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how about drinking?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    NM, sure…Duodenum, gastric antrum, GE Junction and proximal esophagus. The proximal she said had gastric cells, which is rare and unusual. I asked if it was Barrett's and she said that was too high…ugh.

    We are also having cool days. 54 was our high yesterday and today should be 58-60. I'm love this! I know it won't last so trying to enjoy the weather and not overstress (SO hard!).

    Love the color of that drink!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    Love the baby goats! Depending on what kind of property we land on in Italy, we might see about getting a few goats for fiber - probably Angora or one of the related breeds. One of my clients keeps goats, and she swears they can get pregnant just by bleating at each other.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    The Camel Hump - I made it with half butterscotch schnapps and half Baileys. It was very smooth - but still sweeter than what I usually drink. Still, I think I'll pour another one since my trial was just one ounce of each and not a shot of each. I usually mix my schnapps with bourbon.

    Nice to hear everyone's stories. I've been walking 2 brisk hours every morning and I am in an outdoor water aerobics class 3x a week. It was time to get out of the recliner - LOL.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301
    edited June 2023

    Hmmm - not sure how to edit in this new format so I'm adding the correction here.

    The first Camel Hump was one TABLESPOON of each - not an oz. Just made another with 1 oz each.

    Just found edit - for the future…..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    WallyCat, I hope you don't have to wait long, ugh is right! And may they be good results.

    Misty, congrats on the graduating g'daug. My step grandson is also graduating. My DD was in dance, I always enjoyed the recitals.

    Jazzy, hope those dancing shoes got a work out!

    NM, that was quite the run around Friday! I guess just part of job. Glad the patient is ok. Stubborn pups, not wanting to learn to dry off!!! Friend did NOT know momma was pregnant.

    Miriandra, are you moving to Italy??? I think one of my other neighbors has one of those goats, cuz I thought it was sheep.

    Minus, I don't think my body would allow me to walk for 2 hours. I walked to my neighbor's last year with my kids and brother, 1 mile. Stayed and visited for awhile and then a mile back. My back was screaming! It took me awhile too to find the edit.

    Yesterday I was on my porch and seen a small rabbit haulin a$$ right across the front of my house. That happened before, and the next thing I saw was a coyote hot on it's tail. So when this one went whizzing by, I was watching for a coyote to come next. Well that didn't happen, so I stood, looked in the direction where the rabbit came from, and that's when I saw a mountain lion moseying up my driveway 😲. Grabbed my camera, but it went out my view due to trees. I also found some scat about half way down my driveway, which is 1/3 mile long. I saw that a week or so ago. I looked online to see what mountain lion scat looked like, and it looks just like what I found! So, needless to say, I'm very cautous when I go outside. 👀

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, yowzers on the wildlife. We have bear, mountain lion and coyote in the area too. Coyotes have come up to the porch but never the mountain lion or bear…yet. Scary!

    This is the first year I can remember getting any rain or mist in June, which is what we have had the last 2 days. Hope to get a walk in today if it stops.

    If anyone is good at sewing and can tell me if I can manage to make a duvet cover using a flat and fitted sheet, please share. Two flat sheets are no issue, but the fitted sheet…not sure how much waste or if it would even be possible.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Spent the afternoon working in the crawl space - throwing out things from the kids that I saved but never looked at - birthday cards, school work, consolidating and giving away and old changing table and port-a-crib. Threw the crib away a couple weeks ago. Found two boxes under other boxes that had tax stuff, duplicate checks etc from 1995! Talk about out of sight, out of mind. My goal this summer is to purge "stuff" from the crawl space. Keeping kid toys and books. I'm sure this will keep me busy all summer when we are not traveling!!! Need to stay busy.

    We've had a rainy 4 weeks - that's okay as I'm not ready for the heat. And we've managed to get 2 walks in most days.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I had a nice visit with Mom yesterday. She's looking for an Independent Living place to move to, she wants a walk in shower and some transportation services and shelves and such she can reach more easily, all of which are good things for her to have. I also think she's lonely and is looking for someplace where there will be people around to talk to and also people around to help with the things she's finding it harder to do, like moving big plant pots and vacuuming floors and the like. I hope she finds someplace she likes and can afford that doesn't have a long waiting period. Now, if I could just figure out how her phone keeps getting put on Mute all the time so I could actually call her from time to time. . . .

    Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny, warm day, after more than a week of chilly, rainy weather. I wish I could have hung out on the deck, and Mom doesn't have her screen house set up yet, so we visited inside, but there is more nice weather coming, right?

    Walley--sounds like you have real tummy troubles! I hope it's not causing a lot of pain or discomfort.

    Good Morning, Mariandra!

    Minus--good for you walking every morning! I wish I had that kind of self-discipline! I was wondering what the difference was between an ounce and a shot!

    Goldie--oh my, what a surprise that must have been for your friend to find 2 more goats in the pen one day! I saw the pic you put on FB, mountain lions sound scary! Glad the bunny got away that time.

    Karen--sounds like you got a lot of cleaning out done!




    Combine gin and crème de cassis in ice-filled Collins glass. Top with ginger ale and stir. Squeeze and add lime wedge. Serve in a Collins Glass.

    From <>

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    NM, no pain at all. I was referred for the endoscopy because I had a choking/food stuck issue and they wanted to make sure it was all OK. I'm reading (and someone posted to my worry thread) that 4 biopsies are minimal standard in separate areas. Of course, now the worry is it found something. They'll do a swallow test to see if my esophagus needs to be dilated or if it is all up to stress. I may also have silent reflux (no pain, no anything but it is still happening, they assume).

    Today we hit high 70s before we get back to 50-60s. We managed a nice walk yesterday. DH has his dentist appointment tomorrow, in Sequim, so a costco shopping day for me. Sure wish we could figure out his issue and make a decision if he will receive treatment #2.

    Happy week to all.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    wallycat, I have a swallow test tomorrow. I've been having some of the same problems and my most recent CT showed esophageal thickening, or something like that. I've also had a persistent cough so will see the pulmonologist again. GI appointment isn't until the end of August. I've wondered if I have silent reflux, too. I don't have noticeable heartburn, but maybe it's the silent variety. I used to have speech therapy patients with silent aspiration, so I know that's possible.

    Have fun at Costco. We went yesterday. DH loves his avocados so we always get at least 4 bags.

    Happy Monday, everyone!


  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Sunshine, hope the test goes well! I have to smile when I think of all the things the human body can do to us—
    I have not received a call from the doctor yet, but from what I saw on myChart, I think I'm in the clear. Gastritis irritation and silent reflux (I say silent because I have none of the symptoms 99% of the time). No mention of Barrett's. Interestingly the gastric cells in the upper esophagus are called "inlets," I think, and are a congenital thing. We'll see how the swallow challenge goes.

    Do you guys store the avocados in the fridge and let ripen as needed on the counter? Or make a big batch of guac and freeze it?

    Ugh; it hit 77 so far and can't wait for the 58 tomorrow. I did manage to mow the backyard but definitely not my favorite weather. I am planning on a frozen pizza and dread the thought of the oven on when it gets this hot out.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172
    edited June 2023

    Our plan is to ex-pat to Italy after DH retires. He was in the Army, then National Guard. We were intending on going over this summer, but we've had to delay because he's still in process for getting his disability status. A lot of our plans hinge on how much disability percentage he qualifies for and how much payout he will get from it. Italy doesn't want people to just saunter over and enjoy free healthcare - they require a certain level of income so new residents can pay into the system first.

    There's an absolute rabbit-hole of a site that lists real estate. We're hoping that most Americans looking to buy overseas will be more interested in the Club Med modern homes. We're looking at the historic villas and estates. We could literally purchase a castle for what our house is listing for on Zillow.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    DD and I took the fast Clipper to Victoria this weekend. So foggy going up we couldn't see the islands nearby and raining steadily when we arrived. DD talked us into using our Sun tickets for the museum on Sat. It let up a little as we walked around. I had to have a nap and we went looking for dinner at 9pm (too late). We ended up having gelato for dinner (delicious). Sunday was bright and sunny. We had a brunch and spent the afternoon at Beacon Hill park which is lovely. Nice plantings, a long lake and room to roam. We saw ducks, geese, peacocks and herons. They have a rookery with signs saying no dogs. We saw a peahen in bushes we were sure contained a nest. If we go back the park will be at the top of the list. This was my break-in trip with my new passport which arrived ages after I applied.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Waking up to another busy day at work, I'll be very glad when the new nurses are oriented and taking over their caseloads. Doing all the visits for even a small number of patients is making it hard to get all the office stuff done without working evenings/weekends. At least it won't be forever.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Wally--I've got Barrett's esophagus and remember the initial work up, and remember the same thing about a set number of biopsies from the different areas.

    Sunshine--reflux can cause a lot of problems. It's surprising how many problems it can cause!

    Miriandra--wow, living in a castle in Italy would be cool!

    Wren--sounds like you had a great little passport break in trip!

    The Passport Cocktail


    1 ounce campari

    1 ounce white vermouth

    1 ounce grapefruit juice

    1/2 ounce lime juice

    1/2 ounce simple syrup

    2 dashes rhubarb bitters

    soda, to top

    orange wedge, to garnish

    cucumber slice, to garnish


    Pour the Campari, vermouth, grapefruit juice, lime juice, simple syrup, and bitters into a tall glass filled with ice. Stir to combine. Top with soda. Garnish with orange wedge and cucumber slice.

    Read More:

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Wally, glad the initial news from the test is looking positive. I'll have to look up Barrett's disease since this is the first I've heard of it.

    You're sounding more like yourself, NM.

    Wren, we just got our new passports and will be using them for a trip to Ireland and Scotland in September. It's more dh's trip than mine but I will undoubtedly find it interesting.

    Miranda, what an adventurous retirement! Living in Italy in a villa. I hope you can stay in touch and post pictures when you're settled.

    We've been enjoying a cool front. It's so nice to sleep under covers.

    Happy Tuesday to all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    WallyCat, good luck on the duvet, I would just buy one! I Googled how to make a duvet, there are videos to watch. Here is one for you.

    Karen, glad you are feeling well enough to get some stuff done! Good on you.

    NM, that is good news, mom wanting to look into Independant Living. Speaking of, I need to check in Chevy. She hadn't moved in yet, but sounded very much looking forward to it. Seems as though your "nice" weather, is short lived, much like Michigan!

    Miriandra, I can't figure out the links, I think it's some sort of captcha, but I don't understand the language and can't read it!

    Wren, sounds like you had a beautiful stroll. What is a rookery?

    Good morning Carole.

    Nothing going on with me. Cleaning in the house yesterday. Been doing so much outside, that the inside is being neglected. Doing those things that you don't do often, washing floors, I need to get to the bathrooms and maybe some dusting.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Hmmmm, I don't know how to make the link clickable. You will have to copy/paste or do a Google search.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, appreciate the effort. I ended up ordering a linen duvet cover from amazon and love it. I'd love a silk one too but OY on the $$$; it will have to wait.

    We had a hot day yesterday; it hit 77. Today will be a balmy 58 and I am happy. We should hover in the 55-62 range till the end of the week. May get rain, which has not happened in June for at least 5 years. Climate is most definitely changing.

    We're heading to sequim for DH's dental/gum inflammation stuff. I'm still convinced it is from the Pluvicto and he'll have to decide if he can contend with the pain or switch treatments. Grateful there is one other option at the moment. Watching our loved ones be ill is horrible.

    Thanks all for the salutations on the good news. No barrett's is a good thing…of course, more stress can mean more reflux, which can change all of it. Life.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wally, it sounds like you totally get it with the swallowing issues. Study done this morning, nothing of great concern. No aspiration, silent or otherwise, which is good.

    We store the avocados on the table until they start to get ripe, then put them in the fridge. DH can go through a lot of them!

    Happy Tuesday!


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172
    edited June 2023

    The forum platform might have objected to me listing multiple web sites in one post. Let's see if this works better.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172
    edited June 2023

    Took a little back and forth, but it looks clickable now. One of the nice things about Italy is that the government rolled out good internet coverage all over the country. Even the rural areas have strong coverage.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    Ah ha! When you put in a link, it gives you a little speech bubble with three icons on the left. Click the icon on the far left that looks like a straight line. That will make the link clickable.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    A heron rookery is just a group of herons nesting in trees together. Kind of noisy and enough droppings to make you give it some distance. We have one in Seattle near the Ballard Locks.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! It's also Wednesday, Women, and Wine day. I'm looking forward to the get-together this evening. There are going to be a couple of new ladies joining us tonight, which is fun and exciting. I am so glad to finally be feeling well again, and the steroid effects are pretty much worn off so I'm not having hot flashes and can sleep again. The puppers are happy to have more tug and wrestle time.

    Carole--the Ireland and Scotland trip sounds like fun. I hope you do enjoy yourself. Sleeping under covers is nice, isn't it?

    Goldie--I'm hoping Mom will find an Independent Living place that she likes and thinks is affordable. I think she will be much happier around other people near her own age and with staff to help with things. And especially with transportation, I really wish she would stop driving entirely, but she's not ready to do that yet. Nice summer weather is getting rarer and rarer hear. The pattern has become days of rain and chill, one or two days of sunshine and warmth, rinse and repeat. Not like I remember summers as a kid.

    Wally--a silk duvet would be wonderful, but I can just imagine the cost!

    Morning, Carol!

    Miriandra--good internet is a good thing! Do you speak Italian? Those villas are beautiful!

    Wren--a heron rookery does not sound like a fun neighbor!

    Castle Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz Botanica Spiritvs Gin

    3/4 oz Bols Triple Sec

    1 tsp Lemon Juice

    Dash Bitters (Angostura Bitters)


    Strip of Lemon Zest for garnish

    Pour the ingredients into a metal shaker filled with ice

    Shake until the outside of the shaker frosts

    Strain into a chilled glass

    Garnish with a slice of lime if desired

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    We're avocado fans, too, but I usually buy three and let them sit on the counter until just barely soft. Then into the veggie drawer in the refrigerator. Avocado is a favorite salad addition, plus I like avocado slices on my lunch sandwiches. Have not done the avocado toast for breakfast.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Miriandra, nice places for sure, I just wouldn't want to clean it! And the first one in the description says no bathroom, but there is one in the photos. As for linking posts, is that on phone? I did not get any "speech bubble", or at least I don't recall that. I'm on a laptop. UPDATE I just tried it, had to highlight the area, then the bubble comes up, but the "link" icon is to the far right for me. Thank you!

    Wren thanks. When I looked up rookery, all I got were a bunch of buildings. Changing it to heron rookery, I see now. Looks like a commune...LOL!

    NM, enjoy your evening with the WWW, you surely need it, after being sick for so long. Good luck to mom, I just hope she's not too picky about it.

    Carole, I like having cut up avocado, sprinkled with some salt/pepper to have with toast. And who doesn't like guacamole....oh wait, my DH didn't!

    My friend came over with her grandson yesterday. I've had an antique pinball machine sitting in my living room since the repairs in the bedroom from the stove explosion. With his help, we get it moved back into the bedroom WoooHooooo, I was so sick of looking at it in my living room. Heading to town today, have to get labs due to high creatinine levels, need to renew my DL, stop at discount tire to see if they can plug a tire. I have a little trailer that I can pull with my quad, and the tire has been flat for well over a year. Need to pick up sealer for my porch and groceries. Saturday is the big branding day out at my friends ranch. I don't much care about that, it's more for getting out and socializing, since I don't do anything!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172
    edited June 2023

    I'm on a MacBook. It wouldn't surprise me if different platforms have subtle differences.

    Parlo un po' d'Italiano! I took it in college, and got to the point where I could have simple conversations with my professor. (Professoressa Mutzi was a lovely, little Sicilian woman.) I'm incredibly rusty now, but I remember some random phrases and structures. That's one of the things that annoys me about many of the "Learn a Language" platforms - Italian has two different words for "you": "lei" you feminine, and "lui" you masculine. But most of them teach the language using only one of the forms, usually "lei" interestingly. If you ask an Italian man, "Mi piace la pizza! E lei?" ["I like pizza! Do you (F)?"], you could very well get punched.

    Even worse the word "penne", as in the tube style of pasta, is very close to the word "pene", which refers to a man's genitals. If you ask an Italian man, "Mi piace le penne! E lei?" and don't pronounce everything very carefully, you could find yourself in a … less than diplomatic situation. 😅

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mirilandra, that's hilarious - or not, depending on the situation.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Looks like yesterdays post didn't post, so trying again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a great time at the Wednesday, Women, and Wine get together last night. There were 16 of us, and I got to meet a couple ladies for the first time. The puppers weren't too upset that I was home late, but Colt has hidden his din-din dish and is not happy about eating off a paper plate. He must have taken the dish out into the yard. If it's dry enough when I get home from work tonight I'll go look for it.

    Carole--I haven't tried avacado, it just doesn't look appetizing to me, but maybe I need to!

    Goldie--I really did enjoy the evening out. Nice you got the pinball machine out of the living room, finally! Nothing wrong with getting out and socializing. It sounds really interesting.

    Miriandra--I took German in high school, and remember the feminine and masculine pronouns, and all the nouns were feminine or masculine or neuter, and learning what noun was what gender was a struggle! Oh my goodness, the "less than diplomatic situation"!

    Spicy Mint Avocado Margarita


    • 1 slice avocado (approximately 2 tablespoons)
    • 3 slices jalapeño (seeds removed)
    • 4 fresh mint leaves
    • 1 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 2 ounces blanco tequila
    • 1 ounce orange liqueur
    • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
    • 1 pinch salt
    • Garnish: salt rim
    • Garnish: mint sprig


    1. Rim a double rocks glass with salt and set aside.
    2. Add the avocado, jalapeño, mint and lime juice into a shaker and muddle until the avocado is mashed.
    3. Add the tequila, orange liqueur, simple syrup and salt.
    4. Fill the shaker with ice, and shake until well-chilled.
    5. Strain into the prepared rocks glass over fresh ice.
    6. Garnish with a mint sprig.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Miriandra, oh dear. Be careful what you say, or should that be "how" you say it!

    NM, 16 women, that's quite a gathering. I think I've said it before, Colt and Zoe don't get too upset you for being gone, as they have each other. Who knows, when the cats away, the mice will play! You've never had avacado? What about guacamole?

    Been super busy around here the last couple of days and more I need to get done, mostly going through tons of paper work, and checking to make sure I have everything paid that needs paid. You know, those things that only come up once a year. Went to renew my DL, but was not able to, they want a birth certificat. Well, I don't have one, so I had to order one, over $50. $20 of that was to have it shipped UPS next day, which was not optional. Mind you, it's an hour or so to town! Today is branding day. I have to cut up onions, lettuce and tomato for burgers later. It'll be a toasty one, mid 80's. But there should be a breeze.

    Happy Saturday