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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971

    Good morning friends- wanted to pop in and be sure to wish everyone a good Thanksgiving holiday. Hope whether you are cooking, attending a meal with family or friends, or just relaxing at home, you have an enjoyable holiday. I am heading north for a few days on Wed and back on Friday (but not black friday shopping….)

    Its been warm here again, up to 70 degrees but the trees in my yard and neighborhood are mostly full turned now. The cottonwoods peaked a few weeks ago and those leaves came down, but other trees have been late to come in to color. My yard is still blooming, no hard frost yet. I love the fall so I am enjoying the longer season this year, especially after the oh so hot summer. We have rain coming later today which is always good to see here in the high desert.

    Goldie- that is very funny and also very relatable.

    NM- you are posting some way delicious drinks lately. I want to try that Thanksgiving wine drink and also the pumpkin spice white russion (I have all of those ingredients in my house!)

    Off to yoga and be safe everyone if you are traveling over the course of the next week.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Lori, LOL! Lyrics themselves would be anticlimactic. (I once read another one, the Rolling Stones' "Hey You, Get Offa My Lawn," from the Steel Wheelchair album).

    (((Karen))), it's so frustrating having dueling specialists and trying to find a treatment that fixes something without breaking another. May upcoming T-Day & Chanukah be welcome distractions.

    Not a fan of Premier Protein chocolate—to me it tastes like a cross between the old "Metrecal" (precursor to Slim-Fast) and the carton it comes in. Only way I can make it palatable is to spike it with a shot of espresso and then blend it with crushed ice into a shake. But the Caffe Latte and Caramel flavors are okay. FairLife makes a zero-sugar chocolate protein shake that is truly disgusting. I hear "OWN" (?) makes a good one, though.

    Thurs. night, no alcohol with Chinese food at Bally's downtown casino (see the "Older" and "Dinner" threads for how we ended up there), though Bob had a couple of Tsing Taos. Last night before the movie, Domaine Chandon Brut—an extremely generous pour, much larger than the usual split restaurants serve for the same price. (Nursed it through all 3.5 hours of "Killers…." plus the 20 minutes of previews). At late dinner at Steak48, E. Guigal Crozes-Hermitage 2019. So generous a pour I gave 2/3 to Bob. Tonight, may try this year's Duboeuf Beauj. Nouveau (the only brand available in Chicago this year) with Leftover-Fest dinner. I remember when you could pick up 4 or even 5 brands to compare, but no more. Everything seems to be downsizing these days…except prices.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Karen, so excited for you to see the grand baby! I hope those doctors can come to some kind agreement.

    NM, anxiously waiting to hear how TG goes with mom.

    Well, I have landed in the hospital, yet again! I started having stomach pains on Friday morning. Well, they just wouldn't let up. I had taken a Dilaudid and some Tylenol, didn't touch it. Was planning on going in Sat. morning. Called cancer center, they said I should go in right away. So I got a bag packed and off I went. Had I stayed home, I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyways, due to the pain. Left at 4pm, got to the hospital at 8. Having stomach pain, I was sure it had to do with the new cancer in my abdomen. NOPE, I have a UTI. Never have I been so glad to have a UTI. I hoping to be released tomorrow (Sunday). Was supposed to have chemo Monday, but that will most likely get canceled since I have an infection. I have however gotten some really good sleep since they are giving me morphine!

    Almost hit an elk coming across the rim. I happened to see the car in front of me, move over to the left a bit, and when I got closer, I saw why. The elk was standing right at the edge of road, like on the white line. This is the reason I don't like going or coming from the valley at night! Rained at my house all day today and supposed to get more tomorrow, which means a muddy ride in! Not sure, may just get a hotel for a couple of nights, depending on night time temps.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Lori - sorry you are in the hospital again. Who'd ever thing we'd be glad for a UTI! Hope your home tomorrow. Do you have a move date to MI?

    Just under 3 weeks till my DD and grand daughter are here. Needless to say, I'm beyond excited and will be counting the days.

    Really need to busy this week as I'm really stressed about the appointment with the endocrinologist Labs should be back tomorrow or Monday. These labs i understand the what the numbers mean.

    Sweet dreams

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    goldie, I'm happy it's "just" a UTI, even though those are no fun. I hope they get that fixed ASAP. Am glad you didn't hit the elk!

    Off to get my MRI today. I hope the equipment doesn't go down like last time!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    Karen, sending good thoughts for results on your labs.

    Goldie, wow on that long drive but glad it was "just" a uti. I've never had a uti; now that I type this, I bet that will change, LOL.

    Elk..YUMMY! Glad you avoided a collision. During rut season, they are scared of nothing. Similar to deer.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! And Happy Thanksgiving week. Mom has decided she wants to cook one more traditional Thanksgiving meal this year. This from the woman who needed me to write down and post how to operate her oven. And she has invited her sister and partner for dinner. My aunt has dementia, doesn't remember who I am or who Mom is, which is hard to see sometimes. Her partner is a bit creepy and I think he's out for her money and the house they built together. Her daughter feels the same way. But, all that is really none of my business, so I'm trying to stay out of it.

    The puppers and I had lovely lie ins this weekend, with lots of cuddles and licks. Didn't get much else accomplished, but I'm ok with that.

    Karen--wow, what a roller coaster ride about the calcium! I don't blame you for pushing for the surgery, quality of life is so very important. Did the doctor say why you don't qualify for the surgery yet? What has to happen to qualify? A second opinion might be a good idea if the doc still says no to surgery. So wonderful that DD#1 and grandbaby are coming for the holidays! You must be so excited!

    Sunshine--I liked the Cornish hens, too! But, mom's going for the whole big meal things this year. Good luck with the PET scan.

    Jazzy--Glad you are still getting fall colors. A beautiful fall sounds like a good way to end a long, hot summer.

    Chi--it's a good thing there are so many supplements available nowadays, a person can find something they like the taste of. I've noticed the downsizing of serving sizes of things, too. Everything is getting so expensive.

    Goldie--sorry to hear you are back in the hospital, but glad you got some pain relief and sleep while you are there! Yike about the Elk.

    Morning, Teka and Wallycat!

    Cranberry Martini



    • 1 c. water
    • 1 c. granulated sugar
    • 1/2 c. thinly sliced peeled ginger


    • 3 oz. unsweetened cranberry juice
    • 1 oz. ginger simple syrup
    • 1 1/2 oz. vodka
    • 1 oz. dry (white) vermouth
    • 1/2 oz. lime juice
    • Fresh or frozen cranberries, to garnish
    • Lime twist, to garnish

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    My labs are finally available this morning - my calcium is back in the normal range but that is due to the Zometa infusion (what hematologist said would happen). Ionized calcium is still elevated but my PTH is quite high - I think the highest its been and much higher than the past two blood draws (September and last Monday - 4 days before this blood draw). Sure hope this is enough ammunition for surgery - I know my Nephrologist is quite concerned.

    Kim - with PTH levels, calcium levels and hyperparathryoidism, if the levels aren't too high then its wait and see. Surgery is really the only treatment for hyperparathyroidism. The med the Nephrologist suggested is only short term and is generally used for patients on dialysis and high CA. Well enough waiting for me. Only two more days till my appointment.

    Weather is changing - cool and damp today, warming up Wednesday and then turning colder.. By Friday we might might have snow.

    Think DH and I are going to see a movie this afternoon.

    Have a great Monday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, in advance. DH and I plan to depart tomorrow morning and drive for two days to Lafayette, Indiana, to the home of niece Robin, dh's sister's daughter. We'll return on Friday and Saturday. Wish us safe travel.

    Meanwhile, happy Monday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Lori, UTIs suck, but they're treatable & fleeting. Hope you can get "sprung" soon. Meanwhile, it might be a good idea to have a "go bag" packed in your car trunk (or near the door) just in case. I learned that when I was returning from a gig that was canceled due to rain over ice—I couldn't go home that night because the same thing was happening in my alley and I'd never have gotten into my garage. So I stopped at a hotel near O'Hare. All I had with me besides my instruments were the clothes on my back and my phone—had to get a toothbrush from the front desk and buy a T-shirt to wear to sleep. I vowed never to let that happen again, so my "go bag" in the car holds a nightgown, my night and morning meds, an airline "amenity kit" (tooth stuff, socks, sleep mask, earplugs, moisturizer), a few granola bars, a bottle of water, phone charger, change of underwear & top, puzzle book and pens. I change the meds when my prescriptions change (or once a year, whichever comes first). And the nightgown is the largest size I've ever worn.

    DOTD last night was hot herb tea with honey—my throat has gotten tickly and now sore from coughing. No fever—just the opposite. I'm allergic to Heidi (all cats, actually) but she needs me constantly. Not just that but it's also leaf-mold season here, and the "tripledemic" has begun to rise. Up to date on all 3 shots, but the new COVID one was Sep. 19, and I hope it hasn't already worn off. (Day 2 of symptoms—just home-tested negative). Also worried that the improperly-injected RSV shot may not have fully "taken" beyond doing a number on my arm. Think I'll pay a visit to Immediate Care for a strep test, though the symptoms feel almost exactly like what I brought home from London after Thanksgiving 2019. I never went to a doctor or clinic for that, figuring it was viral and there was nothing they could do for me besides advising hydration and chicken soup. The coughing lasted more than two weeks, with larynngitis the second week. I already have laryngitis now. Good thing I have no rehearsals till next Monday.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,171

    Hi Ladies! Another clean mammogram checked off. I am cleared to schedule my next Zometa infusion. It got delayed by a month since we changed insurance plans - still TriCare, but a different plan since DH retired.

    My creatinine levels were high, but my onc thinks I was just dehydrated. They advised me to drink more water, but aren't worried at this point. If all keeps going well, I have less than a year left to endure my AI. Once that's off the table, I'm hoping the Zometa won't be needed anymore. And that in turn should take a lot of stress off my kidneys. The third and fourth order side-effects of all our meds are insane.

    Hugs and healing to everyone.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 938

    NM i saved that cranberry martini recipe for a holiday treat! Told DH to buy some dry vermouth which is the only ingredient we don't have.

    Chi feel better. I think I'm allergic to our cats too but it's too late now 😕💛

    Carole (and any others) safe travels to you.

    Lori..ugh! Thinking of you and glad it's "just" a UTI.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Miranda, I wonder if zometa could be making my kidneys worse. They say I'm just getting old (which I am) but I'm going to discuss the zometa with my one next week. I don't want to end up on dialysis in addition to everything else.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,171

    Wren, it's absolutely worth asking about. Renal challenges aren't super common with Zometa, but it is a well-documented SE.

    "The Issue of Renal Safety of Zoledronic Acid from a Nephrologist's Point of View"

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Well, the hits just keep on coming. Turns out I have flu (a strain not in this year's shot). Spiked to 102 last night. Taking Tamiflu & Tylenol. My HK is in Alabama all week for a family Thanksgiving. And not just that—all power to our garage shorted out overnight and we can't get the door open (even manually, because there's no light in there now). Bob had to take 3 trains to & from work today and I can't get back to Immediate Care if I need to, unless I cab or Uber it. Handyman & electrician are coming over to see what's the culprit & what can be done about it—they think the exterior photocell/motion sensor light fixture might have taken on water, but it has no switch of its own to cut power to it and restore it to the garage itself. (And I parked so far over last night I could barely squeeze in to investigate.

    I need a drink…but I can't do alcohol now. Can barely choke down water.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Electrician came out and ran another line to the garage. He will also run a dedicated circuit to the opener. So one problem solved. Still have a fever but it's low(ish).

    Still need that drink. (Maybe a thimbleful of brandy in my tea & honey).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Waking up to a coating of snow this ayem, still coming down in big clumps, so it will be changing over to rain soon. Going to make for a lovely, sloppy day. At least it will likely be gone tomorrow when everyone is on the road headed out to Turkey Day visits. The puppers didn't even seem to notice the snow!

    Karen--glad to hear the calcium is back to normal, sorry to hear the PTH is high. Also glad your appointment is coming right up.

    Carole--safe travels and a wonderful holiday visit to you!

    Chi--the go-bag in the car is a great idea. Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. I hope it passes off quickly.

    Miriandra--Hooray for a clean mammogram!

    Morning, Teka!

    Reader--that one does look good, doesn't it?

    Wren--"just getting old" is a total blow off. Normal ageing does not actually cause a lot of the things people assume it does. Definitely talk about the Zometa effects. Another reality is that medicine is just learning about long term use of drugs like Zometa, the drugs haven’t been around long enough for medicine to have gained experience, that's happening now. Thanks for sharing the article, very interesting.

    Chi--oh, dear, the flu? And power issues in the garage? It just never ends for you!

    There was an error displaying this embed.

    Cranberry-Apple Sangria


    • 1/2 c. brandy
    • 1/2 c. whole cranberries, plus more for serving
    • 1/4 c. finely chopped apples, plus more, thinly sliced, for serving
    • 2 tbsp. light brown sugar
    • 2 to 3 (3") cinnamon sticks, plus more for serving
    • 1 (750-mL) bottle red wine
    • Ice
    • 2 (12-oz.) cans seltzer water or ginger ale


    1. Step 1 In a large pitcher or bowl, combine brandy, cranberries, apples, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Add wine, stir to combine, and refrigerate until ready to serve, at least 2 hours or preferably up to 12.
    2. Step 2 To serve, fill a wine glass with ice. Pour in sangria until glass is three-quarters full. Top off with seltzer. Garnish with cranberries, sliced apples, and a cinnamon stick.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Waking up to a coating of snow this ayem, still coming down in big clumps, so it will be changing over to rain soon. Going to make for a lovely, sloppy day. At least it will likely be gone tomorrow when everyone is on the road headed out to Turkey Day visits. The puppers didn't even seem to notice the snow!

    Karen--glad to hear the calcium is back to normal, sorry to hear the PTH is high. Also glad your appointment is coming right up.

    Carole--safe travels and a wonderful holiday visit to you!

    Chi--the go-bag in the car is a great idea. Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. I hope it passes off quickly.

    Miriandra--Hooray for a clean mammogram!

    Morning, Teka!

    Reader--that one does look good, doesn't it?

    Wren--"just getting old" is a total blow off. Normal ageing does not actually cause a lot of the things people assume it does. Definitely talk about the Zometa effects. Another reality is that medicine is just learning about long term use of drugs like Zometa, the drugs haven’t been around long enough for medicine to have gained experience, that's happening now. Thanks for sharing the article, very interesting.

    Chi--oh, dear, the flu? And power issues in the garage? It just never ends for you!

    There was an error displaying this embed.

    Cranberry-Apple Sangria


    • 1/2 c. brandy
    • 1/2 c. whole cranberries, plus more for serving
    • 1/4 c. finely chopped apples, plus more, thinly sliced, for serving
    • 2 tbsp. light brown sugar
    • 2 to 3 (3") cinnamon sticks, plus more for serving
    • 1 (750-mL) bottle red wine
    • Ice
    • 2 (12-oz.) cans seltzer water or ginger ale


    1. Step 1 In a large pitcher or bowl, combine brandy, cranberries, apples, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Add wine, stir to combine, and refrigerate until ready to serve, at least 2 hours or preferably up to 12.
    2. Step 2 To serve, fill a wine glass with ice. Pour in sangria until glass is three-quarters full. Top off with seltzer. Garnish with cranberries, sliced apples, and a cinnamon stick.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Mirianda - interesting article on Zometa. Thanks for sharing. I've known for several years that Zometa is hard on the kidneys which is why I was started on Prolia as it is not a bisphosphonate. I started on Zometa with my MM treatment. I'm given a lower dose (3mg instead of 4mg) and 20 minutes instead of 15 minutes.

    Kim - Calcium came down because of the Zometa. Otherwise it would have kept going up. Upper limit for PTH is 77 and mine on Friday was 133!!! the highest it has ever been. It's going to be a long 7 hours till my appointment with the Endocrinologist. I can't keep on this roller coaster. My calcium rose monthly since my last Zometa infusion in May till November. The calcium and PTH is harmful for my kidneys (stage 3 CKD) and MM as well as my osteoporosis.

    Kim - drive safe- we are supposed to get snow on Friday into Saturday.

    Sandy - feel better. Glad your garage problem is fixed at least for now

    Carole - safe travels

    Lori - how are you doing? Hugs my friend.

    I'll be back sometime after my appointment. Hopefully it includes a referral to a surgeon.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, loungettes! Since I can't remember who wrote what, I'll just say hi and Happy Thanksgiving. I'm enjoying out time in the the desert with my dad and sister. Will be telling my dad today about my progression. Not looking forward to that.

    I discovered some good wine at Trader Joe's. It their Coastal Cabernet. There's also a Coastal Zinfandel. I think even my wine-snob BIL will like it. He doesn't like to pay a lot, but he's picky about what he drinks. I thought it was under $20 a bottle, but it turns out it was $4.99!!! My sister, who lives in Utah ordered three cases of the Zinfandel to take back with her and bought 18 bottles of the Cab. I sure hope BIL likes it, or my sister and I are going to be drinking A LOT of wine at Christmas. Utah doesn't have a lot of choices for buying wine and according to my sister the state liquor stores are expensive, and the wine is not that good.

    That's all for now. I'm working on my next blog post, "Silver Linings." It's coming along and may be ready to publish on Sunday. There's always that moment of panic when I hit the "Publish" button. I guess that's normal.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971

    Miranda - congrats on the good mammo results 🙌

    Chi - I am sorry you have the flu 🤧

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971

    Drink of the day is a Caribbean Cider. Because it's 5 o'clock somewhere

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Met with the endocrinologist this afternoon. She is giving me a referral to a general surgeon. I didn't feel any warm fuzzies with her and not convinced that she thinks the surgeon will see this as a good referral. I'm happy with the referral as that is what I wanted but now anxious till I have an appointment with surgeon.

    Gorgeous 50+F degree weather with nice sunny skies. But the weather is changing. Dropping 20 degrees tomorrow and again on Friday. Saturday morning will be in the teens and snow the next couple days.

    Bagged more leaves - our neighbor has a beautiful oak tree and most of the leaves in our yard are from his tree. At least 25 bags over the past week or so. The size smaller than lawn and leaf bags. Will use the blower tomorrow morning to blow the rest into the street then bag them.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,171

    Happy Thanksgiving, wonderful ladies!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    OMG….Cardinals are my FAV bird!! Out here, it is the California Quail….no cardinals over the rockies.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Happy Thanksgiving! No DOTD today, as I'm still on Tamiflu. Fever is down, but I think I'll give the Tylenol one more day. (Before flu I was taking it twice a day anyway). The rule about contagion once you finish the 5-day course is that you are free to rock if you've been fever-free for 24 hours after stopping a fever-reducer. So starting tomorrow night I'll see if I can get through the night w/o it and wake up without creakiness.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I had an interesting Thanksgiving with Mom yesterday. She was planning dinner for noon, put the 12 pound turkey in the oven at 7 ayem because that's what she always used to do with the 22+ pound turkeys she used to cook. Needless to say, the turkey was done much earlier. She forgot to start the potatoes, so those didn't get done until after we finished eating. She totally forgot about making gravy, which is ok because she puts way too much salt in it, so I made that. The really weird part was when her sister's partner showed up by himself. Auntie has dementia, and it's progressed to the point where she can be very resistant to help or care or doing things, and she would not put on her shoes, so he left her home. Alone. And he was acting even creepier than usual, standing just as close to me as he could get without actually touching while I was trying to make the gravy and dish up the stuffing and cook the squash. I was glad when he finally left, even though it was good to have someone else for Mom to tell her stories to and I didn't have to pretend I hadn't heard them a million times before. I'm going to talk to my cousin, Auntie's daughter, this weekend about this, I know she is not a big fan of her mom's partner and worries about how he's taking care of her. Ah, joys of family dynamics!

    Karen--that's a pretty high PTH! I do hope you got the referral to a surgeon.

    Sunshine--that sounds like a great wine find! Good luck talking with your Dad. I'm looking forward to the blog post.

    Jazzy--that sounds very yummy! And looks wonderful! Are you drinking hot or cold?

    Karen--glad to hear you got a referral. If' it's not a "good referral" I hope the surgeon can explain why, the endo hasn't done a very good job with that.

    Morning, Miriandra!


    Morning, Wally!

    Chi--glad you are feeling better!

    Pumpkin Pie Martini


    Pumpkin Martini:

    • 3 Ice Cubes
    • 2 ounces Pumpkin Spice Vodka (substitution: regular or vanilla vodka)
    • 1 ounces Dark Rum (substitution: Rum Chata)
    • 2 TBS Pumpkin Puree (canned or homemade)
    • 1 ounces Maple Syrup
    • ¼ tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
    • Optional Pinch Pumpkin Pie Spice
    • ½ ounces Half and Half (substitution: Irish Cream)

    Optional Rim:

    Optional Martini Garnishes:


    • Prepare the Martini Glass Rim: Crush graham cracker in a resealable bag, or food processor, until it resembles sand. Stir in the pumpkin spice, cinnamon and sugar. Dip the rim of a martini glass into maple syrup, then roll the rim in the graham cracker mix. Set the glass aside.
      (Trick: I dip a thick napkin into the maple syrup and use the napkin to neatly apply the syrup to the rim of the glass.)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Nice Thanksgiving dinner with our son. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, pecan and pumpkin pie - all made from scratch except the pie crusts. DH said he didn't want green bean casserole as he doesn't like it - but when he saw he he was happy that I made it. We will finish the food tonight for Shabbat dinner - need to make green bean casserole and will make another veggie. I cut the turkey in half (12.5#), cooked the two halves then froze one right away for another time. I kept a slice of each pie and send the rest home with my son. He happily takes my baked goods but rarely takes other food as he never knows what he wants to eat and he works 12+ hour days.

    Kim - the endocrinologist wasn't concerned about the PTH number. Hoping the general surgeon's office calls the beginning of the week so I can get in before we leave December 19th. I'll be so anxious if not, as I'm already worried about the appointment. I'll keep everyone posted.

    Kim - your aunt's partner is a piece of work - almost elder abuse leaving her alone. He sounds real creepy. Hope the food that was cooked was good. By this time next year, you'll be in NC so a new Thanksgiving tradition.

    Sandy - hope you are ready to be out and about tomorrow night. It's been a long haul.

    17 degrees this morning with a high of 25 - cloudy and light snow. I'm supposed to meet a friend at 10:00 to walk. Wonder if she'll back out. Off to TJ's and grocery before we meet.

    My week off has come to an end and I didn't do any work for work, even the stuff I thought I might do!! Oh well, it will still be there on Monday.

    Have a great Friday. No Black Friday shopping unless it's online. Hoping to have time for a mani this afternoon.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399
    edited November 2023

    Good afternoon, Ladies!

    Nice to hear people on the mend, full bellies with good family gatherings.

    Only online shopping here too. Leftover miso compound butter black cod (sable fish) tonight.