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how about drinking?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    wally - fingers crossed for a great PET. I started to say "positive", but that's a negative result.

    Unfortunately Tequila makes me crazy. I love Margaritas, but don't ever order.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning,Loungettes!  Happy Saturday! Another beautiful day shaping up here, so nice to see the sun out but the temps not over mid 80s. Got to get some laundry washed and hung out to dry today.

    Minus--I hadn't noticed the YUZU  juice ingredient, will have to look it up, too. Fun to find out about different things like this. Glad the winds are behaving even if it's raining.

    Wren--sometimes I'm jealous of people who can go to different ethnic stores for things. It's a 2 hour drive to the closest one to me, which happens to be Asian.

    Karen--It sounds like you are having a great vacation! So fun to run into people you know while away, and you seem to be running into quite a few of them. Sorry about the pain in  your foot, but glad you can work through it for this trip and get it fixed before the next one. It does take longer to heal as we get older, as much as I hate to admit it!

    Carole--so glad you enjoyed your Margarita and your meal!

    Wally--praying for good results for DH's scan. Hugs for missing Goldie.


    Yuzu Margarita


    • 1 oz yuzu super juice, or 100% yuzu extract
    • 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
    • 1 oz Cointreau or triple sec
    • 1 1/2 oz blanco tequila
    • 1 oz simple syrup or agave syrup, or less depending on sweetness preference
    • 1 small pinch coarse salt
    • ice, for shaking and serving
    • 1 lime wheel, for garnish, optional
    • 2 tbsp kosher salt or sugar , optional, for the rim


    • If salting or sugaring the rim of your serving glass, add two tablespoons to a shallow dish or bowl. Dip the top of the cocktail glass in water or run a lime wedge around the top of the glass to moisten it, then dip it into the salt or sugar. Let it dry until set while you prepare the yuzu margarita.
    • Slice the lime in half, reserving one half for juicing into the cocktail mixture. Carefully slice thin wheels from the other half to use for garnish. To make a lime wheel, make a slice halfway through the lime and twist apart in opposite directions to form a spiral shape.
    • Measure and add all ingredients to your Boston shaker or cocktail shaker. Add ice, then seal tightly and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds, or until adequately chilled.
    • Add ice to your serving glass, then strain the margarita through a Hawthorne strainer or fine mesh strainer. Garnish with a lime wheel (optional) and serve immediately. Cheers!



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Oh NM - yes hugs for Goldie - and some tears too.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581

    Skipped reading posts, but I will go back and read later. It is hot and humid, but we have been having rains and that cools it off a bit. I took 2 of my granddaughters to Savannah GA for a few days, the girls are so fun and we had a great time. One of my gd is working in Yellowstone Park for a few months this summer. She is in Mammoth Springs working at a restaurant there. She is a bit homesick, but it is such a great experience for her. Her first customers at the restaurant were from our town there on vacation. Small world. I have never been there, but want to go. My mom is doing ok, but she has chronic diarrhea and that is hard to deal with for her and the rest of us. I told her when she dies her headstone will say "She's pooped out" lol She laughed. My son is in the hospital right now with a bowel obstruction, I think from scar tissue from previous surgeries. They have him scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. I have been having a glass of wine in the evenings, it calms me down a bit after dealing with my mom. I love her, but she drives all of us crazy. I always think about you NM and your mom, I have my 2 sisters here to help. My mom lives by me, so I see her more than the others. My older sister came and stayed the day with her yesterday, and she called me up and felt bad that I have her everyday. She just randomly comes up with new diseases and new diets she has to be on because of the diseases. We just keep trying to keep her eating to get nutrition.

    I hope all is good for all of you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning,Loungettes!  Happy Monday Monkey day! Waking up to a hazy, cloudy day today. Smoke from wildfires in Canada are having quite the effect. They do give us some intense and beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Every once in a great while I think I smell smoke or something like it, but I expect that is from neighbors grilling or burning trash or brush.I've finally been able to sit out on the deck and read and sip wine coolers some afternoons without it being too hot and humid or too buggy. I'm a little worried about what I've been hearing about another heat dome forming, though.

    The puppers say Woof to everyone.

    Misty--sounds like you and the GDs had a wonderful trip! LOL at your Mom's headstone inscription! But chronic diarrhea can't be very much fun for any of you. Prayers for a successful surgery and fast recovery for your DS. I love my Mom, too, and hear you about the being driven crazy part. I certainly look forward to a glass of wine or a cocktail when I get home after visiting with her. My mom is eating well, at least. What drives me crazy is the repetition of stories and questions and losing/misplacing things. But we love them, and carry on, because we know we won't have them around forever.

    Georgia Sunset


    • 1 cup ice cubes, or as needed
    • 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger brandy
    • 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger peach schnapps
    • 1 fluid ounce grenadine syrup
    • ¼ cup chilled lemon-lime soda


    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice; add brandy, peach schnapps, and grenadine. Cover and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted. Strain into a glass.



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,104

    Good afternoon! The lounge is quiet. I'm looking forward to my vodka martini on the rocks with multiple olives at 5 pm. That's our ritual, cocktails at 5. DH will be making himself a bloody mary with his own mix that includes clamato juice. He adds pickle spears. Normally he has a gin martini on the rocks, also loaded with olives.

    Hope everyone is keeping cool and feeling good.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581

    Carole, I think that you have found the perfect sauce to serve your olives in.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    I had a pinot grigio then some chardonnay poured in with some of the remaining Pinot. My personal "blend" that the ladies at Mahjongg got a kick out of.

    Carole your DH clamato makes me want a bloody mary. That Georgia sunset is looking good too, NM.

    Due to the weather I've felt a migraine possibly starting so I had no business drinking at all tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will not deem it a regrettable decision. Thankfully for me that association is not consistent but it's a bit of roulette. 🥴😏

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    I also want a bloody mary - but I make them with V-8. Maybe tomorrow afternoon.

    Reader - fingers crossed that you don't get a headache.

    NM - I will try mixing the brandy & the peach schnapps, but since I don't favor sweet drinks, I'll pass on the grenadine. And I'm not a big fan of club soda, so I'll likely just skip that too. I'll report back after I try this.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning,Loungettes!  Happy Hump Day! Taking Mom to a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Thank goodness we arranged to have the office call me with reminders, Mom thought her appointment was yesterday at2:15, it's actually today at 2:45. How she can write down appointment information and lose it between 2 phone calls totally baffles me, but she does it regularly. I've also noted that she thinks all he medical appointments areat 2:15. Not sure where that comes from, would be interesting to know.

    Carole--great ritual, the 5:00 martini!

    Misty--LOL at the olive sauce!

    Reader--interesting blend you've got there! I hope the migraine never materialized.

    Minus--That is a lot of grenadine, isn't it? Usually it's just a splash or two for color. Do you like tonic water? I know people who substitute tonic water for club soda in drinks. I find tonic water awfully bitter.





    • Shake ingredients together with 4 ice cubes.
    • Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and garnish with a slice of orange.




  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Now you all having me craving a Bloody Mary, or in my case, a Virgin Mary. I like the spicy tomato juice (or V8) with a splash of Worschestshire (or however it's spelled) and a stalk of celery.



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    NM - Docs in Houston usually close for lunch between 12 noon and 2pm. Maybe the 2:15 is their first appointment after lunch? Hope the doc appointment went well.

    Yes I love tonic water & often drink it straight with just a lime. But I don't care for Club Soda. Weird I know. I don't think the two are similar enough to switch out.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday's rain never materialized, which was just as well as I picked up Mom at the garage (getting her driver side mirror replaced), then we went Goodwill shopping for a carpet sweeper (no, not a vacuum cleaner, she has 2, neither work to her satisfaction and both are too heavy for her to use comfortably with the arthritis in her hands), stopped for lunch, to her doctor's appointment, and back to pick up her car. I now know that if I am within 4 car lengths of the car ahead of me I am tailgating, and if I don't have my driver's side wheels on or over the yellow line I am swerving into the breakdown lane and must be sleepy and need to stop and take a nap. She is such a nervous rider, she makes me jump when she jumps or stomps her foot on her invisible breaks. I swear she can see a red light 6 miles down the road, around a corner and behind a hill, but she can NOT see the car in the on coming lane that is straddling the yellow line! It actually got to be kind of funny, and I made it into a bit of a game for a while, predicting what would make her jump or try to break. I got pretty good at it!

    Carole--I've always been hesitant to try a Bloody Mary. I like tomato juice but do not like spicy stuff like horseradish or Worschestershire (or however it's spelled, Mom calls it Philadelphia Sauce).

    Minus--The doc appointment went very well. She was in and out in 20 minutes, the doc saw her in between patients so she was done and out at 2:32. Doc put her on a new blood pressure medication, wants her to monitor her blood pressure at home again for a while, so I've ordered an automatic BP monitor for her. I think she has 2:15 on her mind as appointment time because she had a couple of appointments in a row at that time, so in her mind, that became the time. Mom doesn’t have typical dementia symptoms, but she does have some very odd quirks of reasoning and some specific memory problems that make me think she may have had some mini-strokes that have left her with some specific cognitive deficits. The hardest part is that she is very aware of and frustrated by not being able to recall names of things and people or be able to remember a phone number or appointment date/time long enough to go to the calendar and write it down. I suppose Club Soda and Tonic Water aren't interchangeable, now that I think about it.

    The Yellow Line

    2 ounces Avuá Oak Cachaça
    ¾ ounce lemon juice
    ⅜ ounce honey-turmeric syrup (see below)
    ⅜ ounce ginger syrup, like Ginger People ginger syrup
    Lemon wheel, for garnish
    Cayenne pepper, for garnish

    In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add all ingredients except garnishes. Shake well, and strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with lemon wheel and dusting of cayenne pepper.

    Honey-Turmeric Syrup Ingredients
    2 cups honey
    1 cup water
    1 tablespoon turmeric powder
    Honey-Turmeric Syrup Directions
    Combine honey and water in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until the ingredients incorporate, about 3–5 minutes. Add turmeric and stir until dissolved.


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716
    edited August 1

    Hi all!

    Well the move went somewhat okay, except not everything got put on the truck so we had to go back to Connecticut to get what got left behind by the guy who was moving our stuff. Not happy about that! Otherwise the only problem we had the whole trip was that the alternator and battery decided to give up the ghost on us, luckily we were able to get that fixed at a dealership in Michigan right next to where we were staying for the night. Made a point of going to my Daddy's grave the next morning and told him that his baby girl was finally home for good. Hoping to be back to home in time from getting the stuff that was left behind to go to Daddy's grave again for his birthday and my maternal grandmother's a few days later for their birthdays. Felt good to go to his grave and not cry my eyes out at a visit, felt like a piece of my heart has mended finally.

    Hubby and I said that when the new house is finally ready next year, we are not doing a self-move again! We have had enough with self-moves and the problems it brings!

    In better news, we have started the process of getting everything changed over from Connecticut to our new state! Went to our property and were pleased at the progress that has been made so far. The trees that were standing where the house and well and septic placements were planned have been taken out and it looks much different and more open.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy TGIF day! Another day with a  heat advisory in effect for the afternoon and scattered thunderstorms predicted. Got to remember to drink more this time around and avoid the leg cramps when I try to walk around. Got to remind the mother to drink extra today, too. And keep an eye on the puppers' water bucket.

    Mommy--It sounds like the move went reasonably well, despite the hiccups. Time does mend the broken heart. I think it's a good idea not to move yourselves next time, somethings are easier/better with money thrown at them! I can imagine it's quite the process getting everything changed over from one state to another, it's a big enough job just moving from one town to another in the same county!

    Thinking of everyone not currently posting.

    Smooth Mover


    Sambuca  30ml

    Cola  550ml


    Add both ingredients to a highball glasswith ice

    Stir and serve



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Well, we've been here 3 weeks now. The time is going so fast. We leave in just over 1 week - late next Saturday night :( I really don't want the time to end, but something called work gets in the way. Our daughter is busy with school/exams etc so we only see her Friday afternoon and Saturday. Last week-end she stayed till Sunday and we helped her pack as she is moving in 3.5 weeks - and she has a mover!

    Mommy - glad your move went relatively well.

    Kim - sounds like retirement really agrees with you.

    Sandy - hope all is well with you.

    To everyone I've not addressed hope you are doing well.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,104

    Mommyof3, you seem very happy with your move. It must have been the right decision.

    I'm not looking forward to my project for the day. Cleaning the carpet in the 5th wheel. True, the space is small but there's a lot of moving stuff out of the way. It's mainly the traffic path that will get my attention. I brought my carpet cleaner with us and it's easy to operate. First I have to do a thorough vacuuming.

    DH went to the golf course so he's out of the way.

    Hope everyone has a more interesting day ahead.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Last full day here back in Connecticut! Tomorrow we get our stuff and head back home! Can't wait!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning,Loungettes!  Happy Saturday! I’m going to see the mother today, she's ordered some haddock off a friend's boat and we're going to go pick it up and then take it home and package and freeze it. It comes in 20 pound lots, Mom will want me to take half because her freezer will be too full otherwise. That lasts me a looong time, even as much as I love good haddock! The heat and humidity have come back, the puppers are lying about not moving around a lot this ayem. Their usual ayem wrestle session was pretty short. It was sprinkling rain at the time, but that doesn't  usually interfere with pounce and wrestle time.

    Karen--it seems like you have been away for quite a while, but I bet the time is passing much faster for you. I'm glad you're having such a good time.

    Mommy--there always seems to be that one job  that has to be done that isn't liked at all. It will feel good to get it over with, I'm sure. At least it's a small space, but sometimes small spaces can be really challenging to work in! I bet you will be excited to get back to your new home!

    A funner Bloody Mary recipe:



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi everyone - happy August 🌻

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,104

    Fresh haddock. Lucky you, NM. And I'm the carpet cleaner, not Mommyof3.

    We're in for a week with cooler temperatures. Our neighbor, Mary, is grumbling and we're cheering. Yay!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    After having dealt with moving in the nasty heat and humidity, I am looking forward to cooler weather. I have a special appointment planned on Tuesday morning; I am going to my Daddy's grave again for what would have been his birthday. It will be the first one since he died that I would have a chance to be there for that day to visit with him. My mom's older sister has been wonderful to me and my siblings by going out to his grave and putting down something special for him when she goes to visit my maternal grandparents' graves. She said he may be deceased, and my mother remarried, but she still thinks of him as family.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning,Loungettes!  Happy Monday Monkey Day! The puppers and I had a totally lazy Sunday and loved every moment of it. It rained off and on all day, with a few thunderstorms, a couple of them pretty good ones, thrown in for variety. I do love watching a good thunderstorm!

    Jazzy--Happy August to you, too! The Sunflowers look wonderful.

    Carole--woops, mixed you guys up! I'm looking forward to some cooler temps myself. Poor Mary, she'll just have to have a conversation with Mother Nature about the weather. I bet Mother Nature will win.

    Mommy--how sweet of your Mom's sister to help remember your Dad like that. She sounds like a special woman.

    Orange Thunder

     Take two glasses and fill them up about half way with ice. To each glass add:

    • 2 shots of clementine vodka
    • 1 shot of triple sec
    • juice of half an orange
    • 1/2 can of orange soda

    Stir. Top each drink with an orange slice if you want them to look fancy!






  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716
    edited August 6

    Mom's sister is a darling. Got back to Wisconsin with cooler temps and rain.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 718

    m0mmyof3 - where did you move to in Wisconsin? We are in Cedarburg.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    The northwestern corner near Duluth.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Ooh clementine vodka 😋

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Tomorrow is 4 weeks since we arrived and sadly our trip is coming to an end. We leave very early morning Monday August 12 - so have to be at the airport between, 9 and 10pm to return our rental car. It has been a wonderful trip. Today we are helping cook for soldiers , planting trees in the afternoon and then going out to a late dinner with friends - our daughter will join us so a bonus time with her. Saturday we are having Shabbat lunch with friends who made Aliyah but from Denver. Later on, I will write a post with all the wonderful things we have done while here - volunteering, seeing friends, going to the beach etc.

    Sad to see the trip come to an end. My first day back at work is Monday August 12th, but as we land at 10:45 am I won't be there. When we land at JFK, I'll write my managers and tell them I didn't sleep well and will be out for the day. True as sleeping on the plane is not good sleep. I do have 3 appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday. The kids start on Monday August 19th. I can't get on my district server while in Israel, so I haven't checked emails since I left Denver July 11th I told the person who assigns my team to email me to my private email to my personal email if there was anything I needed to see before school starts and so far no email. I have an Israel sim card so I don't get texts to my US number. I will change sim cards out on the plane to the US so I can check work emails when I land.

    We've been doing a lot of walking, some days 20K steps.

    Sweet dreams - it's late by you but morning for me

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy Thirsty Thursday! My desktop computer has decided to hide my browser way over off the left side of my screen, I can't figure out why/how it's doing that. I can go full screen and see the open tab, but can't get to the tabs to go to other places, like BCO and the weather and my calendar, etc.  So I've spent some time this ayem getting the laptop that Mom gave me set up to work with.  It's a ChromeBook, and works a bit differently from the laptop or the tablet, but I"m getting it figured out.  I need to get the new desk top computer brought up from the garage and set up and let this old desktop retire gracefully, I guess.   


    I had another semi-exciting visit with Mom on Monday. When we went to get the haddock on Friday Mom was complaining (again) about her purse having too many pockets with zippers too hard to use and she couldn't find things and she needed a new, easier one, like mine. She keeps all her medical cards, financial cards, driver's license, etc loose in one of the pockets, cash money in a couple other pockets, and keeps trying to put her cell phone in a pocket that is too small rather than the center pocket that is big enough for it. Drives me CRAZY!!! So I gave her my purse, same size but with way fewer pockets and bigger zipper pulls. I thought she had taken her stuff out of her old purse and put it in the one I gave her, but she didn’t. When I talked to her Sunday she was in a thither because she couldn't find her license, medical cards, money cards, cash, and a couple of receipts. She'd been looking all day.  She hadn't been out of the apartment, she discovered the stuff was missing when she went to get the purse to go to the grocery store and it was empty. Anyway, I went over, checked the usual places (pants pockets, apron pockets, bathrobe pockets, the stand she has next to her recliner, the counter where she keeps mail and bills and such, and finally found the entire bundle on the dining table, tucked behind the glass fruit bowl.  Needless to say, Mom was much relieved, but a little put pout that I insisted she put everything where she wanted it in the new purse right then instead of waiting until later. Heaven only knows where she would have put the stuff next time.  Now I'm 

    trying to convince her to use a wallet for her cards and some of the cash so she isn't sending cards flying and flashing $50 bills every time she goes to an appointment or to buy something.  


    On the fun side of life, my cousin and I have booked our next vacation cruise for next May. We're going to Amsterdam for a few days, she wants to see the tulips and do some other sightseeing, then we're cruising the fjords along Denmark. We've got cabins and a cabana booked, now we're working on the flights. We'll meet in New York or Boston and fly over together from there. This will be my first time overseas; my cousin has been before, to Italy. It should be a really great trip!  


    Mommy—Glad you are getting good weather!  


    Goldensrbest—Welcome! Pull up a stool and tell us about yourself.  


    Jazzy—I almost bought a bottle the other day!  


    Karen—I didn't realize you had been in Israel for an entire month! The time has really flown my. I didn't realize I would need to get a sim card specific to traveling, I'll have to look into that. Thanks for mentioning that! You have been so busy on your trip, I bet you've helped a lot of people and made a big difference in a lot of places. And getting lots of steps in!  


    The Golden Dawn Cocktail 




    • ¾ ounce gin (London dry gin; see Notes) 
    • ¾ ounce calvados or applejack (see Notes) 
    • ¾ ounce apricot brandy (see Notes) 
    • ¾ ounce Cointreau 
    • ¾ ounce orange juice, preferably fresh-squeezed 
    • stemless cherry (for garnish) 
    • dashes of grenadine, preferably homemade (optional, but adds nice color) 


    1. Place all ingredients—except the cherry and grenadine—in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice. Shake vigorously until well-chilled (20 seconds or so). 
    2. Strain the contents of the shaker into a cocktail glass, preferably one that’s been chilled. Drop the cherry into the glass (it’ll nest on the bottom). Add a couple dashes of grenadine—it will flow to the bottom of the glass, enveloping the cherry