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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

    Sandy, so sorry to hear about all the moving and schlepping and I feel for cats, who are territorial by nature. Life is so unfair. On that note, my DH is not doing well. We went to the emergency on Friday due to his high calcium levels and drop off in kidney function. 3-1/2 hours later and we had the weekend and labs re-drawn on Monday. He was admitted to the hospital on Monday afternoon. Calcium back up and worse kidney. 24 hour IV hydration, calcitonin and back on the dreaded jaw-necrosis-inducing drug, Prolia/denasumab. Brought him home yesterday afternoon…he won't eat, won't drink, hardly gets out of bed. I am a wreck. Not sure if I should call 911 and prolong something that may be imminent or just let him not eat and drink and die in his own surroundings or hope for a miracle or ????….call a home-nurse or …if I ask him, he's convinced everything is OK. UGH…denial. If anyone can guide me to make ethical and rational decisions, I welcome them.

    Weather has been great here but I know our warmup will come. I have 3 yards to deal with (DH volunteered us for 2 neighbors) so I hope I can keep it all together.

    gentle hugs to all dealing with health crap.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,958

    Wally, you and your dh are living proof that bad things happen to good people. I wish I could wish all this away for you. Hugs.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,958

    NM, glad you got out in the kayak. Enjoyed your description.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Wally, so sorry for what your DH is going through and for your travails as caregiver.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 410

    @nativemainer, I had to laugh when I saw the DOTD. I once had a cat called Abby (often known unkindly by relations as Fat Abs) that was a hypochondriac who also liked alcohol - a lot. You couldn't leave any sort of alcoholic drink unattended or she would be sipping/slurping, sucking it up. She also had a thing for perfume - but that is another story.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548

    Surgery went well today. Bye-bye ovaries! Took a pain pill and laid down for a bit when I got home. Even ate a light dinner!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,946

    Wallycat - I am not sure what advice I can give outside of your DH may need hospice.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 887

    Wallycat I offer support and understanding. Your talking to someone at hospice is a solid idea I think.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    mommy - hope your recovery from surgery is quick & easy. But don't push it. Take your time.

    Wally - Jazzy may have a great idea. How about home hospice?

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548
    edited June 27

    Minus- hubby is watching me like a hawk, so I can’t misbehave and do things I’m not supposed to. So far I am under orders to rest the rest of the week. The “kids” are being very good too. My dog Nugget has been letting his Daddy put him on my lap and he snuggles right up to my left side without hurting me. My cats Princess and Grace also have been cuddling with me by sitting on the arms of my recliner.Hubby wouldn’t even let me go with him to get my meds from the pharmacy last night. When we got home, he made me go change into pjs and pointed to my chair and told me to park myself unless I was getting up to use the bathroom, or getting something to drink or going upstairs to lay down for a bit.

    Glad to have my surgery for removal of my ovaries done and now behind me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854

    GoGood Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to a rainy ayem, hoping the rain will get and things will dry off again. Even the puppers aren't impressed with the rain this ayem.

    Wally--I am so sorry to hear what is happening with your DH. I recommend calling his PCP for a referral to have a nurse come to your home and do an evaluation for both Home Health and Hospice. Not because I think he's terminally ill at this point, but because that is the best way I know of for you and him to get all the information about what is happening and what your options are so you can make an informed decision about how to move forward. You are not obligated to sign on to any services when you get an evaluation, and the nurse will probably be able to give you contact information for other support services either way. I've done a lot of these evals in my career. Often the patient would talk with me about the situation when they would not talk to the spouse, and I was able to facilitate communication between the couple in a way they both were comfortable with. So don't be surprised if the nurse wants to talk with your DH alone for part of the eval. Hugs and prayers.

    Carole--glad you enjoyed the description, I really enjoyed the trip.

    Morning, Chi!

    Mallee--LOL at Abby! One of my brother and SIL's cats is a coffee drinker, all coffee cups have to be attended or covered or you end up drinking after the cat!

    Mommy--glad to hear surgery went well. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

    Morning, Jazzy, Reader, Minus

    Mommy--your DH sounds like the perfect after-surgery supervisor!

    Painkiller Rum Cocktail


    • 2 ounces Pusser’s rum
    • 4 ounces pineapple juice
    • 1 ounce orange juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1 ounce cream of coconut
    • Garnish: nutmeg, freshly grated
    • Garnish: pineapple wedge

    1. Add the rum, pineapple juice, orange juice and cream of coconut to a shaker with cubed ice and shake vigorously but briefly to combine.
    2. Strain into a hurricane glass or snifter over crushed ice.
    3. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg and a pineapple wedge.
    4. Serve with a straw.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548

    He is.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

    Thank you so much for your kindness and replies. DH made an about-face. He's up and walking and eating and even did 5 minutes on the stationary bike last night. WOOHOOO. Maybe he will be like all my cats and get 9 lives; here's hoping!! We have a PCP appointment on Tuesday and labs will be redone on Monday…we'll go from there. Can't thank you enough for caring and responding.

    I'm drinking a Grenache.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548

    Sticking to seltzer water today for pain meds

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 887

    So glad Wally!!

    Mommy sounds like a great plan. Rest easy today 👍❤️

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548


  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 410

    Very good news @wallycat about DH.

    @nativemainer - Abby was a very special kitty - one eye was actually larger than the other and she was perhaps the least intelligent kitty I have ever seen. My DS and BiL laughed themselves silly watching her trying to get through cat flap while kitty on the other side was slapping the flap back down on her. I miss her because as dumb as she was, her good nature shone through.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,946

    Wallycat - such good news.

    Mommy - take it easy after surgery. The changes to your body after ovary removal are not easy

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,544

    I thought I posted but don't see it, so posting again.

    My DD#1 an GD arrived 3 hours late on Wednesday. They were due in at 6pm and got in at 9pm. They were diverted to Omaha NE. I was almsot 10:30 by the time they got to the house. GD is now 13 months and walks all over the place, can climb up the stairs from their downstairs bedroom. She is a , fun busy little girl. They are here through next Saturday night leaving early Sunday the 7th on a 7:45 flight.

    Nothing special on the agenda. This afternoon GD played in the little wading pool we got her and she had fun.

    Have a great week-end.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548

    Just puttering around and enjoying my freshly repaired footrest on my recliner which the motor and controls died back over the winter.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Great news, Wally!

    m0mmy, take advantage of both your recliner and any help that's offered. Oopherectomy is major abdominal surgery, and your body needs to rest and heal. Increase your protein intake if you can, which will facilitate healing,

    The kitties are driving me nuts here, finding all sorts of high things to jump up on and cabinets to open. My cabinets back home were dark wood with "finger holds" at the bottom of the doors to open them, and they closed magnetically. This house's cabinets lack magnets, and are maple with brass handles. I fear that even if we could find a visiting vet, they'd easily hide.

    We have neither recliners, lounge chairs, nor ottomans/footrests here. Mirrors, but not full-length. Vanities with under-sink storage but no medicine cabinets. Kitchen cabinets have odd-size shelves that don't accommodate some food packages, and the spice cabinet is only 4" wide, I am buying all sorts of stuff we need that the place lacks, but trying to exercise restraint because we'll have to haul it away when we finally move back home (which will be a challenge, weeding through boxes to determine what to keep). No work has been done yet—not sure if code inspections have been scheduled. Only after those can we know what needs doing—and apply for the permits to have it done. I suspect we may be here for a year. Meanwhile, as more stuff arrives, more boxes need to be broken down & discarded. Our next-door neighbors are in Europe till 7/7, so we can and will likely fill all their garbage carts. (Lincolnwood doesn't do recycling, just weekly garbage/trash).

    Bought champagne for our 53d anniv. last night, but given the debacle in prime time, we were in no mood to celebrate. Had a little Carignane with reheated leftover BBQ. Tonight after my Wayfair misadventure (see the "Older" thread), we went out for tapas in the old 'hood (had to pick up a laundry-service delivery), and DOTD was Juve Campos rose brut cava. Been mainlining Nespresso shots all day.

    Tomorrow, Gordy will Uber it up here. We'll have a late lunch before heading up to Ravinia to see Roger Daltrey. The seasonal buffet restaurant we loved at the park has become a craft-cocktail lounge, and the sit-down a la carte on site restaurant has been booked for weeks. Deciding whether to drive up there, or drive 15 min. back to Edgewater, park (hoping to find a pay space), and take the Metra (UP North) train from the new Edgewater station up to Ravinia. (Either way, we'll drive him home, of course). Sunday, friends from Morton Grove are going to pick us up for dinner at a restaurant they like (and they've never steered us wrong about restaurants).

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548

    I am Sandy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I was hoping to take the kayak out again today, but
    it's going to be rainy with a good chance of thunderstorms today. I won't go
    for a paddle if there is a decent chance of thunder and lightning, too risky
    with the way the wind can whip up enough wave action to dump me and with cloud
    to ground lightning strikes getting more common, the last place I want to be is
    out on a lake by myself! Besides, it's more fun to watch a thunderstorm from
    inside the house with the puppers.



    Wally--so good to
    hear DH made a turn-about!


    Mommy--hugs. Keep up
    those pain meds, don't let things get ahead of you!


    Morning, Reader.


    Mallee--if your Abby
    was as dumb as some of the dumb dogs I've met, I bet she had you well trained
    and got her way most of the time! The dogs I've known that were considered dumb
    or stupid where outrageously adept at getting what they wanted from us!


    Morning, Jazzy!


    Karen--sorry to hear
    DD#1 and GD were late getting in, but glad they got in safely. I know the
    weather has been playing havoc with travel plans recently. It sounds like GD
    has gotten to the point of being a lot of fun to interact with and showing some
    personality. Enjoy your visit!


    Mommy--great timing
    on the recliner repair! Now take as much advantage of it as you can while your
    insides recover from being rearranged.


    Chi--is the house
    you are in now a place that is normally rented short term? It doesn’t sound
    like it's very thoughtfully furnished. Do you really think it's going to take a
    year to repair everything? There must have been a lot of damage done! I hope
    you and Gordy have a nice visit!


    Late Checkout Cocktail


    Souchong Infused Peach Liqueur

    grams loose Lapsang Souchong Tea

    ounces peach liqueur, such as Giffard Peche de Vigne


    Checkout Cocktail

    ounces blanco tequila

    ounce strawberry simple syrup

    ounce lime juice

    ounce Lapsang Souchong Infused Peach Liqueur

    ounces vanilla simple syrup

    ounces soda water



    the peach liqueur:

    loose tea and liqueur in a small bowl. Allow mixture to infuse at room
    temperature for about 1 hour. Strain liqueur and pour into an airtight bottle
    until ready to use.


    an individual cocktail:

    the tequila, strawberry simple syrup, lime juice, Lapsang Souchong Infused
    Peach Liqueur and vanilla simple syrup into a cocktail shaker. Shake all
    ingredients quickly until well combined, about 15-30 seconds. Strain mixture
    into a Collins glass. Top with soda water and add ice. 



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,548

    Native, taking Tylenol when I need them. Really listening to my body when it complains.