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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - your post went all the way across the screen left to right and needing to scroll to read it all.

    The Colorado Avalance are the Stanley Cup champions!!! I generally don't watch sports on TV but we did watch the play offs. Last night was a great game. The parade and party is Thursday downtown and you won't. find me anywhere near it.

    Meeting a gf this morning then more work in the crawlspace. Now I'm on a. mission to get rid of all the paper stuff!!! Overflow and large trash pick up i s tomorrow, but we have the ten items so these new bags will go in the trash the next couple weeks. Since its just paper no big deal to have it in the house.

    Have a great Monday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    NM, I think crating the pups will be the best for THEM and your HOUSE! When I told them I read 7-10 days is normal, they said not for abdominal. They wouldn't take them out because they didn't want to be liable if it split back open. I go in tomorrow to see a PA, I will incist they take them out, it will be over 2 weeks.

    Jazzy, praying for no hiccups with your upcoming travels. All these story's about flights getting canceled. Enjoy your time with family. Good luck on the job front upon your return. 50 hour work weeks is a lot! AZ has gotten rain, but not me in particular, just a few sprinkles, not really anything to amount to anything.

    Karen, what a smart idea to mix the clothes. Time to start getting excited, if you haven't already!

    Sandy, I'm pretty sure they gave me abx in the hospital, but nothing to take at home.

    BCO is so messed up. I don't think they will ever fix it and this is the new normal. That or just shut it down completly, which I sure hope they don't! So why does NM's post go so far over?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    Goldie, It was fine on my computer, so perhaps you're getting the "special" treatment. I would want those staples out too. I hope they listen to you.

    We looked at an assisted living place yesterday. I saw a room I really liked with patio access and lots of light. We had to put DH in a wheelchair to look at it. This morning I told him he needed to practice with the walker so he can get more exercise. Also told him I am not capable of pushing him around in a wheelchair everywhere. If he wants a wheelchair he needs to find a pusher to go along with it. My only reservation about the place was the food seemed very midwestern and plain vanilla. My Dad would have loved it. I can see myself having Thai or Greek food delivered. I looked at a memory care place that was better than the one yesterday, but I couldn't live there too. DH said he wanted to look at other places. He doesn't remember the one we looked at previously.

    I wish I had some idea about my future. I had a pleural drain installed on Thurs so I can drain the fluid at home. The fluid buildup is caused by the BC met to the chest wall. I know that I can last a long time at stage IV, but the lung may have other ideas. If I thought I didn't have very long, I would put DH in the nicer memory care right away. I think he would be happier in that one.

    I agree with Goldie on the BCO site being messed up. It wants me to re-enter all my statistics because it evidently erased what they already had. I tried and it was all mixed up date wise and refused to put the info I want into it. It put the most recent treatment first, omitted the mastectomy, and wouldn't let me put which treatment i'm getting. Ugh.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2022

    NM's post worked fine for me. No need to scroll. But I sure do agree with all the comments about BCO screwing up everything - on a continuing basis.

    Goldie - good luck at the appointment tomorrow. Hope they have a really good reason if they won't remove the staples.

    Wren - sure sorry to read about your conundrum!!! It's hard to know what to do.

    NM - hope the changing organization doesn't mess up your plans. And the same for Jazzy - although I hope she is having a wonderful vacation and not even thinking about it.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - not getting excited yet as its a couple weeks away and with all the craziness with flights and cancellations, I'm a little nervous.

    Found 3 boxes (paper ream size box) in the crawl. space with test protocols from 2000 to 2004. I started to rip them up and then decided I've had enough and put them on a coffee table that is in the crawl space till I can get to a shredded event. A local realtor does one around tax time, so it's fine with me if they sit there till April. At least I know that they are there so I won't forget. These boxes were behind other boxes so out of sight out of mind!!! I'm done for now.

    Nice weather today - not too hot, sunny and blue sky.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The heat and humidity really ramped up yesterday, I had to turn on the AC in the bedroom last night to be able to sleep comfortably. The dew point has dropped dramatically overnight, so today will be much more comfortable. The puppers were doing some serious panting yesterday!

    Karen--I don't know why my post did that! I hope it doesn't do it again today, that's really annoying. Congrats to the Stanley Cup champs. Keep up the good work with the paper decluttering!

    Goldie--yes, crating is going to be best. When you see the PA, if they still don't want to take the staples out, make sure they give you specific information about when and how they WILL come out. Some docs do leave abdominal staples in longer, but 14 days is usually the max. Ask for a copy of the protocol that they are using to base their decision not to remove the staples, if they don't have one, ask for the practice rate of surgical wound complications, specifically dehiscence (incision opening up) and infection and how it compares to the national rates. That will make them think you are gathering data for a malpractice suit and get them to really pay attention or at least fully explain to you what is going on. Also tell them, if they leave the staples in, that you need prophylactic antibiotics due to the growing risk of infection from the staples.

    Wren--my post goes way across the page on my computer, too. There must be a picky gremlin at work again. The Assisted Living place you looked at sounds really nice. I know the food won't be fantastic, having to meet the needs of people on a lot of different diets makes for very blah food. Ordering in could be the answer. I've taken care of people with the pleural drain before, they are wonderful for helping people stay comfortable for long periods of time. I'm not crazy about the BCO site right now, but I'm hoping they are working on replacing or otherwise fixing the site.

    Minus--I don't think the organizational change is going to mess things up too much. At least I'm hoping things will still work out. So far so good, but time will tell and the feeling is still good so far.

    Karen--I don't blame you for waiting for a shredding event to deal with 3 boxes of paperwork!

    Shredder Cocktail

    1 shot of Southern Comfort (or peach liqueur)

    Kahlua coffee liqueur

    Ginger ale

    Combine in glass with ice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    The heating is kicking up today to the low 90s and tomorrow 95 after a few days of 70s and low 80s.

    I've been working on a couple of special cases through work - I keep telling the district people that reach out to me by my personal cell as I'm not checking work emails on a regular basis and they keep sending me emails about meetings!!!! Just gave them another reminder. I have to complete a couple reports for an IEP meeting, that hopefully will be in the next week or so. Will work on it this afternoon. Donating blood this morning, then taking a car load of donations that I didn't take yesterday as I spend more than that I thought chatting with a gf over tea.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Wren, I did have to scroll back and forth on NM's post. I don't think BCO plans on fixing anything. The amount of time they've already spent, and no changes at all hardly! And I'm really sorry for what you are going through with your DH. I know it's hard, trust me, I can relate. At least he seems willing. We are going through this with my 85 yo MIL, and she refuses to go into assisted living, but she has to. She has fallen so much and has had 5 surgeries in the last 2-3 weeks on her hip. Sorry about the drain. Is that fairly easy to do?

    Minus2, strange how some have to scroll to read the post and others don't.

    Karen, I understand about being nervous over the flights, I will be too when my time comes in Sept. Hoping things are straightened out by then and prices come down! OMG shredding. I have a ton to do. 20 years of orders that have to be shredded because they have people's CC numbers on them. I have a shredder I borrowed from a neighbor. Good for you for donating blood. Being stage IV, I can't.

    NM, you are having some cray cray weather, from freezing to needing AC! Thank you for the information, I printed it off and took it with me, but didn't need it!

    I got a call from the doctor's office on my way out, they asked me if I wanted to go to St. John's to get the staples out, which is closer, only about a 45 min. drive and I was only 5 minutes from there when they called. And the staples are out!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    This is what I have to shred. It's the same pile (both pictures) just taken from different angles.



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2022

    The mental health agency I worked at had a truck that would come and take all the shredding and the truck did it inside somehow. That looks like enough that someone might be willing to do a 1 time job.

    Goldie, The drain requires 3 hands so my daughter comes every day to do it. Except for keeping everything sterile it's not difficult. Poor thing, it's a long commute for her.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2022

    Karen: I too compiled papers for shredding. Turned out I had to go twice - 10+ boxes/garbage bags each time. Luckily we have a shred company close by that has free shredding on Wed & Friday afternoons for a couple hours. There is a long line, but I go early & take a book.

    NM - I have both peach schnaps and kaluha - but no ginger ale. Wonder what it would be like as a sipping "cordial"?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I finally started getting into the work I'll be doing at the new job yesterday. I got started out with 5 months of catchup work logging incidents and infections, creating the paper logs the survey people will want to see. You'd think the survey people would be happier with computer reports and printouts, but no, they want a manually kept log list. Oh well, it's a little tedious but at least I'm actually contributing, and it's a good way to solidify my knowledge of the back-office system. I'm looking forward to finishing this project and getting started on the next today.

    For some unknown reason, the puppers have decided that pounce and wrestle sessions need to be done on top of me, or at least on top of my feet! I wound up sitting sideways in the recliner last evening to get my feet away from the teeth and toenails, so BOTH dogs tried to crawl into my lap while wrestling! Never a dull moment!

    Karen--are you able to put an automatic reply on the work email? You could set up one that says you are not checking emails and to please call your personal cell. I hope the chat with the GF was lots of fun.

    Goldie--HOORAY for the staples being out! Someone must have caught on to the ball being dropped on that. I bet that feels so much better! YIKES! What a shredding pile!

    Wren--I'm sorry your DD has to travel so far every day to help you, but glad she is able and you can do it at home and be in control of the timing, etc.

    Minus--hmmm, might make a pretty good cordial!

    Out of Office

    Out of Office


    • 1 ounce chamomile-infused The Botanist gin (see Editor's Note)
    • 1/4 ounce Italicus bergamot liqueur
    • 1/2 ounce dry vermouth
    • 1/2 ounce cucumber-lime sherbet (see Editor's Note)
    • tonic water, to top

    Garnish: long slice of cucumber, fresh mint


    1. Fill half of a chilled Collins glass with an ice spear or cubed ice.
    2. Pour all ingredients except for the tonic water into the glass.
    3. Top with more ice, and gently stir with a bar spoon to chill.
    4. Add more ice as needed, then top with tonic water and garnish.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - my away message is on!!!! And, NOPE I don't put my personal cell phone on it - I give it to people that I want to have. We have people who work mostly year round and they know I'm off summers but I think they just forget. I've worked with these people for several years and a few of them do have my cell. I checked emails yesterday as one of the people sent me a text about a meeting that she emailed me so I would know. There was an email from my manager saying she accepted a new position and that there would be two new postings. A lot of people don't check emails all summer even though we are told to check weekly. When I"m traveling I won't be able to get onto the district website due to a strong firewall.

    It's already 70 at 6:42 - past few days it has only been in the 50s so it will already be hot when I walk at 8!!!

    Have a great Wednesday

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2022

    Oh Goldie - somehow I missed your post that the staples are OUT!!! Hooray. Hope there wasn't any infection.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2022

    Lori, hooray for losing those staples! One less thing to set off metal detectors.

    Wren, hope you can find an assisted living/continuum-of-care facility that can accommodate DH's needs and your legitimate desires & tastes.I wouldn't be surprised if, like at many small-town motels, there's a slightly more eclectic collection of takeout menus from which to order (especially directly from the restaurants instead of DoorDash, Postmates, UberEats or GrubHub--which "sting" both the restaurants and customers). Having lived in the PNW for 7 years, I witnessed (even w/in Seattle city limits) its food scene's evolution from Middle American/Scandinavian white-bread-and-mayo (even was hard to find diet soda anywhere but the Safeway or QFC, and had to drive to Rose's in Portland to find real bagels rather than rolls-with-holes) to hardcore foodie-dom. I remember when Starbucks was a novelty, with one store in the Pike Place Mkt. and the other newly-opened in Univ. Village; it sold only beans, tea leaves, chunk chocolate, spices and brewing gear, and sold only one variety of brewed coffee a day from an air pot. I recall returning from a Bay Area conference, jonesing for a cappuccino and unable to find one after 9pm on a Saturday night. (Had to settle for a flip-drip demitasse faux-presso at an Italian pizza/pasta joint in Lake City).

    DOTD Monday night was one of the 3 bottles of Laurent-Perrier left over from last year's golden anniv. party, along with some of the Chianti we brought home from Regalia last Thurs. Had some more of that Champagne last night, along with Coravined Mirassou 2019 Pinot Noir (with Copper River salmon I grilled). Tonight, we killed off the last couple ounces of the L-P, followed with A-to-Z "Bubbles" Oregon sparkling Rosé (made no pretense of even being naturally fermented in any bottle, much less that bottle--label said "Carbonated wine" and the cap was just like on an old-fashioned soda or beer-bottle requiring a church-key). Delicious, though--flashed me back to the Paul Masson "Crackling Rosé" of my law-student days (and Neil Diamond's hit "Crackin' Rosie"), but brut. Notes of strawberry--90% Pinot Noir, 10% Chardonnay. Bob found it on special at Whole Foods.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited June 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I'm really getting into the meat of the Quality Improvement stuff now, and the work day routine is starting to develop. The puppers are beginning to be on the lookout for me when I get home after work, so they're starting to get the idea of the after work routine. It looks like the holiday weekend weather should be pretty nice, I'm looking forward to that and a 3 day weekend.

    Karen--I don't blame you for not leaving your personal cell phone number in the I'm away message. Even though I don't work for the school district any more my district email is still active. I had to turn off the alerts, it's crazy how busy that account is! Mostly it's postings on the buy-sell-swap area. Hope your walk wasn't too hot!

    Morning, Minus!

    Chi--it's really amazing to look back over the changes made over our lifetimes. Sometimes it's downright scary! The "carbonated wine" sounds very yummy.

    Church Lady Martini created by Julie Bs Hive




    • Pour ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
    • Shake vigorously for 20 seconds or until outside of shaker is frosty.
    • Strain into a chilled martini glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Kim - had a great walk with my gf - it was hot, but no sun so not unbearable but hot enough that my fingers swelled up. We walk 2 laps around the park which took 1.5 hours and about 10K steps.

    Thought I had started a report - at least the graph part - spent an hour looking for it and couldn't find it - so started over. Doing a lot of copy/paste for the write up and still need to do the graph. We have an internal team meeting this afternoon and then figure out when the IEP meeting will be. With my travel only a couple available dates before hopefully we leave. It might have to be right before school starts.

    We are flying AC and a little worried as we got a generic email from AC stating all their woes as with all airlines and ultimately they are going to be cutting flights. They said they wanted to do it sooner than later so people had time to prepare instead of last minute cancellations. Tme will tell. Its 12 days away.

    Today is DH's last day and then he is retired. They had a 'happy hour' last night with his co-workers and he heard lots of positives and then a few personal phone calls. If I don't mind saying so myself, DH was in a league of his own - one of the best in. his field!! They will be hard shoes to fill. I got DH a great retirement card and a gift that he will enjoy.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2022

    Wren, given where I live, I don't have many options for the shredding. Everywhere available charges, and it would cost me several hundred $$ to shred all I have. Hhow far does your DD have to commute and how often does it have to be done?

    NM, I can imagine the puppers trying to pounce on you! Oh dear, especially Colt, since he is so big, and I'm sure they don't realize their strength. LOL at "getting into the meat!"

    Minus2 yes, staples are out!

    Karen, hoping you don't have any issues with your flight, so worrisome! What did DH do and what did you get him?

    Guess I didn't post yesterday. Just been doing some cleaning and getting my kitchen ready to paint when my brother comes in August. Been humid here so my evaporative cooler isn't doing too well. Doesn't cool as good when it's humid. At least the night time temps are in the 60's.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    uess who

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2022

    Lori - Nora is adorable! DH was a manufacturers sales rep for the past 39 years (though not with the same company). Prior to that he was a draftsman and a cartographer. I got him a bottle of single malt Scotch and beer. Found the perfect card too. He said it probably won't hit him till I go back to work in August. Glad the staples are out. Hope you're feeling good.

    It's been raining on and off all day. Glad to have the moisture but makes it hard to walk. I did get a nice walk in this morning. Hopefully we can walk after dinner.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I'm dragging a bit this ayem, even though I went to bed at a decent time last night. I guess I'm still adjusting to the 8 to 5 schedule a bit. Very much looking forward to the long weekend. The puppers are doing good, I'm going to fill their pool this weekend too, and see how they react to that.

    Karen--that was one nice walk you and GF took! Good for the both of you! Don't you hate it when you think you've started something and then find out you haven't or it got lost? Very annoying. I hope your travel plans are not upset by the cancellations and such, but that email surely does not inspire confidence! Congrats to DH on his retirement! What kind of work is he retiring from?

    Goldie--Colt definitely doesn't know his own strength or the effect of all his weight when he barrels into me or the furniture, and Zoe isn't all that far behind, she gets going so fast that sheer momentum has much the same effect as Colt's weight!

    Oh, my, such a wonderful pic!

    Karen --DH has had quite the career. I bet he enjoys the drinks and the card.

    Limcello Sidecar

    Early Retirement


    • 2 oz Cognac
    • .75 oz Lemon juice
    • 1 oz Limoncello
    • .5 oz Triple Sec


    1. Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice
    2. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    Karen, it will be nice having DH home while you are home for summer vacay. Are you throwing him a party? Congrats to him on his retirement.

    NM, first time for the pool with the pups? Can't wait to hear about that one! Enjoy the long weekend.

    Plans anyone for the 4th. I'm supposed to go to a neighbors for a BBQ, but that puts me rushing out of here Tuesday morning quite early to make it to Phoenix for my ECHO at 10:30. I'd have to be up by 3:30 or 4:00 am. It doesn't take me THAT long to get ready, but I'm not a morning a person. I like to relax when I get up, not jump in the shower and start getting ready. I'll be there until Thurs, or Fri. Thursday I have my follow up with surgeon at 1:45. So depending on what time I get out of there, will determine if I head home or stay another night.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2022

    Lori - good luck with all your appointments next week.

    Our July 4 plans are grilling chicken wings - no plans. We hope to go to the mountains for a couple days on the 5th to do some hiking, then it will be time to start getting ready for our trip. Getting a little nervous as I hear the national news about all the airline problems - that things won't get better till after Labor Day then come Thanksgiving things will get bad. Just heard that airlines are cancelling flights and their schedules today :(:(

    DH - no retirement party - he doesn't want one. He threw a big part for his 50th, but nothing since. I think maybe when I retire I want a party, then I go NOPE, I've not had a birthday shebang since I was 16 and that is just fine with me.

    Slow start this morning. Woke up at 4:30 and should have gotten up then. Went back to sleep and didn't get up till after 6. It's now after 8 and time to get busy!!

    Have a great Friday and long week-end.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Puttered around a bit and ran a couple of errands yesterday in between showers, I think I heard a rumble of thunder or two in there but only saw lightning once. Plan is to rearrange the living room and bring up the big crate today. I'm still not exactly sure how to lay things out, but I'll figure out something. I can't keep up with the mess they puppers are making when I'm gone, so this has to happen for my own sanity, not to mention that will will be good for the doggos, too.

    Goldie--I'm not exactly a morning person, either, and when I can't do the usual ayem routine the whole day can get thrown off! I don't have any special plans for the 4th, I usually try to stay away from big crowds and heavy traffic. I'm content to watch the big celebrations on TV and watch the neighbor's fireworks. I'm wondering how Colt and Zoe are going to handle the noise. Good luck with the ECHO.

    Karen--Air travel seems so uncertain right now. I'm praying your flights all go smoothly and without delays or cancellations.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    Karen, I would pass on the party as well. I don't like being the focus of attention. Flights right now are scary, that's for sure. Worse case scenario would be to be at the airport and they cancel at the last minute. Praying that doesn't happen to you. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    NM, I hope you get things all figured out for the pups and your sanity. Did you get the pool out for them?

    Pretty quiet in here. I'm a little nervous about staying with my friend. They went to Sedona for a couple days and stopped at a casino, posted a picture while in the casino and no one was wearing a mask! So I will be keeping my distance and maybe wear a mask while in the house. Who knows, I may end up getting a hotel room.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    Oh my....I'm jealous Jazzy!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Independence Day! I did get the big crate brought up and set up, and no sooner did I put in the bed Colt's been using than he sauntered in and plunked himself down for a nap! Apparently, he is used to the idea of the crate. Now to get Zoe used to hers. She has gone into the smaller crate at times, and seems ok with it, and certainly went in pretty quickly when I tossed some treats in there yesterday. I didn't get the pool set up for them, ran out of energy, so I'm hoping to get that done today. One set of neighbors set off some fireworks last evening, neither pupper reacted more than to pick up their head and look around a little. It barely interrupted their naps!

    Goldie--I didn't get the pool out yesterday, hoping for today. I'm discovering I can't do as many things in one day as I used to. I don't blame you for being nervous about staying with friends. Only you know how much risk is comfortable for you to accept, and staying in a hotel is a good compromise.

    BEAUTIFUL, Jazzy! Nice fireworks pic, too!

    Now, here's a fun drink. The Fourth of July cocktail is a gorgeous layered shooter. It's pictured here with cream on top for a true red, white and blue look, but you can also layer cream vodka on top to make it stronger.

    Fourth of July Cocktail



    1. Fill a shot glass 1/3 of the way with grenadine.
    2. Put a spoon in the glass and pour the Blue Curacao over the back of it.
    3. With the spoon, pour cream or vodka over the back of it to make the top layer.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2022

    Sandy - please check in to let us know that you and your DH and kids are safe and sound. How horrific the shooting/murders in Highland Park.