how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Hi junebug! GAWD that sinus infec is staying put, isn't it? Need to be meaner to it so it will want to leave. So sorry to hear all the crap it is causing you...feeling terrible, and also having to miss going to the casino. AND THEN getting ready for company?????? Really hope you are feeling much better soon.

    Stanzie, My heart breaks for you, having to put Liesl through so many tests,and esp having to hear the "C" word. I know she means the world to you....hope the kids are giving you lots of hugs right now. Still hoping for the best for Liesl, and sending comforting hugs your way too.

    Funny med cab pics Beans!!!!

    OH and I got to see the Pizza Delivery Guys!!! Lori, did you take the pics here? I swear that is how the guys looked when they brought our last pizza! LOL. Great pic!!!

    HD....NOT having to keep company with JP again????? What procedure did you have this time? Hope you are feeling okay!

    Stupid me came in dead tired, then went outside and did MORE work. FINALLY sitting down and chilling with a Seagrams/Diet Coke! BUT forgot about the new fridge (and not having enuf time to make ice)....5 ice cubes are not getting me very far...PANTS.....bucket of ice, please!!!!

    Pau Hana Gals.....ChEARS!!!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Kathy, you slow down.  You are making me dizzy.  Junie...I am sorry you are feeling like crap.  Tell DH that you are not up to it and make it another weekend.  Sounds to me like maybe the company might not want to be there either...dunno.  Sick people are not always real fun to be around and the germs aren't either.  Lori, remember when my picture got deleted?  Now you are the bad girl....AStorm...I do remember the champagne story now that you brought it up.  Aren't teens fun when they experiment with very very expensive booze.  All I got was Cooks parents were cheap I guess.  Junie loves Cooks though.  I am not sure what you want to know....I have been married for 30 years.  Most all of you have had affairs with Jackson if that's what you mean.  He loves stripping. He really is a pain. LOL!  But he is just what the Dr. ordered for the most part!!!!  Hope you find a good costume for the wiener dog.  I am not having wine at the moment...but depending upon dinner...I might have some.  Going to watch game 2 of the series so I don't have time to cook much.  Sorry Claire, but I almost puked thinking about the cooked prunes.  Mom made us eat them as kids when we would rather play outside than poop and then complain about being all "stove up", so, out came the prunes and I hate them to this day!   Stanzie, glad Sean got through the dentist ok, but so sorry to hear about little Liesel.....hope she will be ok.  I already posted once today...but I  wanted to have a big ol' toast for a clean scan.  We all know how worrisome they can be.  Let's see...what time is it there Chrissy?  Junie...get well....there are buckets waiting for you.  NM, hope your work days are going OK and you are steaming up some ideas for some wine. prune wine!  Well, there are just too many posts to reply to all without going to, join me please in my toast! chuck your glass at the fireplace?  Never done that before...good time to start eh?  HD

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    YAY...toasting chrissy's GR8 news!!!! Throwing glass into fireplace per HD's directions....OOPS.......****CRASH****.....gee HD, next time remind me to OPEN the fireplace doors first!!! Maybe I can get the wenches to clean it up for me...

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Member Posts: 700
    edited October 2010

    I think these two drinks might be appropriate for our lounge  - tats and nipples are always on our minds anyway Laughing:

    Nipple On Fire recipe

    Pour in order into a shot glass; butterscotch, firewater, and float the irish cream.

    Serve in: Shot Glass

    Spicy Buttery Nipple recipe

    Mix Hot Damn and Butterscotch Schnapps in shot glass first, then carefully add the irish cream without mixing.
  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    i'll drink to all that! ca-chink!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2010

    Hi all, just been reading and catching up on what's been happening while I've been about missing out on stuff! I think I need to sleep less and read more or sleep when you are sleeping (my day) and be on the boards when you are (my night)  talk about being a$$ about! (me I mean).

    Mrs Nice.... just keep saying to yourself this to go, one to go, one to go! It has a hypnotic effect.  Good luck with your recon chat.

    Stanzie......Oh No! I hope it's not the big C for little Leisle that would just be too cruel for both of you.  Prayers coming your way.  Boy, Sean if one tough pain meds...braver than I am at the dentist they have to knock me out before I'll even sit in the chair let alone open my mouth.  Hugs to him for bravery.  Hope the news re bus driver is all good.

    Claire.....good luck with the interviews next week and I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the difference a little shaping will make.

    Goldie......Ooooooo girl you sure is naughty!  I'd love a piece of pizza.

    Beans........Wow!  I really love your nail color on the top shelf, what's it called and what brand, I couldn't quite read it.........Oh! that's not what I was supposed to look at?  You med cabinet reminds me of another....mmmm mine!  Love the Gator Cocktail but not the beasties at the bottom....hope they don't want to get in our pool!

    AStorm......hope you find just the right costume for wiener dog...I know it will look great in whatever you choose.  By the way, those Sudden Headaches look delicious but I'm assuming they have a kick like a mule hence the

    Junie.......hope you get a handle on that sinus infection soon.  They are the worst and make you feel like absolute crap...warm (((hugs))) to you to help you feel better .

    Wahine.....Will you just slow down girl? You make me tired just reading what you do and then double wammy it? You got to be crazy!

    Hunky.....Jackson?  What am I missing there something I should know?

    Thanks for the toast, when you proposed it 2 hours ago, it was 9.50am here. 

    Jodimac....... Whew  those drinks are hot and spicy...just the way I like my men!

    Be careful on all that broken glass girls it could be a health hazard.  Oh Wahine, did you have your glasses on before you threw the glass? Did you not see the doors were closed?  Oh never mind, just call the Wenches, they'll clean up the  Have a good day all.  After all this boozing perhaps a juice would be in order.

    Fresh_Fruit_Juice.jpg Fruit juice image by eliciab

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2010 sorry about Liesl.  Those things are so hard, and I can only imagine how much you love her.

    Chrissy.....major congrats.  Arthritis is the pits, but way better than some of the other things I can think of.

    Shocked at how much hair they managed to trim.  Looked great in the salon, but somehow the walk back in the rain didn't do much for things.  So nice though to have area around the ears and back of neck trimmed and even.  Will be at least three more months before they can do anything major with it.

    Dragged back a huge bag of veggies from Pikes Place Market to have with dinner.  Can't wait to have some of the last beans of the season (no pun, Beans).

    Can't wait to open the bottle of pinot.

    Cheers, all!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Claire, Fun memories of watching them throw the fish at Pike's Place Market! Such an interesting place.....and the beautiful flowers....I can almost smell them. I bet there were lots of nice fresh veggies to choose from!

    Oh chrissy, am I supposed to wear my glasses too???? Sheesh, this is getting soooo difficult...LOL.

    As much as I would LOVE to slow down girls, there is just too much to do. DH and I traveled almost non-stop for the past few years, and now I need to do some major catch-up. And since DH was a white-collar worker and isn't too much of a handyman, I have to do what I can. Plus he takes a LOT of naps...LOL. (I think he must be the smart one!!!). And even the projects that we are having others do, take a lot of prep work to have things ready, etc. I want to get MOST of it done by the end of Nov, so I can relax in Hawaii a few days! Then I will get to indulge in some real pau hanas!!!

    Maybe a hot toddie is in order for junie.....or a hot doctor......

    E-male Nurse  -- Get Well, Caring eCard from American Greetings

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oh my oh my.............too much going on to reply. So I will just grab a glass of this and that and throw my empties!

    C R A S H!

    2nd pic I posted wasn't much different than the first.........just double the fun. Included both Tattie Tenders (Pants and Jocks) instead of just one of them.

    HD, 'splain urself to Chrissy! You and your affair!

    Well, I give up on the picture, I have no idea how photobucket picks that out to delete it. I thought I even renamed it! Glad some of you got to see it!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    TGIF....esp to the working gals....time to celebrate!!!

    tgif.jpg TGIF image by pauldeakin

    MaxineWeekend.jpg TGIF Weekend Maxine Coffee Pager Vibrate LOL Funny Laughs Laughing Cartoon image prestonjjrtr

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    Has anyone picked out their costumes for our Halloween party blowout at the HTL??? I finally decided on mine...since I have been doing so many repairs lately.....(now how do I get this bod?)...LOL

    sexy_construction_girl-13159.jpg worker image by YardDog_album

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    I think this will be my Halloween costume: a big sleepy polar bear! It's so dang cold here and I'm just so sleepy all the time! Kaaaaaa-Chiiiiiiiink! Smashing another glass of some kinda sticky sweet boozy drink to toast the day, yummy, cheers!

    polar bear

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    LOL Beans! But I thought you might choose to be a sexy pharmacist....cause of all the drugs in the med cabinet! Claire, thinking you might choose to be a sexy cyclist? Junie, a shapely ML bottle....or sexy hostess (cause of the B&B)??? Well, it will be fun to see what everyone comes up with!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    Hope everyone plans to come to our party!!!

    halloween2.jpg Sexy Halloween Pumpkin Diva image by SCANDALOUS111

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    We even have a new bartender for the party to help the TT's and Wenches since we will be keeping them so busy... (OK, I promise to get to work now and quit posting for awhile!.Happy Friday!!!)

    image010.jpg sexy bartender image by persiansweetfantasy

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2010

    Kiss Howdy to all my HTL peepstas!

    Just popping by to say hi and wishing you all a safe wonderful weekend! Glad to see everyone is still hanging around having fun in the lounge. I'm at work and ready to fly the coop. Peace and love to you all!


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Hi Dee....WB to the lounge.  Good morning Chrissy!  I guess you want to know about my affair with Jackson?  Nothing more than a dang drain-Jackson Pratt drain.  If you haven't had one...don't aren't missing anything at all.  LOL!  OK....later!  HD 

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2010

    HD I so know what you mean. I was glad to end my affair with (Jackson) the drain was a pain for sure! Good times! NOT!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Dee, you off work too?  I took half a day off today. One thing about Jackson, as long as your puttin' out...he will stay around....Bawahahahaha!  HD 

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2010
    Good one HD! LOL! I'm just about to leave..this day seemed to drag on forever! Prolly because I'm having alot of EXTRA pain and waiting to see the pain management doc as soon as they call (can't be soon enough) . I think I'm gonna plant myself next to the percotini fountain and feel comfortably numb soon..Love ya's!
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    Hi Dee!!! The percotini fountain has been lonely...good time to pay it a visit. Sorry to hear you have a need for that though....hope it will help! SOOOOOO good hearing from you again....missed you here! Ya gonna post a kewl halloween costume? Gotta stay around for the PARTAY, ok???

    HD....funny comment about JP....yup, I kept putting out and he stayed waaaaay too long.  Bummer you had to reconnect with him! Glad you got part of the day off...YAY!!!!!

    Catch y'all later.......

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010
    To be honest, I don't feel real sexy right now and since this place seems to be so friendly with the pooches....I was thinking more in line of this kind of a costume.  It scares me looking at it anyway!  Hunkydory

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    OMG - HD that's real scary lookin but I don't see JP!!! I'm so tired I don't know if I can run away. Wahine you're on a roll...Hi Dee!

    Hope to get more energy going to play more, but I'm feeling like sleepy, dopey, no energy..

    Here's some cake for our party and we'll have to find a witch doctor to get HD back to her lovely self...cakecake 

    okay, here's a witch doctor, now HD you better drink up and so should all of us

    witch doctor

    Now I say we all take a big drink and it's fix whatever ails you and if you're low on hair it will put plenty on your chest!!

    Hugs and sleepy bugs, ~Beans

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2010

    Go to fullsize image 

    Eeewwww HD I thinks we r related!  LOL

    Hey Beans hand me a gallon of the smokie drinks..ChEARS!!!

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2010

    HD in a NUT SHELL-

    Okay-severe bone/body pain and liver pain..I know about the liver..LE pain getting worse since I had to be taken off neurontin due to horrible side effects. Taking Percocet which barely helps anymore. Been putting off more blood testing since March and now my numbers are off/high according to Onco. Doing the long awaited bone/body scan..Onco says possible bone mets OR possible fibromyalgia/osteoarthritis..hell which is worse? Going to pain doc Nov 11th. I just need for the pain to be gone. 

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Dee, damn I am sorry about your pain. Let's hope for the osteoarthritis.  I know you can't have quality life with that kind of pain either.  I am sorry you have to wait so long for the Pain Management appt. I will keep you in my thoughts and try to give you any support I can.  I wish we could all be sittin around a table suckin down one of Beans smokin' drinks right now.  Looks like it would actually be good for the liver.  We definately all need some good laughs.  My onc appt is next Tuesday and I should be nicer to my liver this weekend but I am not.  Beans, what's in that drink anyway.  Beans, the puppies/babes are hiding my JP drain.  Sometimes they get tangled up in the tubing.  Hugs from me!  HD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,963
    edited October 2010

    Been a long and difficult work week, been reading but not posting much, making sure I get at least one of each DOTD listed!  More when I get a chance to catch up wiht myself. . .

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    $hit Dee...that totally sucks. I got off neurontin too cause of side effects, but I was just trying it for hot flashes. I hate it that the percoset isn't even helping your pain. When are you having the bone scan? We need to pile into the bus and join you for that. You know we will be here for you, and will even drink for you, if need be. Stick around, and don't go MIA again, so we can help you through this. Seems like a long wait to see the pain dr, cause you need help NOW with that damn pain!!! (((HUGS)))

    HD, my gawd I have never seen such a fugly dawg.....looks like a cross betwn ET and a dog though, to me! At least it is hiding JP.....good for that anyway. I like your idea of all of us sitting around the table, drinking that smoking drink.

    NM, glad to see you back here! Hope you catch up soon...

    Beans, Gotta get some energy into you! Thanks for the neat cake, and purty drink!

    Having happy hour right now....nice to R-E-L-A-X!!! Someone, come and join me! Oh, news just came on, NOW I know why 4 fire trucks flew past us this burned right next to Home Depot. We were running errands, and were heading to Home D and Lowes, but glad now we turned around....never would have gotten thru all that rush hour traffic combined w/ fire fighting traffic!

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2010

    HD--good gawd--what IS that creature????   Gotta be one of the grossest pics posted yet!!!  (...will ya send me some of your drugs???)   Wahine, I'll join you at the table or the bar--as long as HD keeps her new pet outside!

    Good to see you pop in, Dee--sorry you got some crappola going on!   Big huggssss to you--keep us posted!!!    Packing my tote bag if we need a bus trip!

    Y'all have a LOT of drinks for me--comppany just called; they're about 30 minutes away.....maybe we can entertain them by throwing things in the dumpster this weekend!!   Just NOT a good timefor the B&B to be opend!!!!!

    later, gators!    \CHairs and BARMEN!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    Hi junie, nice to be having some drinks with you! ARE YOU WELL though? Hate that your company is coming if you still feel rotten. Wish DH a fantastic halloween Birthday!!!