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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Carole/Wally, nice to hear of some cooler temps. I'm not really complaining, as winter will be here before we know it. I only wish it went by as fast as summer!

    Wally, our UPS drivers don't have AC in their vehicles either, and all the dirt roads out in communities, they get all that dust blowing in. I had one driver who always wore a bandana around his face. Not sure about the trucks in Phoenix!

    Sandy yes, they can get pretty picky with those HOA's. A friend of mine painted her front door and garage door red, she refused to change it and soon a few others in that neighborhood did the same thing!

    NM, poyfect DOTD! I'm sure you will get caught up at work. My laptop will restore pages I had open, or Google Docs, just not notepad. You are waiting for humidity to drop, we are waiting for it to come in (monsoons), not that I'm looking forward to that! My brothers said it's smokey there in MI too.

    Yesterday was NOT a good day for me. I'm convinced it's all tied to the kidney issues. Temps in Phoenix on Friday, when I fly out will hit 119. Glad my plane is leaving late morning. They have been known to shut the airport down if it gets to 120. Can't wait to sleep in an air conditioned room.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    For the dust we didn't get to yesterday……..!!!!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, love that!!! I'll have to use it as my tag line!!

    It was a long day yesterday and now, we keep our distance for 4 days and hope for the PSA to continue to go down.

    Our highs this week may hit 70 and 71, otherwise, hovering in the 68s. I smiled reading your post, Golide…winter always go by so fast for me and summer seems to last forever. I guess that is the case for things we enjoy. I cannot imagine 119…good luck with your flight.

    NM, good luck with your computer stuff.

    I had more cabernet last night. Well deserved. Seattle is gross. Filthy, yucky, druggie, construction-dirty, and overall, not someplace I'd ever consider living.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Ah, brachytherapy. what fun…if you are a hermit at heart. I holed up in the guest room, with my meals left at the door. I had this huge lead eye shield (actually, a heavy folded rectangle held in place with layers of gauze wrapping). The toughest part was having to tell the kitties why they couldn't come in, as they meowed piteously on the other side of the door.

    Started feeling "tired-throated" late Sun. night. By yesterday, full-on scratchy (though not sore). The "calming-down" which happened when I donned my mask outdoors didn't last long. (Temp. didn't even reach 97F till late aft., but COVID-tested anyway: still negative. Slightly headachy…then realized I'd been drinking nothing but water all day, so a quick "lungo" shot of Nespresso took care of that). Went to farmers' mkt. and got another lb. (well, these days, what had been 16 oz. and then down to 12, now 10.5 oz.) of Anticonquista Medio (med. roast, single-plantation Guatemala Catimor). I woke this morning to discover that the stores across Thorndale Ave. from the market (in the B'way Armory parking lot) burned down overnight!

    Not sure what to drink tonight—if I'm going to sear the halibut I'm picking up today, it'll be that Calif. cava (Codornìu Napa); if grilling swordfish (Bob's fave but I can take it or leave it), probably Pinot Noir—especially if I make a red-wine or sherry-based sauce for it. Right now, having some of that coffee…yum! It was roasted only last Friday, and smells as good as it tastes. Might make some herb tea wih honey later.

    Yesterday's DsOTD were water and beef bone-broth phô (shirataki noodles). Didn't feel like alcohol. Drinking too much wine these days anyway (bet you never thought you'd hear me say that). Normally under-hydrated, I was so thirsty I could drink Lake Michigan…if it didn't taste like Wright's Liquid Smoke, that is.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 2023

    Sandy, DH is not getting brachytherapy. This is a liquid that contains PSMA markers attached to radioactive material; it binds to the PSMA markers on prostate cancer cells. In some ways, easier than brachytherapy but in other ways, harder. The cancer cells that don't contain the PSMA markers get bypassed. I'm not allowed in the room so can only go by what he's telling me…a bunch of pressurized hoses, physicists using microscopes to make sure the vials are …well, viable and precise, blah, blah…I just barely passed physics so above my pay grade, LOL. Where brachytherapy is localized, this pluvicto treatment goes through his whole body and hunts down anything with a PSMA marker.

    No kitty to kick off his lap this time. 😥 What did you have brachytherapy on?

    Having another cabernet tonight. Maybe some ice cream too with a small pour of Kaluha

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    WallyCat, good luck to your DH and may those numbers continue to drop.

    I won't be on in the Morning, need to get ready to leave. I found a house, I think I really like this one and can't wait to see it. No HOA, and no fireplace and only about 5-10 minutes from my brother. It's a ranch, so no stairs. I LIKE IT!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Goldie, looks great. I like how sunny and bright it is and I see drinks on that deck.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Goldie - I didn't have to read any further than "right across from beach access to the lake", but I agree with Mae - open & bright. I LOVE the dust image. Wonder if my DS will buy it when he comes to visit? I actually got bumped from a plane once in Phoenix in the summer at a stop over on my way from Houston to San Francisco. Temps were so high the plane couldn't take off with a full load

    NM - oh my goodness - that would be a killer Long Island Ice Tea. Not for me thanks. Yup - sure a good thing you took the weekend off.

    Wally - I've traveled that route and think you were smart to take the ferry. But I can imagine you were still exhausted. Hope your DH can manage w/o your constant attendance. Smiling at your temperatures. Today in my NW part of Houston was 103 with a heat index of 113.

    Mae - what's the temperature in your 'beach house'? Hope you're doing OK.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! As of end of day yesterday the company IT structure was still down. People are getting very frustrated and starting to get angry. Word is that it's going to take a long time getting all the servers back up and running, and data is probably going to be lost in the process. I really hope that doesn't happen, and keep reminding myself that this is something I have no control over, and just need to ride out and then catch up as quickly as possible when it is possible.

    Goldie--Isn't it funny that your laptop will restore pages and docs, but not notepad? I'm sorry yesterday was not a good day for you. I hope your travel goes smoothly. Air conditioning is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Love the Dust!

    Wally--praying the PSA comes down with this treatment. Here we are going into day 21 or 22 of dew point at 60 or higher, just about to break the records.

    Chi--the shrinking package size is getting more and more common, I've noticed. Isn't amazing how many things a good cup of coffee can fix?

    Wally--thanks for the description of the pluvicto treatment. Sounds fascinating, and I pray it's very effective.

    Goldie--nice looking house! One level is an advantage. Near the brother is even better!

    Morning, Illi!

    Minus--Yeah, not a drink I would drink, either, although I wouldn't mind having one or two sips to see what it tastes like!

    The Record-Breaker Cocktail


    3/4 oz freshly-squeezed lime juice

    1/2 oz maraschino liqueur (Luxardo)

    1/2 oz Crème de Violette liqueur (Rothman or Haus Alpenz)

    1/2 oz Wilks & Wilson Orgeat* (Almond Syrup)

    2 oz white rum (Bacardi)

    1/4 oz Blue Curaçao liqueur

    1-2 Luxardo original marachino cherries


    Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake hard, strain into a martini glass (or, if you're like me and don't care about glasses and are more worried about the spill-tastic martini glasses, use a highball) Garnish with 1-2 cherries.

    Read more at: | Putting Something By

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Attractive house, Goldie. How exciting to be buying a new house. I'm happy for you and a little envious, too.

    NM, hope the work difficulties get resolved.

    I have a hair appointment today for cut and color. My hairstyle has become a blah non-style. I'm thinking of going shorter.

    Wally, hoping your dh's health keeps improving.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Wally, I had "plaque" brachytherapy for ocular melanoma. They take a tiny disc that looks like a bottlecap, the underside of which is covered with "seeds" of radioactive iodine, and suture it to the eyewall (outer part of eyeball) with the seeds aimed at the tumor. Stays in place for 4-5 days, then removed. Pre-COVID, patients spent that time in a special lead-lined isolation room in the hospital; but I had mine done in summer 2020, height of the pandemic, so insertion and removal were done outpatient and I had to isolate at home with a lead shield over my eye.

    So sad to hear how Seattle has devolved. I loved the seven years we spent there, despite being poor as church mice. I was never a winter-loving person (the only good thing about NYC winters was "snow days" off from school), so the rain bothered me not at all—except when I had to explain to disappointed visiting friends why they couldn't actually see Mt. Rainier despite being in the visitor center on the mountain's base. When we lived in the U. District it was still a typically vibrant student-centric area, not the open-air drug den it became. (Homelessness, though, is everywhere except in the smallest towns). We left before the tech-driven construction boom, back when Microsoft & Intel were on the other side of the lake.

    Lori, the house looks wonderful! Where in MI is Waterford?

    Finished the Codorniu Napa last night. If we drink tonight, probably a Sauv. Blanc.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Goldie, I love the house including the paint colors. Here some idiot would have painted everything gray. It looks spacious and well equipped. I love both a shower and a tub.

    Wallycat, How often do you have to come into Seattle? I agree it's a gruesomely long trip.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Love the house!! Love the thought of you somewhere where it isn't 100s for days on end. Speaking of, our forecast of 71 is now 84 😝 …back into the 60 towards end of tomorrow. Just have to survive August….

    Sandy, egads, what an experience. DH almost suggested I buy a leaded vest like techs use, but not worth the hassle or cost. Have to smile when you talk about rain. The last 7 or so years, it has been drought, drought, drought…people would be thrilled for some rain. That will happen in November, if we are lucky.

    Just received the nicest smelling rose bouquet from Chewy for my dead BB-cat. That was sweet of them.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    BabyGirl def. some drinks! I hope you are doing well.

    Minus, actually the lake has no interest to me, altho nice. And yes, Phoenix can/will shut down the airport if it gets too hot. They've already called me to see if I wanted to take a 6 am flight, they said due to temps and over thanks. Which I don't think it's "over booking", I think it's like you said, couldn't take off with a full load.

    NM, sorry about the issues at work, I hope they are resolved soon. But like you said, out of your hands. Can you imagine all the alcohol we would have to buy, just to taste one or a few, of the DOTD's!!!

    Carole, I too am a little nervous too. But I need to do this for my future, for when I will need to move there permanently.

    Sandy, Waterford is north of Detroit, 30-45 minutes? Just west of Pontiac if you are familar with that. Poniac is not a very nice neighbor hood, at least most parts of it.

    WallyCat, how sweet of the gift of roses from Chewy. Almost 120 today here in Phoenix. So grateful for the AC room!!!! And YES, I've seen so many houses where everything is black, white or gray. I like some color. Not anything too bold, but some. I've seen some houses where one room is orange, another yellow, then red one, green, purple, etc. And I'm like, what were these people thinking!!

    Thank you everyone for the nice comments on the house.

    Just a quick update on my visit/chemo today (Wednesday). My MO is NOT very happy with my urologist and said if I were not flying out tomorrow, he would have admitted me straight today to the hospital. I'm in renal failure, almost to the point where I would need dialis, and anemic. I was given 2 bags of IV fluids, only a half dose of chemo, and some shot for my hemoglobin. I was supposed to have CT w and w/o contrast upon my return to AZ, and he said NO contrast! He is really pissed at urologist. I won't know anything until tomorrow, when they get my labs back, and he was going to call urologist. He seemed to be familar with the urologist, since he's practically next door.

    I'll check in when I can…….chEErZ!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Oh, Lori, so sorry about your renal failure. That anemia shot (erythropoetin?) sounds like the same stuff that athletes used to get "under the table" because the bolus of red cells it enables your bone marrow to create increases oxygen capacity ("max VO2"). Be careful about sodium & protein while you're away. (Gotta watch both). I have Stage III CKD (my eGFR is in the high 40s-low 50s—another souvenir of AIs), so that's down the line for me. Always wanted an excuse to ditch keto, but not like that.

    My previous acoustic trio used to play the Blue Note "Live From the Living Room" series in Pontiac, across from a hospital, a couple of times a year back around 2007-10. I recall the neighborhood being kinda skeevy—unsettling, as the venue lacked a parking lot so we had to park on the street. I imagine it must have gone even further downhill since then. The Detroit/Pontiac area reminded me of a donut: spiral rings of nice suburbs with a hole in the center.

    My DsOTD? Coffee & water again. You know I feel crummy if I have a sashimi dinner and an unopened bottle of bubbly in the fridge but I don't feel like alcohol. Tested for COVID again after 48 hrs…still negative. Forgot how rotten a common cold can feel—my last one was in 2019, and the progression of symptoms was exactly the same as now. God bless sugar-free Ricolas and Robitussin softgels!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Well, looks like we aren't going to break a weather record, the dew point has dropped to 58 degrees overnight, breaking the streak. Of course, it's going back up to the 60s over the next few hours. So far, though, the fans have been enough to keep the house comfortable. I've only needed the AC on in the bedroom a few nights back at the beginning of this run. Fortunately, the puppers don't seem to mind the heat or humidity. They definitely like the Frosty Paws treats that they get when I get my Klondike bar treat in the evening!

    Carole--I'm hoping things get sorted out at work soon, too! This is getting crazy, but nothing I can do about it except the best I can with what I have access to. Enjoy the hair appointment!

    Chi--it is sad how so many places have changed over the years, isn't it?

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Morning, Wren!

    Wally--the roses are such a sweet thing for Chewy to do!

    Goldie--it's not good when one doc is upset with another, and when one doc is familiar with a doc in another specialty, that can be a red flag. So glad the MO is taking good care of you!

    Chi-- a cold can be totally miserable, I hope yours clears up soon.

    Tiffany Blue Cosmopolitan


    For 2 Tiffany Blue Cosmopolitans

    • 3 oz vodka
    • 1 oz blue curacao
    • 5 oz white cranberry juice
    • Squeeze of fresh lemon juice


    1. Mix all of the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into martini glasses and serve.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Hey, all. I'm too tired to write much this morning, but when I was going through my first cancer, my MO always asked me if I smoked. My red cell count was too high - like someone living at high altitude or someone taking what I called "Lance Armstrong" drugs. Never found a reason for it and it eventually resolved itself. I did have some therapeutic phlebotomy sessions, but that was several years after I finished chemo.

    Rough night last night. Coughing, etc. DH is worried, especially since I'm still losing weight. I have a video visit with my MO on Monday so will talk to her about it.

  • danagail
    danagail Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone,

    I've done nothing but lurk since I found this site, but this thread feeds my soul. Thank you so much for the wonderful drink recipes and wonderful conversation. I have my reconstruction surgery in a little less than 3 weeks so I haven't been drinking but I will try all of these recipes once I'm able. I miss drinking!! 😋 Happy Thursday! ❤️

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Danagail, I love the cartoon! It's definitely me.

    I enjoy seeing the photos of the drinks. The last blue one is lovely.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Our 3 day separation went OK, such as these things go. DH gets frustrated but safety first. He gets his labs redone next week so we'll see if the PSA is affected at all.

    We are back into the high 60s again with a nice ocean breeze.

    Goldie, I'm so sorry to hear about your kidneys. You sound strong and in a good place but I'm sure this was not what you had expected. Best to you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! This work week ended with a bang. The computer network is still offline for the most part, one person in the office can have access to the network at a time, and that person is not me. Which is ok with me. But it does mean that everything is taking so much longer to get done, and some of the field staff are used to things being done the instant they demand them, and one got outright abusive about having to wait for something yesterday. They promised a family member something would happen in a set period of time, but I couldn't do it in that set period of time, so I got a lot of heat from them and the family member all afternoon. When the person who had the network access who could do it got out of their meeting, I turned it all over to her, and, since it was 5:00, I left. I expect I'll hear quite a bit about the day come Monday. We also found out we will be covering the other office for at least 2 more weeks. The good news is I put in for a week off in August, it's been approved, and I have kennel reservations and my airfare bought to go see my brother and his wife in NC. I cannot wait for this break!

    The puppers say Hi to everyone!

    Sunshine--that's an interesting thing to have happen during chemo. Kind of mysterious, too. Hope the cough clears up quickly.

    Welcome, donagail! Love the Birthday suit cartoon!

    Carole--I like pretty drinks, too.

    Wally--Glad the separation went ok. Not an easy thing to go through. Praying for good PSA results.

    Fuzzy Dog

    • 1 shot peach schnapps
    • 1 shot amaretto almond liqueur
    • 1 shot coconut rum
    • Orange juice

    Pour each shot over ice, fill glass with orange juice.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    nativemainer, I'm sorry you're still dealing with network issues. What a pain but to get abuse from others because of it is just stupid. I hope Monday goes OK.

    Your upcoming visit sounds wonderful! I'll bet it can't come soon enough.

    No real sleep for me last night. At least I wasn't coughing. I'll take it.

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    DOTD is a pink moscoto on the deck for day 3 of an aerial battle unfolding mid afternoon. Fast Freddy, who we think is a falcon is harassing and dive bombing vultures and Edgar the Raven, who I feed and am trying very hard to befriend. Earlier Edgar squawked a very clear FU to Freddy after a close call but Freddy continues the pursuit. Definitely an interesting event.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Illimae, when Freddy approaches, does Edgar squawk "Nevermore?"

    Kim, that Tiffany blue cocktail reminds me of a classic nail polish shade by (IIRC) China Glaze called "For Audrey" (as in Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's).

    Sunshine, I can relate re: the coughing. I'm at that stage of my cold, and to spare Bob I'm considering sleeping in the guest room if the Mucinex DM doesn't kick in. (Dextromethorphan to control the coughing, and Guaifenesin to break up the secretions so you can bring them up & spit them out if you want. The combo sounds counterintuitive, but it allows you to cough only when you want to, not when your particular pathogen wants you to.

    Wally, glad the enforced separation is over. Hope it was a success. People used to kid me after my plaque brachytherapy about "glowing in the dark." But during my isolation and for a couple of weeks after I could actually see the scintillation (a bluish-purple clump of flickering dots) when I'd close my eyes.

    Thursday night's DOTD was Kirkland brut champagne (the real stuff). Last night at L.Woods, La Vielle Ferme dry rosé. Tonight with roast chicken, Louis Jadot 2021 Beaujolais-Villages.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Funday Sunday! Another beautiful day here, two in a row, on a weekend, a first for this summer! The puppers are loving it, too.

    Sunshine--glad to hear the coughing has eased off. Now to get you some sleep, and things should really start getting better for you.

    Illi--fascinating contest you've got going there! Love hearing the updates.

    Thank you, Teka.

    Chi--That would make very pretty nail polish!

    Rosemary Mezcal Fizz


    Makes 2


    rosemary leaves (from 1 sprig)

    Pinch of kosher salt


    large egg white*


    3"-long strip lemon zest

    oz. mezcal

    oz. fresh lemon juice

    oz. light agave nectar


    oz. chilled club soda


    sprigs rosemary, briefly singed over flame of a gas burner if desired

    From <>


    Step 1 Chill 2 Collins glasses. Combine rosemary leaves and salt in a cocktail shaker and gently press out oils with a muddler, about 45 seconds. Add egg white, lemon zest, mezcal, lemon juice, and agave nectar. Cover cocktail shaker; shake vigorously (without ice) until egg white is emulsified, about 20 seconds. Carefully uncover (shaker will be quite full) and add ice just to fill. Cover and shake until egg white is very frothy and cocktail is cold, about 30 seconds.

    Step 2 Set chilled glasses next to each other and double-strain cocktail into glasses, dividing evenly. Top off each drink with 3 oz. club soda and garnish with a rosemary sprig.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    chi sandy, how interesting. It's so strange that the worst coughing happens at night. It's the big, loose stuff and I have no idea where it's coming from.

    The issue I had a couple of weeks ago was that my esophagus was spasming so badly that I couldn't swallow the secretions and had to spit them into the toilet. Then I started vomiting with nothing but those secretions coming up. (Sorry for the TMI) At about 7 pm, DH was getting really worried since I couldn't even swallow a sip of water and was down 4 pounds from the night before.

    The ER took care of the issue with IV fluids and Zofran. They gave me some water and some apple juice before they sent me home (I didn't want to spend the night there) and believe me, water never tasted so good!

    Will see my MO tomorrow (video visit) so hopefully we can get some answers.

    The drink reminded me of a chevela. My sister used to drink those when we were in the desert in the summer. It's basically beer, tomato juice and some spices. Quite refreshing.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Happy Sunday Funday friends:

    Greetings from hot New Mexico where we are heading into week 4 under the heat dome. This week has been the hottest so far with temps over 100 daily and often up to 105 or so here in north central NM, and hotter down south closer to 110. Roswell NM (home of the famous Area 51 where the aliens supposedly crashed) has been a heat sink and the hottest area of the state so far this summer. We should have seen the start of summer monsoons by now (they usually start anywhere from mid June to early July), but nothing in sight out side of some stray showers around the state. Yes its a "dry heat" but with being above 5000 feet here in the high desert, the combo of the heat, elevation, little shade and no precip have made it hells kitchen this summer. I felt a bit sick on Thursday from the heat, but knew I was dehydrated and got myself in a better place for my PCP apt the next day. I know many of you from CA to FL are dealing with the same thing, then there are the areas of the floods up in the northeast. This is a July to remember.

    I started a music class this week and we are looking to reharmonize some jazz standards to change the mood of the songs. The focus is on changing chords which fits better for the guitar and piano players, we horn players just play notes. The guy teaching is a wonderful guitarist and someone I took a class from long ago and who is just a local treasure (he used to play with the orchestra with the Carol Burnett show back in the 1970s). The class was mostly guitar players and a few of us who play other things, and it will be interesting to see how this goes. I am taking the class to get back into my playing since pre-pandemic and it runs for 6 weeks. I am helping to get some music friends in the community to a memorial service to play a bit for a music friend's memorial service in mid August too.

    Went to see my PCP on Friday and found I have lost 7 lbs since my last weigh in early May with the system. We changed some things with my medications that month, which may be helping but also think it's because I don't eat much in the heat. I have watched the scale drop about five lbs this month alone. Been trying to loose some of those pandemic lbs that went on with irregular exercise during the past few years and perhaps just a metabolism that continues to slow down. I hope to get the pandemic 20 off by sometime in the fall and then go from there. We did blood work on Friday and also have some imaging things coming up next. Will see what this years tests come up with (hopefully good health…..)

    Hope everyone is having as good a summer as is possible and stay cool in the heat and safe in the rainy areas this summer!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited August 2023

    2013 Quadrant cabernet for me. Decent. Grocery Outlet 20% off wine sale. Not cab, sorry, petite syrah, syrah and voigner blend.

    The separation was easier this time (second time around) since we had the routine down. DH uses the guestroom and the guest bathroom, which makes things much simpler. We have a TV in the guestroom and he has a TV tray, so he was able to eat his meals there too, even easier. I missed him, but not like we didn't see each other…and this time, no cat to shoo off his lap 😥 .

    I feel for anyone dealing with those high temps. Can't even imagine.

    Sunshine, so sorry to hear about the coughing/mucus stuff. I hope they can figure out the issue…maybe just the procedure you had.

    People's Pharmacy says to rub vicks on your feet, put socks on and go to bed. Stops coughs. An easy try.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Interesting that a red blend would include a white grape (Viognier). But on second thought, all three varietals you mention are native to the Rhône valley (Petite Sirah is called Durif in France, but grown mostly in CA) , and there's one red wine in the southern Rhône—Châteauneuf de Pape—that is a blend which can have up to 13 varietals in it, some of them white.