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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Started a post and lost it when I hit some button on the keyboard so I'll start over.

    Weather is pleasant today - but it is heating up. By Friday the temperature will be triple digits. Too hot for my blood but we won't be here, but it will be hot where we are traveling.

    Saw the podiatrist this morning as my foot has been bothering me more and more. Even so, I still walk. There really is no non surgical option, though he doesn't push surgery. He mentioned three types of surgery and which he thought was bests for me due to my activity level and being "mature" - his way as saying "old". I will see how things go on our trip as I will be wearing my running shoes more (I don't run) and anything touching my bunion causes pain. I live in my Chaco sandals. I'm leaning toward the surgery but need to figure out timing. He said only a couple days off work, but I plan to take a couple weeks. I would see him 2 weeks prior to surgery then need medical clearance from my PCP.

    Speaking of PCP, I made an appointment for tomorrow. Still coughing, running nose, headache etc.

    Working on getting organized and packing today. Getting 33 days of meds ready is a challenge. I will take one week containers (am/pm) then the Rx bottles and putting the OTC in little zipper bags. Clothes wise, I will take 10 days or so worth of clothes as we having a washing machine in the Airbnb. Skirts I have figured out - just need to decide on tops so I don't take too many.

    Carole, I had an MRI of my back a few years ago and it showed arthritis - nothing too bad I'm guessing but it does bother me at times. I am young, or at least I like to think I am at 68 but I have a long list of things I deal with. I guess as long as I'm on this side of the grass I need to be thankful. My mother was healthy till her last few years when she developed a degenerative neurological disease and she only lived to 82. Her mother and grandmother were also relatively healthy and lived to 88 or 89.

    Minus - how is the weather by you? Did you loose power?

    Sandy - missing your posts. Hope all is well with you and your husband.

    We have A/C in our den and it is on 24/7. It cools a lot of the house. In our bedroom we have a ceiling fan and my husband has a standing fan he likes. At night we open the windows then close them early in the morning.

    Cilantro is okay but I don't cook with it, but if it's in a dish, I will eat it.

    Well, I best get busy if I want to get everything done.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,105

    Karen, 68 is young. Enjoy your trip.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I am definitely doubling up on the water intake today. It's currently 84 degrees, with a heat index to 96 due to the heat index of 66% and dew point of 72 degrees. Just plain yuck. Even the puppers are just laying around snoozing and doing nothing. Still, it's better than what my brother and his wife are dealing with today, currently 88, heat index of 100 with 69% humidity and a 76 degree dew point. They've got a heat advisory on for their area.

    Carole--it's possible to have normal bone density and bone or joint deterioration simultaneously. Deterioration is the wearing and damage done by use/overuse/arthritis/injury, can and does occur with normal bone density. Low density bone deteriorates more quickly than normal density bone under stress. Good idea to start the back pain exercises as early as possible. Mom has had back issues as long as I can remember, and when she could get down on the floor and do them she managed much better.

    Karen--arrgh, hate it when losing something that way! I've got bunions, too, and I hear you about them hurting when wearing shoes. I wear sandals and crocks or crock-type shoes except for dressy times, and that helps. I hope you can avoid surgery, or if not, recover very quickly. I'm glad to hear 68 is still young, I've been feeling a bit old since I retired, and I'm only 65!

    Morning, Carole!

    Toes in the Sand



    • Pour coconut water into a mini ice tray and freeze until the cubes are hardened.
    • Fill a mason jar with the coconut ice cubes.
    • Shake all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker, then pour into the mason jar over the coconut ice cubes.
    • Sprinkle with freshly ground nutmeg, them garnish with a pineapple cube and a pineapple frond.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I have a bunion and bought a pair of Hoka Gaviotos. They are meant for stability and ave a wide toe box. Very comfortable although a little clunky looking. I would like a pair in white for summer but only with a great sale

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,105

    Wren, I have been wearing Hokas for 6 or 7 years. My podiatrist likes the wide toe box. They are definitely clunky looking.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! We got a wild thunder bumper here yesterday afternoon. Wind gusts has some of the trees practically bent in half, nearby places got some good sized hail. I got some close lightning which thankfully stays up in the clouds and an absolute deluge of heavy rain for a bit. The power flickered but didn't go out completely this time around. I guess it's getting to the point where there aren't many more branches or weak trees that can come down in the wind. Poor Zoe was just shaking all over, wanted to get in my lap and at the same time wanted to be away from the windows. Fortunately, the storm didn't last very long.

    Got to get set up today for CPR classes tomorrow. Initial certification in the ayem, recertifications in the peeyem. I found out the Director isn't there anymore, not sure what other changes have happened. Should be interesting to find out.

    Jazzy--Love the "Bucket List" balloon!

    Wren--wowzy, those are expensive shoes! But worth it if they are comfortable.

    Carole--in my mind, clunky in shoes means comfortable. Pretty means painful to wear.

    Good Morning to everyone!

    Broken Shoe Shiner




    • Add all ingredients to your tin.
    • Dry shake until egg white is aerated and frothy.
    • Add a big rock of ice or three Kold Draft Cubes.
    • Shake 8-10 seconds.
    • Double strain into a coupe or cocktail glass.
    • Enjoy!

    From <>

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    In two weeks I will be no longer in Connecticut, but on my way home to Wisconsin forever! The house has sold! We are doing our own packing and have movers to transport everything out there! Going to have to find a place to rent until next Spring when we will officially be moving into our forever home!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,393

    Where in WI will you go, Mommyof3? I've often thought about moving back…friends, family, cost of living…

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716
    edited July 10

    To the Northwoods area. Have property in Gordon to build the house on. Will have to rent until next Spring though and it looks like we might have found a rental in Superior until then.

    It will be so much cheaper living back home than Connecticut has become. So ready to live out the rest of my life in a rural area.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Today was packing day (I've had everything set out, just needed to put in luggage), ran a couple quick errands and mani/pedi the kids gave me for my birthday. I waited till the trip so my hands will last more than a couple days.

    Saw a NP at PCP office yesterday. I've only seen her once or twice before. She gave me an Rx as she asked if I was prone to sinus infections (yes - 2 in past 6 months) and were these symptoms typical - yes. I had one dose at dinner yesterday. I never felt truly awful, but was tired of hacking away, drippy nose and headache. Still coughing and stuffy nose.

    Needed to stay organized today so I'm wasn't doing anything last minutes. Unfortunately, I have a little too much produce that will have to be given away or thrown away. Thankfully a friend could take a lot of it, but I still have to through our milk and cream cheese. I had everything stuffed in our spare fridge last week till the new one arrived on Friday, some food got hidden!!

    Weather is heating up in Denver. Tomorrow 96, then triple digits next 3 days and 98 on Monday. So we are going from hot to hot!!

    Now at 10:30, everything is ready to go. Need to make lunches to take with us. Be sure to empty the fridge, take out the trash and figure out what lights to leave on. Our son will check on the house weekly to water inside and outside plants. A friend is plant sitting my hanging basket and another plan. She has a green thumb so hopefully they will do better.

    We don't need to leave for the airport till 9, but I plan to get up at 5 so I can do my under the desk elliptical, shower and walk all by 8 - DH will call Uber at 8:30. Our flight is at 11:40. It will be a long travel day!

    Sweet dreams

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Karen, sending you good wishes for safe travels. Sounds like a busy day today.

    Not much going on here. Making granola for DH. I found a grain-free, gluten-free recipe that everyone likes. We’re not grain or gluten-free, but my DIL is and she likes this one. She’s NOT high maintenance at all, but since she and my DS are coming to see us in a couple of weeks WITH MY NEW GRANDDAUGHTER, I want to have lots of stuff she can eat.

    Stay safe, everyone!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,105

    Safe travels, Karen. I admire your organizational skills.

    Sunshine, you're a thoughtful MIL. Congratulations on the new grandbaby!

    Hi to everyone else.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Bon voyage, Karen!

    Sorry for my absence—still settling in, dealing with insurance, texts & calls, minor med stuff and of course the kitties. We finally cracked the anniversary champagne (Nicolas Feuillatte) and killed it off tonight. (Had to teetotal Tues. Wed. because of minor surgery—squamous excision—Tues. morning).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! I had a good time at the old office getting caught up on all the changes--and there have been a LOT of changes! The director left and a new director is place. One of the Patient Care Managers left the position and went back to staff (interestingly, it was the nurse I thought would get chewed up and spit out much like I was). Several of the best staff have left to work with the director who left and has started a brand new hospice agency in the area! It was the Volunteer Coordinator's last day, he is leaving to teach culinary arts at the local Job Corp. I saw almost no one in the office apart from office-based staff unless they were coming in specifically for CPR. Such a big change in atmosphere.

    My arms and shoulders are pretty sore today from doing chest compressions on the manikins off and on all day yesterday. I keep forgetting how physically hard doing CPR is.

    Mommy--congrats on the house selling! Are you building a new forever home in Wisconsin? You sound really excited. I'm happy for you!

    Morning, Wally!

    Mommy--aha, you are building! It must be quite the experience to design and build your own home.

    Karen--glad to hear you got a jump on the sinus infection. Those are truly miserable, especially when traveling. You sure are going from hot to hotter, temp wise! Prayers for safe and uneventful travels!

    Sunshine--you must be excited to see the new granddaughter! Of course that makes it reasonable to pamper the DIL a little bit!

    Morning, Carole!

    Chi--glad to hear things are progressing for you. The anniversary champagne sounds lovely! Hope the kitties are getting settled in a bit.


    Ingredients - Yields 1 Cocktail

    -4 lime skins

    -8 oz. of raw cane sugar

    -8 oz. of hot water

    -2 oz. of Maple Cask Rum

    -½ oz. of Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur

    -¼ oz of. Lime juice

    -¼ oz. of lime oleo-saccharum

    -3 dashes of Angostura Bitters

    Lime Oleo-Saccharum Instructions:

    Remove zest from 4 lime skins (just the zest, and none of the white pith). In a bowl, combine the zest with 8 oz. of raw cane sugar. Muddle the sugar and lime zest together for several minutes to release oils from the zest, then place it in a closed container overnight. After infusing overnight, add 8 oz. of hot water and dissolve the sugar. Strain the liquid to remove all lime zests. 

    Cocktail Instructions:

    Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain over a large ice cube in a rocks glass. Garnish with a lime wheel, and enjoy!

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,105

    Today is our 55th wedding anniversary. Hope I'm not repeating myself. I post on three forums. We're celebrating with dinner at a favorite restaurant. They have a great cocktails menu as well as good food.

    Mommyof3, you're the first person I've known who lives in Connecticut. Good luck on your move to Wisconsin.

    NM, all the changes at the old job office aren't surprising.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716
    edited July 12

    Native, we have to rent a place until next Spring but we have land there and are going to put a modular home on it.

    Carols, thank you! I would love to meet you and your DH sometime when you come north for a summer and Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,393

    Happy Anniversary, Carole. 55 is impressive! DH and I will be celebrating our anniversary on Sunday (Bastille day; I picked it so I could remember it, LOL). 31 years for us and thrilled to have him still here.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    I can never forget the date of my anniversary as it was also my late best friend’s birthday and the day before what was my mom and Daddy’s anniversary. Was shocked about the latter when hubby and I set the date for our wedding and my older sister piped up that the next day would have been our parents anniversary had Daddy was still living and they stayed married.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,167
    edited July 13

    As of July 6, my former employer was in violation of his second deadline to pay the penalties owed for our unpaid wages complaint. The CDLE (Colorado's dept of labor) found that he owed us the maximum amount of backpay allowable; and, since it was deemed willful, he was fined penalties equaling 3x the backpay owed (non-willful penalties are 2x backpay), plus additional penalties to the state. But the state is kind and merciful. If he paid it off early, they would halve the penalties owed us and waive the state penalties.

    When we received our backpay checks we thought he had finally given up and would take the reduced penalties deal. Then, a few days before the penalties checks were due, he decided to appeal the "willful" part of the decision and sent checks for half of what the penalties would have been if the finding had been non-willful - 1x backpay instead of 1.5x backpay.

    In doing so, he shot himself in the foot so hard. One of the requirements for the reduced penalties is that the defendant doesn't appeal the amount of monies owed to the complaint filers. (They can still appeal any procedural orders handed down, but not money.) So even if the appeals judge finds in his favor, he will owe us the 2x backpay penalty and will have to write us another check for another 1x our backpay. But now that he's violated his second deadline, the penalties go up half-again from 3x to 4.5x backpay owed. Either way, he will owe us more money for the sake of his ego.

    If this goes the maximum in our favor, this whole saga will cost him just over $500,000. That will be some tasty karma.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Ouch! He should have done the right thing!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    yep! The modular home floor plan we picked has only one floor and would have the laundry on the main level but I didn’t want to have a huge problem in case we had a water leak from the washer, so that will be converted to a pantry and the laundry will be in the basement. Already looking at paint colors for the rooms, not a fan of all white or grey walls.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    What had been a good day has turned to crap for me. I just found out that a dear friend I met when I was going for my Associates Degree has passed.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Mommy, sorry for the loss of your friend. Good luck with your move

    Carole, happy anniversary

    Sandy - glad to see you posting

    Kim - just re-affirms you made the right choice leaving

    We arrived Friday afternoon and our daughter met us at the airport as she was spending Shabbat with us. She had picked up prepared food and had all her stuff. The rental car was packed!!! Today we will just chill and do some food shopping. Tuesday and Thursday we have two volunteer events. Thursday is going south and ending the day on a military base make a BBQ for soldiers. Next Sunday we are doing another BBQ. Tuesday is going to a microgreens farm and helping. Today and tomorrow, we will try to get some more volunteer events to participant in again. Some are only planned a week in advance.

    Hot here, but not as hot as Denver who broke a record at 102!!

    Stay safe everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,105

    I hope you and your dh and daughter stay safe, Karen.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Thanks Karen

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! It rained off and on all day yesterday, with thunderbumpers in the afternoon and evening. The forecast is for no rain today, no talk of t-storms, so I may take the kayak out today. Still hot and sticky humid here, but at least it cools off some overnights. Even the puppers are being lazy during the daytime hours.

    Carole--HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope your dinner was wonderful and the cocktails fun and very good. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at all the changes in the old office, the only real constant in health care these days is change, after all.

    Mommy--aha! You already have land, that is a great thing. I hear there are some really nice modular home available these days. Good for you!

    Wally--HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! 31 years is no small accomplishment.

    Mommy--what a coincidence about the anniversary dates.

    Miriandra--oh my goodness, how idiotic can your former employer get? Or is he getting some really bad advice from someone? Not that it matters, it seems it will all come about to benefit you and financially hurt him. Karma really can be a sweet biotch!

    Mommy--it sounds like you get a lot of personalization options in the new home! Don't blame you about the potential water damage. What colors are you considering? Do you get free choice or choose from a palette of colors?

    Mommy--so sorry for the loss of your friend. Hugs.

    Karen--you are right about it being a good time for me to get out of the workforce. Such craziness going on and none of it do I have to pay one whit of attention to anymore! Glad you arrived safely, sounds like you are having a great visit and very productive time. Enjoy and still be careful of the heat.

    Anniversary Cocktail

    • 12 Raspberries
    • 2 oz Raspberry Vodka
    • ½ oz Cointreau
    • ½ oz Chambord
    • 1 oz Lime Juice
    • ¾ oz Simple Syrup


    1. Muddle 10 raspberries in a cocktail shaker.
    2. Fill the shaker ⅔ full with ice.
    3. Add all other ingredients and shake vigorously.
    4. Using a fine-mesh strainer, strain shaker contents (to remove raspberry seeds) into a rocks glass half-filled with ice.
    5. Garnish with leftover raspberries.


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    I am looking at paint colors online from different suppliers and picking that way. We have to have our own painter for this but the contractor knows some painters.

    Today was post-op with my GYN, now cleared for 15 pounds lifting. Next week I can go back to full lifting capacity. Incisions are all healed.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Checking in after 7 LONG hot days with no power. Most days were 96+ with a heat index of 110+ and I was grateful if it got down to 80 at night. Barely tolerable with a portable battery fan running while I slept. Thanks everyone for thinking of me. Like Carole, I only post on a couple of threads but lots of messages when you miss a full week.

    Happy Anniversary Carole & Wally. Jazzy - love the balloon. NM - the drinks are great. How often will you teach the CPR classes? Safe trip Karen and happy moving plans mOmmy. Miriandra - hooray, the win's keep coming.

    I've been wearing Hokas for 10 years since neuropathy from chemo (thank you cancer). Yup they're 'clunky' & expensive, but well worth it. I even have a pair of solid black that I wear to dressy events with long black pants.

    Need to start several loads of washing. Monday is wash day right?? LOL

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Awesome to hear from you Minus! Was very worried for you!