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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    With dinner tonight, Mumm Napa 2016 Blanc de Blancs Oak Barrel Aged. (Too bad we had to cook & eat indoors--just a tad too cold to grill & eat on the deck).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Today is the day the new fridge is supposed to come, I still haven't heard what time. Of course, it's raining today. Makes for miserable working conditions for the people making the delivery. Today was originally a field trip day at school, to a local park, but that's been canceled due to the rain and they are going to watch movies in the classrooms instead. Tomorrow will be my last day with the kiddos, and with almost all my personal stuff already moved out of the office it will probably be my last day, too. If I can get everything cleaned up and put away so I can leave my computer and key at the end of the day I probably will.

    Oh, my goodness, the news is reporting the second incident of a structure collapse trapping a worker in as many weeks. Last week a carport that was being demolished collapsed and trapped a man who later died of the injuries. This one is a roof collapse onto 2 men, one trapped, both with life-threatening injuries. This is not a good trend.

    Teka--Your Mom may have been on to something!

    Goldie--crickets can be terribly annoying! Right now I'm dealing with June bugs. Not much noise, but great big ol' things! Wow, you are good to be able to change the color on the wall in a picture like that! Both colors look really good to me.

    Chi--it is amazing how we come to depend on our luxuries!

    Jazzy--The new fridge is supposed to come today! I'm home and waiting! I am working toward crating the puppers when I'm not home, for the very reasons you mentioned. I've never had two dogs at the same time who played as roughly as these two do, it's been a bit of an eye opener.

    I filled up the Jeep yesterday, $60 dollars! I almost fell over!

    Watermelon Cooler Cocktail is the perfect summer sipper. Make with fresh watermelon, lime juice and a bit of sugar and splash of tequila. For a drink the kids will love, just leave out the alcohol!

    Watermelon Cooler Cocktail

    • fresh watermelon
    • fresh limes
    • sugar
    • tequila – optional

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - hope your fridge comes earlier than later today. We grated out dogs when they were young till they could be trusted loose in the. house. Our St. loved the crate and would go there to sleep - we left the door open once she was used to our house. We almost always had 2 dos at once, but only 2 pups (my Berners) who were litter mates - otherwise, they were different breeds and different ages, gotten at a different times.

    Have a great Wednesday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Jazzy, LOVE the pole dancing for gas meme! I hope ED see's it!

    NM, sorry about the rain, for you and the kids. I would imagine it would be hard to train the dogs for the crate when they're already adults.

    Sandy, funny to read that it was too cold to sit outside, when we are close to triple digits!

    Karen, do you currently have any dogs? I don't remember.

    I went to town yesterday, hit up Lowes to look at paint colors. This is the first one I grabbed "Jazzy Red". How ironic is that? I think it's a sign! I picked up 6 red geraniums and 2 spikes to do my 2 large planters. My yard looks so bare since I don't have much in the garden and I wasn't going to do my planters either. But then thought, what the heck!

    May be an image of text that says '1009-6 1009-6 Jazzy Red'

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    I love reds. My poor kitchen is so dark that I can't do it here.

    Good news. My path report says it's BC mets, not lung cancer. Ibrance and letrazole here I come.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Wren, how horrible is it that we say we happy for BC mets! I guess it's better than lung cancer huh?

    I'm so pissed. The last 2 bills I recieved are below. This morning I get a call from the cancer center telling me that now I will have to pay $244.00 each visit, which they are calling "Administrative Fees", each time I go. She says because I get my medicine free! And I think she said it was free and my insurance didn't have to pay anything. BS!!!!

    I was crying on the phone, telling her "So I have to pay $244.00 plus my $45.00 copay, and almost $100.00 in gas every 3 weeks?" She says "Yes, I'm sorry."

    I get the same thing done every time I go there. Bloodwork, same medicine and usually see my MO. Why are the charges so different.

    On Honor Health FB page they talk about how they are none profit...again BS!

    I won't be able to do hardship because they want to know what I have in the bank, instead of just my annual income, which is piddly.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    They should be ashamed of themselves. But that would require a conscience.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    ood Morning, Loungettes! I have a working fridge!! It came yesterday afternoon, the old dead one has been hauled away, and I am a much happier person.

    image alt="May be an image of indoor">

    image alt="May be an image of indoor">

    image alt="May be an image of indoor">

    It seems huge compared to the old fridge. Even after I moved things in, it looks almost empty! It is so nice to have really cold drinks again.

    Karen--the fridge came about 1 peeyem.

    Goldie--it's actually not turning out to be so hard to crate train the puppers, even as adults. The crates have been open, they've wandered in and out occasionally, particularly Zoe. Next step is to start feeding them in the crates and get them outfitted with beds or blankets. I think when Colt figures out he can get away from Zoe's ear chewing by going in the crate he take to it pretty well. That's a pretty Jazzy color! I think it is meant to be!

    Wren--BC mets is better than a new primary cancer. Still, so not fair.

    Goldie--shaking my head at your bills. So not right.

    Pinky's Out

    By Gina Chersevani, owner of Buffalo & Bergen

    6 raspberries

    1 sprig of mint

    1 ounce lemon juice

    1/2 ounce hibiscus syrup (recipe follows)

    2 ounces Cotton and Reed dry white rum

    Sparkling rosé

    In a Collins glass, muddle raspberries and mint together. Then add lemon juice, hibiscus syrup, and rum. Fill with crushed ice and top off with sparkling rosé. Gently stir with a swizzle stick. Optional garnish: mint and edible flower.

    To make the hibiscus syrup, bring 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup water to boil. Add 1/2 ounce dried hibiscus flowers, turn heat off and let stand for 15 minutes. Strain before using.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2022

    Goldie! Are they NUTS??? Ask them THAT one! That whole issue would drive me crazy... I mean crazier! And YES, I saw the pole-dancer... Hah!

    What she means is, I used to post silly things about me and Cammi meeting out back at night in the alley, and dancing to loud music and pole dancing on the telephone/utility/light poles out there ....

    Now, I might be getting a tad old... In fact, I've been cleaning out under the bed, the closets, and trying to get rid of stuff I have kept.... I mean I have a box of diaries from my Mom, that meant so much to me! It's just hard to throw some memory things away, right? And photo albums!

    So I'm getting all this together, and having my Daughter's go through it all, and keep what they want, and then THEY can get rid of the rest... right?

    We FINALLY got Xfinity to "fix" everything wrong with our connections, phone, TV's & computer! I had to wiggle around what was going on, and only tell my DH what was going on, and that someone was coming, almost when they were expected! It's just that I think "new" people, or things going on, sort of scare him.... but then he is okay, and always offers them his donuts, and cookies.... Hah!

    The folks at Walmart "understand" what is going on, and go out of their way to talk to him!!! That is so cool! And maybe getting him out a little more, maybe later in the afternoon is good for him?

    Going for our annual Dr. appt. tomorrow morning! I think that is so cool! We are both 84, and still plugging along, Hah! Janie is coming over tomorrow with Arby's, and just to visit & help with stuff around here... She loves waiting on her Dad, and is so patient with him! And then our Sheri & our oldest Grand-son will be here the last of this month for a visit! Been about a year since we have seen her, but we talk every day...

    Okay gals! Have a great day, and count your blessings! xoxoHeart

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    this is my red wall in the kitchen. It is so hard to get the lighting right.

    Lori- we haven’t had a dog since September 2019 when we had to put Mischa, our St Bernard down. It was 2 weeks before my MIL passed away. I’m so sorry your cancer center is so uncaring - well what I really want to say is not polite.

    Kim- enjoy the fridge. It looks huge! Crating the pups when you aren’t home is a great idea. Sounds like Zoe is already doing well with it. Hopefully Colt will take to it.

    Chevy - you my dear are 84 years young! Glad Xfinity got everything sorted out. Your Walmart trips sound like a real treat for your DH. Such nice customer service. And your daughter Janie is a gem. Enjoy your visit with Sheri and GS. We need to find you a new pole dancer partner. Gals, who wants to dance with Chevy? I’d volunteer it I’d fall off 😂😂😂😂

    Have a great Thursday. The weather here is heating up - ugh!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    imagered wal

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    NM, glad you got your fridge. I think you are done at school now and start the new job Monday? Also glad that the puppers are doing good with the crate.

    ED, I DO remember you and Cami and your silly antics. I sure miss her and her stories about Joey. She loved that kid sooooo much. That is so nice about the folks at Wal Mart. I too have been cleaning things out. Mainly so there's less to do for my family when I pass.

    Karen, I didn't think you had any fur babies, but I wasn't sure. I think we would all fall off the dance pole! What a site eh? I like your red color too. It must be a trend!

    I'll def. be talking to someone at the cancer center on Monday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    NM- congrats on the new fridge. Time to fill er up with food, oh but that will cost something. Pups will be disappointed that the cooler is empty and probably now unaccessible anyways. Hope things are wrapping up well for you this week with school.

    Chi- the Bosch 500 was more higher end than planning, but most of what else was available was the Ascent which was their cheapest model. I usually go for things priced towards the middle. I ran my first full load of dishes this morning (I only do like 1 load a week unless I entertain or have company). It's so quiet!

    It's almost Friday and I am so ready. Our outdoor summer jazz season is starting up fully again beginning this weekend!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    Karen, That's a really pretty red. All white kitchens need a lot of color to be bearable.

    NM, The fridge will be great. I know what you mean about cold drinks.

    Goldie, Give them hell!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Wren, glad it's not a primary lung cancer, but bummer that you now have mets. But Ibrance & Verzenio (plus letrozole) are keeping metavivors chugging along for a good long time. (I have a friend who was stage IV de novo for 12 years when I met her...7 years ago. Still going strong). Fingers crossed--you have age going for you, as replication slows in seniors. Now rethinking my decision to quit letrozole after 6.3 yrs., even though my MO was good with that. I may have had a milder initial DX than you, however.

    Lori, AAARRGHHH! Bet you're counting the days till you age into Medicare, when your co-pays will go way down (especially if you buy a supplement). Guess the Federal medical-cost transparency act isn't helping--they're now upfront about bilking you. Hang in there.

    Chevy, I'm in awe of your ability to cope with your DH's condition. It's one of my fears--but one many of us still married will have to face eventually.

    Went to CVS to pick up my Bupropion XL refill yesterday, and the clerk asked me if I knew the co-pay price for 90 days was $72. Had to grin wryly--I remember back when Prilosec was new and Rx-only it was $6.66/pill for 30 days worth; I must have had "heartburn from Hell." Dexilant, even online from Canada, is about that much--but it's the only PPI that really works for me. Might surf on over to to see what they charge for Bupropion; if it's less than my co-pay I might order from them too, as I have only one refill left that'd get me into December. Every primary doc I've ever had--even the "natural/complementary-medicine" guy I used to have at Anchor HMO--said that of all my meds, Bupropion (which I used to take as Wellbutrin XL) would be absolutely the last one they'd consider I stop taking. As an NDRI, it's worked far better for me than any SSRI--been on it now since they took Redux off the market >30 yrs. ago. I take it to control food cravings--as bad as mine are, they'd be completely out of control without it and the depression I had as PPD might come back as well. I finally let my letrozole lapse, because I stopped it (with, as I mentioned above, my MO's blessing) in April. Of all my drugs, at $17 for 90 days it was one of the cheapest! And to think I started out taking it as Femara from (now at $200/90 days!

    Stressful day yesterday--late for my mani-pedi so could only get the mani part (my sore tootsies will have to wait till a week from tomorrow, which was the salon's first opening). When I tried to Venmo the tip, the site "lost connection with" my bank and I wasn't about to log in my bank info in public.

    Then spent several hours after early dinner (Filipino leftovers I shared with Bob, to whom I gave the lion's share) revising the tab (in pencil, by hand) for one of the pieces I'm teaching Sat. I don't have transcription-to-tablature-printing software and wouldn't know how to use it without a MIDI piano anyway (I don't play keys, just strings). Then I tabbed out the other from scratch. By the time I got up from doing that my knee, hip and opposite ankle were screaming. Poured myself a small portion of that Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs--into a Riedel specialty champagne glass, which makes an amazing difference in terms of bouquet, taste and fizz. That was my DOTD.

    But glad I left a little something in the glass to sip--tried to log into my bank on my laptop via its website and found my ISP was down completely: internet, cable TV, VOIP "pseudo-landline" home phone. My iPhone's hotspot function wouldn't kick in, and BCO's mobile version wouldn't bring up Favorites till after I found one of the threads under "Active Topics" and laboriously posted it, typing with one finger. Really needed those last few sips! ISP was down till after 7 am.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    DOTD--at a local Mexican joint, a flute of cava with a San Pellegrino chaser.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Said good bye to the students and staff, turned in my key and laptop, and brought the last few personal items home from school yesterday. A quick grocery shopping trip and the new fridge is looking less empty. Now I have a few days to mentally switch gears, putter around the house, and play with the puppers.

    Chevy--glad all the connections finally got fixed. It's annoying when those things don't work. I think it's great that the folks at Walmart understand and look out for the two of you. Good luck with the annual Dr appointments. I bet you are getting excited to have Sheri and the grandson come visit.

    Karen--the fridge does seem huge. Crating the puppers will certainly cut down on the wear and tear on furniture and such! I'm hoping Colt has had some experience with crating already, he has gone in and out of the crate I have open no, but it's too small for him so he doesn't stay in it. Planning to bring the bigger crate up today and find a place for it.

    Goldie--yup, done with the school nurse job. Next job starts on Wednesday. That gives me a small break between jobs.

    Jazzy--it is costing a bit to get the fridge restocked, but I'm not in a hurry and trying to make sure to only stock up with stuff I will actually use, and not stuff that I might use "someday." A quiet dishwasher is kind of like magic--load it up, push a button, and later, open the door for clean dishes with no noise in between!

    Wren--the guys that delivered the fridge didn't hook up the automatic ice maker, so I'll need to do that this weekend. It's not hard to do. In the meantime, I've got the super big ice cube trays filled up and freezing along with a couple of trays of smaller ones so I won't be going without ice.

    Chi--The better drug prices in Canada is so well known here in Maine that many docs get a Canadian license as well as a US license, and there used to be regular bus trips from the bigger towns across the border specifically for visiting pharmacies and picking up meds! I never realized that the right glass could makes such a big difference in a drink experience.

    Sundara's thousand nights cocktail

    Sundara's thousand nights cocktail


    • 2 cardamom pods
    • 1 star anise
    • 2 tsp lime juice
    • 1 tsp caster sugar
    • 2 tbs dark rum
    • 2 tsp Grand Marnier
    • 2 tbs passionfruit juice
    • 1/2 eggwhite
    • Pulp from 1 passionfruit
    • Saffron threads (optional), to serve


    Place cardamom and star anise in a mortar and pestle and lightly crush.

    Combine spices, lime juice, sugar, rum, Grand Marnier, passionfruit juice, eggwhite and 1 tsp cold water in a cocktail shaker. Top with ice and shake until combined.

    Place the passionfruit pulp in a martini glass, strain over the cocktail, top with saffron, if using, and serve.

    From <

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Wren- I am sorry to hear about the met to the lungs. I know you have so much going on with your as your DH and now this. I am glad they are already working on your treatment plan. I hope you can get started, and that SEs are minimal.

    You have a lot on your plate sister, sending love from across the milesHeart

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - good luck on your new position.

    Wren - sorry to hear about mets.

    Sandy - sounds like quite the day!

    The heat is on - mid to high 90s for the next several days.

    Lori - we've had the red wall for years - cabinets are painted white with red and white plaid knobs.

    Have a great week-end

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    At my friend Joan’s house down in Minooka tonight for the festival in Morris this weekend. Traffic was horrendous: I left my house at 4:10 (GPS estimated arrival at 5:53), and when I got to Minooka it was 6:45–only to find the main drag through town was closed for construction. Had to call her for alternate directions. This is the worst weekend to try to get around w/in Chicago proper: couldn’t take Lake Shore Drive to I-55 because Blues Fest was on in Millennium Park—and satellite locations throughout the city. Clark Street 1.5 miles south of me is blocked off for Andersonville Midsommarfest (which I used to play with my old cover band decades ago); Bob decided to walk there for dinner. And as Serendipity can doubtless confirm, Humboldt Park, Noble Sq., West Town, and south Wicker Park are all hosting car parades for Puerto Rico day. And now that it’s nearly summer, every street & road seems to be under construction. So my GPS went nuts every time I was forced to detour. Traffic was at a standstill intermittently—to the point that during the entire 50-mile trip I was able to drive almost up to the speed limit only a few times.

    We ate at a local sports bar—DOTD was iced tea because none of the wines or beers floated my boat, so to speak. (The IPAs looked interesting but I don’t need the calories or carbs, and I’m not about to waste my weekly alcohol allowance on beer). Almost tried the Heineken 0.0, but I believe it’s fairly carb-y, so if I do get a beer tomorrow night it’ll likely be Michelob Ultra. Funny how the low-carb beers are full-alcohol, but the non-alc ones have as many carbs as regular beer.

    Tomorrow during the day it’ll be whatever the Boy Scouts are giving out at the food tent—probably water or (if I’m lucky) canned seltzer

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Forgot to mention why glassware makes a difference in the enjoyment of wine. The glass (crystal or lead-free) needs to be colorless, with a thin rim. (I've actually found some stemless polycarbonate disposable/reusable Govino ones have a thinner rim than the standard restaurant glasses which have “beaded" rims for strength, but the “bead" gets in the way and you taste nearly as much glass as you do wine). The shape does make a difference, though I think makers like Riedel take it a bit too far by offering varietal-specific glasses (not just red, white, Burgundy or Bordeaux). Whatever the wine, the bowl needs to be wide enough (and the pour not too generous) for easy swirling that helps aerate the wine, tapering up to a narrower top to direct the aroma to the nose. Champagne glasses are a breed apart (some hipster restaurants are going retro and using those wide shallow “coupes" allegedly originally molded from Empress Josephine's boob, but the bubbles go flat too quickly and there's a chance of spillage). There are the tall flutes, which preserve the bubbles but if too narrow at the bottom don't provide enough room below to develop & direct the aroma up to the nose; the rounder-bottom larger-capacity flutes or the tulip shapes, which had been classically ideal for bubbly—some of the former actually have a tiny etch at the bottom to accelerate and enhance upward bubble movement. But Riedel came up with one that looks more like an egg-shaped wine glass, and that's what I used the other night. It has the etch and the very thin rim, and seemed to be the best of both worlds…till I broke one a couple of years ago. (The stem is too delicate up where it hits the bowl). Again, Govino makes a good disposable/reusable stemless flute. What I like about Govino is that it's practically indestructible (unless you put it in the dishwasher, which can make it distort), and (like the original crystal “Les Impitoyables" tasting glasses that wine snobs used to carry to tastings in little velvet bags) has a depression on the bottom for your fingers and a little dent in the side for your thumb—so the heat of your palm never touches the glass, eliminating the need for a stem & foot. Not bad for anywhere from $3-4 apiece.

    BTW, many sommeliers prefer to serve sparklers in regular crystal wine glasses

    Now, when they insist you need a different glass for a lager, ale or Pilsner, that's just nuts. (I can see it for Weissbier, though—that stuff is crazy-effervescent and would very easily & messily overflow a normal-size schooner, much less a stein or mug.Inexperienced bar or waitstaff pour too fast, with more beer ending up on the table or even the floor than in the glass—they make that mistake only once)!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Jazzy, are you heading out this weekend for some summer jazz?

    Wren, I will be raising hell, but I doubt it will do any good. I'm also going to see if I can talk to a few patients to see if they are getting the same bill.

    Sandy, I have another year yet before I can get Medicare. I'll be 64 in August. That was quite the round about way to get to your friends!

    NM, I had to chuckle at your comment about saving wear and tear on the furniture when crating the pups! Enjoy your few days off.

    Karen, your cabinets sound cute with the plaid knobs.

    I'm going to head to Phoenix tomorrow morning, visit with a few friends. Monday morning I have an ECHO and then treatment. Monday evening meeting up with a gal that helped Darrell out so much, in getting what he needed. Also return some things that he was given by the ALS Arizona Chapter and adding a few things to it to donate. Not looking forward to the heat tho, 115 degrees!

    See the source image


    Give 'em Hell, Roscoe

    2 oz Bourbon, Buffalo Trace

    1 1⁄4 oz Grade B maple syrup (in a 1:1 syrup)

    1⁄4 oz Amaretto, Lazzaroni

    1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

    4 ds Bitters, Angostura

    1 pn Cinnamon (as garnish)


    Shake with ice and strain over ice in an Old Fashioned glass; garnish.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Goldie- yes, I am hoping to tonight. There are a couple different events in town but it's also HOT here and may not feel like sitting out in the heat. We will see how the day goes....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    DGS#3 graduated high school last night. Usual endless ceremony and huge graduating class. Because the students are about 50% spanish-speaking, lots of the speeches were in Spanish. I can catch phrases here and there, but not follow the entire speech. Very proud of him. The hispanic students had a long scarf around their necks that looked like a serape. Very colorful. It was raining hard and windy. I felt sorry for the parents sitting in the rain. DS said it was miserable.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I ran into a glitch and couldn't get logged onto the site yesterday ayem. It looks like whatever the glitch was its fixed now, though. The puppers and I are enjoying a beautiful weekend here. Being pretty lazy but getting some stuff done around the house, too, so a good balance.

    Karen--thanks for the good wishes.

    Chi--Wow, that's a lot of traffic woes for what should have been a quick trip! I did not realize there was so much science behind wine glasses. Fascinating!

    Goldie--be careful in that heat! That sounds crazy hot!

    Wren--congrats to DGS#2! So sorry families had to sit in the rain.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Well Jazzy, did you make that concert???

    Wren, congrats on GS2. I take it you were sitting somewhere out of the rain?

    NM, glad you are having some nice weather on your little mini vacation. Did/are you doing a garden this year? It is crazy hot down there. It's hot enough here as it is, but that heat down there, you can't even go outside. For me it's to and from my car, that's it!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    100F yesterday and 98F today and tomorrow!!! Way too hot for my blood anytime.

    August 1st both DH and I will be fully on medicare. My pcp only takes a few Advantage plans and does not take regular medicare. So I'm going with the advantage plan through the state retirement system. DH is going with a regular medigap plan. I didn't know this but if you don't initially go with regular medicare/medigap within 6 months of signing up, you could be turned down due to pre-existing conditions. I don't want to look for a new pcp - The plans offered by the state retirement system are the same with different out of pocket and copays.

    Have a great Sunday

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Goldie- no I opted out as it was just too hot and I have a lot to do to be ready for my trip back east in a few weeks. Next weekend I have two concerts so I will have more to share then!

    Have a good week all!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    forecast 98 or 99F with potential again to break 100. Yesterday was. hot but only mid 90s - cloudy most of the day.

    worked in the closet that goes under the stairs (we live in a one story with a basement). I haven't been in there for several years. I had a plastic bag than a comforter came in filled with old wool blankets - some 65 years old - took bag outside to wipe off all the dust - and on the top blanket were little white "worms" - and you could see that parts of the blanket had been "eaten). I didn't even bother looking at any other blankets - just threw them all out. KInd of bummed me - but to be. hones, I forgot they were there. Would have preferred to donate them, but not possible. One blanket is in all the infant pictures of me.

    spent more time working in that closet and still lots more to do - we put stuff in there many years ago - some old work stuff from my husband that will all go in the garbage. An old Smith Corona manual type writer from the 1970s. Lots of kids stuff and lots of papers that are all garbage as they are so old. We used to use the closet but once my son put his box spring in there a few years ago, we didn't go in. I went in there to put books that my son didn't want to take with him and decided it was a good time to clean it out!!!

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Cool & intermittently drizzly on Saturday, but at least there were tents and chairs for the workshops and my sunhat worked as a sort of umbrella. Yesterday it was pleasantly warm--mid-80s--so my sunscreen was useful (and my sunhat fulfilled its intended purpose). Had to shower and shake out my clothes both days just in case there had been ticks--though the grass wasn't at all tall. Gnats & ants were the primary tiny livestock we encountered. Wore a sundress and bare legs yesterday, but something told me not to re-pack my denim shirt but instead leave it in the car on the passenger seat. When I left Morris, it was 82F. When I got home, it was 57F--behold the power of the "lake effect!" Actually turned the heat back on last night (and had turned the A/C in my car off as soon as the dash thermometer dipped below 70).

    Speaking of Morris, I filled my tank yesterday morning: $5.28/gallon. In my neighborhood? $6.19. Bob paid $5.59 at a southwest suburban Costco last Wed. (probably up at least a dime by now).

    Last night, after hauling my suitcase and instruments from the car up into my house, I was too wiped out to cook. So we walked to Regalia, not expecting it to be open on a Sunday night and prepared to go to the sushi bar next door. We were surprised to see it 2/3 full at 7:15pm. (Nobody was sitting outside at their new patio--just too chilly). One of our favorite brunch waiters from Cellars just joined the staff.

    I'd had to change from my sundress & sandals into sneakers & socks, jeans, T-shirt, and denim jacket--but when we stepped outside, the chill hit me and I had to put on my rain jacket as an outer layer. 3 layers in mid-June? My vocabulary does not contain enough four-letter words to react to that.

    Today it's mid-70s...but in a few hours thunderstorms (and a tornado risk) are forecast to move through the area. Tomorrow? 97--with heat index in triple-digits. When I was a kid, that was called the "THI," for "temperature-humidity index." "Wind chill factor" is now called "real-feel," or even "feels like." Is it just my inner curmudgeon, or are people's vocabularies (or reading comprehension) dumbing-down?

    Yesterday's DOTD: a 2020 Sardinian Vermentino (we brought home half the bottle). Tonight, probably a Cabernet or Sangiovese with steak I'll either grill (weather permitting) or cast-iron-sear (weather forbidding, or if the grill hasn't dried out enough).