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how about drinking?



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    Good morning, all.

    Wrenn, your trip sounds like fun, even with the crazy weather.

    Karen, it feels weird, sometimes, to tell people that we're not exactly well. I mean, we don't necessarily look like we're sick. I've had a few people ask about the cane, and I never know how much to say. Do I go into detail about all the places in my body that are being eaten by the cancer?

    I feel for your DD#2 I think that if she could see you in person, it might help just a little, so I'm glad she's coming home for Passover.

    Goldie, thank you for the morning laughs!

    I'm sorry I can't remember everything else that everyone wrote.

    Here's my morning poem, courtesy of a card my DH got from his grandmother years ago.

    "First you lean, then you stoop,
    Getting old is pigeon poop"!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Nice poem Sunshine! LOL

    We've all heard of "not my circus, not my monkeys.

    "Not my bull, not my bullsh!t"

    This is a new one on me! LOL!

    May be an image of bird and text that says 'NOT MY coop NOT MY poop Not Today Clucker'

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    goldie, those are good. It feels good to laugh!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Lori - thanks for the update on Chevy. Great jokes

    Sunshine, DD#2 bought a ticket for Passover, because there were limited seats. She is going to call us tomorrow to decide if she will come home for Pesach or later in the summer.

    Starting to really stress about Monday - about 36 hours till I start treatment. I read all the information on Revlimid and it scared it scares me. But just want to get the show on the road. Have a few questions for the hematologist. DH said he asked at last appointment if we wanted to meet the transplant oncologist. I don't remember this, The reason to have DH with me. Yes, I want to meet with the transplant doctor sooner than later. I want to know timelines - when is bone marrow biopsy after finishing induction chemo and how long after that is the stem cell transplant. Life as I know it now will never be the same.

    Sweet dreams

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    Thanks for the laughs! Laughing is so good for us. Love, Not my bull, Not my bullshit. I will pass that on. I have a couple of siblings who raise cows, one who owns a bull.

    Hugs, Karen.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited March 2023

    Goldie - so wonderful that you got to talk to Chevy. Sounds like good news about the independent living change and that her daughters are both around helping her settle. Thanks for letting her know how much we all care.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Carole, glad you can share with your siblings! Laughing is good for the soul.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Nothing to report on my end. Other than some Nora, but I have to do that from my phone. BRB!

    JAM Paper Slogan To Live By Cocktail Napkins, 40ct.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited March 2023

    Oh Nora is adorable as usual!!! Thanks for posting

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Lori - your niece is beautiful and Nora is such a cutie.

    I had one of my very close girlfriend for dinner. We were talking about treatment etc and she asked what would be wrong if I had to retire? I told her I wanted it to be on my terms, my choice - she got it. The look on her face when we were talking about stem cell transplant - wow - she is an anesthesiologist so she knows medicine. Right now, I can't go there beyond is it a given and if so when after finishing chemo. 10 hours till I start treatment and my life changes even more than it did with BC - 17 years older and not nearly as healthy - so many more things going on. MY gf says that they are all related but I need her to explain more. She will check on us tomorrow.

    I'm in a weird space right now. DH and I were going to tell our brothers tomorrow and not I'm not sure I want to tell anyone else including our brothers. I know I should, but....

    DD#2 is coming home for Passover - she bought a ticket last night and got a great price and we talked this morning. She asked if we wanted her to come home and I told her she needed to do what made her feel best and that we would never tell her not to come home - so she said I guess I'm coming. I know she is so worried. She will miss one day of classes. It will be nice to have her here. She was going to go to one of her friend's houses for the first part of Passover and my gf who was here tonight for the end.

    Well, it's late. I should probably go to bed shortly. I will update tomorrow sometime.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! The puppers and I enjoyed a very lazy weekend after a crazy busy week at work. For the first time in a long time I totally unplugged from work stuff on line, didn't check email or anything from Friday evening on. I don't intend to check anything until I get to the office this ayem, but If I get messaged between now and 8 ayem I'll go ahead and hook back up. Unless I'm driving to work then it will wait until I get there. Having the printer going out and all the other tech problems that have come up last week was a real pain to work around.

    Karen--Mom is doing ok dealing with Dick's death. I'm sure the under the desk ellipitical will have much effect on the PET/CT. so hard when something interferes with what you normally do and enjoy.

    Goldie--interesting info about Strega Liqueur! Mom's done reasonably well about calling twice a day. It's a mystery why she can call out to some people but not others at any given time. And she doesn't get incoming calls at all, and it's not just the family that's getting frustrated with it now.

    Jazzy--Happy Belated Birthday! The violence in schools is getting scarier and scarier. And more and more of it is happening close to home, even here in Maine.

    Mirandra--I'm glad your kids aren't being upset by the nearby violence.

    Minus--thank you.

    Chi--good advice for Karen regarding protein shakes.

    Jazzy--the wine bag to ice bucket looks very clever!

    Goldie--we're getting a lot of melting around here, too, happy to see the ground under the snow again, but not so crazy about the mud and slush in the meantime. Glad to hear you found a new urologist. I hope they work out for you. I love Chai, will have to check out the Chai Massage!

    Karen--smh at the walk-out, mental health day situation. Things get so complicated so fast.

    Wren--Mom is doing ok regarding Dick's death. Her quarantine is over and she is feeling better now, just very tired all the time and that's slowing her down, but that's typical of COVID. She is calling more or less once a day, so I can kind of keep track of things. I bet the train trip was nice. I'd love to try one someday.

    Karen--you must be a little relieved now that everyone in the family is up to date. The PET/CT results sound good. At least the results were reported to you right away. I believe that the right people are put in our path when we need to talk about something or deal with something, I'm betting the acquaintance you met in the parking lot is someone like that for you. Hugs.

    Goldie--thanks for the update on Chevy. When you hear back from her please give her my love and condolences. She must be devastated.


    Miriandra--indeed, what is the point of the video without an ingredient list?

    Carole--good morning! I wonder if Chevy will move, too.

    Goldie--that is good news about Chevy! Thanks for sharing! Love the psychic martini! Love those comments!!

    Sunshine--Love the Pigeon Poop rhyme!

    Goldie--too funny! Where did you find it?

    Karen--good thing you do take DH along. No one remembers everything they are told in a situation like this, having a back up is essential. Hugs.



    1 oz. (30ml) Coconut Rum

    2 oz. (60ml) Melon Liqueur

    2 oz. (60ml) Sweet & Sour

    1 oz. (30ml) Vodka

    1 oz. (30ml) Blue Curaçao

    3 oz. (90ml) Blue Gatorade (or any blue sports drink)

    Garnish: Lime wheel, Cherry


    1. In a shaking glass with ice, combine coconut rum, melon liqueur, and sweet & sour mix. Shake well.

    2. Strain mix into serving glass over ice, filling about halfway. Set aside.

    3. In a separate shaking glass with ice, combine vodka, blue sports drink, and blue curaçao. Shake well.

    4. Strain blue mix over green mix and garnish with a lime wheel and a cherry.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Karen, you can tell your brothers when and if you decide, or anyone else for that matter. You don't have to make those choices right now. Good luck and huggles for today.

    NM, glad you had a nice relaxing/lazy weekend. I can't help but chuckle when you tell your mom stories! The funnies, I ran across on FB.

    Jazzy, I hope your birthday celebrations were awesome. Happy birthday again.

    Yes, Nora and mom are beautiful, thank you. I told my niece that she certainly can't have a cuter baby than Nora! It dawned on me yesterday, the hummingbirds will be here any day now, so I need to get a feeder out. I did tell Chevy that several of the gals here have been asking about her. I also told her she needed to come back. Maybe once she gets settled she will return. I was amazed at how well she sounded, given the circumstanses, very upbeat.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    Beautiful photo of mom and child.

    Thinking of Karen.

    Happy Monday to all. It's a nice rainy Monday here.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Karen - I think you should tell who you want to. I was very private about my bc diagnosis.. I have certain people who are not helpful and can sometimes demand of me to update them when I just trying to survive anything hard. You have time to share later 🙏

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Oh and thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes. I had a lot of fun this year 🎂

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    I am choosing to tell who I want and when (after I posted this, I thought this sounds harsh but I don't mean it to be, just don't know how else to work it. I appreciate you all so much.. There are a couple friends that I do want to tell, but not sure if I want to all or just text. Time will tell. No rush as I will be in this for quite some time to come. It was my mood last night. My brother and I were very close growing up but not for the past 35+ years. It's better now than it was, but DH feels that he should know but DH respects my wishes. I'm really lucky to have such a great DH and 3 great kids and SIL. I always say I had a great role model in my late mother. I'm glad that she is not seeing me have to go through this, but I miss being able to talk to her about it. I know she is looking down and wrapping her love around me.

    Good visit with the hematologist. He answered all my questions. He is referring us to a transplant doctor for a consult- her speciality is multiple myeloma. Really liked what I read on the website and her video. Hematologist prescribed two additional meds and is putting me on Zometa - I think monthly. No more Prolia. I will get Zometa at second chemo as it needs pre-approval from my insurance and there wasn't enough time today. Felt okay, but tired for a couple hours after the two injections but then started feeling lousy - took a Zofran at 4:30 and will take another when I go to bed. The Revlimid is also taken at bed. The two new meds are Singular to take for 3 days starting day of injection and Albuterol inhaler as needed. Hope I feel better tomorrow. We moved chemo to Fridays so next one is not till April 7th. I see the hematologist monthly but have labs weekly. So total meds I'm taking for the MM are 9 Rx (2 are PRN) and 3 OTC. Plus the meds I've been taking. Don't even want to figure out that total. I'm a walking pharmacy. Happy

    All my kids checked in with me today, including my SIL. Thankfully by text so I didn't have to talk.

    Still waiting for the neck CT scan to be scheduled. Endocrinologist called me last Tuesday to say it was being ordered. I'd have to look at my patient portal to see when I was actually sent. I may call tomorrow or send message on the portal.

    Starting back to see my Nephrologist. The only appointment he has before the end of June is a telehealth appointment in about 2 1/2 right after chemo #3. I don't want to wait 3 months.

    When I asked hematologist about stem cell transplant - was it a given, he said I can't force you to do it, but it's best to do it when I'm healthier and not doing it can cause more damage to my kidneys. I wasn't questioning doing the SCT, but more wanted to know timelines. The next bone marrow biopsy will be 2-4 after finishing the 4 cycles of chemo in mid July.

    i ordered flavor free protein powder. I will added to a smoothie, teal or water to help maintain my weight and not loose more. I'm eating but not a lot.

    I texted my brother to ask him to call me when he has time in the next couple days. He is Eastern time in Ohio (2 hours earlier than mountain time) and he wanted to know how late I would be up. I told him 10 or 10:30 and that I'm up quite early. DH will call his brother tomorrow.

    DD#2 will be here for two of my chemos. I will have her go to #2 - I think she will like that. They only allow one visitor. It shouldn't be more than an hour total. She did well on the final on her birthday that she thought she failed. She was so happy and proud of herself. Dad and I are also proud of her - even when she doesn't do well on a test or in the class. It's a very hard program and she is doing it in he second language.

    Cold, cold today. Didn't walk at all today when DH walked. Wasn't feeling good enough in the afternoon and after dinner, I was slightly better but it was COLD. Anymore I'm a wimp in the cold. Also, I didn't want to push the limits too far. Hopefully I'll be up to walking tomorrow.

    Thanks for all your kind words, wishes and prayers. It is really appreicated.

    Sweet dreams.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Temps actually got over 50 yesterday, it was absolutely marvelous. So much more ground is visible as the snow melts, and so much mess being uncovered, but I'm ignoring that for now. The puppers seem to like having more mud and dirt to run through, they can get better traction and move faster while chasing each other and the big fat gray squirrel who likes to tease them. I wish I had that kind of energy!

    Goldie--thanks for the update on Chevy. I do hope she comes back when she gets settled. It will be a bit longer before the hummingbirds come back here, usually in May, I think, but I've got to check with my birding friends to be sure. But it is time to get the hummer feeders out and cleaned up and ready to go. Nora and her mom are really beautiful!

    Morning, Carole! Stay dry!

    Jazzy--good advice for Karen.

    Karen--it's your body, and your experience, so you get to decide who gets told what and when. Everyone has opinions about who should and shouldn't be told and when and how, but only you can make those decisions. Do what works for you. It will all work out. There's nothing wrong with keeping something private while you adjust and go through the tough part of the learning curve. The regimen you describe is a lot of medication, I am praying it all helps you feel better as it gets going. Hugs. So glad DD#2 did well on her final!

    Classic Mudslide


    • 1 ounce* vodka
    • 1 ounce coffee liqueur (like Kahlua)
    • 1 ½ ounces Irish cream (like Baileys)
    • 1 ½ ounces heavy cream (or 2 scoops vanilla ice cream and ½ cup ice*)
    • For the garnish: Shaved chocolate (optional), chocolate sauce for the rim (optional)


    1. Classic Mudslide: If desired, spread the chocolate sauce on a plate and carefully dip in the cocktail glass rim. Place the vodka, coffee liqueur, Irish cream, and heavy cream in a cocktail shaker. Add 2 handfuls of ice and shake until cold. Strain the drink into a cocktail glass. Garnish with shaved chocolate if desired.
    2. Frozen Mudslide: Place the vodka, coffee liqueur, Irish cream, vanilla ice cream and ice in a blender. Blend until smooth and pour into a tall glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Karen, you can tell your brother when and IF you so choose. My mom did not know of my stage IV diagnosis, I did not tell her. Her health was not that good and she would have hounded me daily with "how are feeling", "when do you go to the doctors again", etc. etc. etc. When I was taking multiple pills, I would tell my DH I rattle like a pill bottle! I was pretty sure your DD would do well on her final. Congrats to her. My ick days, which aren't bad, don't hit for about 3 days.

    NM, that pesky squirrel! I'm sure they have fun chasing it around. We have lots of flooding in AZ with all the snow melt. I too hope Chevy comes back. If she doesn't, it would be because she too busy, with her new life and all that the new place will have to offer.

    Taking my car in again tomorrow, getting that bumper fixed from when I backed into my split rail fence, and they said it needed some sort of hood assembly. Said the hood almost came down on the mechanics head when he was working on it. 😯

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    Nothing much to add except to say that you all are the best. Karen, I wish we could all surround you with a big hug.

    I'm off to get a PT eval today. I think (again) I have the Medicare thing figured out. Getting Part A, holding off on B, D, and any other supplement plans. I will stay on DH's insurance until he retires. I do have a backup plan, though. We have a bank customer of his and she said she would either marry me or adopt me if DH gets hit by the beer truck. Sorry for the gallows humor. The "getting hit by the beer truck" was an expression that our financial planner used. We thought it was funny. DH doesn't drink, but didn't Mrs. Doubtfire say that it was the drink that killed her husband? (It was a Guinness truck, as I recall.)

    Love to all of you ladies,


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Today has been an up and down day. Mid day I felt pretty decent. But I tire out easily. I vacuumed the 2 basement bedrooms and it wiped me out. I packed up a box of books (maybe 5 minutes to do), went for one walk with DH and made pizza and salad for dinner. Now I'm not feeling good. Heartburn, icky stomach and tired.

    My brother called me today - very weird phone call. I told him about the MM - we talked about it for a few minutes then he changed the subject. Mind you, he has health problems and is not well but the conversation was typical him. He did say he will call me after Passover.

    One of my gf texted me this evening to check in - we keep in touch by text every so often. Share news of our kids and her grandkids. She lives in RI so we don't see each other often. Actually we met in Israel several years ago when we were volunteering on the same program. I wrote her back and I told her about the MM. As soon as she read it, the phone rang. It was shortly after I hung up with my brother so I was on the phone for two 1/2 hour phone calls. I generally don't talk on the phone. I think this wore me out.

    Lori - did the car get fixed. Poor mechanic getting bonked on the head.

    Carol - hope all went well with the PT eval.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! It's hard to believe this week is half over. And even harder to realize the month is nearly over, and the first quarter of the year is nearly over. Which means lots and lots of quarterly work to do in April. But that's ok, at least now I have a good idea of what is needed and can get things going now and not be in a total crunch at the end of April. Then, just after April gets done, VACATION in May! I am soo looking forward to this trip!

    My cousin is coming home from Las Vegas this weekend to clean out the garage on her mother's (now her) property before selling it. Mom has got a bunch of stuff stored there that she says she's gone through, but I'm not sure she really has. Mom knows Laura is coming sometime and I'm supposed to tell her when so she can go "help" and Laura has asked me not to tell her because she has limited time and wants to just get it done so the sale can go through. Mom is still recovering from COVID, and gets so tired she can't do anything for more than 20 minutes, and it's an hour drive to the garage (not to mention she shouldn't be driving at all, let alone that far) so I'm not mentioning the Sunday brunch get together until Saturday evening, IF I can get through to her by phone to see if she wants to ride with me to the brunch. Gotta love the Mamma!

    Goldie--I think it will be good for Chevy to be in a new place with people around and things to do. I hope she can find peace and happiness with life again. That poor mechanic! I hope the hood thingy isn't a big job!

    Sunshine--LOL at the getting hit by a beer truck!

    Karen--Now that your brother knows it must take some of the pressure off your mind. He probably needs some time to process the info. So wonderful that your friend reached out to you like that.

    OK, I'm running late, had trouble dragging my butte out of bed this ayem, so I'm signing off. Have a good one, everyone!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The puppers and I are waking up to snow this morning. Again. I'm getting very tired of snow. At least its not supposed to amount to much. Then wind is supposed to pick up again. It was beautiful yesterday, almost warm enough to eat lunch outside, if the picnic table wasn't still an inch deep in snow. This can't last forever, can it?

    Goldie--My cousin will be here for a few days. She actually got in yesterday. I think she goes back Monday or Tuesday next week. The stuff that Mom has down there is stuff she hasn't unpacked or needed in more than 2 years now, and much of it was never really unpacked in the many years she lived with Dick. The majority of it is craft stuff, and a lot of it actually isn't even usable any more it's so old but Mom keeps thinking that "someone" can use it. Mom just can't throw away something unless it isn't usable, even if she will never use it. She keeps planning to have a yard sale or take stuff to Goodwill but it's clearly never going to happen. So it needs to go, and I am not going to bring it here to my place to store, which is what she keeps asking me to do. I'm having enough trouble getting rid of my own clutter! The Bright and Windy sounds yummy!

    Carole--Chevy's photos were beautiful! I hope she'll have some gardening space at the new place.

    Snowfall Cocktail

    1/4 whole vanilla pod

    1 1/2 oz vanilla flavored vodka

    1 1/2 oz cream or half-n-half

    1/2 oz sugar syrup

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    I've been taking it easy this week. Yesterday, DH and I went to the bank, another errand and I went for a short walk. DS came for dinner and I cooked salmon, quinoa and spinach salad. This is really an easy dinner with about 10 minutes prep. That was in the course of 12 hours. So I"m really not doing very much.

    As far as cleaning person - no need. Since my DH retired he has taken over most of the cleaning - he always helped. Before this MM, I was only cleaning the kitchen sinks and counters after cooking Shabbat dinner and vacuuming the floor. He will take over whatever I can't do. I said to him yesterday, that occasionally, might want someone to cook Shabbat dinner for us since chemo injections are moving to Fridays, DH said he could do the cooking. He really is a great cook. I've learned over the years to give up control and doing it all years ago. DD#2 was born 3 weeks before Passover and I was doing chemo 17 years ago.

    Being on spring break, I had originally planned to clean my kitchen - ovens, fridge, basement fridge, kitchen cabinet doors etc and begin cooking for Passover which begins next Wednesday night. Other than bringing up a few boxes (small) of Passover stuff I haven't done anything. If I feel good enough today, I will do the downstairs fridge. If I feel good on Sunday, I will do the upstairs fridge. I will rely on DH to do the rest. DD#2 gets in late Monday night so she can help cook on Tuesday and Wednesday and DH will also cook. I am keeping the menu simple.

    I need something besides the Zofran as it doesn't last 8 hours. I'm not nauseas per se - but stomach just isn't right. Makes it hard to eat. The protein powder I ordered arrived yesterday - it is flavorless so hopefully the powder will be palatable in water, oj, or a smoothies. I ordered a small bullet blender that is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I've got to do something to stop the weight loss. I'm eating, but I just can't eat that much at a meal and I have no desire to snack. My son took some of the candy I bought since I'm not eating it. I lost weight 17 years ago after Dx and during chemo, but I started out with about 25+ more pounds. I really can't afford to loose any weight. I don't remember when I was this low - I've only lost 3 or 4 pounds but that is till too much.

    Still waiting for insurance to pre-approve the CT of my neck and the Zometa. Endocrinologist submitted the referral for the CT scan on the 20th. Hematologist only submitted or Zometa on Monday. Waiting for the transplant oncologist office to call. I left a message yesterday, so hopefully I'll hear today.

    Foggy this morning but supposed to get near 60 but cooler tomorrow. Weather is supposed to be nice till Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Karen, you're still doing an amazing amount of work. So glad your DH can not only clean but cook. Will he help with the "chometz search?" (I'm Reform, so I've never done that, just put it in a different cabinet for Bob & the HK to eat); one Conservative shul suggests donating unused chometz--leavened or other grain or legume-based stuff--to one of the many "free fridges" that have popped up on the North Side for people to use in between trips to the food pantries.

    We went to Jose Andres' Bazaar Meat tonight, and did their huge tasting menu (5 courses, 13 tapas-size items--small enough and leisurely-paced to be manageable & delightful). Bob got the wine pairings, but the sommelier gave me smaller empty glasses so I could take 1/2-1 oz. from each pour. The pairings were nearly as expensive as the food, but all from the premium bottles in their cellar (which are quite costly even in stores if you can find them, and way more than we can afford to buy). Here are the wines:

    With the amuse bouche (nibbles) course, NV Bodegas Alonzo "Velo Flor" Sanlucar de Barrameda Manzanilla sherry (Andalucia). With the appetizers course, NV Moussé Fils "Effusion" rosé Champagne (Marne Valley), Pinot Meunier grape. With the first two items of the entree course, 2021 Peter Lauer "Fass & Senior" Riesling kabinett (Mosel-Saar Valley). Then 2013 Bodegas Ostatu Gran Reserva white Rioja, Viura grape. With the main (steak) course, 2016 Luis Rodriguez "A Torna Dos Pasas-Escolma" red from the Ribiero Galicia (Brancellao grape, Coravined from a magnum); tasted like a Spanish cross between a Côte-Rotie and a Burgundy. Finally, with dessert, two very different sweet sherries from the same grape (Moscatel) but different parts of Andalucia. From Malaga in the central south, at the foothills of the mountains on the Mediterranean side east of Gibraltar, 2016 Molino Real "MR," light, pale and delicate, almost floral; from Chipiona in the southwest along the Costa del Sol, NV Cesar Florido "Dorado," deep golden and viscous--a good match for chocolate.

    Water & coffee for me for the foreseeable future. (The details of the food--not too carby until the massive sugar-hit for dessert--are on the "Dinner" thread). Devoutly grateful that Medicare won't cover an a1c blood draw for another couple of weeks, till 4/12.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Sandy - we "sell" our chometz and close up our panty and cabinets. I used to clean them out and move to basement, but stopped after DH's CABG surgery at Purim. My counters are just more crowed with Pesach dishes etc. I do clean off the counter in the laundry room to put Pesach dry goods. My ovens and fridges get cleaned and the kitchen fridge is only kosher for Pesach. Yes, we do the search for chometz.

    Oncologist called in compazine for I'm alternating it and Zofran every 4 hours. I feel better when they are working. I tried the protein powder yesterday. A serving is 12 oz with 2 scoops, but I only drank 6 oz with one scoop. When I opened the jar and saw the powder I was just about, "nope, not trying this" - it is beige and smooth texture not grainy, but there is no taste so it's just getting over drinking something beige. I won't add it to smoothies as I don't want the color of my strawberry or other fruit smoothies to turn brown. For me it's all about look, texture before I can even get it in my mouth to taste. Unfortunately, the scale continues to go in the wrong direction.

    Still waiting on the pre-approval for the nuclear medicine CT scan of my neck and the pre-approval of the Zometa. Insurance paid for the Prolia the last time (only been on this insurance since Aug) so I'm sure this won't be an issue. I think the Zometa is going to be monthly. I called my insurance company yesterday. I don't have a "donut hole' so co-pay till I hit the catastrophic phase and then it is 5% of the Rx cost. My Rx cost will increase significantly - big time increase!!!

    Told one of my gf last night - it is hard to tell the "story" over and over again. He husband had leukemia twice and a stem cell transplant almost 17 years ago. I am writing a couple other girlfriends, but I dread if they call. I also want to tell my one cousin. It's getting overwhelming again and very scary.

    Spring break is over. I was going to do some reading for my work class that I haven't done. I still have time today and Sunday. I'm going to miss the next two classes due to Passover so hopefully the instructor will be okay with it. I think she will. I also need to start working on my two objectives that are part of my evaluation. That is not too much work. But I worry a little about having energy to do anything after work and it will be what it will be.

    I doubt I will get any Passover cooking done so I will have the menu and DH and DD#2 will do the cooking. Menu will be simple. Only need so much food for 3 or 4 people. The kitchen needs to get changed over and DH will help with the ovens and I will try to do the kitchen fridge. The counters and sink will get done by DH or DD.

    Have a great Friday.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    chisandy, did you keep a list of all of the pairings or do you just have an incredible memory? Or both?

    karen, thinking of you again, today. You have so much going on. I'm so glad your DH and your kids are good at helping you. On the subject of Zometa, I had it monthly in the beginning and now quarterly. The first infusion was rough. Pretty bad nausea the night/morning after. Never vomited, but just felt really bad. I think I had some Compazine, which didn't really help. The second infusion was better and after that it was basically a non-even. Some say to take something like Claritin the night before. I don't any more, but really don't have any problems with the drug now.

    I'm thinking of doing a dry April. That doesn't mean I won't be here. I can't keep away from this group!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Sunshine - thanks for your Zometa experience.

    I'm drinking the protein powder with water, but just 6oz as if I drink more, then I won't have room to eat anything. I lost weight with BC chemo (TAC) but I had weight I could loose - I've always say be careful what you ask for as I had wanted to loose 10# and get through menopause and I did, but now how I planned.

    DD#2 told DH that she would get me to eat. She said I needed to eat peanut butter during Passover - I did the last time during chemo. I will eat what I need to eat. During my BC chemo I ate whatever tasted good. I'm eating, just not a lot and I"m not snacking. The not snacking is probably the culprit for the weight loss.

    UHC approved the Zometa - I think it might be weekly - They approved it for a year. My vein on my left side is shot so I'm using my right arm - BC/axillary dissection. Oncologist said my risk of LE is 30% over my lifetime. BS said she only took out first layer to minimize risk of LE.

    Insurance pre-authorized the CT scan of neck and it's scheduled for this Monday. I also got an appointment with the transplant oncologist - but not till May 10th. That was her first opening. It took a lot of perseverance on my part, dialed the number 10 times till I got someone instead of voice mail.

    Strong winds here - up to 50mph. The wind is loud in the house. There is a wild fire in Morrison which is just SW of Denver, near Red Rocks. Red Rocks is a great concert venue.

    DH and I don't follow sports. So we only know what is going on from the news.

    Have a great Friday and Saturday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    LOL--I don't have a photographic memory, but we do get souvenir menus for these tasting/wine pairing dinners. Fortunately, a lot of the restaurants have their menus & wine lists on their websites. Some of the details came from what the sommelier (an earnest young man who is a dedicated wine geek) explained.

    After last night, I don't have a desire for sugar or anything sweet. The desserts were bite-size, which was a saving grace, but still way sweeter than even the candies & cookies in the house. I hadn't had sweet wine in two years (even though I love ports & Sauternes), so the sweet sherries that accompanied them were so intense as to be almost cloying.

    Tonight we may well lose power in the predicted severe storms (or worse), so no-cook, no-fridge dinner will likely be salads with sardines (pulling salad greens & lemon out of the fridge while we still have power)--vinaigrette made from the olive oil in the sardine cans and lemon juice. Low-carb for me, Lent-compliant for Bob.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Good morning Loungettes! I'm just going to jump in at current, just been a little busy the last few days, hence being absent. I did get my car in on Wednesday for the repairs and then yesterday I started with a mild dry scratchy throat. Well, by evening it was pretty bad. I tood an expired Covid test, exp. 7/22 and tested positive. Can you get Covid in 2 days? I wore my mask, didn't sit by anyone, I don't get it. Unless someone that was in and out of my car had it? I do not mask when I drive. So I did not sleep well with the stuffy nose and having to breathe through my mouth, crusty eyes and nose. I was supposed to have chemo on Tuesday, Urologist on Wednesday. Well, that's not happening. And now Covid is going to throw me off with treatments and my trip to MI for Nora's B-day. I had it planned, I would fly back on 15th and have chemo on the 16th. Now I will have to make an extra trip down there.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2023

    Goldie, when we got Covid a few months ago, we were in El Paso on a Tuesday and I felt the first symptoms Thursday night, I doubted I could get it that fast too but read that it could be 2-14 days and we did test positive. Fortunately, the worst of it was over in just a few days and I found it similar to chemo SE’s, which I am used to dealing with. I hope it’s easy on you.