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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Pilgrims Feast

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Actually, tinnitus is very real—not psychological. It's generated by the cilia of the inner ear itself: "otoacoustic emissions." Audiologists can actually hear it, with the use of a special microphone that picks it up and amplifies it. Normally, sound travels from outside, into the ear canal, vibrating the eardrum, amplified by the bones of the middle ear (stapes) that send them to the inner ear—where the cilia in the cochlea wave in fluid, sending those impulses to the auditory nerve where the brain processes them as sound. In tinnitus, the process is bass-ackwards: from the inner ear outwards.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I didn't see the northern lights over the weekend, but I didn't remember to look for them Saturday night, which was supposed to be the best chance to see them. Some people near me did, though. I've seen some wonderful pictures. Lots of Veteran's Day activity this weekend, it's so good to see so much going on.

    Carole--glad the DH got a chuckle from my experience. I like the freezer on the bottom of my fridge, too. I would like to have ice and water in the door, but couldn't find one that would fit in the space I have when I was replacing the dead fridge.

    Jazzy--what a juxtaposition! Talk about weather extremes. These shoulder seasons are getting crazier and crazier.

    Sunshine--apparently one must ask what kind of coke a business serves, or ask if the business serves Coke or Pepsi products. I find it funny to ask for a Coke when the place only has Pepsi products, but what can you do? I remember going to Massachusetts growing up and having to ask for Tonic rather than Soda. I wonder if that's still the case?

    Goldie--Thank you for the positive words. I know I tend to focus on the negative and keep reminding myself to give at least as much attention to the positive feedback I get, but for some reason that's really hard. Oh my goodness, forgetting you had the week off from chemo, I'd have been really upset, too, if I drove all that way and didn't need to! So glad your brother was on top of things! Good luck with the house pics.

    Jazzy--The job of notification of next of kin of a death must be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. The escort job must be terribly difficult, too. My hat's off to the service members who take on that responsibility. Yeah, no bottles of milk to sell, they were waiting on a late supply delivery. The milk/cream they use for the coffee drinks comes in big bags that go into dispensing machines, and they aren't allowed to use those to fill up a cup. I hope the girl at the window learned what soda is! That plate looks very YUMMY!

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--interesting about tinnitus.

    Jive Turkey Cocktail


    • 1 oz Rye whiskey For Thanksgiving it certainly makes sense to use Wild Turkey Rye 101, but what you have on the shelf will work.
    • ¾ oz Bourbon
    • ¾ oz Amaro CioCiaro If by chance you're out of Amaro CioCiaro at the moment, just substitute Bigallet China China or Torani Amer. If you do so you may want to also add a dash of orange bitters.
    • ¾ oz Dry vermouth
    • ¼ oz Elderflower liqueur St. Germain is what your trusty liquor store will have.
    • 1 dash Angostura bitters
    • Garnish: none


    • Add all ingredients to your trusty mixing glass.
    • Add ice and stir to chill.
    • Strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass.
    • Drink.
    • Make sure the turkey is not on fire.
    • Rinse and repeat.

    From <>

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Yes, tinnitus is real - I never said it wasn't. I get it occasionally, and it can even cause pain. I didn't know about the microphone that could pick it up though. That's amazing!

    In our Pathology classes, the theory at the time was that the cilia in the cochlea collapsed or were impeded from freely vibrating in response to the sound vibrations coming in through the ear canal. It made sense with observations that people exposed to loud noises were more likely to develop the disorder - the tissues that connected to and supported the cilia had been compromised by the massive sound vibrations, thus causing the brain to try to compensate for stimuli it was used to receiving.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    I have had tinnitus in my left ear only. I had an MRI this summer to rule out an acoustic neuroma which I don't have. Sometimes it's loud and other times very minor. It's not much fun 😩

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I've had bilateral tinnitus all my life, courtesy of childhood ear infections & antibiotics, then allergies & antihistamines (both those drugs are "ototoxic," interfering with proper functioning of the cilia in the inner ear). In fact, I have no idea what silence sounds like. I too was skeptical about otoacoustic emissions (sounds produced in my ear rather than just perceived by my brain) until the audiologist connected the pickup to an amp & speaker so I could hear it in the room! (Talk about "stereo" you don't wanna hear). In 2019-20 I had bouts of "pulsatile tinnitus:" instead of the familiar hiss or whistle, I can hear & feel my pulse in my L ear. It took 6 months (courtesy of elective specialty appts. being suspended early in the pandemic), an audiologist & ENT, and a brain MRI/MRA/MRV to find out it was caused by an extra blood vessel abutting my ear canal. The vessel was described as "of possible fetal origin;" which means I likely was originally half of a pair of identical twins, one of which stopped developing early in pregnancy. (Tracks with what my mom told me about bleeding episodes when she was pregnant with me).

    Soft drink nomenclature is both a regional & generational thing. In NYC, fizzy sweet stuff in bottles & cans was called "soda." If made by hand at a fountain, with fizzy water & syrup? Still "soda." Fizzy water from a fountain spigot or one of those heavy colored glass siphon bottles (that got delivered weekly) was "seltzer." If from a can, especially if it had minerals, "club soda." When I moved to Seattle, what was canned or bottled "soda" in NYC was "pop;" if handmade at a fountain, it was a "phosphate" (as it is here in Chicago). If you asked for "soda" in Seattle you got an ice cream soda; if you wanted seltzer you got "soda water." In Chicago, "pop" is South Side, but "soda" or "soda pop" is North Side. "Coke" is cola (whatever brand the establishment serves). "Seltzer" here comes from a can or plastic bottle (or DIY in your own machine); if you want seltzer from a spigot (or "gun") at a bar or restaurant, you ask for "soda," with or without a piece of lime or lemon. Personally, I miss those old-school sealed glass siphon bottles—which are experiencing a kind of renaissance in the hippest parts of Brooklyn. (Remember the eulogy in the "Chuckles Bites the Dust" episode of MTM: "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants").

    Then there's the double-misnomer known as the "egg cream." (No eggs, no cream). Chocolate syrup (purists swear by Fox's U-Bet, which I find too sweet & not chocolatey enough) poured down the center of milk, and then good strongly-carbonated seltzer; the trick is not to let the syrup & milk mix until you start stirring while pouring the seltzer. Nobody outside NYC (or maybe now SE FL) knows how to make a decent one—and even on recent trips there, I've been disappointed: the right ingredients, but wrong proportion & techniques. The worst one I've ever had was at a Haagen-Dazs parlor in Lincoln Park: hot fudge (!), heavy cream, and Perrier.

    What we've been drinking—last week with rotisserie chicken, Williams-Selyem (Sonoma) Pinot Noir 2015. With steak last night & tonight, 2019 The Prisoner (Napa) red blend: Zin, Cab. Sauv., Petite Sirah, Syrah & Charbono (the only vinifera native to the US, discovered in the late 19th century in California—it's now a blending grape but in the 1960s-70s Inglenook & Charles Krug briefly sold it as a single varietal. 

    Sat. night at Regalia, the owner insisted we have dessert, but because I've been on a serious late-night sugar binge, we demurred. So instead, he brought us "passioncello" (like limoncello but with passionfruit).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    This is day two of overcast skies and light rain. I'm not complaining about the gloom. All the outside vegetation and trees need watering.

    I was cleaning out a drawer yesterday and discarding underwear (sadly, outgrown) when I spotted a cash envelope with seven hundred dollar bills. A stash from some former year that I'd forgotten! More than enough to buy new underwear. LOL.

    Wishing everyone a cheerful Tuesday.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Chisandy, I had no idea one could hear tinnitus outside of the ear canal. I’ve had pulsatile tinnitus all my life, too. Sometimes, it’s loud, sometimes not. I remember, as a child, laying in bed and hearing what I thought was someone walking down the hallway, shuffling their feet on the carpet. In my dreams, I thought it was a witch. I don’t think I ever mentioned that to anyone.

    I did see a doc about it, probably 40 years ago. I called it a pounding in my ears and he prescribed Prozac as a vasodilator. Amazingly, it worked although I was so embarrassed to be put on the Prozac. The pharmacist was so kind to me and told me that I probably had no idea how many people took Prozac. I stayed on it until DH switched jobs and we were without insurance for a while. The cost was shocking (back then) and I decided to stop taking it. I still have the “pulse-in-my-ear” thing, but I can mostly ignore it. I may mention it to my neurologist the next time I see her. I don’t need her to do anything about it, but it might be worth noting.

    I’ve heard of “egg cream” but had no idea what it was. It sounds interesting, but it also sounds like there is a specific method to mixing it up.

    Carole, WOW, what a find. Enjoy something special!

    We’re supposed to get rain this week. It’s not very common in San Diego, but kind of fun if we don’t have to go anywhere.

    Got my phone fixed yesterday – new battery in my iPhone 7plus. $69.00. I didn’t want a new phone, but it seems to be working fine now.

    Not much else going on. No more appointments this week. Yahooooooo!!!

    Love to all,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I’m cross posting because my hands are shaking and it’s hard to write, but I wanted to share:

    The GI doc who did the most recent procedure and biopsy called to tell me the cancer has, in fact, spread to my esophagus and lymph nodes in that area. He is going to call my MO and the RO to discuss a treatment plan. He thinks it will probably be IV chemo and radiation. He said if I can’t get enough nutrition/hydration orally I will need a feeding tube. He doesn’t want to put a stent into my esophagus because they can be very uncomfortable and can migrate. I’m still able to eat, so hopefully I can hold off on the feeding tube. Ensure will continue to be my friend.

    I am holding off telling my dad and sister until I have a treatment plan in place.

    This just sucks and I’m so upset. This is not what I wanted to hear, but in one way, it’s good to know that it’s not just something in my head – although the MRI may show something there – haha.

    I’ll share more as I know more.

    Love to all,


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    We're all pulling for you, Carol. I hope you come through this crap strong.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! The Thanksgiving get together for the office is today, so I'm looking forward to a nice free lunch today. It was a bit of a crazy day yesterday, started out with a call from a home health aide that one of the patients at an Assisted Living Facility had a significant decline, so I rearranged my schedule for yesterday and today so I could be in the facility most of the day and was able to be there when the patient passed. It's days like yesterday that make me remember why I do Hospice work. The patient was comfortable and peaceful, the family was supported, and the staff was too.

    Miriandra--I have tinnitus, too, but it doesn't bother me the way it bothers my Mom and other people. I guess I'm lucky.

    Jazzy--hooray for no neuroma!

    Chi--I have a seltzer siphon bottle, but it's stainless steel rather than glass. I love it, keep it full in the fridge all the time, and use it frequently. The cartridges it uses are so much cheaper than buying sparkling water and it's fun to use!

    Carole--What a fun find!

    Morning, Teka!

    Sunshine--a new battery sounds like a much more affordable option than a new phone! Oh, my, I am so sorry to hear what your GI doc had for news. I'm praying you are able to eat for a good long time to come.

    Thanksgiving Jungle Juice


    • 2 bottles red wine
    • 4 c. ginger ale
    • 3 c. cranberry juice
    • 2/3 c. Fireball
    • 2/3 c. whiskey
    • 2 c. frozen cranberries
    • 1 orange, sliced into rounds
    • 1 apple, cut into thin slices


    1. Step 1Combine all ingredients in a punch bowl, stir together and serve.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Carol, another cyber hug.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you, sweet ladies, for the cyber hugs. They have me in tears, but in the best way ever!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Sunshine, sorry to hear your news. Hope your treatment plan is easy and tolerable and successful and you are NED soon.

    I saw my Hematologist this afternoon for my 3 month visit. My anxiety has been really high the past couple days. I had labs Monday and I kept checking the portal yesterday looking for lab results. Finally they were all posted this morning. My MM is more or less stable - so continue with 3 month labs and visits. My Calcium and PTH (parathyroid) are elevated so Hematologist said to contact Endocrinologist as someone needs to monitor my Calcium levels. CA and PTH were elevated when I was diagnosed with MM. I called Endocrinologist this afternoon and so far no return call. When I saw her in August, she said come back in 8 months as my CA was stable as was PTH. Hematologist shook his head with this. I was very specific on my reason for my call and person who answered asked if they were going to be sent test results. I should have told Hematologist to contact her. I also had a Zometa infusion. Hematologist said the Zometa would help lower my Calcium level. Due to my poor kidney function, they have to reduce the dosage. Normal dosage is 4mg and they gave me 3mg. Oncology says for cancer Zometa twice a year for 3 years. Endocrinologist says annually but the hematology nurse say that is strictly for osteoporosis. Nurse actually said cancer wise if needed can get Zometa monthly (Have I confused you yet?)? Each specialty has their own way of looking at the same problem. When I saw Nephrologist a few weeks ago, he also said we need to get my Calcium solved. My anxiety was so high today! I don't remember being so anxious in August. I thought I was done doctor visits for the year but maybe not.

    Weather has been nice, 60s for the high but that isn't till early afternoon and quickly cools off. Lows are in the high 30s to low 40s.

    Grand daughter is 6 months old tomorrow - we haven't seen her for 3 months. DD#1 is coming for Chanukah so another few weeks till we see her. I thought maybe we would go for a long week-end leaving tomorrow after work coming back Tuesday or Wednesday, but I am so glad that we are not going. I really need some down time. I'm exhausted when I come home from work always physically and some days mentally exhausted as well.

    Sweet dreams.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    karen, the elevated calcium sounds concerning. I wish you could get a straight answer from someone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    (((Sunshine))). May you be able to avoid needing a G-tube. Ensure is a start, but you have a perfect excuse for real malteds & milkshakes. (The more I read about so many BCO sisters whose ability to eat, period, is seriously impaired, the more I resolve to eat what I love—within reason—while I'm able). Karen, I'd never heard of Zometa for cancer w/o bone mets (Xgeva, sure—but I guess it's contraindicated with high calcium). I know both drugs strengthen the bones' matrix, but perhaps they strengthen the marrow as well?

    Last night with bouillabaisse, I had a cremant de Bourgogne (same grapes & method as Champagne, but outside the official gov't-prescribed boundaries). Tonight, at Eataly, Ferrari Trentino—also a sparkler, same grapes & method. I much prefer that to prosecco, which is bulk-fermented and to me too sweet and not fizzy enough.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Karen, I am always a mess going to doctors or getting labs…I feel like I have PTSD from my BC dx. I get all of what you wrote. I must say, DH is going through the same quagmire of doctors and dentists, all with different opinions…a PCP, 2 dentists 4 radiation oncologists, 4 regular oncologists (1 retired 2 relocated)…and a partridge in a pear tree 🎼🎵 . DH was on denasumab (Prolia) monthly for 4-1/2 years….I think his jaw is paying the price now.

    He gets to delay treatment 5, which makes me beyond happy.

    NM, where do you buy that carbonation thingie? I'm tired of paying, much less hauling, all my sparkling water.

    Carol, words fail me. You are in my thoughts.

    Had a red wine blend from Portugal tonight.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Been MIA for awhile, so I won't be responding to all. Been cleaning up the house for the realtor and photographer. Picking things up and "hiding" lots too. Just so they aren't in the photos. Now to find everything I stashed away! Today the appraiser is coming out and tomorrow I'm going to try and make it into town. Sunday I head to Phoenix for chemo on Monday and then home.

    Carole, what a find in your underwear drawer. I'm going to check mine right now!!!

    Sunshine, my battery on my phone is for 💩. Instead of a new one, I guess I'll do a new phone, but stalling, as I have too much other stuff to do. Plus, they are so darned expensive! I'm so very sorry for the bad news you got. It's the news we know we will get one day, but of course always hoping "not this time". I felt the way when they told me it had spread into my abdomen and lymph nodes in the area. We are here to support you girl. Let us know what treatment they put you on, perhaps it's something one of us have been on and can help you through it. They were trying to avoid a feeding tube with me as well, thank God I escaped that one. I'm not a fan of Ensure or Boost. I like my Premier brand, Cafe Latte. They have many other flavors as well. Caramel, pumpkin spice, root beer float, bananas & cream, cookies & cream, cinnamon roll, chocolate peanut butter, cake batter, and a few more!

    Karen, I am the opposite of you and don't look at my labs until a day or two before my next appt. I just don't want to know. Crazy how all the doctors tell you differently. I think I might go with what my MO suggests, I don't know. They gave me Zometa when my calcium got dangerously high, and it brought it right back down. Good luck girlfriend. Like we need to more confused about health and life! Can't wait for you to see your granddaughter.

    WallyCat, you are another one with a plate full, in regards to, not only yourself, but DH as well. But I must say, I did get a chuckle out of "and a partridge in a pear tree." We gotta laugh, right?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Nice calm day at work yesterday, with a nice break in the middle for the office Thanksgiving lunch. I ate too much, but it was all so good! So was visiting with some of the staff.

    Karen--you really have gotten a lot of different information about Zometa and calcium and MM and cancer and osteoporosis. It must be frustrating as well as confusing. Maybe you should have the Hematologist contact the Endocrinologist directly. SOMEBODY needs to take responsibility for managing the calcium levels. A visit from DD#1 and grandbaby will be wonderful for you, I'm sure.

    Good morning, Sunshine!

    Chi--it's funny, I prefer prosecco over Champangne because it is sweeter and less fizzy! No accounting for taste, I suppose.

    Wally--I bought the siphon and get the chargers from Amazon. I got a stainless steel one because I thought it would be sturdier than a glass one. But they do come in glass and different colors. It's also easy to get replacement parts on Amazon. I've had mine for more than 3 years and have had to replace one of the parts once, for less than $10.

    Cranberry Martini


    1 cup ice cubes, or as needed

    2 (1.5 fluid ounce) jiggers cranberry juice

    1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger vodka

    ½ fluid ounce orange liqueur

    ½ fluid ounce dry vermouth

    1 tablespoon cranberries


    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice; add cranberry juice, vodka, orange liqueur, and vermouth. Cover and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted. Strain into 2 chilled glasses and garnish with cranberries.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Kim - Hematologist wants Endocrinologist to monitor the Calcium. I called yesterday and then sent a message in the portal. If she doesn't call by lunch, I will message the nurse from the Hematologist office asking them to call Endocrinologist.

    Conflicting information is due to each discipline having different guidelines - I'm going with the ASCO guidelines from my oncologist. He knows me best. I was reading his notes last night - first time he has posted any that I've seen. He is so thorough - some comments gave me chuckle. I've had genetic testing 3 times - BRCA, 28 panel (8 or so years ago) and the Invitae 82 panel (last spring). I knew the findings of the 28 panel, but when he was writing about them, they were in bold. I didn't realize one of the mutations put me at higher risk for BC and other cancers - but that mutation is one of the reasons I'm not a candidate for a stem cell transplant - the other is chemo for BC.

    Booked out flights to visit DD#2 over my winter break - paid $100 more than the other day, but I was too nervous to book Tuesday night, but would have done it Sunday or before that. Oh well. Also booked our AirBnB. Now just have to buy travel insurance.

    68F today and 60s through the week-end. Monday it cools off to 44 then warms back up to the 50s till Thanksgiving day and then cold in the 20s and 30s with a low one night into the single digits. Lately, I freeze, I'm really going to have to bundle up when it gets cold - add snow pants and boots even if no snow.

    Lori - hope you can find all the things you put away so not in photos. Me, I'd have to write down where I put things or I wouldn't remember.

    Carole - finding $700 is a real treat! Enjoy spending it.

    Have a great Thursday

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Goldie, I like the Premium protein chocolate and drink half a carton with breakfast. I started drinking it when on WW and continued. The price seems to go up daily but I still buy it at Sam's Club.

    Karen, I got dizzy just reading about the confusion you're navigating. So glad you'll be seeing your little granddaughter.

    Wally, glad that your dh is able to skip a treatment.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    I am sending warm hugs and much love to everyone here grappling with not good results on tests and all the rest everyone is dealing with right now.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    We all need a little humor!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Warning, please, goldie! I almost choked! 😂

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I want the album (or whatever they're called today).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Great way to end the day. Thanks Goldie!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    ood Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! I've got to admit that I'm looking forward to the weekend and some sleep ins and morning pupper cuddles. I'm not sure what Mom plans for Thanksgiving this year, last year it was Cornish Hens, which were really good, even if Mom did complain about not having leftover turkey for turkey rice soup to freeze.

    Karen--it sounds like you've got the calcium thing under control, at least as far as who is going to be the point person. The way air fares fluctuate is crazy. There can't be any rhyme or reason for it!

    Morning, Carole, Jazzy!


    Morning, Sunshine!

    Me, too, Wren!

    Hi, Minus!

    Pumpkin Spice White Russian



    • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
    • 3 tbsp. crushed graham crackers


    • 2 oz. vodka
    • 1 oz. Kahlua
    • 1 1/2 oz. pumpkin spice creamer
    • Cinnamon stick, for garnish

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    LOL on the revised lyrics!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Kim - the Calcium situation is getting more complicated.

    This is what I posted on another thread last night and thought I posted here but I guess I didn't. I knew I had written a long post and glad it didn't disappear into thin air!.

    Today is my Friday and I'm off till Monday after Thanksgiving. Ended the work day with a meeting on a student that they are rushing the evaluation on. Stressed to the max as I left the building. I have done most of my testing, but waiting on the parent rating scales. It will take me several hours, maybe a whole day to write the report and I will not work on it during Thanksgiving break. I'm only at that school T,W,Th and they want to meeting on Wednesday afternoon. What a way to end the week before vacation!

    First thing this morning, my Nephrologist office - the nurse called about the labs and the calcium levels. They wanted to be sure someone had gone over the results with me and to get in with my Endocrinologist ASAP. I shared my PTH levels and let the know what scans I was putting in the mail today. The nurse was going to speak with the Nephrologist. She called back this afternoon and said the nephrologist gave two solutions, one short term and one long term. Short term is an Rx called Sensipar and long term surgery. At my appointment two weeks ago, he said that i needed to get the Calcium solved. Endocrinologist office called in the morning as they also got the labs but not the PTH. I couldn't find the number right away so the nurse said call back, leave the information with the receptionist and they would call me back. Took all day. Endocrinologist wants to run the labs again and get me in a cancellation. They called back a few minutes later and said they had a cancellation next week. I'm going for the labs tomorrow morning. I think she is only running two different Calcium tests and PTH. i'm so tired of this roller coaster and never ending doctor appointments. I looked up the Sensipar and surgery for parathyroid. The surgery is a no brainer and is had a 90+% cure rate. So many of the symptoms they list for hyperparathyroidism I have. They say the surgery improves quality of life. I'm going to push for a referral to a general surgeon. I sure hope the endocrinologist agrees. The last two visits, she said I wasn't a candidate yet for surgery. I'm so worn out and tired of all this medial stuff and the roller coaster I've been on for the past 8 or 9 months. Everything is related - high calcium and kidney function (stage 3 CKD), osteoporosis, hyperparathyroid, MM and the list goes on. Please lets solve one problem.

    DD#!1and grand daughter are coming for 6 nights during Chanukah. I wish she would just book the ticket before the prices get too high. I've have people who will loan me a packNplay and high chair/booster seat with tray that attaches to the chair. DD is not sure what else she will need, but there is time. I'm going to call in sick two week-days that see is here. Can't wait to see the baby. She is 6 months today!! My son will get to meet his new niece. He will come over the day they arrive as its his day off and then for Shabbat dinner. It will be so nice.

    Have a great Friday.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    nativemainer, I made myself Cornish game hens one year when I was alone for Thanksgiving. Best meal ever!

    karen, what a rollercoaster! I totally hear you about all the appointments and phone calls. STOP, ALREADY!!!

    My PET scan is scheduled for 12/7. Looking forward to more answers.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.
