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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Wow am I ever beat! I want to thank you all for the congrats for Audrey and yes, I Am very proud of her. Not only does she excel in every sport she does but she's also among the top in her class! Well they lost all four games but they played hard and did there best. They were actually the youngest team there and played against higher level teams. Audrey hit a double (line drive down third base) which is Excellent at this age! She walked several times too .. alot of the girls have a hard time pitching to lefties and Audrey has a good eye for balls. She also scored running from first to home (she's Very fast!). Her cousin (my twin's daughter) is being scouted by the colleges because of how well she excels in softball and I can see Audrey following in her footsteps if she keeps going the way she is. Most importantly she absolutely loves the game and has fun .. being good at it is icing on the cake! I'll have to catch up with everyone tomorrow, it's been such a long day. Left the house at 6:30 AM and got home at 8:45 PM! It was a lot of fun though save for the sunscreen getting in our eyes and the heat! Sweet dreams to all from Amy - Z!

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    yesterday was guiet here also but it definitely wasnt cold.
    the kids just had the usual disagreements but they sometimes get quite annoying. my parents were brave to have 4 girls!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    Good morning all my CG's. I have been around, briefly, but find I can either read and keep caught up or post an all about me! I've been pretty boring lately so getting my fun thru you guys!

    Never have had kids but have a nephew I adore and plenty of funny stories about him growing up. Quick one, Dustin loved Ghostbusters and even had the one piece suit, hair all spiked up and one of those GB guns that look like some kind of futuristic blasters. We are on a family vacation in the Smokie Mtns. there is a haunted house in Gatlinburg so we are all going. Dustin puts on his Ghost Buster outfit and when we get to the door he won't go in. He's scared. (age 5) I say but you have your GB gun, we're gonna bust some ghosts. And real serious he looks up at me and says, "But Aunt Marsha, it AIN'T real." HAHHAHA like the haunted house is. Kids, you gotta love em.

    Going back to read the 120 posts from yesterday! Love from Amy to Z and thank you Pam and jankay for worrying about me! Marsha
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007

    Hey Peter, how are you? Is it Monday where you are?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Im must be crazy. Let me just say Im pretty tired this morning. Should probably go back to bed, but I feel like I have been away forever.

    The party ws lots of fun, lots of children and adults and everyone was having a good time. It was hot, but thank goodness the humidity wasnt bad. I was either in the pool or in the house with air conditioning.

    I love Pork, but they had a cooked pig delivered. Everyone was in delight. It still had its head on! I couldnt eat it, nor do I think I will ever be able to eat pork again. The people the pig, cut it up at the party and people actually went over and watched it. Ewwww!

    I pooped out about 9:30 and went to the upstairs and fell asleep on the couch. We finially arrived home at 12:30pm which is really, really late for me.

    MargaretB: What a week for your daughter to go to Las Vegas! They have been breaking heat records. I heard yesterday mornng it was 96 degrees at 7AM. Also was probably a pretty crazy place - heard many people went there to get married on 7-7-07.

    Cheri: It wasnt so bad being the designated driver until we were ready to leave. For some reason, alcohol didnt sound appealing at the party. Had to spend about 5 mintues arguing with my husband - as he thought he could drive! Yeah right - he had been drinking beer all day. I did win though - because I refused to get into the car until it was the drivers seat. Thanks for the update on Mena. Even if the weather was cool, sometimes its just nice laying by the shore and putting the world behind you. Just relaxing. Poor Mena - this sounds like its gonna be a tough move for her. Really puts things into persepctive for me - since sometimes I think I just whine way too much.

    I do see Ethans picture on your avatar, but then I saw it right away. Im laughing at the 2 years pointing his finger and telling you to shut up. I know its disrespectful, but picturing the whole darn thing made me laugh.

    Denise: My husband - Mr. Fixit - NOT! I dont think he has ever even been into a home depot. Now here is the thing about money issues. I think the one thing that breast cancer taught me, was that things could always be much worse. 2 years ago I didnt think I would be here sitting and writing a post. So I know that things will somehow work out, cause they always do. What I am more upset with is how my friend did it and the things she said to me. She was my rock during treatment. We have been friends for many years. Her words were hurtful. She gets into MOODS and this one was a doozy.

    DebC: Ive seen you peak your head in and say hello. Just sounds like your busy and enjoying life - and thats good.

    Pam: Im sort of laughing. One thing that sticks in my mind from nursing school is that fresh urine is indeed sterile. That always blows my mind.

    PurpleMB: Yes your are indeed busy, and its making me crazy. I thought maybe I could connect with some of you while you are at Pinkstock, but then I remembered you have dial up!

    Sherloc: I cant grow anything but flowers here in Illinois. I have a wonderful pear tree, but the squirrels eat them all before I have a chance to taste even one of them. I was trying to explain to my husband where you live. He said California, and I said no, I think its on the other side of the mountains. Just noticed you do live somewhere in California, so now Im trying to figure out where.

    Sheri: Well Im not the hostess with the mostess. So having house guests for 10 days would freak me out.

    Vickie: Ok - so you worked all week and then did pictures on Friday and Saturday. I bet they are great - but hey - there goes your entire week-end. Pain meds never seem to work for me when its tooth/nerve/bone pain. I love Aleve and think it works great, but I cant take it cause Im allergic to it. Hoping the pain is better after the execedrin pm.

    Madison: Im standing here waving at you from Illinois to New Orleans!

    SoCal: Sounds like you had a wonderful day being a grand ma. When I was at the party yesterday, I watched children of all ages just having a blast. Its nice when a group of people, all ages can get together and just have fun.

    Charlene: Im a lefty - well sorta of. I write with my left hand and do lots of other things with my right hand. Guess thats means Im ambydextrous. Anyways, when I was a kid, I could switch my bat from righty to lefty and my whim. It sure was fun mixing up the pitcher! Sounds like you had a fun, but tiring day.

    Peter: I do love your wake up posts to all of us. It still blows my mind you are going to be when we are getting up.

    Good Morning Marsha and Jankay. I sure felt you tweaking my toes, now 1 1/2 hours later, Im going back to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great morning.

    Speaking of people missing in action. I sure am missing our Tracey.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited July 2007
    Good morning,
    I am going for my morning walk before it gets too hot. Going up to 97 here today!
    Beth-We can all fit. Let me know if we are going during the week because I will have to take the day off.Give me a call when you get a chance.
    Shirley- Thanks for sharing your experience. It makes me wonder how we are not all screwed up the way they treated children when we were kids. I bet your mom wasn't aloud to stay with you either.
    I'll stop by later stay cool!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007's Sunday...I just got up...I am still tired. Whine whine whine LOL.
    Jumpin in the shower and it's cereal for breakfast this morning before heading off to church...ahhhh...somebody wanna come along and pinch me if I fall asleep?
    Love ya all and i'll catch up now...promise!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Nicki say it isn't so. The whole PIG? Well I couldn't have eaten that either. I have a friend who is from Egypt who eats fish with the head on. Eyeballs sitting there looking at you and all. If it is so complete I could give it a name, I'm not eating it! LOL

    Speaking of eating, anyone want breakfast?? I could fry an egg on this chest of mine! OUCH LOL

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007

    Jankay, hope you are going well. Love the funnies and thoughtful e-mails from you. You are such a sweetie! Marsha

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    Nicki, was this guy at the party??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Marsha: I do believe he is one of the piggy men (not Peter) who had to watch the whole thing. The only thing that was missing was an apple in the Pigs mouth. It was really awful! So any hunger went right out the window when the main food arrived.

    Im really laughing because actually that picture looks alike like my son in real life.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2007
    Good morning!

    Nicki, you just made me laugh with your pig story. When I first started dating my DH, we went to his brother's house for a party. After we got there, I was informed that it was a pig roast. I will never forget watching everyone gather around as the cooked pig was removed from the large metal cylinder that it was cooked in. I never imagined that the WHOLE pig would be cooked, so it was quite a shock to see the unveiling.

    Vickie, I wish I could doze off at church this morning, but I have to do my "Catholic calesthenics" during mass. (sit, stand, kneel, repeat....) I'd love to see some of your photos...I've been doing a little photography lately, and I think it would be fun to shoot a wedding.

    Marsha, good to see you! How many more rads until you are done?

    Gotta go shower so that I can make it to church. Hope you all have a great day!

    Much love to all, from Amy to Z!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    i am glad u liked the emails. i guess i am doing fine
    started pool therapy and this morning i Made panczkes for breakfast. now i think i will fix iced coffee
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    Morning everyone.

    Cheri, I see Ethan's avatar; I saw it yesterday. Ok, that kind of babysitting isn't too bad. My grandkids are old enough now that when we take care of them we go to the driving range or my neighborhood pool so it's not like babysitting.

    Denise, we get tires at Costco, so 15 minutes early doesn't cut it. The Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches are good but they don't get as hard as regular ice cream sandwiches. I just bought some of the slow churned Dreyers (I think) low fat ones because it was so hot this week and now the weather has cooled so they are still in the freezer. Paint is Dunn Edwards or Deluxe brand Brazil Nut. I'm not sure how it was mixed. It looks really good with a bright white crown moulding and then half-tint ceilings. Son used to be really good in school - he has a letter of commendation from then President Clinton but when he hit puberty he got ADHD - seriously, there is a form of it that hits with puberty. Anyway, that was it for him and sports was the only thing that kept him going. We went to every game all those years and hubby was the unofficial photographer for the team. He made sure he took pics of every kid, which was hard when some didn't play, and at the sports banquet every year, we gave the kids their photos.

    Deb, earthquake stories. My girlfriend and I worked together and shared the same babysitter when the big one in 89 hit. We were driving home and she said "I think I have a flat tire. Dumb me says "I think everyone else has a flat tire too - look at their faces." We're still driving on the freeway and I see the street lights swaying so we don't know whether to pull over and I'm telling her not to park under the lights and we have this entire conversation before we realize it's an earthquake. Obviously, it had a lot of impact if I can remember our conversation all these years later. Good luck with the weird symptoms. We all do the same thing - it's only natural after what we've been through.

    Pam, ewwwww, drinking his urine....gross. Where does the time go with the kids? How cool is that that Miles is performing the ceremony for Pamela?

    Shirley, hate to tell you but it's gray here again this am. I live about 10 miles from the coast but hubby golfed there yesterday and said it was about as wet as it could be without it being rain. I love home grown tomatoes to but am not good about growing things so I have a cherry tomato plant growing in a strawberry pot in my front yard. Should have some any day now.

    Nicki, my daughter is an LVN and visits several people a day. She has become good friends with the mother of one of the kids she treats and about 6 weeks ago the grandmother invited Shannon and her family, including her boyfriend, to Vegas and paid for EVERYTHING, including food, and Shannon doesn't have to work on this trip. She paid for their airfare and their room at the Bellagio (I stayed at the Bellagio for my anniversary last year and the room was $250 a night). Shannon comes home tonight. Oh, and of course, the news from Vegas this week was that someone walked into the New York New York casino and started shooting. Four people were hurt before he was wrestled to the ground and handcuffed.

    Peter, hope you are sleeping well.

    Oh my, almost two hours to catch up on the reading. I know I'm missing many, but you are thought of. A good day to all from Amy to Z.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    MargaretB: I heard about the shooting on the news yesterday. What a nice gift for your daughter. I hear bellagio is grand and they have very good wine too.

    Sue/Gus: Almost everyone at the party thought I was crazy. As they were chowing down, all I could say was, that pig was smiling at me.


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Morning everyone. It's going to be another hot/humid day here. Still working on the bathroom. It's mud/tape and spackle day. LOL

    I sure miss my time here. DH goes back to work tonight so I'm going to be sneaking in more often now even though I'm suppossed to be working on the bathroom.

    Hugs and Prayers to each and everyone of you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    HiYa Liz: Somehow, I always miss connecting with you. At least having your DH work on the bathroom, got him out of your hair sorta during his time off.

    I go back to work Tuesday.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Sweet dreams Peter. The 7/7/7 party was a blast. Lots of good food, good friends, and blue drinks. Really truly. I just love cheerleader beer. Nicki, thank goodness no food with faces. That would have ruined my appetite too. Anywhos, I ate to much, drank to much, laughed a whole lot, and just had a pickin good time.

    Deb, thanks for the planting tips. I just might try my hand at it again. So far I'm keeping my wanna be flowers alive. With the exception of the one gerbera daisy that some nasty little buck toothed rodent got. And the other gerbera daisy that seems to grow flowers the deer like. Very funny cause they are only chopping off the tops. Not munching on the plant at all.

    Sheri, if you need a place to hang out and don't mind bats I have an extra bed.

    Vicki, mostly just stupid stuff at Lowes. Did get a really cool chandelier from the clearance rack tho. Totally funky, the arms look like palm branches. I have wanted one for my front porch for a long time and this one couldn't be passed up at only $25. Sadly the darn thing is to big for the porch. Our guests would wack their heads on it and that would be bad. So discussed the dilemna and decided it will go in my bedroom. Only room in the house with high ceilings. Which is just fine cause my bedroom furniture has palm leaf carving on it. So guess I'm going tropical when we finally get around to redoing the room. Also went to Circuit City and got a couple of those fancy automated pictures frame thingys. It was on sale and has a rebate. I love a bargain. Got one for me and one for daughter for her birthday.
    Can't wait to see the pics. I love weddings.

    Denise, shoot howdy and damn sam? hahahhahahhahhahah
    bet thats gonna catch on.

    Peter, I hibernate in winter too. Hate the cold with a passion. That lizard is to funny.

    Beth, Transformers was cool wasn't it. Hubby (works at a GM dealership) says the Camero they used was the actual prototype for the car. Hasn't gone into production yet. Yikes if thats true. Can't imagine GM letting them use a one of a kind. But then again they are trying to boost their rep so perhaps they did.

    Pam, I have dozens of adopted kids. My house was the place to be when my kidlets were growing up. Which is quite funny when I think about it cause I was definately the "mean mom". Anywhos one of my adoptees is coming with daughter and I to PinkStock.

    Socal, present indeed. He better. I'm thinking something in leather from Italy. I finally got the info for the ombudsman. Not from dear son of course cause he is a complete flake. Got the info in the mail from his Command.

    Charlene, a long day indeed. Hope Audry had lots of fun in spite of not winning.

    Marsha, awwwwwww 5 year olds are to pickin cute. I'm sorry your hurting. How much longer? Your skin will heal pretty quickly once it's over.

    Nicki, I completely enjoyed not being the designated driver last night. I do live in California. Look on a map, find San Francisco, then run your finger east. That mountain range that is on the border is where I live. I am two hours from everything. east of SF, south of Sacramento, north of Fresno, west of Lake Tahoe. Yosemite I think is north east.

    Joyce, hope you had a good walk. Your welcome. My parents were divorced and I lived with my dad, but your right. Daddy didn't get to stay with me. And my sister could only visit for an hour once a week. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks. It sucked big time.

    Marsha, I can't eat things with faces still attached either. That is just gross.

    Gus/Sue, Catholic calesthenics....hahahhahahhahahhahah

    Margaret, thanks for the warning. Pumping up the a/c. What a nice perk for your daughter. Me thinks that would make me extra proud of my kidlet to know that the people she cares for want to give back to her. To scary about the shooting. Some days I think to myself...self you should really turn on the news to see what is going on in the world....then my sanity returns and the moment passes.

    So on another note......anyone getting ardeia infusions? Does it make your bones/joints ache? The last few days I am starting to have the icky bone achyness/pain that reminds me of arimidex. All my joints are stiff and as achy as can be. Back to creaking when I get out of a chair. Walking gingerly for several minutes when I get out of bed cause my feet are so sore. I'm pretty sure this new insult to my bod is from the aredia but my question is, "are the effects cumulative?" I knew I was getting off to easy when I just had a headache the day after the infusion. Now I'm thinking holy crap. I have to take this stuff for probably two years. I'm gonna end up curled up in a ball whining my life away. Gonna ask doc about it when I see him on wednesday.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007

    Awwwww poor Liz, it will be over soon.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning campers!

    Peter -- thanks for the lizard pic. Too cute!

    Jankay -- glad to see they got your computer back up and running swiftly.

    Nicki -- sounds like you had a good time. I'm with you on the pig thing. No faces on my dinner for me either.

    Vickie -- I'm so glad the wedding shoot went well. Can we see the pics when you have them uploaded or is there a privacy issue?

    Liz -- I'm happy to hear that the remodel is almost done. I bet you are ready for it to be over as well.

    Gus -- hang in there. I don't understand how these insurance companies can be so tight on what is covered when I see their CEO's getting multi million dollar bonuses each year. Doesn't seem like they can be going in the 'red' if they can afford such wonderful pay boosts, heh?

    Joyce -- it sounds like Kevin is on the road to recovery.

    Shopmama -- did you really drive one of the ice plows? That is so cool.

    Hi Madison, Marsha, Cheri, (yup -- I see Ethan), Margaret, Purple, Deb, Denise, Lisa, Iris, and A - Z.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Stiff from the car ride and sunburned in some spots but otherwise not feeling too bad this

    Iris Angel - When Audrey was put in the outfield she got discouraged feeling like she wasn't good
    enough to play infield. I explained to her about every position being important and that
    next year she will be on the infield on the all star team. I reminded her that she's good
    enough to play with only the best 9 & 10 year olds! When she played baseball she tried out
    at 7 to play with the 8 year olds. Easily made the team!
    I've heard the phrase "better living thru chemistry" or something like that .. I think that
    applies in my case! Thanks for your kind words. I hope you're not gone too long, it's
    always a pleasure reading your posts!

    Vickie - You mean you missed out on the negative parents and politics of kids team sports?
    lol There's another 8 year old on Audrey's team who is obviously only there because her
    mom is a coach. I worry about the message that kind of thing sends to the other kids who
    really deserve being there but at this age they probably don't even notice.
    Swimming and hiking are excellent activites .. being active is key. I was on the swim team
    growing up as was my twin who went on to be captain of the swim team in high school. I
    dropped out by then .. in retrospect I regret doing so. At the time my social life was
    more important LOL But kids talents and interests vary and it's also important they do
    what interests them, assuming it's not detrimental! Books are awesome for children .. well
    Everybody, really!

    Pam - I agree with you regarding team sports instilling discipline and self confidence.
    My SO's 11 year old son played football last year but missed half the practices because he'd rather
    go have fun elsewhere and his mom is an idiot. This year she was to take him to sign up
    but "forgot" and they went to the amusement park instead so he won't be playing. I think
    she didn't want to deal with getting him to his daily practice. It's a shame because he
    desperately needs to learn discipline and teamwork! He and Audrey are like night and day
    when it comes to their attitudes!
    That's great about your sister going to college on the softball scholarship! I expect my
    niece will be doing the same!

    Joyce - Best of luck to you with the mammo. Love your Avatar picture! I want to go there!

    Jankay - that's Great about Jessica! I thought Audrey would play basketball because she
    is really good at that as well. She prefers doing that recreationally though. Jessica
    must've been Really good for your brother to offer to pay her!! That's awesome about the
    guitar lessons. Another Very important thing to learn is playing a musical instrument!
    Audrey has a guitar and her dad teaches her. She tinkers on my keyboard too. I want to
    get her lessons but she's always so busy with sports and school and I've had so much going
    on with having a baby and my dx...just haven't fit it in yet. How old is your Jessica?
    Here's a song Audrey wrote when she was 7:

    A pineapple, a pineapple, stuck in a jar, stuck in a jar, will be gone soon, will be gone
    soon, so I expect, so I expect, when I get back from school, when I get back from school,
    it will still be there, it will still be there.


    SoCal - You are an amazingly interesting woman! You're right about how quickly competitiveness
    begins in sports! Love how you kept the parents in line when you coached! These days
    some of the coaches need someone to teach Them sportsmanship!

    Margaret - that's too bad about what happened with your son and football! It's important
    that the importance of school and grades not get lost while kids are in sports. It can
    be so tough to juggle both, especially as demanding as both are these days!

    Puppy - You're so sweet always thinking of others. I hope you're feeling well today.

    Cheri - thank you, I am so proud of Audrey. Even if she weren't so good I'd be proud because
    of her attitude. She strives to do her best and works so hard at it while having a blast!
    She's very proud of the MVP medal she earned during the regular season. She's a great
    role model for Ava to look up to!
    I hope you reached the remote okay and enjoyed your quiet day!

    Denise - whaaat?? you didn't like Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po???? lol There's
    something a bit scary about that show but both Audrey and Ava tune into it!
    I'm saddened to hear about your boy dying so young. That's heartbreaking. It amazes
    me how quickly things can change in the life of an adolescent. Scary and sad. A parent
    can only do so much and hope for the best. There are so many other influences in a childs
    life. Worries me to no end some times.

    Shirley - Heart surgery at 6! OMG! Obnoxious? I can't imagine you being so!!
    Audrey had a Great time in spite of the losses. A lot of the fun was in between games
    and socializing with the other girls! She'd rather win but is learning that winning
    isn't the only thing!

    Beth - That is a shame when a parent ruins it for a child. I hate seeing that.

    Peter - thank you, Audrey is a pleasure to watch! I just remembered soccer camp starts
    tomorrow! Soccer from 9 - noon mon - fri. Softball on tues/thurs from 6 - 8. allergy shot mon @ 6.
    Glad gymnastics is done until the fall! She keeps me busy!
    Sorry to hear it's been so cold .. tomorrow is going to hit 97 degrees here. I'd send
    about 15 of those your way if I could!

    Marsha - great seeing you post! Kids say the cutest things don't they!?!? Nice story about

    Nicki - how cool being ambidextrous! Love seeing batters switch it up depending on the pitcher!
    My uncle used to have pig roasts a lot. The whole pig with the apple in his mouth and all!
    At first I wouldn't eat it. Then I learned to just not look and had somebody else go get
    me the meat. Very tasty, but I could never eat it if I saw the pig!

    Margaret - what a nice gift for your daughter!

    Gus - funny at my uncles pig roasts it always seemed to be all the men and boys gathered around
    the unveiling of the pig! why is that?

    Jasmine - Good morning to you!

    Deb - I told Audrey about how Alaska has the long days of light and long days of dark during
    different parts of the year. She was so amazed by that! It amazes Me! Thanks for the
    earthquake info, very interesting.

    Liz - you Need your breaks!

    Okay, I must get going, sorry if I missed anyone but thinking of everyone from A - Z.

    Hugs and Love,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Angel! Happy Sunday!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Happy Sunday to All......
    Had a long day out of town yesterday ...(went to anticipated mass cause DH is flying out of state today)...
    so today is my Saturday to clean and do errands....
    I'll check in on everyone tonight...
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited July 2007
    The "Oldies and Goodies" know me from when this thread first started but have only had time to read in an effort to keep up for quite awhile now. Just wanted to say "hi" to all of our new CGs---you too Peter! Have always wanted to visit Australia (but we just returned from a month in Alaska and have to pay for that first!).

    Charlene---enjoy your posts too. My kids are grown now but they were both very active in sports. I figured if we kept them busy they would be too tired to get into trouble! It's time well spent, believe me. (Hard to remember sometimes when you're standing there freezing/wet/broiling.)

    Nicki---the next time you are invited to a pig roast you can do what Deb and her family do----they name their chickens but they have a limited selection to choose from----"lunch", "dinner", etc.

    Hope all have a good day. Blistering hot and thunderstorms here. Think I'll drag out the sewing machine and play. My SO was always told as a child he had to weed the beans before he could go play with Ernie. My problem is I get so mired down by my beans that I forget to play with Ernie.
