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how about drinking?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    The 30% is averaged out for spirits; there's a spirit tax of 20-some-odd-percent and then they add a liter tax. When I bought a bottle of something to cook with (I think it was gin for an Asian dish) I was shocked that it came to about 30% tax. This is a no income tax state but I swear they get more every place else—car tabs, insurance, retail tax (10%)…I suspect they get us coming or going. We don't drink a lot and since it is a wine producing state, they aren't that evil on wine sales, which is my drug of choice 😁

    Karen, I read that post and I am sorry. I posted on that thread a few times and was pummeled by one of the posters there and I left that thread. Seems some want to pick on certain individuals and I don't understand the reasons. I can understand quitting there since it is not worth the aggravation.
    It is nice to read your onco says you are stable with the MM. Our neighbor had parathyroid surgery for her high calcium, but it is a tough call if you have MM since that can also cause a rise…oy on the human body!

    DH has more mouth sores and now bleeding and we suspect it is the Pluvicto treatment; between that and the trigeminal neuralgia, my heart breaks…never mind his metastatic cancer.

    Carole, YUMMMMMMMMMMM on crab eggs benedict. When we eloped in Alaska, my big splurge was in Haines, where we stopped for the night (we motorcycled through Alaska; my wedding "dress" was fleece polartec, LOL), I had Alaskan king crab legs. OMG….I could eat myself into a stupor with those!!

    Goldie, lovely to see you posting and I hope you are feeling better. I can't imagine all you are going through.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Karen1956, I’m sorry and angry that someone said something hurtful to you! Boo to mean people!

    I think I would like the Eggs Benedict with eggplant. The Bloody Mary bar looks amazing.

    Happy Monday, everyone!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi friends- its a beautiful day here in New Mexico but a bit too warm too at 80 degrees which is about 20 degrees warmer than normal for early Nov in this part of the world.

    Karen- welcome back and sorry about what happened on the other thread. I have been personally attacked by people before on threads here who had asked about how I was dealing with some of the side effects during treatment and then told me I was WRONG and more! I also had someone asking me for money for someone's funeral services and got mad when I said "we don't do that here." Anyways, you have had so much going on thank you for coming back. I think we here on this thread try to be judgement free, at least I have always felt that way and why I have been here 11 years now. If I want to be harassed, I have my job for that, right?

    Wallycat- sending much love on your DH's sores and his metastatic. Its hard to watch people we love suffer through the side effects of cancer treatment.

    Goldie- I forgot to say congrats on the new addition, everyone looks great. Beautiful family. I spent time with some friends this weekend that included a 15 month old and we were all so enamoured with her. Nothing like a little person to make us smile? Hope treatment went okay and you are home safely soon.

    My new routine with the time change and temps still being pretty mild is a short walk before work before I log on or head in. Started that today. I need to move my body more…..

    Got to finish work and go meet a former colleague for dinner. Doing soul food tonight.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Since you like foodie pictures, here is the cake we had at a party this weekend. Called chocolate therapy with three kinds of chocolate

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581

    Wow Jazzy, the Bloody Mary bar was amazing and the brunch looks good too. I am a chocoholic so the cake had me drooling!

    NM- I seem to get lazier with the nighttime coming earlier. I think sometimes your body just wants to rest. Wishing you all the best dealing with your retirement.

    Wallycat- sorry about your husband, mouth sores are miserable.

    Goldi - I love the name Anthony Caden, and I think calling him Caden would be perfect. I am always dreading that long ride to the doctors for you.

    Karen, sorry that someone did that to you. This is suppose to be where we support each other. I like to think of this as a safe place. Jazzy, I can't believe that someone would say anything about your side effects of treatment.

    Carol - I had to smile at your martini salad.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    I don't remember who commented that it was nice that my oncologist said things were stable with my MM - it was my medical oncologist regarding breast cancer. I have labs next Monday and see my Hematologist on the 15th.

    I'm not sure if it's the time change, but I'm more tired and I'm almost always tired. I don't sleep well. Today I was up at 4:40. I wake up at least 3 times/night. We walk when I get home from work - if we didn't I would fall asleep.

    We broke a record yesterday - 78 F. Today was a low to mid 70s and the same for tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday the temperature drops to the 40s with the possibility of snow.

    Lori - good luck with chemo.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I'm waking up to rain and blustery conditions this ayem. At least its warmer than yesterday and doesn't feel so raw.

    Maine has a "yellow-flag" process that provides for the removal of weapons (primarily firearms) from a person's possession immediately but temporarily in cases where someone like the Lewiston shooter may be a threat to themselves or others. There is a second process that then takes place that is designed to evaluate the person, provide services if needed, and make a longer-term decision about access to weapons. It was enacted with the support of the pro-gun rights community as it provides immediate protection and ensures due process before taking away anyone's right to weapon ownership. The process can be initiated by an individual on themselves, family members or friends of an individual, healthcare providers, law enforcement, military, employers, or a person who believes they are at risk of being harmed by the individual. The process was designed specifically for situations like this, where someone who previously presented no risk has something happen and now presents a risk. Several opportunities for triggering the process were missed in this case. The biggest failure of the process was lack of communication between agencies, people, and law enforcement. Multiple reports were made that could have triggered the process, but were made across several places and no one put together the bigger picture. There's talk about how to fix that part of the process going forward.

    Wally--I've often thought living in a no income tax state would be nice, but after hearing about the taxes on other things I wonder. Maine has an income tax, and a 7.5% retail tax, just plain expensive car registration and I try not to think about what else. At least they are kinder on the wine purchases! I had Alaskan king crab legs while on the cruise last spring, and they were WONDERFUL. I can absolutely agree with eating myself into a stupor. Prayers for your DH.

    Good Morning, Teka, Sunshine, Miriadra!

    Jazzy--I hear you about needing to move the body more. I need to also. I hope the soul food and colleague catch up was fun. Chocolate therapy, indeed!

    Misty--it is harder to get moving in the dark. Getting up in the dark and getting home in the dark is really hard for me.

    Karen--Good for you for taking a walk after work! I wish I had that kind of self-discipline. I hope the broken record was 78 degrees ABOVE zero, not negative 78 degrees!


    Veteran Ingredients

    Veteran Instructions

    Pour rum and cherry brandy into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Karen - it was 80 down here in New Mexico yesterday. Way too warm for early Nov 😳

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2023

    WallyCat, your poor DH. He's sure having a time with this treatment, my heart goes out to him. Has he tried that "magic mouthwash". I wish I had some suggestions. It sure makes a person want to stop treatment...I get it! How fun to ride Alaska on a motorcycle!

    Jazzy I agree, we don't judge here. Mostly try to have a little fun, but yet support those that need us in a time of termole in our lives. I'm liking our warmer weather, since I'm so cold all the time. Ha ha, "If I want to be harassed, I have my job for that, right?" But that sucks too.

    Misty, I don't really mind the drive so much. It's a pretty drive. However, my behind gets a bit sore from sitting so long, as I have no padding. I'm thinking of taking one of kitchen chair pads, and seeing if that would help. But I always forget to do that!

    Karen, I think you and I have the same problem with sleeping!

    NM, interesting process of the "yellow flag". I LOVE retirement!

    Teka, my neighbor made turkey yesterday and had me a plate to pick up as I pass by her house to get to mine. Some white and dark meat, mashed potatoes w/ gravy and stove top stuffing (which I"m not really a fan) but I did eat it. No veggies, that was ok, as I was very grateful with what she gave me, I was starved!

    Was gone yesterday for almost 11 hours. Totally worn out when I got home. I had stopped and got a few groceries, was all I could do to get them in the house, put my car away, eat and go to bed. Being up so early 1:30 am, I tried to lay back down before I had to start getting ready. Well, that only lasted a half hour. Which also helped to make it a long day! My brother called his DD to ask what he should put on the baby's stocking and she said "Anthony". Which kind of indicates that they will not be calling him Caden 😕, but NOT 100% sure on that yet.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Goldie I hope you are resting today 🙏

    Teka that is funny. I find I don't eat a heavily Thanksgiving anymore myself

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Gorgeous weather yesterday and today. 76F today. 30 degree drop in temperature tomorrow and rain here but snow in the mountains.

    That women sent me a pm - I could see part of it without opening which I won't. Trying to apologize, I think, she then totally insulted me and my professionalism. I won't open the pm and I'm not returning to that thread. If anyone there cares about me, they can reach out. I never felt totally welcome or accepted on that thread. Good riddance. It no longer bothers me, but I actually find it comical!!

    Lori - yup we are both sleeping or lack of sleeping the same way. Glad your neighbor sent you home with a yummy plate of food.

    Can't believe that Thanksgiving is in just over 2 weeks!! That means I'm close to a week off work.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Teka - I've got closure - don't care - don't need to be insulted twice or three times. Not worth my energy. Thanks for your caring. I'm going to stay where people care about each other and not junior high school drama 😂🤣

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Karen can you really not accept the womans apology? With all of us being cancer, some multiple, survivors I'm wondering why. For a stranger to go to those efforts to apologize and/or make amends seems to me an attempt at humility and kindness. Not an invitation to reject them and write anout them in a demeaning way. I mean no offense here either. But this whole situation has gotten too large. I'm very sorry you were hurt.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Teka, I was so very grateful for that dinner plate, let me tell ya! Had more yesterday and still a tad leftover!

    Karen, our weather is turning tomorrow. I hate winter, but it's better here than in Michigan. I think I agree with not reading the message. When we are dealing with such things that we are, we don't need that added stress. And most important, you are good with that. Let by gones be by gones, in humble opinion.

    Reader, I think sometimes we just have to let things go, as they are not that important anymore. I know you mean no offense, but that is Karen's decision, and we need to respect is. That thread will continue to go on just fine without her. I say this very sincerely, and not mean at all. As so many times, something in type can be taken totally in a way it was not meant to.

    Went to bed at 8:30, up at 12:30, this is all so weird! Working with a realtor, it's the gal that closed on the first house I bought in MI. I have a photographer coming out Tuesday. So, needless to say, I have TONS to do. Just wish I had TONS of energy!

    Huggles and Cheers to all my friends here!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! It was blustery but relatively warm yesterday, in the 50s, this ayem, 33. Craziness, just craziness. Mother Nature needs to get on a mood stabilizer or start drinking regularly, or something! It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is coming right up.

    Morning, Jazzy!


    Goldie--glad to hear you love retirement. I'm kind of anxious about making that change. 11 hours is a long time to be out and about, no wonder you got worn out!

    Karen--Glad to hear you aren't bothered by the posting in the other thread now.

    Good Morning, Reader!

    The Ballot Cocktail


    2 ounce maker's mark

    1/2 ounce dry vermouth

    1/2 ounce sweet vermouth

    2 dashes of bitters

    1 orange twist

    1 sugar cube


    Put sugar cube in glass, add dashes of bitters. Pour rest of ingredients into a shaker. Use an orange twist to rub on the rim of a cognac snifter glass. Shake and serve up in a snifter with the orange twist.

    Read More:

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Reader, I appreciate your view point. To apologize in one sentence then to criticize me in the next - is not a sincere apology or even an apology. I apologized to her on the thread when it first happened that my response may have hurt her. I even wrote that I would not bring up the topic that started it, though it was a very personal one for me. The mods responded very kindly on the thread to me and saying that I could and should continue to write about any topic I wanted to. More caring from the mods than I felt from the thread. I chose to leave the topic alone. In the pm the criticism was related to how I perform my profession relative to other people she knows and how could I be good at what I do in the way I reacted. Letting it go. This is my last post regarding the situation as it is behind me.

    I think a bigger part of the story is that I never truly felt part of the thread or welcome. I've been on bco for over 17 years and I've made some life long friends - not just cyber friends but in person as well as I know others have too. I come here for comaraderie which I feel here and other threads some of which are not active anymore. The friends I've made here that I've not had the good fortune to meet in person have reached out to me to check on me when I go MIA for a period of time. I appreciate the caring and thank everyone.

    Lori - good luck in getting the house ready for sale. Is there someone who can help you with some of the tasks? I know you are very independent and like to do things yourself and have it done to your expectations which often doesn't happen when you let others do things. I'm the same way and maybe this is a time that its not as important. What do you have to do to get the house ready? Any time you've posted, you house looks so beautiful. I hope it sells in the time you want and for the price you want. Huggles and cheers back at you Lori.

    I rearely sleep more than 2 or 3 hours max, at a stretch. Last night I fell asleep on the sofa after the news, (news in on 10-10:30) then woke up around midnight and got into bed. I woke up at 2 something to go to the bathroom, then 3 something then 4 and finally got up at 4:30. Way too little sleep but the insomnia has been going on for years and years. At one point I took sleeping aids but when they were no longer better than not taking them, I stopped and have no desire to try them again.

    Kim - you can always work part time at something you enjoy once you retire if you find you want to do something. My husband enjoys retirement but wanted to put some more structure back into his life. A friend recommended a part-time position and DH was hired. It is only maybe 10 hours/week, but no set time frame and he enjoys it. He works from home and sets personal goals that he meets. If he doesn't want to work a given day or has other obligations he doesn't have to work. He also volunteers which he has done since retirement. I can't imagine not working at least very part-time but I am finding that I look forward to having more flexibility. I still enjoy what I do and I'm good at it and I'm appreciated for my expertise. It seems like the hospice industry that you have been working in for years is broken. I don't blame you for wanting out. You are excellent at what you do but you have not been give the credit due to you for years. I hope retirement will be everything you want it to be. Have you started counting the days?

    Okay - I think I've droned on and on long enough. Have a great day everyone. Stay warm and dry.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    YUM on that food!

    Karen, I was the one that thought you posted your MM was stable. Apologies. I hope the labs you have coming do show that, of course. My new onco wants labs 2xyear with visits. I'm not liking that ONE bit. I told her no for now. I'll redo them in april/may at the 1 year mark and revisit. She also wants me to do genetic testing (which I had done with my BC dx) because she thinks they test for more stuff. I read genetic testing isn't reliable enough for future predictions and may tell her NO to that too. Thinking about you and hopeful all is good.

    DH is going back to the dentist this afternoon to have the tooth pulled. HOpefully, that will alleviate some of the issues but certainly not all. My heart is tired of aching for him..blah, blah…like we don't know how that feels for ourselves and those we love.

    I am finishing a bottle of Pinot Noir. Not my fav but this is a fine example (Embroidery from California)..costco had a great deal and wine spectator rated it 90.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581

    I am going on a cruise leaving Nov 13th with my daughter and 2 granddaughters. It seems like things are coming up that make it a little hard getting ready. My refrigerator stopped working and I called a repairman and was told it couldn't be fixed so I had to get another one, the one I really wanted wasn't going to be available until April 2024. So I just picked one out. Somehow the living room found out the kitchen got something new, so the TV in there broke down and I got another one. My son said I should wait for Black Friday, they have good sales, but not very many available, and I am not going to go and fight the crowd for one. If things really happen in threes…I am wondering what else could break?? And so many doctor visits the last 2 weeks. I have 2 tomorrow. hmm… I am kind of complaining about stuff that my youngest would tell me its 'first world problems.'

    We are having beautiful weather right now. It is cool in the evening and at night, but nice during the day. No humidity and warm enough for shorts, but not too hot to wear pants. I wish this would last longer.

    Lori, I bet you do have a list of things to do, get some people to help and you be the boss, just giving orders.

    I am being very lazy this year for Thanksgiving, I am buying it already made from Bob Evan's restaurant. I pick it up 2 days ahead and just have to heat it up. It has every thing included , turkey, ham, and all the sides and pies. I will just have my kids provide drinks and cheese/relish tray.

    I hope everyone has a good week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2023

    Rainy, cold, damp afternoon, but DH and I went for a walk when I got home as it was not raining hard. Will see what it's like after dinner.

    Walycat - I had BRCA testing when I was diagnosed in 2006. Several years later when the 32 panel came out my oncologist had me take that testing and a year or two ago, the 83 panel. What showed up on the 32 panel is one of the reasons I can't have the stem cell transplant. To me the testing is important for my kids. My youngest just had BRCA testing and had her first pelvic exam and pap smear based on my history, Usually they don't do these if you aren't sexually active. My oncologist has always done labs at every visit - the first 5 years every 3 months and since year 5 every 6 months. My Hematologist does labs before every appointment and my Nephrologist does labs 3 or 4 times/year. Some of them overlap but others are specific to the problem. After 17+ years of labs and several years of donating blood my left arm vein is shot. So now, I use my right arm for blood draws but I wouldn't get shots in my right arm or B/P. Right side is the BC side and nodes were removed. Good for you for standing up for what makes the most sense for you.

    Mistyeyes - I will cook thanksgiving, but it will just be DH, DS and me. I'll make the basics - turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and one pie each of pumpkin and pecan. I like green bean casserole but my DH and DS don't so I have to decide if I will make it. I will cook a small turkey and cut it in half and freeze half right away.

    Stay warm and dry

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Karen, thank you for sharing valuable information. I will have to rethink what I imagined I wanted. I appreciate it. My BRCA panel was in 2007, when I got dx, so again, appreciate your sharing.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    My drinking lately has mainly been iced tea. Since moving south I've had to be very specific when we go out to say "unsweetened." Or I get sweet tea. And have even gotten it a few times even though I specified unsweetened.

    Lori I echo the sentiment on moving- get and take help. I'm still quite exhausted from it all. I started taking a bit of iron again since I have absorption issues.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Super long day at work yesterday, busted my butt to get everything that needed to be done taken care of but didn't quite manage to do so (some parts had to be done by other people) and I'm feeling like I didn't do a good job despite reminding myself that I cannot control other people's schedules and response times. Or change the stupid rules that make it so freaking difficult to take care of someone. The person got taken care of, but not the way that one member of the family wanted, which I know is just their way of dealing with not being able to stop what was happening and not being in control of the situation. If only I could make everything perfect for everyone at the same time. But then, I wouldn't be human, I'd be God, and I'm certainly much more human than Godlike.

    Karen--I'm not quite counting the days to retirement, still counting months just now. Thank you for reminding me that part time work and volunteering are options after retirement. I keep telling myself I'll be fine, and I've worked part time before and done just fine financially, so I will be fine in retirement as well. After getting bc, I never really considered retirement as a possibility, really did not believe I would live long enough to retire, but here I am! Getting out of the day-to-day rat race will be a relief, moving to North Carolina and being near my brother and his wife will be a comfort, and since Mom has now decided to move to NC when I do, taking care of her long distance isn't a concern. It's just such a big change!

    Teka--oh my goodness, that looks soooooo good!

    Wally--hoping your DH feels better soon and the procedure ges smoothly.

    Misty--Ah, the joys of home ownership! Always something needing to be done. Good for you for picking up Thanksgiving dinner.

    The Guard Duty


    • 1 1/3 oz (2 parts) Irish whiskey
    • 1 oz (1½ parts) Fresh cream
    • 1 tsp. Brown sugar
    • 2 2/3 oz (4 parts) Hot coffee
    • 1x 5 Hour Energy shot
    • 1x Caffeine Pill


    1. Heat the coffee, whiskey and sugar; do not boil.
    2. Pour into a pint glass and top with cream.
    3. Crush the caffeine pill and “salt” the rim of the glass.
    4. Put 5 Hour Energy into a shot glass and drop the shot glass into your pint glass.
    5. Ride the lightning.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Mistyeyes - enjoy your cruise. My stuff breaks all at once too and always before a trip or after I get home. The supply chain issues are still a thing too. Black Friday is a trap and the best deals go fast.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! Another week gone, another month nearly half over. We got our first real snow yesterday, didn't amount to much but left a coating in some places. Now the weather guesser is talking about wind chills coming up. I had an interesting experience at a Dunkin Donuts the other evening. I asked for a sandwich and milk, was told they didn't have any milk, so I asked what kind of soft drinks they have. The poor girl on the other end of the ordering kiosk didn't know what a soft drink was! When I asked what kind of carbonated drinks they had, she listed off a whole bunch of energy drinks. It wasn't until I asked what kind of Cokes they had that she understood what I was asking about. FYI, they only carried Pepsi products! This is the biggest example of generation gap that I've run across. I guess I am really getting old!

    Morning, Jazzy!



    1 part DeKuyper® Blue Curacao Liqueur

    1 part DeKuyper® Peachtree® Schnapps Liqueur

    1 part Grenadine


    Pour grenadine into the bottom of a shot glass. Gently float DeKuyper® Peachtree® Schnapps over the grenadine. Gently top the shot glass with DeKuyper® Blue Curacao Liqueur. Tip: Pour liqueur over the back of spoon to maintain color layers.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    LOL on the generation gap! I just read this to my dh and he got a chuckle, too.

    We must have gotten a tiny portion of an inch of rain during the night because the patio is wet this morning. There are promises of rain next week. So badly needed.

    When our refrigerator stopped running a couple of years ago, we had to take a replacement that was available in the appliances store. It doesn't have the ice and water dispensers in the door and I still miss both. It was pricey, too. But life goes on. I do like having the freezer at the bottom.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    First winter storm here in New Mexico after our third summer warm up this past week 🌧️❄️

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    nm, that's really funny! Soda? Soft drink? Pop? Fizzy drinks like 7-up? What are we supposed to call them? Never mind, just give me wine!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Misty, how exciting to go on the cruise! But where are going? And you know we want to see pictures!!! April until a fridge is available? Now that's cray cray!

    Reader, my DH was the same way with his tea. And it sure pissed him off when they would give him sweet tea instead. Now his mom, born and raised in the south, LOVED her sweet tea. But it was more like a little bit of tea with her sugar!

    NM, you do an awesome job, and don't you forget. More so than most. You are dedicated to your work and patients. How funny, your story at Dunkin Donuts. I know when we would go to Illinois when I was younger, pop was called a coke or a soadie. (not sure how to spell that one)

    Carole, I would miss the ice dispenser, water not so much.

    Jazzy, no winter storm for me. But areas around me, that get colder, got a dusting.

    Sunshine LOL "just give me wine!"

    Been trying to get a little at a time done, seems I spend most of my time napping! Was talking to my brother yesterday, telling him I will be going to Tammy's Sunday, for chemo on Monday. He says "you don't have chemo this week, it's your week off." OMG, so glad I talked to him! I was already set in my mind I had to drive back down Phoenix. I would have been so pissed at myself had I don't that for that no reason. Like I don't do enough already! Picture day was changed to Wednesday, so I get an extra day organize. My realtor asked if I would like her to be here, I told her that would be nice.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Good afternoon- reaching out to all those here who may be veterans on this Veterans Day to thank you for your service. Sending love to those who may have lost loved ones in any of the wars or been hurt in combat.

    I have been watching some things on HBO today including a really beautifully done story called Taking Chance about a senior marine who escorted the remains of a young marine home to his family. Maybe something I have never really thought about before, the service members who have to go notify families when a loved one has passed and to those who go about caring for them until they are returned home to their loved ones. Based on a true story too, and it was touching beyond words.

    After a bit of a cold snap yesterday and some rain here, but snow in other areas, we are back to late fall once again and cooler but sunny weather. I love this time of the year when things quiet down, well maybe for a little bit.

    Goldie- I am glad you don't have to go back to PHX again so soon. Good to rest sister and hoping you get some moisture soon. We in the southern tier are supposed to be getting a wetter winter, and hoping for that but also know that won't be good for your drive for treatment.

    Mistyeyes- a couple years ago, I renovated my kitchen and needed to buy a replacement dishwasher and had to wait many months for one. It was when the supply chain was at it's worst in 2021-2022 with the pandemic shut down of factories, but I know from my work that supply chain for anything coming from overseas is still not great. Nevermind the cost of things now (i.e., inflation). Anyways, I hope you were able to get things in a good enough place and can enjoy your trip.

    NM- wow on the soft drinks question. Some places here people say they want a coke which means some kind of soda, and then they ask what kind. Well now she knows right? And no milk? They are a coffee kind of place and I take milk in my coffee.

    Working on house things today but taking a break in a bit to go to one of my fav spots for a holiday meal they do called Pilgrims Feast. I know you like food pictures so I will try to remember to post it!

    Have a good rest of the weekend. Thanksgiving is coming up fast…..