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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Jazzy, we did use an atty for the sale of the business. The screenshot I took was not current. I called the county office, and both properties are listed under the trust. I hope they close the forests up here BEFORE we have another big fire. Happy gardening!


    See the source image

    Sandy, I plan on being masked. Keeping my mask on is not easy, one of the SE's of my meds is a drippy nose, and wearing a mask makes it worse.

    Wren, I don't go out much, but I'd have to say, I think only about 5% are masking. Most Native Americans around here do.

    Nothing going on around here. Another thing I was trying to get done is find out if my DD's long lost husband can get to her inheritance. I thought so, but I was wrong. As long as they don't have a joint account, he can't touch it. I'm not telling her that! I want her to proceed with the divorce, they've been separated for well over 5 years, he has a GF and a baby with her. I'm surprised the GF doesn't make him get a divorce.

    Well, how about 2 for Twosday?

    DOTD: Fluffy Duck

    Click to go to the recipe website

    Add all the ingredients, except the soda water, to a cocktail shaker with ice and shake well. Once frosted, strain into an ice-filled highball glass and top up with soda water. Garnish with an orange slice and serve.
    #2 Duck Fart

    Click to go to the recipe website

    • 1/2 oz. Kahlua
    • 1/2 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
    • 1/2 oz. Whiskey

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited April 2022

    I am torn.

    My late father used to drink (alcoholic till he was about 65) and smoked lived to be month shy of 94th Birthday despite two consecutive strokes within 30 day period. And he had full blown Pneumonia at 90th. In the end, it just that his maker simply told him to come and he had to oblige. Yes his last hr came so quick and clean.

    And my mother who went thru ovarian given six month to a yr followed by breast cancer still alive and kicking at almost 90. And my medical history is quite similar to mom's.

    Just had a simple mastectomy. Surgeon said he did not see anything bad. Waiting for pathology. It has been a week. So I don't think it will be bad.

    No need to say or reply anything re my dilemma. I am just torn because I had to cut down to one drink per week from 2.5 drinks. Arrrrrgh🤬 I will wait for the official pathology before I go back to usual wkly quota.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Gotta check to see whether Upgrade Monster has removed my sig file as well.

    No alcohol yesterday. At dinner out tonight, Varichon et Clerc brut rose with apps, and a Pinot Noir from the Languedoc region.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Nope, sig file still there!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I'm breathing a bit of a sigh of relief today, got the last things for my class posted last night. This class has been a bit of a struggle with me misunderstanding the assignment instructions. At least I wasn't the only one who misunderstood several times!

    Good Morning, Loungettes, Happy Hump Day!Had to break off yesterday's post, I got out of bed later than usual after having a longer than usual cuddle session with the puppers, and ran out of computer time before needing to go to work.Speaking of work, our pool testing came back NEGATIVE, which absolutely amazes me since I have one student who has tested positive and several with positive testing family members. But I'll take it!

    Goldie--I'd be lying to say the pay didn't weigh heavily in my decision. That and having year-round income and health insurance, and knowing the job will still exist after one year. If I were you I would look into the paperwork on the property--I'm guessing the app is wrong. It seems like you would know if the property was part of the business sale, that would be a big part of the price setting, I would think. Times really have changed. There are a couple of girls in my school, 10 years old, who are coloring their hair and changing it up almost once a week. I'm guessing the coloring is temporary, otherwise the one girl wouldn't be able to go from all black to pastel stripes, but what do I know?Then there's the girl who wears 3 inch high heels almost every day. She hates gym day because she has to change into sneakers and they make her feet hurt. It seems that the kids are in charge more and more often these days.

    Morning, Teka!

    Jazzy--all the fires and the high winds make for a scary time. And it is amazing how far the smoke from a big fire like that can travel. Enjoy the gardening!I'm still waiting for gardening weather!

    Chi--oh my goodness what a time you had with the wine at that restaurant!

    Goldie--glad to hear the app was just a little outdated. That must be a relief. Love the fluffy Duck!And the Duck Fart reminds me of watching Deadliest Catch.

    Castigame--welcome to the HTL!Praying the path report is favorable. What do you like to drink?

    April Rain Cocktail

    April Rain


    • 2ouncesvodka
    • 1/2ouncedry vermouth
    • 1/2ouncefreshly squeezed lime juice
    • Lime peel, for garnish

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    5.5 week and counting!!! They will be busy beyond busy including work at night to catch and stay caught up on paperwork. Then summer vacation. Speaking of summer vacation, we best get busy planning or at least look a flights etc if we are going to visit the girls.

    Have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Castigame, welcome to the HTL, Hot Tatties Lounge. The decision is yours to make. If you are going to feel guilty, then don't do it. If you want to enjoy life and your cocktail, the do it! Good luck on the path report. Praying it's a secondary and not mets.

    Teka, it looks like these "glitches" are just getting worse. Your comment goes all the way across the page, and did the same on the glitches thread.

    NM at first I was going to say, "ummmm, my calendar says it's Wed". But I see you started to post yesterday but couldn't finish. Glad things are negative at school. Yes, the property is all good. Just gave me a scare. 3" heels on an elementary student? Good grief! I may suggest to my step DD that maybe she should have grand daughter look at organic dies.

    Karen, I think planning for trips is just about as exciting as when they get close. I have MI next Tuesday after my infusions on Monday. My brother and his husband coming mid August and then back to MI beginning of Sept. And Maybe the VI in the winter sometime.

    Still windy here, but warm. I have a dentist appt. tomorrow morning and have to go for my injections, both in opposite directions. So, do I do injections today and dentist tomorrow, or both tomorrow??? Hate to take up 2 days, I'm thinking both tomorrow. Decisions, decisions! May plant some beans today.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited April 2022

    Goldie - I'm going to do a variation of your triple header - Baileys, Tia Maria & Chambord. Somebody posted that some time ago and it was really good. ANd edited to ask - is your brother really going to be there for a month? Staying with you? Hope that will be fun & useful but would not be true with any of my relatives. We follow that fish & guests 3 days rule.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Minus2, heavens NO, my brother is not going to be here a month, they will be here for a week. Gosh, the only person I can think of that I would want to stay with me for a month, would be my daughter. Or a grand baby, if I had one! Enjoy that triple header!

    I'm leaving in the morning for 10am dentist, then to get something notarized, then for my injections. So gone most of the day and might not be on in the morning. Worked outside most of the day, planted about 75 beans! Hopefully get enough to can some! Temps have been lovely, 80ish but windy, so it makes it nice, but not for the fires!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I'm listening to the weather man talking about snow mixing in with the rain today and tomorrow, and wind chills to the 20's as the wind picks up.It's freaking almost May, give it up, Father Winter!

    Well, despite struggling with the assignment directions in the last class, my final grade is 93%. No way I'm complaining about that! Even though I wouldn't mind taking that class again now that I know what I'm supposed to be doing. . . .

    Colt and Zoe say Hi to everyone,

    Karen--7 weeks and counting for me! I'm doing hearing screening this week, and finding that almost half the kiddos screened so far are triggering referrals. It's amazing to me.

    Goldie--Glad to know the property is safe. Yup, 3 inch heels. On an 8 year old. Makes me shake my head!

    Morning, Minus!

    Mexican Jumping Bean Cocktail

    1 2/3 oz Patron Reposado tequila

    1 oz espresso coffee, freshly made and hot

    1/2 oz agave syrup

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Well, the deck has been stained...but it's not drying, much less curing. I had a feeling this was gonna happen, with these cold temps and every-other-day rain cycle (even the "2-days-dry" stretches start with wee-hours rain and end with the same). We didn't hit 40F till this morning, and won't see 60 till Sat., then back into the 40s & 50s next week. In the 39 days since (alleged) spring began, we have had exactly TWO sunny days. Latest European forecast model shows possible "wintry mix" for a week from today...Cinco de effing Mayo!

    Second coat went on yesterday a.m.--then rain began at dinnertime. Rain on & off all day today. Supposedly dry tomorrow...till evening, Storms all day Saturday, with a "non-zero" chance of tornadoes. Dry Sunday, and most of Monday guessed it...showers Tuesday evening. Wish we could send all this rain to California. We have to use the front door and go through the narrow gangway around the side of the house to access our garage--breathing the paint-stink all the way. Not as bad as the oil-based stain that the deck-builder used in 2014 (I had to wear a respirator for two weeks because of the VOC fumes, and we kept tracking the stain indoors on the bottoms of our shoes), but still frustrating to have to take this circuitous route and be unable to use our deck. And Bob is not as agile as I am, so I fear he may fall in the gangway at night.

    Leftovers last night--drank Duckhorn Decoy 2020 Pinot Noir,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I'm sitting here looking at the snow falling out side and shaking my head. Almost May and still need to run the furnace most days! Should be done with that by now.

    Maine's governor has tested positive for COVID after having a "mild scratchy throat" and despite being full vaccinated and doubly boosted. She's working remotely and getting oral antiviral medications. I can foresee a run on demand for antiviral pills for everyone who has the least scratchy, dry, or sore throat for the next few months. It's a good thing home tests are so readily available.

    Poor Colt got pushed off the bed in the middle of the night last night! He made quite the THUMP, too. I sat up and turned on the light to see what was going on and there he is sitting there shaking his head. He looked around for a minute, then hopped back up on the bed, got on the other side of me, pushed Zoe down to the foot of the bed and took over her spot next to my legs. Zoe promptly got up, walked up over Colt to curl up next to my shoulder.I'm beginning to think I do need a bigger bed!

    Chi--wow, it's going to be quite the chore getting the deck to dry and cure! And so inconvenient, too. Ah, the joys of home ownership, right?


    Ingredient Checklist
    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    Instructions Checklist
    • Step 1 Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    Hello Friday


    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Good morning- TGIF and it's almost da weekend. Been meeting deadlines in one of our buildings we are looking to open this summer and not without it's challenges. In a few more weeks, I will be able to exhale and then will move to the next phase of work, and begin planning for that. Things will stay busy but hoping not as crazy as it has been. Ha, a girl can hope, right?

    I think I mentioned a couple weeks ago there was an issue around our work area noise. There has been a lot of drama about that, and I was not going to be blamed for not having a good work space with too many people crammed in and poor acoustics. Anyways, the decision was our advanced team was sent to work remote for the duration, which I couldn't be happier. I will have more time in the morning and right after work for house things, exercise, save money on gas, etc. I prefer a hybrid work environment but have been home a lot more than in the office with this job so I am good with remote. I don't do well with drama or politics and the place is rife with both. I will make appearances if needed or requested.

    The winds have been down this week and days have been beautiful. Been working on finishing my yard pruning as well as doing a bit of planting in the gardens. We have had no moisture here again for awhile and with the warmer weather (been in the 80s which is about 10 degrees higher than normal for April). I always love this time of the year between April to May when everything is blooming, the temps are perfect. By June, it's usually over 100 degrees now and hot until the end of September. The river is painfully low for a time of the year the meltwaters should be coming down from the mountains when it is usually at it's highest. Some areas up north still getting snow.

    NM- I am glad your next work will have benefits with it. I didn't realize you didn't have those with your school nurse assignment. Some contract jobs come with benefits but many don't. We need our insurance and all the rest, it's one of the main reasons I am at this current job (especially for the health insurance). I hope after taking a break from healthcare delivery, things will be better going back as the industry has lost so many people who will never return. Organizations needs to do better for clinical workers and those working in healthcare in general. Will you take a break at the end of the school year and before you start? I do think you need a larger bed too with the two puppers now. Congrats on the good grade sister!

    Chi- I hope you can get your deck finished. Send some of that rain back over our way. I love Decoy Duck pinot noir too.

    Goldie- I hope your medical trips this week went well. Sounds like you are busy in the gardens too and with similar weather, but our states get a lot of the same, right? I am glad you are going to get some company to visit. Hope you are doing okay, one day at a time through all you have gone through this year (and beyond).

    Teka- what is happening in north country? Signs of spring in your area?

    Karen, Ill, Celia C, and others- hello and hope you are doing well?

    I have the drip system folks coming this am to fix a leak and get me going for the season and a busy work day. Happy hour after work with friends at a nearby brewery.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Kim - yup, bigger bed! Colt and Zoe run the roostLoopy. Love hearing all the stories about them. I think we are done winter - we have virtually no snow in April. We are soooooooo dry it is scary. So many wild fires/fires early in the season.

    5 weeks and counting. They will be BUSY!!! My school coverage is going well, but I added a new legal case.....when will I learn to say NO! Oh well.

    60s and windy today. Best get busy with my Friday routine. Have a great day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Deck finally dried enough to walk on (but not before trapping a host of dead mayflies). Hoping it finally cures Sun morning into Mon. evening--nearly 48 hrs of dry (albeit not warm) weather. We in Chicago along the lakefront are currently "enjoying" Seattle weather...January Seattle weather (IIRC from my 7 years there).

    DsOTD at Regalia tonight: with apps, La Giosa 2020 Rosé Prosecco; with beef, a 2018 Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (which we were comped). No cordials--had been looking forward to the Amaro we had a few weeks ago. Bob wanted to spend his booze calories on a snifter of Christian Bros. brandy (which I find worthy only of being set afire) in order to hang with our favorite bartender (Cellars, then Pumping Co.--which burned down--then Hugo's Frog Bar/Gibson's) who recently landed at Regalia.

    Upon arriving home, Lakanto keto drinking chocolate with unsweetened whipped cream.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Driving to work through a snow squall is not what I usually think of as spring weather, although I should know enough to expect to do that once or twice a year. At least we didn't get any big spring snowstorms this April. We have gotten them in May, but those are pretty rare, so I'm hoping it won't happen.

    It's official, the last day of work for me at the school is June 10th, barring any more missed days that have to be made up. I got the bulk of the hearing screenings done this week, just have a few stragglers to try to catch next week and that will be finally done. A surprising number of students are being referred for follow-up testing, although probably shouldn't be surprising given how many of them are using headphones and earbuds a lot of the time.

    I think Colt has gotten pretty comfortable here.


    Not that Zoe is very far behind, the minute Colt got out of the recliner, look who got in!


    Jazzy--I hope the hybrid work environment is here to stay for those whose job can be done that way. More time around the house is always nice, but being right in town and being able to stop for things on the way home is convenient too. I guess I want the best of both worlds. Noise seems to be an ongoing issue everywhere these days. It seems like there is a lot more windy weather than there used to be, here and everywhere I hear about it. I do have benes with the school assignment, but only during the school year, I'd have to pay COBRA prices to continue the health insurance through the summer. With the new job I'll have benes year 'round. With travel time it's next to impossible to keep appointments without taking time off, and some of the nurses on the team were taking a lot of time off for their own issues and for taking care of children, I didn't feel like I could really take time off for routine things. With the new job I'll be working in the same town as my PCP office, lab, etc. and will only need to take a few hours off rather than a whole day for appointments. I'd like to take a break between school and the new job, but they are holding it for me for almost 2 months as it is. I think I'll start June 13th and make sure I get the long weekend for the 4th of July, and get a fall vacation week scheduled as soon as I'm eligible. Benes for healthcare workers, especially hospital workers, do tend to be pretty terrible. You'd think it would be the other way around.

    Karen--yup, Zoe and Colt rule the roost, and I never doubted that would happen! The end of the school year was really busy last year, as I recall. I suspect that's the norm. Looking like this year's end will be pretty busy here, too.

    Chi--Glad to hear the deck is making progress!Will you be able to get the mayflies off, or will they be a permanent fixture? I suppose they create some traction, at least.

    Big Dog Cocktail

    • 1 oz. Kahlua® coffee liqueur
    • 1.5 oz. vodka
    • 4 oz. milk
    • 1 splash Pepsi®

    Pour Kahlua and vodka over ice in glass. Fill remainder of glass with milk then top with Pepsi. Stir.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2022

    NM, beautiful dogs, I’m so glad you all have each other.

    Had a couple beers last night to celebrate finally moving out. Last truckload packed about 4pm, virtual closing around 4:30. After loading into storage and a break/shower at the hotel, we went out for crawfish and drinks. Mountain bound on Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    NM, your weather is through the roof! I'm flabbergasted over the 8 yo wearing those heels, SMH! Colt falling off the bed...before I could even read your next sentence, I'm thinking to myself, that must have been a big THUD! LOL yep, bigger bed! I'm detecting some sibling rivalry there! Do you plan on traveling for your fall vacation?

    Jazzy, glad you will be able to work from home and avoid the drama. Yes, our weather is pretty much the same as yours. And these early fires are scary. Seems you, Karen and I are always having issues with that in our states. Haven't seen or know of any CA.

    Karen, def. scary with so many fires, so early. What all does a "legal" case involve?

    Sandy, I hoped those mayflies aren't embedded in the stain!

    Thursday ended up being a 6 hour day and 150+ miles! Urine test came back neg. Gave doctor a copy of what I got from the hospital. Got a call from them on the way home that doctor wants me back when I get home from MI for an ultra sound as the report said I had a swolen kidney. ER doc NEVER said anything about that! When I think I have all my ducks in a row, something else comes up. Got a letter in the mail in regards to DH's 401K, showed the total, then showed it all in the negative, ending in a ZERO balance. I checked my bank accounts, no deposits there. Where the heck did that money go??? Lots to do before I leave here Monday morning. One of TM's jumped 1000 and the other went down. They are so crazy! Just glad I don't have any pain. So anyways, I may not check in until I land and get settled in MI.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Ooops, thanks for the bump BabyGirl, water is mighty fine in the pewl! Congrats on the move! Safe travels to your last and final destination!

    Def. my ducks!

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Fortunately, the rain did wash away the mayflies and goose-poop. Unfortunately, while we have some clear weather right now, the storms will start back up by 5pm and last well past 10pm. Chicago's severe-weather risk (damaging winds, flash floods, large hail, possible tornadoes) has been raised from "marginal" to "slight" (2 out of 5). It was "slight" when a tornado hit Rogers Park (just a mile north of us) two years ago and last June when the tree next door fell on our house.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited May 2022

    NM - congrats on the job but PLEASE consider taking a week in between. Ending one of a Friday & starting the new one on a Monday is over the top. Sounds like they really want you, so maybe push a bit.

    Mae - happy move. It's been a long process and I know you're anxious to get settled.

    Goldie - oh for crying out loud - swollen kidney? And weird about the tumor markers. SOOOOO glad you don't have any pain. And missing money? What next!!! Oh I know - forget it all & have a wonderful trip.

    Jazzy - I signed up for New Mexico magazine since I like Arizona Highways so much. They sent an extra big tourist book with things to see & experience & do & eat all over the state.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Minus2, lol "forget it all". Thanks for that, I will!

    I did find the money. I called our financial guy at Wells Fargo. DH had that money moved to and IRA. I guess he did that before the sale of the business. DH had more stuff done and taken care of, than I realized before his death. I got most of my stuff done around the house yesterday. Today is getting my packing together, except for toiletries, as I will need those in the morning. Talked with my brother yesterday, he was not feeling well! I said "did you take a Covid test" "No, there's a bug going around". I texted him later and told him that he needed to do that for my health. But I'm afraid he may not do it, but tell me did!

    DOTD: Frozen Money


    Add ingredients directly to a blender with ice and blend until smooth. Pour into glass or cup.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday funday! The puppers and I didn't do much of anything yesterday, probably won't don much of anything today, either. Sunny but chilly outside. Just not much ambition this ayem.

    Illi--Congrats on moving out and closing! Hooray for the coming Mountain Life!

    Goldie--Yup, Colt made a pretty solid THUMP, glad he didn't get hurt. I'm hoping to go visit my brother and his wife in North Carolina in the fall.I'd like to visit once a year. Funny how the ER doc chose to focus on the already known mets and ignore the new kidney finding. The 401k certainly is a mystery. Safe travels!

    Chi--Glad the ucky stuff rained off the deck. If you can get a tornado at a slight severe-weather risk, what happens when the risk is high?

    Minus--I will think harder about taking a week off in between jobs. You have a good point.

    Goldie--Phew, glad you found the money! Maybe you should take a test or two with you, make your brother take one in front of you! That Frozen Money sounds very yummy!

    Teka--I think Colt and Zoe are pretty happy here. At least, I hope so. They are fun to have around!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Ha ha NM, I'm one ahead of you, already have 2 tests packed! I'm wavering on keeping one here at home in case I need it when I get home. Well, I just went and ordered 2 more, so I will take both of them with me. Good idea to have him do it in front of me. I swear, sometimes I'm so tupid! I too think you should take a break in between jobs. I was hoping you might be heading out to Vegas, I would meet up with you!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Kim - congrats on the new position. I had to go back several pages to see what the position was. I was hoping you could get hired on by the school district - but. think your heart has always been in hospice. Benefits, especially are a must. I agree with the others, if you can afford to take a week in between positions go for it.

    Lori - a legal case is one where the family has an issue with the school district - asking the district to pay for an expensive private school generally. Our goal is to show that the school district can meet their educational needs. They are always doozies!! Assessments vary by the case/student. So far, all the ones I have done are high school age. One of my team mates work on this same case about a 1 1/2 years ago.

    Going to be social this afternoon. One of my teammates has a ranch and she invited the team to an end of the year gathering. Even DH is going to go with me. It will be outside. The younger teammates with little kids are bringing them (some infants) so it should be fun. I think by far, I'm the oldest on our central team of about 20 people. A couple gals are 5-8 years younger, but some are younger than my older kids and one or 2 are just a year or two older than my youngest. Recently I helped with two interviews for SW who are a year younger than DD#2. That's when I know I'm getting old!!!!

    Well, I best get off as I have lots to do for work before we leave this afternoon. Have a great rest of the day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! Lots of excitement, or at least activity this ayem.A bird got in the house, and the puppers, especially Colt, went nuts trying to catch it. It's amazing how much havoc an 83 pound dog can do jumping up on furniture and running headlong into furniture while chasing poor birdy!

    It finally got warm enough to sit out on the deck and read while the puppers were running around. It seems they like to chase birds as well as the big gray squirrel that teases them. They scared a poor bunny, too, who took off a VERY high speed when one of the puppers woofed at it!

    Goldie--Next summer the vacation plan is an Alaskan cruise. With the cousin who plans all this stuff living in Vegas, I was thinking of flying there a couple of days before and traveling with them from there. I'd love to meet up with you!Those travel plans are still tentative, but I'll keep you in the loop. Good for you for already having the COVID tests packed!

    Karen--I do miss hospice work, I must admit. It would be nice to work at the local school, but the money and benefits is an element. With only a couple of years before I go on Medicare, the money is a big item. Particularly when I look at the work the house needs to have done. A legal case sounds like a really interesting and frustrating kind of case! The end of year get together sounds like a good time!

    Drunk Bunny Cocktail in glass with ice, peep, lemon wedge and strawberry.

    Drunk Bunny


    • 3ouncesStrawberry Lemonade
    • 2ouncesMalibu Rum


    • Fill a glass with ice
    • Pour in the lemonade and the rum
    • Stir
    • Garnish with lemon wegde, strawberry and a peep!
    • Drink and enjoy

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    I have time to be quick.

    Karen, thank you for explaining. Summer break will be here before you know it. Hope you enjoyed your social outing.

    NM, I can TOTALLY imagine the havoc an 83 lb dog do! And I'm sure all you did was STAY OUT OF HIS WAY! Vegas is about a 7 hour drive for me. Drunk Bunny sounds refreshing. Would be good as a slushy.

    My brother took his Covid test and sent me the results, I didn't even ask. It was negative. My flight leaves around 11 tomorrow morning and I will only be like 2 miles from the airport.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Thunderstorms last night (not that I heard them due to my hearing) and rain this morning. Much needed moisture. Cold and damp rest of the day 30s and low 40s. Tomorrow back to the 60s and by the end of the week high 80s!! Too hot for me. Personally, this time of year, sun, blue sky and 60s is perfect.

    I started making dinner about 1/2 hour ago thinking it was close to 5:30 - I look at the clock on the microwave and see its an hour earlier so I turned the stove and rice cooker off!!!

    Kim - I hear you about $ and health insurance. I have part A Medicare for a year now, but will be fully on medicare come August. So will DH. Your SS benefit is impacted by your salary so it is important to look at salary. Good luck on the new position.

    Lori - safe travels.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Lori, glad your bro. tested COVID-neg. Hope the weather in MI cooperates--it's gonna be chilly & wet, but the weekend should be nice. Tomorrow's severe weather should pass considerably south of Chicago (we'll have a minor storm or two between the steady rain) so MI will miss it too. But on Sat. there were two EF-0 tornadoes--one in OakBrook that took out the outhouse on the Hilton Resort's golf course as well as some trees; and another in the far NW suburbs that went back up into the clouds just as it crossed the WI state line. We got some hail, and the sky was pitch black at 5pm. Lots of lightning & thunder--I was glued to the local stations' weather apps on my iPad because it wasn't plugged in. Fortunately, our magnolia held up and our basement didn't flood.

    DOTD tonight (with steamed fish & veggies) was a 2020 Ca dei Friuli Lugana--sort of a cross between Pinot Grigio & Sauv. Blanc. It was part of our stash from Cellars' last Italian wine dinner--but it's also on Regalia's wine list.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Another pretty spring day shaping up here, hoping it's a nice as yesterday, and would be very happy if the breeze was just a tad warmer. I got to sit out on the deck after work for a bit yesterday, which felt so nice.

    I'm waiting nervously for our pool testing results. The middle school had 15 students test positive yesterday--outside of pool testing-- at least half have been at the school dance last Friday. And there are siblings at every other school in the district. And, of course, this is the last week we are doing pool testing. I have got to admit that I am very, very tired of the whole COVID thing, and ready for it to go away. And, yes, I know it will never go away. I'll be glad when it is treated the same way the flu is.

    Goldie--Somehow I thought you lived closer to Las Vegas than that! Shows you how good I am at geography, doesn't it? Glad to hear brother's test was negative. Have a safe flight and a good trip!

    Karen--that's a big temp swing you've got coming! I thought SS was based on salary, and that factored in, too. I need to take some time and get myself better educated about all this retirement stuff. No thunderstorms here yet. I do like watching a good thunder bumper. Don't know yet how the puppers will react, that will be interesting to find out.

    Chi--Wow, sounds like some very wild weather you had!

    Tropical Thunder


    1 oz. (30ml) Rum

    1 oz. (30ml) Banana Schnapps

    1 oz. (30ml) Island Punch Pucker

    1 oz. (30ml) Pineapple Juice

    2 oz. (60ml) Piña Colada Mix

    1/2 oz. (15ml) Cream of Coconut

    Scoop of Cool Whip

    1/2 Banana

    Garnish: Whipped Cream, Cherry, banana slice


    1. Combine ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

    2. Pour mix into a glass and top with whipped cream.

    3. Garnish with a cherry.

    From <>