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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    DD#2 made it home safely. The house is quiet. It was so wonderful to have her here and I miss her already. I guess, I never get used to being empty nest!! DS stopped over last night. He lives about 10 minutes away, but works 60-65 hours/week so we don't see him often so it is always a treat to see him.Gave him the latest updates as I hadn't talked to him since last Monday.

    Been up since 4:00am and finally got out of bed at 4:30! When I slept it was good, but just not enough. Fell asleep reading on the sofa. I think it was 1:00am when I got into bed and woke up once to pee and then again at 400.

    Feeling a little anxious about medical oncologist appointment this morning and I haven't been anxious about these appointments in years. I know everything will probably be okay, but I also thought appointment with hematologist would be routine and low and behold the shock of my life. One tumor marker is back and it is stable so hopefully no surprises. So many things going on and I don't like not being in control or plan. I think appointment tomorrow with endocrinologist tomorrow will hopefully have some answers. Watch and see or surgery and if surgery when? After chemo? Stop chemo for couple weeks? An of course the transplant doctor in just over 3 weeks.

    Going to be in the 70s today and tomorrow then cooling off the rest of the week.

    Have a great Monday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    NM, I don't know if you'll ever get the phone issue taken care of with mom! Nothing wrong with having a totally "me" weekend, with the puppers of course.

    Karen, glad DD made it home safely, I know exactly how you feel about missing her. I only get to see my DD once a year. Good luck with all your upcoming appts.

    Heading to town today, I need some groceries and other things. Haven't been out in 10 days. Weather has been so nice, low to mid 70's. I wish it could always be that.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    NM, good that you had a relaxing weekend. Not so good that you have to pay taxes on your retirement account.

    Goldie, glad you're feeling strong enough to venture out to town. It will probably do you good to leave the house.

    Karen, continued wishes for the best health care as you go forward on your treatment journey. You have such strong family support.

    A beautiful day here, starting out with cold temperatures, 40's, but supposed to warm up. I intend to go to the gym a little later. There's a Silver Sneakers class at 11:30 that includes using weights and band. I sometimes go to it but may do my own workout today. I usually check my bp after a workout and it's always better than prior to the exercise.

    Happy Monday.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Incredibly windy here, but at least it is cloudy and cool. Wish we could go out to walk but the winds are very unpleasant.

    Some fascinating turn of events for DH. He did the saliva test (COLOR) for the gentlemen's study, which showed zero mutations. Onco suggested he do serum genetic test. Lo and behold, he has a BRCA2 mutation. Shocked this is the first cancer he has ever had. This means that some of the new PARP inhibitors would work on his cancer cells!! We meet with the onco tomorrow. In my gut, I told him to try the parp/xtandi trials and now I know why my "gut" was screaming for him to do it. So we may be able to do this instead of waiting for Novartis to gear up getting more drugs (Pluvicto).

    I'm having periodic melt downs with worry about doing my labs which will include the SPEP panels for MGUS; trying to talk my sister off the widow-ledge...and at least my cat is finally eating again (I'll spare you the story on the cat unless anyone wants to hear it).

    I'm pouring myself a big old cabernet of whatever is opened tonight!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2023

    Prodigal daughter popping in here (as well as the Dinner thread—been hanging out on Older than 60 when not dealing with time-consuming daily life events). Cute baby pic, Illi! (Will go back later and catch up on the pages i skipped).

    End of my second day in Ireland. Arrived 6am Sunday and the day was mostly a waste because…I was wasted. 36 hrs w/o sleep’ll do that. Couldn’t sleep on the flight (for the deets, check the >60 thread). Had to wait 5 hrs for my hotel room to be ready—but it is a fantastic hotel. Last night was the Guinness Storehouse reception—no, I didn’t drink any, because I had champagne on the plane and wanted to get back to my room in one piece. Not a Guinness fan anyway (nor most beers for that matter). Today, slept in and barely made breakfast in time to get to the class sessions…but two presenters were late!

    I treated myself to a 6-course tasting dinner at the Michelin-starred bistro next door (cheaper than in Chicago). It was delish, but even the 2-1/2 glasses of wine were a bit much for me. Started with Madison Deutz champagne for the first two courses (fish-centric) and a mini-pour of Monbazillac (sweet dessert wine similar to Sauternes) with the seared foie gras. Yup—sweet wines are traditional with it because it’s so rich. Then with the meat & cheese course, 2020 Côtes du Rhône—but I barely made it through the first 3 oz. Hoping to avoid hangover tomorrow—-sipping on a decaf Nespresso as I type. (Hotel has a machine with an unlimited supply of capsules). Did a lot of walking, but my L foot is paying dearly—have half a pack of blister bandages on my toes. But I closed the rings on my Apple Watch for the third day in a row.

    My Hebrew is really sketchy, too—wasn’t bat mitzvah till age 38. I basically follow along in the prayer book by recognizing certain letter shapes and oft-repeated words, though the new version we use has transliterations.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! We're waking up to fog and drizzle here this ayem. At least it's warmer than 40 degrees consistently. Nothing like the smell of wet doggos in the morning! It's that time of year that I think about having the kitchen floor redone in something mud colored. Oh well, it won't last all that long, I hope.

    Karen--glad to hear DD#2 is home safe and you had a nice visit with DS. I'm sorry you are having trouble sleeping, that can be a real drag. And I'm not surprised you are having some anxiety about appointments, anybody would. Not being in control is not a good feeling.

    Goldie--I'm not sure the phone issue will ever be settled to her satisfaction, not until she can find a phone that is portable like a cell phone, has large print on the screen, tells her who is calling, never gets turned on mute, rings for at least 5 minutes so she can get to it and figure out how to answer the call, is able to load all her phone numbers by itself, not show her one thing she doesn't want to see, and can read her mind and show her what she does want to see when she wants to see it, will read text messages to her, has voice to text so she doesn't have to type, but it can never make a mistake and it has to be able to write not what she actually says but what she means to say. Frankly, I wouldn't mind finding a phone like that myself! I hope your trip out was productive and didn't wear you out.

    Carole--I could have avoided the tax thing by rolling the retirement money into one of the other accounts, but decided it would be worth the tax hit to have the money available for things I want to do around the house. Good for you for getting the exercise! That's something I badly need to do and just cannot seem to find the time, energy, motivation, or desire.

    Wally--is it windy where you are a lot, or just from time to time? Wow, interesting results on your DH's tests. I guess it pays to know what the tests actually test for and what tests are available to be sure all the bases are covered.

    Chi--it sounds like you are having quite the trip! The tasting dinner sounds like a lot of fun. Congrats on closing the rings on the watch.


    Income Tax Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 ounces gin
    • 3/4 ounce dry vermouth
    • 3/4 ounce sweet vermouth
    • 3/4 ounce freshly squeezed orange juice from 1 orange
    • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
    • Garnish: orange wheel (optional)


    1. Add gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth, orange juice, and bitters to an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake until well chilled. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange wheel and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Good visit with medical oncologist. Spent a lot of the visit talking about the MM and side effects etc. He thought I looked good and said if he saw me outside he wouldn't think anything was wrong with me. Yup, the inside and the outside don't match!!! My weight is down more - same as during BC chemo, he suggested Boost or Ensure and I said not a chance - the thought of drinking the stuff gags me!!! I told him I bought protein powder, but if i drink it, I'm not hungry. He told me to eat first and then sip on it even if it took me two hours to drink one and to try to drink 2/day. I told him I was only walking once/day many days and he said try for 2 walks/day. Keeping me on a 6 month schedule. When I was diagnosed 17 years ago, I did the BRCA 1 and 2 testing - thankfully negative. About 7 years ago, a 29 panel came out and he had me do that - a couple things showed up. Now there is a 84 gene panel and he wants me to do it as it will tell them if they need to watch me closer for other cancers! Plus it would be more information for my kids. So when I go for labs and treatment Friday, I will have the blood drawn. The company will push/fight for insurance to cover it an if insurance doesn't, he says cost is only $100 or $200 so we will pay out of pocket if need be.

    DH spoke with our friend who is a retired endocrinologist yesterday and he said yes the surgery is important and needs to be done, but can wait till done with chemo. Weill see what my endocrinologist says this afternoon. He told DH to tell my endocrinologist HI!!

    Another gorgeous sunny, warm day predicted for today, then turning colder, rain and even maybe snow.

    Sandy - sounds like you are enjoying your trip. It seems that the legal profession is very different in the US than most other countries.

    Kim - your description of a phone for your mother is too funny!!!

    Wallycat - hope the BRCA confirmation for your DH helps with his Tx. Sorry to hear that you are struggling with testing for MGUS. Mine was found when Nephrologist was looking for cause of my stage 3 CKD. I didn't even know what he was testing for till he went over results.

    Lori - how are you felling?

    DD#2 ordered me a great t-shirt before she left. It was supposed to come yesterday day but now won't come till W, TH or F says Amazon. It is kind of retro with flowers and peace symbols and says F Cancer!!! I have a photo on my phone. If no one is offended, I will post a photo.

    We are going to be grandparents the end of May. We are all thrilled. It's been a long, hard road to parenthood for them! I've known since Thanksgiving because DD was giving off hints (not sure if purposeful or not) but she wasn't planning on telling us till 20 weeks. She told work after 20 weeks and as well as siblings. She didn't really make it public till she started wearing maternity clothes and people commented. I finally asked her one day how many weeks was she. They know what they are having and aren't telling - which is fine by me as I did the same with my youngest. My late mother was so annoyed. I kind of like not knowing. Hematologist says I can travel to see the baby when she/he s born if I'm feeling good. No matter how I feel, I will be on a plane to Toronto to meet my new grand baby. It will be a short visit as I have to do it between treatments. The one piece of wonderful news amongst all the crazy, lousy medical stuff with me.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    Karen, that is wonderful news! I'm happy for you! Hope everything goes perfectly with the pregnancy.

    Wally, your news about dh's testing is hopeful, too. Keep us up to date. I didn't really understand your anxiety about your upcoming testing. I have a problem with medical initials.

    NM, I wondered why you didn't roll over the retirement money but now I understand your reason.

    We went out for Mexican with next-door neighbors (younger than us but then everybody is younger!!) and I had a small margarita with top shelf liquors. I like margaritas but only drink them at Mexican restaurants. I don't like the fish bowl size with all the sugary mix. I prefer the margaritas that taste like the liquor components, a good tequila and Grand Marnier or whatever. Spare me a margarita that tastes like koolaid!!!

    Happy Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Carole, good on you for hitting the gym, or just exercising at home. Trip to town was uneventful! I can't believe the prices of groceries these days, or gas!!!

    WallyCat, windy here too, but that's typical for spring here. Agree, no fun outside in the wind. I don't understand much of what you are referring to, re DH, but sounds more on the good side? I had to look up SPEP and MGUS, good luck with lab draw!

    Sandy, sounds like a good trip, once you got there and got rested!

    NM, that is too funny about the phone, altho they do do some of those things! My iPhone will read my texts, and I have my phone set to announce who's calling, if the number is not in my phone, it just says unknown caller. I think the font can be increased, but not sure. You should take that list to the phone people next time you are out looking for a phone for mom, I'm sure they would get a kick out of it!

    Karen, I get that comment all the time about not looking like I have cancer, but then again, I didn't know cancer had a "look"! I could not drink Ensure or Boost either, yuck! They tried to give me some at the cancer center, I refused and told them I have my own protein drink. Of course they want us to eat more and exercise more than we feel capable of! All in all, things sound like they are coming together! Well, well, well, what a little stinker keeping that bit of information from you! Congratulations to all! I wouldn't hesitate one bit to delay my treatment for a day or so for something so exciting in life, but that's just me. I'm feeling fine, I think it's just allergies now. As for being offended, not me. Ashamed to say, I can have a mouth like a sailor! And I don't mean Popeye!

    Nothing going on here. Got me a weed sprayer, a chaise lounge and some groceries. Nothing exciting. But I did forget to mail something. My neighbor was coming in behind me and has to go out today for her infusion, so she will mail it for me. She has to go weekly, some lung disease where her lungs don't produce enough protein.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    Congratulations, Karen! I hope her pregnancy and labor are easy and smooth, and may the baby bring every joy to your family.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited April 2023

    Hey ladies, happy Tuesday.

    Regarding DH, BRCA2 cancers are more aggressive and have a poorer prognosis but he's still here and it is still all in his bones...we wonder how long he's had this and we didn't know. An initial PSA of 10,000 has to mean it had been some time. That's the bad news; the good news is that as of last year, new PARP inhibitors focus on the mutation and so it gives him another avenue of treatment besides chemo or radioligand therapy (pluvicto). This is sort of like Her2+ ladies with breast cancer ...more aggressive, but now there is herceptin that can treat it with great outcomes.
    As for my labs, MGUS is a pre-cancerous blood condition where the body creates para-proteins that may or may not turn into myeloma or lymphoma or myeloid leukemia, blah, get the picture. SPEP panel looks at a bunch of paraprotein parameters to see what is outside the normal range and how to stage if MGUS is becoming more agressive or has turned cancer vs remaining pre-cancerous. "They" say that 3-5%of the population over 60 may have this but it is not typically tested for unless it is found incidentally (as mine was). Some MGUS patients have no M-spike (high paraprotein) but have other labs out of whack that point to MGUS nontheless and those also require monitoring. In less than 1% of cases, the M spike/MGUS disappears as weirdly as it appears and never returns. That is a short and broad overview.

    MM, the winds have gotten more frequent as climate change is occurring. They are also stronger. Like Goldie's area, there is a season where it is windier than not, but the frequency, duration and speed have all definitely increased since we moved here 13 years ago.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    Hey ladies! Not much to add, but I just wanted to pop in. Karen, it's a love-hate thing when people tell us we look good or fine. I've probably told this story before, but bear with me. We had a friend who had had a heart attack and coded during a church party. DH and a nurse did CPR until the paramedics arrived. He did survive although he was in the hospital for a long time. When he came back to church everyone was telling him how great he looked. His wife told me that he was feeling really crappy and it was kind of hard when everyone kept telling him how good he looked. With her permission I went up to him, and said, "Kenny, you look like hell!" He lit up with the biggest smile.

    Congratulations on the new grandbaby.

    NM, it sounds like the saga will continue with your sweet mom's phone. Sigh...

    I'm off to PT in a few minutes, so I won't comment on everything else.

    You are loved, dear ladies. You all brighten my day!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited April 2023

    It's crazy how the inside condition and outer presentation can be so incredibly different. A friend of mine works for a company that designs floor plans for large-scale conventions and conferences. (They ensure that no booths are blocking fire equipment and exits, maintaining capacity limits, spectator flow, etc.) One of her favorite clients is the Veterinary convention. She and her boss were double-checking the floor before the convention opened, and they passed by the booth for a company that trains dogs to monitor health conditions. One of the techs walked up to them and asked her boss if he'd been to see his doctor recently. "I ask because one of our cardiac dogs is telling, and I just wanted to check on you."

    Fortunately, he took it seriously and got an exam. Turns out, he'd been having micro-heart attacks for months and had no clue anything was going on. His cardiologist said that if he'd waited until he had physically detectable symptoms, it would have been a massive attack. He's doing really well on meds now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Waking up to another gloomy, drizzly day, but at least it's still above freezing. I'm kind of dragging this ayem, yesterday wasn't particularly late, but the Home Health Aid monthly meeting takes a bit of energy to manage. They can be a talkative, easily distractable group, keeping them on track takes some work sometimes, and yesterday was no exception. But the conversations are good, and getting and keeping them involved and engaged is really important. The puppers were quite happy with the leftover Chinese food I brought home!

    Karen--glad to hear the med onc appointment went well. The testing will give you some info, and info is a good thing. The cost of those test certainly has come down from when I was thinking about them. I'd love to see a pic of the T-shirt! I've got a T-shirt that says Foxtrot Union Charlie Kevin Cancer. I wore it when I went in for my reconstruction surgery and it's still in my closet. CONGRATULATIONS on the new grandbaby!

    Carole--I hope your margarita was as good as you wanted it to be!

    Goldie--Almost all the things Mom wants is available on phones, but no one phone will ever do it all! It is quite the list of desired features, though.

    Wally--thanks for the info on MGUS. It sounds like a sneaky condition. Climate change where I am has given us winters with much less snow that start later, and shorter springs. We tend to jump from chilly enough to run a furnace or space heater in the mornings and evenings to need air conditioning almost 24/7 almost overnight. The change used to be much more gradual.

    Sunshine--I'm glad your friend survived. I've never understood this need people have to comment on how other people look after something like that. I suppose they mean well, but really, why make comments at all beyond "Glad to see you back" or the like. The phone saga with Mom is at least 2 years old now, and I do not see any end in sight. I just try to live with it.

    Miriandra--Wow, what a good luck turn for your friend's boss! And it's amazing what dogs can detect.

    Bloodhound Cocktail

    image alt="">

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023

    Wallycat's description is spot on. My MGUS was found when the Nephrologist was looking for the cause of my stage 3 CKD. None found. I was diagnosed with MGUS in 2019. Four years later Multiple Myeloma. Only 1% of people with MGUS progress to become MM. Aren't I special??

    Regarding my Mo's comment on how i look, I've been seeing him for 17 years and I love him. He knows me well and he hears me when I talk. I think it was in reference to how many things are going on with me - he knows that I'm sick - I take no offense from home him - strangers or others, yes, I would not like it. Regarding walking, my MO knows that I had been walking 3 times/day so once/day is a big decrease. My 25 minute walk now takes over 30 minutes, I can't walk the pace I used to walk. On week-ends, I walk more but on days I work not as much. I'm not getting out and walking at work. Last night after dinner I walked for 15 minutes. MO was impressed that I do my under the desk elliptical (Cubii) for an hour every morning. I think he wants me to stay as strong as I can for the next phase of treatment after Induction chemo.

    I think I told you a while back that one of my co-workers was talking about how old she was (always comments about being old) so I finally asked her how old she was and she said she was turning 55 on Friday. I said, I'm way older than you and she said but you're so healthy. I said, not really (this was just before this whole MM started to rear its ugly head in testing). Then she said but you walk all the time!!! Ya, I look good. I don't look my age and I don't act my age Loopy

    We were disappointed with endocrinologist appointment today. We like her so it's just the expectations we went in with and she and Hematologist have different opinions why my Calcium is high. She is saying primary hyperparathyroidism and hematologist says it's the MM. But anyways at this point it's wait and see - she doesn't want to rush into surgery - so that's what we will do. She also says it's hard to separate out what is what - what is causing what. My DH's former pcp who retired and is a good friend and neighbor has been looking at my labs and test results. He is an endocrinologist by specialty. He told us to tell her hello so DH did. She said, I'm sure you are getting side consults from him and I said yup on everything!!! I didn't tell her that he recommended surgery when i finished chemo. She will do surgery if calcium rises but if it stays below 11, then just monitor. I will talk to Hematologist at monthly appointment on Friday.

    I finished 21 days of the Revlimid on Sunday night and the past two days i've been feeling better. So DH looks up the side effects and yup, the one that are gone - sluggish, fatigue etc are not as bad the past couple days. I start it again for the next 21 days on Monday the 24th.

    I drank the protein powder in the morning and i was so fully. Instead of yogurt for lunch I took a turkey wrap - that and half an apple had me full. Dinner was a salad and 3 small pieces of home made pizza - probably the size of a regular slice of pizza and I was so full. I will do my best with the protein powder, but if i can't stop the loosing and stay stable, even though the weight is lower I'll be happy.

    I need to leave about 15 minutes early or work this morning to fill up my car as I'm on fumes!!!

    Didn't sleep well las night.

    Cooler weather today - windy and rain maybe turning to snow tonight, but no accumulation in the city as it's been so warm.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Wally, thanks for that overview. Now I don't remember if you are waiting on results or getting the labs done!

    Sunshine, great story. I've done similar.

    Mirandra, another great story. One of our late Loungettes (Cami) swears her cat was the one that found her cancer. So, I do believe animals can sense these things.

    NM, it doesn't surprise me that you look beyond the aides being talkative and distracted. It's just how you roll and why you are so good at what you do. Your trip is coming up soon!!!

    Karen, sounds like you are getting a handle on things and you sound better (to me anyways) about how things are going. When I was Verzenio, it's a chemo pill, it was the same, 3 weeks on, 1 week off. My week off I would say I'm on vacation! Oh, what I wouldn't give to be 55 again!

    My friend Patty came by yesterday and I pierced her ears. They had closed up and she got some earrings from her grandson that she wanted to wear. She didn't want to pay the almost $100 to have it done, so she bought these things on Amazon for $5.00 and we used those. Some of you have already seen this. I had a bird fly into my window the other morning, quite a big one at that. Later in the afternoon when the sun hit it, I noticed this!

    May be an image of tree

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    Miranda, that's an amazing story.

    Wallycat, your explanation helped me understand a little better. No wonder you dread labs.

    People mean well when they comment on appearance as though it's an indicator of health. They're probably looking for something positive to say.

    Hope Wednesday is a good day for all of us.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited April 2023

    Goldie - Oh my... How's the bird?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Ha ha, the bird was fine. Well, I think so anyways. It wasn't laying on the ground or anywhere in sight.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    On the light side....

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'This doesn't make sense.. add leftover wine'.. ...what the HELL is 'leftover wine?' 24›'

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2023

    Greetings from Kona. Keeping up with my DOTD



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited April 2023

    Oh Jazzy - I am soooooo jealous. Glad you're having a good time.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2023

    Minus, I was gonna say the same thing. Those drinks, that scenery, I’m envious.

    Cheers Jazzy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Take a look at this face I woke up to this ayem:


    Karen-- A comment like that from someone you know and know you, like your MO is one thing. From strangers or coworkers and such, it's another. Isn't there some saying about not judging a book by its cover? Enjoy the break from the Revlimid side effects. Eating when you aren't hungry is a real problem. Better get some gas in that car--no gassy, no go-y, my driver ed teacher used to say.

    Goldie--16 days and counting for my trip! Getting people talking is an effective way of finding out what they know, what info they need, and what kinds of things are going on. I saw the bird on the window pic on FB, it's a remarkable picture!

    Good point, Carole.

    Jazzy--I am jealous!

    Morning, Illi, Minus!



    • 60 ml Vodka
    • 1 tsp Pureed Mint
    • 1 tsp Pureed Green Chilli
    • Pinch of Salt
    • Dash of Lime Juice


    1. Shake well. Serve with sliced cucumber on the rim.


    1. Slice of Cucumber

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Jazzy, beautiful cocktails. My DH and I were married in HI, 2 of our favs were the Blue Hawaii, and Lava Flow.

    NM oh my, look at that tongue! I know your trip is soon because it's close to mine!

    Might head out tomorrow with Patty and go to a local farmers market. Just something to do and get out of the house. She has a new baby calf that is just adorable and loves all up on her.

    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    In case you don't read announcements, which you can find under "all topics", go there to read all of it.

    The site will launch next week!

    In anticipation of the new community forums going live next week, we wanted to share an update on what to expect.

    Most importantly, the forums will be going into maintenance mode on Monday, April 24 for approximately 24 - 48 hours. This means that the forums will not be accessible while our team works to complete the implementation of the new site.

    While we regret having to briefly pause the conversation in the forums, this approach is necessary to ensure the best technical experience upon launch for our members.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Big long meeting this morning, not really looking forward to that, but I am all ready for it. I am very ready for a weekend, though. Got some things I want to do around the house before vacay time.

    Mom called me last evening and announced that she's ready to move into Assisted Living. I almost dropped the phone! Of course, the very next thing was that it's because she's getting to be "too much of a burden" to me! I have NEVER said anything about her being a burden, or anything along those lines. In fact, the first time she called yesterday I was on my way home and was going to turn around and go see her to help her put a band-aid on the back of her neck, except she wouldn't let me. I am going to stop in after work tonight, she took her phone to the phone store again, and while it is ringing when she gets a call, the print got reset too small for her to read, and she can't remember how to reset it to the larger print.

    Goldie--Awww, the new calf is adorable!

    Thanks for posting the announcement, I have to admit I'm one of the people who doesn't look at them regularly. I am looking forward to the new platform!


    The BUG

    I: Eugeniy, a bug is something preventing a program or a computer from working fine. We need a cocktail somehow related to this.

    E: All right. Especially for this there is a jar with a bug. The berries in a cocktail will look like bugs. You have to catch them all while drinking the cocktail.


    - 10 pcs Elderberry or other berries
    - 100 mL Cold Fruit Tea
    - 30 mL Elderberry Syrup
    - 20 mL Fresh Lemon Juice
    - 30 mL Rum or Gin


    Add all the ingredients into a glass filled with ice and mix

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2023


    Didn't take anything to sleep last night and I didn't sleep any different than with something. Waking up every 2 hours. Got up at 4:20 cuz I get tired of tossing and turning.

    Treatment #4 today and appointment with Hematologist. CBC and genetic testing blood draw. Thinking of wearing my F*** Cancer t-shirt, DD#2 ordered for me. DH asked if I'd be embarrassed wearing it - not in the infusion room with the nurses but not sure with the doctor (he's 70 something) and I don't have a good enough read on him after only 4 years. I might wear it and wear a vest over it.

    Kim - good luck with you mom. I bet she is only same your the reason as she is not ready to really admit that it is her that really needs the help. But it's hard.

    Have a great Friday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    NM, meetings CAN be boring, but it's Friday! Gosh, I wonder if mom really means that or if she's on the "pity pot"?

    Karen, I think wearing something over the shirt would be a good idea! Good luck with everything else.

    Oh dear, farmers market is tomorrow, not today. I thought yesterday was Friday. When you sit in a house all day, every day, by yourself, you lose track of time! Cold here this morning, 29 outside, 62 in the house, but warming up to the low 70's, so not complaining!

    Emails were supposed to have gone out about the new transition, but that's something I opted out of a long time ago.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited April 2023

    I got an email saying the forums would be down on Monday.

    Happy Friday to all.