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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had trouble logging on to BCO yesterday and the day before, not sure what that was all about or if it was the site or my old computer, but it seems to be working fine today. The puppers and I are not impressed with the heat dome effect. 9 ayem, 83 degrees, heat index of 94 degrees, UV index 7, humidity 70%. The heat index got to 105 yesterday, expected to get to 102 today. Poor air quality warnings are out too. I am hoping the prediction for tomorrow of max temps in the 70s is correct! Thank goodness for the AC in the bedroom last night!

    Mommy--I'm with you on no outdoor stuff just now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Karen--I wonder if Denver's weather is part of the same pattern the northeast is in? At least you don't have the humidity, that went over 80% yesterday. My SIL tells me what Maine is getting now is what North Carolina is like most of the summer months! No wonder central AC is as common as heating systems here! LOL at your son keeping shoe boxes! Those are great for storage and organizing, but only take up space when empty. Be careful out on your walks.

    Reader--the knee is feeling better after the last PT session. Hoping for as much improvement with this afternoon's session! I bet that wine was GOOD!


    Jazzy--beautiful flowers!

    Mommy--don't you love counting down the posts to finished with class?

    Carole--to this day I have not found one study that shows that alcohol consumption CAUSES cancer. That there is a correlation, yes, but not causation. There is a famous statistical study that shows that children with larger shoe sizes have higher reading levels but no one suggests putting larger shoes on their child to increase his/her reading level, because the correlation doesn't prove causation. Increase in age was the causative factor for both shoe size and reading level. Older children are larger than younger children, have larger feet and larger shoe sizes, and are in higher grades and read at higher grade levels. In a statistics class I took we discovered that among the students there was a strong correlation between eating potatoes and being in a car accident. Correlation does not equal causation. When medical science can tell me for sure how I got breast cancer, in detail, then they can try to shift the blame to me.

    Arrgh. Sorry to get off on the soap box.

    Missing Goldie, too.

    Ked425--welcome to the HTL! I'm glad you feel healthy and have found a lifetyle approach that works so well for you!

    Wally--well said. Quality of life has different meanings for different people.

    Congratuations, Mommy!

    Karen--Glad you got a break from the heat, I'm looking forward to one tomorrow. And the decrease in humidity that's supposed to happen today.

    Jazzy--that is one frightening picture!

    Hi, Malleemiss251!

    Chi--why do you suppose it is so hard for use to take our own, admittedly excellent, advice? I really should be taking something for the knee pain to keep it from getting ahead of me but I'm not, and paid for it last night with not being able to get comfortable and sleep well. Purple Pig? Sounds like fun. We used to have a handful off Purple Cow restaurants around here! They were great.

    After School Special | Vitzellen Vodka


    • 1 1/2 oz Vitzellen Vodka
    • 3/4 oz Sour Mix
    • 4-5 Strawberries
    • 1 tsp fresh Rosemary
    • 2 Limes
    • Sprite


    • Muddle together the strawberries, rosemary, and lime.
    • Add Vodka and Sour Mix.
    • Shake well.
    • Pour into glass and top off with Sprite.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    jazzy, WOW! I hope you're safe and not having to evacuate.

    Am on the fence about giving up my wine. At some point I think, "Torpedoes be damned; full speed ahead!"

    Had my PET scan yesterday. Results up on my portal within five hours, and my MO called me at around 4 pm. That's never a good thing. My cancer is, in fact, spreading. The latest report says, "Interval development of omental caking/mesenteric carcinomatosis. Looks like the Truqap failed and I'll be moving on to my next line of treatment. I'll see her next week and we'll figure out what the next step is.

    I have an appointment with a dermatologist today. The itching (or is it the bitching) is driving me nuts. I tried to see the derm doc I saw years ago, but he's booked through September. Oh well. This guy's first name is "Reza" and we have good friend with that name. I hope it's a good omen.

    Happy Thursday, everyone. Stay safe out there.


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,727

    Native, I sure do! I’m only two response posts away from being done!

    Today is going to be the worst of the heat wave, tomorrow much cooler

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Sunshine, I hope the next treatment does its job on the cancer. As for itching, I've had itchy scalp for years. No dandruff. I used to tell my dermatologist about it and have used prescription products, foam on the scalp, different shampoos. Nothing has ever worked so I scratch, mostly at night.

    NM, it's hard to think of Maine as hot. We always enjoyed the summer weather during years when we visited Maine on rv trips.

    It was in the 60's this morning when I played golf. My computer says it's 70 degrees now and partly cloudy. I'm wearing jeans and feel comfortable.

    Hi to everybody else.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 581

    Cheers to you @nativemainer - the after school special looks good, and in my mind I am sipping it down in little bursts of colourful bliss. I am going to be so glad when my body lets me drink alcohol again - sigh.

    @sunshine99, I am sorry it wasn't good news - I am in your pocket that the itching can be resolved and that the next line of treatment is more successful.

    While you are all having glorious warm days my nights have been as low as 4 below zero. The kitties and I are staying inside by the heaters - lol. However, I do not envy you the storms you are having - they sound very nasty.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400
    edited June 20

    Sunshine, I'm so sorry to hear your news.

    Malleemiss, I'd kill for 4 below….I need two homes on opposite hemispheres so I can get winter, twice.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 20

    Sunshine, sorry the news wasn’t better. Hope there’s a treatment that will work for you.

    It was 97F here yesterday. Today? Fog not burning off—and here by the lake, hovering around 70 and windy. Went to my house to pick some ripening black raspberries (a month earlier than usual), and sudden gusts kept blowing the canes into my T-shirt, with the thorns threatening to catch on it. Should have brought my denim jacket (the only jacket I have that’s not at the restoration-specialist cleaners). Think I’ll layer rather than buy, to avoid having to schlep more stuff Sunday & Monday. (We can access the new house starting Sunday and have to be out of the hotel Monday).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Ked, I respect your discipline. However, you’ve listed a lot of things that I am not will to let cancer take from me, except the gum, I’ll give up gum.

    I have a bottle of pink wine called The Beach but haven’t tried it yet, waiting for a warm, sunny day (currently raining with temps in the low 60’s here). I’ll let you all know if it’s “beachy”.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! The heat dome has moved off, thank goodness. Got a couple of good thunderstorms out of the cold front as it moved through last evening. This ayem it's 67 degrees, feels like 70, 77% humidity, dew point 60 degrees. Much better than this time yesterday! Yesterday, in the heat and humidity, my Mom goes out in her car that does not have working AC to try to find a garage that can put the bottle of whatever she's got into the AC to get it working again, can't find anybody to do it as a walk in, has an appointment for next week. Then I get a call that she has a doctor's appointment today (I set up with the office to call me with appointment info), which she had forgotten about. No way I am letting her drive herself without AC, so I'm taking her to this appointment this afternoon.

    Lefty knee feels much better after PT yesterday.

    Sunshine--I am sorry to hear the scan results. Prayers for the next line treatment to be successful.

    Mommy--I'm in the tomorrow will be much cooler day, and it feels wonderful!

    Carole--this kind of heat and humidity is unusual for Maine, although becoming a more frequent phenomenon. Last summer we never really had a summer, it was either cold and raining or hazy, hot, and humid with poor air quality. At least this summer has had some good days!

    Mallee--I have such a hard time wrapping my head around the way the seasons are different in the other half of the world! I bet it's nice to have the kitties to cuddle up to for keeping warm.

    Morning, Wally!

    Chi--raspberries are so good! Don't blame you for not wanting to lug things back and forth too much. Sounds like a busy weekend for you guys.

    Illi--can't wait to hear a report on the Beach wine! Where did you find it?

    Raspberry Smash Paloma


    Raspberry Smash Paloma (makes 1 cocktail)

    • Handful of fresh raspberries (8-10 berries)
    • 1/2 oz – 3/4 oz agave, depending on your preferred level of sweetness
    • Juice of 1/4 lime
    • 1.5 oz blanco tequila or mezcal
    • 2 oz pure 100% grapefruit juice
    • Ginger beer, to top off
    • Mint leaves, raspberries, and grapefruit slices for garnish


    Raspberry Smash Paloma (makes 1 cocktail)

    • Handful of fresh raspberries (8-10 berries)
    • 1/2 oz – 3/4 oz agave, depending on your preferred level of sweetness
    • Juice of 1/4 lime
    • 1.5 oz blanco tequila or mezcal
    • 2 oz pure 100% grapefruit juice
    • Ginger beer, to top off
    • Mint leaves, raspberries, and grapefruit slices for garnish

    From <>

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,727

    Currently in a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for the whole state. Hoping we get a storm that cools us off!

    All done with all the work for my classes! I finished a week early!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    NM, glad your weather cooled off. It's just not "right" for Maine to be hot and humid. LOL. Definitely a good idea to take your mom to the appointment.

    We're having a very nice day, not hot, sunshine off and on. I went to the gym and then to Walmart with a list. Happy for a "life is good" state of mind.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 581

    @nativemainer, as I was feeding the kitties this morning it was minus 2 degrees outside, so heaters are all on. While I was concentrating on putting the preferred food into their bowl, I glimpsed out of the corner of my eye two tails (one fluffy and one smooth) circling me. It made me think of circling sharks with their fins above the water. I could not help but laugh. Jaws made quite an impression on me when it was released - lol Yes - it can get quite snuggly with the two kitties during an evening.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    The fire is 3 hours south and I live in an urban area but very aware of the fire risks here. Things are slowly improving with some rain but also bringing a lot of flooding.

    This photo is of some of the wild horses who live in Ruidoso. They came into town where there is safety

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Waking up to gentle rain and 65 degrees. Was going to take the kayak out today, but will see if the rail lets up. Yesterday was such a beautiful, perfect day to take the kayak out, but mom needed to be taken to her doctor's appointment. I'll admit I had a moment of extreme resentment this morning when I got up and saw it was raining, and no sunshine predicted for today. But then we got a lot done yesterday, got her medication refills opened and transferred to the bottles she can open, got her pill box filled up correctly for a week, got a slew of loose pills identified and put back in the correct bottles, and one bottle that had 3 meds in it, not one of them what was on the label, identified and properly located, got her AC arranged so it doesn't blow directly on her when she is in her chair, got a bunch of bottles, cans, and other things opened so she can use them, got her out to a short visit with her sister/my aunt, and I got to snap pictures of her after-appointment paperwork so I know what's going on. Which is a good thing because she keeps saying the doctor's office is going to make appointments with her cardiologist and dermatologist when the paperwork clearly states SHE needs to make the appointments. At least I'm getting set up so I don’t find out about appointments the day before and can plan for them better.

    The puppers are happier with the temp drop and certainly don't mind running around in the rain and then jumping up in my recliner or on me! Muddy paws everywhere! At least they are happy.

    Mommy--hope you got a storm that cooled things off without doing any damage. Congrats on finishing classes!

    Carole--that kind of hot and humid is not the norm for around here, except for the occasional head dome type weather phenomenon. Glad this one only lasted 3 days! Nice to have a Life is Good state of mind! I hope it lasts the weekend!

    Mallee--did you hear the iconic tah dum, tah dum when you saw the kittie tailfins circling you? That was a pretty impactful movie, still is as far as I'm concerned!

    Jazzy--I'm glad the fires are far away, but that can change so quickly with wildfires. The rain must be welcome. Good for the horses heading for safety!

    The Doctor


    • 2 ounces Swedish punsch
    • 1/2 ounce Jamaican rum
    • 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice


    1. Chill a glass in the freezer. Add the Swedish punsch, rum, and lime juice to a cocktail shaker. Fill the shaker with ice and shake for about 30 seconds or until thoroughly chilled.
    2. Double strain through a Hawthorne strainer and a fine mesh strainer into the chilled glass. Enjoy.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    What a cool picture of the horses. It looks like they're adults and youngsters. That made my day!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I just showed the picture of the horses to dh. He said, "Cool."

    Hope the weather and your mom cooperate so you can get out with the kayak, NM.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Today’s DOTD is a Corona with lime on the deck. It’s about 73 degrees with the breeze and this is my view 😁

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,924

    Mae, looks like bliss to me. I love the cloud shadows.
    Jazzy, thanks for the photos. For some reason the only news coverage of the fire is on BBC. I hope your area stays safe.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Illimae - I love that view 🤗

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,172

    We just got back home from a family reunion in Estes Park, up the mountains from Denver. We also had a day in Boulder, so we did the Celestial Seasonings tour and had tea service at Dushanbe Teahouse. The mountains were gorgeous, with just a little rain here and there.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Jazzy - thanks for the horse picture. I'm going to forward to my niece who is currently visiting a friend who lives totally off the grid in NM (Hola I think she said). At home in San Antonio, she has horses & donkeys & chickens & Longhorn steers & etc. and wants to have a horse rescue facility when she retires from her day job. Since she still has kids 10 & 8 & 3, that will be awhile.

    Mae -Oh wow - great view. I bet you're glad you're out of Houston. 96 again today.

    Miriandra - great tree and interesting tea house. I miss the mountains. But then I miss the Pacific ocean too.

    NM - glad you're getting a handle on Mom's doctor appointments, etc. But I do understand about the minor resentment. Hope there's a kayak day soon. But thank goodness you're retired!!!!! Sometimes I feel guilty saying that to friends who are still working. Like - I can sit in my recliner and read all day if I come across a great book. I might feel guilty, but I'm learning to live with the guilt. The recent drink pictures look delicious.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Love the view from Illimae's balcony.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,727

    Had a good thunderstorm come through yesterday. Today is the last day of the unbearably hot weather, might get a thunderstorm again later. Just waiting now for final grades which come out next week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Walked this morning when it was only 69degrees - by the time I was done it was already hot - 7:45-8:45. Now it's 95 degrees and brutally hot. I finished working in my son's old room in the basement and I sent my daughters pictures. The comment from one was "woaaaah" Yup. He hasn't lived here for several years, but just neglected it. It was easy to ignore since we never went in there. Threw out the broken computer desk and threw out his high school and college notebooks and took text books to Goodwill. Sense of accomplishment 😀

    Now I have to tidy up the crawl space - just re-stacking the containers that my daughter and I went through in April. Need to figure out what next to tackle. I have so much "stuff" that I don't use, some was my mother's and grandmother's and even though I don't use and it's sitting in cabinets/drawers etc, it's hard to part with. I need to get over the sentimental part, take pictures and then give it away. Other stuff I bought and sitting in boxes not used - thought I would use and have never opened the boxes - mostly kitchen stuff.

    We were in Goodwill the other day and they had bone china for practically nothing. I have my grandmother's - it's English bone china. I can't imagine taking it to Goodwill.

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday and staying cool.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Huge t-storms last night—always more impressive from a safe vantage point several stories up. Kitties were fascinated.

    With one last dinner at Joe’s, Dopff & Irion Cremant d’Alsace brut rosé.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! No kayaking yesterday, we were under a severe T-storm watch all afternoon and into the evening. Saw some lightning and heard a little distant thunder around 5 peeyem, just before the power went out. Initially predicted to be back on by 8:30 peeyem, came back on around 3 ayem. Supposed to be cloudy/rainy again today which is just as well as today's project will be to get Mom's internet and cable installation set up now that the problems and snags have been figured out.

    Hmm, I could have sworn I posted yesterday, but I don't see a post, so I must be catching memory loss from Mom!

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Carole--it rained all ayem Sunday, then we were under a severe thunderstorm watch for the afternoon and into the evening, not a good time to be out on the water! I'm hoping for the rain to let up tomorrow.

    Illi--perfect deck weather and a beautiful view!

    Morning, Wren and Jazzy!

    Miriandra--sounds like a great reunion/mini vacay!

    Minus--there will be plenty of kayak days, summer has just begun here. I am really coming to like this being able to put myself first and not have to work around a work schedule, even if I do feel a little guilty at times.

    Mommy--I'm sure your grades will be good. One of the advantages of going back to school later in life is not going through the anxiety produced by the grade-is-identity angst.

    Karen--Be careful walking in that kind of heat and humidity! I know you are, but it's scary how quickly heat exhaustion can set in. I really feel badly for people who have to work in these conditions, especially the road construction flaggers who have to wear the neon yellow jump suits for visibility. Going through stuff is hard. I have my maternal grandmother's china set, I'm not sure what to have done with it when I'm gone, no one else in the family wants it. It seems like things like china and such aren't being handed down through the generations as much anymore.

    Chi--I bet you had a great view of the storm! Glad the kitties weren’t scared.

    Strawberry Thunderstorm


    • 2 oz Vodka
    • 2 oz Cranberry Ginger Ale You can buy cranberry and ginger ale separately as well or just use Ginger Ale
    • Mint Leaves Optional

    Strawberry-Mint Ice Cubes (Fills 1 Ice-Cube tray)

    • 5-6 Strawberries
    • 4 Mint Leaves
    • 1/2 Juice of lime



    • In a blender; add roughly chopped strawberries (stem removed), mint leaves, lime juice and a splash of water. Blend well and pour in an Ice Cube tray and let it set in the freezer for a couple of hours!


    • Lightly crush the strawberry-mint cubes. I use a cloth and place Ice Cubes on it, cover and gently crush using any object in your kitchen. If you have a bartending set; you can use the crusher as well.
    • In a small glass; I prefer Whisky glasses for this drink. Fill the glass halfway through with crushed strawberry-mint ice cubes; add in Vodka and cranberry ginger ale.


    • Mix & Garnish with Mint leaves or Enjoy as is!

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Nice long walk at 7:30 this morning before it got too hot - I think it was already 70F - now at 10:30 it's 87F. Pulled a few weeds in the front yard, but had to stop as the sun was beating down on me. Will finish early tomorrow morning before walking.

    Yesterday we got to 98F and it's expected to get that hot today again. Believe it or not, 98F was not a record.

    Yesterday I tidied up my closet shelf - have lots of hats to give away - many were from my chemo days and others were from my late girlfriend who passed away in 1993 - I kept them in case she had granddaughters but she has 2 grandsons. I wanted to give them to American Cancer Society or other cancer organization, but I couldn't find anyone who takes hats, so I will donate them to where I donate clothing, furniture and housewares. Also got rid of multiple RFTC pink t-shirts and other t-shirts as I have several new ones from all different places. I don't wear t-shirts much so how many can a gal have! My two favorite are one my DD#2 got me that says F*** Cancer and the other is a MM long sleeve t-shirt with a hummingbird on it.

    Need to go see what I can do in the house besides play on the computer or color. I think I'll go in the crawl space and re-organize how the storage boxes are stacked. Not interested in going through other things to donate today. Will keep the momentos for a time when I want to take the time to decide, keep or keep for now or give away. Too much brain power for today.

    I have everything reading for DD#1 and DG who arrive tomorrow evening.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    It hit 100F degrees in Denver today. And it didn't even break the record of 105F. The last time Denver hit 100F was August 2022.

    Worked in the house again today - in the furnace room. Funny story (well not so funny) - Last week, I was positive I took fish out of the freezer for dinner. I always take it out the night before and put it in the fridge then take it out of the fridge in the morning. The next day, I couldn't find the fish anywhere. In my furnace room, I have my extra fridge, small freezer and an old, old stove that came with the house. It is not connected so I use it to put foil pans etc on it. It really needed tidying up. Low and behold, what did I find, the missing fish - it was on the stove. Thank goodness, I decided to tidy it up or who knows how long the fish would have stayed there. I took it our of the freezer Wednesday day!! The furnace room was smelling and Craig was convinced it was the big drain, but now not sure. But problem solved - fish went immediately in the trash - I couldn't even look at it. It is trash day and trash wasn't picked up yet so it didn't sit in the trash in the heat.

    Didn't make it into the crawl space. If I don't get to it in the morning, it will have to wait. I also want to tidy the spare bedroom closet floor.

    We are waiting till the sun starts going down to walk.

    24 hours or so till my DD and GD should be at the house. I can't wait.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 26

    An exhausting day of moving yesterday—including two trips between hotel & new house ferrying cats—we corralled Roxy easily enough but BangBang came out of hiding under the vanity behind the litterbox and promptly dug her claws into the carpet by the bed base and I had to leave her with Bob while the moving helper & I brought Roxy to the new house, set her up in a bathroom, and headed back to the hotel, where Bob had calmed Bang down enough for us to get her into her carrier. Unfortunately, she was so stressed out by the drive—and the litterbox was cleaned (the spare and the Genie went north with Roxy) and in the hall awaiting the luggage cart—that she howled and, uh, gushed out both ends along the way. That carrier is beyond repair (at least by me—not about to wash it out in the laundry sink and there's not enough bleach in the world). So we went to Costco, Target & Petsmart and had a light dinner at Chili's (ick). DOTD was a Skinnygorl Margarita (meh). Walked out into a torrential thunderstorm—that had not been predicted.

    Today, more household shopping and trying to figure out the TV (streaming-only!) and thermostat, then 6-mo mammogram (benign), picking up my Hooked on Fish order (the street it's on is under construction as is everything simultaneously in this city), then dropping the laundry order off at and collecting mail from our Chicago house, and finally getting home before Bob. Did some more setting up and went to dinner at L.Woods, where the DOTD was Athletic brand N.A. "Golden Dawn.”Meh.

    And I still forgot to take the mail and my water bottle out of my car (we took Bob's to dinner).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I finally got to take the kayak out yesterday. I had a wonderful paddle around a nearby lake where the water lilies are starting to bloom. The new kayak is a sit-on-top, the former was a sit-in, and there are some distinct differences. The new yak is more stable, but doesn't move as fast and is more affected by the breeze. New yak is MUCH lighter than the former and easier to manage getting into and out of the Jeep, and will fit IN the Jeep so I don’t have to be putting it on top. New yak is a bit wider than the former, so I've got to adjust my paddling a bit, but it's not a big thing. My feet actually reach some of the footrests in the new Yak, I didn't reach the closest comfortably in the former one. The new one is easier to get into and out of, no stepping over the side into or out of the boat. Probably much less graceful getting in and out, but since there was no one around to see but the birds, no big deal. I used the paddle that came with the new yak, the blades are much more flexible than my old paddle. I'm going to use the old paddles next trip to see if that makes a difference in the speed and glide of the new boat, but I suspect that is more a function of the hull differences than the paddle.

    Karen--Good for you having the discipline to get out and walk so early in the ayem! Yikes at the temps, and not even a record? Yowza. I'm surprised the American Cancer Society doesn't take hats, I would expect those would be in big demand, but then, what do I know? I bet you are looking forward to DD#1 and DG's visit! Oh my goodness, what a fishy find! So glad it could go straight into the trash.

    Chi--Poor BangBang! She must be traumatized by all the moving around, poor thing. Sometimes something is not worth trying to clean up and it is best to just let it go away with dignity and in peace! Now to get re-settled and re-establish a routine for the summer and fall.