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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Kim - my Medicare Advantage plan is actually quite good. No copays and $2K our of pocket max. They've approved all the tests that have been ordered. Other than Rx, so far, I've not paid for anythings including the PET/CT scan. The Rx I get at the cancer clinic don't seem to come out of my Rx benefit and I'm sure they are not cheap. They will pay for a dietician if you have diabetes or kidney disease and I fit into this category - kidney disease. My hematologist referred me to a dietician to see what we can figure out to stem the weight loss. I've been tracking my weight and since this whole nightmare began with labs labs on 02/23, I'm down 6#!!!! I need to NOT loose more and hopefully gain a few back. on the intake form, I put down that I wanted to figure out how to eat when not hungry, or nauseated or have heartburn, indigestion or no appetite. I eat 3 meals/day but don't snack and probably not eating as much at each meal. I have an appointment in 2 weeks. The practice only does phone or video appointments.

    Today starts a big month of birthdays. 37 years ago, DD#1 made me a mother. Then we have my birthday, DS's birthday and GD willing new grand baby's birth. Also, 6 years ago, DD#2 became an Israeli citizen.

    It's supposed to be 78 today and then rain in the afternoon. We need the moisture, but I'd rather have 60 and sun.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173

    Safe travels, NM! I hope you have a great time.

    My DH's side of the family is having a big reunion in late-June. I let my boss know that I would need two weeks off for vacation with a 2 month heads-up. (30 days is the standard.) She texted me back, "Sure I'll get those dates blocked off for you. But if you could make up the days or find someone to cover for you, that'd be great. Thanks!" Um, no, you're the manager. Managing the schedule is your job. I have no problem with making up a day if it's a last-minute request off - my crisis shouldn't become their crisis. But with twice the required warning time, it's not my plate.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    NM, I loved the Alaska cruise. Be sure to take a raincoat and be ready to layer. I wished I had some hand work to keep me busy when nothing was happening.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    NM have a great time on the cruise! DH wants to go on one to there or other parts of the far north so I'd enjoy any pictures you post.

    Pinot Noir with dinner tonight. I posted those details on the dinner thread. Trying to "lighten up "Italian night."

    Karen thinking of you as you go through thesedays of appts. And glad for the happiness of upcoming birthdays

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! 2 days, 17 hours, 57 minutes and counting. The puppers go to work with me tomorrow and get taken to the kennel on my lunch break. The big Friday morning meeting has been moved to Friday afternoon for this week, so getting out of work early isn't going to happen. Oh, well, I'll still have plenty of time to pack and probably won't be able to sleep for fear of missing the alarm and missing the 5:22 ayem flight out anyway, so I might as well have something to do, right?

    Karen--Your Medicare Advantage plan sounds like much better coverage than I associate with Medicare! I suppose I need to start getting educated about the options since I'll be 65 next year. I hope the dietician can be helpful and comes up with some good ideas for you. That is a lot of birthdays for this month! Lots and lots of celebration cakes!

    Miriandra--don't you love it when managers try to get you to do their work? Making up a day for a last minute request is one thing, but twice the required notice? Nope.

    Wren--thanks, I will definitely pack for layering, and my cousin used a work bonus to get each of us a nice, big, hooded rain poncho. I'm a big reader and take my Kindle with me, mostly for the flights, but it will keep me entertained during the less busy times. And I'm looking forward to some time doing nothing but scenery- and people-watching while gabbing with my cousin.

    Reader--I'll post pics when I get home, and my cousin takes a million pics everywhere we go, I'll post some of hers, too!



    • 1 1/2 oz dry gin

    • 1/2-3/4 oz yellow chartreuse liquor

    • dash of orange bitters

    • ice

    • twists of lemon peel for garnish

    Combine all ingredients (except lemon peel) in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake & strain into martini glasses. Garnish with a lemon peel.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Kim - no birthday cakes - birthday cookies. I guess I need to ask my son if he wants one and if so what type. When kids were little would write happy birthday, but no longer ruin the cookie. I don't want one - we still have cookies in the freezer that I don't eat. I muffins (blueberry, cranberry or banana walnut choc chip) to eat with breakfast or lunch. DH eats cookies but if I make for DS, they'll be plenty of extra cookies.

    You leave Saturday morning at 5:30? Where is you flight out of? Enjoy. I'd love to see Alaska but not on a cruise. If anyone can get sea sick, it would be me.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Love the photos of the cocktails posted.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Good morning Loungettes, I made it just fine to MI. My youngest brother and his partner came over yesterday, we played games and he will be back by himself tomorrow. Nora's b-day party will be Sunday, but her mom came down with strep yesterday, so not sure how that will play out. When I got to the airport, I decided to count how many people I saw with masks on. My long walk through the airport, as my gate was the very last one, I counted 15 poeple with masks on!

    WallyCat, I would NOT be happy about a barking dog at any time of day/night, constant barking that is. Good luck with everything coming up. I often feel like I need a bigger plate!

    Karen, hoping you can get the weight thing figured out. I wish I were only 6 lbs under, I'm down more like 15-20. That new baby will be here before you know it.

    Miriandra, stick to your guns. Did you let her know it was up to her to find someone to cover? This falls unders "not my circus...".

    NM, getting excited for you and can't wait to see pictures. Where are you flying into, Vegas, to meet up with your cousin? And how long is your flight, I know it's a long one! Love all the Alaskan cocktails.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, I hear you on less masking. It is unsettling especially when dealing with immunocompromised at home. And ugh on the strep. I've only ever had it once, as an adult.

    NM, have fun on your trip. DH and I motorcycled through the Yukon territory and all through Alaska, with some ferries involved, and we eloped there. It was magnificent. Sadly, it was (30 years ago) the hottest summer on record in Alaska. Figures, no? LOL. It was a wedding/honeymoon all rolled into one and simply wonderful. Good thing I was young; motorcycling that long now…well, who knows.

    Karen, I hope the treatments continue well for you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Goods Morning, Loungettes! 1 day 18 hours 3 minutes until boarding the ship. 13 and a half hours until boarding the first flight. I am not going to be much good at work today, I don't thing, but I will try. The puppers go in to work with me today, then to the kennel at lunch time, then back to work for me until the big long meeting is over, then home to pack (I got all the stuff organized last night, just didn't put it all in the suitcase/carry-on). Try to get some sleep until time to leave the house at about 4 ayem. Excited? Oh yeah!

    Karen--birthday cookies are just as good as birthday cakes! I leave tomorrow ayem out of Bangor International Airport here in Maine.

    Morning, Carole!

    Goldie--glad to hear you arrived safely! My cousin and her husband are flying to Vancouver today. I'll meet them there tomorrow, we've got a hotel room near the cruise terminal. We couldn't make it work out for me to meet them in Vegas without it costing a whole lot more or getting super complicated. I leave home at 5:22 ayem, arrive in Vancouver around 5:30 peeyem their time (8:30 peeyem Maine time) with a 4 hour layover at JFK airport.

    Wally--the wedding/honeymoon in the Alaska by bike must have been magical and wonderful! Good for you! Not sure I'd want to do something like that now, but when I was younger I sure would have.

    Paper Plane


    • 3/4 ounce bourbon
    • 3/4 ounce Aperol
    • 3/4 ounce Amaro Nonino Quintessentia
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed


    1. Add the bourbon, Aperol, Amaro Nonino and lemon juice into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a coupe glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Kim - safe travels. Have a wonderful trip

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, that will be one long day, but well worth it! Safe travels!

    Karen, I didn't think your DD was so close to delivering. I was thinking it was still months away! So excited for your family!

    My youngest brother will come over today, tomorrow is Nora's birthday party. They are having walking tacos. Today, my brother's friends are coming over, and they want to do Mexican for dinner, and we will most likely be bringing left overs home from the party, which makes for 3 days of Mexican. I don't mind it, but I'm not a fan.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    NM, hope you enjoy your vacation!!!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    goldie, what are "walking tacos"? Often different neighbors will have a "taco truck" when they have parties. It's a lot of fun.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited May 2023

    It's a learning curve, to be sure. I do like that the posts now have a bigger space on the screen than the tiny, cramped column they had before. We don't have a "Return to Top" button in the topic threads, but that might come back eventually. We still can't use capital letters in our names, which I find frustrating; and we can't go to our Bookmarks (was "Favorite Topics") from the Community menu. Hopefully these tweaks will get addressed once they hammer out any remaining bugs in platform functionality.

    Overall, I like this much better than the previous rollout. But it will take a little for everyone to get used to the new navigation.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sunshine, they are Fritos or Doritos in a large bag, you rip it open and just add all your taco stuff to the bag and eat out of that.

    Nora's party was great. Today I'm going to my other niece's new house.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thanks, goldie! Those sound good, actually. I may have to give them a try.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Saturday read all day (started and finished a book) and yesterday wrote a report for work and made my son peanut butter choc chip cookies for his birthday and I was spent! Didn't feel good much of the day. Hoping today is a better day and I feel good. These treatments are proving to be harder than anticipated. 6 done and 10 to go which feels like an eternity!!! I'm already worn out!

    4 more weeks of the school year!! Soon it will be counting the days!!

    Have a great Monday.

  • ddesim1
    ddesim1 Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2023

    Well, I got in through an old notification so I guess I'd best restore notifications again.

    I have no idea if I can do it again. Odd that the remodel is a far sight more difficult than the old model.

    goldie0827, thanks for the welcome, DD is fine.

    Still getting kicked in the teeth by Arimidex.

    Glad to be here, and look forward to being able to get here again!

    I just tried to get in again from another notification , thinking SINCE I had logged in, I would stay logged in. Nope.

    And was put in 'profile'. I didn't want to go to 'profile', I wanted to get to bookmarks which aren't again. So if I can't get back here, I'll see you all again one of these days.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    I sign in and get the recommendations. I go to community and then active topics. I may need to do this several times to get rid of the recommendations. Then there's a list on the right side of the screen. On the list is Bookmarks. When I click that, I get my bookmarks.

  • ddesim1
    ddesim1 Member Posts: 10

    I assume someone is working on making it easier to get in here and stay in here? I did get in on a tab I kept open. I haven't tried to open a new tab yet.

    Walking tacos and bourbon cocktails? This thread is the best!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. All in all it was a nice day except the start where I clipped the passenger front side of my car getting out of the garage - cut it too close. Amazing to see the damage to the car when I was going maybe 1 mph! My son came over for dinner and I talked to both my girls and SIL. And of course they spoiled me as they always do.

    I had a skin reaction (atypical) to the Velcade again this week, so they aren't going to give it to me on Friday. I don't see the hematologist til the 19th, but his nurse will check in on me Friday. I don't know if its just one week off the Velcade or switching to something different or what.

    Weight was down again yesterday - didn't loose any today but didn't gain any either. I cry when I get on the scale. I haven't weighed this little since early high school - maybe 10th grade - I only remember what i weighed going into 9th grade and when I graduated - or at least It think I know what it was. Really worried. I hope the dietician will have some ideas to put some weight back on. I see her Monday. My hematologist had to change the referral to include CKD so my medicare advantage will cover the visit. I am way too thin. It scares me for the SCT - I see the transplant doctor tomorrow so I'll see what she has to say.

    Supposed to be near 80 today - but they've turned the AC on in school so I freeze!

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Karen, Happy belated Birthday. I'm not here much when I'm away visiting family. Sorry you're freezing at work, I freeze everywhere I go!

    DD, I can manage around the new site, but I don't care for it at all! Ahhh, so you have heard of walking tacos? I had not.

    Heading back over to my nieces new house today, taking youngest brother to see it. I also don't like the fact that if I go to "active" topics, I have to scroll past the multiple posts that the mods have at the top.

    DOTD: Lost in Space Martini

    • 4 oz Orange Vodka
    • 1 oz Triple Sec
    • 1 oz Tang® Powdered Soft Drink

    Blending Instructions:

    • Roll rim of glass in additional Tang sugar (optional)
    • Shake ingredients in a shaker with ice
    • Strain and serve in cocktail glasses

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, lovelies! Karen, don’t you just love “atypical” reactions? I’m sorry you clipped the side of your car. The last time I had an incident, I was pulling into a carwash and hit the post. The insurance report said that I was “more than 50% at fault and that I had failed to yield to a stationary object.” You think??? I got a laugh out of that one. I’m glad you had a good birthday, but sorry your weight is down. My heart hurts for you. Cancer sucks…

    We’re going to visit my sister next week in St. George, Utah. I will bring layers as I don’t know what the temps will be. I think I’d prefer cold over hot, as I can always layer, right?

    Hoping everyone has a good Tuesday.


  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Happy belated b-day, Karen.

    Sunshine, I'm with you…I can always layer but you cannot peel your skin off to cool down. I'd much rather have cold than hot, but I think you've all figured that out, LOL. Seattle may hit 90 degrees on sunday so we will be in the 70s…and already, that is too hot for me. I dread the Seattle trip next week and hope there is a dramatic cooldown. Would be really sad to have to call 911 for a fainted spouse and NOT the one that got the treatment, LOL.

    Do you ladies drink those fancy drinks you post? I'm a purist and stick to wine but some of them look DELISH and quite tempting! Too bad liquor tax in WA state is nearly 30% or I'd buy some Cointreau or something fancy to use.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. All in all it was a nice day except the start where I clipped the passenger front side of my car getting out of the garage - cut it too close. Amazing to see the damage to the car when I was going maybe 1 mph! My son came over for dinner and I talked to both my girls and SIL. And of course they spoiled me as they always do.

    I had a skin reaction (atypical) to the Velcade again this week, so they aren't going to give it to me on Friday. I don't see the hematologist til the 19th, but his nurse will check in on me Friday. I don't know if its just one week off the Velcade or switching to something different or what.

    Weight was down again yesterday - didn't loose any today but didn't gain any either. I cry when I get on the scale. I haven't weighed this little since early high school - maybe 10th grade - I only remember what i weighed going into 9th grade and when I graduated - or at least It think I know what it was. Really worried. I hope the dietician will have some ideas to put some weight back on. I see her Monday. My hematologist had to change the referral to include CKD so my medicare advantage will cover the visit. I am way too thin. It scares me for the SCT - I see the transplant doctor tomorrow so I'll see what she has to say.

    Supposed to be near 80 today - but they've turned the AC on in school so I freeze!

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Those fancy drinks are appealing!

    Nope NM is having a wonderful vacation.

    Wally, I am not happy with hot weather, either. We leave home for four months to excape the 3 h's. Heat, humidity, hurricanes.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    I met with the transplant oncologist this afternoon and it was a very good visit with positive news.Based on my past history of breast cancer and chemo and risks with  a  stem cell transplant (STC) she is not recommending SCT for me.  The risk of another blood cancer, especially leukemia outweighs any risk of the myeloma getting worse.  So, after I finish the 16 weeks of chemo, they will do another bone marrow biopsy and then I will go on a monthly maintenance chemotherapy.  This Friday is chemo #7.
    I can't begin to tell you how much of a relief this news was to hear.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Karen I am so very glad for your news!!

    Also hoping NM is having a fantastic time away.

    Carole I got my lamb today for the stew. Will report back.

    Best drink I had today was an icey lemonade at a Women's luncheon I attended at a local club. Perfect blend of tart and very lightly sweet.

    Cheers to all for a good rest of the week.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Reader, be sure to report on the lamb stew.

    I, too, am happy and relieved at Karen's news.

    I was up early and off to the Outpatient Center for blood draw. Back home, in my chair with coffee at hand, I'm enjoying morning routine. I definitely am not happy to forego morning coffee.