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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    NM - I got the new Covid vax in Sept. I think it's recommended for anyone over 6 months. Not required at my hospital but decided to get it as it's on the rise here. Many pharmacies have it now, but check first 🙏

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2023

    Just an update: I messaged the director at 8 ayem that I can’t cover call this week. Never got a response, but that’s not unusual. During the 4:30 meeting I was named as Admin on Call for the week. Called the Director, no answer, left a message, then texted her. She texted that covering call for 2 weeks at a time had been agreed to. I told her that last I heard that was one of the strategies under consideration, and I didn’t care what was chosen AS LONG AS I GOT THE DATES I WAS COVERING IN ADVANCE. Which I told the other PCM. And that I never heard what was decided. Now it’s 5 after 5 peeyem, and it’s their turn to deal with finding out about important things at the very last second. And I am gloating about it to the puppers! Not very Christian, but very satisfying!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Kim - good for you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    At lunch, started with a Coravined flute of Veuve Clicquot (they make a Coravin for sparkling wines, but it’s too expensive for home use). With desser, we shared a “flight of the century:” 1 oz ea of Kopke “Colheita” (tawny) ports—1998, 1985, 1974, ending with 1967. Amazing.

    At dinner, Albrecht Cremant d’Alsace with app & salad, and Emile Beyer (also Alsace) Pinot Noir. Decaf espresso with the complementary sweets.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Riding with the nurse who is leaving and meeting the people I'll be taking care of was so nice yesterday. I am really looking forward to doing the same today. It's going to be such a nice change to get out of the office and away from all that craziness. Tomorrow will be a short day in the office, I'm getting off early to pick up my brother at the airport, he's coming for a weeklong visit, going to stay with our Mom. Then I just need to get through Thursday and Friday, with the big meeting on Friday, and then I'm out of the office entirely. I already am feeling a sense of relief.

    The puppers were NOT unhappy with my getting home so much earlier yesterday!

    Goldie--Mom doesn't have a move in date. She is on a waiting list. My brother will be here this week, my cousin the week after. They miss each other by a day. Love the Fireball/cinnamon cartoon!

    Jazzy--I can't get vaccinations through a pharmacy. Pharmacists can only give them in the arm, I take them in the leg, so have to go through either a doctor's office or a clinic staffed by nurses. I thought I had an appointment with my PCP this month, but I just looked and it's in December. So I'll have to find a way to get a flu shot sooner, since the nursing homes and other facilities will be requiring them soon.

    Karen--thank you!

    Goldie--it's making me feel nervous, but I keep telling myself I have to take care of myself, and what I asked for was not unreasonable.

    Chi--the flight of the century sounds really fun and exciting!



    • 2 parts Glen Grant Scotch
    • ½ parts simple syrup (make your own)
    • ¼ parts lime juice
    • 1 peeled clementine


    1. In a shakermuddle the clementine to release the juice.
    2. Add ice, simple syrup, lime juice and Glen Grant.
    3. Shake for 8 seconds and strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Taking the day off - and don't feel guilty at all! Stayed in bed till DH got up. DD and I are going to see Barbie then out to lunch. She already saw Barbie with friends when it came out but wants to see it with me. She told me we are supposed to wear pink and laughed. The only pink tops I have are my race T-shirts so that is a definite no. When we saw people dressed up when the movie first out it was crazy what 30, 40 and 50 something were wearing.

    Made an appointment with the dermatologist and got one for Friday - her first available. I thought it would be December. I took it. I haven't been to a dermatologist in over 20 or 25 years when I had a mole removed. I think it was before DD#2 was born. After DH share an article from the dermatologist office that BC puts you at higher risk for melanoma I decided I better make an appointment. Two cancers is more than enough. DH said he is a little nervous because of everything else going on with me.

    DS is coming for steak dinner tomorrow. A treat I make only a couple times/year.

    DD and I are going for a mani/pedi on Friday afternoon. This last week with her will go quickly. She leaves Tuesday the 10th in the morning.

    Kim - enjoy your bother's visit.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    I can't make up my mind on whether to see Barbie or not. Hope it is enjoyable.

    Sandy, I'm drooling….your port flight is making me insanely envious!

    I tried a Bogle Pinot Noir and didn't hate it. I'm more of a heavy tannins gal—cabs, chianti, tannat, so this was a pleasant surprise.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Wallycat - go see Barbie. it's really fun.

    NM - oh right, I remember you need to get your vaxes differently. Good on you with the job and their lack of respect.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Barbie was really cute - well worth seeing. DD and I went for froyo after the movie.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Back in the office today, but at least I get to leave early to pick up kid brother from the airport. The director finally took me off call this week, but it looks like I'm stuck with being on call for the weekend. I finally slept well last night, despite knowing there were messages on the message app that I was ignoring. Which, when I read them this ayem, were not emergencies. Two more days after this in the office, then I'm out. I can't wait.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone!

    Wally--good for you for trying something different!

    Jazzy--thanks! Now to get through today and the next 2 days. . .

    Karen-I've heard Barbie is worth seeing.

    Camel Hump Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    3/4 shot of Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 shot of Bailey's Irish Cream (or Irish Cream)

    Pour Butterscotch Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with Bailey's Irish Cream.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Karen, absolutely no reason to feel guilty about taking time off, glad you don't. Also glad that you and DD enjoyed the movie. Enjoy your mani/pedi, I've never had one. I just do my own.

    WallyCat, I haven't been to the movies since Covid. DH was always the one that wanted to go, and of course it was always movies HE wanted to see.

    NM, hoping your on call weekend is a quiet one, or at least not too busy. Any plans with mom and your DB?

    I'm still not feeling good, mostly energy wise. I can't do much more than about 5 minutes at a time and I get out of breath and have to sit. So, needless to say, it's slow going, trying to get things done around here. I have video visit with onc tomorrow, so hoping he has some suggestions. Yesterdays chore was gathering up all of my canning stuff. I belong to a local canning group on FB and hoping to be able to sell there.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    With dinner, Franciacorta brut rosé. (Champagne method, unlike Prosecco which is bulk process). Made coffee again for breakfast, then at the HGV owners’ tasting at Starbucks, a little sample shot of pumpkin spice cold brew.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We had wine pairings at Jaleo (Jose Andres’ place—we’ve been to the one in Chicago twice but never did the full tasting menu. Started with a rosé Tzkakolina (Pyrenees). Next was an “upside-down fortified wine:” instead of (like sherry) being wine with brandy added, it was more brandy than wine, plus some Catalan cider in the mix. Then a hearty red Ribera del Duero for the meat courses. The final savory course was paired with a rosé cava. With dessert, a Muscat of Alexandria (sweet but not fortified, unlike the French Muscat de Beaumes de Venise). I ordered an espresso, which came with a tiny pitcher of steamed milk—so it was actually a mini-cafe con leche.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    I found a new wine bar up here in Santa Fe. Pated some petit verdot with bacon wrapped dates

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Got my flu and Covid vaccines yesterday after work. My arm is so sore - it hurts to move. Didn't feel great last night. Will see how today goes. Getting my RSV on Tuesday after work.

    Lori - hope your onc has some answers

    Jazzy great photo

    Km - how is your visit with your brother going?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Just a quick check in. Spent all night throwing up last night, 12 times! Lots of fluids each time, was not letting up. Keeping everything down so far today, but I'm so dehydrated and can't eat, and of course weak and dizzy when I stand. Just trying to tolerate water. I'm going to try and get a bag together and head to Phoenix tomorrow to the ER.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Oh Lori - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time. Be safe driving. Hugs my friend

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited October 2023

    OMG…Goldie, hope it is nothing any more serious than what you're dealing with already.

    I was super excited…Costco had Baramundi!!!!!!! And their Kirkland Cotes de Rhone 2022 is in.

    DH was poo-pooed about his gum/mouth pain until we insisted on a head MRI. Sure enough, a vessel pressing on his Trigeminal Nerve. He is miserable. We await what the course of treatment will be.

    We head back to Seattle on Monday for
    treatment 4 of the Pluvicto. DREAD. I don't see well at night and may be
    driving us home. Two more treatments after this. It's been a rough
    road. And I miss my dead cat. And my husband as I remember him. Getting
    old and sick, blah, blah, blah….Not easy.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Goldie, I’m sorry, that really sucks. If it because of SE’s, have you tried olanzapine?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! My last day as a Patient Care Manager was a long one. Started at 6:30 ayem to get things ready for the big Friday meeting, which ran from 9 ayem to 12:45 peeyem, and actually went much more smoothly than I expected. I managed to get everything for the day done and headed for home a bit before 7 peeyem. Then got a message about one thing I forgot, that took about an hour by the time I got my computer up and running and got onto the company site. But, I'm not on call this weekend, that finally got changed yesterday afternoon. Today I'm going in and clearing out my stuff, and finishing off a couple of September monthly things. I am not touching the quarterly Quality Improvement report stuff. I have a bet with myself that I'll get asked to do "just this once" right before the due date, and end up trying to do in a few hours what I usually spend daily time on for close to a month doing. Then going over to Mom's to visit with her and kid brother. It felt so good to turn off the office messaging system on the phone last night.

    The puppers are not too happy with me being gone so long every day, but that is over. I expect I'll end up getting home much earlier going forward.

    Goldie--the weekend will be fine, the director is on call today, and one of the nurses who applied for a PCM position is on call Sunday. I guess we know who one of the next PCMs is going to be! Feeling tired is miserable. I wish I knew a secret to make it better.

    Chi--the roses sound good. I'm not a fan of the pumpkin spice flavoring.

    Jazzy--those look yummy!

    Karen--the visit with brother is going well. It's so nice having him around!

    Goldie--hugs and prayers.

    Wally--I hope you had words with those who have poo--pooed DH's pain after the MRI results came in. Medical people need to listen to patients and pay attention to what they report!

    Morning, Illi!

    Classic Painkiller Cocktail


    • 2 ounces dark or navy rum
    • 4 ounces pineapple juice
    • 1 ounce orange juice
    • 1 ounce cream of coconut
    • Pineapple wedge, for garnish
    • Grated nutmeg, for garnish

    Pour the rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, and cream of coconut into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well.

    Strain into a chilled highball glass filled with fresh ice.

    Garnish with a pineapple wedge and sprinkle the Painkiller with grated nutmeg on top.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Goldie- hoping you can make it to Phx okay. Sending much love and prayer for a safe trip.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Goldie - adding my thoughts & prayers. Hope the docs can successfully address the SEs

    NM - Sounds like you made a good decision a work. Have a WONDERFUL weekend with your brother & Mom.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Goldie - how are you doing today? Thinking about you.

    Kim - glad the visit with your brother is going well. How freeing to be done with all that overtime and extra work. Hope the new position will be a better fit.

    The situation in Israel is beyond horrific. My daughter was supposed to fly home on Tuesday the 10th but got an email today that her flight is canceled. She is rebooked on the 16th. A week is a long time so anything can happen with getting home. She knows that right now its safer here but it is also hard hearing everything long distance. A lot of her friends have been called up for reserved duty. Classes for the fall semester have been delayed for several days so getting home a week late won't be awful. She knows that her flight being canceled means it's not safe to fly.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I had a pretty busy weekend, going in to clean out my office in the ayems, over to Mom's to visit with her and kid brother. Took Zoe over to meet him yesterday. Today's plan is to come home after work, pick up Colt, and go to Mom's, sleep there until kid brother needs to go to the airport about 2 ayem, if I remember correctly, then take Colt home, grab a couple hours more sleep, then head in to work for 8 ayem or a little later. I expect I'll be tired tomorrow, but when the work is done, it'll be done and I can come home and go to bed as early as I want.

    Kid brother has noticed a lot of change in Mom since the last time he saw her in person. Her memory is really problematic now. And she's decided she is not going to move into the Independent Living apartment she found. She went over to find out where she was on the waiting list and the lady was rude to her and basically told her to stop going in and asking, she'd get called when her turn came up and it will probably be 5 or even 10 years before her turn comes up. So now Mom is miffed and going to pull her application and wants her deposit back. Brother and I both had to argue with her that she has to tell them she is pulling her application before she will get the deposit back, she keeps on about why she hasn't gotten it back and yet and they better get it to her pretty soon. Sigh.

    Minus--I did have a great weekend, thank you!

    Karen--praying for your DH's safety. What I'm seeing on the news, which I know is sanitized, is frightening. The reality must be horrifying.

    Apeach Prayer



    • Shake all ingredients well with ice in a cocktail shaker.
    • Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a lemon twist.


    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    My daughter has been in Denver for almost 4 weeks. She came for the holidays and spent one week in Toronto to see her sister and meet her niece. Getting home means back to Israel. Will enjoy her the extra 6 days. We have so many friends with kids in the IDF and her friends who have been called up. The whole situation is horrific. Thanks for all your concern. It is appreciated.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Karen, when I heard of Israel, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is your DD. I was pretty sure she was still with you and now I'm glad to learn that she is! Praying for all you know over there, may they remain safe.

    NM, flying out at 2 am? I don't think I could do it! You mom...oh dear! Altho, that was rude of the person to tell her to quit checking.

    Well, I AM in the hospital. Drove down Sat. morning. Of course, with it being a weekend, they don't do a whole lot. The first scans they did, they did not show any blockage, but yet there was talk about more surgery and NG tube. Well, the NG tube threw me through the roof. I NEVER want to have to have another one of those. So far, knock on wood, I haven't had to had one. It's also looks like my stents have moved or twisted. Extended belly (hence the NG tube and all the vomiting I was doing), but they can't figure out why. Might go in with GI scope. Needless to say, I am STARVED! I haven't eaten since Wednesday and sure hate to get on the scale! All in all I"m feeling better, but nothing is resolved yet. I was supposed to have chemo tomorrow and stents replaced Wednesday. Hoping they just do the stents while I'm here in the hospital. I should find out everything today and get a plan in motion.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Karen - been thinking of you with all that has been going on in Israel. I'm so worried for everyone.

    Goldie - I'm sorry you are in the hospital. I had an ng tube when I was in house for my ruptured appendix. I'm with you on the never again 🙏

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Maybe will make everyone feel lighter, if only for a moment

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Lori - hope you get some answers soon and are able to eat and feel better.

    This is a response to a friend regarding my daughter and the horrific situation in Israel. We are doing okay. Miriam has been in Denver since just before Rosh Hashanna. Between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur she went to Toronto to see her sister and meet her niece and has been back in Denver since. She was supposed to fly back to Israel tomorrow but her flight was cancelled so she rebooked for next Monday on Delta. Well Delta has cancelled all flights through October 31st. So she just book a flight to go back to Israel on El-Al next Tuesday. Right now Craig and I are okay. Once she goes back we'll see how we do - it will depend on the situation. But right now it's horrific. Many of her friends in the IDF reserves have been called up. She really wants to be home - she knows she is safer here but wants to be home with her friends and community. She just told me that she was glad she was here when it started as she didn't want us to hear and not be able to talk to her for several hours to make sure she was okay. She is an amazing kid. It is hard being here hearing second hand about is going on. If her roommates aren't in the apartment, she will stay with friends. Will keep you posted

    My son has come for dinner once/week while Miriam has been here. He will come again next Monday - it is the night before she leaves and my husband's birthday so we will celebrate his birthday then.