife and have her ask him for me. Plus the fact that it's a 3 hour round trip drive, not to mention the miles! Worked outside most of the day yesterday. Looks like it's going to be a windy one today. I didn't have any luck this year with my tomatoe seeds, so I bought 2 and 1 pepper, put those in the ground yesterday. Thinking I'm not going to do a big garden this year. I always did that so I could can. Well, it's just me, so why bother. I may get a few more to do a little canning, and maybe some beans. I thought I would travel instead. And when I say travel, I don't mean vacation travel, but more to see friends and family.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Bright and sunshiny this ayem, even if the breeze is rather chilly. I actually got snow and sleet for a few minutes yesterday ayem before it changed over to all rain, and some of it really heavy rain! Lots of windiness, but no power loss, so that was good.

    I think the interview went well. It was interesting having a friend on the interview board and having her pull out all the most positive things on my resume! Got some really good questions and discussions about corporate culture and the plans of the office to empower the nurses toward more self-management of their caseloads as well as the general moving ahead of the nursing profession in general. Three people live, two by phone. Officially they are still interviewing, so I don't expect to hear anything more this week. Hopefully will hear something soon, though. So far this is the only application I've put out that I've heard anything back on.

    The puppers scared me half to death last night. We were in bed, I was reading and dozing off, and the puppers were sleeping. All of a sudden they both popped their heads up, looking out the window toward the side of the house, and both jumped up and started barking like mad while running for the kitchen door. I looked out and didn't see anything or anyone, but there must have been something out there because they both ran to a particular spot along the fence and growled and woofed and generally made lots of noise. At one point I thoughtI heard something moving in the trees and brush, but I can't be really sure. I know there are deer, fox, moose, bear, skunk, and all sorts of other critters in the area, including feral cats and at least one stray dog, but I can't imagine what made them react the way they did unless one got too close to the house for their liking. Of course, at the time, all I could think of was the guy that law enforcement was searching for who ran into the woods when they broke up a domestic dispute, even though that was miles and miles away and the guy was caught earlier in the evening. After a few minutes they settled down and came back inside, Colt stopped at the door, looked over his shoulder, woofed one last time, as if to say "And stay away!" We all trooped back to bed, and the puppers were settled and sleeping before I got my slippers off and got into bed! I had to wake them up to make room for my feet. It took me much longer to settle down and fall asleep.

    Jazzy--The healthcare industry is headed for a big shake-up and reorganization, in my opinion, what with all the jobs with much better working conditions and reimbursement now available. Professional nursing will either evolve into an acknowledged profession with equal standing with physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, etc or will move out of hospitals and other facilities entirely and only provide nursing care in private homes and settings where nurses will be in charge. The days of nursing being the most expensive part of the room and board fee are numbered, in my mind. With hospitals becoming less and less the center of all healthcare provided, big changes are coming their way. I think it's going to be very entertaining to watch this evolve. I like the way the person who withdrew his application described the manager as "inflexible"! A great code word for toxic! You are probably right, Mom's met the puppers, now she can say she's seen them and can talk about them to her friends. I imagine she's telling everyone how crazy I must be to have adopted two, and one of them a violent Rottweiler! My own schooling is going well, this is the last week of this class, then I took a 3 week break. I may make it a longer one, depending on what happens job-wise, since that will affect my choice of projects.

    Goldie--4 inches of snow is crazy this time of year, I don't care where you are! I hope it doesn't stick around long for your brother. I think the interview went pretty well, but time will tell. It's pretty much a done deal that I won't get a position with the current school district, there are 4 nurses already working for the district, that's what they had before COVID, and the 7 buildings will be divided up amongst them as they were before--my school and the sister school will share a nurse, the high school and 2 middle schools each get their own nurse, and remaining two elementary schools share a nurse. Unless someone retires or moves away, there are no places for the two of us contract nurses to work. Which is no surprise at all. With the COVID stuff winding down, it's pretty clear that there isn't enough work to keep a nurse busy full time at a school with 67 students, not to mention the impossibility of being able to pay full-time salaries for 7 nurses in one of the poorest school districts in the state. Glad to hear you are feeling pretty good. I think it would be worth a phone call or text to see about following up with the PC. I know following up with the PC is part of the ER discharge routine, but follow-up can be over the phone or by email and does not necessarily require an actual visit. It's not like you never see a doctor, after all. Cutting back on the gardening, at least for this year, makes a lot of sense. Some traveling and visiting will give you some nice changes of scenery. You've got a lot to adjust to and that takes time.

    Slightly Windy Cocktail with kitty cat photobomb

    Slightly Windy


    • 3 oz Ginger Dry sparkling soda
    • 1/2 oz lime juice
    • 1/2 oz simple syrup
    • 2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
    • 1 1/2 oz dark rum


    1. Combine lime juice, simple syrup, bitters and dark rum in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake for 15 seconds. Strain into a cocktail glass filled with ice and top with Ginger Dry Sparkling soda. Stir.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    NM, it's amazing the dog's senses. Surely it was just some wild life. But if it were a person, I would't be sticking around after one look at Colt. Sorry they gave you a scare. Shows they are good guard dogs tho. Booooo on no openings at the schools! Well, I'm sure something will come along, it always does.

    I pretty much stayed inside yesterday, too damn windy to do anything outside. We have 2 fires going and the wind here caused them to grow pretty fast. The one up in Flagstaff had wind gusts of 50 mph. Winds continuing today. I also believe there is one in Jazzy's neck of the woods. Not sure what's up for today. I ran my rumba in the bedroom, so I might wash the floor in there, change sheets and dust.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Lori, hope the abx are working, and the mets are nothing more than in the "tell me something I didn't already know" category. Snow in April sucks, unless it falls only where you want it to and it's useful for skiing. (Which I can't do any more--they don't make X-C boots that fit over my bunions & toe spurs).

    COVID (BA.2 and its subvariants) is rising again, and cases are likely under-reported because home tests don't get reported to health authorities unless you notify your PCP via hospital-system patient portal. I think the mask-mandate-cancellation was premature even a month ago, and now it's nothing short of idiotic. (The FL Fed, judge who lifted it nationwide is 35, had never tried a case--not even as second-chair jr. associate in a "bench trial"--and was ABA-rated "not qualified." I was more qualified when I was 30, heck--more experienced at 25. She doesn't even know what the CDC does--her ruling stated that their function is limited to "cleaning." WTFingF?). Our Governor gave up and lifted it statewide, including on public transit. And now the CDC says masks, vaccination, testing and even length of isolation after a positive result are all "personal decisions." Translation: "we know you're a bunch of selfish babies who don't give a crap whom you infect or kill, but our hands are tied." Flashback to March 2020, when the millennials called COVID the "Boomer remover," and are incensed that not enough of us are retiring or selling our homes.

    So many days offline (trivial but time-consuming post-wedding life matters+this infuriating platform), so many drinks (mostly wines). Last night with dinner was Joel Gott 2021 Sauv. Blanc. And today's DOTD thus far was a cappuccino from the Lavazza machine at the Subaru dealership while waiting for my freebie loaner to be processed. (Brake job will take at least overnight).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to another bright sunny day, but with a skim of ice and frost over everything, brrrr. It's getting frustrating, the sun feel really warm on the skin, but any breeze at all is COLD. But at least it's not raining!

    I wish I could have gotten a picture last night. Both the puppers managed to get stretched out with heads on my lap and back ends over my legs on the ottoman. I can't imagine how it was comfortable for them, but they both slept that way for some time, and I was actually surprisingly comfortable, and warm! I even fell asleep for a while. Nothing like warm, furry blankets!

    Goldie--I'm thinking it was some wildlife the puppers sensed, too.There's plenty of it around. It was just a bit startling the way they both popped their heads up at the same time when both were sound asleep! I don't expect I'll have much trouble with unwanted visitors of the human variety with Cold around, even if he does just want to play with everyone! He plays one mean game of tug.I did hear from the school district where I live, the attachments to the application didn't come through legibly, and they asked me to resend them, which I did, and got a confirmation they went through ok this time. Hearing about all the wildfires so early in the season is getting a bit scary.

    Chi--I agree that the shift toward personal responsibility and personal decisions is the CDC and government caving in to the noisy folks who think they know more than the experts and really don't care about anyone else. It doesn't bode well for the next novel virus that comes around, everyone will assume that what did and didn't work for COVID will or won't work for the next one, and lots and lots of people will end up dying.


    Chilly Willy Cocktail


    • 30 ml Midori melon liqueur
    • 30 ml malibu coconut rum
    • 22 1⁄2 ml peach schnapps
    • orange juice
    • pineapple juice


    • Pour into shaker. Fill with orange and pineapple juice. Shake well.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Last night at Regalia the DsOTD were La Gioisa brut rose prosecco (drier & better bubbles than their previous Ruggieri) with our apps and a 2019 Montepulciano with the entree. This morning, an espresso before leaving for my MO appt. (which jacked up my glucose and the systolic part of my BP). My labs showed I'm dehydrated so I picked up a couple more bottles of water at the Subaru dealership and drank them en route home (plus a cappuccino from the machine). Tonight with fish some Mumm Napa Brut Reserve; with leftover lamb shank & palak paneer 2009 Marques de Murrieta Rioja. (It had been Coravined, but once too often left too many holes in the capsule & cork, so I opened what remained--which was still delicious). Meanwhile, water, water & more water.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! I have a second interview with hospice in just a little bit, this one by phone. Should be an interesting experience. I'll let you all know what happens.

    Mr. Colt is turning into a rather talkative doggo. He doesn't bark often, but he has started with the little soft woofs and ahr-ahr and the occasional whine when he wants something, usually attention. He does love to pay tug, too. Zoe is more direct, she comes right up to me and nose nudges when she wants attention. Zoe is catching on to "Come" but having a harder time with sit. Colt sits pretty well, but he tends to stay pretty close to me so it's hard to evaluate the "Come" command so far. He is catching on to "Down", though.

    Chi--be careful with the dehydration, it can be insidious and make you feel miserable. Remember to drink twice as much by volume of non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic fluids as caffeinated and alcoholic to offset the diuretic effect. That prosecco sounds lovely!

    Huckleberry Gin Podcast Interview - Jessica Henry Justice | Website for Jessica S. Henry | Professor, Author and Criminal Justice Expert

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Welcome back Sandy. Yes, the ABX are working.

    NM, come summer time, that's going to be a toasty blanket! Keeping my fingers crossed that you can stay within the school dist.

    I went to town yesterday. Reason being, the winds! Todays winds are at 40 mph, gusting to 60-65 mph. NOT GOOD for the fire in Flagstaff. So I didn't want to be out in those high winds and weather this weekend is supposed to be really nice, so didn't want to spend it in town. My doctor said I can do a follow up with him when I go in for my Faslodex injections at the end of the month. I'm still upset with step DD's over the lack of excitement and no gratitude from the husbands over the monetary gift I gave them. I'm going to start withdrawing money from our savings and keeping it at home. My brother can decide how to split it up, and you can bet they won't be getting any of that. They'll still get plenty, just not as much. I'm just at a loss as to how to bring it up and what to say. So for me, the easiest thing is to just not say anything.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Good afternoon friends- greetings from windy and fire striken New Mexico. We have had another week of high winds out here, today is supposed to be the worst with gusts up to 80 mph. I was in to work early this ayem as my network team is starting some build today and needed to be there. Things were being prepared rigt up to the 11th hour (which is not the way it is supposed to go), but here we are. Anyways, I am glad to be to today and came home after to finish my day here.

    These winds are making the six current wildfires (and think there are new ones) rage and seeing mandatory evacuations for a lot of the rural areas where things are the worst on our Governors web page today. When I was up north last week, there was a fire about 12 miles north of the town I was staying that was 3k acres and calming down. This week it exploded and is over 20K acres now. There is nothing around me, but these fires are early and bad and it's a worrisome time for the west again. Goldie has some too.

    I have another weekend junket coming up to Santa Fe to see jazz artists Dave Grusin and Lee Rittenour. Doing another overnighter and will do a few things up there tomorrow afternoon, eat dinner before the show at a nearby place I always enjoy and then head home Sunday morning. I have a lot of yard stuff to finish and going to try to get some of that done tomorrow before I head north. May swing by Lowes on the way in for a few things for the front rock garden. We should be past frost risk now.

    Goldie- sounds like you are dealing with the same over there. Hope you are doing okay at the end of the week and taking good care of yourself.

    NM- how much longer do you plan to work friend? I know Hospice is not a first choice for you, but hope the interview goes okay and if you need it to bridge you to Medicare or the like, it may serve a purpose for a time. I think every day about early retirement and if they dropped the Medicare age, I would leave this job and go back to contracting. The politics and drama of the FT job world are a spirit killer.

    Chi- welcome back and hope you brought many happy memories of the wedding weekend with you. Sounds like everything went well.

    Ill- hope things are coming along with the new place and all the lovely scenery and relaxation you will enjoy out in West Texas.

    Back to worky work. Hope everyone has a beautiful sunny weekend (and no wind either).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited April 2022

    I was already worrying about Goldie and theTunnel Fire. Now I'll worry about you too Jazzy. We've had wind on top of wind on top of wind. But nothing like the winds I remember in New Mexico - with tumbleweeds racing across the road trying to hit your car. Be careful driving.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    No fires here, but very windy today (but in Chicago springtime, warmth comes with a price). Went out on the deck to enjoy a seltzer and nearly got blown away. Took a photo of my magnolia in full bloom just in case tomorrow's storms blow the blossoms away (as they always do this time of year). Blossomed quite early, though. Colder than normal spring but very few subzero winter days. My thyme, parsley, mint and chives have come roaring back (and my windowsill basil is doing okay) but the rosemary didn't make it through the winter. Oddly, it's usually the one winter-hardy herb.

    Here's the magnolia:


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    No drinks last night. Tonight, at Avli in Winnetka, a Greek sparkling rosé. Bitterly disappointed with the service--took 20 minutes for the wine to arrive. Waiter took our order for salad, app, and entrees...and 30 min. later, all dishes arrived AT ONCE! He was either grossly inexperienced (left lots of bones as he fileted the fish tableside, gave Bob the wrong side dish) or the kitchen was understaffed and had no idea about pacing. The place was packed, because tonight was the first true patio-friendly weather of the season--but restaurants have no business booking more tables than they have staff (front of house or kitchen). He also took Bob's order for a red wine (a Greek meritage blend) to go with the beef...and promptly forgot. (We had to remind him 15 minutes later, and at least he comped us the glass). I had high hopes after reading Judy's (keywestfan's) rave review of it (and looked forward to the pleasant drive up there), but if we go back to an Avli it'll be either the one in River North or at Millennium Park. Ever since emerging from the pandemic, the North Shore seems to have lost much if not most of its fine dining options, so Avli doesn't have much competition for butts-in-seats.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Beautiful magnolia Chi 😍

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Jazzy, I thought you only had one fire out your way. Heard on the news there are 6. I think we are at 3 now.

    Minus, we have those tumbleweeds out here too. I wouldn't want to get hit with one, those suckers are sharp. I seen a bunch not too long ago whirling up in a dust devil.

    Sandy, the tree is pretty, I'll bet it smells nice too! Hopefully the winds will stay away for a bit so you can enjoy the blooms. I guess there's a reason they call it "The Windy City". I guess you won't be going back to that Avli any time soon.

    Yesterday was NOT a good day for me emotionally. Cried on and off all day. I have no idea what brought that on. Better today, thank goodness!

    DOTD: Pink Magnolia

    Pink Magnolia Cocktail


    • 16 ounces fresh watermelon juice
    • 24 ounces sparkling wine or champagne


    • 1 Pour 4 ounces watermelon juice into glass.
    • 2 Top off with sparkling wine to fill remainder of glass.
    • 3 Garnish with mint springs if desired. Serve immediately.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Hi folks- just a quick note to say things are okay here, although there are 20 fires around the state now. We had super high winds on Friday (65 mph here in the urban area, higher in other areas) and it has created some much worse fire conditions. Two of the large fires up north now merged into one and are 45k acres and lots of evacuations. New Mexico is mostly wilderness/forest and that is where the fires are at mostly, although there have been a couple in the more urban areas along the valley. Nothing here in ABQ though. Air smells smokey today.

    My concert got cancelled on Friday for last night in Santa Fe, sounds like someone in the band was not well so we will see if that gets rescheduled soon or goes out further. But since I was away last weekend, I am using the opportunity to get caught up around the house and with the yard. We are past frost risk now so I am getting more done to plant and finishing up my pruning.

    Goldie- I know the fire near Flagstaff is really bad. Are you okay? A lot of smoke there?

    Going to swim and then later to do yoga, a two fer work out today. Have a good week all.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    I was 4 pages behind - I will have to read them another time. I saw I haven't been on since the 12th - day DD#2 arrived. DD#1 left this morning. We had fun girl time. DD#2 and I went to Garden of the Gods on Monday, DD#1 arrived Tuesday and we went shopping, Wednesday to a wildlife preserve near us and Thursday to the Botantical. Gardens. I had comp time so took 3.5 days off work - still have 2 more days comp time to use before the end of the year. DD#2 leaves tomorrow afternoon. The school I'm covering has a comp day tomorrow, so I'll get lots of much needed paperwork done at home and I get to take her to the airport Heart. Got lots of hugs and so enjoyed my time with the girls. More shopping with DD#2 today as she wanted to go to Costco and Trader Joes. Now she is finishing homework that is due later tonight. Actually, she's had a lot of homework to do while she has been here. She works sooo hard!!! At least it will pay off when she graduates.

    Going to check out a few other threads that I haven't visit the past 12 days, then finish putting my Passover stuff away in the crawl space.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Back to school, and the start of the countdown to the end of the year, and the end of the school nursing contract. I was offered and accepted the Hospice position after the second interview Friday morning. My start date will be set once I know the exact end date of the school year, that's still a little bit up in the air. The superintendent is trying to get the day school was closed for the fire waived so we can still end the second week of June.

    Today is the last day of the class I'm currently taking and I've got a boatload to finish up, just couldn't stay focused over the weekend, it was so nice. I kept going out and sitting on the deck and watching the doggos play, or tossing things for them to chase. I'll have to pay for that today by working diligently on the last deliverables after work today. I decided to take a bit of break from my own classes, when I registered for the next class I chose a start date of August 1st. That will give me time to get settled in the new job and routine, shift my mindset from school nursing to hospice care, and, hopefully, come up with a project.

    Goldie--those winds are NOT GOOD at all for the fires! I hope things have calmed down are under control. Seems reasonable to me for the PCP follow-up to happen later in the month. It's not that far away, after all. I don't blame you for withdrawing money and keeping it somewhere else. Maybe the best thing would be to quietly do that and just not say anything about the money unless the steps bring it up, then you can say you didn't get any acknowledgment of the money you did pass out, so you figured they weren't interested in it.

    Jazzy--the fires you describe sound very scary. I hope none of them end up affecting you directly.

    Oh my goodness, the news is just now showing pics of the Az Tunnel fire, and the pics of the winds expected are amazing. Looks like it's going to be a busy fire season this year.

    Morning, Minus! I can't imagine seeing tumbleweeds blowing around like that!

    Chi--your magnolia is beautiful! I'm sorry your dining experience wasn't what you expected.

    Goldie--hugs for the hard day. There doesn't have to be anything in particular that brings it on. The Pink Magnolia is wonderful looking!

    Morning, Teka!

    Karen--don't blame you for not being on while the girls were visiting! Sounds like it was a great visit, and not quite completely over yet. Good for you!

    A flaming Game of Thrones inspired cocktail for your next Game of Thrones viewing party! Inspired by the green explosive Wildfire used in the show. This easy Game of Thrones cocktail is caught fire with Bacardi 151 rum and sweetened by using a mix of Midori and Watermelon Vodka to make a melon martini so good you might explode. // #gameofthrones #cocktail

    Wildfire Cocktail


    • 1ounceMidori(or Any Melon Liqueur)
    • 1/2ounceWatermelon Vodka
    • 1ounceVodka
    • 1/4 ounceSimple Syrup
    • 1teaspoonBacardi 151(optional)
    • Ice


    1. In a shaker add your Midori, watermelon vodka, plain vodka, and simple syrup. Fill the shaker with ice to the liquid line. Give it a 30 second hard shake and strain into a heatproof coupe or martini glass (or any small heat proof glass) to serve.

    Optional Fire Floater

    1. After you've poured your cocktail into your heatproof coupe flip over the back of a bar spoon and slowly layer your Bacardi 151 on top of the cocktail. Putting away your 151 and clean up any drips/spill, taking a stick lighter, carefully light your cocktail by hover the flame just above the liquid surface. Once it lights, let the cocktail burn out or CAREFULLY AND GENTLY blow it out when ready to consume. Let glassware cool before consuming!
      BE CAREFUL the glassware and the top layer of the cocktail will be very hot. Let it cool down before consuming the drink. Elsewise you can burn yourself. Use a paper straw to sip the cocktail from the bottom up if you don't want to wait for it to cool all the way down.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Jazzy WOW, 20 fires???? I'm sure all of yours are human caused as well, since we havn't had any precipitation. No smoke here, surpisinly! Must be too far north.

    Karen, being 4 pages behind really isn't much, since the new platform only allows about 10 posts per page! No worries about not posting, we know you are busy with your DD's visiting, which is over today. Sounds like you had lots of fun with them. What is your DD studying? I think I have asked before, but don't remember.

    NM, congrats on the new job with hospice. I'm thinking the pay weighed in on your decision. Nice to take time out on the deck playing with the pups.

    I downloaded an app over the weekend but learned something that I wasn't looking for. The app shows properties and who owns them. We have 2 - 40 acre parcels. The one, that we don't use, is listed under the trust, but the one I live on, shows belonging to Drips Plumbing and Sprinkler Supply. Well, that's the business, and we sold that. Does that mean they own my property now???? I will be calling on that today! The other thing that has me concerned and feeling a bit anxious, Covid related, is not just flying, but Nora's 1st birthday is going to be a big shebang! 70 people! Gosh, when my kids were little, you invited a few of their friends, played a few games, some gifts, cake and that was it. Or you rented a spot at Chucky Cheese. For the 1st birthday, I think was just a small gathering of family. Winds are continuing to blow, not as bad today, but picking up again tomorrow and the rest of the week. Not sure my Faslodex will arrive prior to Friday, which will be the last day I can go to get that and follow up with my PC for the kidney infection. If it doesn't come, I'm not going for the follow up. None of the kids know about the money I have stashed here at home. I'd almost like to give my kids a BIG chunk, so I can see what they do with it! If the steps showed a bit more gratitude, I would give them more too, but not now. I have also decided not to say anything. My step grand daughter (14) colors her hair constantly. You may remember me talking about that. Her hair was long and like cotton candy. Well she got it cut real short and mom says she will be fixing the color shortly. I said to mom that it concerns me how frequently she colors her hair and those chemicals leach into the body through the scalp and hair follicles. Mom says, she will pass that information on to DD. WTH, aren't you the mother here? For one, I would not allow a 14 yo to color her hair PERIOD. At least only allow her to do it a couple times a year. Times have sure changed!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Teka, we are all set with that, we have a revocable trust. So anything left in the bank and what sells after I'm gone is to be distributed between the 4 kids. Cremation/death certificates, etc. all paid for. The kids will just have to send in papers, no probate needed and long waits.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Goldie- I would think you would have had to transfer a deed for that land to go to the new owners, but better to confirm as usually the assets of any business (which could include real property/land) could have gone with that sale. If you used a business attorney for the sale of your business, they should be able to help or a good one can help to answer any questions about what you would need to do next.

    They don't know all the reasons for the fires but one in Ruidoso that burned down 200 plus homes were from downed power lines with the high winds. I think some of those caused more fires on Friday too. Usually when we get into extreme fire weather like we are having now, they close all the national forests to the public as well as to any camping. The only issues where I am is some smoke in the air. I have never seen winds here like we have had this spring. I did see it snowed up north overnight and hoping some of the worst of the areas up there got moisture which will help them to maybe get a handle on the worst of it. It's cool and dry here for the moment.

    I bought some plants yesterday, let the gardening begin!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Lori, Jazzy--one more reason to keep wearing masks! Bill Maher the other night kept making fun of millennials & Gen-Zers wearing masks outdoors. Well, he lives in L.A.--has he never encountered smog, wildfire smoke, dust (which nearly stopped Coachella this weekend), or pollen? And L.A. has one of the few transit systems that still requires masks. Dunno about you, but it's easier to keep a mask on at the bus stop or the outdoor train platform than to keep putting it on & taking it off. In fact, if I have a few errands to run in a single large strip mall or a very short drive apart, I find it more convenient to keep my mask on in the car. (I still wear a mask when shopping, especially now that iOS 15 recognizes my face with a mask on, so I can use ApplePay without punching in my PIN code). And in almost every restaurant around here, the servers are still masked, despite the state and city mandates having been dropped everywhere except health care facilities.

    Yesterday, we went to Fogo de Chao for dinner. Bob ordered the Grey Goose "classic Martini," but left most of it over. (How "classic" is vodka in a martini, anyway? My purist Nova Scotian BFF would be aghast). He didn't mind the blue cheese-stuffed olives, but the "vermouth rinse" turned out to be sweet, not dry, vermouth--and there was probably some olive juice mixed in. He is a "neoclassical Martini" guy: vodka, a little dry vermouth, and lemon twist. He doesn't mind olives on the side as a snack--so long as they don't get into the drink.

    I had ordered the usual split of a French brut rose from the by-the-glass list. After half an hour, it still hadn't arrived--the server kept saying cryptically "we're working on it." Finally, he came over with an opened full bottle of an Argentinian sparkling rose for me to taste--and it was horrible: oxidized, too sweet, and with an odd bitter finish (like Andre or Cook's). He apologized and asked what else I wanted. Given that the place specialized in all things red meat, I should have chosen a red, but I pointed at the split of Domaine Chandon brut on the wine list. He brought back a full large glass (not a flute) of it and a second opened split--both on the house. So Bob & I broke all the rules and drank white bubbly with red meat. (No way was I getting behind the wheel with the equivalent of half a bottle of champagne in me).

    DOTD: Coffee & water for me today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Chi- I watch Bill too and heard that. Prior to the pandemic, I was using dust masks because of the dust and other things one may deal with doing yard work around here. I don't think anyone should be shamed about wearing or not wearing them. I still wear them in the stores a lot, also outside some too.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited April 2022

    I went to the grocery store this afternoon and only a few people were wearing masks. I wore mine.