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how about drinking?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Wallycat, Did it progress to a headache? I've had a couple but it's never preceded a headache. Mom had migraines and I would wish one on anyone.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    NM - we're all concerned and hope you are OK. Check in when you can.

    Wally - Sandy is posting all her stories on another thread. She sounds OK.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited May 2023

    Minus, thanks. Glad she's ok.

    Wren, no headache…it lasted about 2-3 minutes; my eye doc said any visual changes should be a concern for a TIA which is why I went, otherwise I'd have just sat through it. Scary but not painful. I do know I need to get a handle on my stress/ptsd with cancer crap but at a loss how….

    It should be in the 60s today. We kissed 70 for 1/2 hour yesterday. It is a gorgeous, cool, cloudy morning and all my doors and windows are open. Ahhhhhh, summer as it should be, lOL. I am not liking the long, long, LONG days of daylight.

    DH's labs came in yesterday with a drop of his PSA from 206 to 137. WOOHOOOO. Hasn't been that low since early last year. Hopeful. Stressful. Blah, blah….

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Yay for good news! I'm planning to get a new eye mask asap. I need to wear it at night because dark comes very very late.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Wallycat, I used to get ocular migraines as well from my teens to 30’s. I’d go blind in my right eye for about 5 minutes and that was super scary at first. Once it was diagnosed, it was fine. They rarely happened and it was better than regular migraines.

    The property owners association is putting on a Luau for the VFD. There will be a BBQ plate and bake sale. I’m bringing a small jug of frozen margarita. I don’t expect it to be a fun crowd but at least I’ll keep myself entertained.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Ah Wally - 70 degrees!!! Our low the last couple of days was 71 in the middle of the night. Days have been running 91 degrees.

    Mae - with the margaritas, can I eat at your table?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! This last week I have felt miserable and have been struggling to get up and get moving and get to work, then get through work. The coughing just won't ease up and I feel totally exhausted. I really expected to feel better after the antibiotics, but nope. I did absolutely nothing all day yesterday, and plan to do as little as possible tomorrow. I am the admin on call so there will be a few things that hopefully I can do from home. I've got an appointment with my PCP on Thursday morning. I did sleep fairly well last night, so I'm hoping I've turned the corner. The poor puppers aren't getting much attention other than taking turns lying in my lap.

    Wren--I'm discovering that recovering from pneumonia is a much longer process than from a cold! Trying not to push myself but it's hard.

    Karen--Congratuations! And what a beautiful name!

    Goldie--$3K+ for a port lab draw????? What the HELL? $1K for the use of a chair?????? That is CRAZY!

    I've skimmed through the postings, Glad to hear of no mice and people having nice weather!

    I’m going to go get something to eat, trying to find things to eat that don’t trigger coughing spells that make me feel like I'm trying to turn my lungs inside out. Then another nap.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    NM - so glad to hear from you. Hope you are indeed turning the corner.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Good morning friends:

    Hoping everyone is having a decent Memorial Day weekend. This holiday is not an easy one for many who have lost family and friends during military service. If you are one of those people, sending much love today on this special holiday to remember those who lost their lives in service to our nation.

    Spending time in town this weekend to do things with friends and just enjoy being home. Weather has been beautiful, May is a lovely month here with less wind and lots of beautiful blooms. I am working this weekend to finish my garden refresh and it's looking nice around here. Love having the longer light in the mornings and evenings here in May.

    I went to see the traveling performance of Hamilton yesterday, which had been rescheduled 2X here since the start of the pandemic. I have been holding on to the ticket for some time and my ticket was rescheduled to this weekend. I grew up back east and been spoiled by having access to Broadway for years, but this performance was as good as anything I have seen on Broadway. Really great cast, some of them from the original NYC show. My sister and I were in NYC last in 2016 when it was the hottest show on Broadway but tickets were out of site for price. So I feel like I have been trying to see this play since then and what a treat to finally see it yesterday. I just starting planning a trip to NYC in the spring of next year and have my eye on new play opening on Broadway with Jeremy Strong of Succession fame, which just completed it's four year run on HBO last night for any fan of that show here.

    As my project has taken a lower priority for the time being with some other things that have moved front and center by the organization, I am going to start taking more long weekends this summer to enjoy life. We have great benefits and I still have 3 weeks of vacation and it's accruing faster now plus we get to convert some of our sick time to vacation soon and will end up with another 50 hours in my vacation bucket. I don't have any other plans for trips this year, outside of some time to see family in CA over the holidays. Work to live and less than 2.5 years to go in this FT stint.

    NM- I have had pneumonia several times in my life and it takes much longer to get better from than you realize. I had it as a teen and then again in 2012 in my early 50s. I know this job is newer and you may not have things available to you like FMLA yet, but hope you have enough sick time/short term disability if you need to use those for your recovery. Hoping you can work from home too so you can get some rest around your job demands.

    Karen- hoping you get to enjoy some wonderful time with the new baby on your trip.

    Minus Two- I think you need a trip to Hawaii, I recommend April as a great time to go as it is less expensive and crowded too.

    Goldie- sorry about the billing problems. I had a period of time where my surgeon was having me do all these genetics tests and not getting them approved by insurance and I was getting hit with $7K bills for these tests. Genetics tests are much cheaper now but that was so stressful and I refused to pay as they didn't do what they were supposed to for a prior auth. Mine never went to collections thankfully. I hope the insurance person can help you get this straightened out, no one has extra thousands laying around to pay for these things?

    Ill- I hope you are enjoying your beach bar is continuing to be enjoyable!

    Teka- hope you are enjoying some warmer weather in North Country!

    Wishing everyone a good start to June that is coming up here in a few more days…..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2023

    WallyCat, I get those ocular migranes. When I told optometrist, they told me it's basically a migrain without the headache. Thankful for that! I've one migrain in my life, and hope to never get another one. Great news on your DH's numbers, yay for that.

    Wren, ditto to not wishing a migrain on anyone!

    BabyGirl, like Minus, I'm more than happy to sit at your table and keep you entertained! Your new home is in an HOA?

    NM, glad you are on the mend. I think as we get older, things hit us harder and last longer! Yes, rediculous charges, then to bill it as "facility charges".

    Jazzy, busy as always! Glad to hear you say you are taking more long weekends so you can enjoy the summer. Besides, you have the time accrued to do so.

    Planted some green beans yesterday. Did not use my bug spray, and after about 15 minutes, I couldn't stand it, went in and sprayed! Well, by then it was too late. No seeums and gnats, got in my hair, a couple around my eyes (which are a bit swollen this morning) and around my ankles where my socks were. Got my car washed, may do the inside today.

    DOTD: Memorial Day Cocktail

    1½ ounces tea-infused gin
    1 ounce Dolin Blanco vermouth
    ½ ounce Aperol

    Stir all ingredients with ice.

    Serve on the rocks in an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, all!

    NM do you have dysphagia? I have a referral to see a speech pathologist and to get a swallowing eval. I have some pretty significant discomfort after swallowing, but not all the time. The coughing is random, but I did sort of choke yesterday (I forget what I was eating).

    I do have scans tomorrow so maybe something will show up there. This is kind of taking the fun out of eating.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I had double pneumonia three years ago and was hospitalized for 6 days. I am older than you, NM, but it took me two weeks to recover. I coughed so hard that I think I damaged my vocal cords. My voice became raspy and has remained so.

    The weather has been great for the weekenders this holiday and now I'm ready for them to go home. This is a small resort/campground and can quickly seem crowded as seasonal renters arrive. We're having to tighten up on guest fees and there is some grumbling. I may have mentioned that dh and I are managers and collect the rent and fees and electrical bills. In exchange we get free electricity and site.

    I am currently weeding the small graveled playground. Today was day two and I'll need another couple of days. I also keep the small laundry room clean, not a big job since the people who use it are considerate. DH does various chores like emptying the freezer in the Gut Hut on garbage day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Good morning all

    Goldie, there’s a POA (property owners association) but they’re not involved in everyone’s business like an HOA. We pay annual dues for road maintenance.

    DOTD will probably be wine on the deck, if the weather continues to be so nice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sunshine, good luck with those scans. I have mine next week.

    Carole, all that from pneumonia, wow! I've never had it...knock on wood. We didn't stay at camp grounds, but I always thought your elec./water were included in your spot. My dad and his wife used to "host" at some, but I don't know what all it involved. The "Gut Hut", I just love that!

    BabyGirl, that makes more sense, POA. Where our warehouse in town is, it's in a POA.

    NM, you must still be feeling under the weather, since you haven't posted. I hope you are taking care of yourself girlie!

    Not much going on here, just the usual daily.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    Best of luck to everyone getting scans and tests. I just got my mammo reminder the other day.

    Jazzy, we picked up Disney+ to watch Hamilton. Loved it! The kids and I had been singing along with the soundtrack long before we finally got to see it.

    My union held a picket outside the studio this past weekend. (It wasn't a strike, because we weren't trying to stop work at the location.) We were calling out our franchisor and manager for cancelling the employee health insurance plan, removing essential equipment from the studio, and for ghosting us at the contract negotiation table. Sadly, the local media didn't show up to cover it, but we got some good social media posts out.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Goldie, our campground is seasonal and each site has its own electrical meter. The renters pay for leaving their camper in the site through the winter and pay for remaining in the site the entire summer and fall until the campground closes. We used to have two sites to rent by the night when the owners were absentee, but they're in residence now in a home they built and choose not to rent those two sites. Truth be told, we would prefer they hadn't moved here because the woman especially is a pain in the rear.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Miriandra, are you in the video, or taking it? Looks peaceful at least!

    Carol, so is the campground pretty much the "annual" renters? Sorry about the PITA woman!

    Here is a pic of my short hair that I hate! I feel like it makes me look 10 years older. And then me a year ago.

    I hate how this new platform isn't uniform, is that the word I want?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Goldie, I have to disagree. You look cute with the short hair. And with the long hair.

    Yes, the campground/resort is seasonal.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    goldie, I, too, love your shorter haircut! But you are lovely either way! 😍

    Happy Wednesday, everyone. I'm in a bit of a funk today. I think it has to do with my scan results yesterday. New findings, but not enough to change my treatment plan. Will see my MO on Monday. I may message the pulmonologist to see what the heck is going on with my lungs. I'm debating whether or not to have a glass of wine tonight.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, I love your short hair! In my 20's and 30's I assumed guys preferred long hair…go figure, my DH thinks short hair is super sexy. Not that I cut my hair "for him," but it sure makes it easier to deal with. Interestingly, my sister's husband also liked shorter hair. Go figure! I agree, you look lovely either way and you should do what pleases you.

    DH's treatment plans are all changing and there is a great deal of stress here. I never thought I'd consider Lexapro, but maybe…..

    Sunshine, good luck talking to the pulmonologist. I hope it is nothing serious.

    Hope those in the path of the heat wave can stay cool. We hit a balmy 58 for a high so far. Wish this were so till October.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Carole thanks, re the hair. As for the campground, I figured it was "seasonal", what I was asking is if it's full with "annual" renters. Meaning, like you, many have their spots and keep them there year 'round. I couldn't imagine camping there in the winter, but I suppose some might?

    Sunshine thanks. Sorry about the funk. I guess when we are stage IV, there will always be progression at some point, I guess we are hoping for later, instead of sooner! I hope you had, or will have, that glass of wine! Good luck with the pulmonologist.

    WallyCat, thank you as well. As for the hair, I can't do what pleases me. What pleases me is my long hair. I've always had long hair, except when my first bout of chemo left me bald in 2008. But it's falling out too bad now from the currrent chemo, so cutting it short was the only thing I could do, other than shaving it! And I just couldn't bring myself to do that. Sorry about the stress you are having, I try to avoid that at all cost, I think mostly by denial! Ohhhhh, I know you are loving that 58 degrees! I also know you have had a few hospital visits, I hope all is ok.

    NM, thinking of you and hoping you are ok.

    Karen, I KNOW you are enjoying that baby and of course your DD and SIL!

    Been working outside, yesterday and today. Cleaning inside one of my little buildings (the BlackSmith Shop) and some gardening. More tomorrow before my video visit with MO. So far I've planted, from seed, tomatoes, green beans, lima beans, cantelope, watermelon, zuchinni, and a surprise squash from some seed I had but didn't mark!
    This is my hair 3 years ago. Just don't know if the pic will post, I never know with this new platform, which I am NOT a fan. I would make the picture smaller, but it doesn't allow me to.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Your hair was gorgeous. I must say, I've had no chemo, but I did have the arimidex/tamoxifen crap and my hair is a former shell of itself. Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    No wonder you grieve the loss of your long hair. It's gorgeous in that photo.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    I was thinking of the thread with the hair/loss issues and someone mentioned irestore (there are other brands) that use red/laser and their hair did a magnificent return. Not sure if you followed that thread at all. Also, rogaine. There's even a new treatment that uses minoxidil in pill/oral at the tiniest dose. It used to be a blood pressure med but the side effects were hair regrowth. Many women (and men) who have had no luck any other way had this help them. My sister has never had cancer but had thinning on the crown and used the topical rogaine and it has helped her a lot.

    It reminds me how many losses we go through as we age and get illnesses and even not-life-threatening stuff still affects us. It can all be so hard sometimes. I'm so sorry about your hair situation.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    WallyCat, the gift that keeps on giving, we have said that forever, and boy it's true! Thanks for the info and don't be sorry.

    Carole, I do. I can't even stand to look in the mirror. But tell myself, I have no one to impress (except myself), my friends and family love me for who I am, not what I look like, and most of all, I'M STILL HERE!

    More of same today as I have been doing the last few days, nothing exciting.

    DOTD: English Garden Cocktail

    50ml gin
    25ml St Germain elderflower liqueur
    75ml apple juice, not from concentrate
    10ml lime juice
    cucumber ribbons, to serve

    STEP 1
    Shake all the ingredients except the cucumber with ice and strain into a tall glass with filled with fresh ice.

    STEP 2
    Decorate with cucumber ribbons to serve.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Teka love the blooms. Here are some of mine

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Love the blossoms! I have some on my deck that I'm enjoying.

    Happy Friday to everyone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Beautiful flowers girls. I can't do petunias, the rodents eat the flowers! I usually get geraniums, but don't think I will mess with flowers this year.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    DH is outside cutting tree limbs and clearing debris in full sun and 83 degree temps.

    I got my chores done early and am enjoying a Corona with the bar with the AC at 71 and steel drums playing, totally in my own happy, beachy world.

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Great way to enjoy your afternoon BabyGirl. I'm up early, usually by 5, but I don't get moving until much later in the morning! CheerZ!

    I spoke with NM and she told me …….

    Pneumonia and asthma. Finally got on steroids and a second round of antibiotics yesterday, off work for a week. Finally able to sleep and not doing much else. The coughing is finally easing up. Say hi to the BCO crew for me. Things are turning around now that I can really rest. I should have taken time off in the beginning and should have insisted on steroids when I went to walk in care. I’ve got to remember that I don’t bounce back from things like I used to!