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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Sandy - when I went for my annual physical last month, on the UA my pcp did, it showed I had a UTI. She gave me 7 days of amox. I had no symptoms when diagnosed so who knows if it cleared up but I'm guessing since I didn't get worse.

    Yesterday at lunch, my son commented that my hand was shaking when I was pouring a drink. DD#2 noticed as well. DH has said before that my hand sometimes shakes and he also noticed it yesterday. It doesn't happen all the time. Just can't deal with another doctor. I'm a little worried about this set of labs done last week. PTH is elevated as is the creatinine ratios. Calcium is slowly creeping up. Creatinine is elevated and EGFR low as to be expected. Will wait to see what the nephrologist says on Wednesday. Mailing a copy of the labs to send to the hematologist and endocrinologist.

    DD#2 is leaving early tomorrow morning to see her sister and meet her niece. I can't believe that she is 4 months!! DD#2 gets back Friday morning.

    Kim - weird about the social security. But happy for you. Good luck with the change in positions.

    Lori - hope you get to fly home on Tuesday. How are you feeling?

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    karen, I'm sorry you're having new issues. One more thing to worry about, right? I'm glad you have your appointment with your nephrologist on Wednesday and glad you're messaging your other docs with your labs. We assume they see our lab reports, but apparently that isn't necessarily true.

    Happy Monday, everyone. (Saw my pulmonologist this morning. He may want to scope me if this lung issue continues to show on my next scan in November. Not a crisis. Great guy.)


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    We had a nice Rosh Hashana. My son came for lunch on Saturday so I had two of my 3 kids together. I was exhausted Friday when I was done cooking and I really didn't do that much (well for me at least). I just don't have the stamina that I had before chemo and I've been done for 4 months. DD#2 left this morning for DD#1 and to meet her niece. DD#2 is doing all the grocery shopping and cooking while she is there. DD#1 gets spoiled by her parents and sister.

    My Nephrologist appointment for Wednesday was cancelled - he had a death in the family - The first available is October 31st. So 6 weeks till I get the news on my test results. DD#2 is friends with his daughters and said one of their dogs just died - talk about awful. Talking to my DD#2 now and we had that the month my MIL passed away we had to put our dog down - and my daughter goes - that was a horrible summer!!! Yes it was. DD#2 is amazing - so much fun and perceptive.

    I'm still tired today. I have a ton of paperwork to complete for my intermittent FMLA. I guess I best do it tonight. I'm leaving work 2 hours early - since the start of the school year, but at first it wasn't approved so I just took the 2 hours daily - I think that was easier. Oh well.

    Nice weather this week.Low 80s for the high and mostly sunny and mid to high 50s at night.

    Carol - hope the lung issue resolves.

    Quiet here today

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Glad your Rosh Hashonah was a good one, Karen.

    Kim, sounds like you've worked out a sensible plan going forward. Surprised to hear you can take full Soc. Sec. at 64 yrs 10 mos—thought you had to wait till 67 now (it was 66 when I started), though you can start collecting a smaller amount at 62.

    The UTI pill that turns urine orange is available OTC, and called "AZO." It's basically cranberry extract—for those who don't want to drink volumes of cranberry juice and it's supposed to help relieve the pain. I took a couple when I got home from the pharmacy, but it didn't darken my pee and I was out of pain anyway (the hematuria had stopped). Speaking of which, the urine culture came back positive for e.coli (the most common UTI "bug"), which (pretty much) rules out kidney stones or tumor.

    But I got a rude surprise today: my CVS branch didn't get its shipment of cefpodoxime today, and the only branch in town that had any is in Gordy's neighborhood. But when I brought it home, there were only 4 pills instead of the 6 I was supposed to get (and the receipt stapled to the bag confirms it). Seems the idiots at my CVS branch (which is basically like a third world or banana republic pharmacy) transferred not the entire prescription as written, but just the 4 pill one they sold me on Sat. Should have checked the bag & bottle before leaving the store, but wanted to get home to feed Heidi and hit the farmers' market before it closes (next week is the last one, but since it's Yom Kippur I can't go until services end…hope the stalls stsy open till 7). I called the second CVS and they won't be able to give me the other 2 pills till late Wed…after the COVID shot I'll be given (knock wood) at yet another CVS at 3:45 pm.

    I've been wondering how Bob could hide his coughing while at work, yet have coughing jags at home—both after dinner and on his days off. Then it hit me: he can't smoke anywhere but at home on the deck or porch. And smoke he does. Physician, heal thyself. (He has no fever—never did—and his nasal congestion has abated. Still won't re-test, though).

    No DOTD other than an almondmilk breve cappuccino, made from the freshly roasted Anticonquista beans I bought today.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I had a very interesting day at work yesterday. When I got in I found out that one of my teams of 3 nurses had ZERO nurses scheduled to work, and the one nurse that was going to be reassigned to do the critical visits for the team called in sick. So, guess who got to be out of the office all day seeing patient? Me! This is nuts. That team has 3 nurses, two are regularly off on Mondays, then the third gets approved to take Monday off as well? Shaking my head.

    More raining coming down today. So tired of rain, and the flooding is places is getting problematic. But, better than snow, right?

    Sunshine--wow, we don’t get hail storms like that very often, I'm sorry you got caught out in it! I just noticed that I said I get full retirement from SS at 64 and 10 months, it's actually 66 and 10 months. And the difference isn't really all that big. And I can remember while going through bc treatment and for years afterwards I didn't dare plan any further ahead than a few days or a week, let alone years, and didn't think about retirement, figuring I wouldn't be around for that. Now here I am! So retiring at 65 and taking the money I get at that point is making a lot of sense. Waiting almost 2 years for a couple hundred dollars a month isn't worth it. I hope the rib pain gets better quickly.

    Karen--I just noticed that I said I get full SS at 64 and 10 months, it's actually 66 and 10 months. I don't blame you for not wanting another doctor in the mix. Things just seem to get more and more complicated the more doctors are in the picture. Isn't the paperwork part of life a drain? Sometimes I wonder if the paperwork isn't made difficult to push people to just give in and take the cut in pay to take time off when needed.

    Chi--what I posted was a mistake, it's 66 and 10 months. You really are having a go-round with CVS. They are all on the same computer system, scripts are supposed to be transferrable between locations, and there is no reason the pills can't be dispensed at the same place you are getting the shot. The breve cappuccino sounds very yummy!

    Ok, running a little late, DOTD today is whatever your favorite tipple is!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a real problem dragging my butt out of bed yesterday ayem, ultimately getting up with just enough time to feed the puppers and get dressed and head in to work. And, of course, it turned into another long day of making patient visits and trying to keep up with the office work. Today is prep day for the big meeting tomorrow ayem, if I end up going out and doing visits all day today I'll be working half the night tonight. If this keeps up I'm going to have to give notice and retire early. Or something.

    Where is everyone?

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a real problem dragging my butt out of bed yesterday ayem, ultimately getting up with just enough time to feed the puppers and get dressed and head in to work. And, of course, it turned into another long day of making patient visits and trying to keep up with the office work. Today is prep day for the big meeting tomorrow ayem, if I end up going out and doing visits all day today I'll be working half the night tonight. If this keeps up I'm going to have to give notice and retire early. Or something.

    Where is everyone?



    • 9 ounce Hendrick’s gin
    • 2 ounces Fino dry sherry
    • 3 ounces St.-Germain elderflower liqueur
    • 6 ounces pineapple juice
    • 5 ounces fresh lemon juice
    • 4 T superfine sugar
    • 6 ice spheres
    • 1 large cucumber, sliced into thin strips with a carrot peeler
    • 1 cup assorted berries


    1. Stir first 6 ingredients into a pitcher, stirring well to dissolve sugar. Put one ice sphere into each of 6 glasses. Pour gin mixture over ice and garnish with cucumbers and berries.



    • 9 ounce Hendrick’s gin
    • 2 ounces Fino dry sherry
    • 3 ounces St.-Germain elderflower liqueur
    • 6 ounces pineapple juice
    • 5 ounces fresh lemon juice
    • 4 T superfine sugar
    • 6 ice spheres
    • 1 large cucumber, sliced into thin strips with a carrot peeler
    • 1 cup assorted berries


    1. Stir first 6 ingredients into a pitcher, stirring well to dissolve sugar. Put one ice sphere into each of 6 glasses. Pour gin mixture over ice and garnish with cucumbers and berries.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Kim - sorry that work is getting to be so difficult. Hope things settle down so you can hang in longer. When my mother (obm) was thinking about a buy out for early retirement, she decided against it as it was a couple hundred less a month and she said "it's for the rest of my life" and she was worried about finances. I hope whatever you do about retirement works out for your best interest. It is hard working in a toxic environment. Been there/done that and will never do it again. Hugs my friend

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Today we embark on our trip to Ireland and Scotland. My suitcase is almost packed. Probably won't be checking in during the trip.

    Hope you arrive at a decision about your work, NM. I don't see how you can continue enduring the stress.

    Greetings to everyone.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    carole, have a fantastic trip!

    Waving hi to the rest of you fine ladies!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Carole, Have a great trip. Take lots of photos to share when you return.

    NM, You have my sympathies. What would happen if you called in sick?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Carole -safe travels and have a great trip

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Carole, the "bon"-est des voyages!

    Kim, they really are putting you through the wringer at work! I agree that it may not be worth two extra years of aggravation for what may be only $300/mo. extra, but you never know. At 64 without mets, C/V/P disease, or another cancer(fingers crossed), you have an average life expectancy of at least another 15-20 years.

    CVS strikes again. Got a call from the one inside Target Uptown that they were cancelling my Wed. COVID shot—they got only 20 doses, all of which were snapped up over the weekend (before that appt. showed up on the CVS website) and didn't think they'd get more in till next Monday! The CVS to which my abx Rx was transferred said I couldn't pick up my remaining 2 pills till Wed. morning (after I took my last pill on hand).

    I blew off my Bar Assn. Ireland trip reunion/Mexico trip orientation Tues. because I didn't think my back could handle a long CTA ride, much less attend a party masked so unable (and unwise) to eat or drink in a low-ceilinged skyscraper conference room full of unmasked people. But amazingly, I was able to score a COVID shot for the same time as the party at the Rogers Park Walgreen's where I'd gotten all my boosters. In the words of Lin-Manuel Miranda channeling Alexander Hamilton, "I am not throwing away my shot." (And except for a little elevated temp—99F—this aft., no side effects, same as with my first "O.G." Covid shot and first wild-type booster). So I am fully-vaxed for everything for which someone my age not traveling to a Third World country should be immunized.

    Bob re-tested tonight—negative. Whew. But he needs to get serious about that cough—perhaps getting a repeat CT for his 2015-16 lung nodule and/or allergy testing for molds & (sigh) pet dander.

    Had no alcohol till Wed. night—a little Kirkland Pinot Grigio. And tonight at a neighborhood BYOB tapas bar, a Marques de Toledo 2015 Riserva Mancha tempranillo (same grape & style as Rioja but a different region of Spain). Tomorrow night I might have an ounce of dry (Manzanilla) sherry with halibut & leftover paella. But these days I'm drinking mostly water, to keep that UTI from recurring.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    sweet time, arrived at my gate 10 minutes after boarding had started...ugh! Lots to do. Need to have surgery next month to have stents replaced, need to get an appt. with colorectal doctor about my ileostomy and for what lies in the future. Stents will be done the day after my next chemo.

    I've decided to not live 6 months here, 6 months in MI, due to all the health issues I'm having. So I have that to work on as well. Staples can come out next week. Need to figure out getting my supplies for the ileostomy. I'm calling it "Bubba". Well, Bubba hangs between my legs, so when I sit to potty, I feel like I have a penis I have to move to the side! Need to shop for long tops to cover Bubba and pants that will either fit over it, or something I can cut a hole in for "him" to hang out! I already did that to one pair of pants, but with the staples, it was not comfortable. My fridge is bare, bare, bare, so I need to go shopping. Also need to get with a realtor to start working on the sale of my house/property. Again....UGH!

    NM, I sure hope you can get things figured out, sooner than later!
    Karen, enjoy your DD. I thought DD1 was coming to your house while DD2 was there, guess not. But glad they get to see one another and she gets to meet her new niece.

    Sorry to not respond to everyone, I'll do better now that I'm home.

    DOTD: The UGH cocktail. It was really called UG, but I changed it!

    Add alcohol of your choice!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    So sorry for what you're going through, Lori. Hugs.

    My DOTD? "Aviation" cocktail because I "went flying" today—that is, when I got Heidi out of the car for her mani-pedi & Solensia shot and started to walk toward the vet's office, I tripped on a hole in the sidewalk (or maybe the metal base of a long-since-gone pole). Landed on my L cheekbone (looks like I wanted to get implants but quit halfway through) and L hand. Huge lump & bruise on L shin. Vet tech could only give me gauze for me to clean up my own wounds and a couple of band-aids—not even ice packs. Looks (and feels) a lot worse than it is—no fractures, just badly swollen, bruised & scraped. I got Heidi home, let her out of her carrier and drove straight to urgent care. (Apple Watch asked me if I wanted to call 911, but who'd take care of Heidi? And my car would likely have been towed away). The receptionist kept asking me for ID & insurance but I couldn't remove them from my wallet—I told them I'm in the system, with a patient portal account, so she reluctantly looked me up by name and DOB. Still, they didn't triage me—took the other patients who were in there for flu or picking up Rx'es, made me wait 20 min. for the appt. they created for me. At least I got them to bring me a couple of ice packs. So I took a little cordial glass. dropped in an ice cube, and poured less than an ounce of the bottled cocktail, which was plenty because it's strong & sweet.

    I didn't want to let go of the bottle & put it back into the fridge—it was nice & cold and felt even better than the drink tastes.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Sending much love to everyone here who is struggling with health issues, job challenges and more. A fall flower to warm your day

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sandy OUCH, glad nothing was broke.
    Jazzy, what kind of flower?
    I managed, albeit NO ENERGY, to get to town and get my EKG and labs for upcoming kidney surgery. Stopped for some groceries at Wally World, but had to use an elec. cart. Never in a million years did I think I would have to use one of those! Glad there was one close by. Not sure what I would have done, had there not been one available. Need to change Bubba today and Tuesday I get my staples out. Also need to take my FJ in for an oil change. And a ton of other things! I still don't even have my suitcase totally unpacked. I NEED SOME ENERGY!

    DOTD: Summer Energy Cocktail

    1 1/2 OZ. (45 ML) VODKA
    1 OZ. (30 ML) TRIPLE SEC
    1/4 OZ. (7.5 ML) BLUE CURAÇAO
    1/2 OZ. (7.5 ML) LIME JUICE

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Good morning ladies:

    Happy start to Autumn. It finally feels like it should this time of the year with highs in the upper 70s to low 80s. I got my front rock garden replanted after the summer sizzle that tanked a lot of things. Mums do well as do succulents out there and that is all it can be anymore I think. Going to add some other seasonal things like pumpkins, gourds and a chili ristra next. It's finally nice to sit on the patio. That plant is an orange marigold and thought it was stunning so it came home with me on Friday from my trip to Whole Foods.

    My project seems to have endless problems, and bigger changes started this summer when they pulled some resources away due to another priority project. I got back on track in August, but now other issues with the construction side of things happening and see major delays ahead. Anyways, I am continuing to plod along with this job but like NM, thinking of some options as I look to bridge to Medicare in the spring of 2025. Doing some more research on my retirement planning and what to plan for with Medicare and saw something great on Wealthtrack on PBS this morning and a book I need to buy. (NM I am sending you a PM on this for your needs too). The challenges of working these last few years over 60 are something else, but just need to figure out what is best and the timelines to do it.

    With the changes going on with my work gig, I am going to take some more time off in October to get some things done around the house. Weekends are not enough time to get much of anything done except recover from one week and get ready for the next, plus get some exercise in. I have some decluttering to do in the house and garage plus want to get some design ideas and bids to do a master closet redo next year. My last big home improvement before I plan to retire, where I want to get the work done and paid off before I cut down the income faucet to something part time.

    Had my annual mammo friday (the only thing they do 10 years out now) and they said three weeks for the radiologist to read them, as they are short staffed. It was the same for an MRI I had this summer. Also got my updated Covid vax yesterday. Feeling okay but a friend warned me this one packed a punch. Outside of feeling a bit tired, I am okay.

    Goldie- thinking of you today and will be in your pocket for your upcoming surgery sister. I know it's important to feel ready.

    Karen- I know you have a lot going on too but also some nice family time and new grandchild. I hope all the good things fill your heart in the moments they are happening with the children and grandchildren and that your holidays are peaceful and warming.

    NM- like you I cannot collect full Social Security until around age 67. I just got the updated letter in the mail telling me what I would get if I collected now at 63.5 vs. waited to 67, or 70 (which is when it caps out). I noticed my monthly allotment went up $400 a month since I looked more closely as this at 2021. I know they put in a cost of living into it with inflation last year. You should be getting signed up for Medicare soon with turning 65 next February and will send you something today that will help. I still want to figure out what I will be paying for a Medicare Advantage or Medigap plan to help me know if I should find a way to stick around PT in this place (where I can keep my benefits) or do something else. Be watching for a PM from me.

    Wishing everyone a good end to this month. October is around the corner and our balloon fiesta starts in two weeks. Will be back again soon and hello to all the other sisters here and wishing you peace and good health.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704

    Goldie, that summer drink looks beautiful and reminds me of the underwater view at a local spring.

    Im planning on making a prickly pear margarita later, I’ll post a pic if I do.

    Hi to everyone

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Goldie - sending you hugs. You have been through more than your fair share.

    Jazzy - thanks. I love being with my kids and look forward to all visits. Wish we were closer to our grand daughter but my daughter face times us and sends lots of photos.

    I have Medicare Advantage and very pleased with my plan. It is through the state retirement system and I get a subsidy for years of service so my premium is less than $30/month. I don't pay for any doctor visits and I've not paid for the multitude of scans I've had. My part D Rx plan is also quite good. I have a 2K out of pocket max per year and I've not paid anything except for Rx. My husband has a traditional medicare plan which is also quite good. No premium and 2K deductible. His part D is also good.

    Tonight starts Yom Kippur. I will be offline from late this afternoon through tomorrow night. My son wll join us for break fast so it will be 4 of us. DD#2 had a great time with her sister and BIL. She loved spoiling her niece. She did all the cooking and grocery shopping while there.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704

    Prickly Pear Margarita-Super yummy!

    DH picked and juiced the cactus fruit and I made the syrup.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    My prickly pears are still ripening, but I'll be harvesting them soon. I normally make jelly, but I've had a request from a friend to make syrup again. Two years ago, I accidentally put the sugar in before the pectin; so one batch of jelly became a syrup instead. It was still enjoyed, and one friend loved it in margaritas. She told me she finally ran out and needed more. Such a beautiful magenta color!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Know what they call nopales aka "prickly pear" cactus in Hebrew? Sabra!

    My DOTD was a decaf cappuccino after getting back from my fill-the-tank Costco run. Took half an hour to try to look presentable with correctors, concealer & foundation over the shiner, which fortunately isn't too huge. But still too "painted" to be appropriate for Yom Kippur at temple, so I livestreamed the Kol Nidre service.

    I think as a senior citizen recovering from an injury & UTI I get a free pass to drink water.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, ladies!

    I finally had a glass of wine with dinner Saturday night. I was a merlot (don’t remember who made it.) After not having any wine since May, I thought it would give me more of a buzz, but it didn’t it. It was OK, but sort of disappointing. I had trouble sleeping that night, too. Was it the wine? Who knows? Oh well.

    Goldie, your ileostomy sounds like a pain. I hope you find some comfortable clothes to accommodate Bubba.

    Happy Monday!

  • wondering33756
    wondering33756 Member Posts: 3

    Well, hello all,
    I am a drinker, one cocktail at bedtime almost every night. I am stage 4, so why not? I usually switch up whatever my cocktail dujour is from one month to the next, however, lately, i am into peach flavored vodka. Never drank vodka before this year, but, i like the peach flavor vodka now.
    Wine often gives me a headache..

    I am glad to find this group. I work full time, 50 hours a week, and my days off are Sunday, Monday and Thursday,
    now i know where to log on for online nightcap! (on Sundays, i have a bloody mary in the daytime, lol. Scandalous)
    Best recipe ever for a Sunday Bloody Mary = Low Salt HotnSpicy V8 juice plus vodka. That's it. Perfection. Those bloody mary mixes or spices always leave grains in bottom of cup… I don't make that stick of olives and things anymore, just the spicey V8 + vodka.
    However, i do think they have stopped making the low salt version of Hot&Spicey V8 juice…..i ordered a crate of it off of amazon after not being able to find it stores anywhere. Should about last me the rest of my life, lol~~🍹

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Welcome Jean. I would certainly call that box ominous. I do get that work is necessary to keep things going. Have you asked why they picked that particular med? I think most have side effects with differences in whether you can live with them or not.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    BabyGirl indeed, it DOES look like a beautiful under water scene...LOL! Your prickly pear Marg looks amazing and amazed you made your own syrup. You go girl! Well, joint effort I guess!

    Karen, hugs back to you too girl! Of course DD2 had fun with her sister and her new neice! See you after Yom Kippur.

    Miranda, you too? With the prickly pears! I have them here, but never did anything with them.

    Sandy, senior citizen pass granted....LOL!

    Oh Sunshine, sorry your wine wasn't as pleasing as you had hoped, bummer. And indeed, Bubba is a pain in the a$$, no pun intended! I'm not going to go hog wild with the clothes, JUST IN CASE, it's a temporary situation.

    Hi and welcome Wondering. We are glad you found us too. However, not all of us drink, some just virtually here. We are more about support and just being silly. I did Verzenio, and found it rather doable and diarrhea manageable, but we are all different in what happens to our bodies with these treatments. You mention your dear daughter (DD), graduating, high school? If so, then you must be one of our youngins'. Where do live? I'm in AZ. Stage IV since 2014, so hang in there! My name is Lori. Do you have mets? If the Verzenio is too hard in the beginning, ask (or tell) them you want a dose reduction.

    Not much done today. Most of day spent on the computer with medical stuff, that I keep track of there. Tomorrow staples come out, hopefully. I have one little spot that is a little red and sore, so that concerns me some. But it's also an area that Bubba is stuck to!

    cHEerZ Loungettes!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Welcome, Jean! If you do find that the Verzenio loosens you up significantly and you're in the US, you can get a free medical alert card. Under Ally's Law in the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with medical conditions that require urgent access to a restroom cannot be denied access to facilities at any business. Even if they don't have a public bathroom, they have to let you use the employee bathroom. If they refuse, they are in violation of the ADA and can be reported.

    I have SIBO, which is a flavor of IBS. I haven't had to use my card yet, but it's reassuring just knowing it's available.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Welcome, Jean. Yes, Stage IV is incurable, but it's not "terminal" till all treatments stop working. You may have many more years left than you think. The Stage IV BCO'ers here are a fountain of knowledge, wisdom & support.

    DsOTD: Last night with a homemade tapas platter, a scant ounce of manzanilla sherry; and with a steak entree, La Gourmande Mas de Dame red blend (southern France).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Good morning all. Got my staples out, no issues there. But I was reminded of how thin I am by the PA when she said "my, aren't you a skinny little thing!" Well, I'm not little at 5'8", and yes, I know I'm thin, I have mirrors! I have also lost MORE weight, now down to 122……another UGH! Still no energy, hemoglobin, red/white cells all below normal. This makes it VERY hard to try and start packing some things for my move.

    NM, NM…where for art thou? Hope you are ok!

    Maybe this will help fatten me up?

    DOTD: Chocotini

    Ingredients: 2 oz.. vodka, 2 oz.. chocolate liqueur, 2 oz.. cream, ½ oz.. dark crème de cacao, melted chocolate confectionary coating