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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungetes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Took Mom out to look at a couple of Independent Living places Saturday. She had 2 appointments for tours. Or so she thought. One place she didn't have an appointment, but we did get to look at a studio apartment that she didn't like and was too expensive anyway. The second place the lady had called and rescheduled the appointment to next Saturday. I've told Mom to have people call me when she makes appointments to give me the correct information. In the meantime, she thinks she's found the place she wants to go to, and is working on getting an appointment for a tour there. It's a challenge for her since she doesn't have a working email address (she can't remember the password to any of the email accounts she has, so she thinks they aren't working). I'll be glad when this gets settled and she gets moved, not that I'm looking forward to helping her move again. Trying to take this as it comes.

    The puppers don't seem to be minding all the rain, especially when they can come in and try to climb in my lap with wet, muddy feets and bellys!

    Wally--I guess one advantage of all the rain is it's cleaning out the smoke from the Canadian wildfires.

    THANK YOU, TEKA!!!!!

    Minus--It will be good for her to have back up, and I think she will be much happier, less lonely with other people around. And I think she would drive less, she really shouldn't be driving at all, but won't hear that from anyone yet. At least she is limiting where and when she will drive and that helps some.

    Morning, Chi!

    Happy 4th, Jazzy!

    Reader--I'll have to look for that kind of wine and try it out.

    Goldie--I had never hear Watermelon Crawl. So funny! Good heavens, what a mess with the urology appointments! No wonder you are pissed. Anyone would be! I hope you made it clear to them how upset you are with all this.

    Sunshine--good idea, asking for STAT scans and appointments. I hope that works for Goldie. Woops, looks like that's already been tried, and not so successful.

    Carole--I wholeheartedly agree!

    The office is open today, closed tomorrow, then open the rest of the week. It's going to make for a very odd week!



    Select All


    1 cup frozen strawberries

    1 cup watermelon chunks, frozen

    2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (about 2 limes)

    2 tablespoons white rum

    1 tablespoon sugar

    1 cup ice cubes


    1 cup coconut sorbet

    1/4 cup rum

    2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (about 2 limes)

    1 cup ice cubes


    1/3 cup blue passion fruit liqueur, such as Hpnotiq or Alize

    1/4 cup fresh lime juice (about 4 limes)

    2 tablespoons blue curacao liqueur

    2 tablespoons white rum

    2 tablespoons sugar

    2 cups ice cubes

    1. Begin by making the red layer: Put the frozen strawberries, watermelon, lime juice, rum, sugar and ice in the carafe of a blender. Blend until thick and smooth. Stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons water if the consistency is too thick. Transfer to a large measuring cup or small bowl and place in the freezer while you make the next layer.
    2. For the white layer: Rinse out the blender and add the coconut sorbet, rum, lime juice and ice. Blend until thick and smooth. Transfer to another large measuring cup or small bowl and place in the freezer while you make the final layer.
    3. For the blue layer: Rinse out the blender and add the passion fruit liqueur, lime juice, blue curacao, rum, sugar and ice cubes. Blend until slushy and there are no chunks of ice left.
    4. Pour the red layer into the bottom of six 8-ounce glasses, about 1/3 cup each. Gently spoon 1/3 cup of the white layer over the red layer so they stay separate. Finish by spooning 1/3 cup of the blue layer over the second layer in each glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Jazzy - the Rio Grande? If so, there's lots more water than I remembered.

    NM - I agree, your Mom will probably be happier with other people around. It's never fun to contemplate giving up driving.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Can't figure out how to edit & add, so a new post.

    Sipping an equal mixture of Gentleman Jack bourbon and Chambord raspberry liquor on ice. DELICIOUS.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Went out to Jaleo (Jose Andres' place) for tapas tonight. Bob had Tio Pepe sherry, I had the house cava and then a rosado from the Basque region. Finished with a cortado (like a miniature cappuccino).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, glad you and mom got out to look at some places, despite the mix up. Especially since you expected it! Of course the puppers don't mind when they come in wet and muddy, they don't have to clean it! I didn't express any anger at the urology appt, 1. I'm not like that. 2. I think I was dumb struck. I'll be sure and say more at my next visit and I suppose I should call and make sure they have me scheduled for the cystoscopy. I had to chuckle at the fact that you had never heard Watermelon Crawl. I thought everyone knew that song!

    Jazzy, they do that on the Colorado river, over in Laughlin.

    Minus, on the post you want to EDIT, on my laptop there are the 3 dots at the top right corner of the post, EDIT/DELETE options are there.

    Well, I accidently clicked on Jazzy's picture and couldn't figure out how to get back! Had to open a new tab and start over. AND, we finally hit tripple digits yesterday, 101 for me, 115 in Phoenix!

    WallyCat, I know you're jealous! 🤣

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Beautiful river picture. Had my first drink in over a month yesterday - a small glass of Prosecco. It was quite nice.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Gorgeous river pic, Jazzy! Tonight we're grilling potluck—defrosted some fully-cooked ribs, will also have sausages. Friends bringing potato salad. I will throw together tomatoes & basil. Have a sugar-free angel food cake, a can of Reddi-Whip, and berries galore, so I think we've got dessert covered too. It may rain, if so we can cook in the microwave or stovetop and eat indoors (Bob will have to move all his paperwork—mostly old bills & med. journals—off the table so we can all sit; he tends to turn every surface into either his desk or his bar or both).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Hi Ladies- happy July 4th. Back from Taos on my little junket. Enjoyed my time there but think Taos has seen better days. I noticed a lot of boarded up hotels and many closed shops and restaurants since I was there before the pandemic. Taos depends on tourism more so than Albuquerque or Santa Fe (although every place had hits here with the pandemic).

    The photo I shared is in the Rio Grande just south of the box. Well know for some class 5 rapids and a big draw for expert kayakers in the spring. We had a lot of late winter snow and some spring rains so yes Minus Two, the rivers are high this year. All the lakes are filled up too after being down to nothing. When I drove up on Sunday, the rafters were just heading to the river, and that picture was taken on my way down yesterday afternoon and there were lot of floats in the river. I didn't go this year, but have in the past and it's a lot of fun. The Rio Grande is still very full down here in July which is very unusual and there have been a lot of people out kayaking and paddle boarding and many having to get rescued this year. The Rio Grande is nothing to mess with during high water season.

    Back to work tomorrow for a three day work week. Hope everyone has had a nice day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day that feels like Monday! I had a relatively quiet 4th. I did have to go into the office, getting remote access to the office system just was not working for me yesterday. Just as well, as I got lots of stuff done and made a big dent in the stuff I've needed to ketchup on there. Still got a ways to go, but I'm hoping for another good session on Saturday after taking Mom to tour an Independent Living home. Our office is talking about/planning a restructuring that will have me working fully as a Patient Care Manager, managing a full team of staff and all the patients assigned to the team, and transferring much of what I am doing to the PCM Senior, a position much like an executive assistant to the office Director. We've talked about this shift before, I hope it gets beyond the talking stage this time.

    Well, it finally warmed up here, and with the warm came the fog and humidity. So far it's been ok with air conditioning in the office and in the car, and the fans at home. I haven't had to turn on the AC in the bedroom yet. I have been able to come home from work and sit on the deck with a glass of wine and watch the puppers chasing each other around.

    Jazzy--beautiful pic! That looks like a lovely rafting trip.

    Minus--Mom will be happier with other people around. I just hope she finds someplace she like soon, and that it has an opening without waiting too long. Ooh, that drink sounds marvelous!


    Goldie--triple digits, wow! I'm quite happy with the 80s and 90s we're finally getting!

    Sunshine--Prosecco is so nice, it's my go-to drink when I'm out during the summer.

    Jazzy--it must have been sad to see so many places closed and boarded up like that.



    • 2 1-inch-cubed watermelon chunks
    • 1 1/2 ounces aged rum
    • 1/2 ounce triple sec
    • 1/2 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
    • 1/6 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    • Garnish: lime wedge

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    That river looks amazing! I love desert topography—sage, lone pine….beautiful.

    NM, I'm not a big cocktail gal but that looks amazing. I love rum and watermelon (I'd skip the syrup) so maybe the two are delightful!

    We finally hit 86 yesterday. OY VEY is mir!!! NOT a fan. Glad to have a great heat pump that cools beautifully. Another warm day expected today before the 60s come back. Still having good air quality but more local fires starting.

    Had my swallow test—-Barium initial swallow went well, second swallow and the sphincter between
    stomach and esophagus wouldn't open.  Waited and waited...I said,  "did I
    break the machine again?" and nope...they had me lay down and the
    sphincter opened right away. I said, "that should mean no reflux, right?" 
    He laughed.  Had me take a very wide, flat, dry tablet about 4-1/2 mm
    wide.  Went down perfectly. He said no strictures since the pill didn't
    get stuck. That is the limit on stricture definition and mine went
    through just fine.  I said, "so possible spasm?" and he said that is
    probably it. He didn't know if there were pills to fix that and I told
    him there were. He asked how I knew and I told him dr. google, LOL.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Another round of storms blew through today. My HK opened the linen closet in what she'd thought was a dried-out basement…nope. Water gushed out—all plastic tubs were full. Her dryer is kaput—it was full of water, and all the clothes in it are ruined. The sofa down there is also toast—had to be dragged out into the alley. She was able to resurrect the water heater. Adjuster coming tomorrow morning, and put her on the restoration company's wait list. But at least today it didn't re-flood—unlike in Cicero, Berwyn & Oak Park. Viaducts never did dry out—east-west arterials still impassable. She hopes to be able to come in tomorrow—hope Heidi will greet her. The last time she saw Heidi was last Friday early afternoon, before Heidi started staying under the daybed. (She loves Heidi, whom she calls Big Mama, as much as or even more than I do—I can't bear for her to undergo yet another loss in a few short awful months).

    We're still ok. With last night's BBQ, Marques de Toledo Tempranillo 2020. Tonight, I'm drinking Hint water; Bob has Lagavullin 16-yr-old Islay single malt.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! It's going to be another long, long day at work today. And tomorrow. The office director and one patient care manager have taken the rest of the week off, leaving me and the senior patient care manager to run the show, and it is being a scramble. The holiday in the middle of the week did not help. The admissions coordinator is off this week, too, making things even crazier. Essentially there are 3 of us doing double duty this week and we are having trouble keeping up.

    Anyway, I need to head in to the office early , so just jumping in here to say Hi to everyone. Will ketchup later.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    We're having some cool temperatures for whatever reason. It was windy yesterday with a high in the 60's. So we had our cool weather cocktail before dinner. A bourbon old-fashioned with cherries and an orange slice.

    This morning it was 46 degrees when I got up and the heat pump is keeping the camper comfortable. Sleeping was great last night. I got out the fleece blanket.

    Good luck in coping with all that work pressure, NM.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Carole, do you have a bourbon preference? I'm just learning about bourbon but prices out here are outrageous when you add the 30% (that's what it amounts to) liquor tax. Oh the horror! Your temps sound wonderful.

    We hit 84 yesterday but should start having the week with high 60s again. i hope the weather-guessers are correct. Small fire broke out on Protection Island (we can see it directly from our kitchen window) but it was contained quickly and the smoke was not bad. Our air quality has been great so far this year.

    NM, hope the work goes quickly and easily.

    Have a great day/rest of the week everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Wally, is WA still limiting hard alcohol sales to state Liquor Control Board stores? One thing that made moving to Chicago more tolerable (was it really 45 yrs ago?) was that you could buy booze anywhere here, even at grocery stores. Everything else here seemed costlier (rents, for sure) at the time—but now the reverse is true. Bob's fave bourbons are Maker's Mark and Bulleit; mine (when I drink it) is Few, made in Evanston. Their head distiller lives down the block and gifted me a fifth of their Ltd. Ed. (made for Eataly) after I lent him my traction mats when his Prius got stuck in our deeply-snowy alley. (One more reason not to own a sedan in the Midwest, at least not in winter). There's always Four Roses, if you're mixing it—cheapest drinkable stuff around. (Sentimental fave, as that's what Bob's late uncle Bill used for his renowned whiskey sours).

    Didn't drink tonight until I bit into some shishito peppers I'd pan-blistered: the 1 out of 4 that was supposed to be spicy was hotter than even the Hatch chiles, so I had to down the dregs of the (very flat) Mumm Napa reserve to cut through the volatile oils.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Going to just jump in, since I missed a few days. Went yesterday for my DL. If you remember, I was waiting for my birth certificate. They have 2 lines, one for walk ins and one for those that have an appt. I had an appt., and I'm the only one in that line. So I'm standing there, and whenever they call next, they look at the line of walk-ins "I can help who's next". So, about 3 of them were called up. I finally went up and asked "Do I need to get at the end of that line? I have an appt.!" The customer that was there said go ahead.

    Birth certificate check, marriage license check, old DL check. 2 pcs of mail....sorry,, we need something with your physical address on it. I said, I don't get mail at that address, I live off grid and no mail delivery. I'm sorry, we need 2 pcs with your physical address. Maybe the title/deed to your property. Why didn't someone tell me this when I was here before???? So, needless to say, I have to go back for a 3rd time!

    On top of all that, my BP was sky high, not sure why, it has been lately. I've never had high BP. 162/103 yikes! Feeling jittery, heart racing, feeling sick, worn out just walking 50 feet! I get home, still feeling sick, haven't eaten, don't feel like eating, threw up twice (bile). Finally was able to get 2 bowls of chicken noodle soup down and feeling a little better. Feeling much better this morning....we'll see how the day goes!

    And that's my story......
    Wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, goldie, what a day you had. I'm glad you're feeling better today, but what the heck are you supposed to do to get your DL?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    I need 2 pcs with my physical address on it. Title/deed to my property, maybe taxes? I dug out the envelope from the garbage that my birth certificate came in, since that was UPS and it has my physical address on it.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Goldie, it sounds like a property tax bill with the physical address would help. Fingers crossed for you!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, wow, I thought that washington state was insane with their requirements for any number of things. I hope you start feeling better. My BP was so high (panic attack) I went to the emergency room. OY. I've never had hypertension (except white-coat) before either. My new doc suspects stress/anxiety and you are certainly dealing with that! And OY, why can't your current DL count as a document with your current address.

    Sandy, the state owned liquor stores are no longer. Costco did a huge lobby to get booze to be able to be sold anywhere, so it is very similar to Wisconsin and Chicago…except that they hiked the tax so high, I was ordering a case of stuff from other states because shipping a case was less than tax on 2 bottles of anything (except wine). Of course, when WA got wind of what people were doing, they put a stop to that too. Too bad I can't do a go-fund-me page to help me restock, LOL. I am mostly a wine drinker but when DH's brothers/family come to visit, I want to have what they like on hand….I still had the bottle of Scotch his one brother likes from his WI visit, so that bottle has sat for 13 years, LOL.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    WallyCat, I'm usually a pretty even-keel person and try not to stress and worry about things. Perhaps one can be stressed, but not realize it? I DO have a lot on my plate, but they are things that are out of my control, hence the reason I try not to worry.

    My BP came down yesterday afternoon, finally reaching 133/70. I'll keep tabs on it, for sure. I have an order here for another scan from urologist, chest/pelvic with and w/o dye. Well, I thought maybe dye was different than contrast, I didn't think so, but called to confirm, and then asked why I have to have that done, I just had one a month ago! Well, of course they can't answer me, because it's an answering service and will send a message to the PA.

    When I was in town the other day (grocery store) there was a gentleman manuvering through the produce section, as was I. We came to meet and did "the dance", and he says to me "and where did you play basketball?" I just chuckled and said "I didn't."

    DOTD: Absolute Stress

    • Ice
    • Vodka
    • Dark Rum
    • 1 fluid ounce Peach Schnapps
    • 1 fluid ounce orange juice
    • 1 fluid ounce cranberry juice

    1. Fill a tall glass with ice.
    2. Add vodka, rum, peach schnapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice to a cocktail shaker. Cover and shake well. Pour over ice.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Lori, after a day like that no wonder your BP was through the roof. In the ER after I fell and had been stewing after triage in the lobby >5 hrs waiting to be called, and worried which bones I'd broken, mine was 144/70, so natch, I got the automatic "hypertension scolding" paragraph in my discharge instructions. (Didn't the 70 diastolic clue them in)? Glad you're getting creative looking for stuff with your physical address on it. One would think that geographic coordinates would be sufficient for someone living off the grid, but nooo….

    Last night at Regalia, DOTD was a 2021 Sancerre. Tonight at Oda Mediterranean (another neighborhood gem), a French "pet-nat" ("naturally sparkling" because young) rosé and a Georgian red (Lagvinari Aladasturi) that was like a cross between Pinot Noir and Gamay.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Goldie, I feel stressed for you from reading about the difficulties you encounter in your medical care and in everyday life. I can't imagine that renewing a driver's license could be such a giant pain in the human anatomy.

    I was awakened at 12:30 last night by blasting country western music and the sounds of human revelry. I got up and went outside and located the source. A campfire over at Mark's camper. The owners are out of town and the resort is about half full. DH was sleeping but I woke him up. He went over and put an end to the noise. Then mother nature did her part with some thunder and rain. DH expects some apologies today. We haven't had this problem since we got rid of a rowdy group 6 or 7 years ago when we first became managers. Quiet hour begins at 11 pm on weekends. I'm disappointed in Mark, who knows better. Excessive drinking definitely doesn't encourage people to be considerate.

    I'm sure the younger folks think we're old fogeys and they're right.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I am so glad last week is done and this weekend is almost over. Work was crazy busy and I couldn't seem to do anything right no matter how hard I tried. Saturdays have become Mom days, took her to an appointment to see an Independent Living place, which she doesn't really like because it's rooms, not apartments. She's still trying to get an appointment to tour a place that she really likes the looks of from what she can gather on the internet. Then she wanted to go to lunch at a restaurant that turned out to be closed down. Then there was the usual list of things needing to be done around her place that she can't do, like putting up the screen door on the back entrance, getting things down from high places, opening windows, getting the remote on the air conditioner working and set so she can just turn it off and on as she needs it. Then into the office to play ketchup but I was too tired to deal with it so I just set up some stuff to work on later and came home in time to feed the puppers din-dins.

    The heat is backing off a tiny bit, but the humidity is coming down a good amounts, so things feel better, weather wise. Of course, whenever the sun is actually shining I'm in the office or at Mom's. I don't think we will ever have more than 1 sunny day at a time ever again.

    Wally--no strictures is a good thing. Spasms are easier to manage than most problems. Sometimes Dr. Google is right, after all!

    Chi--your poor housekeeper!

    Carole--I got through the week, am on call this weekend and so far am getting through that pretty well. Still time for the you-know-what to hit the fan, though! Glad the heat pump is keeping the camper comfy.

    Wally--glad you didn't have any air quality issues from the fire, and that the fire was controlled quickly.

    Chi--Yikes, what a surprise with the chiles!

    Goldie--sometimes it seems like systems and people go out of their way to make things difficult. Would it be so hard to print up a list of items required to renew a driver's license and hand it out or make it available on line? And why bother to make appointments? That's a pretty impressive BP, no wonder you weren't feeling well. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Love the Absolute Stress!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    DsOTD: Friday night at Regalia, a 2021 Sancerre (we killed a bottle). Last night at Oda Mediterranean, a French "pet-nat" (naturally sparkling, due to its youth) rosé, and a Georgian (country, not state) red that tasted like a cross between a Pinot Noir & Gamay.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Hi ladies- quick hi before I head to the pool. Things are pretty warm in these parts with temps pushing 100 every day now. No rain for the most part, everyone waiting for monsoons to start.

    I wanted to share that I see a bit of hair growth improvement from the peppermint essential oil spray I starting using on my scalp with the recommendation of the massage therapist I saw in HI in April. I have been using this for a couple months now on the top of my head where I have some of that dome male- pattern baldness from the years on the AIs plus probably some genetics at play too. I notice the hair on top is definately thicker and see more hair than scalp. After two months, I see this is working so I will continue.

    I use this spray which to me is more doable than using pure oil on my hair with the greasy look factor.

    Hope everyone has a good week ahead and if it's hot where you are, stay cool!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    DOTD was, after an architecture river cruise, a draft rosé cider at The Northman on the Riverwalk. Interesting—tasted like a cross between rosé wine, light beer and apple juice, but dry. Packed a kick too.

    Jazzy, will ask my stylist if that spray might help. My hair is still thinner on top than before taking the AI. I hope it doesn't strip the keratin or color.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Waking up to more cloudy skies and rain
    moving in through the day. At least its cooled off enough that I can turn off
    the AC in the bedroom at night. It's great to have, but a bit noisy. It's an
    older model, but works just fine, so I'll put up with the noise until it
    doesn't work anymore. I think I paid $60 dollars for it, I've certainly gotten
    my money's worth!


    Chi--love the
    description of "naturally sparkling due to its youth"!


    Jazzy--I hadn't
    heard of peppermint oil for hair thinning. It amazes me what essential oils can


    Chi--draft rose
    cider? That sounds really interesting, even though I don't like beer.


    Angel Hair Cocktail

    3/4 oz of gold rum

    1/4 oz of peach


    Make sure that both ingredients have been in the freezer for
    several hours and are nice and cold. In the glass, add about 3/4 rum, and fill
    the remaining 1/4 with peach schnapps. Hold shot glass to light, and small
    tendrils, almost like hair can be seen. Shoot.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Carole, I think what bugs me the most is the travel time for everything! And my God awful 6 miles of road. I know, I know, I'm the one that chooses to live out here! I would not be too happy about being woken up at 12:30 either. I imagine all campgrounds have a "quiet time".

    NM, can't say I blame your mom in wanting something more like an apt. as opposed to a room. Sorry work was rough on you, hoping it's better this week.

    I was given a list of things I needed for DL, so that is partially my fault. It did say physical address, and I think I was just going by what the gal told me. And I don't remember if she used the word physical or just address. Obviously, I only heard address!

    Jazzy, same here with our temps.

    I don't know what's going on with me. I got sick last night before going to bed (throwing up spaghetti is GROSS), then again this morning. I'm losing weight again, now down to 128. Sooooo, I may be buying another house. This one will be for me. I can stay in MI in the summers, and AZ in the winter. This will give me a chance to get get some things moved as well, for when the time comes that I will need to go there permanently. I have chemo on the 19th, fly out the 20-27, then CT on the 28. So at least I'm not driving down there twice for those 2 appts.