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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Karen, that has to be so hard to let your DD go back. I guess she is a grown adult, and mom can't tell her what to do???

    Finally, someone told me what's going on, at least some of it. So, I have cancer now on the lining of my abdomen (right side), and more lymph node involvement. I ate too much yesterday when given the ok to eat and threw up again last night 4 times. The vomiting is what sent me to the ER, and I'm pretty sure I didn't get sick because I ate too much, altho I'm sure it didn't help. I was supposed to have chemo today but was told it isn't necessary, since it isn't working anymore. I'll drop in there anyways and see what any of the girls (nurses) have to say. Kidney surgery tomorrow.

    Another weird things that happened, when dietician called me, she said something about "I see your kidney stent moved into your stomach". Or something like that. And I'm like, that's the first I've heard of that! Do you think it's possible that this HAS happened and that is what is causing me to throw up? I did not get sick in the hospital, but I was not allowed to eat anything, just clear liquids.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Goldie, I’m sorry to hear about the progression and all the trouble you’re going through. I hate ER visits, you must be exhausted by it all.

    Haven’t been in a drinking mood lately but I do need to go out to the bar, play loud music and have a cocktail day before it gets cold up here.

    Hi to everyone 🙂

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I'm back from the trip to Ireland and Scotland and am recovering from jet lag. I just caught up on reading the posts. Goldie, I hate that you've been going through ordeal after ordeal with your health. You're definitely due for a good stretch. Moving full time to MI seems like a wise decision.

    Same with you in regard to your job, NM.

    Sorry about your dh's balance issues, Wally, and the jaw pain.

    Ireland is as lovely and green as everyone says it is. We loved the pastures with grazing sheep and the small towns with narrow streets and old buildings. We learned that most of the lamb is exported and the Irish people do not eat a lot of lamb because it is expensive. Isn't that crazy? And the wool is virtually worthless. Our favorite area was the Scottish highlands, which is really magnificent. All in all, we like Scotland better than Ireland. The main lesson learned was not to travel again with Trafalgar or do any bus tour travel again because it is too tiring.

    I drank quite a bit of Jameson's on the trip and did have a half pint of Guinness. Also some local beers here and there that were good. I seldom drink beer but do like a good beer with flavor.

    It is so good to be home.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited October 2023

    Goldie, my heart is breaking reading your post. I have no words except it is a big fear for me. Please keep us updated.

    Carole, welcome back. I've not been to either Scotland or Ireland but it all sounds lovely. I watch too much PBS and love shows like Hinterland and Vera….

    OY.... is the best I can say about yesterday…our schlep to Seattle....I checked the hood canal bridge status because it was windy. All looked good....20 minutes later...update...1 hour delay 9-10; open 10-11; 1 hour delay 11-12.  UNREAL.  We were sure we'd miss the ferry connection and the appointment but managed to get there within 15 minutes of sign in. 
    So glad yesterday is done. I think I was crying in the car because the stomach pain from the
    propranalol I took for anxiety, sitting, waiting for that stupid, effing bridge to open (and there being only a 1 hour window to pass in the morning), mad that DH has to deal with this and by default, myself, and watching him struggle with the treatment/disease, and then as I sat there, I worried about another explosive diarrhea event, which happened right before we left because of the propranalol.  TOOOOOO MUCH. 
    Otherwise, the day was OK. DH had to stop and rest 4 times walking back to the Ferry. He finally understood WHY I kept begging him that we should drive in.  They must have let us out a few minutes earlier (over an hour in there for a 10 minute treatment) that we were able to catch that earlier ferry. Poor DH, struggling to get there.  I think a lot of the walking/hip pain is from nerve compression in his back...old age and not
    the cancer but I suspect the treatment and his age are not helping him at all in that regard.They
    did say there is a trigeminal nerve specialist in Cherry Hill campus (OY...another schlep!!)
    Now we sit till Thursday, apart and careful and I just want to hug him and tell him what a trooper he is...and I can't be near him.  Yet another frustration.

    At least he was able to get the head MRI and they saw the vessel pressing on the nerve, causing the gum pain and headaches; they can stop coddling him thinking he's making it up.

    Editing to add how affected I've been with all of these wars; Ukraine is so close to where I was born and I have relatives in Poland. Israel is where I was raised till I was 5 (and no doubt have family I am unaware of), and it is horrible thinking what is going on there. I hope this all comes to an end quickly.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Wally, regarding the MRI—my audiologist & ENT also thought I was faking my complaint of "pulsatile tinnitus" until the MRI/MRV/MRA revealed just such a blood vessel pressing against my inner ear canal. (Described as "of probable fetal origin:" the ENT said I was likely part of an identical twin blastocyst—half of which stopped developing before it could split into two embryos. That blood vessel was all that remained of it).

    Lori, my heart aches for what you're going through, especially when they are taking their sweet time leveling with you what the problems are. Only you can decide how much more treatments to try. Hugs—in your pocket wherever you go and however long the journey.

    Karen, I seriously doubt El Al will resume flights so soon. (Actually, more like seriously hope they don't). My cousin's DGD has a friend whose prom date went to Israel to celebrate starting his sophomore year in college, and hasn't been heard from. We also have a famous musical family—Jeff Tweedy of Wilco and his sons Spencer & Sammy—who are members of our temple. Sammy is also on a trip to Israel and we're all biting our nails.

    So back to the drinking. Still sipping that Mas de la Dame red blend (Bob started a Bota Box of merlot). Also opened a bag of Big Shoulders (local S. Side roaster) Uganda Bugisu beans for breakfast, and made a cappuccino with Dark Matter (another local roaster) Unicorn Blood espresso blend beans. I've also found that, when time is an issue, Peet's decaf Nespresso capsules are tastier than Nespresso's own.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Sandy - El-Al has NOT stopped flying. Most US carriers are not flying but there are some other carriers flying. The situation is horrific - but Israel is her home. If she were to stay, there is the issue of health insurance, school etc. All her friends are in Israel and those in the states are back east in NY/NJ. She has not lived in America for over 7 years. All her friend's husbands have been called up as well as school friends. She does know who some of the casualties are which no doubt is difficult. We pray that thing will settle down and she will be safe. Where she lives has so far been safe.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    A friend posted this on fb regarding Israel and it rings so true for my daughter and us as well - but Aliyah is not in the cards for the time, but my heart is in Israel

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Wally, hugs for all you're going through. Hugs for your dh, too.

    Hugs for Goldie. For NM. For Karen and her daughter.

    I wish I could do something to help each one of you.

    Bless his heart, dh went off to the gym this morning. I am feeling more normal and a wonderful thing happened when I got up this morning. I went through my Travelon handbag again and found the missing passport card. Yay!!! What a relief.

    Hope something good happens for all of us today.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    BabyGirl, you got that right about it being exhausting to be in the hospital. I don't know how I would handle if I had to be in for a couple weeks. A few days is more than enough!

    Carole, welcome back! I hope you have some pictures to share?

    WallyCat, my heart goes out to you as well. Hearing those words (about the cancer) certainly does drop a big one on a person! I can relate having to care for your DD, as I took care of mine too, before his passing. Not sure how I would even manage now, in the condition I am in. After all you mention, then you say "Otherwise, the day was ok." OMG, that made me laugh! "schlep" also gives me a chuckle. When you are able to get close again, be sure and give him that hug and tell him what a trooper he is. I did the same thing with my DH, and made sure to tell him that I loved him and that we would get through this TOGETHER, one day at a time.

    Carole, thanks for all those hugs for everyone. Here's one for you too! Yay on finding the missing passport card!

    Tough times for a few of us, for sure!

    Wish I could find some good fresh CO peaches. They have some here, but you have to buy like $50 worth. I only want half a dozen or so. The ones in the stores are hard as rocks!

    DOTD: Frozen Peach Bellini


    2 oz. Dixie Peach Vodka
    1 lemon wedge (squeezed and discarded)
    0.5 oz. (or 1 bar spoon) agave nectar
    1 c. ice
    Sparkling wine or Champagne
    1 fresh peach slice
    1 sprig of mint


    Add Dixie Peach Vodka, juice from lemon wedge, agave nectar, and ice into a blender, and blend until smooth. Serve in an old fashioned glass, top with sparkling wine or Champagne, and garnish with a fresh peach slice and sprig of mint.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Every time I recite a litany of things gone blooey, I usually finish with "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" Well, Fri. night when I was setting up my instruments and telling my singing partner about my Vegas misadventure, he was the first to utter that line. The retort came to me out of nowhere: "The first part was kinda boring, but Act II was a blast." Gotta remember that for next time.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    LOL, Sandy! Humor does help.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! My first week back in the field is being pretty busy. I'm sure things will go more smoothly when I've met all the people on my caseload and I get to know them. I keep setting up my visit scheduled so I'm driving as little as possible, and the Patient Care Manager keeps rearranging thing, which will be confusing for me until I get used to not being in control of my schedule. The big every-other Friday meeting for this group of patients is this week, so I'm scrambling a bit to write all the notes by the noontime today deadline (not going to make, but will be close), write up an admission, and managing two crisis situations. I'm sure that trying to sleep at Mom's Monday night, getting up at 3 to take Kid Brother to the airport, then taking Colt home and trying to grab a couple more hours of sleep Tuesday ayem didn't help. I think I'm still catching up!

    My cousin from Las Vegas is home for a visit and I can't wait to see her this weekend. The cousins are getting together for lunch Sunday, which should be a great time. After this weekend, I hope next weekend I can have the whole weekend at home to myself, though!

    Karen--keep your DD in my prayers, I hope she stays safe.

    Goldie--Kid Brother wasn't flying out at 2 ayem, he had to be at the airport at 2 ayem, but his flight was delayed, so he didn't have to get there until 3:30 ayem. So sorry to hear you are in the hospital again! I don't blame you about the NG tube, that can't be fun at all.


    Karen--I can understand DD's desire to be in her community and with her friends and knowing what is going on first hand. Still, it's scary for her and for you. It sounds like she has a good plan to be with roommates or friends.

    Goldie--oh my goodness, what a lot of news you have gotten! That the chemo is not working must be so hard to hear. Kidney stents can move, but I cannot figure out how it can move to your stomach, there is no connection between the kidney and the stomach for the tube to travel through. Something foreign in the stomach can certainly cause vomiting, and if there was a foreign body in your stomach I would expect even clear liquids would cause vomiting. I hope you get some clear information about what is going on soon.

    Illi--I wish I was close enough to go out for a night of loud music and a drink with you!

    Carole--Welcome home! The Ireland trip sounds like it was wonderful, if tiring. Can't wait to hear more.

    Wally--oh my, what an ordeal that schlep is for the two of you! Such a difficult time for both of you. Hugs.

    Chi-wow, what a way to find out you might have been a twin! The human body is so complex.


    Carole--it must have been a great feeling to find that passport card!

    Chi--I don't know if I should laugh or groan at that comeback! Good one!

    Chaos Cocktail Cocktail


    1/2 oz Everclear alcohol

    1/2 oz cherry brandy

    1/2 oz benedictine herbal liqueur

    1 oz Bailey's Irish cream

    1 oz cream

    1 maraschino cherry

    • Shake, strain, add the cherry and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Lori - thinking of you. Sending you hugs and love

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Good morning to all. We had much needed rain yesterday. Today I have to venture out to the Outpatient Center and have blood drawn in preparation for my annual appointment on Monday with Dr. Brown, a kidney specialist. The drive to her office is less than a mile, just down the street. I really like her analysis of the blood work.

    Little by little I'm getting some things done around the house. This weekend I may get out into the yard and attack trees growing in the flower beds. They're too well established to pull up by the roots so I cut them off down near the ground and they eventually grow back. My neighbor Belinda thinks I should hire a company to do yard labor. She sent me a name. That time is probably coming.

    NM, I always develop some stress reading about your job. LOL. I'll bet your patients are lucky humans and most of them probably appreciate your care.

    Karen, hoping the best for your daughter.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    Our former rabbi (from the late 1990s), who moved to a pulpit in OH, moved to Israel with his wife and started a Reform congregation in Modi'in (home of the Maccabees). He & his wife came here to visit before the Hamas attacks to see their kids & grandkids and give tomorrow night's guest sermon. It will be a very different sermon than planned, I'm sure. I will try to attend—rain or no rain, pain or not. (Will arrive early enough to park, or get a taxi). Won't be the same on livestream.

    Whatever side you're on, we all need a drink right about now.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wow, so much going on, and I was off the boards for a few days.

    To those who are suffering, I'm so sorry. Karen, I can't imagine the worry you must be experiencing over your daughter.

    I had an EEG on Tuesday which, thankfully, didn't show any seizure activity. No idea what the rest of the report means. Swallow motility test yesterday was a bit of an ordeal. Nurse was wonderful but had to call in two doctors to get the tube positioned correctly. Throat is still sore this morning, but at least I didn't gag during the test.

    Happy Friday to all,


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    DOTD with dinner at home was La Vieille Ferme rosé.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Well, I'm home! Went Tuesday to have the stents replaced in my kidneys. Doctor was only able to get the right one in. So now I have to go Wednesday, to have the tube placed into the left kidney, via a tube inserted through my back, on the left side. Not a fun procedure, since I was awake. I laid there and bawled the entire time, as it was quite painful, with the pressure that was put on kidney. Bubba now has a sister, PeneloPEE!
    So, 2 bags attached to my body. Bubba on the front right, and PeneloPEE on the back left. Sleeping is quite the ordeal, let me tell you. Not to mention having to get up during the night, at least once, sometimes twice to empty the two. I have video appt. with MO Monday morning to see what my next treatment will be. With the cancer now in my abdomen, I'm thinking radiation and/or surgery. My life is not so pleasant right now and makes me wonder if this is the beginning of the end. Trying to stay positive tho, things could be worse, right? One of the things I am very grateful for, other than the discomfort from Penelopee, I'm not in any pain.

    Karen/Sandy, praying for all of those that you know in Israel, that they remain safe.
    Karen, I know your DD would love to be back there with her friends, but as a mom, I would be so glad that she were with me and safe. I have no idea what the flight situations are, in order for her to head back.

    NM, you poor thing! Being run so ragged! Enjoy your time with your cousin this weekend! OH MY, that Chaos Cocktail is something else!

    Carole, we want pictures! We love pictures!

    Chily here this morning, had to start up the pellet stove. At least I'm not in MI yet! Hoping to see some of the eclipse this morning, need to go look for my glasses.

    DOTD: The Eclipse

    30 ml Tequila
    20 ml Cherry Liqueur
    20 ml Aperol
    20 ml Lemon Juice
    10 ml Mezcal

    Add ice to a shaker.
    Add every ingredient except the mezcal!
    Shake it cold.
    Add a big ice cube to a whiskey rock's glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Oh, on my way home I stopped at Target (we don't have one where I live) and picked up some Liquid IV for my water and I found a protein drink that is beyond yummy! OMG, it's so good! Like drinking an iced coffee, like those starbucks frapps you can buy in the store.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Goldie, I buy the Premier Protein Chocolate, which, I know, Sandy doesn't like. I drink half a carton with my breakfast. It's expensive. I buy the large packages at Sam's Club. It must be very popular from the huge displays.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    I think the chocolate tastes like its packaging, but it's tolerable if I add a couple shots of espresso and blend it with ice to make a slushie. Because you have no restrictions on sugar or carbs, you could always add chocolate syrup & or malted milk powder. My NP (a lifelong Type 1) loves the coffee and caramel flavors.

    Lori, you should insist on at least twilight anesthesia (conscious sedation, like Propofol) for any more of those kidney or abdominal procedures. Keeping you awake during them is beyond cruel. I admire your sense of humor through all this. Regardless of what point you are in your Stage IV journey, the best place for you is one that gives you the best access to the care you need, whether treatment or palliative. Hugs.

    Karen, found out last night that two Jewish women from Evanston (mother & daughter) visiting Israel for an elderly aunt's birthday are alive though taken hostage. Our former rabbi, who retired from his then pulpit in Akron and with his wife made aliyah to Modi'in, is in town to visit their adult kids (and now grandkids). He led services last night (which I "attended" via livestream because with a bar mitzvah boy co-leading with his out of town relatives in attendance, there was no way I would have gotten into the parking lot—and it was stormy out so walking was not an option). His original plan for the sermon was to discuss the challenges of leading a Reform congregation in an officially-Orthodox country, but of course that was not to be. His sermon echoed what we're all feeling—rage, anguish, fear and an ever-more-elusive glimmer of a light at the end of a lengthening tunnel. He spoke of discovering the aftermath…and then revealed he was quoting a poem by poet Chaim Bialik, written about walking around the aftermath of the Kishinev pogrom, in 1904. His main prayer was to be able to let his own sense of mercy and compassion tamp down his anger. In a sense, Jews in Israel & the Diaspora are all "sitting shiva" right now. I know you can't keep your DD from returning to what is now very much her home, nor if there's anything you can say to convince her to stay here a bit longer. Hugs, prayers (especially a collective r'fuah shlema).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! When I got up yesterday the home computer had shut down and updated overnight, and by the time I got it booted back up and connected to the internet it was time to head in to work. Not too bad a day yesterday, even with getting an admission at the end of the day. At least now I will get the after hours admission bonus pay in addition to my salary. That's something around $150. Ended up working on that until 9 peeyem last night, and a couple hours when I woke up this ayem, but it was all done in time to be processed for the weekend staff to see the info. Then the puppers and I had a lovely long lounge in bed. Tomorrow I get up and head out to visit the cousin who's visiting from Las Vegas. The bunch of us cousins are getting together for lunch and catching up. I'm looking forward to this gabfest!

    Carole--The job stress is declining as I get to know my patients and families. It's feeling more under control, except for the scheduling part, but I will adapt to that. I do plan to make noise about whenever possible, though, just to make trouble. My patient's seem to be appreciative, and that does feel good. I hear you about getting to be time to hire out the yard work. I need to hire out some work around the house, too.

    Chi--listening to what is going on in Israel is definitely easier with a drink or two. So scary thinking about where this could end up.

    Sunshine--glad to hear you got through the test without gagging. Hopefully the sore throat will have gone away by now, or will before the weekend is over. Good news on the EEG.

    Goldie--It must be nice to be home again! Bubba and Penelopee are keeping you busy, that's for sure. I imagine life is feeling very uncertain right now. Hopefully that will get better with a plan in place. I’m hoping the getting run ragged will settle down now that my office is vacant and waiting for a new occupant and I'm fully in the new role. If not, well, early retirement is still an option!

    Love the Eclipse!

    Glad you found a protein drink that tastes good! That's half the battle, right there.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Carole, the drinks are a bit on the pricey side, but in my opinion "I'm worth it!"

    Sandy, they did give me propofol, twice actually. Second time due to the fact that the surgeon saw how upset and crying I was. It was the pressure being put on the kidney that hurt so damn bad!

    NM, enjoy your day and weekend!

    Been watching the eclipse, I have glasses from the last one in 2017. Nothing too exciting, but fun anyways.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Eclipse reflections on my patio this morning

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    Goldie, my heart goes to you. I hope the best for you, whatever that winds up looking like. (((Hugs)))

    To all of you with friends and family in the mid-East, I hope the will of the citizens who want peace and coexistence overcome those who want to destroy their "other". It's heartbreaking how dire things have become.

    In lighter news, my son and I took part in a karate tournament. He won is first gold metals this time in both kata (forms) and kumite (sparring)!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Congratulations to both of you. My GS were in karate and it was hard work. He looks so happy.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Congrats on the medals!!! I see you are a blue belt. I managed to get to orange (I don't remember the line up anymore) and loved karate SO much. Haven't done it since my dx, 17 years ago. A great bonding experience with your son, for sure!

    DH is not rebounding quickly. Hard to watch. Managed to go grocery shopping with me yesterday and stay up longer than usual. I hope he rethinks treatment 5 and 6.

    I'm back to the Bogle Petite Syrah.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, all. It's nice to see the updates - even the hard ones. It's good to share and to be there for each other.

    Jazzygirl - those photos are CRAZY!!! I went outside and looked through our eclipse glasses, then my DDIL looked and we both said, "Coo!" then went back inside the house. Apparently, DH and DS were surfing and when they got out of the water, DH was passing his glasses around for all the others there at the beach to look.

    Not much going on. Kids are heading home today. It's been great having them here.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Too rainy & cloudy here to see any of the eclipse.

    Last night's DOTD was Lucien Albrecht rosé Crémant d'Alsace.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Missed the eclipse.