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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2010

    Kathy, I hear ya on exercising and not seeing any results! WTF! I just uped my workout on the Gazelle to 2 times a day, but only 20 minutes each. I really don't have time for an hour. If I didn't do this 20-40 minutes, would I just continue to gain weight??? Argghhhhh!

    So many of you are getting this terrible weather, be safe!

    Welcome GS, you have wondered upon a wonderful place. We have SOOOOO much fun here!

    Connie, I am so sorry you got sick and have those tummy issues to deal with. I hope you can feel better soon. But you just come here and vent anytime you want, we all have great shoulders to lean on. And you can gorge yourself all you want here too, and won't get sick. Wink

    Hoping we can dry out a bit today so we can get to the store the tomorrow. But so far its cloudy! I will hit the neighbors fridge today!

    Happy Saturday (it is Saturday, isn't it?)


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2010

    Hi gals! Junie glad you still have power and are as snug as a junebug can be! Bet it is beautiful looking OUT at all that snow, without having to be in it. Hope you took a picture & can share it.

    NM, yikes....think those shingles are from your house? Hope not, and that you didn't lose too many branches either. We didn't get ANY snow...was supposed to snow today too.... not sure how much ice is on the roads, etc. And others may have lost power, if the trees were still covered in ice and fell on the power lines. But all is fine at home.

    Connie, How nice to have a dedicated craft room! What types of crafts do you do? I like to do crafts and sewing, and to build things. However, I have to paint and sew in the room that also has the huge I guess it is a "multi-function" And the computer room is full of computer desks, files, and bookshelves. Boy do I need to get rid of stuff! I actually did MORE crafts when my kids were young, and they were content doing their own thing...but now my grandkids are another story...I would go nuts trying to do anything with them around cause they want attention 24/7, even from their parents. But somehow my DD can sew a lot and also does dressmaking for others. Now that I'm older, I need QUIET when I want to do something....LOL.

    Must have been some PARTAY last night! I don't even recognize anyone, since most are lying face down. I hope someone took a picture and will post it here (hint, hint)! Hope everyone is doing good today and having a nice, relaxing, Saturday. Haven't heard from Donna yet, and I do hope she didn't lose power in all that mess. I'm glad that WTF week is coming to an end!!! I miss those daily drinks, Dee.

    edit: Connie I missed all the new msgs when I posted. So sorry to hear about all your tummy problems. Like Lori said, come here to vent whenever you need to....we are all here to listen, and to give support, care, and love. I wish I could help somehow. (((HUGS)))



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010
    Connie--oh, my dear, what a difficulty situation you are in!  I'm so sorry you're going though all this.  It's not fair.  It's not right. go ahead and vent, you won't bother this party too much, we all know that this kind of thing is underneath everything thing.  Here's a kleenex, and here's my shoulder.  Is there anything you'd like Jocks or Pants to mix up for you?  The nice thing about this lounge is that we can drink all we want and NEVER get hungover or suffer any other consequences.  So go ahead and vent, drink (virtually) if you want, and know we are here for you. 
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    Waheni--yes the shingles are from my roof.  This is pretty typical of a shingle roof.  I will have to re-shingle the rest of the roof sometime soon, I'm just hoping I can get through another couple years.  I had part of the roof re-done when I had some leaks a couple years ago.  I won't be able to work enough at the second job unitl summer 2012 to pay for a roof job.  I'd really like a metal roof, ith has a lot less trouble with ice dams and snow build up, but that is going to be out of reach financially for a long, long time thanks to bc and it's job on my credit rating. 

    I've got a sewing room, but I've stuffed so much stuff in there to get it out of the way over the last few years that I can't use it.  Cleaning it out is on my list of major projects.  I'm hoping that I can at least start on that next summer while I'm recovering from recon.   Most of the stuff is small, well under 5 pounds, so I will be able to pick it up and put it in a  trash bag as long as someone else lugs the bag out for me.  

    Well, I've got ot get some laundry hung out if I want to have anything decent to wear to church tomorrow.  Stay warm, all! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2010

    NM, Will your house insurance cover a new roof? We get hail damage here, and a couple of yrs ago, us and many of our neighbors had new roofs courtesy of the ins co. THEN our ins changed hands, and the new co will not cover hail damage w/out a hefty payment...we found this out cause the following year we had MORE hail damage. I just wondered if yours covers wind damage or not, since that is what may have caused your shingles to come off? Maybe not, but might be worth checking into.

  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2010

    Thank you all so much! It does help!!

    My main hobby is making beaded jewelry but I dabble in papercrafts (cards, scrapbooks [actually been doing those since I was little]) using my Sihlouette and I sew a little. I realized a few years ago that I hate sewing so I stopped then last year needed to make some simple curtains. Thought about it a lot and figured out that I hated my sewing machine. So I bought a new one and it's wonderful! I still don't like sewing much but it's way less frustrating now when I do want to do something. Playing with beads, that's my passion! Sadly, right now all of the stuff from the TV room is in my craft room until we get it finsihed so I'm not able to get in there. More incentive to get the room complete! One partial sheet of drywall left to put up and then we can start playing with mud!

    Ok, going to feed the dogs and head back to bed - I think maybe I'll be able to sleep now.

    Thank you all again!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    Thanks for the idea.  I looked into that when I had the leaking and water damage on the sun porch.  I could get coverage if the damage was from hail, or if the wind damage came from a hurricane, but the wind we get with arctic fronts like this and the occasional nor'easter is considered "expected and typical" weather for the region.  Which it really is.  The house, and the roof, is 34 years old, so I've been on borrowed time for a tar shingle roof for the last 4 years.  I had a "roofing fund" going before bc, was saving for a metal roof to be done last summer or this coming summer, but bc bills wiped that found out.  You know, it's things like this that are most hurtful to me about getting a bc diagnosis.  People keep telling me I should have planned ahead for a new roof and some other things that need to be done around the house.  The thing is, I DID plan ahead.  I just didn't know I needed to plan on cancer.  Every cent I had saved for vaious things got spent on the mortgage payment, food, car and gas to get to radiation, electricity, and copays and medications.  I even stopped taking my high blood pressure medication during treatment to cut down on costs.  The only luxury I spent money on was dog food.  The only luxury I spend money on now is a monthly massage, and that's mostly to keep the back pain down to bearable levels and the occasional movie.  I still owe my mother over $10k for when she bailed me out.  I fell like I'm never going to get ahead again thanks to bc.  I know my credit rating will never recover completely. 

    Good grief, listen to me moan and whine about what I don't have when I still have good friends, I am managing to keep up with the mortgage and utilities, have food to cook and eat, and get to go to an occasional movie.  So I don't have financial security, and am only one or two paychecks from bankruptcy, but then, so are a lot of other people.  It must be after 5 pm somewhere--Jocks, dear, bring me something potent to drink, would you?  

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2010

    Oh dear, MN, you need Jocks to bring you SEVERAL potent drinks! So sorry about all the financial you said, you were planning well, but bc threw all those plans to the curb. Glad you are staying above water though! If not, we'll throw you a lifevest. I think metal roofs are neat, but the covenants in our subdivision would never allow its asphalt roofs here...AND we had to get approval if we want to change the color...sheesh!

    With everyones probs today, maybe we need to start the day early, and just PARTAY all day and all night. Let's get this party started!!! Oh, I read a cute poem someone on bco changed a little from the Cinderella piano poem...thought it is cute!

    "In my own little corner, on my own little bench, I can be whatever I want to, even a wench!"

    I think I'll be a wench today! Love and Hugs to all......


  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2010

    Back in the mid-1940's a man introduced an idea that seemed to be outrageous at the time.

    He had an idea that people with cancer and other serious illnesses and who couldn't afford treatment for these could get them anyway.

    It took many years and started locally but today his name is honoured in Canada and people don't have to worry about losing their houses when they hear those dreaded words "You have cancer".

    I've been asked a lot since my dx last year on what differences I see between the medical system in Canada and the medical system in the US. The biggest differences are:

    • - It takes a month to see a specialist in Canada; it takes 30 days here
    • - It costs nothing to be hospitalized for three weeks in Canada; it costs something to be hospitalized here
    • - There are bad Drs in Canada;  there are bad Drs here
    • - It can be difficult to find a Dr taking new patients in Canada; it can be difficult to find a Dr taking new patients here

    I'm not saying the medical system in Canada is perfect - far from it! We don't pay enough for the premiums and many people abuse the system incredibly. But at least if I had owned a house in Canada, I'd still own it today. And not be worried about my roof leaking because I had to listen to those words come out of a Drs mouth.

    Sorry, it's a subject that's very touchy for me. I watch as we spend so much of my husband's hard earned money on my body and I hate it. And we do well, he makes a good enough wage so I don't have to worry about  working while I'm dealing with this!

    Maybe President Obama and his staff are trying to bite off a bigger chunk than they need to with their health care reform. Maybe they need to take some lessons from a man from Winnipeg and start with making sure people have health care for the extremely serious things. It is unconscionable to me that someone should have to stop taking a vital medicine in order to afford another vital medicine!

    Ok, rant off. I can't sleep so let us partay!!!

  • grdnslve
    grdnslve Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2010


    sent you a pm with some possibles for a pcp to check out  -- so sorry you are going through so much!!

    3rd day from mx--worst so far--guess stuff is trying to wake up--errrr

    any winos out there up for a virtual spring barrel tasting??

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2010

    On a much lighter note....although she has now accumulated about 50# of mud on her so itsn't lighter....our Molly was digging out AGAIN...! Yikes! We have such a large yard, and she has found the ground to be soft mud now by the wood fence, across the back, with all this rain and precip. And we have large leyland cypress trees where she can HIDE while she digs. Luckily I went out to see them and when she was nowhere to be found I thought she had dug out....but then comes this undistinguishable muddy mess. I swear, if she had gotten out, NO ONE would have rescued her, or they would called the dog pound....she looks like a stray with tons of mud hanging from her long hair. I mean I don't even want to get near her. The entire deck is now covered with MUD from Molly!!! Would be funny, except.....

    So we prob will definately have to skip our Tunica trip....want to keep the dogs safe. Maybe we should avoid politics here at the bar....and start our PARTAY!!!!!

    Bottoms Up,


  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2010

    PARTAY time at junie's house--bring your snow shovels!   We didn't get the ice so power not a problem--thank goodness!!   Places in Okla really got the ice so hoping Casino Girl will chime in soon with an update.    Hope we get a few sunny days above freezing because we don't even own a now shovel!    Even if we owned a snow-blower, not sure we could clear our driveway--we can park about 10 cars in our driveway--it is so wide and long.   But, can't complain--in the seven years we've lived here this is the second largest snowfall we've had.  Our dog is loving it and it's like watching a little kid run around playing in the snow!

    Everybody stay warm!   Got my bucket filled up and heading back to the hot tub--keep that picnic table out of the hot tub!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2010

    Yeah Junie....we actually have a snow shovel (never had a chance to use it) so I will bring that and some likker! Sounds like a fun PARTAY...can fit all our cars too! Maybe I can bring Molly along and she can romp in that snow and get rid of all that mud she is covered with. Will look like a twin to NM's Snookie.

    Party Hearty, Gals!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    Good evening, Lounge Ladies!  A friend came over today and helped me get my sunporch cleared out.  Got rid of 5 big garbage bags of water damaged books, stuff and junk.  I have room to sit on the porch and read again!  It's so nice out there, especially in the winter on a sunny day--warm and toasty, heats the whole house!  I fed him homemade lasagna, garlic bread and chocolate chip cookies as a thank you.  Gorceries, $100, cleaning 3 hours, usable sunporch--priceless.  It's been a very, very good day.  Time to celebrate!  Pants, Jock, have you any champagne hidden away anywhere?  Or anything bubbly and celebratory?  Time to break it out!  Some for everyone, put it on my tab, please. 

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited January 2010

    A toast to Watson - I didn't 'know' her but she had a legion of friends so I'm sure I missed out on someone special. Cheers!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited January 2010

    NM, glad you got your porch in a working order to stimulate your literary life.  I really can't focus enough to read anymore.  I just surf.  Lasagna, garlic bread...sounds good with a buttery red wine...yum......cheers to you and your pooch.  HD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    Actually, the beverages were root beer and birch beer!  I have a nice merlot, but my friend doesn't drink and it didn't seem right for me to have a glass of wine while he was drinking rootbeer!

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2010

    NM--lasagna...yummmm!  any leftovers?   I'll be right there, since you didn't drink your wine!  I'll help you with that Merlot!!!  I better get there fast 'cause everyone else is on their way, too!!!   Enjoy your new space.   Sounds like a wonderful spot!

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited January 2010





  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    Would you beleive I've never had Jello shots?  I never even heard of them until a few years ago.  Sounds like fun, though! 

    I do have most of a pan of lasagna left over, but I sent all the garlic break home with my friend.  Of course, I've still got the garlic butter I made, so more garlic bread shouldn't be much of a job.  The merlot is ready to go with the lasagna, so come on over.  Oh--I only have 2 (mismatched) wine glases, so it's BYOG unless you don't mind wine from a paper cup!  

    The sun is up and the sun porch is warming up nicely. Should be able to move out there in a little bit.  Gonna spend the morning out there and enjoy!  

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    Oh--I should warn you all--the lasagna isn't as good as it could be, I didn't have time to make lasagna noodles so I used store-bought. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2010

    Sunny Sunday morning to all! It always surprises me how the sun is shining and you can feel the warmth through the windows, but outside it feels like a freezer!!! That was one of the strangest things that surprised me the most when I first left Hawaii at 18. I just was sure it had to be warm outside, with the sun so bright...LOL.

    Dee, yay....thank you for waking us up to something fun!!! I have never had jello shots either...but the booze is already in the jello, right? And do you just swallow it all at once? I think some of us might need classes on this...LOL. Can't wait to dig right in...and such pretty colors to choose from!

    NM, Thanks for inviting us all over for your wonderful lasagne! I can bring wine glasses for everyone...I have more than we could ever use. And of course, will bring another bottle of wine.....yummy! So glad your friend helped you clean out the sunroom!!!! How nice that you can enjoy it again. We had one at our former house that we had our hot tub we used it a lot...was fun. When we moved here 5 yrs ago, we (mostly me) built a small deck outside just for the hot tub, had the electrician run the voltage needed for it, guessed it...we haven't even put water in it yet!!! Now, with bc and having node removal, hot tubs are apparently a no-no....or at least the temp should be moderate (can't remember where I read that). So I suggested we just fill it with cool water during summer months and use it like a mini-pool..boy would that be a sight! Last year when I peeked under the cover, we had some tree frogs in it! Awwwwwww......

    Connie, hope that last piece of drywall gets up, so you can have fun playing in the mud, getting the dry wall all mudded in!!! Nice that you're able to do that yourselves. I love the HGTV shows, and sometimes they use the mud (not sure if thicker or thinner than for your use) and do the faux finishes, like for a Tuscan finish on walls or fireplace. Those shows are so inspiring.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2010

    What a fun afternoon this is going to be!

    Well add me to list of never having a jello shot! But I'll sure give it whirl. And NM....those aren't all for you! I know you like all the pretty colors....but you have to share. It does look like you can have several tho!

    We plan to build a sunroom also (one of these years) But the ideal place to do it, so it could heat the house, is not an option. Where we want it, is off our bedroom, which actually faces NE. But we have so much other work to do, not sure when we will get to the porch. We still need to put siding on and a front porch/deck. We do have a tin roof tho!

    I'll be over for some lasagna too, and I'll bring a bottle of Pinot More!

    ParTAY at NM's.........see you all there!

    P.S. Had to go down and check on the neighbors place, so I raided his fridge and stole all his beer!

  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2010

    Good morning!

    I slept last night! For about 15 hours!! Better living through chemistry!!!

    Once I finish waking up (there's always a bit of a hangover, no matter how long you sleep) I'll be feeling better than I have for quite a while!

    Today we're having lunch with some friends and then we'll be putting screws in the wall and starting on the taping and mudding! We put the last piece up yesterday and have a bit of patching left - no more insulation is visible, though! It feels great to be past that stage!

    I so understand about the different projects and which one should be first! We moved into this house at the end of August and haven't been able to just sit back and do nothing on it since. And we've probably got another year of projects (although the TV room is the biggest one left) - and THEN we'll start on the addition! But it's a wonderful house and I LOVE it!

    Off to shovel out the house a little before the company shows up. Hmmm, I wonder if they'll give me jello shots in the hospital - well, if not, I'll pretend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited January 2010

    I doubt we'd get jello shots in the hospital, but since jello is a common hospital menu item it will be easy to pretend! 

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited February 2010

    Maybe more people would eat the crappy hospital food if the jello 'option' was a jello shot!Tongue out

    Goldie, isn't beer stealing illegal? Or maybe not if you eventually replace it? Watch out for stray bullets!Surprised

    I'm in Minneapolis for my two days of training and it's cold here. (duh) But the hotel gives us a discount on food AND alcohol (alcohol is rarely discounted, maybe they know we need it???) and it's a nice hotel (par-tay in Janis' room!!!) so no real complaints. And a BIG flat screen tv with HD. Better than home actually! The Mall of America is nearby but I doubt I'll have the time, or energy, to go there. Annual training is stressful and energy draining and I want to save my energy for cocktails!

    Stay warm everyone - cheers!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2010

    Hey, stay warm Jaybird, but it seems to be pretty cold almost everywhere. As for the stealing, those bullets would have to travel a long long ways. My neighbor doesn't live up here, he is just a weekender. I think we might be able to get out tomorrow to go shopping, so I will be able to replace it before he gets up here. My husband had emailed him to let him know his place was ok, and that someone stole all his beer! What time are drinks in your room?

    Maybe when Connie gets the TV room done, we can have Pau Hana at her house?

    See ya all  in Jaybirds room for Pau Hana! Maybe we can have that Moscow Special?

  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited February 2010

    You bet, we've got tons of room and I've always wanted an excuse to get a hot tub, too! Of course Pants would have to stay behind and make sure it stays clean all the time, but I'm sure we could arrange that!

    They do give shots in the hospital - just not yummy jello shots!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,959
    edited February 2010

    I've been looking at the Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Center(Boston) website  where I'll be having recon this summer, and they have "room service dining" with a menu you can choose from. You call down when you want to eat and they send up your meal.  Hospital food service has come a long way!  I don't see jello shots among the choices, though.  Hmm, maybe I should e-mail them and suggest that now, so they have time to get them on the menu by June. . .

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2010

    ~Knockin on Jaybirds door~

    I'm here! WOA! Look at all those Moscow Monday Specials Jaybird has made for us!

    YUM! What a treat after that yummy lasagna at NM's house.

    I sure love my friends, and if some of you other gals don't show up, Jaybird and I are gonna be wasted!

    NM and Connie, sounds like the hospitals have things all messed up about jello and shots! Gheesh!
