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how about drinking?



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wondering, I mentioned cutting out drinking wine to my MO at one appointment. She sort of shrugged and said, “If it’s something you enjoy, then why not?” What’s it going to do? Give me cancer? I have cut way back on my wine, as I was drinking too much. But if I do want a glass, I’ll have it without guilt.

    I do like Virgin Marys with V-8 juice. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Bloody Mary. Maybe it’s time. My DH doesn’t drink, but I’ll be seeing my sister next month. Might have to put that on the to-do list.

    Love to all,


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Goldie - You're in my thoughts. I'm also 5'8" and after the second round of cancer treatments I got down to 106. Talk about scarecrows. The docs at MD Anderson recommended Beneprotein (Nestles) & I really to do think that kept me going.

    Agree about missing NM. Hope all is OK

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Wonder if Kim is just overworked…or taking a "time out." I can go days without posting because there are other online things to which I must attend, so it's logical if that's the answer for her absence, too.

    Lori, why not add a little seltzer and a scoop of ice cream to make the ultimate grownup "fountain creation" (as the Greek diners around here say on their menus)?

    Sunshine, I'm not a big fan of vodka cocktails—but I do love a good Virgin Mary made with V-8 (low sodium). My hot sauce of choice for that is Panola, which unless you go online you can find only in Louisiana. It's a cooked-pepper sauce, a bit deeper & more complex than Tabasco. Maybe a shake of Tajín seasoning (my go-to for the egg atop my avocado toast). For plain "classic" hot sauce, Crystal (again, LA) is my fave. I use Tabasco only if I have a freebie mini-bottle in my purse and what I'm eating or drinking in a restaurant is too bland for my taste.

    DOTD: at Regalia tonight for a light dinner, half a glass of Villa Sparina (Tuscany) rosé.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Lori - when I was loosing weight during the last chemo as eating was hard, I started drinking smoothies with protein powder. Now that I'm not loosing I'm still drinking smoothies but without the protein powder. You have so much going on.

    Lori - I think the PA's comment was quite rude!!

    I schedule my Covid/Flu shot for next Thursday the 5th and my RSV for Tuesday the 10th. the Covid is Moderna. I'm going to go to CVS at the Target close to me. They don't have appointments every day so it took a few days to get it figured out.

    It's late so should get off the computer. Sweet dreams

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Minus 106? Holy the Cow! I sure hope I don't drop to that! I looked up that Nestles product, only 6g of protein. I have some here that is 30 g protein.

    Sandy, I DO have some vanilla bean ice cream. Had some the other day with bananas and strawberries.

    Karen, I remember you getting your protein drink. I just brush it off when someone remarks at how thin I am, I know they don't mean for it to be mean. How much longer is DD2 there?

    I did speak with NM, and YES, she is bombarded at work. Here is what she told me....We’ve got so many people out sick or on vacation that I’m the only admin in the office plus having to cover emergency visits during the night that I have almost no off time right now. The situation looks to continue through the weekend. Thank GOD I am done with the admin work as of Oct 6 th.

    I still have no energy. I know my body has been through alot. A little progress yesterday, as I didn't need to take a nap or even lay down to rest. For me, a Bloody Mary is just vodka and tomato juice. I can't do any spicey stuff, even V8 is too spicey for me. Talked with a moving company yesterday, gal was super nice and willing to work with me. Looks like it's going to cost between 5K and 7K to move.

    DOTD: CRAZY Wormaholics Cocktail

    1 1/2 OZ. (45ML) RED BERRY VODKA
    1 OZ. (30ML) BANANA RUM

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Goldie, so sorry for all the crap you are dealing with. The price on your move doesn't sound out of line. I think ours was 10K nearly 13 years ago.

    I had a nice glass of Chianti yesterday and a small pour of port, after dinner, as dessert.

    DH had 2 falls yesterday; one was outside while we were walking. Beyond scary and stressful. He's OK, but it is still unsettling. Our idiot-dog-neighbors happened to be driving by, stopped and of course, the rude wife had to jump out and pretend-care-over-the-top, never mind I told them we were fine. I asked them to leave us alone, please and her husband started yelling at me…you really ought to be nicer. OY…I emailed them letting him know how she sat on our doorbell till someone answered, proceeded to rant, shake, yell and berate me for nearly an hour, all to bully me to let them break the leash law. Really? Me be nicer? RANT!

    Sandy, you've sent me on a Panola sauce hunt now, LOL.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Chisandy, I do (or at least, I used to) like Tabasco, but now I use a lot of Frank’s Red Hot Sauce. Haven’t heard of Tajin seasoning. I’ll have to look that one up. I like the idea of carrying an emergency mini back-up bottle in your purse. I think I’ve seen the travel-size bottles of Sriracha sauce on Amazon. I like that one, too.

    Karen, I’m glad you could schedule your shots. I haven’t had the energy to think about that.

    Goldie, my PCP suggested Boost High Calorie (or some name like that) for me. It has around 520 calories per serving. I tried some but I upset my stomach. Too sweet maybe? She said it saved her dad’s life when he wouldn’t or couldn’t eat anything. I’ve added ice cream to my menu just for some added calories. My weight has stabilized at around 115. I started at around 131 and I’m 5’3”. Definitely not emaciated, but some of my pants are too baggy to wear and I have to keep hoisting them back up.

    When I commented to her how tired I was and that it took me twice as long to walk to the store, she said, “Well, you’re not eating anything!” This was during a video visit and she ran to her mini fridge to show me the Boost drink so I’d know which one to buy. She said one of the flavors was gross, but she didn’t remember which one. I just got the vanilla.

    Wallycat, I’m sorry about DH’s falls yesterday and sorrier about your neighbor. Sheesh! I think a second glass of Chianti may have been in order. Glad DH is OK.

    I hope everyone has a decent Thursday. I really need to walk to the store, but just don’t feel like it. Will probably ask DH to drive me.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    When I had to maximize both protein & calories to heal after wisdom-tooth extractions (at age 22, and slim), I would make chocolate malted milkshakes with ice cream and a scoop of "Tiger's Milk" protein powder (a fave of the late nutrition guru Adelle Davis). During pregnancy, I craved malteds.

    Wally, your DH & I may be on the same wavelength when it comes to falling. (Both my balance issues and tripping over/bumping into stuff are likely due to my being dyspraxic with lousy proprieception. Had they known about it when I was a kid, I'd have been able to get OT to learn how to work around it—as Gordy was. Too late now for someone my age).

    DsOTD tonight will be various Caymus wines, at a tasting-menu dinner at McCormick & Schmick. Will report back once I'm settled in at our suite in Vegas…assuming we get there.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    I'll have to see if I can find Tiger's Milk for DH, whose appetite is gone since the last treatment….never mind the mouth sores. DH's falls are mostly from aging and balance issues; he never, ever had much of this going on until this last treatment. Between pain, lack of exercising enough and getting older…ugh….

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    I just tested positive for Covid! I had thought it was just a sinus infection, until a friend texted that she caught it. On the off chance, I picked up a home test and yeah…..

    No fever, fortunately, but it does mean I'll have to isolate on my birthday. DH was planning on taking me to see "Barbie". We'll have to catch it later on.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Harvest Moon shining in the night sky

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Sympathies Miranda. What a bummer. Take a rain check for a full celebration.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Sorry to hear that, Miriandra! Bob gave me COVID for my birthday in Jan. 2022. Our BFFs gave it to us for New Year 2023. Hope you stay asymptomatic & qualify for Paxlovid—the stuff works. Feel better soon—Barbie's not going anywhere yet.

    Caymus wine dinner tonight at McCormick & Schmick. Whites: Conundrum blend (Sauv. blanc, chardonnay, semillon, viognier) from various CA vineyards; Emmolo Napa sauv blanc; Mer Soleil Reserve Chardonnay (barely oaked) from the Santa Lucia highlands near Monterey. Reds: "Walking Fool" red blend (Petite Sirah, Primitivo, Zin, Petit Verdot) from the Suisun Valley (newest AVA) just e. of the Napa Valley; and their signature Cabernet Sauv. from their Napa Valley vineyards. No dessert wine, as they don't make one that goes with chocolate so we had coffee.

    Next check-in here will be after we settle into our suite tomorrow (we hope).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Wally, so sorry about your DH's falls. Would he consider one of those walkers with wheels (rollator)? And good on you for standing up to those rude neighbors! And you can RANT away, anytime you like! I have not had to deal with mouth sores, so I don't have any advice, other than the Biotene.

    Carol, thanks for suggestions. I already have an upset stomach, don't need to add to it. And gross foods will make me upchuck, I have a horrible gag reflex!

    Oh no Miriandra! Is this your first bout with Covid? Regardless, I hope it's not too hard on you. I think we are going to see more and more and more cases, as they seem to be on the rise.

    Jazzy, the full moon has been nice to watch.

    I managed to make a pot roast in the crock pot yesterday, with potatoes, carrotts and gravy. But darned if I didn't get sick shortly after I went to bed! I'm having a hard time dealing with this no energy. I have SOOOO much to do with cleaning and packing! Oy Vey!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Lori - DD#2 leaves the morning of Oct 10th. Thanks for the update on Kim. I figured she was drowning in work. Sorry that you've been having such a hard time with no energy and eating. That stinks! Not sure why, but I'm still struggling with stamina and fatigue.

    Another holiday this week-end - Sukkot. So will be offline starting dinner time today through Sunday night.

    Started covering the new elementary school for a month - it is going to be a good fit and assignment. I was meeting with the substitute principal only covering for a couple weeks (retired) and she knows a good friend of mine, another School Psych who told her great things about me. This principal basically said I should call in sick one day next week to spend with DD and DH. Planned on hiking on Tuesday but it is calling for rain. So will wait and see on the weather on Monday. I may still call in on Tuesday and DD and I go see the Barbie movie as a matinee as it's much less $ and maybe lunch.

    Have a great week-end.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Miranda - wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Goldie - sending you much love and hope you feel better

    Karen - you are going to love Barbie ❤️

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    Thank you for the good wishes! I don't think I'll need the Paxlovid, fortunately. I've had all the boosters except for this most recent one. And I'm already feeling better after a day of doing absolutely nothing constructive. I know I've had it at least once previously, and it was on par with a bad cold. I count myself lucky on that front.

    My eldest got me a copy of "The Heroine with 1001 Faces" for my b-day. It looks like it will be a great read!

    Sending warm and positive vibes to everyone working through challenges!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    miriandra, your book title sounds intriguing. I started to type it into Amazon and got "The Hero with 1000 Faces." I went back and looked at your post and then found, "The Heroine with 1001 Faces." I may have to download it to my Kindle. I'll be curious to know what you think of it. Glad you're feeling better.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Karen, hope you have nice weather for dining in the sukkah.

    Yesterday had a little Sauvignon blanc with brunch in the airport—a few sips before switching to iced green tea. On the plane, Cruset Brut sparkler. At dinner, a brut rose cremant de Loire. A good strong press-pot of coffee this morning, courtesy of the ground coffee I packed with me.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    Holy cow didn't think I drank too much wine, getting used to the new forum.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    At an utterly forgettable complimentary dinner at a faux-Brazilian steakhouse (“Pampas,” a geographic boo-boo if ever there were one because the Pampas is in Argentina), a very meh white sangria (mostly peach schnapps with flat Prosecco) and a no-name drinkable but not memorable house Cabernet Sauvignon (no idea where it was from but had no tannins—suspect it was more likely a Malbec). But beggars can’t be choosers—there was a 2-drink minimum (probably because that’s what HGV paid the restaurant for). Not even a caipirinha—when we ate there in 2018, there was a conga line of waitstaff pushing a vat of the stuff around to the tables. Not tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    The jalapeño giveth (heat) and the cucumber taketh away?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I have been MIA because things at work blew up last week. Short version: between vacation days and COVID I was the only admin person working for a few days, and being admin on call and the on call staff being out sick or on vacation I was also had to be the on call staff, with a result of working nearly 24/7 Tues, Weds, and into Thursday, and, of course, am the Admin on call this weekend and had to deal with a nurse whose phone number was changed and the Admin who sets up the weekend schedule forgot to send out the new phone number, so I was doing double duty Saturday morning, too, until that nurse finally sent the new phone number out.

    Rant Warning: the following is going to be a right royal rant, may not be coherent, will have unChristian and unLadylike language. Feel free to skip over.

    Since the Senior PCM was fired there have been two of us, myself and the other PCM doing the work of 4 PCMs. The Office Director has never been trained in PCM work, and is minimally helpful in keeping up with the day to day computer work--not for lack of trying. The director and the other PCM do all the scheduling and processing of referrals for admissions, processes that I have repeatedly asked to be trained on, or at least included in so I know how to do those things, processing admissions in particular since we are under the gun to get our census up to a certain level by the end of the month. Director goes home sick Monday, tests positive for COVID, has to be out of work the rest of the week. And she is pretty sick, not the "feels like a cold" version. The other PCM is taking Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday off this week, but will be able to help out from home for a couple hours Tuesday morning. I'm the Admin on Call this week, so that's covered. The overnight on call nurse calls out sick for Wednesday night, and is taking time off Thursday and Friday night. The planned days off are not covered, so I have to be the overnight on call Wednesday and Thursday night. Monday evening I have to make a couple of visits for one of the nurses who doesn't work on Mondays whose patients needed a visits, so did that from office close till about 8 pm. Then I got sent out at 9 pm Tuesday night to do a visit, didn't get home and into bed until 2 am--the scheduled on call nurse was busy and the back-up nurse lived too far away to make the visit. Thursday morning I get called out at 2 am, at that call until 6:30, then to the office for the day Thursday. By this time I'm dead on my feet, but I need to be in the office to cover the day-to-day computer work while the other PCM is doing her prep work for the big Friday meeting. (Side note, the other PCM is a single Mom, no child care, so she is not required to go out and make visits after hours or on weekends when she is on call.) Thursday night I don't have to go out, but I get calls from staff needing help with charting and odd and various things until nearly 11 pm. Friday I'm covering all the day-to-day computer stuff until after the Friday meeting is over. I didn't have to go out to make visits Friday night, but got calls until 10 pm or so. Saturday I go into the office to try to catch up on all the things that have to be done other than the day-to-day computer work, stuff that is now late because I couldn't get it done during the week, and get a frantic call of the on call nurse who can't reach one of the weekend visit nurses, because her phone is out of order, and she is not on the company's secure texting app, so I head out to do that emergency visit--the visit nurse was scheduled to see the patient, but the patient needed to be seen right away--and get halfway there, a 20 minute drive, when the visit nurse calls with her new phone number and to say she was in the building at the time and did the emergency visit. The other PCM forgot to change the number on the weekend schedule. In the middle of this little fun bit, I saw on the schedule that I am listed as the Admin on call all of this next week and next weekend as well.

    This is where I lost it. My last day as a PCM is next Friday.

    I won't have access to the computer stuff to do the Admin on call stuff next weekend. I was never told I would be on call 2 weeks in a row, when the on call schedule was being rearranged after the Sr. PCM left, I said I didn't care what strategy they used AS LONG AS I WAS TOLD IN ADVANCE WHEN I WOULD BE COVERING. Basic common courtesy, right? To tell someone when they are going to be on duty 24/7 for 7 days? Nope. So, here I am with my brother coming home this coming week so we can work with Mom to get a bunch of stuff settled, something we carefully planned so that I would not be on call because I have to be present for some of the appointments, which we worked hard to make after office hours. My cousin, who lost her husband recently is coming home next weekend and I need to see her, but now I can't because it's too far away if (realistically, when) I have to cover a visit and where phone coverage is very spotty. Oh, and I have to keep up with all the PCM work this coming week while being out in the field making visits all day Monday and Tuesday to meet the patients whose care I'll be taking over as of Friday.

    I came home yesterday and had a meltdown. I almost called the director and quit on the spot. I cringe every time my phone makes a noise. My stomach has been in knots. When I can get to sleep I'm having nightmares. I'm trying now to decide if I call the director today and have this out, or if I email her (and her boss) about the situation and how I feel, or have it out face-to-face with the director tomorrow morning. This lack of common courtesy has been ongoing, and I can't seem to get anyone to pay attention to it, and I can not take it any more.

    OK, rant over. I'm going to get a second cup of coffee and sit on the deck and do nothing for a little while, or until the phone rings and see if I can't get myself more under control.

    Thanks for listening!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Talk about a well deserved rant! Next thing they'll expect you to walk on water. I suggest Miss Manner's response, "I'm afraid that's just impossible."

    Hugs. You have earned them.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    NM- I am sorry to hear about what has happened at work. We were worried about you when we didn't hear much this week, and hoping it was not anything with your health (or something with your mom).

    Your job just expected too much and they made it impossible for you to stay. I know quitting without another job is something no one ever wants to be forced in to, but have been there too. People don't leave because they want to in these situations, they leave because it's impossible to stay. Our health is most important to us and this job doesn't support that. As someone who also works in healthcare in another aspect of the industry, I am increasingly saddened with the way healthcare orgs have become to drive so many out. Hugs sister and glad you have made a good choice for yourself.

    Hoping having some time away to decompress will help you feel better. Time outdoors in nature, the beautiful fall foliage, etc. will help to restore you. Sending hugs and wishing you better days sister.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172
    edited October 2023

    All levels of healthcare - from neurosurgery to massage therapy - are seeing disastrous results as profit margins take precedence over patient outcomes. I hope this gives everyone a laugh. (And if you're not familiar with Dr. Glaucomflecken, please browse through his videos. He's hilarious!)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Karen yay! Still lots of time to spend with DD2, enjoy! ABSOLUTLEY, call in Tuesday!!!

    Miriandra, glad to hear you are already feeling better. May it continue!

    Meow, the new forum sucks, just like the previous one. However, I can manuvre around enough to get to the lounge!

    Teka, cute glass!!!

    NM, OH MY HELL! I can't believe you didn't just quit on the spot??? Of course you had a melt down, who wouldn't? Well, at least you have your brother's visit and your cousin, to look forward to. If you aren't on for a few days, at least we'll know why! BTW, I saw nothing unChristian or un Ladylike in your language.

    Wren, I think my response would have been "buh bye now!"

    LOL Miriandra! Office supplies! Our healthcare sucks.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    (((Kim))), you have earned every syllable of that rant and then some! I can’t speak to “un-Christian” (given my own religion), but there comes a time when “ladylike” is incompatible with sanity. Hope you can get some downtime and figure out what’s next.

    DsOTD: with lunch, a brut rose Prosecco; with dinner, Schramsberg blanc de noirs brut.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I finally decided that I am going to call and talk to the Director this ayem, tell her I can't cover call this week or coming weekend and why, and then see what happens. I'm riding with the nurse whose caseload I'm taking over today so I don't have to go into the office at all, and that is going to be a huge relief and break from the office stress and insanity.

    Fall has definitely arrived, it's about 46 degrees out this ayem, and the trees have started turning. The haze from the wildfires is giving us some impressive sunrises and sunsets. We finally have a run of days without clouds and rain, and the sky is so hazy you look directly at the sun! Ah, well, at least it's not rain or snow.

    My brother is flying in on Wednesday, visiting with Mom for a week. Mom is beside herself with excitement. His wife doesn't fly, so she isn't coming, which is a bit of a disappointment, but can't be helped. I'm looking forward to having him home for a while, too.

    Chi--it amazes me that you can taste the difference in hot sauces! Anything like that I have ever tried didn't have any taste, it just burned my tongue and mouth, usually leaving blisters behind to remind me of the experiment for a few days. The rose sound wonderful, though.

    Karen--I've got an appointment coming up, going to get my flu shot and see what they say about COVID. Not required for health care workers anymore, so I'm wondering what the recommendation will be.

    Goldie--thanks for updating everyone for me. I was just plain drowning, living on coffee and bagels, grabbing sleep when I could, and keep the puppers fed. One good thing, Mom decided on her own to use a moving company to move when she gets an apartment at the Independent Living place she chose! That is going to make thing a lot easier when that time comes.

    Wally--good grief, your neighbors sound like first class a$$hats! You have a dog in an area with a leash law, you leash the dog. End of story. Find dog parks or friends places out of the area to let the dog run unleashed. Simple. Rant on, lady! Sorry to hear about your DH's falls. Always scary.

    Sunshine--that comment about not eating was not called for! There are calories in wine, go with that if you want. At least enjoy what you are eating.

    Chi--I hope you got to Vegas ok. I remember eating at McCormick's, and love it.

    Miriandra--I'll be glad when the COVID testing really gets phased out. It's pretty much pointless now. Mostly it's encouraging people who are sick with something other than COVID to continue working or going out and spreading around flu, RSV, whooping cough, whatever. Like COVID is the only respiratory disease that's dangerous to vulnerable people.

    Jazzy--beautiful pic!

    Chi--glad to see you got to Vegas!

    Goldie--the pot roast dinner sound yummy, so sorry you got sick after, and low energy. Hugs.

    Karen--wishing you a happy Sukkot! And good for your principal for suggesting you take a day off and spend it with the family! I hope you do it.

    Miriandra--happy to hear you are feeling better already!

    Good Morning, Meow!

    Teka--one of my favorite summer eating places!!!

    Wren--I never thought about being expected to walk on water, but you are so right! Thank you for the Miss Manner's impossible response, it's going to be my mantra today.

    Thank you, Jazzy!

    Miriandra--he IS hilarious!

    Walk on Water


    0.75 oz Barr Hill Vodka

    0.5 oz Amaro Braulio

    1 oz Grapefruit Juice

    0.5 oz Rosemary Syrup

    Sparkling Wine


    Combine ingredients (besides the wine) in mixing tin, add ice and shake, strain into champagne flute and top with sparkling wine. Garnish with an orange twist and rosemary sprig.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, GOOD LUCK on that call with the director and your work week! Does mom have a move in date? Without going back, are your cousin and brother going to be there at the same time?

    Nothing to post on my end, so just sharing a few funnies.

    Boy, isn't this the truth???