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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2010

    Well that must of been one heck of a party! Where is everyone?

    Heather, I think you are leaving tomorrow for NY. Wishing you all the best and a safe trip. Let us know if we all need to board the bus.

    Dee, I hope you hear something soon and can check back in with us.

    NM, I think you had some poking done. Hope all went well.

    I hope I'm not forgetting anyone that is having something done. If I did, PLEASE REMIND ME! Weather here has been crazy. 32 yesterday morning and 34 this morning. I also see they got snow in SD! WTH!

    HD, Did you do anything special for your B-day?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961
    edited May 2010

    Ok, Loungey Ladies, champagne on me!  The blood donation process was NOT fun, hurt like h@$$ (as expected) but--miracle--the nurse got the vein on the FIRST TRY!  This has not happened to me for 3 YEARS now!  And, she filled up all kinds of tubes for blood testing and told me to tell the PreAdmission Testing folks that she had all the blood they could want and they were NOT to poke me again!  Apparently my donation time was just about set a speed record, too, although that may have been due to my blood pressure being so high at the time.   After the nurse took all the info in PAT and put it in the computer the anesthesia person came in and said something about needing to get some blood tests done before I left and I immediately dissolved into tears and had a panic attack.  It took almost 10 minutes for me to get out, again, that the nurse in the other buidling had filled tubes when she took my donation and that I just couldn't go through any more needles without sedation. Finally go that strainghtend out and then the anesthesia person put a whole bunch of the same info into the computer.  Then they said I was done and could leave, caught me in the hallway and said I need to see one more person.  I had a EKG done, started to leave and got caught in the hallway and told again I had to see one more person for a history and physical, waited 20 minutes and the lady stuck her head in the door and said the docs had sent over all the info and she didn't need to see me after all.  So much for computers making things quicker and easier.  So, I left home at 4:45 yesterday am, got home at 11:30 pm, fell asleep in the recliner, and have absolutely NO energy today.  So, I'm going split my time between the pool and the hammock, drinking celebratory champagne drinks all day--NO MORE APPOINTMENTS UNTIL RECONSTRUCTION!  (26 days away). 

    kittykat--so glad the scans are clear!  YEAH! 

    Champagne Celebration Recipe

    1/2 oz Brandy
    4 oz Champagne
    1/2 oz Cointreau
    1 cubes Sugar
    Peychaud Bitters

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2010

    kittycat, Glad your tests turned out good....HOORAY!!!!!! You should celebrate with NM's drink!

    NM, AMAZING that you made it through yesterday with all that sh*t happening! Very thankful the nurse got the vein on the #1 try....personally I think it was cause we were all wishing and hoping for that to happen! What a horridly long day & night...but now that is BEHIND you.....fantastic! I love your drink...would you please drink tons of it for me today? I can only have clear liquids, but I am sure champagne was NOT what they had in mind! Oh course DH starts the day wanting to bring me OJ in bed, then talks about all sorts of food...while I am telling him to STOP mentioning food today...LOL. After the colonoscopy tomorrow, THEN he can mention all the foods he wants, and I prob won't care...will just want to sleep.

    Lori, your weather has been wicked cold lately!!! Here, we are in the 90's...seems like a compromise betwn the two temps would be much nicer! How are your veggies doing? Surviving the cold temps?

    HD, I am wondering too, like Lori, if you got your new sink yet, and got it installed? Would love to see a pic, as I still want to replace ours someday. Hope your day is going well.

    Dee, Still waiting to hear from you...hope your mom is doing okay, and that your tests came out ok too. Shall we come back there, on the bus??? Wishing and hoping all is well.

    Enjoy today, lounge gals.....and someone eat and drink for me....puleez...just don't talk about it..LOL!


  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited May 2010

    Heather -- great news! We love NED. During my RI when the machine was making all those horrible clacking noises I kept thinking, "looking, looking, looking, no cancer, looking looking, looking" The noises actually became comforting (ok maybe the champagne helped too).

    NM -- Very classy offering today! Glad to hear you made it through your pre-ad testing. I have a terrible time with needled - my veins just hide. Write this on your calendar -- four days before surgery : DRINK DRINK DRINK (sorry, I mean water). The more hydrated you are the easier it will be. Give Sadie a hug for me.

    i had a very uncharacteristic meltdown yesterday. I was sitting in a coffee shop studying for my exam on Saturday. I started taking a quiz and couldn't remember anything. I started to panic and texted DH asking him why I decided to take the CPA exams. He didn't respond. My head hurt and there was this stupid man behind me talking trash about every woman he had ever been involved with to his friend. His first wife was "such a victim" (I'm thinking, yes, she was) blah blah blah... he couldn't stand to be around her anymore... "especially after BREAST CANCER." My head swung around and I glared at him... all my frustration with cancer, this exam, and my own husband's inability to show compassion was about express itself. And this coffee shop is in my neighborhood. I grabbed my bag and my books and stood up thinking I needed to get out of there before I cause a scene. But i couldn't stop myself... I got close enough to him so that I could lower my voice and said "YOU are a flaming asshole and some day when something traumatic happens to you, you will find yourself ALONE because you are always alone everywhere you go no matter who you are with!" The women at the next table clapped. I went to my car and got myself safely out of the parking lot before I cried. I pulled over to answer my cell... DH calling to say it sounded like maybe I was having a bad day and how could he help. We talked about the exam and he told me to postpone it, saying he has been worried about me and whether I need this stress in my life just now. Really? So I postponed my next exam until the end of July and I'm taking a couple of days off to do some gardening, clean my house, and cook for my family.

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited May 2010

    Hi Y'all,

    My appt with the doctor is on Thursday. I don't have any info to share other than I had multiple cysts drained and I am waiting on the pathology to come back. I do not feel that they will find anything cancerous, but since they have been drained the pain has been gone! That in itself is good for me. I was so tired of the darn pain. Me and J broke if off so that's a whole other story. As far as my mother goes she has a bone marrow disease. They will be doing alot of follow up testing before they decide what her teatment is going to be. I'm sure it will be chemo or bone marrow transplant from what I have gathered, but she is saying no to chemo right now. She is doing some tranfusions and she is taking meds of some kind right now. She isn't the type to ask alot of questions, but I am trying to change that. Pretty much it for now, been busy busy busy, which is fine to keep me occupied. Everyone have a great day and I will let you know when I know something else. Sorry I haven't been around, I am just not in the partying mood lately. Take care and have a great holiday weekend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961
    edited May 2010

    AStorm:  GOOD FOR YOU!  That man will get what he deserves, and obviously you were speaking for more than just yourself as you left!  I'm sorry you had a meltdown, they are so disorienting and exhausting and frightening.  I think delaying the exam is a good choice.  It's hard to tell when you're ready for something until you try it, sometimes, but there is no shame is trying something and then re-prioritizing it after gathering more information.  Enjoy the gardening!  I'd be out in my garden today but it is just tooo hot for me today.

    Dee--it's ok that you haven't been around, we certainly understand how you feel about partying right now.  Just keep on dropping a line once in a while so we know you're still with us and how we can be praying for you and your mom.  I'm so glad the pain is gone--I know from experience how draining and demoralizing constant pain is.  Being busy is a good thing right now, therapeutic distraction.  

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2010

    I am too tired to comment on everyone. Will try and do so in the morning.

    Right now...Kathy has my sympathy, as I KNOW what she is in for tonight! I feel for you girl! Tomorrow will be a piece of cake! I hope your appt is early, so you can be done with it!

    I love you all, and will try to post more tomorrow. So much going on!

    Big Hugs for all!

  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2010

    Hi Ladies!

    Had a post-op follow-up appointment today. There is some red in the breast area (and heat) that they are worried about so I'm now on antibiotics. Guess I'm done for drinking for the nonce! Trying not to worry and not to let the pain get to me.

    Stopped at a store on the way home to try on bras and find out what size I am now and NONE of them fit. It looks right now like the "old" breast is a different size than the noob. It's very demoralizing. I'll go to a higher end store once I'm a little less sore and try again. The Dr told me not to wear an underwire for at least another month anyway, so I can't get any of the cute ones right now anyway.

    AStorm, your story made me laugh and cry. Good for you for saying something to that jackass!

    The Dr I saw today sent me this, about colonoscopies, thought it might give a chuckle since we are all facing them at some point. You might want to put your drink down first and make sure you don't have a full mouth.

    ABOUT THE WRITER - Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist for the Miami Herald.

    Colonoscopy Journal:

    I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy. A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one point passing briefly through Minneapolis. Then Andy explained the colonoscopy procedure to me in a thorough, reassuring and patient manner. I nodded thoughtfully, but I didn't really hear anything he said, because my brain was shrieking, 'HE'S GOING TO STICK A TUBE 17,000 FEET UP YOUR BEHIND!'

    I left Andy's office with some written instructions, and a prescription for a product called 'MoviPrep,' which comes in a box large enough to hold a microwave oven. I will discuss MoviPrep in detail later; for now suffice it to say that we must never allow it to fall into the hands of America 's enemies.

    I spent the next several days productively sitting around being nervous.

    Then, on the day before my colonoscopy, I began my preparation. In accordance with my instructions, I didn't eat any solid food that day; all I had was chicken broth, which is basically water, only with less flavor.

    Then, in the evening, I took the MoviPrep. You mix two packets of powder together in a one-liter plastic jug, then you fill it with lukewarm water. (For those unfamiliar with the metric system, a liter is about 32 gallons). Then you have to drink the whole jug. This takes about an hour, because MoviPrep tastes - and here I am being kind - like a mixture of goat spit and urinal cleanser, with just a hint of lemon.

    The instructions for MoviPrep, clearly written by somebody with a great sense of humor, state that after you drink it, 'a loose, watery bowel movement may result.'

    This is kind of like saying that after you jump off your roof, you may experience contact with the ground.

    MoviPrep is a nuclear laxative. I don't want to be too graphic, here, but, have you ever seen a space-shuttle launch? This is pretty much the MoviPrep experience, with you as the shuttle. There are times when you wish the commode had a seat belt. You spend several hours pretty much confined to the bathroom, spurting violently. You eliminate everything. And then, when you figure you must be totally empty, you have to drink another liter of MoviPrep, at which point, as far as I can tell, your bowels travel into the future and start eliminating food that you have not even eaten yet.

    After an action-packed evening, I finally got to sleep.

    The next morning my wife drove me to the clinic. I was very nervous. Not only was I worried about the procedure, but I had been experiencing occasional return bouts of MoviPrep spurtage. I was thinking, 'What if I spurt on Andy?' How do you apologize to a friend for something like that? Flowers would not be enough.

    At the clinic I had to sign many forms acknowledging that I understood and totally agreed with whatever the heck the forms said. Then they led me to a room full of other colonoscopy people, where I went inside a little curtained space and took off my clothes and put on one of those hospital garments designed by sadist perverts, the kind that, when you put it on, makes you feel even more naked than when you are actually naked..

    Then a nurse named Eddie put a little needle in a vein in my left hand. Ordinarily I would have fainted, but Eddie was very good, and I was already lying down. Eddie also told me that some people put vodka in their MoviPrep.

    At first I was ticked off that I hadn't thought of this, but then I pondered what would happen if you got yourself too tipsy to make it to the bathroom, so you were staggering around in full Fire Hose Mode. You would have no choice but to burn your house.

    When everything was ready, Eddie wheeled me into the procedure room, where Andy was waiting with a nurse and an anesthesiologist. I did not see the 17,000-foot tube, but I knew Andy had it hidden around there somewhere. I was seriously nervous at this point.

    Andy had me roll over on my left side, and the anesthesiologist began hooking something up to the needle in my hand.

    There was music playing in the room, and I realized that the song was 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA. I remarked to Andy that, of all the songs that could be playing during this particular procedure, 'Dancing Queen' had to be the least appropriate.

    'You want me to turn it up?' said Andy, from somewhere behind me.

    'Ha ha,' I said. And then it was time, the moment I had been dreading for more than a decade. If you are squeamish, prepare yourself, because I am going to tell you, in explicit detail, exactly what it was like.

    I have no idea. Really. I slept through it. One moment, ABBA was yelling 'Dancing Queen, feel the beat of the tambourine,' and the next moment, I was back in the other room, waking up in a very mellow mood.

    Andy was looking down at me and asking me how I felt. I felt excellent. I felt even more excellent when Andy told me that It was all over, and that my colon had passed with flying colors. I have never been prouder of an internal organ.

    Kath, enjoy your nap tomorrow!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961
    edited May 2010


    So glad I swallowed the coffee before reading or mu screen would be brown right now!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961
    edited May 2010

    In Honor of all Kathy has been through yesterday to get to today I propose this drink of the day:

    Sporty Brown Squirter Recipe

    8 oz Brandy
    16 oz Chocolate Milk

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2010

    Good luck today Kathy. I hope last night wasn't too terrible. (ya right)

    Gail, you go girl! I can only imagine how pissed I would be, hearing something like that. For that "flaming asshole" here is a video I found on facebook. It's only 19 seconds and a must!

    Dee, I am so glad you are checking in with us, instead of just disappearing. Thank you! I am glad you are at least feeling a little better. But on the other hand, also sorry about your mom. How old is she? Glad you are able to keep busy too. Wishing you and mom the best. Good luck tomorrow my friend. ((((DEE))))

    Funny story Connie.......I hope Junie headed your warning. Not sure how many keyboards she has ruined, from spewing on them! Hope those antibiotics get to working on that infection, if that is what it is.

    OH MY NM - Not sure what to think of that drink! FUNNY!

    Heather, are you off to NY? If so, good luck! Enjoy time with your sister and I am sure you will be checking in with us.

    Happy Hump Day

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2010

    Connie--too great!   I love Dave Barry.  NM--perfect drink!!!   And, Lori--I'll be singing that song in my head all day long.   AStorm--you rock!   I usually ignore situations like that then get mad at myself later for NOT saying something.  Hope Kitty is enjoying her trip to the Big Apple and getting some answers/second opinions.  Dee--hope you are still pain free now that the cysts are drained and that you get biopsy results soon.

    Big hugggssss to all--taking my bucket out to the pool and will sip on some cold ones until happy hour!!!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2010

    Good Afternoon All!  Wishing the best for Kathy today also.  Great news for you Kitty.  Dee, glad you are free from pain.  Hope it stays that way!  Lori...thanks for the belated birthday wishes...I don't really care about them much anyway.  Connie....sorry to hear about your tenderness.  Hope it clears up.  Funny article too!  NM, glad you got through the pokes and came out of that all OK.  Junie, I'll be joining you at the pool after work.  AStorm, I am proud of you for putting the jerk in his place.  I would have been clapping too!  Jaybird, wherever you are, hope you are safe and having a great time.  Who did I miss?  Probably somebody but I am at work and can't spend anymore time.  Take care all!  Heine-kin for the beer today!  HD

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited May 2010

    You all rock! Seriously I don't know what I would do without you... I'd probably get arrested for it though! I have kind of a bad temper that sometimes sneaks up on me. I think it is because my sweet church-lady mother was Southern and my dad was Catholic so I'm reserved on the outside and angry on the inside. BC makes me angry from so many directions. You all help me remember to keep my sense of humor which is the best medicine there is.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961
    edited May 2010

    Let's see, today is Thursday--or am I totally disoriented again? Today Kath should be recovering from  the "hose job" as my mother calls it.  Hmmm. So much going on, so many of us going in so many directions.  How about a Chaos Calmer?

    Chaos Calmer

    1/4 oz Triple Sec
    1 1/2 oz Gin
    3/4 oz Lime Juice
    1 1/2 oz Orange Juice
    1 tsp Grenadine


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2010

    NM, Sounds like a good drink to me...I can sure use some calming down! Hope everyone is doing well today....lots of good/bad/funny stuff to read here! Too far behind (pun?) to comment on everyone, but glad to hear we have "balls" and speak our AStorm in that coffee shop...way to go! And Connie, that article was a riot!!!

    Dee, Glad to hear the pain has subsided...hope that takes care of the problems you had, and you won't need anymore procedures. And VERY sorry to hear of the breakup;that is always hard to deal with. Wish we were there to cheer you know we can get on that magic bus and be there in a heartbeat, if you want us there! I am singing that "I am Woman" song in my head, and WILL survive all this stress you have been having. Hang in there!

    Yesterday was the dr was so busy that he was waaaay behind ('nother pun?) and then rushed everyone through....I even ran into a former neighbor I hadn't seen for 20 yrs....she was having the same thing done, w/same dr as me. Guess as we age, this is where we run into old friends?!! And while being wheeled to "procedure room" ran into a nurse I know and hadn't seen for years, and also my BS. Yes, this was B4 given any meds! Afterwards,seemed like they woke me up so quick, and didn't feel like I had that restful sleep like I look forward too...was nauseaus (sp?) and then whatever they gave me ended up giving me a splitting headache till late last night. And here I thought the prep was the bad part...sheesh! Really though, the prep this time was a piece of cake...only I was hungry and bitchy (more than usual)! Anyway, Pants, please stop massaging junie's feet for a few minutes, and bring me several of those "Chaos Calmer" drinks, pretty please????? OH, nevermind, I see Jocks, so will ask him. And Jocks, please bring junie another chilled bucket of ML's...I think she will want to stay put for awhile getting that fantastic massage from Pants! Looks like the wenches are going to surprise us with a party tonight for Thrilling Thursday!!!! FINALLY I can have a drink tonight...yay!

    Cheers to calming the chaos of our lives!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2010

    Dee, good luck today. I hope you get some answers. I did see about your break up with J, but over looked it. I'm sorry Cry I hope you have some close friends around to help cheer you up and keep you busy. Or least work, and things around the house and yard.

    Kitty, hope you are getting lots of good news in NY!

    Gail, we all come here for the fun and humour. And there's plenty of that! But there is also ALOT of LOVE and SUPPORT. This is the only place I hang out on this site. I  joined after I was almost done with my treatments, and the group I would have been with.......well lets just say they all had bonded, so I was really more of an intruder. And then there is always so much drama going on everywhere else! So I just stay here at The HTL!

    Lets see....Big Holiday Weekend! No plans here! Staying home and playing with flowers and of course cleaning. I have yet to see that darned maid. Going to town EARLY in the morning, as its a HUGE weekend up here in the mountains. And then we have all the snowbirds on top of it.

    Think I'll take a calming chaos and go sit in the garden. Thanks NM!

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2010

    aaahhhhh, my feet feel so good!  I can't walk.  Jocks or Pants will have to carry me to the party!  For once, no holiday company scheduled--usually have a house full of kids and their friends...maybe we'll be able to enjoy this one by ourselves!   Making plans for just us two, but will stay flexible.  Lori, have you warmed up yet?  We've had to turn on the A/C last couple days.  Seems early, but it sure fees good!

    Is there a theme for the party tonight or is it just a free-for-all good time?   Whatever, I'm ready!!  See you all in a bit.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2010

    Junie, I think having a "free-for-all good time" sounds like the way to go! I'm starting early...Pau Hana time....seagrams/diet coke.....tall and icy....yummmmmmm!

    Dee, Heard anything yet? Still crossing my fingers, my toes, my eyes, EVERYTHING...for good results!

    DH and I played "hometown tourist" today and had fun! Went back in time to early 1800's and learned so much at a recreated constitution village, and then enjoyed a turn-of-the century hardware store (penny candy isn't a penny anymore, but neat to get to buy those old-timey things). We always do these kinds of things traveling, but forget to do the things right at home. Had lunch out too, so was a very nice day. FINALLY can drink tonight, so that is reason enough to celebrate, right???

    Okole Maluna!


  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited May 2010

    Good evening all,

    Well I have good news and bad mixed. The good news is no cancer ..the bad news is, I have polycystic liver disease. He told me that it is a milder case, but I will have to be monitored closely to make sure that the cysts do not get worse and affect my kidneys? So just another thing to add to my list 'o' shit. Why not? I will be having a follow up appointment with another doctor to discuss the disease and see what needs to be changed in my lifestyle, diet, drinking is OUT! ect. I asked what caused it and he said they do not know, usually you are born with it and  most do not have symptoms until the liver swells or the cysts fill and swell as in my case. Some never have symptoms. As far as my mother goes she is doing some transfusion and being watched closely to see if any progression happens. Other than that it was a beautiful day here. Made it to the 80's. I am looking forward to a long weekend and I hope you all are too. Take care and I will check in every so often.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2010

    OMG Dee....well, yes, glad it is not cancer! BUT, I don't know anything about that liver disease...I am sure right now you are learning more than you ever wanted to about it. So sorry to hear that, but it sounds like with a good diet it can be managed. It sucks that you have to cut out likker,but you know us, we will drink for much as you want us to. You can still party here...we will have some good juices, or whatever it is you are supposed to have, and something that you like. It is good it was found, so you can get it controlled. I know it is a big worry about your mom too...and being so far away. It sounds like they are monitoring her well,and she is being taken care of. I hope the transfusions will help her to get well. Boy, you have a full plate right now, and we are here holding you up. I am sending big HUGS to you....((((DEE))))....and comforting thoughts and prayers. Thank you for letting us know, and let us know if you want us to jump on the bus and join you there.

    Love and Hugs,


  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2010

    well, damn, Dee!  If it ain't one thing, it's sumpin; else!!!    As you get your head wrapped around this new glitch just remember--we lounge ladies love you!  Jocks/Pants/Candie can put any food on the buffets that you need--plus, they have a ton of non-alcoholic beverages on tap!!!  You are a vital part of the HTL, so don't be away for too long--check in often!!!   We love ya!!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2010

    Dee, my hell.  I am going to have to wrap your liver up in bubble wrap.  Just keep them dang cysts under control and you will probably feel like running a 5K marathon in a month.  No good!  I am with the other gals....we love ya.  Vent, whatever ya need.  That's what friends are for.  Oh, hell, that's a song.  Now, I am grabbing a beer and see if I can find someone for a pedicure and manicure around here.  I have long nails on one hand and none on the other...WTF?  I need some Lee press on I guess.  Hugs and happy hours to all!  HD

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited May 2010

    Hello everyone!!! 

    I have been really busy in NYC this week!  I went to Sloan Kettering today.  It was an interesting consult.  Basically I was told the same thing as what my new onco told me.  My cancer is a new primary, not a recurrence.  And the reason for it is that there was breast tissue left behind!  The onco at SK said "It happens" but you could see the disappointment in her eyes.  Her fellowship doctor made mention of it, too.  He asked if I changed BS's since not all the tissue was removed.  I told him that my BS has been very defensive with me and he said "I'll bet"  So, I am going to make some changes and I'm going to have someone else put in my port! 

    I am seeing a nutritionist tomorrow at SK.  I am really excited about that!  My sister and hubby came with me today and they're also coming with me tomorrow.  I'll let you know how that goes! 

    In the meantime, I am enjoying the wonderful food and wine in NYC!!! Cheers!!!

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited May 2010

    Dee - sorry to hear about your liver!  That sucks!!!!  :(

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2010

    Kitty, I am so glad you got the chance to go to SK!  I don't know anything about how much tissue/skin to remove in a MX, or after new primary BC dx.  I think you have the right idea about starting fresh however, and a combined opinion on your trt plans.  I wish you the best of luck.  You will feel more comfortable with the info you have gained.  Glad you are having a great time in NYC.  Also, thankful you have family for support.  Cheers to you girlfriend....if ya ever need a listening ear.....I am here!  HD

  • collie-flower
    collie-flower Member Posts: 148
    edited May 2010

    After reading Connie's story about her makes me not so nervous about mine coming up.....I like the idea of adding vodka to the premix cocktail! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961
    edited May 2010

    kittykat--I'm so glad you had a good consult!  Sounds like a good idea to change BS.  While it isn't possible to remove 100% of breast tissue during a mastectomy, your BS must have left an awful lot behind; no wonder your BS has been defensive.  A nutritional consult sounds like a great idea.  I may just steal this idea and see if I can get an appointment with one after recon.  I'm so gald you're having some fun in NYC, too! 

    collie-flower-(love the screen name!)  I've managed to work around my PCP about the colonoscopy thing for a year, probably not going to wiggle out of it at my next appointment this summer.  I'm certainly going to remember the vodka int eh premix cocktail trick!  I'm not so worried about the procedure, I'm worried because there is no local hospital that I feel comfortable going to for a procedure.  I suppose I'm just going to have to pick one and hope for the best.  

    Dee--good Lord, but enough is enough!  This is NOT FAIR!  You should not have to go through liver problems on top of bc!  I'm praying for you and your mom.  

    Let's see, what should our drink of the day be?  I know I'm feeling very much TGIF--it's been a long and stressful week and I'm crying at every little thing.  Thank God for xanax and good friends who just hug me and hand me kleenex when I start 'leaking at the eyes' and continue with the conversation/activity.  How about

    Cry Baby Blues

    1 oz Vodka
    1 oz Blue Curacao
    4 oz Strawberry Guava

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2010

    NM, Thank you for stepping up to the plate, and finding the perfect "drink of the day" for us here! Since Dee has other things to worry about now, I am glad someone was able to fill in for her. WHERE can you get the Strawberry Guava? I am from Hawaii, and we used to not only have them in our yard, but were able to hike almost anywhere and get them...I MISS that fruit soooo much! The drink sounds yummy.

    Kitty, That sucks big time that you have to deal with bc again cause of tissue left behind! Just wanted to mention though that my BS and PS both said it is hard to get 100% of the breast tissue, while leaving the skin. But they do try to get most of it, so we don't usually have to worry about still having bc there. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this! Sounds like you made a great choice though to go to SK, and going to the nutritionist too. I would love to know what the nutritionist suggests, and if it is a good idea for all of us to see one? Have fun in NYC with your sis, and all that good food and excitement!!!

    Collie-flower, Welcome to the HTL!! This is a fantastic lounge to hang out in! I just had my colonoscopy on Wednesday...and I have to say the prep this time was a piece of cake. Well, no, I didn't really have cake BUT the stuff I had to drink tasted good....I had to mix a ton of miralax in crystal light (or can use gatorade), and so it just tasted like crystal light (2 qts to drink). And took 4 dulcolax pills...did not have to even do an enema! And no bad tasting stuff to drink. Of course, it is not fun to just have liquids...I wanted even a cracker so badly...but it is very do-able. And usually during the procedure you have a very restful sleep....this was the first time I woke up not feeling like I had that deep sleep. But I am sure it will be better for you. Everyone should really do least by the time you are 50, or right after bc, to make sure you are ok. IF all is fine (no polyps), then you don't have to go back as often. Mine was clear, so my dr said I don't have to do this again for 5 yrs...yay for that!!!

    Well, I have to go to a funeral today...definately not looking forward to that. My late DH's nephew..a bit older than late DH's mom gave birth to DH after becoming a he was younger than some of his nieces/nephews. So sad though...I feel so badly for his mom and his kids...he had a heart attack. Very common with that family (my DH died of that also). Hope everyone has fun plans for the long weekend. We aren't going anywhere, since we are going to Asheville NC on Tuesday for my "finishing touches".

    Have a good one!


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2010

    Just stopping by the lounge to say hello and to raise a toast to you ladies. Looks like so much has been going on. kittycat - I am so so sad to read about a new primary, glad you are changing bs and will get it outta there. dee - I'm so sorry to hear about liver disease and new things to worry about; so glad it's not cancer!! A lot has been going on for me too. Another surgery this week so I'm waiting for results. They found ADH in my "healthy" breast so I had 2 lumpectomies in it Tues along with AXLD on the other side. I can almost move my arms - ha ha - and I have a fun new friend attached to the AXLD side. His name is JP Drain. Showering is fun. I may get the path report as soon as this afternoon (do I want to know?) Looks like some very nice drink recipes have been posted and I missed at least one birthday. Happy BD HD!

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend. My thoughts are with you and I raise a glass of most excellent merlot in your honor today.
