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how about drinking?



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Morning all. Happy Monday. Stupid insomnia is killing me (sorry for whining) and I'm about to hit Trader Joe's for a case of wine!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    The eclipse was marvelous.

    Sunshine - interesting difference… I have no problem going to sleep but am unhappy that I wake up between 3-5am with no apparent reason and am wide awake. UGH. Means I need a late morning nap.

    Goldie - worrying about you and hope your doc appointments & procedures are going OK.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Ugh. I just lost a looong post. Been MIA due to moving to NC and exhaustion.

    Goldie and Karen you are in my prayers. And I've loved trip photos and stories you've all shared.

    DOD has been coffee!!! A treat Friday night was a Peach Sangria in a cool glass. Sky was amazing.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sunshine, "Sorry" is not allowed here! You are allowed to whine or wine, all you want!

    Minus, my problem is just the opposite of you, I have a horrible time falling asleep.

    Reader, bummer on the exhaustion. Next time you lose a post, try hitting CTRL Z. It's worked for me in the past, if I'm typing here. Generally I type in Notepad and then copy/paste to here. Or, you can just try it. Type something, highlight and delete it. CTRL Z and see if it comes back. Peach sangria sounds very refreshing and that is a pretty sky, albeit a bit stormy looking. Is that a glass of yours? It's really pretty and looks antique.

    I have to start a new chemo, Gezmar? It's weekly, 3 weeks on, 1 week off. So I now have to "schlep" down to Phoenix once a week. The other option was Piqray, which is a pill. However, the SE's scare the crap outta me. Currently, the heartburn and throwing up are driving me nuts. I can't believe the amount of fluid that accumulates in my stomach. I'm throwing up 1 or more quarts! And of course can't sleep because of it. They have me on an opioid for that, which I do not like at all! Pantoprazole 40 mg. Also have to take Miralax and I'm almost done with my anti b's.

    I did catch the eclipse. I had glasses from the last one in 2017. Nothing too exciting and we didn't get the full ring of fire. So it basically looked like a crescent sun.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes

    Monday, May 26, 2014

    11:53 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Waking up to rain this ayem. But it was beautiful yesterday, and I had a great visit with the cousin from Las Vegas and the other local cousins. All of us are of an age where we have our own health issues and are dealing with aging parents. It is nice to know I'm not alone in some of my struggles!

    This week I'm going to work on getting my head into a space where I'm ok with not being able to control my visit schedule like I'm used to. That's going to mean letting go of wondering why 2 nurses are being sent into one facility on the same day to see 3 patients and other things that don't make any logical sense. The hardest part is not being able to tell people when the next visit will be and who will be making it. But, I will adapt, and next month I can start the Social Security and Medicare processes. Almost time to start counting weeks rather than months!

    Carole--most of my patients and families are pleased to have me come by and/or talk on the phone. It feels good to be able to make a positive difference for them.

    Chi--I'm sure the Rabbi's sermon was impactful and moving. And would not be the same virtually than live.


    Goldie--great eclipse pics! Congrats to you and your son!

    Wally--so sorry to hear that DH is bouncing back more slowly this time around. Prayers.

    Sunshine--I bet it was nice to have the kids home.

    Ruby Relaxer


    • ¾ ounce Peach schnapps
    • ¾ ounce Cruzan coconut rum
    • 1¼ ounces Vodka
    • 3 ounces Cranberry juice
    • 3 ounces Pineapple juice
    • ½ ounce Monin cherry syrup or maraschino cherry syrup
    • 1 Maraschino cherry for garnish


    • Place all ingredients except the cherry into a cocktail shaker.
    • Shake until well combined.
    • Pour into a glass filled with ice.
    • Garnish with a cherry.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    We're having wonderful fall weather. Last night was the first "pull up the quilt" night. I plan to venture out into the yard today and attack the trees growing in azalea beds. I was having back pain yesterday but the floor stretches and Tylenol Arthritis have helped ease it.

    I could be playing golf but my passion for the game has dissipated. DH is headed to the golf course with my blessings. I hope he has a good round. He still enjoys golf when he plays well and, even with a cart, it's exercise. And socializing. All the articles on aging and staying healthy recommends social interaction. I find myself more and more satisfied with staying home and doing my own thing with my own company.

    NM, I applaud your positive attitude.

    Happy Tuesday to all.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    goldie, thanks for letting me whine about wine! Scoured my cupboard for wine last night, but there was none to be had. Poor me…

    Hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday. You can find me in the wine section of Trader Joe's.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Carole - quilts here last night too. Down to 50. But I have no doubts we'll be back up to 90.

    Goldie - sorry about the new treatments - but even more sorry about the weekly trek to Phoenix. Do I remember correctly that you have a friend there so you could spend the night if necessary?

    Reader - that looks suspiciously like a "TIKI" glass. Love the beach/sky picture.

    NM - so glad you got to visit with cousins. Yup - none of us are 25 anymore and it helps to listen to others in the same boat.

    Sunshine - or Costco or Sam's wines!!! They have several that I like at reasonable prices.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I use a Company Store tropical weight down "blanket" (no duvet cover) year-round. We have a king-size down duvet & cover on our bed, but it's too heavy for me (weighs on my oft-ingrown toenails) so Bob sleeps under it.

    Lori, bummer that with all you're going through you have to commute to Phoenix to do it. Pantoprazole (Protonix) is good stuff. Took if for years (BID, per my singer-specialist ENT who said that GERD was affecting my voice). Only reason I switched to Dexilant is that until I went on Medicare, I had a mfr. coupon that made it dirt cheap; and it is a bi-phased release (taken at bedtime it releases a second dose a few hours later). I take so many pills these days that every night I fill two shot glasses with them—morning & night—so any combo pill makes life easier. My blood pressure med (an "ARB") used to have a diuretic (HCTZ) in it, but the brand and generic mfrs. stopped making it—so I have to take the two ingredients separately. (Paradoxically, it's cheaper to take the two pills rather than it was to take one combo, even generic). I'm not familiar with Gemzar (infusion?), but I understand Piqray is an immunotherapy pill. Everything these days has side effects, alas.

    DOTD was a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Waking up to rain and fog again this ayem. Yesterday it burned off and was a beautiful day from midmorning on. There are benefits to be out of the office! I'm a bit nervous about there being no visits on my schedule for today, I'm hoping it means they are planning on me doing a couple of admissions. Hopefully someone will tell me what's going on soon. I do know the paperwork on my change in position went through yesterday, maybe it has something to do with that.

    Carole--I find I'm having to work harder and harder to go out and do social things, even things that I really enjoy when I do go. I could turn into a hermit awfully easily, I think. I hope DH enjoys his golf day.

    Sunshine-- no wine? Horrors!

    Minus--this getting older thing is not for wimps, is it?

    Chi--wow, sounds like your pill burden is huge! I’m not surprised that taking 2 pills is cheaper than a combo pill, just combining 2 meds in a pill lets the pharmaceutical companies jump up the price to cover the additional manufacturing costs.



    Makes 1

    2 cucumber slices, ¼" thick

    2¼ oz. gin

    ¾ oz. Aperol

    Lemon twist (for serving)

    1. Muddle 2 cucumber slices, ¼" thick in a mixing glass to break up cucumber and release juice. Add 2¼ oz. gin and ¾ oz. Aperol, then fill with ice. Stir for 25 seconds—don’t rush it; dilution is crucial here. Double-strain, using a cocktail strainer over the mixing glass and a fine-mesh strainer, into a cocktail glass and garnish with a lemon twist.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Miriandra, I forgot to comment on your photo of you and son. Kudos to both of you for your accomplishments! I would most definitely hurt myself, if I were to try that!

    NM, hoping you find out what you are supposed to do today! Sounds like maybe things are easing up? Has your cousin gone home?

    Carole, quilt weather here, for me anyways, but only because I'm so darned skinny, I have no fat to keep me warm. I seriously look like an anorexic! Golf was something I could never get in to, just putt putt!

    Sunshine, no wine! Reminds me of the kid poem "Old Mother Hubbard".

    Minus, still warm here too. Phoenix still hitting the 100's, but 80 for me. Yes, I have a friend in Phoenix. I will drive down, spend the night with her and do chemo the following morning and head home.

    Oh my Sandy, that's a lot of pills! In 65 years, I've never been on prescription drugs, so big change for me! Gezmar is weekly infusion, 3 weeks on, 1 week off. I was concerned about becoming addicted to that drug, it scared me. But I guess if it helps calm my gut, it would be worth it.

    Gathered up a bunch of my canning stuff to sell on a FB group page. Have 2 buyers for some things currently. And they are willing to wait until I make it through town to drop off. Was up at 11:30 (sick) and didn't get back to sleep until after 1 am. Hate laying there, hoping I can fall asleep soon. Finally, and up at 5, which is fine! Enjoying our fall temps, that's for sure!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Sending much love to all here who are struggling with the wars, health issues, eldercare and sleep issues.

    NM - you are getting ready for retirement. I am going to our internal retirement planning session next week for info. And in case I need to opt out early which feels more appealing every day.

    I had a rough day today at work so I got three to go items at Taco Cabana tonight. We could call this eating disorder Wednesday or planning ahead Wednesday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! It turned out yesterday that I was going to be doing 2 admissions, once of which fell through, so I spent much of the day waiting for it to get to be 2 peeyem when the family was ready, then was writing up the admission until almost 8 peeyem. Sigh. Oh well. Overall we had 7 admissions yesterday. The big push to get to a census of 160 patients is on. At least I could do the writing up at home cuddled up with puppers!

    Goldie--my cousin went home day before yesterday. She was able to pick up her puppers yesterday. They looked very happy to see her in the pictures she sent! Sorry to hear that your sleep is being interrupted by not feeling well, and that gets calmed down ASAP.

    Jazzy--Wow, that's quite the spread! I indulged in a 5 Guys cheeseburger, fries and milkshake for lunch yesterday. They do make good burgers. The more I look into retirement the more it appeals to me. Finding lots of info online, and still looking for a retirement planner/financial planner to talk to .

    Retirement Requiem

    - 1 1/2 oz mezcal
    - 3/4 oz fresh grapefruit juice
    - 1/2 oz honey syrup
    - 1/4 oz fresh lime juice
    - 1 dash Angostura bitters
    - Grapefruit twist for garnish


    1. Combine mezcal, grapefruit juice, honey syrup, lime juice, and bitters in a cocktail shaker.
    2. Fill shaker with ice, and shake vigorously for about 10 seconds.
    3. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    4. Garnish with a grapefruit twist.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    I just noticed the pile of laundry on the floor behind my spread. Ha ha, better look closer next time that my photo does not include things like that! I ate the taco salad and the rest will be consumed in the next few days!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Jazzygirl, LOL. I had to go back and look. Hadn't noticed the laundry.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Jazzy, when people come visit, I like to say, "Pardon the mess, but people live here." 😆

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Perfect Miriandra - "people live here…"

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! It's really been a pretty mellow week at work, I'm hoping this trend will continue. There's an All Staff meeting scheduled for next week, that should be interesting. I expect the new PCMs will be announced. No one has started moving into my old office yet.

    The Puppers say hi to everyone.

    Jazzy-- I didn't notice the laundry until you mentioned it! I bet the taco salad was very good.

    Carole-- I had to go back and look for the laundry, too!

    Miriandra-- I like that response!

    Morning, Minus!

    Friday Afternoon Downtime Cocktail


    • 1/4 cup (2 fluid ounces) gin, preferably Malfy Gin con Limone
    • 1/4 cup (2 fluid ounces) Giffard Crème de Fruits de la Passion
    • 1/4 cup (2 fluid ounces) fresh lemon juice (from about 2 large lemons)
    • plain or lemon seltzer


    1. Fill 2 large highball glasses or Collins glasses with ice.
    2. Stir the gin, passion fruit liqueur, and lemon juice together in a measuring cup or Boston shaker glass.
    3. Divide evenly between the two ice-filled glasses.
    4. Top each glass with seltzer and serve immediately.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Jazzy, you know I’m going to have Barry Manilow’s “Copa Cabana” song going through my head now, right? When I used to have to get my COVID screening at Scripps they had these drive-through testing cabanas. Of course, we had to make up our own “COVID Cabana” song for that one. I’m sure were won’t the only ones who did that. Your meal looks yummy!

    I haven’t tried a 5 Guys burger yet. I may have to. I’ve tried The Habit and it was pretty good. I got it with the lettuce wrap and sweet potato fries.

    Laundry, schmaundry. Dinner is waiting!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Yesterday was Bob's birthday. We & the kids took him to Fogo de Chao (his choice) Brazilian steakhouse downtown, in River North. (We didn't go for "The Prisoner" wine dinner because it was at the Rosemont branch, near O'Hare—Leslie wouldn't have been able to make it in time after work). I drank A to Z Oregon Pinot Noir and a mini-Margarita made with Patron silver. The waiter came around with a tray of the latter, and we figured they were complementary. Nope—got the check and they were $16.50 each! Live & learn—and always ask questions. (Do as I say, not as I do).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Today's project is to go visit Mom and find out what she wants me to do with her finances. She's saying she wants me to take them over, now I've got to find out exactly what that means to her. Wha she says and what she wants are often two different things! Anyway, I'll get a nice pot roast dinner out of the deal.

    Sunshine--I've not heard of The Habit, but it sounds interesting! 5 Guys burgers are 2 patty burgers, and the fries are made from potatoes from a single farm, and that farm name and location is posted every day. Not to mention that they are really, really good fries. I don't go there often, because the small fries is a pretty big serving and I can't help but eat them all!

    Chi--Happy Belated Birthday to Bob! That seems like a lot of $$ for a mini drink! I hope it was worth it.

    Apple Crisp Cocktail


    For the Cardamom-Infused Bourbon:

    • 1/4 cup green cardamom pods
    • 1 cup bourbon, such as Buffalo Trace

    For the Cocktail:

    • 1 ounce Laird's 100 proof apple brandy (not Applejack)
    • 1/2 ounce Cardamom-Infused bourbon
    • 3/4 ounce fresh juice from 1 lemon
    • 3/4 ounce honey syrup (see note)
    • Club soda
    • Garnish: lemon twist

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Good morning:

    We made it to the weekend again (and think you know what I mean if you are still in the workforce). We have had a warmer week with temps in the 80s, which is okay with me but usually more in the 70s now. It I need to start integrating some of my houseplants into the dining area that need to come in but it may give me a bit more time to do this. I also hope to get out to an area over to the NW of here I have not been to since before the pandemic that has an event going on this weekend but the foliage should be good up there this weekend and there are hot springs there too. Today is get things done around home and tomorrow is go enjoy the beauty of fall in NM.

    I had a bit of a surprise this week in the mail, I got called to jury duty the entire month of December from the 4th to the 29th. That means that week between Xmas to New Years which makes no sense to me at all. I had plans to go to the hot springs for Xmas weekend and will adjust that to go a day earlier so that it falls over the weekend and that Monday (holiday) but will have to be in town for the rest of the week and change my plans to go a bit later to CA for New Years weekend to see my family. Instead of flying on Thursday morning, I will change my reservation to fly out friday evening and just stay more on the back end. My family will be together out there through that following Wed, so I will just spend more time on the back end and still be able to enjoy my time there. Of course, if I get put on a trial, that may change the CA plans but will cross that bridge if I come to it. I did think about postponing, but honestly want to get this over with because I won't have a say in the reschedule and next year or the following, it will be much harder to be gone if I need to be with my project. There is no good time to do jury duty with my work, but with some changes coming on my project on the horizon, December is better than most any other time to get this done. I did the survey that is the first step to be sure I am not disqualified for any reason and let them know at work.

    NM- we had to take over our mother's finances when she became ill and managed them for 8 years until her passing. Be sure she tells you all the places she has money, including banks, retirement accounts/investments, even safety deposit boxes (my parents used to keep savings bonds in one). She probably wants you to help her with her bill paying, which will be easy if you set up some auto withdrawls for things where you can. If she has not set you up as her financial power of attorney, might be good to do that as sometimes there are challenges with this otherwise. Our mother already had us set up a co-POAs for her finances which really helped when her medical crisis came and we had to take over and make decisions about her longer term care. A good estate attorney can help with these things (and get your own documents done at the same time if you have not had the chance yet).

    Chi- interesting about them bringing around the drinks and then charging you, clever restaurant trick to push the bill up. Did they give Bob any sort of complimentary dessert for his birthday? I always ask that one when I do birthday outing, sometimes they have a "standard" birthday dessert and other times you get to pick off a dessert menu. Happy birthday to Bob!

    Goldie- I hope you are doing okay sister. It sounds like your treatment going forward is going to require a lot more travel to PHX. Sending much love on all the things going on here.

    Karen- thinking of you too with everything going on in Israel and wondering if your daughter went back as planned?

    Teka- I bet it's pretty up in north country this month!

    Thanks to all of you for not noticing that laundry in my foodie picture. I ended up enjoying the taco salad, then the carne adovada plate and finally the chili relleno platter (ooh so hot) over the course of three days. My eating disorder and planning ahead needs are satisfied!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Chili relleno envy. I also love a good taco salad.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Oh how I miss Chevy!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    The mini-Margaritas were definitely not worth it—too sweet, not enough tequila. But for Bob's dessert they let him pick any item on the dessert menu, gratis.

    I miss Chevy too!

    Karen, prayers that your daughter is safe whatever she chooses to do.

    Jazzy, by the length of your summoned service, it sounds like they're tapping you for Grand Jury duty—at least that's how it works in IL. Grand Juries (state & Fed.) meet for a set term of several weeks, while prosecutors present cases and examine witnesses (without the potential defendant & their counsel allowed to be present!) and ask the jurors to "return a true bill" of indictment; about half the time, there's not enough probable cause shown and the jurors "return a no bill." Once the term is up, the Grand Jury is dissolved and the jurors dismissed…until next year (or later, if ever). OTOH, regular jury duty summonses specify a single date. (In my county, you call the jury superintendent the afternoon before to find out whether you'll be needed on the summons date). We have a "one day/one trial" system here (as do most states): if you are not seated on a jury panel by the end of the day (sometimes earlier if there are no more trials that day), you get to go home and your name goes back into the hopper for at least another year. But if you are empaneled, you're in for the entire trial (unless the case settles) however long it takes—after which time you won't likely be summoned again for at least a couple of years. You might want to examine what things may exempt you from serving on a jury: having a sight or hearing impairment that would interfere with you seeing or hearing evidence; age (in IL, >75), occupation (police, fire, court employee including judges; lawyers & doctors used to be exempt but no longer); being a party to an ongoing civil case or a defendant or "complaining witness" in a criminal case (as well as being a spouse of such a party). We were exempt as a couple twice: once because I had to sue a client (not as a lawyer but as a business owner) for an unpaid fee, and another time after Bob's car got hit and that driver sued him. That case took 3 years plus arbitration to settle. And in 2015, I was summoned for a date that fell in the middle of my radiation treatments, so they took my name out of rotation. Haven't been called since.

    Bob likes jury duty because it's a day off from work and he can get some reading done while waiting to be called. I've been summoned three times; twice, we got released by 2:30 because all the cases that day got settled before trial; once, I was called for voir dire (questioning by the attorneys for selection) both before & after lunch in a couple of accident cases—I was challenged by the plaintiff's atty. in the first case because I'd defended an accident case and by the defense lawyer in the second because I'd represented plaintiffs. No lawyer in their right mind (IMHO) would want a fellow lawyer on the jury because of the possibility they might substitute their own knowledge and not follow the judge's instructions (usually written by both sides and submitted to the judge who decides which ones to use).

    The most bizarre jury duty experience I've had was when the judge, before voir dire, asked if there was any reason why anyone would be unable to serve if chosen. One woman raised her hand and said it was against her religion. The judge, taken aback, asked what religion; the woman said "Baptist." The judge replied that she too was Baptist but had never heard of anything that forbade members from serving. The potential juror cited the Bible: "Judge not lest ye be judged." The judge rolled her eyes, sighed and said "excused."

    OK, back to drinking: Jaboulet Côtes du Rhône with dinner (cassoulet).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Had a nice visit with Mom yesterday. She has decided that she is going to move to NC when I move, so I guess its decided that I am moving next summer. I love the way its gone from something I've been thinking about to a decision with a timeline all of a sudden! Actually, I have pretty much decided I'm going to move sometime after I retire in February. I am not going to be rushed, if I'm going to take on a mortgage again and be paying it for the rest of my life I'm going to have a place I really can enjoy. Mom has my sister-in-law looking for places for her in NC that are near where she and my brother live. Now her big thing is to find "someplace close enough that you kids will visit sometimes. If you aren't going to visit I might as well stay here." Mom hasn't even moved yet and is already starting the guilt-tripping. At least she plans to sell the car and not drive after the move. She shouldn't be driving at all, but she is cutting back on where she will drive.

    Jazzy--Yup, made it to another weekend. I can't believe how fast the month is going by. I've got a bunch of plants that were in my office at work in my garage that I need to get into the house and find homes for, which is going to be a challenge with two rambunctious dogs. I remember doing jury duty many, many moons ago. It was an interesting experience. I remember it being for 2 weeks, but I suppose things are different in different places and may even have changed over time. Mom gave me her latest bank statement, and some other stuff. One was a letter telling her that her Medicare Part D plan was being cancelled because it hadn't been paid in more than 2 months. I discovered that she truly does not understand how Medicare works (not that it's easy to figure out under the best of conditions) nor does she understand how her bills are being paid when she doesn't get a bill in the mail and write a check to mail back. She's got someone coming from the insurance company she's worked with for years coming to her place this week, it sounds like it's about Medicare open enrollment, I told her to keep all the papers out so I can look at them Wednesday. It's going to take some work to figure everything out. I am going to verify that she completed the financial POA paperwork she started a while back, and see if I can get Durable POA paperwork done too. I'm already her designated Healthcare POA, so that's covered.

    Morning, Carole!

    Minus--I miss her, too.

    Chi--That potential juror was pretty clever to use approach to get out of jury duty! It was probably wise of the judge to excuse them.

    Hung Jury

    Questionably rich and complex.

    • 1.5oz Belle Meade Sherry Finish Bourbon
    • 0.75oz Velvet Falernum
    • 0.75oz Carpano Antica
    • juice from 1/2 Lime
    • 3 drops of Elemakule Tiki Bitters


    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Good morning, all. My bad memory of jury duty is the year I was on a jury and had to drive to New Orleans just days before Thanksgiving and I had out of state family coming for the holiday. I was in a panic.

    I miss Chevy, too. She used to post on the Oldies thread.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Is Chevy gone or did she pass? Anyone know?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    In Jemez Mountains and at the hot springs too

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Wren - I think that's correct. I don't think she's been on bco for awhile