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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    Got a little more work done outside yesterday. May try to plant what bean seeds I have left, but I'm so discouraged! Very windy here today.

    I got nothing to add to the battery issue, other than my DH's Ford F250 has a dead one!

    NM, you must be sleeping in, or getting some extra cuddles.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022
    DOTD: Damn Battery

    See the source image


    • Shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker.
    • Strain into a chilled shot glass
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! The puppers and I enjoyed a lovely sleep in this ayem. Probably going to be a lazy day today, the foggy start to the day is making all three of us kind of lazy.

    Keywest--it's humbling and uncomfortable to need help getting around, isn't it?

    Goldie--the weather this weekend is supposed to be quite nice, and I'm hoping it really will be. I need to get outside and start cleaning up the winter mess. I hope the water situation gets fixed quickly. I certainly wouldn't have the guts to crawl under the house like that!

    Karen--from 90 degrees to snow, that's a big swing in the temps and weather!

    Chi--it sounds like the hybrid cars are terribly complicated!

    Goldie--love the Damn Battery DOTD!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Went this morning for our 2nd booster. We both had Pzifer for the first 3, but switched to Moderna based on DH's retired PCP. Hoping for no side effects. I didn't have any besides sore arm, but DH got sick with each one and each one was worse.

    Cold and damp - its been raining all morning and turning to snow this afternoon. Brought my plants in last night.

    Sandy - hope your DH's car saga ends soon. It's been a real pain in the you know where for you too!!

    Need to get busy cooking, baking and cleaning.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022

    Good afternoon friends- well I was all excited to get my new dishwasher delivered and installed today. Delivered yes, but they found a plumbing issue and couldn't complete the installation. Sigh. I texted my plumber with the issue, a pic and hope he is in town and can come resolve this for me quickly. Meanwhile, the new unit is in the garage now and they will come back to finish the install and take away the old one. I guess I should feel glad I am a step closer, but it took me forever to get to even getting something and now, we pause again. I deal with this all the time with my work stuff too, so I will say I am used to it. Don't expect anything to happen fast anymore.

    Going to shift gears and go drop off some donations, then hitting the movies for the first time in 2 years to see the new Downton Abbey movie. Onward and upward!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    "Baby Blue" (Bob's car) is home again and running smoothly. The battery was dead because the tow truck driver never turned off the hazard flasher. As a result, all diagnostic codes were wiped out so the service dept. was unable to reproduce the Red Triangle of Death--the only code the computer would return was "low battery" (the 12V one, which was 6 yrs old). The service rep said the mechanic who worked on it was a hybrid specialist (of which there's only one in the SW suburbs, hence the delay in looking at it); and that though there's only an 8 yr warranty on the hybrid battery, it should last at least 15, maybe 20 years. The software is programmed to report after 9 years that it's dead or dying; but because the code was wiped, the hybrid battery-control module re-set its age to "new." We'll see how long that lasts. They were still unable to explain why the car suddenly lost acceleration and completely stalled out, because any code that would have been generated by the problem was wiped out by the dead battery. We'll take it in to a nearby hybrid specialist for a second opinion. And we will begin new-car-shopping at our leisure, ordering to our specs whatever we choose. Thinking of a Hyndai plug-in hybrid--best of both worlds.

    I still say it's a bad throttle body or even just the throttle-body-control module. "Ruby" (my '02 Taurus SHO) did exactly the same thing in the last 6 months of her long life--I limped her into the parking lot of a nearby convent and after 5 minutes restarted the engine without further incident. The nearest Ford dealer was unable to reproduce the problem. 6 months later came the fateful night when after filling the tank, her engine roarded and accelerated uncontrollably. I had to stand on the brake pedal for the half-mile home to get her safely into my garage. Next morning at 8 am the tow-truck operator started her up and could barely muscle her safely into submission to drive her onto the flatbed. All the neighbors came out to investigate what kind of idiot would be street-racing that early on a Saturday morning. When we got to the dealership (a different one up north), the mechanics reacted as if I'd brought them a rabid pit bull. The diagnosis was a bad throttle-body, which would have required a >$2K teardown of the dash to replace; I'd had several major repairs in the past year, so it was time--and I really wanted a Fusion Hybrid (which was so new & scarce they had one of only two in stock in the Chicago area). I paid $40K for it (sticker price) 2011. The only wiggle room was they threw in 6 years of full warranty & prepaid service. (I paid only $30K for my fully-loaded Outback 3 yrs. later).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Last night's DsOTD at Jilly's French Cafe in Evanston: with seared foie gras, a tiny glass of Sauternes; with my bouillabaisse a glass of Pouilly-Fuissé, while Bob chose a Sancerre. They also have Chateauneuf-du-Pâpe by the glass, which I'll have next time with venison.

    Tonight, not sure. We already had cappuccinos this afternoon.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Sandy - glad Bob's car is back home and working.

    DH as with the last 3 shots had a reaction. I only had a very sore arm and aches and pains when I woke up. I was hoping he wouldn't have a reaction since it was Moderna. He did feel good enough to go for a walk this afternoon then was wiped out. I read most of the day 200 out of 300 page book. Will try to finish it tonight or tomorrow.

    Jazzy - hope the plumbing gets figured out sooner than later so you can have your new dishwasher installed. We need to get new racks for our dishwasher as they are disintegrating!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    I had no reaction to my second Moderna booster, nor did Bob to his Pfizer. (Hope we have antibodies).

    DOTD: Mumm Napa Santana Brut.

    Bob actually had lunch not far from here (instead of down by his hospitals), because he said if his car breaks down he wanted to be only a mile walk from home.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    NM, it's actually pretty clean under the house, I was happily surprissed! Hoping you're having some nice weather for the weekend.

    Karen, glad the boosters were uneventful. Did you get snow?

    Jazzy, bummer about the plumbing issue, I can totally relate. Remember the problems I had with the wash machine, took 3 of them! I use my dishwasher as a drying rack!

    Sandy, is the tow truck driver footing the bill for the car? Altho, I guess it didn't get towed at his fault.

    Had my solar guy out, his name is Matt, but I call him MattGuyver, because he can figure just about anything out. He too crawled under the house and checked the same valve boxes that I did and no go. It suddenly dawns on me, I remember Darrell showing me something in the house, in our closet, about water. Sure enough, that is where the shut off valve was! Also, my friend came over to work on the Old West Town, he'll be back Friday. It's going to be a big job, so just a little at a time, as he works, plus has to work half days every other weekend. Going to see my friend Tammy (former hygienist) today, she is up here for the weekend. Tomorrow, I drive to Phoenix for treatment. I may opt to switch treatments to Piqray and save on gas!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Lori - no measurable snow by me, but enough for tree damage. Foothills and mountains got upwards of 1 - 2 feet. Booster uneventful for me, DH felt lousy all day yesterday but is feeling better today.

    When we had antibodies checked last summer when traveling, he had way more than me - almost double - wonder if that is related to reaction or related to history of cancer or related to nothing, it just is. We've had all our vaccinations on the same day/same time and the same vaccine.

    Snow is in the history for now. It's 42 right now and high will be 57 and warming up through week, but hoping the rain i the forecast will come to fruition.

    Have a great Sunday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! We had a lovely thunderstorm come through yesterday evening. The puppers pretty much ignored the whole thing, except for the one clap of thunder that was loud enough to leave my ears ringing and shook the house. Truth be told, all three of us jumped pretty good when that one came, literally at the same time as the lightning bolt. It must have been right overhead. Colt picked up his head and looked at me, then went back to sleep. Zoe came over for a pet and then went back to her spot and back to sleep.

    Karen--I'm hearing that mixing the vaccines for the boosters is a good idea. Hope you don't have any side effects of note!

    Jazzy--boy the appliance replacement thing is a real pain in the anatomy! I'm still trying to get an appointment to get the new fridge delivered and installed. I didn't know there was a new Downton Abby movie! I've got to find and see that.

    Chi--wow, scary stuff with the cars! Glad no one got hurt.

    Karen--glad to hear the booster reactions weren't too bad.

    Goldie--glad to hear your water issue got sorted out. Homeownership is a never-ending string of problems and crises, but worth it in the end.

    Thunderstorm Ingredients

    Maraschino Cherry,Whiskey,Orange Juice,

    Thunderstorm Recipe

    Add in a shaker w/ ice, shake and strain into a sour glass. Add cherry as a garnish.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Things have settled down a little, at least weather-wise! That snow and cold really caused a lot of damage around town!

    I went outdoors early morning and a HUGE tree limb, as big as a regular TREE fell across our front gate and into the front yard! I called a tree service at 7 a/m but was told it would be about JUNE before I could get any help. Looked out doors a little later, and our neighbors, Rachel & Mathew were trying to get some of the branches off of the sidewalk! They stayed to help also!

    THEN I asked the guy across the alley if he had a saw, and HE came over with an electric saw, but it didn't help... So HE went next door & got Nick, with a CHAIN saw, and he got it all cut up in big stumps! Took some home for fire-wood! I kept a couple for planter stands!

    PILES of branches were left, but Earl promised he would be back to move them out of our yard! THEN our next-door neighbor got back from his trip, and HE was out there loading branches in the back of his jeep, to take them out back! I took wheelbarrows of sticks & small branches out back.

    You know, we are so fortunate to have these great neighbors! They all watch out for us "old folks"... Hah! I just started crying to see them all out there, trying to fix our fence, & help us!

    THEN yesterday, DH fell out back on the patio... again... I was trying to pick him up, but then Earl had heard him yell, so he came in the gate, to pick him up..... again.... Didn't really get hurt this time, but sore everywhere!

    I'm going to have to strap pillows around him, to lessen his aches & pains from the falls... Hah!

    I can DO this, I can DO this, right? And today is another day.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Chevy - sorry to hear that DH fell again. I had to laugh at your comment about strapping pillows around him. When my mother was falling in the early stages of her disease, the home health nurse said she needed to wrap my mother in bubble wrap. Hope. your DH isn't too sore for too long. You have wonderful neighbors, but then again, over the years, I'm sure you have done a lot for your neighbors, so. now its your turn.

    Rain is in the forecast tomorrow. Today should be nice. Then by Friday 88!

    Have a great Monday. I'm bummed, today is my last day with my intern - we meet for supervision on Mondays and I ordered her a gift from Etsy and it was supposed to arrive Saturday but it was no show, now who knows = any day by the end of the month. I'll have to make a special trip to get it. to her.

    Have a great Monday!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited May 2022

    Chevy, I sure wish I had your confidence and attitude. I feel totally wiped out. DH has Alz and Parkinson's, so I hear you about the falls. I have a tumor on my chest wall and am waiting for an appointment for a lung biopsy to see if it's primary lung or BC mets. In the meantime the house across the street from my daughter is for rent. It's more than we want to pay, but both kids are convinced it's the answer to everything. They want us to take it and move. Personally I would like to go to assisted living where someone else shops, cooks and cleans. DH does absolutely nothing around the house, even asking me to pour him another cup of coffee (he could do this). This morning I woke up to water dripping in the kitchen. I thought it was rain, but no it was a plumbing problem. I finally managed to turn off the cold water and stop the flood. I'm just so tired of adulting. Anyone who has an idea how to get DH to wear his depends, please weigh in.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Oh man........ So sorry little Wren..... Yes, we ARE the adult, and yes, it is up to us to take care of them. Sometimes I just want to go outdoors & cry, or maybe scream! Check out your options on housing! Google & call every

    I have to call a Plumber eventually.... Hardly any cold water coming out of the faucet in the kitchen! But it scares my Husband when "people" he doesn't know are around! I might wait until one of our Daughter's will be here, and have them come then!

    Went to the closest Walmart this morning... Just nice to get out, and all the gals talk to us! They see him pushing the buggy, and are like our friends!

    Don't worry.... we can do this.... When we can't, we will know.... You have your own health issues... make sure you are on top of that!

    You take care.... thinking of you.... xoxo Chevy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    Chevy, Wren, my heart aches for you with what you're going through with your DHs. Every time Bob forgets his cellphone (he did it again today because he overslept and bolted out of the house lest he be late for his early morning clinic), loses his glasses, or forgets an event or appointment I've told him about, I get a case of the "uh-ohs." I used to be pretty much of a slob before Gordy was born--I'm still not the best housekeeper (and fairly a pack-rat and procrastinator), but since then I've been a strong believer in systems: a place for everything and everything in its place. I don't even buy purses without pockets. I keep an online calendar that cross-populates across all my devices (my former singing partner insisted on using a little freebie datebook from the greeting card store, and then misplacing it).

    DOTD yesterday was a little Santana brut with dinner at home alone. Tonight, with a late steak dinner with Bob, Duckhorn Decoy Pinot Noir.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Things are moving along nicely for the new job (23 days and counting). Got the drug testing done and the TB test planted. I wish things could move as quickly for the fridge. I canceled the order through Best Buy, it's been a week and they still haven't been able to figure out delivery and installation. I went back to a local appliance store, where I bought the fridge that just died, 15 years ago, it turns out. Trying to find a fridge that will fit in the spot I have, but delivery and installation in my area are only done on Mondays, next open date is June 20th!

    Chevy--My goodness, what an experience with the tree limb! It really is a blessing to live where the neighbors will help like that. I'm glad nothing got damaged but the fence. And I'm glad DH didn't get hurt when he fell. Sore and achy is bad enough! Yes you can do this, you are doing this, and you are doing a wonderful job of it.

    Karen--it is a bummer when things don't come as expected. I'm sure the intern will appreciate the gift when it does arrive. Too bad you have to make an extra trip to deliver it.

    Wren--oh, my, you sure are in a tough spot. Adulting is a lot of work and there never seems to be a break, does there? It's important when you are taking care of someone to remember to take care of yourself. Moving across the street from the daughter might be helpful for a while, but it's important to think about what your needs may be further down the line. An assisted living place with access to more services as needs change may make more sense. Not an easy decision to make, though. Praying for a benign biopsy report.

    Chi--Aren't the digital calendars that talk to each other the greatest thing? I love mine!

    Adult Capri Sun

    1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Strawberry Vodka

    1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Citrus Vodka

    Pink Lemonade

    Garnish: Lemons


    1. Combine strawberry vodka, citrus vodka and pink lemonade in juice pouch. Drop in lemon slices, add straw and seal to serve.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    I'm just so thankful that I have you gals to listen to, and that will listen to me. There are just some things you don't want your daughters to know, even though they "know" what is going on.

    Going to try & bathe him today... Maybe set the "shower stool" in the dining room here, right in front of the furnace vent! Then fill 2 plastic dishpans with warm water, & use a sponge for soap, and one washcloth for the rinsing! I can wash his hair in the sink, and then trim it after!

    He has 2 electric razors, so maybe with a mirror, he will figure out how to use it ALL over his face? I'm sort of afraid to do that one! Wait..... I think it will just be easier to do it, because he doesn't connect the idea of a mirror and sill using it all over his face... WOW! See? I can figure things out by talking to you gals!

    Our oldest Grandson called yesterday! Also talked to his Grampa! That helps a lot, knowing they care... Our oldest Daughter and he are coming out next month for a few days... We will all have fun!

    Hopefully we can "get out" and just go to the Walmart this morning! Focusing on "something else" is always good, for both of us, right? Just for him to talk to "someone else" would really help.

    Sandy.... "a place for everything..." Yes, but I have learned to "hide" a LOT of things.... like the pain pills, scissors, Rolaids, keys, and just keep a few snacks out, and put the rest away! Otherwise he opens all the boxes of "his" stuff. I also hid the Pepto, because he used to take that ALL the time, and not for the right reason! It really screwed up his digestive system.

    As far as "having a plan".... Both Daughter's have to understand I will take care of him, no matter what... Only I will know when I can't. Right? And placing a few phone calls is all that has to happen... Both Daughter's have access to our bank accounts. So that is no problem. It's like "One Day at a Time".....

    I went through this with my Grandma... And with help from the State, we got everything taken care of... In those days, when her little bit of money ran out for the Assisted Living, the State helped me get her into a nursing home! I became so close to her those last few years... sweet memories during this time!

    Thanks for "listening".... it really means a lot!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Chevy - you are an inspiration and know what you can and can't do. happy to hear DD and GS are coming for a visit.

    Wren- my mother hated depends. She would put them on, then put her own panties on top. She fought everything every step of the way. She had PSP which often gets misdiagnosed as Parkinsons initially, but does not respond to Parkinson meds so for her there was not treatment. Being a care taker is the hardest job ever. Only you know what is best, so listen to your heart. your daughters mean well, but it's doesn't sound like it aligns with what you want.

    Kim, the gift arrived - mail came early, so DH brought it to school for me. My intern was so happy with it. I don't think it has quite hit her that she is just about done and yesterday was our last supervision. She found out her placement for next year and she is happy with it. A small elementary school with full time SP (her), full time SW) and more. She will be awesome

    Rain in the forecast for today.

    Happy Tuesday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    ED, I'm so sorry DH fell yet again. Is he tripping on things? Does he use a walker outside? So scary. Awesome neighbors you have, you are very fortunate. I hadn't had to shave my DH, he was still able to do that. Good luck with all of it. I'm glad you have your DD and GS coming to visit. I used to work at an adult day care, not sure you have something like that where you live, or even if DH would be up to it. But you drop him off, just like you would a child. We fed them, took them on outings and it gave the spouse some respite for the day. One day at a time is right. I always said that to my DH, lets just do today, we won't worry about tomorrow, or next week, or next month....just today.

    Wren, I hear ya on being tired of adulting. What's stopping you from assisted living? Especially if that's what you would prefer. As for the Depends, my DH was the one who made the decision to wear them. He was afraid of having an accident if we were out, or even at home. Is your DH having accidents? Would he use a urinal? Praying for a good outcome on that biopsy.

    Oh dear NM, looks like you will be investing in lots of ice!

    Karen, glad your gift came and how sweet of your DH to bring it up to school!

    Long day yesterday. Left at 8:30 in the morning, had some stops to make on the way home, got home at 8:30. TM's actually came down a little from my previous visit.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2022

    Good morning friends- just a quick pop in here during the work week. Hope everyone is hanging in there. Long holiday weekend coming soon. Maybe some hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill coming up?

    Chevy and Wren- I am so sorry for everything you are going through. I saw what my mother went through when my father progressed with his early onset Alsheimers. I was 23 years old and in grad school when he was diagnosed, he was around the same age I am now (and yes I think about it often knowing early onset can be genetic).

    I was going to suggest something Goldie also mentioned about adult daycare. My mother found a great place to take my dad, he went once a week to start, twice later on. It gave her a chance to get to her doctor and dentist appointments, to get her hair done, to grocery shop, etc. without having to bring him along, worry about him falling (happens so often with a cognitive decline). Chevy I know you want to take care of him and you are, this is a way to just have a break for yourself. Wren, hope this can be helpful for you too. I know having gone through decisions around both our aging parents care as their cognitive functions, each family must make the best decisions for their own loved one based on their circumstances.

    Sending all here that are struggling many hugs on this cold and windy afternoon in New Mexico.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2022

    Thanks Jazzy.... but he would be so afraid, if I was not with him! It's okay.... I have my house, and a huge yard and gardens, and that keeps me busy.... I just thank God that I can do this! He trys to do stuff, but I always help him.... And yes, sometimes I lose my patience, but then I am sorry....

    Sometimes we just go out.... maybe to Walmart or King's.... and then head back home! So far, everything is good! Well, I mean it's okay....

    I figure it IS a break for me, to just get outdoors & mow the lawn, or watch TV with him... Or even cook up some good food.... It's like I have a purpose! Thanks kiddo!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Lori - good news on the tumor markers. I forgot about adult day car. My mother sent my father twice/week - door to door transportation - my father did not like going but mom made him. It gave her some time for herself.

    Another school shooting!!!! This is not the world that any of us grew up with.

    Snow for the mountains and rain for Denver tonight. 51 today but heating up to mid to high 80s by the week-end.

    Have a good evening

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Boy oh boy, another school shooting in the news, coming soon after a report of a couple of Maine schools being closed due to threats of violence last week. The world is getting scarier and scarier.

    I found out that the house and property are well guarded now. A delivery was made last evening, both puppers woke up when the truck turned in the driveway, then headed right outside and to the corner of the yard where they can see the driveway and garage door where packages get dropped off. Only one or two barks, it was mostly silent, but very intense. It was interesting to watch!

    Chevy--you really seem to have everything in hand! You can figure things out and you do. It will be so nice to have the grandson and older daughter come visit. Yes, getting out is a good thing for all involved. So nice to have something to look forward to.

    Karen--so glad the gift arrived early and the intern is happy with it! The progressive diseases are so hard to deal with and watch a loved one go through. So hard for everyone involved.

    Goldie--Actually the ice situation isn't going to be too bad. I went ahead and bought a cooler yesterday, 1 block of ice and 1 five pound bag of ice will keep a half gallon of milk, a pint of cream, a block of cream cheese, the jar of mayo, and a handful of the AuraBora drinks I like nice a cold, and I can live with that until I get the fridge situation sorted out. What was in the freezer I shifted to the big freezer in the basement. It's inconvenient, but not disastrous. Living with the puppers but not another human means I can adapt my shopping Boy, you did have a long day. Glad the TMs came down a little.

    Good Morning, Jazzy!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2022

    Good Wednesday morning. The final stretch for the school year with be harder with yesterday's horrific school shooting. Kiddos and adults will all be hurting. I plan to take one of my last two comp days tomorrow, but I'll probably do some much needed paperwork.

    Want to see Top Gun this week-end.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2022

    ED, you know your DH better than anyone. I was just throwing a suggestion out there. If you get to a point where you think that might help, perhaps you could go with him for a few times, to see how he reacts.

    Jazzy, it has not been cool here, but very windy.

    NM, glad you have things under control with the cooler and that you have another freezer. I have an upright freezer too. Good on the pups protecting.

    So very very sad what happened in TX. Prayers to all of those involved, and especially to the families that lost loved ones.

    Yesterday was one of those sad days for me. Not sure what brought it on, I think it was taking care of things that DH usually did. I got my car insurance paid, truck taken off and DH, saved me about $500. Made appt for someone to come out and replace my cracked windshield. Replanted my beans. Will do some more work out in the garden today. My neighbor that is fixing my Old West Town invited me out to their ranch late June, they are branding the new calfs and make a big to-do about it.

    UGH, called my grand daughter the other day to wish her a happy birthday, her mom hands her the phone and instead of say hello or hi grammy, she says "HUH?", in a very disgusted tone, like I was I bothering her. Wish I had thought to say "if you don't want to talk to me, you can put your mom back on the phone". I'm so sick of their lack of manners and disrespect. Not sure if I should say something to mom or not.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    I'm really discouraged about the attitude of Gen-Zers, especially the teens & preteens. They're the first generation raised with social media being the main form of interaction, and as such they seem to be frighteningly self-absorbed and clueless about the feelings of others. Maybe it's a result of overprotective helicopter parenting (not the strict "Tiger Mom" kind, but the type that has turned play into structured "play dates," not letting them go beyond their backyards by themselves, attending to their every desires and not just needs), awarding trophies for participation and praising their every word, fart, burp and sneeze. We Boomers & Gen-Xers taught our millennial kids manners--even gave them etiquette classes or at least kids' etiquette books. I get that they're also the first generation in a century to have their lives upended in a pandemic, and the first, period, forced into online learning. We went through "shelter drills" during the Cold War but now they have to go through active-shooter drills.

    I know this thread is not supposed to be ideological, but I am getting SO sick of people making up (or repeating made-up) verbal garbage to justify doing whatever they want and only what they want to do. I won't get into the COVID elephant in the room, but if I hear pleas for sensible gun control met with "thoughts and prayers and we need to support law enforcement," "it's all about mental health," and "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," I'm gonna puke. TX officials (and just last night in a couple of televised forums, IL GOP gubernatorial candidates) proclaiming that these shooters are "mentally ill" rather than (as in Buffalo) evil racists infuriate me no end---why are we allowing mentally ill people to buy and own firearms?

    Yesterday's DsOTD with dinner at Mon Ami Gabi were Vollereaux Brut NV (my attitude re champagne is the same as Churchill's and the Veuve Cliquot's: "I want it for celebration, I need it for consolation") and then 2019 Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais-Villages with the entree.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688
    edited May 2022

    Chevy and Wren - I'm so sorry. You both are dealing with a lot. My grandfather had Alz and it was a lot for my mom and grandmother to keep up with. This was in the 90s so he did end up in a nursing home that had an attached assisted living that my grandmother stayed in. My dad has early cognitive decline and my mom has been fighting vertigo for about 6 months. She fell down one of my front steps yesterday and sometimes I get scared. They are both very functional now but I'm worried about what's coming. I have to take it a day at a time right now.

    Chisandy and Goldie - I don' t have kids myself but I am blown away at the rudeness that seems to be normalized in society. I'm Gen-X. When my grandparents called respect was the expected norm and if I got gifts for any reason I was taught to send a hand written thank you card. I don't see that as much now. I just don't know with this world. Especially given the shooting yesterday. Sometimes everything just seems so messed up.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2022

    My new daughter-in-law Leslie has personalized note cards, and sends handwritten thank-you notes. Gordy had terrible handwriting as a kid, but after his bar mitzvah he dictated thank-you notes for me to write out on his own personalized note cards.

    One thing that is driving Gen-X and even millennial bosses crazy is Gen-Z employees' tendency towards being extreme "snowflakes." They don't understand the concept of deadlines, and even if on salary they feel that if they complete a task ahead of schedule they should get to go home early. We had to suck it up and come in when we had cramps; they take off "mental health days." And they seem to have extreme radar for "microaggressions."