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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - great news! Glad that you are on a regular diet, have an appetite and are getting to get out of the hospital. I agree with the others, stay with your gf an extra night if you need to. Sending you hugs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Good morning friends- hope everyone's weekend is going okay. The monsoons have finally arrived here in New Mexico and are producing! The rains started late in the week, more so into Friday, been raining a lot since. Waking up to rain this morning, what a wonderful gift. The news says we will be set up for lots of moisture the next few weeks. We are so far behind and then there are the fires here still. But with rain, there will be mud and debris flows so they are trying to prepare for that now.

    I have had a three day weekend and lots of music to enjoy. Starting thursday at our local musuem which hosts something called Third Thursday and where they open free to the public, have events around certain things (this month it is around Juneteenth which is today). There was some music going on, and I did a free yoga class again in the natural resources gallery. Yoga in a museum!

    Friday into Sat, I was up in Santa Fe for a bit to attend a postponed concert from April with Dave Grusin and Lee Rittenour. Two jazz legends and have seen Dave several times (he has a residence in SF so he is there to do concerts regularly). First time with Lee and his son was part of the band too, fabulous drummer. There is something about musicians who have played together like Grusin and Rittenour for some 50 years, there playing is so in sync and flawless. Great evening!

    Came back yesterday in the sunshine for my last music of the weekend. The summer jazz under the stars started up here recently, and some friends were performing a show last night focused on 60s music. Such fun and the rain held off until towards the second half of the show when my friend and I left. I am all filled up with music and sort of pooped here at the end of the weekend (but from fun for a change, so there is that).

    Goldie- I have been following your story here since last week when I saw you were in the hospital. I had ruptured appendix in 2012 and went through major abdominal surgery, had a big incision like you, NG tube, 8 days in the hospital, didn't eat solid food until about two days before. They recomemnded a visiting nurse who came to see me after I was home and for a couple times a week helped to ensure I was recovering and watched the incision for infection. I also had a cleaning company come to help me keep up with the basics, and friends who ensured I got groceries. For sure harder to recover from than anything else I went through (including BC). Take super good care of yourself.

    NM- your new job sounds like it's starting out well. I hope this will fit for you until you are ready to retire. My job changed again this week and I am going to explore some other opportunities within that may be a better fit for me. Keeping ourselves working until we get to where we need to be is tricky here in our 60s, but think you and I are finding our way through. I hope the pups will adjust okay to the changes.

    In two more weeks, I am off to my home state for a visit and to see family I have not seen since before the pandemic. I expect to be off line mostly in July here on BCO, just wanted to mention it so if you don't see me posting, you know why.

    Hoping everyone has a good week ahead and will check in again next weekend before I start my travels.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Lori, glad to hear you're back on solid food and about to get sprung (if you haven't been already). Karen, what is a "kong?" Jazzy, glad you were able to attend a concert again, and that the rain is giving some relief from the fire danger.

    We are having a delightful weather weekend--dry and mild (70s-80s everywhere but here by the lake, where it was in the 60s yesterday and low 70s today). Back up near 90 tomorrow, 98 Tues. and 95 with storm chances on Wed.

    We went out Fri. night to Jameson's Charhouse in Skokie. My DOTD was a split of Korbel (my entree was fish). Last night, a little of that Sardinian Vermentino. (Bob was working late, so I grilled fish and dined alone). Tonight, not sure what I will be drinking other than water or decaf.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Sandy - Kong is a rubber toy - comes in many sizes that you can put treats inside it for the dog(s).

    Back in the under the stairs closet going through the stuff I'm keeping. Lots of photo envelopes - turns out most are just the negatives or pictures that didn't get put into a photo album because too dark. Found a photo of me and my mother from 1993 that I want to frame - great picture. Still some more to go through and then bring up the books to give away and the trash bags to throw out. When that is done, I will tackle my "office/spare bedroom" which mostly needs organizing and things put away - too many things on the futon and I want to put a quilt that my late MIL had in her guest bedroom.

    Tomorrow I have my annual check up with my PCP. Copied all my labs (I think 5) since I saw her last June. Don't need to repeat CMP (I've had 3) or TSH that I had last month. The other two are kidney panels. I need to see if she wants to take over or have me still see nephrologist annually. Nephrologist gave me the choice last August and I told him I would ask my PCP.

    DH grilled chicken wings for dinner. Yummy.

    Sweet dreams.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday, Monkey Day! Boy has it come off chilly here. Yesterday the inside the house temp was 55 when I got up, never got over 63 all day. Back to 55 again this ayem, and I refuse to turn on the heat at this point. It's one day before summer, for heaven's sake! It felt really good to have two bed warmers last night. I slept comfortably even in the chilly. You know it's chilly in the house when the bagels come out of the toaster and steam like a hot cup of coffee just out of the pot! I wound up spending most of yesterday curled up with one or the other of the puppers reading and watching TV. It was a very lazy day.

    Goldie--of course I know you were kidding about feeding the puppers! I did have a pretty good visit with Mom, and no, I didn't take the puppers with me. I never took Sadie to the new apartment, only took the puppers because Mom insisted on meeting "the grand dogs" at least once. I don't plan to take them there again unless I need an excuse for a very short visit, or am stopping by when I've been somewhere with them. I think Mom mentioned them once or twice while I was there. I'm a bit concerned that she didn't take her morning pills until we were eating lunch, but there is nothing I can do about that, and I have to just keep telling myself that. The patients I saw on Friday were Hospice patients of the company I'm working for now. I hope you've gotten out of the hospital by now and are back home and recovering comfortably.

    Misty--yeah, I miss the kiddos, and I'm going to wonder what happens to many of them. I'll find some way to contribute to taking care of them. There's lots of stuff that's needed that I can help supply.

    Morning, Karen!

    Jazzy--glad to hear the moisture is coming, hoping you can avoid the mudslides and other complications of lots of rain on top of a drought. Yoga in a museum must have been a lot of fun! Sorry to hear you job has changed away from what you were expecting. The puppers seem to be adjusting pretty well, at least they seem happy to see me when I get home. I am hoping to retire from this job, and it should work out, but time will tell, right? Safe travels and happy visiting!

    Chi--I'm glad you are getting great weather, we're still getting cold water warnings here, it hasn't been warm enough for the water to warm yet, so even when it gets really warm or hot enough to go swimming people don't think about the danger of swimming in waters cooler than 60 degrees.

    Karen--good news the nephrologist is giving you a choice to continue! And it sounds like you are making good progress with the decluttering.


    Blue Monday Cocktail


    • 1 ounce vodka
    • 1/2 ounce triple sec
    • 1/2 ounce blue curacao
    • ice
    • lemon twist


    • Measure the vodka, triple sec, and blue curacao into a cocktail shaker. Add enough ice to cover the liquid. Shake until the liquid is chilled – about 30 seconds.
    • Strain the liquid into a chilled coupe glass and garnish with a twist of lemon. Serve immediately.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Misty, I AM being VERY careful. I don't need anymore problems! I would have stayed if I thought it necessary, but I didn't, so I am home.

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a wonderful long weekend. Very little rain here. That NG tube was worse than any surgery I've had! Enjoy your July and family!

    Sandy, low 70's sound PERFECT to me!

    Karen, I too am trying to declutter, but mainly so my family isn't left to do it after I'm gone. Did your MIL make the quilt you want to use? All the best with your upcoming check up.

    NM, that is some ridiculous, or as Cami would say "recockulous" weather for being practically summer, not fair! Glad you had a nice lazy, relaxing day. Nope, nothing you can do about mom and her pills.

    I AM home. Took me 45 minutes to come down my dirt road, which under normal circumstances would take 25. It appears that before they took my IV out, it had come out of the vein, and everything going in was not going where it was supposed to. So arm is a bit swollen and warm to the touch, until it can be absorbed. Surgeon said I could come back in 2 weeks to have staples removed. That means they would have been in for 3 weeks. That sounds like WAY too long to me. Lost 5 lbs, which I did not need! Down to 133 and at 5'9" that is too little! But all in all, I actually feel pretty good. Picked up some bananas and apple sauce to try and help things to become a little more solid, if ya know what mean!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - glad that you are home safe and sound. No, my MIL did not make the quilt, but it was on the guest bedroom bed for over 40 years, so it is a reminder of her. I have a few things from her house. When she passed away, we had to clean out the house before we could have an estate sale. It took my DH, my niece and me 3 days working together!! I'll never declutter everything and parts of me say that's okay - the kids can deal with it whenever. I have 5 large/lawn and leaf size bags ready for the trash. Psychology books to go to Goodwill or will post on a School Psych page on fb to see if any newbies are interested in ancient books!!! Someone told me to keep an old test for sentimental value - not doing!!!

    All good at my annual check up. I see the NP (my PCP retired a few years ago and I don't know my new PCP, but I really like the NP and have known her for years). She will follow my kidney status. I mentioned that nephrologist did a kidney panel and she said that is just a shorter version on the CMP - my oncologist does a CMP and CBC at each visit so I will share results with her. No cholesterol this year - she said numbers were good last year so skip a year. Labs drawn for Vitamin D level and parathyroid since calcium is slightly elevated. Due for colonoscopy in August and DEXA in a year. I can't schedule colonoscopy till August as my insurance changes August 1st. NP thinks I need a referral with new insurance. With current insurance I don't. I think she spent 45 minutes with me!!! Now I need to email nephrologist and update him and cancel my appointment for August.

    Sweet dreams

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Well, so much for spring. It hit 95 today (albeit dry) and 99-100 tomorrow (air temps, not "feels like"). Allergy report said low tree pollen, absent grasses, low molds and moderate weeds. My itchy eyes and outer ear canals say otherwise. And threats of storms again tomorrow night.

    Had my podiatrist appt. today (a 55-min. trip out to the NW burbs) and it did not go well. He said there's little non-invasively he can do for the bunion. As to surgery, it would aggravate the toe arthritis unless he fused the joint

    As to that third toe callus, he began to trim it--and it bled. He also said that the thick flared toenail is probably partly to blame, so he trimmed it...bled a little again. Bandaged it, but the band-aids keep falling off--and the bleeding has scabbed over. He sent me downstairs for X-rays to determine what else needs to or can be done--and I had to wait an hour and a half because they were backed up, the tech was new, and one of the two x-ray tables was broken. Meanwhile, I left the house at 10 am without coffee or breakfast--so nothing passed my lips except my morning meds & water till after 3pm. (At least I was able to top up my gas tank for less than the Chicago price of six bucks a gallon...not much less than $6, though).

    X-ray report says hallux valgus (bunion, duh), moderate OA of the first MTP joint (like I said above, it was "mild" last year), and now moderate OA in my third metatarsal (a little souvenir of the stress fx I had 12 yrs. ago). Oh, goody.

    So my DOTD (not counting the water bottle in my car, which got very, very warm) was a little of the 2012 Mumm Napa DXV brut I opened yesterday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It's hard to believe it's the first day of summer with temps below freezing and frost reported in the northern part of the state, temp not even 60 degrees in the house this ayem. Things are coming together at the new job, got all the benefits and payroll stuff taken care of yesterday, and a good chunk of the mandatory education stuff done. I did find out that I can't take vacay time for 6 months, I had it in my mind it was 3 months, but that's a little thing. Just means I won't get to go see my brother and his wife until spring rather than this fall.

    Well, time to start getting dressed for work, have a great day everyone!

    A Collins glass rests on wooden slats. The drink within is cloudy and yellow over crushed ice, garnished with a cherry and orange wheel.

    Happy Pill


    • 1 ounce Don Q Cristal rum
    • 1 ounce Plantation dark rum
    • 1 ounce Kalani coconut liqueur
    • 3/4 ounce grilled pineapple juice*
    • 3/4 ounce orange juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce cream of coconut
    • Garnish: cherry
    • Garnish: orange slice
    • Garnish: grated nutmeg

    Add the white rum, dark rum, coconut liqueur, grilled pineapple juice, orange juice, lime juice and cream of coconut into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Karen, whether she made it or not, like you said, it will remind you of her. Altho, I imagine a day doesn't go by that you don't think of her, or your dad. Good on you for the trash and donations. Also sounds like annual check up was good. Sorry about the colonoscopy! We all love that one, said no one ever!

    Sandy, sorry about the foot issues and the warm water, especially when it's so hot! Glad you had your little cocktail to smooth it over.

    NM....FREEZING TEMPS???? Are you kidding me? MAN!!!! Sorry about the vacay issues, but I guess just a small bummer. Maybe plane tickets will be cheaper then! I keep checking on mine to go to MI in Sept. They are almost triple!

    Upset, YET AGAIN, with my step DD's. I was always the one calling my SIL to get updates on my MIL (their grandma) and always sharing those updates with them. Well, my SIL sent them a message via FB about it being Fathers Day and how hard it must be. They also discussed their grandma's condition. But neither one of them thought to let her know that I was in the hospital, hence no calls in 2 weeks for updates.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I finally got to do something actually helpful and productive at work yesterday, which was a great break from the necessary grind of new hire education stuff. It felt good to actually do something helpful even if I did mess it up the first time through.

    Goldie--yup, freezing temps the other ayem. The vacay thing is very, very minor. I knew there would be a time before I could use my PTO, just miscalculated a bit. It will be interesting to watch the air fares and all the stuff going on with air travel. I might just try to find another way to travel! Shaking my head at the stepdaughters. It's really not that hard to keep people up to date on happenings. How are you feeling? I hope you are getting back on your feet but taking it easy and giving your body the energy it needs to heal.

    Morning, Teka!

    image alt="Wednesday, Cocktail Recipe ➦ INSHAKER">

    Wednesday Cocktail

    Homemade spiced vodka 1.5oz

    Honey syrup 0.5oz

    Pomegranate juice 0.35oz

    Orange juice 1.75oz

    Orange 1oz

    Passion fruit 1.5oz

    Mint 0.03oz

    Cloves 0.03oz

    Star anise 0.06oz

    Ground cinnamon 0.03oz

    Ground ginger 0.03oz

    Ginger root 0.35oz

    Crushed ice 7oz

    Ice cubes 7oz

    • Fill a highball glass to the top with crushed ice
    • Place the pulp of a passionfruit half and squeeze 0.15 oz of ginger root juice into a shaker
    • Pour in 1.75 oz of orange juice, 0.5 oz of honey syrup and 1.5 oz of homemade spiced vodka
    • Add 1 clove, 1 star anise, a pinch of ground cinnamon and ground ginger into a shaker
    • Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake
    • Finely strain into the highball glass
    • Add 0.35 oz of pomegranate juice
    • Top up with crushed ice
    • Garnish with an orange wheel, a star anise and a mint sprig

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Thank you Teka, I am!

    Well now NM, that was a tease! What was it that you got to do and mess up??? What other form of travel are you entertaining? Bus, train, horseback??? I am taking it very easy. I know the rules and have preached them myself. You will only make things worse if you over do it, so don't do it!

    The girls tried to blow it off, saying it was litterally just a couple of texts, it was a tough day and I didn't think of it. No, you didn't think of it because you both are insensitive. I made all of my follow up appts. yesterday. Hospital called to check on me.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - step DD are inconsiderate! You have gone way beyond your call of duty on their behalf. Time for you to put you first, which I know you try to do. Sorry you have to deal with them. Glad the hospital checked up on you and that you have all you follow up appt scheduled. Yes, I think of my late parents and MIL all the time. I have art work that was my parents in my house to see every day and have a couple pieces of furniture - small rocker, old fashioned step stool from my MIL that I see daily. When going through things and purging the other day, I came across some letters that I had saved from some very special people that I am keeping. keeping cards from DH and kids and some kids school work and momentos. Lots of baby toys that the girls need to decide what they want me to do with. But I feel so good about accomplishing so much. It's nice when you can see your efforts. Not like cleaning the floor that is dirty 5 minutes later Loopy

    Kim - do tell - what did you do wrong? Can'i imagine it was too big of a deal. What were your travel plans? I just read something on FB by a flight attendant that really makes air travel a nightmare. Has me worried about our upcoming trip to see the girls. Oh well, it will be what it will be.

    Have a great Wedensday.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Quiet here today. I hope everyone is doing okay. My latest update:

    The NP called with my parathyroid results - they are elevated. Last year it was well within normal limits. She has referred me to an endocrinologist. The doctor is across down from me (1/2. hour or so), but she is part of the system that my PCP is with so she will have access to all my records. NP is not sure what Endocrinologist will do. CT scan of parathyroid? Wait and watch or who knows. A lot of issues that apply to elevated parathyroid apply to me!!! I will call tomorrow if they don't call me and hoping I can be seen before we leave in 3 weeks.

    Worked in my office/spare bedroom. Don't see as much difference as I did in the under the stairs closet. Main difference is that the futon is no longer a place to put stuff. I put my work stuff in the under the stairs closet in a box easy to access if I need something. I still need to empty my backpack. Next is dusting the house - a task that I avoid.

    Mostly cloudy today so wasn't as hot as predicted.

    Have a great night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I got to meet some more patients and families yesterday, and making a good dent in the online education stuff. I've gotten into the new stuff so it's not as boring as it has been, thank goodness. I'm getting itchy to start pulling my weight and actually helping out in the office, but I've got to get through this stuff first.

    Goldie--I was thinking of a combo of train and bus travel. But I'll probably fly anyway, it's only a couple of hours with a direct flight, not much more with a connection, and that will probably end up being the deciding factor, unless lots of flight cancellations are still going on. It sounds like the steps are just unthinking and uncaring. Just a couple of texts don't take very long and go a long way toward keeping people in the loop. Glad you are taking care of yourself!

    Karen--What I messed up was scanning and uploading some paper documents to the electronic medical record. I was adding three documents, the first two went in under one label, the third under a different one. When I was uploading the third I forgot to uncheck the first two, and changed the labels. The person teaching us was able to go in and fix it easily, thank goodness. No, not a big deal and easily fixed, and I figured out what I did wrong myself and was able to alert the teacher, who was double-checking our work anyway. The travel plans are for a trip to see my brother and SIL. I like to go see them once a year, but it won't work this year. It will be interesting to see what the endocrinologist has to say about the parathyroid results.

    Cloudy Sky



    Build in the order given in an ice-filled short glass. Garnish with a lime wheel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Karen, sorry about those elevated numbers and surely you would be able to get in before your trip. I hope you are able to get everything resolved. Keep us updated.

    NM, glad you were able to catch the cafuffle yourself! The steps seem to just think of themselves I guess. I checked into taking a train one time, and was surprised to find it just as expensive as flying! When you get past the education part of work, will you be working in the office, or with the patients?

    Well, we finally got some VERY MUCH NEEDED rain, but of course it comes when I have to go out! UGH, my car will be a muddy mess when I get home. And I had been wanting to wash it, glad I didn't! Going out to get my staples out and then visiting a bit with doctor's wife and hopefully he comes home for a bit for lunch so I can visit with him too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Nice day today--will try to suck it up and don a sock (as loose as possible) & sneakers and do my walk--with the cane if necessary. Got read the riot act by my weight loss NP yesterday, who told me I have to try to tolerate more exercise and intermittent-fast--especially not eat ANYTHING after dinner, much less the carb pity-party I've been throwing myself. She said that it's more important not to lose my inhibitions at night, in order to keep the insulin & therefore glucose "spikes" down. Tough to stick to an 8-hr eating window, especially with Bob's work hours so unpredictable. Dinner at 8 most nights is as early as we can eat--often, much later depending on new admissions and traffic woes. As it is, I have to wait till after 2pm most days before solid food touches my lips. (That's not a problem for him, as he fears eating before leaving for work will "get him going" during his commute, with nowhere safe to make a pit-stop en route). She says I can't let him dictate my eating hours any longer--but if I eat alone I tend to overeat out of sheer boredom, since I really need the distraction of personal interaction rather than either watching TV or staring off into space.

    So she suggests eating out less often, and not drinking when eating at home alone. Last night we went to Regalia for my "farewell to undisciplined eating" meal. DOTD was an Aperol Spritz (compared to the ones I make at home, too much Aperol and not enough "spritz:" the seltzer, not the prosecco); then chianti. Actually poured the unfinished glasses back into the 1/3-full bottle, which we corked and brought home. Lest you think that's unsanitary, remember the Roman legions kept colds at bay by consuming wine; the alcohol is an antiseptic. (Wine and salt are both "self-sanitizing").

    DOTD thus far has been a Nespresso "Napoli" shot and now a pourover of Metropolis' Ethiopian (which smells a little like a blueberry muffin). Tonight, if Bob makes it home for dinner, we'll have a bit more of the chianti. If not, I will grill a duck breast and if I have any alcohol, it'll be an ounce of Pinot Noir from the Coravin.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I'm starting to get to know who the people in the office are, match names and jobs to faces, and getting a better feel for what needs attention and what is working well. I still can't wait to be more actually productive, but keep reminding myself it's better to get the introductory stuff out of the way and learn how to do things correctly than to jump in and develop bad habits and mess up the system. The puppers have definitely gotten used to the ayem routine, especially the alarm going off, mom hits the snooze and everyone gets 10 minutes of cuddles, ear scritches, and belly rubs before we get out of bed.

    Goldie--I've looked at train travel before, and I remember is was just about as expensive, but took a lot longer, so I expect I will fly to NC next time I visit bro and SIL, but I like to look at the options anyway. I will be working in the office primarily, but will be going out to see patients as needed, and going out with staff for education and support. I'll miss the direct patient contact, but I'm too old for the driving around all day thing anymore. This way I can help train up a new crop of really excellent hospice nurses to carry on after I retire. Glad to hear you are getting the rain you need. Hope you had a good visit with the doc's wife and doc.

    Chi--exercise is a difficult thing isn't it? I've been watching the steps my watch records, and, as I was afraid, the daily total has dropped off markedly since starting the new job. Now I need to consciously get up and move more and that's going to be a hard habit to develop! But what must be, must be, right?


    This isn't your typical barista-made Americano. This is Diedrich's own boozy recipe. "I love an Americano — which is sweet vermouth, Campari, and soda — for afternoons after a workout," he says. "It's low-proof, refreshing, and won't make you tipsy."


    • 1 1⁄2 oz Campari
    • 1 1⁄2 oz Sweet Vermouth
    • Soda water to top
    • Orange for garnish

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Sandy, being read the riot act by your weight loss NP, reminds me of getting scolded in school for chewing gum! Good luck as you try to adjust.

    NM, sounds like things are going good at work and at home with the puppers. Do they seem to be behaving while your gone?

    I did not get to see doc, he did not come home for lunch. I did have a nice visit and lunch with his wife. Their DD was there with her DH and 8 month old little girl, Georgia. So that was a plus. However, did not get staples out. Discharge papers didn't specify when they should come out and it had only been 11 days. They wanted me to come back today to have the doctor look at it. I said I'm not make a 3 hour round trip drive to have someone just look at it. I'll call the surgeon today and find out for sure. Maybe I need to wait until I see him for follow up on July 7. Staples will have been in 3 1/2 weeks at that time. NM, any input on this for me?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Lori, can you do a video visit with the capability of a close-up of your staples? That could at least give a ballpark guesstimate of when the staples could come out.

    Kim, that "Americano" sounds very similar to a Negroni, but maybe not as bitter (the bitterness of the Campari is a dealbreaker for me with Negronis).

    DODT, with a late post-movie supper, was the remainder of the DVX bubbly cut with an equal amount of seltzer. At the movies, they were out of bottled seltzer, so I just had some soda water from the fountain. I barely got a few sips in (lowering my mask momentarily each time) before a dad & his son--neither one masked--sat down at the end of our row and the kid began intermittently sneezing (or was it a single dry cough each time). I felt it wasn't safe to drink from a straw on which aerosols might have settled, so I kept my mask on and stopped drinking. Bob thinks I'm over-reacting because we were both masked, but I'm gonna test on Sunday, Monday at the latest. (Those test kits won't last forever anyway).

    The movie was Jurassic World Dominion. To say it was better than the "shoot-em-up/CGI" previews that preceded it isn't saying much. 2-1/2 hours of "how are they gonna escape all those dinosaurs?" got sorta tiring after awhile. (Not a spoiler alert to say the good guys live...otherwise, no more sequels). Meh. It's gonna be a long summer entertainment-wise: I see a lot of streaming, live music, and actual theater (small repertory companies like Raven & Steep) in our future.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I'm taking the Jeep in for routine maintance work this ayem, then running some errands, then home to work on catching up with laundry. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend here.

    Yesterday at work the Area Vice President called us all into the conference room to announce that the office direction (the friend that recruited me) "has resigned to pursue other opportunities." No one had any idea this was coming, it's totally out of the blue. I'm not totally sure what to think at this point, other than to keep focused on getting my education and orientation done and get functional as quickly as possible and see what happens.

    Goldie--the puppers seemed to be behaving pretty well. Yesterday I came home to a broken window on the sun porch, obviously one or both of them careened into it during one of the chase and pounce episodes. About the staples, those usually stay in a week to 10 days, occasionally a little longer if healing is slow. Leaving them in any longer than that is a huge infection and injury risk. Chi's idea of a video visit or emailing close-up pics of the incision to the surgeon is a good one, once the surgeon oks removal, anyone local CAN do it for you, but may or may not be willing to. If the surgeon will ok removal and send you an order to take them out you should be able to go to an Urgent or Walk-In Care center and get them taken out for a lower cost than going to the ER, but that is an option as well. I'm really not comfortable with the idea of you waiting 3 1/2 weeks to get them out. Keep a close eye for any new or increasing redness, tenderness, or drainage that might mean an infection, and get it looked at ASAP if you notice any.

    Chi--I've gotten really sensitive to people coughing and sneezing near me, too. One of the fall outs of the COVID thing, I guess.


    Automobile Cocktail

    Stir in mixing glass with ice strain

    1 oz gin (3 cl)

    1 oz Scotch (3 cl)

    ¾ oz sweet vermouth (2 cl)

    1 dash orange bitters

    Serve in a cocktail glass (4.5 oz)

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Sandy, hopefully you will test neg.

    NM, a broken window! Good grief they're a wild pair! Would having a camera be of any help? To keep an eye on them when you are at work? Although there would be nothing you could do!

    Well Thursday when I went to the docor's office, staples had been in 11 days, Tuesday when I go will be 16 days. I sure hope I don't get an infection. Currently there is no reason for me to think it is infected. No discharge, minimal redness, which I would expect. And it would only hurt if you were to bump it. Going to some friends ranch this morning, they will be branding their calves. Not sure if I'm going to like this or not. If not, I'll just leave sooner than later. And since I'm alread out, I think I'll head to town. My friend in Moab went with her DIL and her friend and 3 of her grand DD's to see Garth Brooks. Well one of the grands came down with Covid. Hoping my friend doesn't get it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I'm sitting here watching Zoe dragging Colt around by his collar, a few minutes ago Colt was dragging Zoe around by her collar. Boy, I wish I had that kind of energy again!

    Goldie--they are a bit of a wild pair. My project for the upcoming 3 day weekend is to get the living room rearranged and the second crate set up so they aren't running wild while I'm not home. I don't really want to crate them, but I think it's the safest thing to do for both of them and for the house. It sounds like your incision is healing up well, which is a very good thing. Just keep a good eye on it.

    sangria lemonade

    Sangria Lemonade


    1/2 g lemonade

    1 bottle Chardonnay or other white wine (750 ml)

    2/3 c. light rum

    1/2 c. raspberries

    1 Orange, Sliced

    1 Granny Smith apple, sliced


    1. In a large pitcher, combine lemonade, wine and rum. Stir, then add fruit.
    2. Refrigerate for at least one hour and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - my large and giant dogs actually liked being in the crate. Initially we shut the lock, but eventually we left it open and the dogs would go and sleep in there, especially my St. Bernard.

    Got my Vit D levels back and they are great - big improvement from 2 years ago. Went from borderline normal limits to well within the average range. I take 2,000iu/day. Finally a lab that is great!!!

    Cloudy outside with only 70 for a high and maybe rain this afternoon. But 90s again by Tuesday.

    Have a great Sunday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    NM, I can only imagine what goes on while mom is at work, LOL!

    Karen, glad you got some good labs.

    Had a nice time yesterday at the branding/tagging. Was nice to be "social". It was all outside, so I wasn't concerned. I'm getting red and warm to the touch around the staples. I'm really going to be pissed if these are starting to get infected because they wouldn't take them out at 11 days, because according to them "needed to stay in longer."

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    NM, We fostered a pit bull/basenji mix for the shelter. She was the first dog we've ever crate trained. It wasn't her favorite place but she got used to it. She was adopted by a lovely family who wanted a dog smaller than their previous rottweiler who was crate trained for going with them in their plane. It was fun to watch her impress the family to get adopted.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2022

    Greetings from soggy New Mexico! Thats right, we have had a good week of rain off and on, it's been raining most of the weekend here with projected rainfall of up to 2 inches in some areas of the state. That is 1/4 of our average rainfall for the year. It's a blessing after no rain for months here. There are floods here in the burn scar areas and just saw a warning on the TV for more flash flood risks up in one of the northern burn scar areas. The one two punch that comes with fires then monsoon season here in NM. My gardens are looking lush and happy. It's going to be raining all this week too so the weather peeps say.

    Been busy getting ready to leave town next weekend. Bag packed mostly, getting the house ready now to be gone for a week. I am taking my bag on the plane to be sure it gets there with me because I know there are shortages of bag handlers in the airports. I am sure all of you saw the piled up bags in Heathrow's airport in London on the news, but other people flying domestically say it's the safer thing to do right now. I did the same thing last summer when I took a few short trips. I leave Saturday morning and will be back late the following Saturday. Going to be visiting with family I have not seen since the 2018-2019 time frame and some cousins I have not seen since before that. My sister is still thinking to move back to the east coast and is going to be house hunting while she is there for a full two weeks.

    Found out the reason for the move under the other manager is because of a bigger reorg at work with merging our area with another. I have been through reorgs before and usually they tell you that first, and then tell you how things will look for you with the changes. It's pretty typical that you end up with a different boss (and not always a good one either). But I am just focusing this coming week to be sure I leave things in good order before I go on vacation. They have had a lot of attrition in this area so hopefully they won't make this bad for us, but have heard the new manager wants to assign us more work to do. My project is huge and I am already working 50 hours a week. But I already told myself I will find something else if this isn't going to work out further. As we say out here in the west, when your horse is dead, it's time to get off.

    Goldie- I am still amazed they discharged you with those staples in you. Mine were in for eight days and I was told they were coming out before they let me go home. If this is available to you through your insurance, having a home health nurse come in to check on you during your healing time is a good thing. My nurse came twice a week and found a couple things going on with the incision she was able to get me some help with via my PCP during my recovery. Just a thought, sometimes the discharge people have to get that set up for you. You could ask when you get the stiches out which is hopefully soon. I see you are getting some monsoonal rains too?

    NM- you sound like you are settling in to your job and figuring out how to deal with the pups during your time away. They really need to be kept safe as you say, and your home does too. Do you have dog walkers in your area? Maybe even a teenager in the area who would like to make some money and could let them out for some exercise midday a couple times a week? I know a few people that do this and it seems to help, especially for high energy dogs. Also, it sounds like your friend recruited you to get someone good in to help before she left. I have had that happen too but usually people will be more transparent with telling me and saying they are wanting to help find a good replacement. I think focusing on the things you need to get done is the way to go. It is the only way I am finding my way through this time.....

    ChiSandy- I heard the new Jurrassic World Dominion movie is great. I love the series and going to be seeing it back east with my sister and adult nephew. I love that they have some of the original cast mixed in with the new generation series for this last one. I never think these movies are ever done. Like with Alien, after they did the last in that series, they did a prequel. I love the Jaws, Alien and Jurrassic movies and can watch them over and over again. Is it shark week yet?

    Ill- are you getting any moisture coming up from the Gulf into West Texas?

    Karen- my Vit D levels were always on the low side and my former PCP worked with me on that to be sure i found a good dosage to get me to a place where it was better. New PCP didn't test me for that but seeing her next month for my annual physical and we talked about doing it then will my full panel we do every year.

    Teka, Celia C, Mistyeyes, hope your weekend is going well.

    This will be my last post for a bit. With vacation time and will be digging out from everything when I get home in mid July, I will come back when I can. Until then friends, stay well in July and be back soon!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Jazzy - safe travels. Enjoy your family. We leave in 2 weeks but will be gone too long to just take a carry on. DH and I will pack our clothes mixed in each bag in case one gets lost/doesn't show up so we both have clothes. We will also pack a couple days clothes in the carry on.

    DH and I went into the crawl space to get the chairs out that went with the table my son took - the chairs are not in good shape at all, so will go out with large trash pick up. We also took out the frame for a fold away bed we had when I was a kid. Mattress is long gone so not sure why we kept the fold up frame. I then spent a few hours in the basement throwing away old work stuff. Found a few more boxes that I need to go through - I think it is work and/or kids school work. Either way its getting shredded or thrown away.

    Lori - how are you feeling? Any resolve regarding the staples. Hugs to you my friend.

    Watching game 6 - Colorado Avs against TB Lightening. Hoping the Avs can pull off a win.

    Sweet dreams

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Bon voyage, Jazzy!

    Lori, they should at least have given you prophylactic abx (one of the few legit. uses for that) to prepare for the staples remaining in that long. For each of my TKRs, they wouldn't discharge me from rehab till they'd removed the staples--and both times I had to take a wheelchair taxi to my ortho's office halfway through my stay to check for signs of infection. Had them in for 10 days the first time & 14 the second. And when I had my c-section, they sent me home after a week with the staples still in--had to go back at 10 days to get them removed.

    I'm pretty sure the Jurassic movie would've been more enjoyable had we seen it in IMAX like its predecessor, or at least in the room with reclining seats & cupholder armrests. (They saved those two screens for Top Gun Maverick). Didn't help that even though we were in the center seats in the front row of the upper section with nobody blocking our view, I'm so short that the lower footrail blocked the bottom of the screen so half the time I couldn't see the graphics.

    Last night we went out with the kids for belated Father's Day and advance 51st anniv. to the Palm (much better than I'd expected). My last visit there was in 2019, shortly after the Landry Group takeover--and remodel (from a clubby old-school NY-style Italian steakhouse to, as some described it, airport sports bar). The bar, which had been against the window-wall, was enlarged to an oval with sports TV screens. The divider partition between the bar and dining room was removed, along with the trademark caricature walls and tall wooden booths--plus the expert career wait staff. So I was pleasantly surprised to find a new post-lockdown main dining room with fewer, newer local-oriented caricatures of live people. (You got a caricature either by being a celebrity who was also a loyal customer, or someone egotistical enough to trade their frequent-diner points for their picture on the wall instead of free meals & discounts).

    DOTD was Piper Heidseck followed by Stag's Leap "Hands of Time" cab/merlot blend (not unlike its old Cask 23). Today, coffee & water.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I'm looking forward to getting into the real work flow this week. It was a beautiful weekend here and I got some stuff done around the house. Lots of play time with the puppers, too.

    Karen--I'm thinking Colt will like the crate as a place to get away from Zoe's frequent annoyances. Congrats on the normal Vit D level! That can take some real work to achieve.

    Goldie--Did they say WHY the staples need to stay in longer? Did they give you a follow-up appointment to get them taken out? Did they tell you what needs to happen so they will be taken out? It sounds to me like someone dropped the ball here. Maybe a call to them to get those questions answered is in order?

    Wren--it is amazing what a dog will do to get love and good care!

    Jazzy--glad to hear you are getting the rain your area needs. Sounds like a fun trip you have planned for your vacay. It's always great to catch up with family. Reorganization is always a scary and crazy time, and changing bosses is always a hard time. When I'm home the puppers sleep a good bit of the time, in between the chase and wrestle episodes, so I'm not so uncomfortable with the idea of crating them when I'm at work, particularly since the time it turned into a real fight and Zoe ended up with a dozen stitches. Not to mention minimizing the disruption to the house and furniture. I'm also looking into doggy daycare options. I really do not think my friend was thinking of leaving, she was talking with me and other staff about her plans to change things and get the office in a better place to handle the workload. She certainly would not have left without talking to staff and giving some notice. I know she was not in agreement with some of the things the upper management wanted to do, so going from fully involved on Thursday to "no longer with us" on Friday really makes me think her resignation was a choice between voluntary resignation and being fired. Of course, that is just my opinion, and I am being very, very careful to not share what I think or feel other than being surprised by the announcement. What the Area VP says she wants from me is what my friend wanted, too, at least so far, so I'm praying things will work out ok. Change is never easy. Enjoy your vacay, and say Hi when you can.

    Karen--Wow, you really are getting a lot of decluttering done! Good for you!

    Chi--The restaurant makeover sounds like a real move forward and sounds like a fun place to visit.

    Blue Curacao Margarita

    Ocean Blue Margarita


    • 2 oz. Tequila (we used 1800 Reposado tequila)
    • 1 oz. Blue Curaçao
    • 1 oz. Cointreau
    • 1 oz. fresh lime juice

    From <