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how about drinking?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Michigan in the summer and Arizona in the winter seems like a good plan, Goldie. You would be close to family in MI. I can imagine that you have close emotional ties to your off the grid property because you shared it with your dh but living there entails inconvenience.

    On the subject of bourbon, our favorites are Woodford Preserve and Knob Creek but we enjoy those mostly as gifts from my generous youngest brother on birthdays. They're both very pricey. We usually buy Jim Beam or Evan Williams. The two brands that Sandy mentioned are good.

    The campground is quiet and peaceful this morning the way I like it to be. I'm off to town to go to the gym.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Chi- yes good to check with your stylist. I let my hair go grey in 2020 during the pandemic so I no longer coloring it. But a good thought about the keratin. The spray seems to be a bit lighter than using the heavy oil. My old hairstylist used to massage my scalp with peppermint oil before my cut but never said anything about hair growth, although I think she noticed the thinning. Good luck if you decide to try it!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We used to buy Old Weller when it was the cheapest good bourbon out there. Now, not so cheap!

    During lockdown, I let my hair go too—but it's blonde and my gray is more salt than pepper, so hairbands and "creative parting" helped conceal the obvious roots. I was lucky in that my last touchup & keratin was in early Feb. 2020, and my salon reopened in June. After getting dx'ed with ocular melanoma that July, I stopped having keratin treatments (though my oncs said they didn't cause my cancers), but resumed them last summer.

    Lori, where in MI would you be buying? Would it be reasonably close to a branch of Karmanos Cancer Center or a major hospital in the Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, etc. areas? Not exactly cool in the Midwest this summer, but much more tolerable than the SW.

    I had never tried dry (fermented) cider till on a trip to Paris in 1999 we revisited the little Breton creperie off St. Germain that Bob frequented during the Paris part of his summer-abroad study program just before we got engaged. The cider was served in little stoneware bowls. Yesterday's rosé cider was 6.7% ABV, and I had about 12 oz. of it (gave Bob the rest). In retrospect, I should have treated it like a rosé wine (albeit half the alcohol of wine) and cut myself off after 6 oz. By the time we walked the half-mile to McCormick & Schmick's, I was pretty tipsy so my dinner beverage was a bottle of San Pellegrino with ample lime slices.

    Tonight, probably seltzer.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Waking up to yet more rain. I am getting so very tired of rain. But, nothing I can do about the weather other than just deal with it, right?

    Things are getting interesting at work again. There is a new office that just opened that is a 3 hour drive from here. So new it's not even licensed yet, just getting started. The office director there needs to take a couple of weeks, maybe more, off as her husband is having bypass surgery, and since it's a daughter office of the one I work in, we've got to cover for her, Since it is such a new office the director is also the RN making patient visits, along with a lot of other work. Our director is going to be going down there to physically be in the office and cover management things part of the time, and the computer work is going to be taken care of remotely by us here. So there is going to be a new level of chaos for the next few weeks.

    Goldie--I don’t blame Mom for wanting more of an apartment than a room, either. She wants a bedroom to set up as a sewing room. She sleeps in a recliner due to shoulder and back problems, so a bedroom will be a great sewing and storage area for her. Splitting time between the two places sounds like a good plan, getting the best of both worlds.

    Carole--We used to go camping a lot when I was young. I remember how quiet campgrounds were much of the time. I also remember a few very noisy sites on a few nights. As I recall, the noisy folks were generally asked to leave the next day.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Chi--the idea of drinking from a stoneware bowl is intriguing!

    Captain Chaos


    5 cl Rum (white)

    3 cl Vodka

    2 cl Gin

    5 cl Orange Juice

    3 cl Passion Fruit Juice

    2 cl Lemon Juice

    Shake well with ice cubes in a shaker and pour into a highball glass over a few ice cubes.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Carole, not only is it the home I shared with my DH, but we built it. It was a 5 bedroom, 3 bath modular. We totally gutted it and made it 2 bedroom, 2 bath. And when I say we, I mean we. We did hire out the roof, drywall and cabinets. I designed it and we worked on it for 18 months. Lived in a park model RV for 5 years, to save up money to do the house and make sure everything was secure for the business. I miss camping!

    Sandy, I am not looking in those areas, and have never heard of Karmanos, but thanks. MSU is supposed to have a good cancer center. Traveling for treatment would not be an issue for me. Anything has to be closer than what I have to deal with now! Just looked them up and there are several within an hour.

    Jazzy, your grey is a pretty grey and it looks good on you.

    NM, sorry about all the rain, gloom and gray. That was one of the reasons I did NOT want to move back to MI, winter/spring weather. I hope mom finds something, I'm sure her choices are limited, and then there's waiting lists if none available. I hope things at work don't get too bad. Just remember, it's only work and you do the best you can AND, YOU ARE GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO!!!

    Looked at houses all day yesterday! Hoping to land one while in MI July 20-27. I have many to look at, but really like this one. It's a condo, which I really didn't want (because of HOA's), but I'm hoping it covers lawn and snow, as that would be of great help. Especially since I wouldn't be there in the winter. It's only about 3 miles from my one niece, Nora's auntie.

    Nora's mommy is really starting to pop now! Can't wait for our new addition!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Not sure what we'll drink tonight—I dropped the ball and forgot to order the Arctic char from Hooked on Fish, so the chardonnay chilling in the freezer might not have an appropriate pairing (though I am defrosting some ono, aka wahoo). Meanwhile, stopped off at Independent Spirits to replenish our sherry supply. We had been using the half-bottle of manzanilla my hotel in Seville sent up to my room (along with olives & almonds) in 2015 as an apology gift for lodging me atop the bar—in which the visiting FC Barcelona (which I'd seen play at home the night before) was busy whooping it up. Bob had some Tio Pepe (ultra-dry) at Jaleo last week, but I kind of like the "pocket" that manzanilla and amontillado occupy between very dry and the dryest of the olorosos (which run from medium to almost sweet).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Wednesday, Women, and Wine group gets together this evening, I'm looking forward to that. We're meeting at a place I've not been to before, so I'll get to try something new. I've already told the puppers I'll be late getting home. The are both ignoring me totally, usually they are coming over for pets and tugs this time of day. I guess I'm being told what they think!

    Goldie--Mom's choices are few, and with her list of requirements it will be smaller. I am afraid there will be a waiting list, and have tried to tell her that, but she doesn't hear that. Things at work may be getting better. There's a member of corporate leadership here putting us through a lot of restructuring work and is aware of the issues, and seems to be working to address them, so maybe, just maybe, this attempt will work. If not, well, 7 months and counting. Thanks for the vote of confidence, that helps a lot. Nora's mommy is showing pretty well now! Is Nora excited? Wow, that's a beautiful house! The price is pretty scary, though.

    Teka--love the wasted time sign!

    Chi--That was quite the apology gift! Sounds like you got to enjoy it for quite some time, too.



    1 tablespoon superfine sugar

    1 lime, quartered, plus 1 lime slice, for garnish

    2 ounces cachaca 


    1. Muddle the sugar and lime wedges together in a cocktail glass. Add the cachaça and ice, shake in a cocktail shaker and pour into a glass. Garnish with a lime slice.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Goldie, I like the house. It's very attractive.

    Today is our 54th anniversary. Hard to believe we're this old and have married that many years. Time flies when you're busy going places and doing things. We've been fortunate. In my 60's I had breast cancer and somewhere along the way dh had stents procedures for blocked arteries.

    Our marriage ceremony was simple and took place at my parents' home. Afterwards we feasted on boiled shrimp and Dixie long neck beer.

    NM, I hope things work out for your mom as the two of you investigate a new home for her. I suspect she's enjoying the search and your assistance and attention.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, I figured mom would have to be on a waiting list. Was she on one to get into her apartment, or moved right in? I know it must be frustrating at times (with mom), I can relate, with what I went through with my mom. Different situations, but still frustrating. I'm not sure how aware Nora is about the new baby. I know they talk to her about it tho, and tell her that's a baby in mommy's tummy. She is now picking up cuss words!

    The house (condo) is cheap compared to real estate out here in AZ, and the HOA fees here are outrageous. And they say it's not going to get better. I don't need something that big, and I will be looking at others as well, mostly houses, I think that's the only condo I have on my list. I do like my privacy! I'm hoping to land something next week while I'm there. Heading back out to the DMV today, for the 3rd time, to get my DL. 3rd time's a charm, right? I don't really need to go out for anything else but need to get this done. Got a little sprinkle yesterday, only enough to raise the humidity. And when that happens, there's no sense in running the cooler, as it needs to be dry.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    Good luck on the hunt, Goldie! I despise HOAs. I am so thankful that my neighborhood doesn't have one, but it was incredibly challenging to find a place in our price range that didn't have one. I wonder how long it will take before home buyers will demand a chance to opt out of HOA restrictions using monopoly laws or something similar. If you have no reasonable choice of finding a home outside of one, it's not exactly a consumer choice anymore.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, lovely house. Good luck making a decision.

    Carole, happy anniversary. DH and I will celebrate 30 years on Friday. We eloped on a motorcycle/ferry in Alaska, drove around as our "honeymoon" and never looked back. Time does fly!

    Will be taking our elderly feline to the vet to be put down tomorrow. He is on day 4 of not eating. Breaks my heart.

    Had some cheap (Trader Joes) Tawny port after dinner last night.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    I'm sorry for your upcoming duty, Wallycat. I hope his passing is comfortable and smooth, and may you find ease and peace. (((hugs)))

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Hugs, Wally, as you bring your kitty to the Rainbow Bridge. You gave him a great long life. Happy anniversary to you & to Carole.

    After a very, very stressful day (traffic, ants and tornado terrors), had a glass of Primitivo (Puglia, in the heel of the boot of Italy).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Miriandra, I'm not fond of HOA's either, especially when they start with the "you can't do this and that". I am happy to have the grass mowed and snow removed. The HOA's are popping up a lot anymore. The HOA's kind of remind me of hotels that want to charge you a "resort" fee, and often for parking as well. UGH!

    WallyCat, thinking of you today as you send your beloved fur baby over the Rainbow Bridge. I'm so sorry. On a happier note, wishing you a Happy Anniversary. Love your story of eloping and motorcycling Alaska for your honeymoon.

    Carole, the same to you. Without going back to the other thread, you and DH have had a VERY GOOD run of it! Are you doing anything special?

    Sandy, Chicago weather was on our local news this morning. I hope you faired ok.

    Well, third time WAS a charm. All went well with getting the DL. Been trying to figure out the best way for me to get things moved. Ideally, one (or more) of those pods would be perfect, that way I can pack at my leisurely. However, not available in my area!

    DOTD: An anniversary cocktail. Stary Night

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    wallycat, I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Tonight with thrown-together dinner (Bob has an early day tomorrow and wanted to stay home), Kirkland 2021 Sonoma chardonnay. Tomorrow, Independent Spirits down the street is celebrating both its 10th anniv. and Bastille Day with a free champagne tasting from 5-7 so I'll walk over. But while ch. 7 is saying storms will hold off till later in the evening, end early on Sat. and not be severe, Ch. 5 is going with the N. American model that predicted the Wed. tornadoes because it's showing the exact same pattern…and will continue ALL WEEK LONG. If I can't have that free bubbly, I'll haul the bourbon to the basement.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    My computer was acting up yesterday ayem, and I was still trying to get my post copied over when I had to leave for work. So here's yesterday's post, a bit late.

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The WWW get together last night was wonderful. Great company, lovely site on the river, fantastic food. I had lobster and scallop risotto and an Italian rose that was absolutely marvelous. We're actually considering going back next month! So few places to eat outside that take reservations in the area, we're thinking of taking advantage of it again. The puppers didn't seem to upset with me coming home late, I suppose the extra treats helped with that.


    Goldie--Mom came across her current apartment while it was being built, and signed the lease even before it was finished! She could have moved a few weeks before she did, the actual move happened when Dick's kids moved him to assisted living. I can't imagine Nora and cuss words, but little ears do hear a lot more than we realize! Good luck at the DMV.

    Miriandra--I can't imagine living someplace where someone controls what I can and can't do with my home. Good point about consumer choice in the matter.

    Wally--Hugs for the feline and for you. Such a hard part of pet ownership. Congrats on 30 years.

    Chi--sounds like you had quite the day!

    Peach Bourbon Thyme Smash



    • 2 oz. Bourbon
    • 1 oz. Lemon juice
    • 1 oz. Jalapeno Simple syrup or plain simple syrup
    • 1 Ripe peach
    • Fresh Ice
    • 2 Sprigs fresh thyme one stripped of leaves

    Jalapeno Simple Syrup

    • For the jalapeño simple syrup:
    • ½ cup sugar
    • ½ cup water
    • ½ of a fresh jalapeno sliced in half


    • In a martini shaker add bourbon, lemon juice and simple syrup. Cut peach in half remove pit and squeeze smashing the peach in your hand over the martini shaker. Any peach pieces that fall in is fine.
    • Add leaves from fresh thyme
    • Shake vigorously to infuse ingredients.
    • Fill a low ball glass with fresh ice and pour in bourbon mix.
    • Garnish with fresh thyme and a peach wedge {optional}

    Jalapeno Simple Syrup

    • In a small saucepan combine the sugar, water and jalapeño.
    • Bring to a simmer while smashing the jalapeño with a wooden spoon to extract the flavor.
    • Once it boils, remove from heat and let cool completely.
    • Remove jalapeño and transfer to a container and chill in the fridge until ready to use.
    • For regular simple syrup omit jalapeño

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sandy, glad you have a place to hide from the weather and take your bourbon with you!

    NM, glad you had such a nice night, and I too would take advantage of the outdoor dining. It was the "F" word that Nora dropped! Oy vey! It was funny, I have to admit, but I sure hope they can stop it. By laughing at her, it's only going to encourage her. They learn that language soon enough as it is! She was having some Mickey D's and said "This is a f***ing meth!" She's having trouble with her "S" sounds.

    Hot water heater is shot at the new house, so spent part of my day trying to find a plumber to help my son. Going to try and get my hot water demand unit serviced today. It's quite time consuming. I have to turn off the gas, attach hoses to the unit, get a bucket, the pump, and run 2 gallons of vinegar thru it. All in takes about 3-4 hours, but I need to get it done! Still in triple digits here. I can keep the house cool during the day, but good golly, it gets to be in the low 80's when I get to bed, makes for uncomfortable sleeping. But, I'll take it over winter!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 2023

    Our little boy is over the rainbow. It will be a somber anniversary today. I'll try to remember the good times, the Bastille day I had in France and the sweet times with my hubs and the kitty. Life can be so hard.

    NM, yum on that risotto!!!!

    Goldie, good luck coordinating all of that. I hate needing handymen and finding a good one out here is hard. And OY VEY on that heat you are dealing with!! Stay safe and cool.

    Sandy, hope the storms don't affect you. Indeed, bourbon!!

    I had a decaf with bailey's (really kirkland copycat) as the "cream" last night.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Wallycat, Condolences for your kitty. I wish they could live as long as we do..

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    (((Wally))). May his memory comfort you—and grow to conquer the tears. We never get used to this, do we?

    I did walk over to Independent Spirits for the champagne tasting. All French—three "crémants" (Loire, Bourgogne, Alsace) and two actual Champagnes, both "grower" ("RM" on the label, rather than "NM," for "negociant," the vast majority of the Champagnes on the market)—a blanc de blancs (100% chard.) from Jean Laurent, a house that split from NM label Laurent-Perrier; and Bernard Remy, a rosé made from mostly pinot noir with some chardonnay and a smattering of pinot meunier. (Late-disgorgedL spent 5 yrs. on the lees). I bought a bottle of the latter; plus splurged on a bottle of Carlos I Spanish brandy for Bob to sip while we cower in the basement during tornado warnings. (Dire circumstances call for more than bourbon, much less Kirkland vodka in grapefruit juice).

    "Official" DOTD, though (more than 1/2 oz. tastes), was at Cafe Touche, a bistro on the far NW side of town in the relatively affluent Edison Park neighborhood (whose residents are mostly first responders who must reside w/in technical city limits but choose to do so as far away as possible from those they "serve & protect;" Sauganash & Beverly are the other two such neighborhoods). Because tonight is Bastille Day, one of their specials was half-price on reserve Champagne bottles. So we shared a bottle of Louis Roederer "Collection 243" NV brut. We actually paid $8 less than stores charge for it at retail. We ended up finishing it (made sure Bob got the lion's share, as I had to drive).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    DOTD (with a thrown-together tapas platter) was a Codorniu Napa California "cava." Had planned to chill the manzanilla sherry, but too hot to drink something fortified.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Dotd yesterday. Lemon infused vodka with tonic. Refreshing under this heat dome 🥵

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    DsOTD, at Regalia tonight: Villa Sparina Rosé (Tuscany) 2021; and courtesy of the proprietor, after-dinner digestif of Vecchio Amaro di Capo (Calabria).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day. My computer has been acting up all weekend, I finally got disgusted with it and shut it down entirely yesterday and let it sit and think about its behavior and purpose in life for a day. It seems to be working much better this ayem, thank goodness. It rained all weekend, again. There was one thunder bumper, that had all of 3 rolls of thunder. Zoe does not like thunder, she headed for the laundry room as soon as the first roll of thunder started. I didn't hear much from Mom this weekend, she did call and check in once, and to tell me that she was trying to leave me alone this weekend after tying up the last couple of weekends. So I accomplished next to nothing here at home this weekend, when I should have been ketchuping on all kinds of chores and housework. And I had planned to go in to the office and work on some things, but that didn't get done either.

    The plan at work is to roll out the new organizational structure and start working in the updated roles this week. I'm trying to keep an open mind that this will really work, but can't help but privately having doubts. Time will tell, I guess.

    Goldie--I can imagine how funny it was when Nora dropped an f-bomb! The hot water saga sounds complicated and time consuming! Good luck with all that.

    Wally--so sorry to hear about your boy. Life can be hard and this one of the hardest.

    Good Morning, Wren!

    Chi--I can imagine how a good bottle of something would be an essential item in a tornado shelter!

    Jazzy--that does sound refreshing and good for such hot weather.

    Lemoncello Lady

    All that is required for a perfect Prosecco and limoncello cocktail recipe is to add one ounce of limoncello to a champagne flute and top off with Prosecco. Make sure both the Prosecco and limoncello are served chilled. Prosecco and limoncello go together as well as peanut butter and jelly (even better in some peoples’ opinion). 

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, the chores will wait for you, they aren't going anywhere!!! Crappy weather doesn't make it any easier either, at least with me it doesn't. Thay was nice of mom not to bug you. I had a computer kafuffle too. Had a bunch of houses (links) 10-15 on notepad and my computer froze up. Had to manually turn it off, and Notepad does not automatically save, UGH!

    Phoenix is breaking records, with most days of 110+ in a row, today is day 18, tomorrow will break the record. The other one is the highest low temp. Then I think I saw where it was 134 in Death Valley! I took a cut up potato and wrapped it in foil with some butter and set it outside. An hour later, it was at least half cooked. I have to be in Phoenix on Wed for chemo, temp is to be 115.

    I'm leaning against that condo, I really really really, don't want an HOA.

    Good morning to all!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    We seem to be in one of the rare cool spots in the US. We have switched to bourbon old fashions, our cool weather cocktail of choice. The high yesterday was mid 60's. The wind made it uncomfortable to sit out on the deck. So there are trade offs.

    I wonder how long the climate change denialists can continue to discount the science of the warming of the planet. The financial cost of all the floods and tornados and natural disasters is huge. And along the southern coast, we home owners are facing the issue of insurance. We currently are insured by the Louisiana state insurer of last resort since our company pulled out of the state and our premium is required by law to be more than insurance with a company.

    We could not carry home insurance since we own the home but what a worry that would entail.

    Oh, well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    I've never had to deal with an HOA because I've always lived in city neighborhoods with standalone houses (whether apartment, 2-3-flats, single-family or just a few semi-detached townhouses). My mom had one when she lived in Kings Point retirement community in Delray Beach. As a housewarming gift (her condo was the first property she'd ever owned) I had a bronze nameplate custom-made by Levenger—but the HOA wouldn' let her put it up because it didn't match the skimpy little ceramic plaques with just unit numbers. They allowed her to hang it inside her window, though. If she wanted to grill, she had to reserve one of the six charcoal grills next to the clubhouse. I bought her a tiny butane backpacking stove so she could at least heat some coffee water outdoors during power failures. She wasn't even allowed to set up a folding lawn chair outside the lanai (excuse me, "Florida room"). Lori, I hope you can find a house that is not part of a formal development.

    Phoenix peeps, hope your shoe soles don't stick to the pavement! And the good news here is that the AQI has dropped to "moderate" (though my calmed-down throat could have told me that first).

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Had a Ste. Michelle cab tonight. Ended up rooting around for food as we spent the better part of the day driving or ferries for DH's Seattle appointment. Now we have to keep 4 feet apart for 3-4 days as he is radioactive. UGh. He forgets and feels offended when I remind him. Sigh. Just glad that construction, tides and tourists didn't make us late. The pharmacy doling out the limited supply of Pluvicto had us delayed. Curse them. Seattle "only" got to 75 today and back home, it was a gorgeous 66 and small-craft warnings with a nice, heavy ocean breeze. It is 62 in the house and I am in bliss. A nice welcome home, minus our furry-baby.

    I want to order some supplements in the worst way and dread the thought of un-air conditioned UPS trucks and melted capsules.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Well, I discovered that not going in to the office over the weekend was the right thing to do. I wouldn't have been able to do anything I need to do anyway. Friday night the company's IT system were scheduled for an update that would take down access to most of the system from late evening until Saturday ayem. They ran into a problem, and the system was still down when I left work last night. There is an email out this morning that the problem has been fixed and connectivity is being restored, with a goal of full access mid-day today. This is pretty good news, I am getting so far behind on some things that's its worrisome!

    Goldie--Chores do, indeed, wait. Patiently. Not having an automatic save does make computer issues more frustrating. Cooking a potato outside like that is amazing. And temps over 130 in Death Valley, or anywhere for that matter, are scary! Be careful while in Phoenix, stay hydrated, etc, etc, I'm sure you've heard it all.

    Carole--climate change certainly is real, and has repeated it's cycle for ages, no reason to think it will stop just because it inconveniences human beings. Insurance is getting to be a problem in lots of areas with more and more companies pulling out of areas.

    Chi--I really have an issue with the idea that someone or some group can tell a home owner what they can and cannot do with their own property. Glad to hear your air quality is better. Here in Maine the smoke from Canadian wildfires is starting to move in and create issues. At least the humidity is supposed to start dropping soon.

    Wally--it must be hard for DH to have to keep a distance. Your weather sounds perfect!

    Radioactive Long Island Iced Tea

    Cocktail Ingredients:

    1. Rum - 1 oz.

    2. Vodka - 1 oz.

    3. Jose Cuervo Tequila - 1 oz.

    4. Gin - 1 oz.

    5. Triple Sec - 1 oz.

    6. Chambord Raspberry Liqueur - 1 oz.

    7. Midori Melon Liqueur - 1 oz.

    8. Malibu Coconut Rum - 1 oz.

    Cocktail Mixing Instructions:

    Mix all ingredients. Enjoy.

    Serve in a Collins Glass

    From <>