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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004

    Hello everyone!
    I haven’t posted here in the lounge for seVeral years. I am in awe seeing some familiar ladies here, warms my heart! I see Native Mainer and Jazzy and Karen, makes for a very warm and very fuzzy feeling. Forgive me if I missed anyone who knows me here. I’ve not read back but a page. It’s hard as I only have my little phone screen and my vision is in need of deferred assistance. I plan on replacing my burnt up laptop soon which will make my lounge visits more pleasant.

    Another reason I’ve stayed away is fear. The rat bastard has taken several of my breast friends from me and I’m not forgiving the bastard for that. Staying away protects my heart from more pain.
    I will try to visit more often, monthly visits would be a vast improvement right?

    Cheers girls!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Dara - nice to see you. But I certainly agree about the missing friends. Hope you'll drop by more often.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    NM - your cruise next spring sounds awesome ❤️

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Dara - nice to see you here. Totally understand your sentiments 🙏

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Dara - so nice to see you posting. I've missed you.

    Kim - regarding SIM card - we have T-Mobile and can use it in Israel with unlimited text but phone calls are 25 cents/minute and you have to be on wifi. My husband uses his Denver number here and I have an Israel sim so we have a local number which we need for some things. I keep the sim year round as the plan I have is very reasonable. So for your cruise/trip - check out your cell company to find out the coverage.

    It's Sunday morning August 11th here in Israel. Today is our last day :( We've had an amazing trip. So much to share another post after I have time to write up all our adventures. The beach twice, volunteering, see friends, shopping, and most importantly spending Shabbat with our daughter. After we pack up and check out of the apartment, we will take our daughter home and spend the afternoon helping her pack up her place for her move in 2 weeks. We will go out to dinner before heading to the airport. Our flight is at 1:00am Monday the 12th so we will need to be at the airport at 9:30 to return the rental car.

    It's a long travel - Israel to JFK to Denver. We get in Denver around 10:30 or 11:00 am Denver time (which is 7:30 or 8:00 pm Israel time). By the time we get to the house it will be close to noon. Tomorrow is my first day back for the school year but needless to say, won't be there. Before we take off for Denver, I will write my manager and others that I didn't sleep well and won't be in. Not a lie as who sleeps well on a plane in coach!

    (Israel is 7 hours late than eastern time, 9 mountain time and 10 pacific time)

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy Sunday Funday! Debby has blown through, leaving a sunny, clear blue sky, cooler temps, and much reduced humidity behind. Sleeping is much more comfortable without the AC the last few nights. It's still a bit warm for poor Colt, he's going back and forth between lying next to me on the bed and stretching out on the floor all night. Zoe has to be touching me at night, but the last few nights she's adopted a new position—instead of her back against one of my legs she flips over and puts all 4 paws and her nose against one of my legs. Her version of a 5 point restraint, I guess!  


    DARA!!!!!!!  So good to hear from you!  You must remember that our stand has always been to not worry about ketchuping, but jump in where you are. I had to chuckle at the vision needing "deferred assistance", that's a funny way to put it. I can understand the need to step back to protect your heart from pain. Sometimes that's what's needed to keep moving and functioning. We'd love to see you drop in however often works for you.  HUGS 


    Morning, Minus!  


    Jazzy—I'm looking forward to the cruise, too!  


    Karen—Great advice, thanks!  I just checked out my phone carrier's site and found there is an International Day Pass option, $12 a day for any day I use talk, text or data, with a max of $100 per month. My cousin and I use data and messaging quite regularly, but onboard the ship it will be free through the ship's app, so I'll only use it the few days in Amsterdam before the cruise, and since we will be together, perhaps not even then. So I’m going to budget for the $100, expect I will only actually spend about half that, and went ahead and signed up for it. Thank you again for the suggestion, very simple and not all that expensive, and no technical stuff to figure out and no sim cards, physical or digital, to keep track of. Your trip home certainly is a long one! No way you would be able to be at work and be functional after all that travel time in planes and airports. Can't wait to read about your adventures!  


    Welcome Back Cocktail 


    3 slices English Cucumber 
    1 small piece of green chile (I used a small piece of Serrano pepper, about an inch long) 
    1 sprig fresh cilantro 
    1 1/2 ounce gin (I used Hendricks) 
    1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice 
    1/2 ounce simple syrup (I had already prepared cucumber simple syrup on hand, so I used that) 

    First, fill your cocktail glass with ice.  Then muddle 2 slices of the cucumber, the cilantro sprig and the chile pepper in a cocktail shaker.  Pour the ice from the glass into the cocktail shaker, then add the gin, lime juice and simple syrup.  Shake, shake, shake! Strain and pour into the cocktail glass.  Cheers! 


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Hi everyone, had some prosecco tonight at a celebratory family dinner. Otherwise my drinks have been limited to my normal coffee and iced tea.

    Pretty quiet in the lounge here. We are experiencing the "dog days" of summer and perhaps others are too. 🥵🛀🌡🧋🧋🧋

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    WE got home Monday morning after a long day of travel - 24 hours door to door plus being up all day Sunday. Texted the person who assigns us that I was back and didn't sleep so I was going to sleep in the morning. She said don't worry about the morning or even the day. I was okay the rest of Monday and Tuesday, but today being tired has hit me.

    The trip was amazing. It was hard coming home. We spent time with our daughter, good friends, time at the beach, shopping (me) and eating lots of good food.

    I posted pictures on FB. Here I can only do it from my phone, there are so many, it would take up so much space. So I need to think what are the best to post. We volunteered delivering supplies to IDF bases, helping with BBQs for the soldiers, packing dry goods, packing produce, planting trees, helping at a "rest stop" for soldiers, went south near where the most devastation occurred on October 7th.

    Will address everyone once I get the where with all to think

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Welcome back Karen ☺️

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a lovely evening out with the Wednesday, Women, and Wine group yesterday. Another member of the group retired just this last month, and another is retiring in a few months, so now the majority of us are retired ladies! It's funny how that's worked out. You can imagine what got talked about in addition to politics, the Olympics, local business changes—grandbabies, Medicare, and travel plans! It was a lot of fun. I'm hoping I can find a recipe for the Whale Flower drink I had, it was yummy and I'd like to be able to make it at home.  The puppers were NOT happy about being left home alone last evening. After bedtime cuddles and pets BOTH got down off the bed and would not come back up when I asked! Both of them forgave me during the night, though, and I woke up with both of them on the bed with me. They are getting so spoiled!  


    Reader--I love prosecco! It has been pretty quiet in here lately, hasn't it? It's a busy time of year for most of us, I guess.  


    Karen—I saw your pics on Facebook, so amazing! What a wonderful trip that must have been! The travel over and back seems like a bit of an undertaking, but some jet lag is a small price to pay for a memorable trip like that!  


    Morning, Jazzy!  

    I found it!


    The Whale Flower 



    • 2 parts Gray Whale Gin 
    • 3 parts Elderflower liqueur 
    • 2 parts grapefruit juice 
    • Splash of Soda Water 
    • Garnish: Grapefruit Wedge & Lavender Sprig 




    1. Combine Gray Whale Gin, elderflower liqueur, and grapefruit juice into a shaker with ice and shake. Fine strain into a glass over fresh ice and add a splash of soda water. Garnish with grapefruit wedge and lavender sprig. 


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,167

    Woo hoo! Today is my 5-year anniversary after my UMX. Also, look what came in the mail. 😁

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy TGIF Day! Not much going on around here right now. Gray and gloomy, not so great weather for all the state fairs that are starting to run. I used to love going to some of them when I was younger, now that they are more geared towards rides and less toward the agricultural side of things they are't so interesting to me. I've been less and less inclined to go on the rides ever since the time a ride had a seat break off on the run after I was on. Someone got hurt pretty badly, and I remember feeling scared and like something was off/wrong all during the ride that I usually loved.  The most exciting time I've had at a fair was when one of the rodeo bulls jumped a fence and ran loose through the grand stand and onto a neighboring golf course. When 3 doses of tranquilizers strong enough to drop a full grown moose each didn't work and it ran back into the fairgrounds where it was shot and killed by police. Eight people got hurt, fortunately, none seriously. Never can tell what's going to happen at these aggi fairs!  



    Miriandra—what a haul to get in the mail!  And happy UMXaversary!  


    Bull Cocktail With BeerVersy

    The Bull 

    2 oz Tequila 
    4 oz Beer 
    2 oz Sprite / 7-Up 



    Combine ingredients in a glass and serve. You can pack the glass with ice, which makes it nice and cold for a hot summer day.  

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I've never been a big fan of crowds. Fairs, cruises, etc., no thanks.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Hey all! Our housing situation may be changing soon! I will be so glad to get out of the hotel and back to a sense of normalcy soon! Yesterday I got an email from the college that my diploma was mailed! I was also able to get a free electronic transcript from the college.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy Saturday!  I spent too much time on FAcebook and YouTube after going to bed last night, didn't turn things off and go to sleep until after 2  ayem!  Needless to say, I am tired and unmotivated today. Fortunately, It's a gloomy day so good for napping, and the puppers seem to be pretty happy with that plan.   


    Sunshine—the older I get the more I  dislike crowds myself.  


    Mommy—Good to hear you may be getting out of the hotel. Congratulations on your diploma being on the way!  



    Cotton Candy Marga 


    • 3 fl. oz. Island Oasis Margarita 
    • 3 fl. oz. Water for dilution 
    • 2 fl. oz. Tequila 
    • Pink or Blue Cotton Candy 
    • Pop Rocks 


    • Directions: Add a handful of cotton candy to a glass, sprinkle with pop rocks. Combine remaining ingredients into an ice filled shaker and shake. Pour over cotton candy glass 


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mOmmy, congrats!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Mirianda - congrats on that five year mark👏

    Mommy - glad you are setting settled. Exciting about your degree in hand soon 🎉

    Hi NM 😄

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Ty all!

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 561

    @m0mmyof3 - congrats on housing situation and degree - you are too good✅

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    I had this beauty for my birthday brunch along with a strawberry mimosa. It was yum. The management surprised me with this desert after a filling, wonderful brunch. At that point all I could do was smile and eat some more. 🤣 DH helped.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy Hump Day! I had a great time doing CPR recertifications at the old office yesterday ayem. Got to catch up with a lot of people and got to meet the newest baby born to the staff. Another is pregnant with twins! Must be something in the water there! Then I got pictures to get my passport renewed, and made reservations for the puppers at the kennel and was able to get the Presidential Suite so I'll be able to see them online while I'm away. It's static pics, not as good as my cousin's kennels live streaming of the kennels and play areas, but better than nothing! The puppers were not happy being left home alone yesterday, but forgave me when I gave them pizza instead of kibble for din-dins. Yes, I know that's not the best food for puppers. I only give them stuff like this once in a great while.  


    Morning, Sunshine, Jazzy, Mommy,  malleemiss251! 


    Reader—that looks like a very yummy birthday brunch surprise!  


    Wednesday Addams Quad Cocktail 


    • 1 ounce vanilla vodka 
    • 1 ounce dark crème de cacao* 
    • 2 ounces freshly brewed espresso 
    • coffee beans, for garnish 

    *Chocolate liqueur can be substituted if preferred. 


    Combine all ingredients, except coffee beans, to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. 

    Shake vigorously until chilled, 30 seconds. Strain into a martini glass. 


    Garnish with three coffee beans. 


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716
    edited August 21

    I am happy to report we were out of the hotel as of yesterday afternoon. We have temporary digs for a rental until our house is ready. Doing this on my phone as we won't have internet until at least tomorrow.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 561

    @nativemainer, good morning and good morning to all. The DOTD looks so good. I can almost taste the flavours in my mouth now and it is only 6.30 am here. I am also a huge fan of the Addams family and good coffee so it hits a number of spots for me. Sometimes I think that the preparation and anticipation for a trip are almost as good as the trip.

    @reader425, the birthday dessert looks wonderful - mmmm. I hope all have good days and in pockets for support.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 22

    I renewed my Colorado Dept of Education license for the last time!!! It is good through 09/09/31. No way am I working at 75! Next June, I need to renew my national certification. It is only 3 years so it most likey will be the last time, then I will apply for retired status.

    Second week back to work and first week with kids. The school I'm at is short term as they are waiting for th SP they hired paperwork to be approved. She is supposed to start on the 28th and I sure hope so as my last day for a month is the 29th.

    I'm having bunion and hammer toe surgery on my right foot on August 30. I'm taking off work through September 26. I don't want to work with the boot. Need the time to rest and recover and take care of myself. Time to take naps and maybe sleep in - though I doubt it will be past 6. I wake up 2-3 times/night and get up just before 5. I thought the CPAP would help with the sleep apnea, but my sleep is no better, yet I'm having less episodes. I do not like the CPAP but will keep trying for a while longer. I couldn't get it to work in Israel so I'm starting over

    When I go back on September 30, I will be starting a long term FMLA possibly till spring break. The SP I'm covering for is a friend and was my mentee a couple years ago. One of her daughters has some significant health issues (not cancer) that requires a bone marrow transplant. She's only 7 1/2. My heart breaks for my friend and her daughter and of course the rest of the family.

    Kim - you're planning well ahead with the trip at least for the puppers.

    Reader - belated birthday greetings

    m0mmy - happy to hear that you are out of the hotel.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Happy Thirsty Thursday! Not much exciting going on around here right now. Spending most of my "spare" time researching and planning for the trip next spring. Should be doing more deep cleaning and decluttering, but just am not motivated to work that hard! Besides, the puppers keep interrupting to play fetch or get cuddles. Such a nice life I have now!  


    MOmmy—glad to hear you are in more comfortable living conditions. It does take time to get everything switched over and set up, though, doesn't it?  


    Mallee—I do tend to enjoy the preparation and anticipation of a trip almost as much as the trip itself. I thought that DOTD looked pretty tasty, myself, or would if the coffee was hot.  I really cannot stand cold coffee, not even with alcohol. Give me a cup of coffee with a shot of Kahlua or Rum Chatta, or Hor Chatta, or Bailey's and I'm in heaven!   


    Karen—The last time I renewed my nursing license it was the for the last time as fully active, but I didn't think of that. It's a funny feeling, isn't it? I've heard that bunion surgery recovery can be pretty rugged, it's great that you are taking all the time off you need. I cannot imagine what your friend and her daughter are going through. I will say a prayer for them.  This next trip is my cousin's dream trip she's wanted to do for a long time so she started planning a year or so ago.  At first it was something to do to occupy her mind after her husband died, then became something she really wanted to make happen, and she was even planning to go by herself. Then my retirement made it possible for me to go with her so she started setting things up. Which gave me the opportunity to get the puppers into one of the two spots that has internet/video connection. Those two spots—The Presidential and the Vice Presidential Suites—book up really fast. They cost a little more per day, but since I can put both of them in one kennel I actually end up saving some $$ that I then put toward extra play times and other treats for them. It's also my first time overseas international traveling. I don’t really count traveling into/through Canada as 'real' international travel, customs is quick and easy, and if something goes wrong, I can easily get home again.  Overseas travel is a bit more anxiety provoking for me. If something isn't right it's a lot harder to get back to the US from Europe than it is from Canada. So I'm doing lots of research and planning.  Fortunately, my cousin has traveled to Europe before, to Italy, and is more familiar with the process, which makes me more comfortable.  




    Fjord Cocktail 





    Add all ingredients and ice to mixing glass. Shake and strain into chilled mixing glass. 


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716
    edited August 22

    For sure. Had to buy a set of cookware so that I can start cooking at home. This just gives us more cookware to use once we get our own from storage. Washed some curtains of mine that fit the windows at our rental for a bit more privacy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,104

    NM, I don't remember your saying where you are going on this trip. When do you depart?

    Karen, wishing you well on your surgery.

    Mommyof3, glad you're out of the hotel.

    It's cool and overcast at the moment. The forecast calls for some showers later on.

    I'm looking forward to pizza tonight. We're meeting another couple in town at Rocky's Pizza. We have not gone there, for whatever reasons, but it has been in business for quite a few years. I love pizza but we don't have it often.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,716

    Got internet and cable finally. Feeling a little more like we are settled in.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    NM it's great you can go to Europe with someone who has been already, and can be of help. We are going to Paris then river cruising next Spring and I'm already getting excited.

    Karen good your taking off a lot of time to fully heal from surgery and got some great travel in first.

    Carole your time away in the summer sounds fun, including once in a while pizza 🍕

    Mommy glad you are getting a bit settled.