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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Teka, I like the daffoldils picture best!

    I did take another test, and this on was negative! I have 2 more boxes (4 tests), I'll take another one tonight. Running a low grade fever and feel like CRAP!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2023

    Our daffodils & crocuses are trying to bloom!

    An expired (or incorrectly-performed) test can give not only false negatives but false-positives! Colds are going around (especially vulnerable if you haven't caught a cold since the pandemic started), pollens & mold spores are everywhere. The incubation period for the XBB variants is indeed as short as 36-48 hrs. post-exposure. Our NYE guests took tests before our party and were negative. On Jan.1 morning, they felt lousy and tested positive. On Jan. 2 my throat began to get that scratchy "tired" feeling it gets when I'm coming down with a cold, and by dinnertime I felt crummy with poor appetite and a 99.5 temp (not technically fever but high for me). Tested neg. the next day but didn't trust it, so went to Immediate Care for a PCR test--which came up positive at the last possible moment before the 20 min. were up (in Jan 2022, it came up positive in 5 min.). Your mechanic may well have been positive, so the viral aerosols could have hung in the air inside the closed space of your car for up to an hour. If you don't feel better, go to the nearest place you can get a PCR test. If it's negative, you have a cold.

    Last night was scary! I sat in front of the TV, flipping between Ch. 5 & 7's storm coverage, with the huge bowed line of supercell storms advancing eastward--we went from tornado watch at 4pm to severe storm warning at 6 to flash flood warning at 7, and the timetable of predicted tornado-system arrival updated by the minute. Wind gusts of up to 100mph were reported in the western exurbs. A roof collapsed during a concert at an old brick theater in Belvidere (e. of Rockford), killing 1 and (updated now) injuring 28. But by the time it was predicted to hit here by the lakefront, it had weakened enough that there was one powerful gust, a splash of rain, and then it was down to intermittent breezes & showers. (We didn't get the predicted snow this morning either). Bob was cavalier about it, saying the meteorologists (and the NWS!) were "crying wolf." But when I asked Bob why he was still drinking and eating cookies during the worst of the warnings, he shrugged and said "life is short, we could be dead in an hour." We even put Heidi in her carrier so we could take her to the basement with us had we needed to go down there.

    The power did not go out, so I was able to cook after all. DOTD was 2022 Charles Krug Sauv. Blanc. Krug was the first CA winery we ever visited, when we drove down the coast from our Seattle apt. and camped--including the Napa Valley--in summer 1973. We did it again the next summer en route to a 2-week genetics conference in Berkeley; but didn't re-visit till 2014! (In between, we went to OR wine country in 1988 & 1989; I went to wineries in France & Germany in 1990 and Champagne in 1994; and we made numerous forays to MI, WA's Columbia Valley, and then the North Fork of L.I. till just before the pandemic).

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    Thinking of all those in tornado areas. I can't even imagine.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Hope everyone is out of harms way with these devastating storms. When we lived in Ohio we had Tornados. During the late 70s and early 80s we lived out in the country and had 4 wooded acres. The dogs had runs in the back yard One time, there was a tornado predicted to touch down about a mile from our house. I was so worried about our german shepherd landing in a tree! My DH thought I was funning - but Baron, our GS had a long run and I thought the lead would land him in the air all strung up. I could laugh about it later.

    Today is the first day that I feel pretty good since the injections last Monday. Ran a few errands to TJs and King Soopers. Produce DD#2 or DH can get on Tuesday or Wednesday. I got veggies that last - carrots, squash etc.

    DH is doing the ovens. Slowly I'm doing the kitchen fridge and freezer. Counter tops and sinks will get done on Wednesday by DD#2 and DH. Plus they will do most of the cooking. I made a list of "to do" and I put myself down to cook two things. Everything will get done in time. I'm pacing myself to not wear myself out or over do it. But it hurts to know that I can't do so much. Under normal circumstances I could have worked in the kitchen all day today and cooked after work M and T. Oh well. I'm just grateful for the extra few days before the injections again on Friday.

    Gorgeous out today - sunny, blue sky and high 60s. Similar for tomorrow. Tuesday chance of snow and low 40s Tuesday and Wednesday. Then warming up starting on Thursday into next week.

    Have a good Sunday.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    I confess I came here to read Sandy's wine lists Nerdy ; and thank you for posting the sherry info on the dinner thread.
    I hope everyone is doing well and the worst of the storms have passed. DH and I managed a walk today and I could not get over how perfect (for me) the weather was--44, light cool breeze off the ocean and clouds, glorious clouds. If anyone knows of a place that is mostly like this, do tell. I'm bracing myself for spring/summer but I am going kicking and screaming.

    Karen, best to you on your new journey o cancer. I'm so sorry you have to deal with it. Your DH sounds like a dream.

    Goldie, I hope you're feeling better. Our neighbor down the block has covid and I tried to rush past her on our walk 2 days ago. She was outside, tending her yard.

    Our daffodils and crocus and grape hyacinth are in full bloom; primroses, trees budding (achooooooooo) and I've mowed the lawn twice already.

    I will be having kirkland cabernet in the 1.5 liter bottle. Not the whole bottle, LOL.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I had a nice get-together with the cousins and one Auntie. Mom is still coughing and sick, I think she's caught something on top of the COVID, and I convinced her to stay home. Then I stopped at her apartment to take her phone off mute, again, magically fixing it so she can get calls and texts until she messes with it and turns the mute on again. This is the fourth cell phone she's gotten that's "not working right" the same way, the mute gets turned on and she doesn't get calls. I flat out told her yesterday it's not the phone, it's her fingers. She thought it was funny. The Auntie that came to brunch has Alzheimer's, didn't recognize any of us but she was recognizing her daughter. She was smiling and laughing with us as we told family stories, so it looked like she had a good time.

    The puppers didn't seem to mind my being away Sunday, at least not after getting the slices of bacon I brought home for them. Sometimes I wonder if they like me for me, or for the food and treats I bring!

    I wasn't in the HTL last Friday because my computer froze up and I couldn't get on before work. Then I didn't think of it once I got home, I jumped right into classwork. I'd love to get a laptop, it would be way more comfortable doing computer work in the recliner than at the desk.

    Karen--being able to give over control of some of the cleaning and cooking to DH is a real gift. I hope you get something for your tummy and can eat comfortably soon. I'd gladly donate some of my weight to you if that was a possibility.

    Chi--Wow, that was quite the tasting! It reads like a multi-course meal! Just a sip or two of each wine and I would be seriously snookered.

    Karen--I can see where drinking brown strawberry stuff would be off-putting. They do say we eat first with our eyes, second with our nose and third with our tongue. I can imagine it's hard to tell the story over and over again. I'm sure your friends will understand you not wanting to talk about it.

    Morning, Sunshine! You know we aren't judgmental about drinking here, drinking or dry, all are welcome!

    Karen--it sounds like things are coming together. I'm hoping you will feel more settled after the transplant doc appointment. We had some pretty serious winds here over the weekend, but no real damage, just a few more branches down in the backyard.

    Chi--I hope you didn't lose power, but it sounds like you were all set up if you did.

    Goldie--so sorry to hear you got caught by the bug. At this point, COVID is as prevalent flu and colds and there's really no way to avoid it. I'm sorry it's messing up your travel plans.

    Teka--beautiful, if a tad cold for Spring.

    Illi--glad your COVID symptoms weren't too bad.

    Chi--that sounds like a scary evening!

    Morning, Wallycat!

    April Rain recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Sandy, glad your night was only scary and no tornado's or power outage!

    Karen, oh dear! Worried about your dog landing and being strung from a tree! I suppose it COULD happen! It soulds like you are going about things the right way and that you have help. Glad to hear you are not doing too much to wear yourself down. My tumbler I use is a metal one, and once the lid is on, I can't see what's inside of it. I wonder if that would help with your protein powder? Maybe try just a small amount, to see what it tastes like, if nothing else.

    Wallycat, now you must stay! We enjoy new loungettes at the Hot Tatties lounge.

    NM, your mom! Does she have to pay each time she gets a new phone? I mean like how they charge you for not keeping with the "current" plan? Hope she feels better soon. Glad you were able to give your Auntie some smiles. The puppers love you for you, and for rescuing them. They know mom will always have treats. And if you're giving away weight, you have to share that too, I need some as well!

    Well, I'm convinced I do NOT have Covid. The first test had that very faint line by the "T", which means either false positive or false negative. That was Friday evening. I took another test Sat. morning, Sat night and Sun. morning....all Negative. So, I think I just have a good ole fashion cold. I did do a funny thing. Called Sat. morning to let the cancer center know I tested positive, only got voice mail. Went to call Sunday, from "recent" calls on my phone, to let them know it was positive 3 more times, only to learn that I had called my dentist's office and not the cancer center! They are both listed in my phone right next to each other.

    Going to be a windy one here today, 40-50 mile an hour winds with gusts up to 70's. I leave tomorrow for chemo and urologist on Wed.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited April 2023

    Goldie - glad it's not Covid and you can proceed with your week. (mixed blessing??)

    Karen - if you're still fighting the protein powder you have, you might try Beneprotein Instant Protein Powder by Nestle Health Science. It's unflavored, totally odorless, tasteless and dissolves instantly. It can be mixed with liquids, but also stirred into things like applesauce & mashed potatoes & cereal. You'll never know it's there. This is one MD Anderson recommends.

    Oh NM - Mom and the phone!!!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    Morning, everyone. COP (change of plans) for me. Wine on the weekends, dry during the week. We shall see. I did think it interesting that my MO said to go ahead with it if I enjoyed it. (What's it going to do to me? Give me CANCER? Too late!)

    Goldie, I hope you start feeling better very soon.

    Karen, sigh... I wish I could help. The Beneprotein sounds like a good idea. Do you have some kind of a non-see through cup with a straw? Could you drink it without having to look at it?

    NM, sounds like a fun weekend with family.

    To all the rest, I wish you a good Monday and a good start to your week.


  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, glad it is "just" a cold.

    We had gorgeous snow!!! It only lasted 10 minutes and won't stick but what a gorgeous sight!

    I'm dealing with the ineptness that is our healthcare system; more specifically idiots that run insurance billing and have people in the dept. that don't know how to do arithmetic, much less keep promises.

    Hope to get a walk in. Dinner will be a repeat (except noodles vs rice) and the kirkland cabernet. It isn't horrible and certainly, affordable.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Well, the hospital messed up my appointment that was supposed to be this morning. Thankfully they figured it out before I left. I was working at home on professional development till time to leave. They scheduled me for an Ultrasound again instead of the nuclear CT scan. So now the nuclear CT scan is next Wednesday. I go for injection of whatever then come back 3 hours later for the scan.

    Tired from working today and there were no kiddos as it was a professional development/work day. Wonder what tomorrow will bring. I'm glad to have this week to feel good at the sedars. But I'm worried about how I'll handle work once I start the injection chemo again on Fridays, starting this Friday. I put up gefilte fish while making dinner (just put the gefilte fish roll in a pan of boiling water, cover with foil and cook for an hour or so. Going to also make meatballs in a bit. That might be the end of my cooking. DH will cook the brisket tomorrow and the chickens on Wednesday. Will figure out who is making what side dish.

    DD is in Atlanta awaiting her flight to Denver. It scheduled to leave in just over 20 minutes. She wants "real" food to eat when she gets home. I made stir fry veggie rice for dinner tonight with enough for leftover for 2!!!

    Better get the meatballs up before I crash. Been up since 4:45!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    I am feeling better, thank you everyone.

    WallyCat, if I remember correctly, you like it on the cool side? Not me! No I do not like when we hit our triple digits, but I'll take it over snow, cold or rain.

    Karen, don't think so far in the future. Especially when you don't how you are going to fee. Remember, "one day at a time" my friend. So glad your DD will be there soon. Enjoy your time together, I'm sure that will help you feel better, if nothing else, emotionally.

    Not sure if I will have time to post while I'm gone, if not, I should be back online Thursday or Friday. I also put in a complaint with the AZ health department in regards to the last urologist I saw. We'll see.

    CheerZ all and huggles!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Yes, Goldie, I'm the one that thrives in cold. Anything about 66 and I wilt. It is really difficult for me in the summer because out here, heat pumps are used as "air conditioners." Who ever dreamed that up should be castrated. In WI, I could set the a/c to 64. I'm told a heat pump cannot/should not be set lower than 70-71. You can see the problem.

    I enjoy reading all your posts. You gals are so well adjusted and brave. I need to do my MGUS labs in May and I am already having small meltdowns. I told DH stress will kill me and he'll probably out live me (sad, considering he is 17 years older and has metastatic prostate cancer...which is stressing me out!!).

    Glad you are on schedule with your medical stuff, Goldie.

    Karen...drool on home made gefilte fish. I only ever had the jarred stuff when we first came to America (I was 5ish) and loved it!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    Dinner was a success tonight. My eldest child decided they wanted to learn how to cook, and DH has been teaching them his standard recipes. This evening they made a chicken stir fry, that came out quite well. DH said that the sauce was a bit too thick, but the flavors were excellent. They felt very proud of themselves.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Lori - I know - one day at a time and stay in the present.

    Miriandra - nice that DH is teaching your eldest to cook. How old?

    Pushed myself a little too much yesterday. I was wiped by 9pm. Also waited up for DD#2 to get home - DH made the treck to the airport. They got here at midnight which is what I predicted. 4.5 hours sleep is not quite enough!!! From leaving her apartment to getting to our house - DD#2 travel was 29 hours - flight time about 25 hours. WAs so nice to get a big hug. I'm sure she will be exhausted today as she generally doesn't sleep when she has an early morning flight. The taxi picked he up at 4am. She doesn't go to bed till 12:30 or 1:00am.

    Cold and snow in the forecast, but only up to 2" for the city. 30 degrees colder than yesterday. By Thursday warming up to the 70s next week. Not ready for that heat yet.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Karen, I'm so glad your DD is there and arrived safely. I think that was worth over doing it a little! We'll let it slide this time. I hope she can get some rest today and you as well, unless you have to work. ENJOY your baby girl my friend.

    WallyCat, I was going to ask where you live, but you mentioned WI. Never heard of a heat pump and of course, one would think you use it to "heat". Do that do that as well? I have what is called a swamp cooler. It won't cool as much as you would like it or an AC, but it cools enough to make me comfortable. I'm totally off grid and on solar, and AC would use up all my power.

    Miriandra, how nice that your eldest WANTS to learn to cook. I know you have told us if you have boys or girls and their ages, but I don't remember.

    Off to Phoenix this morning. Getting the greenish/yellow discharge from the nose now, which confirms to me even more that it's just a cold, or sinus infection perhaps.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Karen, so glad you have your DD. That's as bad as a flight to Japan or Hong fun until you get to your destination. Enjoy her visit.

    Goldie, I lived in WI for over 40 years. I now live in the PNW. Hope your trek for chemo goes smoothly. All my older friends cannot tolerate cold. I keep holding out that something in my metabolism/system will switch and I'll appreciate hot weather...and waiting...

    I'm not sure what the weather will be today; maybe some rain, which means clouds, which means I'll be happy. Not that we get to pick that or health crap. If DH and I can get a walk in each day, I consider it a success.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    My eldest is 16 and nonbinary. My other kiddo is a 12 y/o boy. He's starting to take a little bit of an interest in cooking, but not as much. They both are getting handy with omelets and grilled cheese sandwiches.

    Karen, I hope you're back on your feet quickly. Have fun with your family!

    Safe travels and hoping for an easy treatment, Goldie.

    Denver is getting another spring snow today. DH says it's a blizzard south of us in Colorado Springs. I'm so done with winter! It was gorgeous yesterday, and I'm looking forward to it being gorgeous again eventually.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, We had a swamp cooler in Okla. I almost electrocuted myself filling it with water once. It's too wet here for one to work. Heat pumps are used a lot here but I don't understand how they can heat and cool.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2023

    We had a swamp cooler when we lived on a top-floor 1 BR apt. in married-student housing at UW Seattle. Our bldg. (likely designed by UW architecture students who flunked) not only had inadequate wiring for A/C, but also crank-open vertical casement windows and no cross-ventilation (a wall between the south-facing living room and north-facing bedroom). At least we had some tall trees shading the bedroom. The swamp cooler barely worked because it required ice, which our tiny dorm-size fridge could crank out only a tank at a time. We used to retreat to the Life Sciences bldg. across the street and hang out in the lounge, which had A/C and a gorgeous view south to Mt. Rainier (when it wasn't shrouded in clouds). We'd cook freeze-dried dinners over the bunsen burner in Bob's lab and then take the food upstairs to the louge, which also had a soda vending machine.

    At my office in Bellevue (newly built), we had a heat pump which worked pretty well all year. Of course, summers were never very hot nor winters very cold. My next-door neighbor converted his furnace and central A/C to a heat pump, and he says it works well. He already had ductwork for forced-air heating (we have a boiler & radiators instead, and have to resort to window A/C units) so the expense wasn't too great. For us, the ductwork alone--even for those high-wall-mounted A/Cs--would run over $10K.

    For the curious, heat pumps work like regular external central A/C units for cooling, and extract heat from the outside air for heating, As cold as it gets here, there's still enough heat in the air for a powerful unit to heat a house.

    Sun. when we went out to Gibson's for lunch, I had a flute of a rosé cremant de Limoux (near Bordeaux) bubbly. Bob had Sancerre with our oysters and The Prisoner red blend with steak. I've teetotaled since then and likely will until mini-Seder (where wine is mandatory).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Passover starts tomorrow night. I won't be on the computer Wednesday night through Saturday night. The 1st sedar is 4 of us - DH, DS, DD#2 and me. 2nd sedar is 3 - DS has to work. DH and DD#2 will do a lot of cooking tomorrow as well as clean the house. She went to the grocery store today and made Passover cookies with Almond Flour. Friday she will make chicken soup. She really is a good cook/baker and likes to cook/bake. For a Mom who didn't like to cook with the kids cuz it slowed me down, all my kids are good cooks.

    Dreading chemo on Friday based on the first one. I sure hope the side effects are not cumulative like TAC chemo was for me. DD#2 is coming with me.

    I'll probably check in tomorrow morning before work.

    Sweet dreams.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Yesterday was quite the day. Started at a little after 2 ayem when Mom called to tell me she'd called an ambulance because she was having horrible burning pain in her throat and chest that got worse every time she coughed. I met her in the ER waiting room, she gets taken in after a couple of hours, EKG, lab work, chest x-ray all ok, so they decide she's having reflux and treat her for that with IV medication and a GI cocktail that included a numbing agent to calm things down. But, the burning doesn't get better, so they shift over to chest pain treatment protocol and ended up keeping her in the hospital for a stress test and observation. Around 9 ayem I headed for home and some sleep. From 11 ayem to 1 peeyem Mom keeps accidentally calling me on her cell phone while trying to look up a phone number for someplace she has an appointment. She knows where to go, but doesn't know the name of the people or the name of the company, or the name of the supporting/affiliated organization, just that they do taxes for free for elderly people. And it's in the same building that has lunches for elderly twice a week. Sigh. Last evening when I tried to call her to see what was going on her phone went to voice mail, the battery is probably dead, and no one picked up in the room when I called through the switchboard. So I need to take a phone charger to her this ayem and find out what is going on. I'm sure I'd have heard from the hospital if something was going on. Of course, there is an ice/sleet/freezing rain storm coming in this afternoon. Just what's needed about the time I expect I'll be taking her home. What really surprised me was how much she either didn't remember or was not admitting about her health history. She actually tried to tell the ER nurse that she has never had an upper endoscopy when she has had several, including ones to stretch out her esophagus, all of which is VERY relevant to why she was there. I have got to get my hands on her hospital discharge paperwork and make sure I know what medications she is (supposed to be) taking and find out exactly what doctors she is seeing and when. She clearly can't really manage it all on her own anymore.

    The puppers were awfully good about the middle of the night phone call thing. They got right up when I told them I needed to get up, and went straight to their crates when I let them out of the bedroom. I was able to be out the door in less than 10 minutes! I've got to get them some special treats today. I know they won't remember to connect those with yesterday's behavior, but it will make me feel better!

    Ok, I'm going to stop here, and head in to the office early and catch up on some stuff that was due yesterday and get a jump on today's stuff so I can leave early or at least duck out for a while during the day to take care of Mom.

    I'll play ketchup tomorrow.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Kim - sorry to hear that your mom is in the hospital. Be sure to take care of yourself too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Miriandra, what is with this nonbinary crap. Nothing against your child, my friend's g'daugh claims the same thing and I have 2 gay brothers. I mean you are born male or female, period! Then you can heterosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, whatever you choose. But you are still male or female! Where do they come up with this stuff. I think it's a fad!

    WallyCat, I'm from MI and I just do not like the cold and snow. Like I said, I don't like the real hot weather we get, but I'll take it over the cold. Perfect temp for me would 70-75.

    Oh dear Wren. Mine is hooked up to faucet, so I just turn that on and there's no electrical stuff in the part that has the water, as I do have to clean it. Certainly glad you escaped that! They do not work in humid climates.

    Sandy, I wouldn't imagine a swamp cooler working too well in Seattle, for reasons I mention above. I just heard about adding the ice last year. I tried it, but it gets so hot here and when the sun starts hitting that side of the house, it melts that ice pretty quick!

    Karen ha ha, a mom that didn't cook with the kids cuz they slowed you down! I only remember radiation having cumulative effects, not chemo.

    NM, quite a day indeed. Sorry to hear about mom and hope she is ok. Is she or would she, be defiante about having dementia? I'm sure, you as a nurse, would have all kinds of tips and tricks to help her with certain things, but then you can't be there 24/7 to monitor.

    I did hear back from the AZ Dept. of Health. Urology appt. today and then home.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Ladies, I don't know about you, but I like knowing where people live. When BCO made this change over a year ago, my location disappeared. So, I assumed it was something that BCO took away. So, on the complaint thread, someone mentioned, and I noticed, their location was there. So, I went to my settings and low and behold, mine was set to private, I did not do that. So with just a click of a button, my location is now there. So, if anyone would like to do that, it's a simple fix.

    If you are very very private, which some people are, that's ok too. This IS a public forum.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    NativeMainer, your mother is very fortunate to have you as her daughter. The recent experience was too stressful to be humorous.

    Goldie, I find it interesting that you live "off the grid." I occasionally watch a tv show about building off the grid. We have solar panels on our house that reduced our electrical bill to zero for about five years now. But we are away during the summer with storm shutters covering the windows.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, no offense taken at all. I have my own thoughts about the upsurge in nonbinary and such. My eldest was born female, and was quite a girly-girl when she was little. They decided they were "trans" around 8th grade, and have since started using the "nonbinary" term. I absolutely believe that trans individuals are real, but they start knowing they're different early on when they're in kindergarten or before. My kiddo was not in that category.

    In the early days of the trans rights movement, TRAs (trans rights activists) felt the need to come up with rigid descriptions of men and women so they could have check boxes to prove that they were "real men" or "real women". Unfortunately, the side effect is that those check boxes have been inflicted on the rest of us. Now mainstream people are being held up to these standards as well. For some, this isn't a problem as they fit on their own. And for men who are steeped in toxic gender roles who like the passive little ladies at their side, this return to enforced gender dynamics is to their advantage.

    But for those of us who don't fit the boxes, it's not as easy. We can't simply be a human being with their own fashion tastes, their own hobbies and interests, and their own personalities, who just happen to have an XX or XY genetic code. If we're not a "MAN" or a "WOMAN", we have to be something else. And thus was born the idea of nonbinary individuals and gender spectrum - all the something-else's.

    A lot of children, especially girls, have been embracing nonbinariness. I see it as them escaping the stifling gender restrictions our society has become so burdened with. If you're a boy, you like sports, guns, and video games; you can't wear anything that remotely looks like a dress or skirt, no makeup, nothing close to pink colored. If you're a girl, you follow celebrities, wear makeup, act cute, and don't have any ambition or competitive nature. If you don't fit neatly into either of those boxes, you're a freak and you need to change yourself to conform.

    I am a cis woman, and I feel like a woman in my brain. But I don't wear makeup and couldn't care less about celebrity gossip. I have experienced a well-meaning person, with love in their heart, tell me I was actually a trans man because I wasn't "womanly". That is what nonbinary people are escaping - those restrictive, unreasonable definitions of male and female. That's why so many girls in particular are turning to a nonbinary presentation. They don't want to be saddled with the garbage that comes with being a high school girl - being sexually objectified, being valued less for her intelligence, being labeled a dyke if they're competitive or athletic, being seen as prey and vulnerable.

    Personally, I would get rid of all of it and let people be themselves. You're a dude who wants to wear fingernail polish - no problem. That blue iridescent gloss looks great. You're a woman who rules the basketball court and only wears cargo pants - rock on. Strict gender conformity is stupid and limiting. Very few people benefit from it, and a lot of people suffer needlessly because of it. Just go be human person. That's all we really need.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, I think nonbinary is defined as how one identifies to you can be born male or female but not identify as the sex you are born (or were assigned). I'm not well versed on any of that either.

    I had a petite sirah, Bogle with my burritos last night.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    I blush as I admit this, but I recently looked up nonbinary since I had an inkling about the meaning but wasn't positive! I just turned 80 and I'm wondering if there were trans kids during my growing up years. We had a woman we all called Miss Mae in our rural neighborhood. She dressed like a man, walked like a man, talked in a brusque manner, lived back in the woods with a bunch of dogs. And everybody accepted her as a nonconformist "character."

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Carole, I see you got your location up, thank you! My DH and I had only dirt out here...and rocks! There is nothing. We lived in an RV for 5 years, ran our business out of 2 conex and made an office out of an old 59 gutted airstream. Had to do things in the order of importance...the buisness. Solar, eventually getting a well, we hauled water for many years, property fenced, bought a manufactured home, 5 bedrooms/3 baths. Totally gutted it and made it our own, 2 bedroom/2 bath. 2 warehouses, a small garage. Our water is on gravity. Not sure what I'm missing, I think that's everything. DH and I did most of the house, working on the weekends only, took us 18 months. Been out here for 22 years.

    Miriandra, great explaination, but I like your last paragraph best! My gosh, I think it just used to LGB, then we got LGBT, not sure where it's at these days! Just saw one that is LGBTQ+....from the web "LGBTQ+ | An acronym for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer" with a "+" sign to recognize the limitless sexual orientations and gender identities used by members of our community." I guess they will be adding an "N" to that, unless it falls under the "+". Good grief!

    Carole, I'm certain there were at the very least gay people back in the day, but it was such a big no no and not talked about. The rest, not sure.

    Both my brothers that are gay new at a very young age they were gay. The youngest kept it a secret and didn't come out until my other brother And he (the older one) fought it, got married, had 2 beautiful girls and now a beautiful grand baby (Nora) and the new one in August. When the girls were still quite little, 8/11 maybe, he started engaging with other gays on internet, and ended up divorcing, dating men and eventually got married to his current husband. Younger brother has been with his parner even longer, just not married.

    NM, I hope all is ok and you are just busy or having internet issues.

    OK, kidney update. I like the PA very much. He was very attenative and answered any questions I had, explained so many things, so a little overwhelming there. He did not mention a stint, but I need to have a CT scan and we go from there. May suggest going in with a camera, much like how they put in a catheter (fun fun, NOT). If you recall, when I had that emergency surgery, scar tissue wrapping around my bowels. He said that scar tissue could have something to do with this kidney issue. But we really won't know anything until the CT. I know my MO wants me to have a CT and Nuclear Bone, so I will speak to him, get orders for those and do them all at the same time. I absolutely HATE getting scans. I don't want to know, I feel fine!

    Well, let me see if I can find a DOTD!