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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    just a brief pop in since I'm on my phone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    I don’t know why but my post isntposting. I’m in the hospital.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Oh no Lori - what's wrong? Are you admitted? Or there for labs? Worried about you. Sending you hugs. Keep us posted.

    Tied a record high yesterday - 99F! Only going to be in the low 80s today so very pleasant. Nice walk at 8:00 am -60F whereas the same time yesterday was 80F.

    Still working in the under the stairs closet and feeling accomplished. Good place to be in the heat. The garage also needs tackling as well as the crawlspace.

    Dental cleaning this afternoon, annual physical next week. My calcium has been a bit elevated so wondering if she'll be concerned. Last year or the year before it was high and she said to stay off Tums which I have - take Pepcid AC instead. Hope its nothing/

    Everyone have a great day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited June 2022

    Goldie, you ok? Or are you there for treatment?

    Beach bar installed yesterday, working on the electrical and interior next week, then decorating and drinking 😁


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Lori, hope you're okay and at the hospital only because the commute from your home for testing & treatment is too far.

    We had an, uh, interesting (as in the old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times") early evening yesterday. I drove to the neighborhood afternoon farmers' market because I had another stop to make 3 miles away afterward. It was clear, 67F with a stiff breeze, so I had a denim shirt on over my T-shirt. When I got to the supermarket at my second stop, it was 82F with clear skies and I had to leave the over-shirt in the car. Walked out of the store, the sky was full of gathering rain clouds and my AppleWatch's local news station app said "Severe Thunderstorm Warning and Tornado Watch for your area." I drove home posthaste--but when I was halfway home, my watch "exploded" with a very loud alarm, yellow triangle with an "!" and the words "Tornado Warning--seek shelter immediately and go to your safe room." (As if I were going to jump out of my car, knock on some stranger's door and ask if I could hang out in their basement). Switched my car radio to the local newsradio channel, which described the storm's movement. A mile and a half from home, the tornado sirens began to go off. Pulled into my garage, grabbed the perishables from my trunk and ran to the house--Bob was sitting on the deck, oblivious. He'd come home an hour earlier and said he had heard no warnings (and all he listens to in the car is that news station); and that he had gotten no warnings on his iPhone (mine was still blowing up with warnings). I grabbed my iPad and made him join me in heading to the basement, where we watched local weather (radar, lightning strikes, wind alerts, rotation, hail, and reports of funnel sightings) in morbid fascination while our kitty Happy kept switching between litterboxes and then jumped on to my lap in fear. (Heidi was obliviously asleep upstairs). It sounded like there were a zillion low-flying planes passing overhead, and the sky was black. When the all-clear siren sounded we went upstairs, where I nuked Bob the empanadas I'd bought him at the farmers' market and put away the perishables. No damage, other than one of my three tomato plants (blossoms but no fruits yet) had toppled over but I set it upright intact.

    Though it stopped raining and there was no more rain forecast, I decided the grill's venturis were probably too wet for the burners to light, so I cast-iron-seared the steak indoors. DOTD was a 2019 Cotes du Rhone I Coravined (and Bob earlier had a Lagunitas IPA from the basement fridge--he calls it his "tornado beer").

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    chisandy: You probably said before, but where do you live? I will stop whining about our weather here. We have had a few big blows that I guess would be considered hurricanes. One toppled a lot of trees in Stanley Park. The wind sounded like a train as it blew across our back deck. All the lights on the main thoroughfares the next morning were all dangling on their wires. I have never experienced a tornado. I would be terrified. You sound like you were pretty chill about it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Goldie - sending love and prayers for recovery 🙏🙏🙏

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - sending hugs to you my friend. I'm worried about you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Elderberry, I live on the far north side of Chicago, half a mile from Lake Michigan. What Vancouver experienced must have been a "microburst." Though the winds may have been hurricane (75+mph) or EF-0 tornado (70-100mph) strength, if it isn't part of an organized rotating storm that began in the tropics as a "depression" it isn't a hurricane; and if it isn't a rotating funnel or wall cloud appearing to descend from the sky it isn't a tornado either. Of course, that doesn't mean it's not destructive. (Tornadoes look like they descend from a storm cloud but they actually rotate upward from the ground--I know because I saw one form before my eyes back in 1992 and I made it indoors with seconds to spare).

    We had the first of two extremely hot days. Sunday night it was too cold to dine outdoors; last night too dangerous--lightning, tornado warning--and tonight too hot. Tomorrow it will be hot again...but tomorrow night? See last night...lather, rinse, repeat. And it isn't even officially summer yet. When we first moved here from Seattle 44 years ago, a tornado "watch" was scary and fairly rare. Now, with climate change, it seems that whenever we're not in danger of snowstorms or extreme subzero wind chills, we are in danger of severe storms and tornadoes. So last night was a derecho...and here comes another one tomorrow night. I'm not 'chill' about it, in the same way I'm not "chill" about cancer or endless waves of COVID. I'm just resigned to it. Frankly, there's nowhere on this continent exempt from Nature's wrath--be it weather or earthquakes.

    DOTD was the end of the bottle of Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs and leftover Sardinian Vermentino.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump day! First day of work at the new job for me today. Had to jump through a lot of hoops to finally get an acceptable CPR card yesterday, but finally got that worked out. All CPR classes teach the same thing and follow the same guidelines, but most healthcare employers want a card from the American Heart Association, who limits the number of certified instructors to minimize competition among instructors. Anyway, I finally got that taken care of, so here I go!

    The puppers are going to be confused today. I've been home all day except for a few quick trips out to run errands since last Friday. So not only will I be out all day today, but the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together is this evening, so I'll be home late, too. It'll be interesting to see what kind of greeting I get when I get home!

    Goldie--I have been lucky to have beautiful weather these last few days. I'm not doing a garden this year. I'm going to concentrate on the puppers this summer.

    Karen--way too hot, indeed! I didn't know about the 6 month Medicare sign-up and pre-existing conditions thing. I thought Obamacare eliminated pre-existing conditions? I guess it's time I started getting myself educated on all that stuff, given I'm 63. Oh my, those blankets must have been beautiful in their prime. Wool is so hard to keep up.

    Chi--Glad you thought to keep out the shirt, that's a big drop in temp. Gas prices are getting scary high. How nice to find a favorite server in a new location!

    Goldie--prayers for a quick resolution of whatever has you in the hospital.

    Illi--the Beach Bar is Beautiful! Can't wait to see it in action!

    Chi--It is so scary that all that tornado warning stuff can be going on and people don't hear or know about it! That's what terrifies me about tornados the most, they can pop up without warning and catch people totally unaware. I've got chills now.

    Elderberry--Where do you live? That sounds like a pretty bad storm, whatever it was called.

    Post Image

    Elderflower Champagne Cocktail


    • 1 (750-ml) bottle Brut champagne or dry sparkling wine, chilled
    • 1 cup
      of elderflower liqueur, like St. Germain
    • 1 (12-ounce) can of club soda or seltzer water, chilled
    • 1 cup sliced strawberries


    1. In a large pitcher, combine all of the ingredients and stir. Add ice. Pour into glasses filled with ice and scoop a few strawberries into each glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    NM- good luck with the new job starting.

    Waiting to hear more news on Goldie. Sending love and prayers for healing.......

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - year before or at least 6 months you turn 65, you'll start getting tons of medicare junk in the mail. The gov sends a large medicare book with tons of info.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Sorry ladies, I tried to make a brief post from my phone, but would only do one sentence. I gave up after 2 tries.

    I left Sunday morning to come down to Phoenix. Just as I was getting ready to leave, my tummy started to cramp. I figured it was just gas and kept on. Well, it never let up. I called Tammy and told her and that I was going to try and settle my tummy before coming over. An hour later, no go. I ended up driving myself to the hospital. After some tests, they put and NG tube in me, OMG, I hope to never have to have one of those again. Anyways, ended up in emergency surgery. Scar tissue had wrapped around my bowels and part of my bowels were adhered to my abdominal wall.

    Wednesday morning a doc looked at my tube and said it's not where it needs to be and needs to be advanced more into my stomach...UGH! Not fun! The room I was in had some kind of AC drip in the wall that was not quiet, finally they came this morning and moved me. Started to finally pass a little bit a gas this afternoon. I'm hoping the tube will come out and I can have clear liquids tomorrow. I haven't eaten since Saturday afternoon.

    So with all this, I had to cancel my ECHO and my treatments. Surgeon wants me to cancel my next treatments as well. I also found out more about the kidney situation and it looks like that will be my next surgery, to have a stint put in.

    This is the first time I've had my laptop out, so I'll go back and read/reply.

    May be an image of 1 person

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2022

    Oh GOldie - so sorry for your latest "adventures". Definitely NOT fun. Holding you in my thoughts & my heart.

    NM - hope the first day at work is good AND the puppers behaved. Did you crate them?

    Mae - I too love the beach bar!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Karen, good for you on keeping to that closet. Good luck with the garage, when you get to that!

    BabyGirl, love your little Beach Bar. It will be fun to decorate and especially drink!

    Sandy, glad your weather did not produce the other day (Tuesday I think).

    NM, I figured the puppers were of more interest this year than the garden. Glad you were able to get and acceptable CPR card.

    They also told me that had I not come in when I did, things would have been way worse.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2022

    Goldie - are you at Mayo in Phoenix? I've been there with my SIL and actually met Eric in the cafeteria the last time I was in AZ.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Lori, Bob went through that in 2017. In 2015, he had a perforated bowel during polyp removal in the course of a routine colonoscopy (never using THAT GI group again). He eventually needed a hemicolectomy (12" of bowel removed) with anastomosis (cut ends sewn back together), plus a ureter stent. 6 wks later, had an "incarcerated" hernia which had to be repaired. 2 yrs later, woke up in extreme colicky pain and drove himself to the ER. It was a bowel obstruction from adhesions. He had to have that nasty NG suction, which he said hurt worse than either the perforation or the hernia. But the suction well that he regained all the weight he'd lost (and then some) from those surgeries and recovery from the NG suction. Not a weight-loss method he'd recommend, of course.

    However, anyone who's ever had abdominal surgery in the past 20-30 years is at risk for it. A friend of mine had it 30 years after a C-section. There but for the grace of God...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - thanks for coming back twice to update us. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all this, but looks like you are on the mend for now. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you from afar? Sending you hugs and healing thoughts.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited June 2022

    Yikes Goldie, that’s a lot going on but I’m glad you went to the hospital quickly and wish you a full and fast recovery.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning. Loungettes! Yesterday was quite the day. For the first time ever, I have my own office WITH A WINDOW! A very nice desk, two monitors, a state-of-the-art tablet, a real office chair, in short, a real office that isn't a repurposed closet or storage room with second-hand furniture. And a big vase of flowers from the office director's garden. And instructions to make a list of things I want/need to give to the director for purchase by the company. I have never been treated like this before when starting a new job. I could really get used to this! This office very busy and understaffed (not a surprise) so there is a real opportunity for me to make a big difference for a lot of staff and indirectly the patients and families we serve. There's a lot to learn, but that's no problem, I'm looking forward to it. Getting used to working until 5 peeyem after getting done at 3:30 will take some adjusting, but that's ok. I was pretty tired and had a full head at the end of the day yesterday so I didn't go to the Wed, Women and Wine get-together. Came home and went to bed early and had extra cuddle time with the puppers, which seemed to make up for my not coming home earlier.

    Thanks, Jazzy!

    Karen--it's good to know Medicare will send out info.

    Goldie--oh my goodness, that is such a horrible thing to have happen! Prayers for a quick recovery. Hugs.

    Minus--no, I didn't crate the puppers, it was going to be a beautiful day and they do spend a lot of time on the deck or in the yard and I just didn't have the heart to use the crates. The house is still standing, Most of the breakable stuff has been moved or broken, so they didn't do any damage. I will have to crate them in the winter when they can't have the run of the yard as well. They were really excited when I got home, though!

    Goldie--glad you didn't have to go through what some people have gone through with similar bowel issues. That can get really, really nasty.

    Chi--Wow, poor Bob went through a lot!

    Morning, Illi!

    Thirsty Thursday Lemon Cocktail recipe main photo

    Thirsty Thursday Lemon Cocktail


    1 Servings

    1. cubes Few ice
    2. 1/4 Cup Vodka
    3. 1/2 Cup Soda Water
    4. 1/2 Cup Lemon Soda
    5. 1/2 Lime and Lemon Wedge for Garnish

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Minus2, I am not at Mayo. I got my hotel close to the hospital I was supposed to go to for my ECHO, so that is where I am. John C. Lincoln.

    Sandy, your DH is spot on about the NG tube. I hope to NEVER need another one. I still have it in. Hoping it comes out today and I can eat. It's been in since Sunday afternoon.

    NM, pleasant surprise for your first day at work, very happy for you. Can't blame you for passing on WWW night out.

    One of the things I hate the most with this NG and IV, I'm tethered, and can't do anything on my own. And when you ring the nurses bell, they don't come runnin. Which I totally understand. I asked right away for a urninal.

    I have a very angry patient across the hall from me. Security was in last night. They have him restrained, so I'm assuming perhaps drug related and he may be in withdrawl. He's not shaking or vomiting. Lots of moaning, almost crying and some very colorful language!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Lori, I hope that tube can come out soon and you can start soon on at least a liquid diet (including ices, broth & jello) or even a "soft" one. Other patients can definitely be the trying hospital experience that nobody mentions till it happens to them. The crummy rehab center I had to settle for after my first knee replacement 10 years ago had not just post-op patients (all kinds of surgery) but also neuro rehab, memory care and hospice patients--all on the same floor. There was a guy with dementia who kept roaming the halls, yelling and coming into my room, delusional that I was his daughter and loudly accusing me of never calling or visiting him. When I complained to the staff (which was stretched so thin that one nurse, an LPN at that, was the only provider present in the entire building per shift, with unskilled nurses' aides--not even CNAs--doing all the patient care), the administrator replied that I should "hang in there" because the guy was there not only for dementia but also inpatient hospice and "won't be with us much longer." Cynical some?

    We dodged the severe storm bullet last night, at least in our 'hood. No hail, just intermittent deluges, some small tree limbes down, and the usual overturned flowerpots. But we did hit 100F during the day yesterday (102 at Midway) and made it up to 97 today (albeit considerably drier). At 2 am it's 77, 11 degrees cooler than at this time last night.

    We went to the Little Company of Mary Hospital Physicians' Recognition Dinner, where Bob got his 30-year award. 2020's dinner was canceled (duh) and 2021 was for the honorees only (not even "plus-ones"). The hospital is down in Evergreen Park, but we were seated next to a DPM who was also a 30-year awardee...who turns out to be living only about a mile from us. It was at a golf club down near Oak Lawn, much nicer than the stuffy country club in Beverly where it used to be held (and this one had valet parking). Food was very good, and the bar was full-service (catering to members). DsOTD were prosecco, and then with the surf & turf a pinot noir. Only sour note was the 90-minute drive down there, courtesy of 2 stalls & an accident on Lake Shore Drive. (Usually just about an hour's drive).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I got to meet most of the CNAs at the new job yesterday, I've worked with 3 of them who are all fantastic, and the rest seem to be just as dedicated and patient-focused. They sound like a great team.

    I just watch Colt fish an empty peanut butter jar out of the trash, work the cover off, and is now happily licking the jar clean. Good Lord, that dog's tongue is LONG! Zoe tried to play with him, Colt gave her the side-eye and a very intimidating growl, and she backed off and ran to me for protection! Usually, she's the one Colt needs protection from! I guess he'll hold his own when it's important enough to him.

    Goldie--I'm hoping you get the NG out today and get to eat, or at least drink, today. It must be really hard to be so tethered and not be able to do anything without help. I'm sorry you have to put up with the antics of the patient across the hall. Hopefully, he'll be moved or leave soon.

    Chi--what a horrible experience you had at the rehab! And what a violation of that poor man and his family's privacy!

    Gremlin Cocktail

    Gremlin Cocktail Ingredients:

    • ½oz Chambord Black Raspberry Liqueur or Creme de Framboise
    • ¾oz Midori Melon Liqueur
    • 1¼oz Lemon Juice
    • 1oz Simple Syrup
    • ½oz Blavod Black Vodka


    Fill the glass with ice, pour Chambord into the glass. Shake Midori, lemon juice and simple syrup with ice and strain over the ice. Float Blavod on top to create three layered effect.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    I wrote. this last night but posted. on the wrong thread - had to delete parts this morning!

    Spent several hours in the under the stairs closet - the file cabinet is done as is the bookshelf - now I just have to go through the stuff I put aside - or not and just put it in a plastic box - its mostly sentimental stuff like cards, photos, letters etc. Tossed the kids report cards going back to the early 90s, most of the work I saved and tossed lots of articles etc that were in the file cabinet and 2 milk crates. A lot of the articles and journals were from grad school which I finished in 1990!!! Now just have to wait for overflow trash pick up in 2 weeks.

    Found a few gems among all the "stuff" - a leather purse and satchel that is some name brand that DH is going to sell on eBay - also two Dooney and Burke purses that are brand new that my brother sent to the late mother. They have been sitting in a closet for 4 1/2 years

    Supposed to be at least 95 tomorrow - heat warning. Will walk by 8 and again as the sun goes down.

    Kim - your new office and job sound nice - wow - to be welcomed and given such a nice office. Hope the position goes well and is what you want. How are the puppers?

    Lori - how are you doing? Hope you aren't in too much pain and that by now you are at least getting clear liquids. Sending you hugs.

    Sweet dreams.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Sandy I agree with NM, what a violation of that man's privacy. And there is no way they would know when he was going to pass. People can live on hospice for a long time.

    NM, are you not feeding that boy??? Funny story about the PB and him holding his own against Zoe. LOL on that long tongue! That's nice that you've worked with some of those other folks. I think 95% of the nurses here all just got out of nursing school. They are so young! I've only had 2 that looked over 40.

    Karen, I know it must have been hard to throw some things away, but know it's best. As it's just sitting there collecting dust. Good deal on the purse finds.

    The young man across the hall isn't bothersome to me at all. It's a little drama during the day, altho I feel bad for him. I'm thinking alcoholism. There has been mention of how bad his pancreas is, and so far I know of librium, dilaudid, morphine and one of the "Z" drugs. I get those mixed up. He hollers out some unusual things, so either hallucinating, or some mental issues going on as well. I know his mom has been calling, wanting to visit him and he tells them no, he doesn't want her there. I also feel bad for her. I can relate, having had my son go through this.

    The NG tube is out, but it fell out. Doctor in the morning said he could take it out, but if things weren't all good, he would have to put another one in. I said NO WAY. But it fell out later anyways. I'm still on clear liquids, should be changed to full liquids after doctor has been in. Which still isn't much! About the only thing that interests me is ice cream with pepsi to make a float, tomato soup and maybe some pudding!

    I washed my hair this morning, will get the rest of me after docs leave and new shift comes on. Chicken broth for breakfast....oh yum! If my next diet is full liquids, makes me think I won't be going home tomorrow either. Pain is minimal, mostly if I have to cough, sneeze or laugh!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    NM, The shelter where I volunteered put peanut butter in kongs, then froze the kongs. It keeps them busy for a long time. Might be something to do when they have to be crated for a while.

    Goldie, Hope you graduate to better food. A pepsi float sounds good. You know you want something solid when pudding sounds wonderful.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    Goldie: OMG!!! That is some set of stitches. I am sorry you are on liquids only. I would be dreaming of mac n cheese as my first solid meal. But I am glad you took yourself to hospital when you did. It could have been so much worse. Frankly, at my age, most professionals look like kids. But young nurses are usually enthusiastic nurses and haven't become jaded. I hope you get some pudding soon.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Waking up to some rain this ayem, I was hoping for a drier day so I can hang out some laundry. Oh well, such is life. The puppers are having a lively game of wrestle. It's amazing to watch them grab each other by the collar and drag each other around. The new job is still going really well. I got to get out and meet a couple of patients yesterday, its nice to be able to start putting faces to the names. I'm going to go visit Mom today, she has a list of things she needs help with that I can take care of for her.

    Karen--yikes, posting on the wrong thread must feel like sending an email to the wrong address! Those are some real finds you came across in the closet! The new job is going well so far. The puppers are doing well and seem to be adapting to the new work schedule.

    Goldie--I am feeding the boy, truly I am, and more than the instructions on the bag suggest, even! Zoe has gained weight, getting what the bag instructions suggest, so I'm sure Colt's getting enough, too. He's just an eater and chewer! The man across the hall sounds like he's in a pretty bad situation. I hope things work out for him and his family. I'm glad to hear the NG tube is out, no matter how it came out. Sometimes I think Mother Nature takes care of the details like that for us. I know the liquid diet thing isn't much, but try to stick with it, taking in solid food too soon can create a great deal of misery if the bowel isn't totally awake and working or if there is still a partial blockage in there. I'm glad to hear the pain in minimal!

    Wren--I've done the peanut butter in the kong thing, but never thought about freezing them! I'm going to have to round up some of the kongs and do that.

    Morning, Elderberry!

    How to make a Christmas Pudding Cream cocktail



    • 20ml Christmas Pudding Rye
    • 20ml Creme de Cacao
    • 20ml Irish Cream liqueur (Bailey's)
    • 20ml Frangelico


    1. Chill a coupe or martini glass by putting it in the fridge, freezer, or filling with ice.
    2. Add the Christmas Pudding Rye, Creme de Cacao, Irish Cream liqueur and Frangelico to a cocktail shaker.
    3. Fill the cocktail shaker with ice and shake for approximately 20-30 seconds.
    4. Discard any ice from the coupe or martini glass.
    5. Double strain the mixture into the glass.
    6. Garnish with your favourite Christmas chocolate and enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Doc put me on a reg. diet yesterday morning, so I was able to get an egg sandwich, fruit plate and cottage cheese yesterday morning. Dinner was salmon, mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus, of courses I could only eat half of it, didn't want to make myself sick. I think I'll order that ice cream and pepsi now, to make a float! My surgeon discharged me. Now to wait on hospital doctor to do the same. Not sure why he wouldn't. Surgeon also told me I could drive if I feel up to it. So I will stay at my friends tonight and head home tomorrow. I have to come back in a week to get staples out. The guy across the hall was gone yesterday morning, not sure if he was discharged or if he left on his own.

    Elderberry, I think you are right, with the age thing and professionals looking so young!

    NM, of course you feed those kids, and of course you know I was joking! Surely you've heard of those kongs, and have probably used them in the past, since you've had so many big dogs. Ok, just read that you have and you do have some. Enjoy your visit with mom. Did she invite the kids too???? I'm not thinking so! What kind of patients are you seeing? I don't remember, is this with hospice? The pudding cocktail sounds and looks amazing!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2022

    Goldie, I am glad you are feeling better. Stay with your friend another night if you need to, and take it easy when you get home. My cousin went through that same thing, she waited so long before she went to the hospital it was very dangerous. I am glad you were right there when you needed to get to the hospital.

    NM- I hope the new job is great. I think you will miss the kids though.

    Illimae- I love love love the beach bar! It is so cute.

    Hello to all!