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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! This day next week the new fridge comes! I am definitely getting excited about that. Working out of the cooler is certainly workable, but not convenient. I'm not complaining, just commenting. I've been thinking it was Colt that was taking things off the counter and out of the sink, turns out, it's actually Zoe! I figured that out last evening when Colt was trying to get into my lap and I heard stuff being messed with in the sink. Time to retrain me to clean up as soon as I get done cooking!

    Karen--it's crazy the range of dates of school starting and getting done here in the east.

    Goldie--lamb sounds so good! It's fiddlehead season here, time for me to find some lamb or mutton for my spring/summer fiddlehead and lamb stew.

    Chi--sounds like your trip is being really enjoyable! Sorry to hear the kids are having a bit of a rough time.

    Montezuma's Revenge

    Drop a shot glass filled with the Jose Cuervo tequila into a regular beer, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

    From <'s-revenge.htm>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Having my doctor as a personal friend helped me out yesterday. He wanted to see me before sending me for the ultra sound, he's 2 weeks out on appts. But saw me anyways. Same thing for the ultra sound, he pulled some strings and got me in. I had to hang around for a coule of hours, but at least didn't have to make another tri! Was about a 7 hour day.

    Sandy, hope the kids get over that Montezuma's Revenge quickly! Not fair for a honeymoon!

    Karen, I don't remember when we got out of school, sometime in June, but never went back until after Labor Day. Glad you are getting some rain, we really need it out here.

    NM, brothers are always getting blamed for what their little sisters do! Glad you figured it out. Was she after food? Ahhhh, fiddlehead season. You purchase them right? As opposed to going out and finding your own?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    New dishwasher finally installed today. It's been a year long journey on all this


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Counting down the days until the fridge comes. Less than a week now! And counting down the days until school is done. Lots of shenanigans going on, students are getting pretty wound up for summer break. Frankly, the staff and teachers aren't far behind!

    Goldie--it is all about who you know and knowing the right people! Good for you for getting the test moved up even if you did have to hang around for a while. I do think Zoe is after food when she rummages around in the sink and cruises the counter. I suspect food was in short supply for her while she was running loose before she got caught. She's also working on figuring out how to open the cupboard where I keep the dog food. No, I don't hunt my own fiddleheads, I buy from roadside stands.

    Jazzy--beautiful dishwasher! A year is a long time to wait, but it looks like it's worth it!

    Dish Water Cocktail

    1 part of Grey Goose vodka

    3 of sweet and sour mix

    Depending on how many shots are to be made combine 1 part Vodka to 3 parts Sour Mix in shaker with plenty of ice.\r

    Shake vigorously and strain into shot glasses, repeat as needed...shot will have a frothy pale greenish color looking very much like dish water...hense the name.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Last day!!! This has been a looooong school year. I'm so ready to be done. Finished all my paper work for the year yesterday. Just have to finish reports for the legal case. What I don't finish today will get done next week and comp time for next year. Shouldn't me more than a day unless attorney makes a lot of edits. Going to the school I've been covering (normally not there on Thursday) to see 5th grade continuation and will hang out there and write my report. It will be nice to be there for the last day. The gal I'm covering for is coming with her two kiddos so it will be nice to see her. After school my team go together and it was so nice to see everyone and not talk work!

    Jazzy nice dishwasher. We need new racks for ours - they are falling apart bit by bit.

    Have s great Thursday.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Yay for the dishwasher Jazzy. I love the color of your wall. Is it a a red, plum? Funny to see your phone on the counter. I haven't seen a land line in forever.

    Now to get NM her fridge! NM, Zoe looking for food because she had to fight for it before is totally understandable. When I worked with mentally disabled kids, I had students like that. Their more normal siblings would steal their food, leaving them without. So they did that to their classmates. LOL on the Dishwater DOTD with "Grey"Goose!

    Karen, last day of school....woot woot! Never would have thought about the racks falling apart in a dishwasher. I had to look at my phone when you said happy Thursday, I thought it was Friday!

    Got a bill from the hospital from when I was in there on Easter. Over $6000, thankfully I only have to pay $90. Seeing in the news yesterday, which most of you probably have too, gas in LA over $8.00! That's crazy!!! We are in the $4.60's. I don't know how my neighbor does it, hour and 15 minute drive to work everyday and he drives a truck!

    Prior to moving to AZ over 20 years ago, I never had a dishwasher. I told DH when we were building the house I didn't need one. He says we're having one! In 20+ years, I bet I haven't used it 10 times!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - you are much more observant than I am - I didn't look closely till you mentioned the wall color and the landline! We have a red wall. in our kitchen and a blue wall in the living room. I love the accent color. DD#2 has her walls painted 2 different colors - opposite walls are same color -light blue and light purple.

    Have a great night

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Family day at school today, then end of the year nursing meeting, which is held off campus and includes adult beverages after the business part is finished. One more week left. Almost there!

    When I got home from work yesterday I noticed that one corner of the cooler cover had been chewed on. I was surprised to see that happened, I'm kind of surprised it took this long! And yup, the puppers had gotten the cooler open and taken out and eaten the hot dogs and cream cheese. Left everything else, and even snapped the cover back into place, though! I really do love the puppers. This whole fridge thing has gotten very old and inconvenient, but only a few more days, so I'm holding on.

    Karen--Hooray for your last day!

    Goldie--5 days and counting for the fridge! I'm really getting excited to have it in the house and get back to a more normal routine. I love my dishwasher. It seems like a luxury for a single person, but I really do not like hand washing dishes. The dishwasher still seems like magic even after all this time!

    Hello Friday


    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - those are smart pups. Years, one of our Berners would get everything off the counter - except bananas. Charley, one time got an almost full jar of peanut butter and ate the whole jar. Not sure how he got the lid off. We learned not to leave anything on the counters.

    Enjoy your nurses meeting and social hour. My team met Wednesday afternoon, but I only enjoyed water as I didn't want to drive after a beer and really not eaten anything.

    School is out for the summer. 10 weeks to not think about work and well deserved R and R. Lots of reading and long walks.

    Have a great Friday and weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Not feeling the greatest. Logged into my portal yesterday, only to find out there is a bill for almost 200.00. I've only ever had to pay my $45 co-pay. Of course it says that is what my insurance didn't cover. So I send a message, they come back and tell me, that's what your ins. didn't pay. DUH, I know this, but why? Anyways, went and looked at my TM's, one went up almost 2000, the other 1000! I am now in the 6000's, normal is around 35. Just have to keep telling myself, there are so many worse off than me and to count my blessings.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688
    edited June 2022

    Goldie0827- so sorry to hear about the TMs. I hate the billing surprises. At this point I've met my max out of pocket but yesterday I got handed a notice about balance billing from the cancer clinic saying they will balance bill for what insurance doesn't cover. I guess it has to do with some transparency law that was passed. I also recently discovered we are charged $460 as a rooming fee each visit. Even if we don't see the doctor and just go in for labs. The money grab on all of this stuff infuriates me.

    Nativemainer and Karen - I grew up with educators. The last day of school is always exciting. Congrats!

    I celebrated yesterday with fish tacos after getting results of my bone scan and CT. Both show I am totally stable. No progressions, yay!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Good afternoon friends- busy short week at work after a long weekend last weekend, with some get away time. It feels like summer has really started and lots of folks I know traveling. Congrats to all of you finishing up the school year, whew!

    Goldie- I am sorry to hear about the markers. And the surprise billing. I have had those too often lately. Healthcare has lost money during the pandemic and of course, they want to get it back however they can. I had a dexa scan in April and insurance paid $65 of a $265 fee and billed me for the rest. So far this year, everything I have gone in for that is not big ticket items has resulted in a few hundred dollars out of pocket per visit for a standard office visit and some tests. I think I am at my deductible but need to check. I have already blown through what I planned for my HSA account this year.

    The color in the kitchen is a sort of pomegrante color from Kwal Paint called Sweet Nothing. I love it, along with my new countertops and sink from last summers upgrade/reno. I kept the landline as it's tied to other things here as well as we had a major outage of ALL cell phone service in the city a few years back. I always like a plan B where technology is concerned (and well most anything else).

    NM- your pups must have figured you put the cooler on the floor for them. I know you are anxious for the fridge to arrive. I bet the weather must be really nice in Maine right now. Did you sell your kayak (I think you said it was a bit heavy to haul around anymore) or do you still have that?

    Ill- how is life in West Texas. Are you getting settled in? Have you had your care at the cancer center in El Paso yet?

    That is all I can do for now as it's a worky work day. Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    "Rooming fee?" Are you kidding me? I would dispute that. There is no basis for it if you are not taking up a bed as an inpatient or on 23-hr observation. Are they now trying to get patients to pay depreciation on their building? What's next--"headhunter fee" for recruiting replacements for doctors & nurses who quit due to burnout? They should just be truly transparent and label those fees "Chutzpah" or "because we can."

    Lori, sorry about the TMs and the balance billing. I'm girding myself for that eventuality--so far all services (except orthotics) have been 100% covered (no co-pay), but that may change.

    Jazzy, nice dishwasher--what did you get? (My 11-yr-old Miele is still chugging along).

    Well, my friend who had asked me to be on standby Wed. to pick him up from his colonoscopy texted me to my landline that he was released to take a cab home unaccompanied! When he got home he fell asleep and slept through all my frantic calls & texts. My first DOTD that day, to calm my (inner) fury was a weak Aperol spritz (used up the last 2 oz. of Santana brut (which by then was flat), a capful of Aperol, topped up with fresh seltzer.

    I grilled, so when Bob got home and we ate, we had 2019 The Prisoner red blend (which he'd brought home). Very tasty, surprisingly soft tannins for its age. Zin/Cab. Sauv./ Petite Sirah/Syrah/Charbono (the latter being the first vinifera varietal imported into CA from Europe--the Savoie region straddling France & Italy--and planted in the early 20th century).

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2022

    I have been pretty busy with my mom and grand kids. My mom is better, so that is easing up. The grandkids are getting older so I don't always see them as much, the younger ones I see a lot. My older son tries to have a big family dinner that we all go to and the older kids all go to that. My mom usually goes and two Sundays ago my sisters and their kids and families came and that was so nice. One of the teen grandsons has been getting into a bit of trouble...more like talking back and being disrespectful. My son was dealing with him and even the sister was talking to her brother about his attitude. I told him I had work for him to do, whenever they act up and I know about it I just put them to work. He is a good worker and will do a good job and has never been rude to me, but I have seen him with other people.

    It has been hot and humid here, but it is summer and Florida, so that is normal. You just have either frizzy hair or wet sweaty hair.

    Chevy and Wren, reading what you all are going through being caregivers. My mom had to take care of my dad a lot and at the end we all had to help care for him. His mind was ok, but his body went. I keep wondering what would be better and why can't mind and body be united better.

    Have to go for now. Always thinking of you all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    I could never live in FL--I am just too vain about my hair (haven't surrendered to the gray yet), and would be buying anti-frizz products by the gallon (not to mention having a meaningful relationship with my flatiron). Too bad it's sooo hot in Vegas--because it's dry my hair stays smooth.

    Forgot to mention last night's (Thurs.) DOTD: at Calo, a split of Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial. They haven't caught on that they're charging less for a split of actual Champagne than many places charge for a glass of prosecco.

    Tonight at Regalia, because our meal was seafood-centric, we split a bottle of Villa Sparina Blanc de Blancs Brut. Owner came by after dessert with free housemade caffecello. (Still no espresso machine yet, but I have my own and made myself an almondmilk cortado earlier).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2022

    Morning gals! Yes Misty, things DO get a little scary around here sometimes... But I think being together for as long as we have, and loving each other through all these years, is the reason. Now, I can yell, and get mad, and go out-doors & either cry or work in the gardens... Hah!

    Then I calm down and go on just like nothing happened. Sometimes things just happen to us... and we either gotta go along with it, or hurt ourselves by trying to change something that can't be changed.... right?

    I'm getting a little better at trying to understand these hallucinations... Have any of you gone through this? I google everything, and yes, it is common with dementia/Parkinson's.... And we go see our Doc on the 10th. I did send her an email, describing some of the things going on, because I can't say too much in front of DH... Also "Sundowning" I'm kind of expecting changes at night now......

    It's just that he sees things, sometimes, like people "out there" or in the house, and it really scares him... and he whispers to me, and I try & show him we are alone, ( which is much better than getting mad) Hah!

    But he is mine, and I'm the only one that can care for him, and love him at the same time!

    We DID have people around, trying to connect Xfinity to everything, a FEW times, and when he gets used to them, he offers them cookies, a beer, etc! Loopy

    We might run on up to Walmart today, just mostly to get out! Our Daughter can always pick stuff up for us, but it's just good to get out! We don't go out & eat, or shopping like we used to.... We DID go to the Dollar store, and that was so fun! This guy brought his BIG dog in with him, and he was soooo friendly! I pet him, and he goes over to my Husband, and snuggles up against him! Awwwww! Sometimes it's the little things that can brighten up your day, right?

    I'm just glad I have you gals to "talk to"....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I am dragging my butt this ayem after not getting to bed until almost 2 ayem. Zoe and Colt had a disagreement and Zoe wound up with a 4 inch long laceration on her right front leg, so we had to tootle in to the emergency Vet. It was surprisingly busy there, the parking lot was almost full the entire time we were there, from about 9 peeyem until 12:30 ish. The car next to me had a woman and 2 elementary school age boys in it, they came in after I did but left before me, but without the dog they took in and obviously crying when they came out of the clinic. They don't let owners in the clinic except for euthanasia or really serious things. I kept reminding myself that waiting in the parking lot was a good sign. I felt remarkably relieved when I got the call that she was ready to come home. She had to be sedated or she was not going to let them really touch her. The poor thing looked so sorry for herself coming out with the cone of shame on and the leg wrapped up and still visibly loopy from the medication but headed straight for me as soon as she saw me, and kept leaning up against me all the way home. Fortunately, the wrapping could come off this ayem, and she's not bothering the stitches so I don't have to keep the collar on all the time. She's on an antibiotic and a pain med and is limping around looking sorry for herself, except when she tries to chew on Colt's ears. I didn't see what started the tussle last evening, but boy did it sound horrendous! It took some work to get them separated, but as soon as I did they stopped and settled down. I doubt I will get very much done today, just too tired, and looking forward to a nap and it isn't even lunchtime yet!

    Karen--yup, the pups are smart, probably smarter than me! The nurses' end-of-the-year meeting got canceled due to rain. I hope it will get rescheduled. Enjoy your R & R time, you've earned it!

    Goldie--billing surprises are not fun, and really should not be happening in this day and age. The TM numbers are not so good to read. Hugs.

    Emac--meeting the max out of pocket doesn't mean much of anything since balance billing caught on. It's funny, most insurance companies follow the same policies that Medicare does, except for this one--Medicare doesn't allow balance billing to beneficiaries. I wonder why commercial insurance companies will be so careful not to cover something that Medicare doesn't cover, but is willing to ignore the balance billing policy? BTW, that was a rhetorical question. Congrats on the stable scan results!

    Jazzy--I do still have the kayak, I'm planning to sell it, and planning to get a smaller, lighter, sit-on-top kayak with the first installment of the sign-on bonus if the big 'yak doesn't sell first. As to things on the floor being fair game, I can understand the puppers' thinking that. I think it's a great idea to have a Plan B ready for technological and almost all other things in life, too.

    Chi--you must have been frantic about your friend! I'm glad he's ok and was just sleeping off the medication.

    Misty--disrespect seems to be a more and more common thing everywhere these days. So hard to handle when it's not your kids or your family. It would be better if mind and body could stay more closely linked. Having either one failing is dreadful for everyone involved.

    Chevy--hallucinations are, unfortunately, quite common in people with dementia and many other illnesses. When the hallucinations scare or upset the person, it can be challenging to find a way to help. Sometimes turning on more lights in the area where the person is seeing something helps. I live the big doggo encounter in the Dollar Store! It's things like that encounter that make a day so much more exciting and fun. It amazes me how the animals seem to know who to cuddle up to and who to be extra gentle with.

    Veterinary recipe

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    DS came up from Oregon Thursday night to be here during my lung biopsy on Friday. I had to wake him up twice to get DH back to bed. Last night he had to help once. These would be calls to 911 if DS wasn't here. DH is going to have to go somewhere for more care than I can give him. I'll know by week's end or a little later whether the mass in my lung is lung ca or bc mets. Then we can make a plan for treatment.

    DH often thinks there is someone else in the house. It doesn't upset him but he's surprised when there isn't a place at the dinner table for this extra person. One day he told me a name, but it wasn't one I remember ever hearing. DH said this person had visited us before. I can't imagine when this would have happened. So far DH hasn't been scared by anyone in the house.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2022

    Wrenn - fingers crossed for lung results. But not sure which to hope for.

    Wrenn & Chevy - you are both just amazing. My Mother was a vegetable for 12 years on a feeding tube, catheter, throat suction, etc. It was horrible - but since she didn't really actively change much. I expect it was easier. My son just sent me an link to an interesting PBS - NOVA show about alzheimers & trials to determine a cause & a cure.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2022

    Awwww.... YOU gals make me feel so much better! You know, sometimes when he "sees things" I get up and show him nothing is there... I think it's also called "sundowning" when it happens later on in the day.... I've looked up so many things this past year, and you would THINK nothing would surprise me... I think it mostly scares me though..

    And Minus....Thanks, but sometimes it's all kind of overwhelming...but you make me feel good, saying that about your Mom... I just hope and pray for 12 more years! Yes, I sent our PC an email, talking about some things before we see her on the 10th... Maybe there IS something he can take to help? He knows there is something wrong, but when he says this, I just play it down.

    And I know it helps us both just to get out! To go walk around a store... just anything to get your mind off of stuff.

    I'm sorry little Wren..... Yes, I'm so afraid of him falling again.... He uses a cane a lot around here, but since he drags his feet, it's always a possibility.... But when one of you said "Parkinsons" ... That made me think maybe that's why he is so unsteady... Or maybe it was my Daughter Sheri that said that one of her friends has to use a walker... she doesn't "tremble' or shake, but so un-steady on her feet.

    So today I'm going to pull more fern out of one of my gardens.... MAN that stuff just takes OVER, Hah! I mowed yesterday, got THAT done... I love my electric mower! It's the little things, right?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Emac, $460 is a LOT! Esp. for nothing! I can't afford an additional $150 every 3 weeks! Congrats on the stable scans, that's awesome and worth celebrating.

    Jazzy, seeing your accent wall is inspiring me to do the wall in my kitchen as well. All of my walls are cream. expcept my 2 bathrooms, but they are light colors.

    Sandy, I take up a chair for an hour and a half. The rest of that bill, that is covered is $6000-$7000 every 3 weeks!

    Misty, what is it with kids these days. I am shocked at how rude and disrespectful my grandkids are, and lost all repect for their parents for allowing it! If they were my blood grandchildren, they would all hear it from me!

    ED, the way you deal with your DH is awesome, and I'm so glad that you can. I think NM's advice about the lights is a good one. I think getting out, just to do something is a good thing. Does he use his cane when you go to WalMart? Oh boy, nothing like a beer and cookies!

    NM, I'm sorry to hear about Zoe, but glad it wasn't worse. AND that you didn't get hurt trying to separate them. Gosh, I wonder what caused it. I suppose we will never know, unless you can teach them to talk!

    Wren, I'm so sorry to hear about your DH. But we can only do so much. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Funny about the dinner guest! Wishing you all the best on that biopsy. Would be nice if it were neither!

    Was in a little bit of a funk for a couple of days. Better yesterday. Puttered around in the house and outside. Can't stay outside long, as it's been getting in to the 90's. Mid 90's for the next 10 days!

    How about some beer for our DOTD....with cookies!

    See the source image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Hi friends- happy Funday Sunday. Weekend is rolling along with catching up with friends and also at home. Since I was away last weekend, more to do this weekend plus my cleaning company has not been here in over a month (short staffed) and have had to clean my own darned house. The winds have been quiet since Monday, and temps around 90 and hoping we can get some monsoonal moisture going soon.

    Chi- the dishwasher is a Bosch 500 series (can't remember the model number). I am going to run my first load soon!

    NM- I am sorry to hear the pups got in a fight. That's a big laceration for Zoe to have to deal with. You may need to keep them seperated when you are not home after this to be sure she stays safe. I thought you were going to sell the current kayak and get something lighter, hope you find something awesome. Summer is official here soon in a few weeks (love the long days right now....)

    Chevy- my sister's partner who had MD had hallucinations the last couple years of her life. She would see a lot of animals that were not there (giraffe in the corner, alligator in the pool, etc.) She was not afraid of anything, but when I would visit them, she would talk to me about them being in the room, what they were, etc. Then she would say "don't you see them?" I said I did not but believe that she was seeing something. She would then say she wished I did so we could talk about them, and said we could do so anyways.

    My mother would see people a lot towards the later stages of her dementia. So often it was her parents, or a cousin she was fond of we knew was no longer with us. I always felt it was people from the other side coming around to help them to prepare for the transition that may be coming in time. Now that being said, it was never close to that time but years before hand. A couple times, she talked about people from our home town on the east coast in her assisted living on the west coast. My sister and I just thought she was in the past but it turned out not once but twice there actually WERE people there from our home town (talk about a small world). She would get upset with my sister and I we didn't believe her about the home town folks. Most of the time I went along with the conversations about her parents because it was easier. My heart goes out to you friend, hard stuff.

    Wren- in your pocket for this biopsy and hoping for a B-9 result but know you are already thinking through the what ifs. As you say, if it is something, then getting your plan together for care and support will be key. Holding you in prayer sister.

    Goldie- when I had my house built, it was off white everything- walls, rugs, tile. I started with the basics and as things needed to be replaced (rugs went first), I decided to have the entire inside repainted and did some rooms in color and accent colors in the kitchen and home office. It definately makes the house look completely different and when people come over who have seen it in the earlier days, they are amazed by the color. I love color and once you live in a more neutral home, you can envision how a wall can use a pop of color. I did the hardwood floors with the repainting and the granite countertops last summer. Whew, I am ready for a break!

    Gotta get back to the grind and then going for a swim. Wishing everyone a good week.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! It's the start of the last week of school and my school nurse contract. It's going to be bittersweet, I think. I'm really going to miss the interaction with the kiddos. At the same time, I'm looking forward to getting the fridge on Wednesday and starting the new job next week. Time for changes.

    I was looking over Zoe's discharge instructions from the emergency vet and realized that she has gained almost 10 pounds since I adopted her! She looks much better now that her ribs aren't countable from across the room! After I give Zoe her pills I have to pretend to give Colt pills, too, or he gets very jealous. He is such a big baby!.

    Wren--I'm glad your DS could come help, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. It's good that DH isn't frightened by the other person he thinks is in the house. Praying for biopsy results to be the best it can be.

    Minus--that was a long time your family cared for your Mother.

    Chevy--I didn't realize ferns would take over a garden, maybe I should plant some so it looks like I do some gardening?

    Goldie--Zoe seems to have bounced back pretty well, back to her usual aggravating Colt and running around like a maniac with him. I don't know what set that fight off, but there was a yelp early on, so one of them must have gotten too rough and the other one objected, but we'll never know for sure. Colt's long tail made a very good handle to grab and pull them apart without too much risk to myself. I was more at risk of getting knocked over than anything else! Glad the funk is easing up and that you take care of yourself in the hot weather.

    Jazzy--I am going to bring up the big crate and start working with Colt with crate training. Zoe is doing pretty well with the training. I probably am going to have to crate them while I'm at work at least during the winter. Colt has had a few "owies" too, but they have been very small, fortunately. They run through the house at top speed and smash into anything and everything when they are playing, knocking over everything loose and making a mess.

    Giraffe recipe



    Pour midori melon liqueur into a hurricane glass over ice. Add vodka and pineapple juice, then float the cranberry juice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Jazzy, I think I'm gonna do it! The paint, the pop! Next time I'm in town I'll look at colors. Still breezy here and HOT, in the 90's!

    NM, bittersweet indeed. I'm sure you will miss the kids. Wishing you all the best on this new endeavor! Glad to hear that Zoe is doing well. I can't even imagine the two of them running through the house, smashing into things, knocking things over etc!

    Teka, that makes sense huh? I've never had a cat.

    Last night's sleep was not good. I had a cricket in the house. OMG, how annoying. Moved and cleaned where I thought I heard him and found nothing. As I was putting things back, he jumped out! And is no more!

    I took pictures of my kitchen and changed the color of the wall. It's not great by no means, but it gives me an idea of what it would look like. I was thinking a red/wine or a green. I think I like the red, like Jazzy's.

    No description available.

    No description available.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Wren, hoping the biopsy just shows some scarring. We're here for you no matter what.

    I understand "sundowning" is the phenomenon whereby dementia patients are lethargic & passive during the day become energetic & agitated at night. I recall reading about an "adult night-care" facility in the Riverdale section of the Bronx that would pick up patients after sunset, care for them all night, and bring them home in the morning--enabling their caregivers to get a decent night's rest.

    Jazzy, when I was dishwasher-shopping it came down to a choice between that Bosch and my Miele. The deciding factors were that the Miele was German-made...and more importantly, was in stock and could be delivered the next day. Funny how I spent the first 37 years of my life washing dishes by hand (and using those metal-lever ice trays to make ice cubes), but now find it a major source of stress if my dishwasher or my fridge's icemaker go blooey.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Sat. night I had my Regalia leftovers (Arctic char & veg), but no alcohol. Last night I grilled a salmon burger so I did have a little more The Prisoner. Tonight, Bob's working late at the office and bringing home some Filipino food cooked by his medical partner. I think it'll be more white-wine-friendly than red, so I think my DOTD will be bubbly (got a bottle in the fridge).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Hi ladies- back home today and catching up on some things here. Temps are going up to 100 by this weekend, yuck.

    Goldie- that color like I have in my kitchen looks good in yours. I like it better than the green. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all done!

    Chi- I had done some research on dishwashers last year and found the Bosch 300 series were the mostly high recommended. But then none were to be had but the appliance store was able to get me a 500 series (a bit better). I am wondering if NM got her new fridge yet?

    NM- I think crating the dogs while you are at work is a good idea. If they play rough and may run around the house and hurt each other and break things, that is a better way to keep them safe. My sister crates her puppy for time outs and resting as her baby runs around destroying everything she can get her little mouth on.

    Back to work. Hoping everyone is doing okay on this election day Tuesday....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Saw this today and it reminds me of the hood old days here


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Jazzy, NYTimes' Wirecutter column recommended both the Bosch 300 and (as its "upgrade pick"), my Miele. It mentioned the 500 was better than the 300 but more expensive than the non-"upgrade" range it was primarily testing. It said Bosch has superior cleaning performance, but my water inlet is located inconveniently for it (when I was replacing a previous GE in 2006, Abt delivered CR's top-rated Bosch but couldn't slide it in so I had to go with a Maytag; in 2011 I went with the Miele). Wirecutter said that Mieles last as long as 20 years.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Gas in my 'hood is $5.79 (5.69 cash)--but in Evanston this morning, a Shell was charging $6.19. I have 2/3 tank left, so it's not fill-up time yet; though I have a 50-mi each way trip down to Minooka & Morris this weekend, gas is a bit cheaper down there than it is even at Costco in Niles, which is my preferred fill-up location up here on the N.Shore.