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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    NM- if you have retirement with any of the bigger investment firms (Vanguard, Fidelity, etc.), take advantage of some of their on line education sessions. The community college/continuing ed at the local university is where I have taken some more comprehensive classes if there is anything near you like that? Ask your friends (the Women's wine group) if they have a financial planner they like? I think you are planning for February so it's good to know what to expect and timelines to sign up for things like SS and Medicare.

    I am truly sorry for what Lewiston has gone through. We had a mass shooting here about 15 years ago and I think of it every time I hear of another. What you will find is that even if you didn't know anyone directly, you will know of someone who was in some way especially in a rural community or smaller city.

    Goldie- thinking of you sister and sending much love.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Good morning and thank you all for your support. I am so weak and of course not eating for 6 days, lost even more weight! Down to 117...UGH! I so need to get my strength back! So, with all these bags hanging off my body, Bubba, Penelope and Penelopee-pee, my DD says I'm all set for Halloween, that I can go as "Bag Lady" ! Gotta have a sense of humor eh? Got home yesterday and went to bed at 6pm. Woke up at 11pm, well, no going back to sleep at this point, so I just go up. It's currently almost 3am, so I may try and go back to bed here in a bit. Last look at the temps and it's 32 degrees. I was gorgeous weather in Phoenix while I was there and got to spend a short amount of time in the warm weather. I will be going back Monday for chemo and any follow up appts. that I need to make. I will try and remember to reach out to Chevy and see how she is doing.

    NM, that person should have shot himself first (or reached out for help) before shooting innocent people. I guess we'll never know what was going on in his mind with perhaps dealing with PTSD from being in the military. Such a sad situation.

    CheerZ from Ghostly Skull

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Cold, raw weather has moved in, saw some sleet yesterday while on my rounds. Everything has a coating of frost this ayem. It felt really good to have the puppers to cuddle up to last night!

    Jazzy--I hadn't thought about looking to the community colleges for retirement education, and will look into that. I have found some online resources I've been reading through, too. That's going to be my big focus this weekend, as I will need to start applications and such in November. Maine may be a big state geographically, but it's a small community population-wise. No matter where something happens there is some connection between people involved and people all over the state.

    Goldie--Glad to hear you are home. Being in the hospital can really mess up your sleep schedule. I hope things go well with the appointments Monday. The shooter was on the military and law enforcement radar for weeks it's now coming out. He was denied the purchase of a suppressor (silencer) because he admitted to mental health issues on the application. The gun he had was legally purchased sometime in the past before the mental health issues arose. His own family members were the first to identify him to the police that night. I believe he went straight from the shootings to the place where he shot himself and died that night. Everybody did all they could within the system, but the mental health system didn't have any beds or openings for him. We can't start putting someone in jail because they might do something because of a mental health issue, almost everyone would end up in jail at some point and then where would we put people who have committed actual criminal acts?

    Good Morning from Chilling Ghoul!

    Ghouls’ Goblet


    Serves: 1

    • 35mlVodka
    • 150mlGinger Ale
    • 2slice(s)Orange
    • 2slice(s)Lemon
    • 12piece(s)Gummy Worms Sweets
    • 1drop(s)Food Colouring


    • IcePlace 12 gummy worm sweets, or one per space, in an ice tray. Top each with water.
      Carefully place 1 to 2 drops of food colouring around each gummy worm sweet, with one colour per space for a varied effect.
    • PourAdd 2–3 gummy worm sweet ice cubes to a tumbler glass. Pour vodka and top with ginger ale.
    • GarnishUsing a sharp knife and chopping board, cut wheels of lemon and orange and place on top of the drink to garnish.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Goldie, glad you're home.

    NM, stay warm. Your description of your weather made me shiver. We're in the 50's and it's gloomy but dh went to play golf.

    Happy Tuesday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I'm in Hood River where it was 31 when I woke up. We went to Bend for the weekend and it was colder there. It warms nicely during the day though.

    Goldie, wishing you all the best with appointments and plans. Your DD is right - go as a bag lady.

    Scary Fairy

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Some Halloween levity - I'm letting the squirrels carve our pumpkins.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    We have woken to 31 the last several days. I try and beat DH to put the bird stuff out because he hates cold and I thrive on it. I don't even bother with a jacket or scarf…gorgeous. When it hits 52 and sunny, I curl up and watch TV.

    Goldie, love your sense of humor. Ah, 117….I remember weighing 110 when I met DH and when I hit 115, considered myself "fat." OY on stupidity..and I want to say youth, but I was well into my 30s.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Miriandra, the squirrels are doing performance art. You should charge admission to your yard.

    Lori, hang in there. I remember when I was 117 lbs (actually 116), having done WW (original version) the summer before sr. year in college. Down from 134 (I would KILL to be down to 134 again). Back then I thought 134 was fat, because I wore a size 13/14. (Clothes are cut much more generously these days for their numerical sizes—when I got down to 135 on Jenny Craig 34 yrs ago, I was wearing size 6…in leather. Nowadays that'd be a 4 or even a 2). To celebrate that summer weight loss (and get a new wardrobe for sr. year) my friend & I went into the city, to Herald Sq. At that time, Ohrbach's was the most cutting-edge fashion. I was looking through the racks when a salesgirl came asked if she could help me, and I proudly mentioned my weight loss. "116?" she said, "That's a start. Get down to 96 and you'll be perfect." Mind you, I was 2" taller then. My wedding gown 10 months later was a size 8…at 125 lbs. If only I'd accepted my body back then I wouldn't have kept yo-yo-ing and ratcheting up my set point. Body-image-toxicity was a "thing" as far back as 1970.

    Bitter cold & snowy—the trick-or-treaters usually start shortly after 3pm, but it was snowing too hard. The sky cleared (temporarily) and the hordes (such as they were) descended about 5:30. They came in waves, tapering off just before 8. Bob & I were starving, so when the pizza & salad we ordered arrived, we dumped the remainder of the candy in the basket onto a porch chair and locked the door. Heidi kept coming to the door out of curiosity, but we shooed her to the back—Halloween is not a safe time to be a black kitty.

    No alcohol tonight. Just didn't feel like it. Off to bed—one more snack for Heidi, run the dishwasher, and the car service is coming at 7am. Will check back in when I get home from FL and after my Sat. morning rehearsal.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Some more information is coming out about the shooter. According to family, he was thinking that the restaurant and bowling alley were saying that he was a pedophile and he thought people were out to get him because of that. He met the girlfriend who recently broke up with him at the restaurant. It's concerning that his mental health issues seem to start when he started wearing hearing aids. Makes me wonder if there is some kind of connection there, or if it is just coincidence. For some reason I take some comfort in finding out there is some explanation for what happened.

    I fell asleep in the recliner again last night, woke up with BOTH puppers in my lap! How they both managed to find room amazes me. It did make getting up to go to the bathroom a bit of a challenge, and then they were jockeying for position in my lap again when I sat back down. Time to go back to sleeping in the bed again, more room for ALL of us!

    Carole--I'm staying warm, especially at night! At least it was sunny out yesterday. That offsets the chilliness some.


    Miriandra--please be sure to show pics of the squirrels' final results!

    Wallycat--30s in the ayem seems to be trend all of a sudden.

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi-- it's hard to believe that a salesperson would say something like that to a teen, but I guess it still happens. Glad to hear Heidi stayed safe!

    Black Cat Cocktail


    4 ounces cold cola

    4 ounces cranberry juice 

    2 ounces cherry brandy 

    2 ounces vodka 

    1/2 teaspoon syrup from Luxardo cherries, plus cherries, for garnish 


    Fill 2 glasses with ice. Add the cola, cranberry juice, cherry brandy, vodka and cherry syrup to a shaker. Stir vigorously. Pour into the glasses. Garnish with the cherries and serve immediately.

    From <>

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    "It's concerning that his mental health issues seem to start when he started wearing hearing aids. Makes me wonder if there is some kind of connection there, or if it is just coincidence."

    Not knowing anything about the shooter's situation, this is a wild guess. It could be that he was getting a super low or super high frequency tone from his hearing aids that his brain was subconsciously receiving and interpreting as whispers. When the brain receives a signal that it can't clearly make sense of, it will often just make up stuff. That's where ghost limbs and tinnitus come from - the brain expects something, then fills in the blanks on its own when the signals are missing or are different from expected. It could manifest as a pseudo-schizophrenic reaction. The brain-body communication system can get weird sometimes.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    "The Aftermath"

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Welcome to November! It's hard to believe this year is almost over and the holiday season has arrived. I had to dig out the comforter last night, the sheet and light blanket were just not going to be enough even with both puppers to keep me warm. Some parts of the state have seen snow. Only a matter of time before we see it here.

    Teka--Too funny!

    Miriandra-- good point about the brain trying to interpret input that is missing or unexpected. The brain-body connection is indeed complex and unique. Those poor pumpkins look like they have headaches!

    Pumpkin Martini



    1. Pour vanilla vodka, Irish cream liqueur, and pumpkin liqueur into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
    2. Shake vigorously, then strain into a martini glass.
    3. Garnish with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon and nutmeg.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Miriandra, funny!! Thanks for the smile this morning. I'm not feeling my best since I had a rare "bad night" last night and didn't sleep well. For no reason other than thoughts chasing around in my head. Coffee is helping and I will venture out to Sam's Club a little later. Also to Michael's and Hobby Lobby in search of soft yarn for chemo caps.

    It was 37 degrees when I got up. Has warmed up to 42 degrees according to my laptop. The sun is shining and it isn't windy, so a lovely day ahead.

    Happy Thursday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Looking forward to the weekend, but not to
    the time change. But if that's all I've got to complain about I guess I'm not
    doing badly. Looks like it's going to be windy today, but supposed to be
    bringing in warmer air, so that's a bonus. I ended up sleeping in the recliner
    again last night, not sure why I've reverted to that, the puppers and I are
    more comfortable in the bed where they don't have to fight over space in my


    Thanksgiving Margarita



    • 1 tablespoon ground ginger
    • 1 tablespoon sea salt
    • 1 lime wedg
    • 1 1/2 ounces reposado tequila
    • 1/4 ounce allspice
    • 1/4 ounce amaretto
    • 1 ounce pumpkin puree
    • 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce agave nectar
    • Garnish: roasted pumpkin slice



    1. On a small plate, combine the ground ginger and sea salt. Rub the lime wedge
      along half of the rim of a rocks glass and dip the glass in the mixture.
      (For a finer texture, pound the ginger and sea salt with a mortar and
    2. Add the tequila, allspice dram, amaretto, pumpkin puree, lime juice and agave nectar into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    3. Strain into the prepared glass over fresh ice.
    4. Garnish with a roasted pumpkin slice.





  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, my lovelies!

    Nice to wake up and read your comments. My phone is going bonkers. I hope I don't need a new one. My Nespresso machine quit. I got a new one. DH broke his glasses yesterday. To quote Vinny, "Is there any more sh!t we can pile onto this?" LOL

    DH turns 65 today. We're making apple pies tonight - his favorite. It's our tradition.

    Happy Friday!


    (I've found the Lion Brand Feels Like Butta to be a nice yarn. I've made baby blankets with it and one cap that was really soft. It might be good for chemo caps.)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Happy Birthday to your DH. We took my DH cupcakes yesterday for his birthday. He couldn't remember he was 84 between people asking. He's in memory care pretty close to my house, so it's easy to visit often. DS and DD were both there with me, so it was a family affair.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2023

    Miriandra, looks like you really like squirrels, with your little statues. Your faces on the pumpkins reflect their feelings of what the squirrels did!

    NM, there are times I wish I could sleep in my recliner, but that won't happen! Perhaps yours is much more comfortable? I have my comforter out too. Seems like I like the temp to be like 80 in the house, I'm just always cold!

    Teka, snow already? I'm NEVER ready for that!

    117 lbs might be ok for someone of a shorter statue, but for me at 5'8" I'm close to being almost 30 lbs under weight. Still not much energy, and my sleep pattern has totally changed. Seems I can only sleep 5-6 hours at a time, can't go back to sleep, so I just get up. Stay up for 4-5 and take a nap. Not sure what's waking me up, it's not to pee, since Penelope and Penelopee-pee take care of that....LOL! Chemo on Monday and then I have a week off, whoopie! Oh gosh, I almost forgot! Nora has a new baby brother!
    Wishing everyone a great weekend.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Beautiful young family!

    I got the flu and Covid shots in my left arm on Thursday and felt crappy yesterday all day, plus a very sore arm. This is the first time I had a reaction to either shot, also first time getting them at the same time.

    Happy birthday to the dear husbands!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Goldie, Lovely family. Does the boy have a name yet?

    I was lucky, my covid shot only made my arm a little sore.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Went to brunch with a friend today and discovered a bloody Mary bar

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! The pupper and I had a totally lazy day yesterday, never even got out of my jammies. These lazy days seem to be betting more and more frequent, and I seem to enjoy them more and more as time goes by. Not sure what, if anything, that means.

    Sunshine--I hope your phone isn't going crazy, that can be a real pain in the anatomy. But you've had three things break, this run should be over now, or so I hope! Happy Birthday to your DH!

    Wren--Happy Birthday to your DH! It's good he is so close to where you live. That makes it easier.

    Goldie--I'm not sure what it is about sleeping in the recliner. It is very comfortable, and I like being able to rock a little when I wake up during the night. Or just plain laziness as I often fall asleep reading or watching TV and then just decide not to get up and go to bed but stay where I am and go back to sleep! Congrats on Nora's new baby brother!

    Carole--sorry to hear you didn't feel well after getting the shots. Not fun.

    Teka--apple pie with morning coffee is GREAT!

    Jazzy--Wow, never heard of a Blood Mary Bar, it looks fascinating! What's in yours?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Carole, hope you are feeling better from your vaccine.
    Wren, his name is Anthony Caden. Dad is Anthony, so we are hoping they call him Caden!
    Jazzy, what a fun bar to run across!
    NM it means it's time to retire!!!

    DOTD: Apple Pie Cocktail


    • ½ ounceGinger Liqueur
    • 1 ounceFireball Whisky
    • 1 ounceVanilla Vodka
    • 4 ouncesApple Cider
    • 1 teaspoonCinnamon And Sugar
    • 1 sliceApple

    Directions1. Rim a cocktail glass with cinnamon sugar by wetting the rim with a wet rag or lemon slice. Then spin through cinnamon and sugar dumped on a small plate.2. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, the liquors, and apple cider. Shake until the outside of the shak...Read full directions

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Salami and sausage meatball. Also had a fried polenta ball, cheese and bacon on another skewer

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Eggs Benedict that also had eggplant. So yummy

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Drooooooooooool on that bloody mary and the food!!

    I put in a booze order for shipment (not that I drink much spirits; mostly wine) with some liqueurs so DH can enjoy (he hates alcohol for the most part) and can save the 30% sales tax out here.

    Standard time is fiiiiiinally here!!! I cannot wait for the darker evenings and no more 19 hour daylight. HAPPY DANCE!!!!! We've been seeing some rain, which is helping our drought. I wish it were colder, but hopefully, that will happen too.

    DH gets his labs done on Friday and I hope it helps him decide if he'll get treatment 5 and 6. He's just now starting to recover.

    Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying any celebration they've done or coming up.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Eggs benedict with eggplant. Sounds wonderful. I love eggplant. Another drool on the bloody mary and food. DH is drinking a tall bloody mary as I type. My cocktail is a vodka martini on ice with a jalapeno stuffed olive and several anchovy olives. Kind of a martini salad.

    30 percent tax on booze! That's outlandish!

    In Alaska I had eggs benedict with crabcakes. That was as delicious as it was pricey.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Jazzy - I am amazed by the Bloody Mary bar. What a fun thing.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    I've been MIA. On another thread, someone wrote something quite hurtful to me a few weeks ago and I told them how very angry I was about what they wrote and they go insulted. I won't go into details here, but it was personal. Usually, I can let things just roll off, but this time it really got to me. Decided that I needed a break away. I've been on bco for 17+ years -way too long to give it up.

    Saw my medical oncologist the middle of October and it was a good visit. Nephrologist this past week. Kidneys are more or less stable but my B/P was high - it goes up and down from any from 90 to mid 140s. Protein in my urine - I asked what that meant and he said my kidneys aren't working so well!!! We both laughed. My calcium is rising again but not dangerous yet and parathyroid is also high. Nephrologist said to work it our endocrinologist. Endo thinks the high calcium but Hematologist says is the MM. If it's due to parathyroid, then eventually it will need to come out. It's 5.5 month since I stopped chemo and I still don't have my stamina back. Don't sleep well.. I've gained most of my weight back but that is because I been shoving food in my mouth at night. I want to drop to or 3# and quit snacking. I see the Hematologist in just over 2 weeks. Then I should be done doctors for a 2 or 3 months.

    Lori, congrats on the new great nephew. I like Caden. Nora looks like the proud big sister.

    Went to the Colorado School Psych conference last week. It is more tiring that work - but some fantastic sessions. Sitting all day is harder than work. It was in Vail and the weather was gorgeous. Today broke a record with 78 degrees. By Wednesday it will be in the 40s. Potential for snow Wednesday and Thursday. We also had snow 2 weeks ago. I do not like the time change. I wish we would stay on standard time, but there is talk about year round DST.

    Lori - how are you doing? Sending you hugs. Actually, Lori, you are the reason I didn't stay away any loner. Thank you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Thank you all for the congrats on our new family member. I'll keep you updated on what mom & dad decide to call him!

    Karen, I'm very sorry someone said something hurtful to you. I hope you will be able to let it "roll off" soon. Gosh, 2-3 months with no appts., I could only wish!!! So glad you are staying. I'm hanging in there and keeping my positive attitude and living one day at a time.

    I'm not liking my body's sleep pattern, was up at 1:30 am. Of course, I went to bed 7:30. This is not good since I have to make that 4 hour "schlep" for chemo! Going to be a long day….oy vey!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Waking up to some pretty chilly temps this ayem. Some precipitation coming in later today, may see some snow in it, the weather guesser is saying. Ah well.

    Goldie--I hope you are right about it being time to retire. I applied for Social Security and Medicare yesterday. That Apple Pie cocktail looks very tasty!

    Jazzy--interesting add-ons to the Bloody Mary! Beautiful plate, I bet that tasted great, too!

    Wallycat--Wow, that's quite the sales tax rate! Is that on everything or just on alcohol? Praying DH recovers completely before the next round of treatment.

    Carole--eggs benedict with crabcakes must have been incredible!

    Karen--I am so sorry someone wrote something hurtful. It can be hard to let those things roll off at times. Taking a break was a good idea. Glad to hear the appointments went well. The weather swings are crazy this fall, aren't they? I wish we would stop the time change thing, but I don’t really care which one we land on, just choose one and be done with it!

    Goldie--hugs and energy for the long day ahead.

    Chili Margarita


    1 ½ oz chili-infused tequila

    Juice from ½ lime and extra lime wedges for the garnish

    1 oz Triple Sec/Cointreau

    ¾ oz agave nectar


    To make the Chili-Infused Tequila:

    1 ½ cups silver tequila

    3 serrano chili peppers or your favorite peppers, sliced in half lengthwise

    Finally, this is all you need to make your Chili/Paprika Salt:

    4 tsp salt

    1/2 tsp chili/paprika powder

    1/4 tsp cayenne powder (optional)


    Here’s how you should do it: In an airtight jar, combine the tequila and peppers. Allow at least 5 to 8 hours for the tequila to infuse (or more if you want it extra hot). In a small bowl, combine the ingredients for chilli salt and set aside. Use a lime wedge to rub the rim of a Margarita or cocktail glass, then rim with chilli salt. Combine chilli-infused tequila, lime juice, triple sec, and agave nectar in an ice-filled shaker. Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds. Fill rimmed glass halfway with ice and strain the Margarita. Garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy!

    From <>