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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! It's also Wednesday, Women and Wine day. We're getting together at a place that I really like but rarely go to, so I am really looking forward to this evening. And I am so enjoying the nice jump in temps despite the windiness, between the two the ground is drying out nicely.

    Karen--being so tired and out of energy must be so hard. I'm praying things get better for you very soon.

    Wallycat--that is some swing in weather conditions! I can't imagine how the hummers survive year-round anyplace that gets snow and sleet. I'm sure they love your DH for putting out food for them.

    Karen--Wishing you a happy and restful holiday.

    Goldie--it does sound like SDD was planning her trip around seeing you. I wonder why she didn't just arrange to come visit you where you are? And then she could have worked in a visit to the others. A lot of people have no idea what living with a chronic health issue can be like and that makes things all the harder.

    Lily--beautiful bluebells! I don't blame you for going out for a walk to see them! The double post glitch happens from time to time, nobody pays any attention to it.

    Sunshine--flip phones seem to be making a comeback, I have been seeing more and more of them recently.

    Wally--your DH is going through a lot. So unfair having to wait for treatment like that. Hugs.

    Minus--I'll keep an eye out for my next AARP magazine and take it to Mom to look at the flip phones. Maybe she'll try one of them and like it!

    Banana Smoothie Fruit Juice Drink

    Creamy Hummingbird



    1. In a blender, add ice, white rum, coffee liqueur, banana liqueur, cream of coconut, and banana.
    2. Blend until smooth or desired consistency.
    3. Pour into cocktail glass.
    4. Garnish with a banana slice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Wallycat, I thought that is what it was, but wasn't certain. Cancer certainly SUCKS! All the best to your DH. I have cancer throughout my bones as well, but I have no pain what so ever!

    Sunshine, I text, but I absolutely hate it! Most often using talk to text, but have to remember to check it, before sending! Of if someone asks me about something and it's going to be long, I tell them I'm not texting all that, call me!

    NM, hopefully mud season will be short. Enjoy your WWW tonight. That Creamy Hummingbird sure looks yummy!

    SDD was not just trying to just see me. Original plans, months ago, they were coming for 5-6 days. Her MIL lives up here by me, albeit an hour and a half or more from me. So coming from CA, they were going to stop in Phoenix to see her mom and aunts, then head up here to the mountain, another 5 hour drive, to see me and her MIL. Well, come to find out, the MIL is off in Utah with her other son. They did not want to drive up here just to see me. So they shortened the trip and wanted to inconvenience me to come down there to see them. And when I canceled, she canceled her whole trip. Evidently her aunts, 3 of them and her mom aren't important enough to drive 5-6 hours to see. Living with a chronic illness is right, and being sick on top of it! If my mother only lived that far from me, I would have been going to see her every month or so!

    Lily, don't worry about the double post, it's already a page back! I found a cocktail for you!

    The Blue Bell


    Makes 2:

    4 shots of gin

    2 shots of peach schnapps

    4 shots of blue curacao

    1 shot of lemon juice

    200 ml tonic

    Put plenty of ice into a cocktail shaker, add the gin, peach schnapps, blue curacao and lemon juice, and shake, shake, shake.

    Pour into cocktail glasses, then top up with the sparkling tonic.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    What a pretty drink! The blue bell. I enjoyed seeing the picture of the flower, too.

    I love my smart phone, which is like a mini computer. Monday I was at the local hospital all day with dh, who was getting a procedure and couldn't drive himself home. I took my phone charger with me. I play several games and have aps for nearly everything I do on my laptop at home. I can read the NYT and the WAPO. I can read with Kindle. I check our bank account every day. Every time our credit card is used, I get notified. Poor dh can't get by with buying anything without my knowing about it almost immediately. And I love texting, which is so less intrusive than calling. My sister Linda and I text every day. I have two sisters and three brothers and we check in with a texting thread every Sunday. We post pictures. Technology definitely has its pluses.

    NM, I'm glad your weather is warming up.

    Wally, I don't think I've known anyone else who preferred cold weather all the time. My favoirte weather is cool enough to wear jeans.

    Goldie, I hope you start feeling better any minute now.

    It's gloomy outside and we're supposed to be getting a lot of rain and wind.

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2023

    The bluebell drink looks lovely. I've been avoiding blue curacao ever since I dropped a bottle of it on the white tile floor in a condo we were renting in the Florida Keys. What a mess! Funny thing is I have blue tiles in my kitchen. Maybe I'll buy a bottle of blue curacao.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited April 2023

    Carole - I understand why you like your smart phone, but I think for NM's Mom - a flip phone as just a telephone might be less complicated. She can have a tablet or lap top for computer stuff. NM - I do know she will like the price - $22.21 per month.

    Goldie - are you finally feeling better?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Minus, tiny improvements daily, but still sick.

    My SDD did text me today to ask how I was feeling. I told her I was still sick, she said good thing we didn't come then.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Our WWW get-together was great fun. The restaurant had a special, five-course Italian dinner, and Wednesday was half-price bottles of wine. Had a couple of new people join us, found out one of us is moving out of state. Lots of pictures of grandbabies and furbabies passed around. Very much fun and worth feeling draggy this ayem. Enough coffee and I'll get past that.

    Spring is truly springing right around here. Heard the peepers for the first time last night on my way home. Saw some crocuses up in a couple of places. Saw a bird I think was a robin yesterday, but didn't get enough of a look to be sure as I was driving. And I haven't had to turn the furnace back on!

    Goldie--It looks like mud season will be short this year. Which is a good thing, because a much bigger portion of the dog yard has the grass torn up from the puppers chasing each other around. It sounds like SDD's planned trip really fell apart! Oh well, such is life, right?

    Beautiful Blue Bell DOTD!

    Carole--It is amazing what a smartphone can do! I do like mine and do lots of things on it, but am beginning to struggle with reading the small type when looking at websites. I like texting, too, particularly since I have trouble hearing and understanding people on the phone or through the work tablet. I did discover the Teams app on the work tablet has an automatic closed captioning option, which has helped me a lot with the twice-daily mandatory meetings.

    Lily--LOL at dropping the bottle of Blue Curacao on the white floor!

    Minus--that is a great price, and will be a big selling point with Mom!On a gray surface, a faceted high ball glass is filled with an orange-hued soda and a few ice cubes. Its rim is dusted with bright red flakes, and it's garnished with a single lime wheel.

    Family Traditions


    • Tang rim*
    • 2 ounces bourbon
    • 4 ounces club soda
    • 4 ounces Dew syrup**
    • Garnish: lime wheel


    1. Rim a Collins glass with a Tang rim and fill with ice.
    2. Add the bourbon, club soda and Dew syrup into the glass and stir to incorporate.
    3. Garnish with a lime wheel.

    **Dew syrup: Combine 4 cups sugar, zest of 10 limes, zest of 10 oranges, 4 teaspoons citric acid and 1 teaspoon malic acid in large container. Let sit for 3 hours or up to 1 day. Add 8 ounces fresh orange juice, 2 ounces fresh lime juice and 4 cups hot water and stir to dissolve sugar. Strain through a fine-meshed strainer to remove solids. Store in the refrigerator. Makes enough for around 16 servings.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Carole, I don't mind texting, if the person I'm texting, I don't really want to talk to! LOL.

    OH MY Lily, Blue Curacao on white tile, did it come out? I bet one could dye Easter eggs with it. May I ask, what is beppu?

    NM, a special on dinner and half-priced wine, sounds like a win win situation, making it a WWWWW night!

    A commercial that plays every morning here is advertising tickets for Billy Joel and Stevie Nicks, but it's in December! I just found that odd. I think/hoping I'm on the mend. Morning is the worse with the "gunk", but once I get rid of it all, it's not too bad. Cough is becoming more dry and I'm hoping to have a bit more energy. The weather has been so nice, but I just don't have it in me to do anything. Yesterday, I finally got 4 days worth of dishes done!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    NM, if you don't mind revealing, how old is your mom? Your Italian meal sounds wonderful. Also the company.

    There is a lot of anti-drinking sentiment out there. It was even on our local news this morning. I've learned from reading national newspapers online that most of the reporting on tv comes from newspaper articles.

    All the promise/threat of heavy rain didn't materialize.

    Happy Thursday to all.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited April 2023

    NM - I sent you a private message.

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2023

    Goldie - - Beppu is my birthplace on the island of Kyushu, Japan. I came to America when I was 2 years old (1952) and unfortunately, I've never been back. My mother wanted to take me back ( I have 2 aunts & 1 uncle still there) but then her health declined and then I got my cancer diagnosis.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Had some Expedition Canoe tonight. Goldie, not sure how long I keep the Kirkland is 1.5 liters so i keep it around a bit. Sometimes open something else, then go back.

    Lily, I'm knee deep in all things Japanese (we get the japanese channel out here in the PNW). I'm smitten. Even bought a fancy rice cooker. Sounds like you were younger than I was when we came to America. Hope you can keep the language and the culture; I kept some of the language and none of the culture, sadly. I soooo wish I could learn to speak Japanese!! Learning a few words here and there. I've traveled to Japan but wish I knew more to appreciate it all.

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2023

    Wallycat - - It is very cool that you have this interest in Japan. Sadly I stopped speaking Japanese very soon after we arrived. We moved to a rural part of Maryland and it was too soon after the war to be Japanese. We still have quite a bit of the Japanese culture in our lives. I have my mother's kimonos, dolls, rice bowls and such. I am not very skilled at preparing Japanese food but we still have some family favorites that I have mastered. Since this is "How about drinking" I have to say that i really don't like sake.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    Hi Lily! I spent a year teaching English in Japan! I was on a little island called Fukue, about 80 miles west of Nagasaki. It was beautiful, and I was the only gaijin (foreigner) on the island. I learned tourist level Japanese, but not much more sadly. I also got to learn tea ceremony and traditional dance. I had an amazing time, but one year was enough. I was ready to come home after that. DH was in the army, and we were stationed in Korea for 3 1/2 years. We took a trip to Japan to visit my island and tour around some other cities too.

    I miss it, and would love to go back someday. Kyoto is one of my favorite cities in the world.

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2023

    ** In the interest of clarity I want to let you all know that my mother was Japanese but my father was American. I was born with curly red hair so I was a bit of an oddity among my neighbors.

    Miriandra - - What an amazing experience! When I became a teacher, my mother came to see some of my classes and to share what her schooling had been like. During one of her trips back to Japan she was able to visit one of her teachers who was quite old at the time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! We're looking at another day in the 60s and mostly sunny, it was beautiful yesterday. I really wanted to be at home and sitting on the deck rather than in the office at work. Serious spring fever setting in. Or vacationitis, not sure which. Not that it matters. I did manage to stay focused long enough to get a good bit done on the quarterly meeting I have to run this month.

    The puppers are having a ball running around the yard chasing each other this ayem. They are making enough noise to wake the dead. I'm glad I don't have any close neighbors!

    Goldie--I love the WWWWW! Can I steal it and post it on our facebook page? Glad to hear you are getting some energy back.

    Carole--Mom is 86. She really is in pretty good shape, but age is catching up with her. The physical issues are manageable--arthritis, a fib, high blood pressure, reflux--it's the increasing memory issues and decreasing ability to problem solve and think through things with multiple steps and trouble finding words that's getting problematic. There does seem to be a lot of anti-drinking sentiment out there.

    Minus--I got the message, thank you very much for the info!

    Lily--I hope you get to meet your aunts and uncle in Japan someday soon.

    Morning, Wallycat!

    Miriandra--what an amazing experience it must have been to teach in Japan!

    A large wine glass in an outdoor setting is filled with chunks of fruit and a lemon wheel, as well as sparkling wine over ice.

    Spring Fever


    • 6 medium-size strawberries, quartered
    • 3/4 ounce elderflower syrup
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 4 dashes rhubarb bitters
    • 3 ounces sparkling rosé wine, chilled, to top
    • Garnish: lemon wheel


    1. Add the strawberries, elderflower syrup, lemon juice and bitters into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a wine glass over fresh ice.
    3. Top with the sparkling rosé.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Carole, being in LA, I'm assuming that you are glad that the threat of heavy rain did not happen?

    Lily, thank you for sharing. Is your mom still with you? You don't mention your dad, so I assume he has passed? Funny about the sake. Just because you are Japanese, or Japanese/American, doesn't mean you should like all things Japanese! LOL at being the "oddity" amongst neighbors!

    Wally, are you Japanese as well?

    And Mirandra, your experience in Japan!

    NM NO, you may NOT steal that, I'm patenting it! LOL, of course you can use it, silly girl!

    Ladies, thank you so much for sharing your stories, who would have known, right? When there isn't a picture to put with a face, we can only imagine what someone might look like. Not that I have any idea what any of you look like....but you know what I mean. Yesterday was the first day I didn't have to go back to bed or take a nap, actually had a bit of energy and even baked some chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Will share with my neighbors and freeze some to have later.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    I enjoy the background stories. Thanks for sharing.

    It's a gorgeous day here today, cool this morning but supposed to get hot as the day goes on. I will venture out into the yard and battle some weeks growing in the flower beds, knowing all the while that the weeds will win eventually. So will the pollen. I will be sneezing and blowing my nose despite taking a couple of allergy meds.

    NM, I was thinking your mom might be my age but she is six years older. I have problems thinking of words but have learned to be patient because the word will pop into my head. I turn the sound off on my phone when I am playing games because I don't like the racket. Often I don't remember to turn it back on. DH gets very annoyed when he calls or texts and I don't answer. I'm trying to be more mindful. I so seldom get calls except for nuisance calls that I don't answer anyway.

    Those cookies sound good. I made a loaf of bread yesterday from ancient grain flour (Einkorn, introduced to me by Wallycat) yesterday. It's so easy to make, mixed by hand and 30 minute rest periods. It is delicious and I have a slice for breakfast every morning.

    Happy Friday.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2023

    Good morning all, i was born in Seoul, Korea (obviously unplanned) but we left when I was three and that’s why I have two birthdays (the time change). I’m told it was my first language because I was cared for by neighbors mr and Mrs Kim while my mom taught English and dad was in the army. All I know now is s popular nursery rhyme and hello. I do still have the baby clothes in this pic though.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    Wow, such interesting backgrounds!

    Carole, I dislike the sounds, too. Sometimes, I try to just mute the game sound, but not the phone. Mine is often set on "Do not disturb", but I have it set to let my DH's calls and texts come through. His texts have a unique sound, too, so I know it's him. Lately, his calls go straight to voice mail. Not sure why.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, I was born in Poland so sadly, no Japanese for me. We came to America when I was 4-1/2 or so. Polish was my first language. I've tried to tackle more languages as I traveled and worked. My DH seems to think languages come easily to me but I do not agree. My father spoke 6 or 7 languages; I picked up conversations here and there and maybe my baby-brain absorbed some. We lived in Israel for about 3 years but I cannot read or speak Hebrew to save my life.

    Carole, I also do not like the extraneous noise on TV or phones. The blinking and flashing ads on the internet are so annoying, I installed an ad blocker.

    We're heading out for DH's last treatment today.

    Enjoy your day, ladies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    So glad I asked Lily what beppu was, or we wouldn't have had all of these wonderful stories shared, again thank you ladies! And, how so many are related to the war, and teaching English.

    BabyGirl, you don't "look" Korean, are both of your parents Korean? When is yours and DH's road trip?

    Edited to add, and what a cute baby you were. That's awesome that you still have the baby clothes.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, I was born there (army brat) only, my parents are American. My dad was 1st here after the family emigrated from Hungary in the 40’s and my mom’s side settled in upstate NY from Liverpool in the 1800’s. I consider myself an honorary Korean, although I have no interest in Kimchi or K-pop.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited April 2023

    Love the stories. You're right Carole - I'm not quite a year younger than you. So I think we do have a good feeling for what NM's mom is experiencing.

    Alcohol question... It seems Godiva no longer makes their chocolate liqueur, which was delicious for sipping - either straight or on ice. Well, I did find it on line for $199. for a small bottle. Nope, but it was out of stock anyway. Total Wine recommended some thing that turns out to be as thick as Smucker's ice cream toppings. Can anyone recommend a chocolate 'after dinner' sipping drink? If I remember correctly, the Godiva was more of a creamy drink with the consistency of Baileys Irish Cream - but my memory may have it wrong.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    I'm Canadian by birth. Moved to the states when I was 11. Even though the US and Canada are very similar, it was still a culture shock. I still have one cousin in Montreal, several of my mother's cousins (are they 2nd cousins to me) - others are mostly in Ontario or the states. My dad also has family in Montreal. I have't been in 4 years but just for the day to see my aunt with DD1 and SIL. My DH was with me in Toronto but left early to go to his Mom as she was in the hospital.

    I have a beautiful gold kimono that belongs to my grandmother. It was made in Hong Kong. I would love to find someone to donate it to instead of hanging in DD#1's closet.

    Uneventful getting the 2 shots. My CBC is good enough to get the treatment but my lymphocytes are low as is the MCH (anemia). WBC is dropping at the lower end of normal limits.

    Good virtual visit with Nephrologist. We've know him for several years even before he as my doctor. He's a great person as well as doctor. A couple meds that I need to take (none of the chemo specific drugs) are hard on the kidneys, but he said the kidneys take a back seat to me. Acyclovir is one in particular that is hard on the kidneys but he said I must take it so we'll deal with kidneys. He also said he Hematologist will watch the kidneys "like a hawk". He said he doesn't want to overwhelm me with doctors so next appointment is in 4 months. He was seeing me annual before this and 1.5 years ago he said PCP could now follow. He agrees that it was smart to bring him back in to follow.

    The two chemo injections make me tired, I feel like I'm moving in slow motion and stomach a little unsettled.

    Maverick - DD#2 hasn't lived by us since September 2016 when she left for her gap year. She hasn't spent any summers here as she worked at a camp in 2017 for the summer in upstate NY, but since she comes in the fall for the holidays and in the spring for Passover. We try to go in the summer and during my winter break. But who knows when our next visit will be. I'd love to go before the Stem Cell Transplant but who knows if they'll let me travel so far. Also, I wonder about travel insurance. She was such a blessing and help this trip, her presence will be missed even more. I have a card for he, that I think I'll put in mail today. It's a blank card do plenty of room to write her a letter.

    Still waiting on results of nuclear medicineCT scan. Labs from this morning should be ready later today or over the week-end. Medical oncologist Monday morning and virtual visit with Endocrinologist Tuesday afternoon. Then no appointments for a few weeks.

    As I've mentioned before, I've only been at this school since February 13th, but I feel like I've known the team forever - our fit is seamless. I got a sweet text from the principal. I don't see her every day as she is so busy and is also responsible for another school.

    I put up the challah dough before I went for chemo and DD#2 shaped them into rolls and then took care to put egg wash and "seasoning" on them - zaatar or everything but the bagel. She will cook the sides - green beans and lukshin kugel (noodle kugel). We make it "salt/pepper" as we don't like sweet kugel. DH will grill turkey necks for DD and himself as well as 1/2 turkey breast for everyone. I asked DD if she wanted to bake and she said there was still enough in the freezer that I made. I was hoping she would bake but I guess, I can bake on a Friday morning before I leave for chemo.

    I think that's all for now. Think it's time for a nap. Have a great day.


    Went to hospital portal to get test results from Wednesday. There is an adenoma on my right inferior parathyroid. Two options are watch and see or remove 1 or more of the glands. Will see what the Endocrinologist says Tuesday. Of course I will run it by hematologist when I see him next Friday. I may also ask medical oncologist his opinion on Monday. We have a very good friend who is a retired endocrinologist who has seen my other labs and DH will share these results with him.

    Have a great night and Saturday.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    Aw Illimae, your baby picture in hanbok is adorable!

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2023

    illimae - - that is a terrific baby picture. It looks like it took a very skilled worker to make those garments.

    When I was teaching, in the yearbook there was a contest to match the teachers' names with their baby pictures. Some of us argued that the contest wasn't fair because all of the young teachers' baby pictures were in color. We "mature" teachers had black and white baby pictures so we were easy to spot. Our students thought it was great fun!

    Reading these "where are you from?" stories has been so interesting.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    Such a cute baby picture!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Karen, good luck with all of the doctor appts. You comment to Maverick, unless she lurks here, she won't see it. Surely you will be getting and giving lots of hugs today, as your DD gets ready to leave. Safe travels for her.

    Lily, I too worked at a school and we did the baby picture thing for the kids. Indeed, it was fun!

    Well, now I'm not sure if it's still the bug I have, or just allergies! It could be either, hoping for the latter. Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.

    DOTD: Butter Baby



    1 Full glass milk 2 scoops Vanilla ice-cream

    Beer, Wine & Liquor

    1 part Butterscotch schnapps 2 parts Vodka
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I had a totally wasted weekend, other than getting my taxes filed. One of my retirement accounts from years and years ago closed out, I took the lump sum payout option and wound up owing tax money this year. Not that it's a big problem or a surprise, but it was a downer to transfer money from the high-interest savings account to the checking account, even though it makes the checking account look really good for a little while. Oh well, such is life as an adult, right? The puppers were happy with me yesterday, I barely got out of the recliner all day, had one or the other, and once in a while both, of them on my lap all day.

    Goldie--LOL, I didn't think you would mind, but it's polite to ask, right? Glad to hear your energy is coming back.

    Carole--I don't blame you for turning the sound down on your phone at times. Mom turns her phone onto mute, but doesn't do it on purpose and doesn't even know how she does it, then complains the phone is not working and keeps trying to find a new phone that won't do that. If only phones came with a parental control feature, so I could go in and make it so she can't change some things. Does your phone have a vibration or flashing light option for notifications? That way you'd still know when a call comes in without it being so annoying and not miss the DH calls/texts.

    Illi--Wow, what a beautiful outfit! That is a marvelous picture.

    Sunshine--hmm, I'm going to check out the "Do Not Disturb" setting on Mom's phone and see if that's a way to help her with getting the stuff she doesn't want.

    Wally--the ads on phone and internet are getting way out of hand, and very annoying, I agree. Hooray for DH's last treatment!

    Minus--it's so sad when something good stops being made. I hope you find something as good to replace the Godiva.

    Karen--glad to hear you have a good nephrologist, and that everything is being monitored closely. Oh my, the adenoma is not what you hoping to hear, I'm sure. Hugs.
