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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    We're fine. I've been indoors all day (20 mi. s. of Highland Park), Bob worked all day at a hospital in the SW suburbs (60 mi. from the parade), and Gordy & Leslie are miles from nowhere in Montana. Amazing how many of us, however, have connections to people who attended the parade (though none who were killed or injured). Idiots in my neighborhood continue to set off cherry bombs, M-80s and other exploaives. Clueless, heartless.

    Last night we grilled & celebrated with friends (anticipating storms tonight). DOTD was Mumm Napa Brut Rosé Reserve NV. Nothing celebratory tonight.

    We are buying a new car, though--taking delivery Friday. 2022 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid. SEL, not the higher gee-whiz Limited version of the non-hybrid we test-drove Friday--because the Limited Hybrid is not expected in till Sept., and we're not sure if his Fusion won't break down again before that. The Limited has automated parking assist (which, it turns out, only makes the car go back & forth rather than steer into the space); and cameras attached to the mirrors & connected to the turn signals with little screens on the dash showing the view of the curb, roadway & sidewalk directly below the front fenders so you don't run over a critter as you turn. Meh. Also leather seats, but we're paying to upgrade from cloth for ease of cleaning. Otherwise the SEL has the same options, including blind-spot monitoring, cross-traffic alerts, indiv. tire pressure sensors, and pedestrian detection.

    What both models lack are a CD player and spare tire. But I bought a USB portable CD player that will plug into the USB data port (Bob loves his CDs); and ordered a full-size spare tire kit (tire, wheel, specialized reinforced jack, wrench, extra lug nuts, and carry bag). The emergency "tire mobility kit," which includes a compressor and container of sealant, is useless for tread punctures >1/4" and for sidewall damage; you're supposed to drive to a Hyundai dealer if you can; or if you can't, call Hyundai roadside assistance to be towed to a dealer--and their roadside assistance is supposedly very slow, slower than GEICO or AAA. The full-size spare kit will at least allow any tow-truck operator or law enforcement officer to change the tire. Alas, fewer & fewer new cars have even a donut spare, and none have CD players.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Day after Independence Day! I'm just listening to the news reporting on the Highland Park shooting. So frightening, so sad. What is the world coming to? And now Maine health officials are limiting gatherings of fowl in the state due to the number of cases of avian flu being found in the birds. I'm beginning to wonder if the next pandemic is going to start from here.

    The neighbors did set off about 20 minutes of fireworks last night, just as I went to bed. Colt picked up his head, looked out the window, looked at me, then put his head down and went back to sleep. Zoe was curled up next to me, shook and shivered for a while, then got down off the bed and hid in the closet until it was over. Apparently, thunder and individual fireworks aren't an issue, but a barrage is scary for Zoe. Shortly after they ended she hopped back up on the bed, curled up against me, and went to sleep.

    Chi--glad you and yours are safe. The new car sounds pretty spiffy, with lots of good features. I've noticed newer cars don't have CD players, I wonder why that is? I would think it was a no-brainer to have one. I'm SMH at the idea of needing to buy a spare tire kit as you describe.

    Flat Tire Cocktail

    1 part of black Sambuca (or elderberry liqueur)

    2 part of jose cuervo especial gold tequila

    Shake tequila and sambuca over ice. Strain into shot glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2022

    Kim - how do they limit gathering of fowl?

    I have a good friend who lives in HP and has for close to 50 years. We also have friends in Skokie and my daughter used to live in West Rogers Park. As much as we want to believe that the suburbs are safe, time and time again has shown that anything can happen anywhere.

    The heat is on. By Saturday close to 100!! My perfect summer weather is 75 - 80 (max), blue sky, sun and light breeze.

    Have a great Tuesday. Stay safe.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    Oh my goodness NM. I haven't had Sambuca in YEARS and never would have though of mixing it with tequila. I thought I might still have some in the back of the liquor cabinet, but must have polished off during one hurricane or another. 35 years ago a friend & I sat on the floor & passed the bottle back & forth - no ice, no glasses, no mixer. Edited to add - the folly of youth,,,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    The reason CD players are disappearing from new cars is that most drivers (at least those under 60) prefer to either listen to satellite, stream or at least tether to (by cord or Blueoooth) their phones' music libraries. I'm pretty peeved that the iTunes Store is no more, because I HATE streaming. I want to buy and own my music, even if only as digital files. I don't want to depend on an internet connection for it. CD players also have moving parts that take up dashboard real estate from gauges, nav systems, satellite radio, climate control, safety screens, etc. I'm surprised that in-dash nav systems haven't gone the way of the dodo (the way those plug-in Magellan or Tom-Tom units did), seeing as how almost everyone with a cellphone uses AppleMaps/Siri or GoogleMaps.

    The disappearance of even "donut" spares (in order to lighten the payload and increase MPG) is more disturbing. If your tire's puncture is too big, or in the sidewall, the fix-a-flat stuff in the kit won't work (though if all you have is a flat due to inadequate tire pressure, that little plug-in compressor that comes with the "mobility" kit--with the built-in gauge--is nice to have. I already carry one in my Subaru). What worries me is having to rely on having a Hyundai dealer w/in driving distance if the temporary fix is safe to drive on, or a tow from Hyundai road service if the tire is shot. There seem to be far more Toyota, Honda and even Subaru dealers outside big cities/major suburbs than there are Hyundai. I'm gonna keep our AAA--Bob reports that GEICO's road service is slow, and Ford doesn't have roadside assistance, at least not for a car as old as his. I have Subaru road service, which is usually faster than GEICO's these days. (AAA is slower than molasses, but miles from nowhere it--or the state patrol--can be the only game in town).

    No DOTD, just coffee & water.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! The first day of crating the puppers went well. I think Colt is crate trained, he took himself into his crate when I went to get dressed for work. Zoe looked a bit confused but seemed to be ok when I left. Both were still in the crates when I got home, and happy to get out and immediately start wrestling with each other. I threw a handful of treats into each crate just as I left.

    Karen--gathering of fowl is limited by not holding the get-togethers where people bring many of their birds to show, sell, or buy, not allowing birds to be shown at the agricultural fairs. Precautions such as not visiting more than one farm that raises birds per day and using disinfectants on shoes between pens help cut down the transmission of avian flu among the birds. When a case of avian flu is found in one bird in a flock, the entire flock is euthanized and the farmer's family and workers monitored for flu-like illness. No one wants the next pandemic to start here in Maine! I like your idea of perfect summer weather!

    Minus--I tried Sambuca once, many years ago. As I recall, it's powerful stuff!

    Chi--it sounds like CDs are going the way of cassettes and 8-tracks. The technology does keep moving ahead! AAA sure can take a while, can't it?

    photo of Jamaican Yellow Bird

    Jamaican Yellow Bird Cocktail


    ice cubes

    1 jigger Jamaican rum

    1/2 jigger creme de banana liqueur

    orange juice

    1/8 fresh lime


    Fill a cocktail glass with ice cubes. Add the rum and creme de banana. Add enough orange juice to fill.

    Squeeze the lime wedge over the drink then add the wedge to the cocktail. Stir gently then serve. Garnish, if desired, with another slice of lime.

    From <>

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! The first day of crating the puppers went well. I think Colt is crate trained, he took himself into his crate when I went to get dressed for work. Zoe looked a bit confused but seemed to be ok when I left. Both were still in the crates when I got home, and happy to get out and immediately start wrestling with each other. I threw a handful of treats into each crate just as I left.

    Karen--gathering of fowl is limited by not holding the get-togethers where people bring many of their birds to show, sell, or buy, not allowing birds to be shown at the agricultural fairs. Precautions such as not visiting more than one farm that raises birds per day and using disinfectants on shoes between pens help cut down the transmission of avian flu among the birds. When a case of avian flu is found in one bird in a flock, the entire flock is euthanized and the farmer's family and workers monitored for flu-like illness. No one wants the next pandemic to start here in Maine! I like your idea of perfect summer weather!

    Minus--I tried Sambuca once, many years ago. As I recall, it's powerful stuff!

    Chi--it sounds like CDs are going the way of cassettes and 8-tracks. The technology does keep moving ahead! AAA sure can take a while, can't it?

    Jamaican Yellow Bird Cocktail


    ice cubes

    1 jigger Jamaican rum

    1/2 jigger creme de banana liqueur

    orange juice

    1/8 fresh lime


    Fill a cocktail glass with ice cubes. Add the rum and creme de banana. Add enough orange juice to fill.

    Squeeze the lime wedge over the drink then add the wedge to the cocktail. Stir gently then serve. Garnish, if desired, with another slice of lime.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    Good evening Loungettes. I opted for hotel, however I did go to my friend's for dinner and coffee this morning. All went well with the ECHO. Nurses had a hard time sticking me for my infusions. Hospital did number on my veins. The first needle in and dig around....nope, 2nd needle same as the 1st, and same goes for the 3rd! I hate when they get the needle in there and poke around to find that vein. Time to give someone else a try! And this one worked. MO will let me continue treatment I'm on cuz I don't have any pain. Also offered me Enhurtu infusions instead of the Piqray when we need to change. I'm not liking either option, but I suppose that's not an option. Tomorrow is post op, then back next Tuesday for Urologist.....UGH!

    NM, glad the pups did well with the crate and I hope they got treats when you got home too! More on the fowl thing....what fowl are we talking. Pets, wild, exotics?

    Karen, not sure what my temps at home are, but it's sure hot as heck here in Phoenix. And OMG the traffic. I HATE being here.

    Minus2, cute story about you and your friend and the sambuca, can't say I've ever had it. Not even sure what it is, a liqueur?

    Sandy, horrible horrible thing that happened in Chicago. Glad you aren't associated with anyone that may have been involved. Congrats on the new car.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    Sambuca tastes like black licorice. Nuff said.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Both the puppers seem to be adjusting to being crated pretty well. They are certainly excited for me to get home after work, and immediately start wrestling with each other as soon as I let them out. A few minutes of that and they are looking to me for din-din. It's only after din-dins that I get their attention! But I'm not worried about one of them getting hurt or major damage to the house while I'm at work.

    Speaking of work, I just found out that the quarterly quality monitoring reports are due soon, and got a full list of what to report on, and I've got a boatload of work to catch up with. Trying to get 3 months of audits and monitors done in a bit less than 3 weeks is going to be a huge job, fortunately, the corporate office is sending a couple of people to prep this upcoming report and teach me all the ins and outs of quarterly reporting, which will be hugely helpful. Now that I have a better idea of all the stuff that needs doing, I can get a schedule set up and make sure it all gets done in a timely manner.

    Jazzy--beautiful pic!

    Goldie--I'm glad all went well with the ECHO after the IV thing. Hard IV starts are the pitts. It really seems like there must be a better way to manage that whole thing. I hope you had a good time with the friends. Staying in the hotel was probably a nice break for you. The puppers are doing well with the crates so far. The fowl we are talking about are mostly chickens, from little backyard flocks for eggs to commercial egg and chicken farms, but also includes ducks and turkeys and other birds being raised for meat or eggs or as pets. Pets are a lesser concern because people usually only have a few, but if there is more than one, there is risk of transmission.

    Bird Flu Drink


    How to Make It

    Pour the 3 shots into an old fashioned glass. Serve neat.

    From <>

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2022

    Goldi, I am glad you got your stitches out. Please take care of yourself and take it easy.

    NM- Sounds like you will be really busy at work for the upcoming weeks. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

    Jazzy- Your pictures are beautiful! Enjoy your vacation.

    Karen- Happy travels to you. I hope all of your plans come together. I like how you mix/match clothes in the suitcases. You could probably give packing tip classes.

    Chi- I am glad that you were not close to the shootings. The world is so crazy anymore.

    Wren- So hard looking for places that will make you both happy.

    I have been pretty busy, my mom is a little better and I have grandchildren off and on. I think I have one spending the night tonight. I really like my nights to myself, which sounds selfish. It's all good though. We will survive.

    I went to a wine tasting at a friends house and it was a lot of fun. Everyone brought a bottle of wine and she put each bottle in paper bags so you couldn't see what kind it was. She had papers made up that you scored each wine 1 to 5 on color, aroma, body, taste, and balance. Then she took all the score cards and added them up together to see what wine had the highest score. It was fun to taste different types of wine. She said they did it a few years ago and a bottle of Boones Farm wine won. LOL it must of took everyone back to teenage years.

    Hello to all.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2022

    DH and I went to the mountains for a couple days. Left Tuesday and arrived to rain, lucky to get a walk in after dinner. Two gorgeous days yesterday and today. Yesterday hike a trail that is about 1 1/2 hours straight up. Lots of stopping and huffing and puffing. We do that trail once/year. Today hiked our favorite trail. It will only let me post 1 photo at a time. Came home this afternoon.image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    image alt="">

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Yesterday was interesting at work, due to a computer system I couldn't log in to the system, all day. I did get all the education stuff caught up and a little bit ahead, but that is stuff I can do on the tablet and could have worked on while the car was being serviced tomorrow, the other stuff I can't do through the tablet, I need the desktop access, and now I feel like I'm really behind. Hopefully IT has the problem fixed by now, and I can start getting caught up. Ah, well, such is life with technology, I suppose.

    Misty--yup, work will be busy for a bit, but it's starting to come together and I can begin to see a rhythm to things, so I can start planning ahead rather than just pick up new tasks. Glad to hear you mom is a little better and you are getting grandchild time. The wine tasting sounds like it was a lot of fun! Imagine Boones Farm winning like that!

    Karen--it sounds like you had a wonderful couple days in the mountains. The pic is beautiful!

    Mountain Man Cocktail Recipe

    Mountain Man


    2 oz Bourbon

    ¾ oz Lemon Juice

    ¼ oz Peach Liqueur

    ¼ oz Homemade Ginger Syrup (Click for Recipe)

    ¼ oz Maple Syrup

    2 Pieces Candied Ginger


    1 Add bourbon, lemon juice, peach liqueur, ginger syrup, maple syrup, and ice to a shaker.

    2 Shake for 10-20 seconds.

    3 Strain into a lowball glass over fresh ice.

    4 Garnish with candied ginger.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022

    Heading home tonight


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Taking the car in to get inspected and new tires in a little bit, then I think I'm going to stop by a lavender farm that I've read about that's very nearby, maybe check out a new nearby farmer's market. The computer problem was solved when I got to work yesterday ayem, and I was able to get about half of a very overdo review and correction project done. One more good hard session should get that backlog cleared out, the it will be a matter of keeping up with the weekly report.

    When I got home from work yesterday, little Zoe had let herself out of her crate! I'm not sure how she managed that, I've got to look into that and see what I can do to prevent that. She had a grand time knocking things off the counters. Then last evening she started chasing Colt into his crate! Zoe has no sense of personal space at all!

    Jazzy--beautiful pics, especially the one with the boats!

    Smooth Sailing created by Boomette




    • 1ounce vodka
    • 1⁄2ounce peach schnapps
    • 3ounces orange juice
    • 1dash grenadine
    • 1slice lime (optional for garnish)
    • ice


    • Blend together the vodka, schnapps, and orange juice, and pour over ice.
    • Float the grenadine on top and garnish with a slice of lime.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    Minus, enjoy the grands cuz the day will come when they are older that they probably won't want to hang out as much! Glad your mom is doing better. And how fun the wine tasting, but def funny about the Boone's Farm!

    Karen, beautiful pic of mnts. CO is a pretty state.

    NM, sounds like they are keeping you busy at work. Oh dear, that Zoe is a smart one! Hopefully you can figure out her trick.

    Jazzy, nice pics, esp. the sunset! We have the best ones this time of year.

    Well, no virtual visit for me, that particular dr. doesn't do virtual visits. So a 9 hour drive for me on Tuesday...UGH! Hoping to meet with accountant today to get my taxes. It's sure been long enough!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    Last couple of days till my HK gets back Monday. It seems my life is circumscribed by cats--even though I have only two of them. (A friend up in the UP of MI and her husband have seven--dunno how they manage, especially when they're touring for their music).

    Bob has cleaned out 11 years of assorted junk from his car's trunk. Our landscaper & his son cleaned out our garage--amazing how much crap we accumulated over 20+ years. I figured if we hadn't read, listened to or otherwise used it, out it goes: and so it did. Unfortunately, our alley bins are full and the next garbage collection isn't till Wed. (The recyclers won't be by till the 20th). We're hoping the scavengers who come through in their rickety cobbled-together pickup trucks can relieve us of some of it. Fair exchange for them blocking the alleys all the time.

    The new car came in Wed., but with cloth seats. Bob went down to the dealership to negotiate the trade-in; because his car has 170K miles in it, has been through a few wrecks, and has had mechanical issues of late they agreed that in lieu of cash back they'll swap out the cloth for leather. Should be ready Tuesday.

    Walked to Regalia last night and had Ruggeri rosé prosecco. Tonight, the last "two fingers" of Mumm Napa Brut Prestige Rosé.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day here, I hope everyone is getting this kind of lovely weather.

    Goldie--It is busy at work, there are a lot of things that are behind and need to get caught up, and we are in our survey window, so we are all scrambling to get everything back in order before that happens. Zoe had her crate door open, apparently she played with the latches until they opened. I'm going to find something to lock the latches with and see how that works. She is very smart, that's for sure. Ugh, indeed, it's time for that doc to join the 21st century! That's a long drive.

    Chi--wow, that's an impressive job of decluttering! It seems to me there should be someone paying more attention to the details of such a big purchase as a new car, things like cloth or leather seats don't seem to be that hard to double check on, but what do I know? The rose prosecco sounds really nice!

    Easy on the Leather


    Serving: 1

    • 3/4 ounce Cappelletti Aperitivo Americano Rosso
    • 1/2 ounce overproof bourbon, preferably Medley Brothers
    • 3/4 ounce cachaça, preferably Avua Amburana
    • 3/4 ounce pecan orgeat
    • 1 dash Scrappy's cardamom bitters


    1. Pour the Cappelletti over a large ice cube in a 10-ounce rocks glass.
    2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a mixing glass over ice and stir until chilled.
    3. Strain into the rocks glass, pouring directly over the ice cube so that the cocktail "floats" over the Cappelletti.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2022

    Sandy - hope Bob enjoys his new car. DH is throwing out lots and lots of old work papers - we have room in our trash bin.

    Kim - Zoe sounds like a smart pup. How old is she?

    Jazzy - great photos

    Broke record yesterday 100F and same forecast for today. Way too HOT for my blood.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    I'm heading to Phoenix today. My kidney started to really bother me yesterday afternoon. I'm also having pain on the top of my R hip. I fear it's the cancer. I don't want to end up in the ER here in Show Low. So I will go today and stay with my friend. My appt. with urologist isn't until Tuesday, but if I need to go to ER, I want to be in Phoenix. I'll head out later this afternoon.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    Goldie - holding you in my thoughts!!!!!!!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2022

    Goldie -Thoughts and prayers for you. Can one of your kids come and stay with you for awhile?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    No Misty, my son works in MI, most times 7 days a week and my daughter lives in the VI and will be taking off for the month of Sept. Thank you.

    Minus, thank you as well.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited July 2022

    Goldie, sending good vibes that it’s not cancer and I wish you well on the long drive. It’s 9-11 hours back to Houston depending on stops and traffic, we leave Wednesday, do I feel ya

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2022

    illimae, how often do you have to do the drive to Houston?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2022

    Illimae - good luck with your appointment

    Lori - hopefully kidney and hip and NOT cancer related. Sending you hugs

    101F today and yesterday 100F broke a record. Thankfully tomorrow will only be in the 80s/

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! The puppers and I had a lovely Sunday, basking in the sun on the deck, puttering around the house, playing fetch and tug, got a little nap in, and sipping wine on the back deck in the evening. Perfect weather, low humidity, high 70's, gentle breeze, lots of sunshine. It was glorious.

    Karen--Zoe is estimated to be about 2 years old. She is a bright little thing! Be careful in the heat.

    Goldie--hugs and prayers. Good idea to stay with the friend and be in Phoenix.

    Good Morning, Minus, Misty, Illi

    Golden Cadillac

    Golden Cadillac


    • 1 ½ ounces* Galliano liqueur (Galliano L'Autentico)
    • 1 ½ ounces creme de cacao
    • 1 ½ ounces cream
    • For the garnish: fresh grated or ground nutmeg


    1. Place the Galliano, creme de cacao, and cream in a cocktail shaker. Add 2 handfuls ice and shake until cold.
    2. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with fresh grated or ground nutmeg and serve.

    From <>