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  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    doing the dance for ns!!!!
    and having a wine to celebrate !!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    I'm heading downstairs to watch the boob tube. I just can't type anymore!!!

    Night, night, all.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Oh, I almost forgot to tell you guys. My GD made poopy in the potty today!!! . Oh happy day!! Oh sorry, TMI
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hey Jan...Mets is when your cancer moves to a new place in your body...bones, brain, lung etc. A new primary cancer just means you won the damn cancer lottery twice and have a whole new breast cancer. It can be the same type of a different type, but it is a whole new ball game, not the second inning of the first cancer.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Vickie - love the dancing dog video
    Amy - congrats on the new job
    Always - I'm with you, can down a quart in no time. Diet ice cream? Oh girl give me Ben and Jerrys
    Susan - The wanted pictures are great! I'm so impressed.
    Jan - Those guys give me the creeps every time you post them. I want that little kitty though.
    NS - yippee for the first of many bits of good news.
    Vickie and Madison - I am becoming a crocheting fool. Have had so much fun trying out the different patterns in the book I found that my poor hand is all cramped. Used to crochet years ago and am surprised how much I remember.
    Hope everyone had a joyful day.
    Sleep well dear sisters.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    whoo hooo NS....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    That is great news Sparky! I knew with all of us praying your scans would have to be good. I'm sooo happy for you...and us. lol We've missed you. You can handle this.

    Jan, I found something that would scare those pesky guys that you & vickie keep finding for me but my dd 'cleaned' out my computer yesterday & I can't use the photobucket right. Everytime I try to browse & put a pic on there...the pic of that old motorcycle that I gave you for your anniversary shows up. Downloads it every time. I am sooo frustrated.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    What in the ....???
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hmmmmm...I guess not! I was trying to do one of those little animated smilie guys! Where so you ladies get them?? I tried Smiley Central, and it didn't seem to work....

    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    try this site deb!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Susan, that's hysterical. Ok, back to reading.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Betty, you made it through two years! Congrats!

    Congrats Amy. Less driving to do means more time with family and US!

    Tgirl, I watched Rachael Ray while doing chemo, watching the food channel was great as it gave hubby and me things to talk about while sitting there for several hours

    Shirley, that means Coronado more than likely also very nice area. I was at the beach there, every chance I got.

    Wow Judy sounds like you had a blast

    Wow Susan those posters are AWESOME!

    Great news NS, Praying that the techs gave it to you right. You will beat it this time too!

    Bit tired tonight but had to check in here. There was an article about being addicted to email on the news tonight. What? Not me I’m just addicted to the circle!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OK Trying it againnnnnnnn

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    WooHooo I did it

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    everyone can have a wanted poster. I found a site that will generate the jpg file. You need a picture approximately 150 x 150 pixels). then you post the jpg file to photobucket or wherever you post pictures.

    go to this site.
    wanted poster generator

    here's my poster.

    If someone wants a poster and needs help, I'll be happy to do it for you. let me know.

    Deb, a Star with a Top Hat!!! how cool.

    NS, so happy for your test results.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    This is my new friend to chase away those weird pesky guys that Vickie and Jan keep dragging up. SIC EM, PRECIOUS
    HAHAHAHA.....I can just imagine them running for dear life!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Sorry, but you know when you have a hoe-down you have to have hay bales to sit on. No short skirts and thong underwear girls...hay gets a little itchy.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I have determined that my life and the things in it would be so much better if I didn't continuously try to make things much more complicated than they really are. Take for instance, my new avatar. I have spent much time and effort trying to figure out how to post an avatar. I have picked out photos and cropped, re-sized, and sat while I thought it was loading...a long time. Tonight I stumbled onto the easiest way of all. Search for one that is ready to be posted. No pesky cropping or trying to make the photo small enough to fit. Who would've thought. And I can always change it if I tire of it. Although, so many of you ladies are cat people that I thought it only right that I make mine a little puppy. One of my favorite things in the world. I do love dogs. You can trust a dog. They don't care what your hair looks like, how much weight you put on, if you've scolded them that morning, they can keep a secret better than anyone, they can do tricks, they know when you're sick and act accordingly, and they are more than willing to actually die for you. To give their lives so you may live. My dogs are smart. My grandson Ethans dog is not. Dogs are like people in that sense as well. Some are just not real bright. My dd cannot have pets where they moved and Ethan truly loves his little mini-pin, Scooter. Grandma loves dogs, however this particular dog poops in grandmas floor and chews up her & everybody elses things. Ethan begged for us to keep him and that is the only reason he is still here. But I've about my reached the end of my rope with Scooter. He is full-blooded, friendly, playful, and will NOT learn to poop outside. He is 2 yrs old. I love Ethan with all my heart but I do not like his dog. Scooter might just have a terrible accident if I knew anyone that had a good home for him. Do any of you know of one?

    Walking the perimeter once more to make sure all my friends are tucked in their tents and are safe. We sure had good news today with Sparkys tests. Sleep well my friends.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    Thanks for the inner circle yesterday. I'm feeling better today. DH and I talked about the fact that I remember these anniversaies and he tries his best to forget the exact dates. I'm lousy at math and numbers, but I do seem to keep these dates in my head. Wish I could change. Any suggestions. Now I just need to get though the 25th (Mast. date). DH says were are going to do something fun Sunday - make a new memory time.

    NS - wonderful news. Keep fighting. I know you will.

    Susan, I love the wanted poster. I have a great picture of me when I was a kid trying to be Dale Evens. But I look like a goofy cowboy. Have to figure out Photo Bucket, then I'll be asking you about it.

    Deb, Oh I can't wait. I love surprises.

    Had a cool thing happen yesterday. Because I was awake so early yesterday, I finished reading The Secret Life of Bees. One of the characters reminded me of a high school friend's father. So after I posted here, I googled my friend and I FOUND HIM. I emailed and ask if it was him and ask if he would tell me the names of his neighbors long ago so that I would know it really was him. The neighbors were my aunt and uncle who I didn't like. Sure enough, he wrote about us making fun of them. We exchanged a couple of emails and are planning to get together. We live about 2 hours away. DH has no worries. My friend finally came out of the closet a few years ago. Sad thing is he has some major heart health problems. But it so nice to finally connect again. I didn't like high school much. I was the kid in glasses with the homemade clothes. I had a mouth on me, cutting down everyone and everything. Phil stuck with me and I stuck with him through those crappy times. I can't wait to see him again.

    Once again, I didn't take notes, so blessings to you all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well, I crawled out of bed with Pinot Grigio flu! So Im moving slow this morning. But this first cup of coffee seems to be hitting the spot. Talking about chemo brain - I almost did it again. Husband got up early and its garbage day. I looked at him and said what are you doing "Its only Wednesday." He stopped for a momemnt and say you crazy girl, its Thursday. Boy did that make me happy. Seemed liked this week was going way too slow.

    Well we are now rethinking if their is a tear in the pool lining. Last week we had a foot of snow. Yesterday 50 degrees with lots of melting. So the flooding in the yard may not be the pool at all, but massive flooding from the warm weather.

    Jasmine: Hmmmmm Low carb ice cream is good if your on South Beach! But it still has the calories and isnt not low fat! And I think it tastes pretty darn good. Walking 1.5 miles was pretty darn good by the way. On my treadmill 1.8 miles at a speed of 3.0 - burns 300 calories! Do that every day and you will burn 2100 calories for the week. A sure way to lose weight. Im pretty deconditioned myself, but each day it does get easier.

    Vickie: WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Im standing outside your tent and singing early wake up call. And ready to hand you a fresh brewed cup of coffee.

    Brenda: Good morning to you. Glad you got through yesterday. Those anniversaries are killers. Your husband has a grand idea for the 25th.

    Liz: Good to see you again. Hope everything is going well. Sure miss you when your not here.

    NS: Im thrilled about your preliminary test results. Those techs are pretty good. They do this everyday and have learned how to read those things pretty good.

    Tracey: Great picture. Once again, I am finding myself laughing in this quiet house. Seems like the laughing echoes when its so quiet. People would think Im crazy.

    DebC: Cute smiley.

    Boo/Sue: Once you learn to crochet, you dont forget. Its fun again, isnt it?

    PurpleMB: And what were you doing up so late last night?

    Madison: Hurry, hurry, we need to wake up Vickie.

    As many of you are approaching anniversaries, it got me to thinking. 2 years ago at this time, I had started a new job. Had to wait for insurance to kick in - which was April 1, 2005. Found my lump one week after starting the new job. I remember thinking, hmmmm - this doesnt feel right. But hey, this is Nicki - the strong person who never gets sick. And as time went by, I could feel the lump growing, changing. The rest is history. Im sure glad its 2 years later and here I am, done with surgery and treatment and feeling pretty good.

    So - time to go. I was supposed to get fasting blood work today, but Im blowing it off. Didnt take my cholesterol medication for 5 days! So I think I will just reschedule it. Too late to change my mind, already have cream in my coffee.

    Hope everyone has a grand day.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning All
    Cheri - I like your new avatar. Still can't manage to post one myself.
    Betty - I'm glad your feeling better. I haven't hit any of my anniversaries yet. April 2nd will be 1 year since I
    found a lump. Not sure what that day will be like for me.
    Cheri - Hope the coffee does it's magic for you. I'm with you on the chemo brain. I do at least 1 stupid thing daily.

    Well I'm not working today and have so much to do but all I feel like doing is sitting down and making some squares! I'll have to work on getting at least a few things accomplished. Ugghhh
    Hope all are well this morning. Hi to everyone.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Woops, Meant Nicki with the comment about coffee and chemo brain.
    Ahh chemo brain starts early today
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    GM all...boss is away so I have a few...

    Nicki...whoo hoo...treadmill walking keep up the good work and by AUG. you'll be the leader of the trail guides..leading everyone thru the woods...oh did you forget , son now has a new puter at home so I sneak in while he's out inthe garage working, but have to run when he gets in ...besides, those scary guys that pop up gross him

    Deb. we knew you could do the smiley...

    Ok Vicki...I need your email so you can post pic for me...let me know if you can do it for me...for Pinkstock..

    Betty...well I may look at those dates sideways...hmmm...I celebrate Sept 3, 2004, the day they got the cancer out...(mast) and July 18, 2004 the day they found it and we started on a path to the day NED will dance with me....I know we are all different (me especially) but I hope this helps with anniversaries...(damned if I can remember my wedding anniversary though)lollolololo

    Liz, hoping things are calming down for you , get some rest put your feet up, and of course enjoy a glass of wine...glad you came back to

    Cheri...please don't bring scooter to pooping in my

    Susan I love the posters you are so creative...

    ok I have been missing many...LauraB, Mena, M&M (Vickie2), Sige? where are you guys....we promise the scary guys will go away....

    Back to work...
    my name is mary beth and I AM an addict...especially at
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Lost internet yesterday, so am far behind, but wanted to make a few comments.

    NS--yeah! So far the news is better than you expected, I think. I am so happy.

    Amy--Great on the job!

    Always,Jasmine--Share the ice cream if it's chocolate.

    Yes, I was a 'goody, two shoes', but there's a little wild that wants to come out.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    What is with all the giggling going on for????????I mention one little word (penis) that is part of the male anatomy and ya'll are acting like a bunch of school ya'll are a bunch of grown women many of you moms and grandmoms.....ok I hear more giggling.......I think I even hear NS...........ya'll better stop it or I am going to put all of you in the time out tent......there will be no booze, cigs, or laptops......geez.....grown woman acting like they never have heard the word penis before...................

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning ladies,
    MB...sent you my email.
    Nicki...good morning...I overslept yet again so it was a mad dash to get off to work...whew. I have been painting and crocheting way too late at night. I have tomorrow off!! Yippee...hopefully I can finish painting and spend the weekend working on the afghans.
    Cheri...thanks for tucking us all in. I have a cat that is going to end up with one less life...she is just simply psychotic! Seriously...maybe we should put her and Ethan's dog together! She's my attack one needs to worry about my german shepherds it's the cat thats dangerous LOL. goodness you're an early riser. We are going to have to pass the trumpet to you to wake the rest of us up! Glad your feeling better today and sending you hugs. I had a weird kind of day yesterday...just hard to believe that last year at this time my hair was gone, I was on chemo number 3, convinced I would never see another year...
    I have to say that I hate the anniversaries and would rather just erase the entire year from my mind. Don't know what I'll do on the anniversary of my sister wants to have a big celebration (the whole one year thing)and I would rather just ignore it. I don't consider it one year out at that point anyways as I didn't finish rads until September...ok...nuf whining.
    Sue...I'd help you post an avitar but I personally had a terrible time myself (and I'm the computer tech here along with being the bookkeeper...shh...don't tell).
    Yeah for Deb...cute pics!
    Susan...I am loving the wanted posters!
    Cheri...I have to give up my short skirts and thongs for this party...what's a girl to do. I'm gonna play Daisy Duke LOL!
    Jasmine...I could use some ice cream today...peanut butter cup!! It's the best!!
    Sheri...good morning...have a great day!
    Madison...time to get up!
    How is Kevin doing...and LauraB...and RobinTn...what are we gonna do about our missing girls!
    Gotta get back to name is Vickie and I'm a boardaholic.
    Love to all, sorry to all I've missed but your in my heart
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    shhhh...Shokk said the "p" word again!
    giggle giggle...hey I can't help...a new virgin here!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Hi all,
    I am officially taking myself out of the inner circle and back onto the outer circle. I am making great progress with my knee. and with my mental attitude and I owe that all to you. thanks!! woohoo. Hope there is enough room on my horse for my walker and cane.

    gotta go get some coffee.