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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    ah well...I am home...don't have an abcessed tooth after all...its TMJ...great, grand and wonderful but least it isn't cancer LOL. I've had it in the past and wore a mouthpiece but haven't had a problem in a very long time. This is wayyyy worse than it's ever been in the past. Oh well...pass the pain pills and send me on my way LOL. They want me to have an MRI done of my jaw but don't know if I will or not. Just sick of doctors.
    Puppy is a little better...dehydrated so he got an IV while I was at the dentist...costly day all the way around. Don't know if he has the flu or if he got some of the tainted food when I bought him new treats last week...I didn't save the packages because I always put his treats in a tupperware container. Threw them all out just to be on the safe side.
    sigh...have to leave shortly to do the rehearsal pictures...I took the lens caps off already LOL.
    Shirley...thanks for sharing the afghan story. I so love making them and I'm actually catching up. After getting one I know first hand how precious it is! I love mine dearly and wouldn't part with it for anything.
    Jasmine...find a cyberparty spot and I'll meet you there later (if it isn't too late).'d better be there too.
    Sheri...wanna come hid out with me for a few days LOL. Sending you a hug.
    Who in the heck is Clyde.
    Pam...sending you love and hugs and something special in the mail on Monday! Finally!! a while crocodile! You can come stay with me for a bit too. Nice and quiet here!
    Beth...are you on my myspace? I don't think you are...I could be wrong.
    Shirley girl...I got lots of sympathy at the dentist today...he was a cutie too! Oops...there I go again. I just can't help myself. There all startin to look pretty good right about now LOL.
    Angel...nice morning glory LOL.
    Marsha...are cyberpartying with us this weekend? Don't listen to what Cheri tells you about me!
    Iris...where are you? Don't see you anywhere.
    Jan...thought you were missing and was ready to get Jankay to come with her scooter to round you up. Cheri wouldn't tell me where you were...said if she told she'd have to
    Laura...yeah...I'm glad they were good to you. Hugs.
    ok...I really gotta load the car and get outta here. Not good if the photographer is late! Makes the bride to be nervous LOL.
    Love ya all...bunches...I'll be back
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007

    Vickie, you already added me to your space, silly. So did sherloc, mary lou, pam amd sheri. got to go though, the cleaning fluids are calling!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2007
    Thanks to everyone for your kind words! I have already filed the appeal paperwork with the insurance company, and I am not giving up without a fight. I have tons of supporting documentation from my son's physician, OT, etc. to back me up...and one of the OT's with the waiting list said that she would even speak on my behalf to address the importance of continuity of services and the difficulty that kids with autism have with transitions. I intend to win this thing, but I allowed myself to get caught up in pity party because I have to fight for EVERYTHING for my son and I just want something to be easy.

    Thanks again for the kicks, the hugs, the joke, and for just being a safe place that I can come to when I am losing it! You all mean so much to me!!

    Love and hugs,
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Hi DebC..was thinking about you when I went to the Earthquake site from Geological service..your area must get lots and lots of earthquakes every week!! I noticed my pictures were a little crooked and went to the site..sure enough we had a little quake
    literaly under us on Monday..
    Do you feel those you get??
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Well I finially did it. Went to great clips and said please do something with my hair. She didnt cut it short. Just shaped it and it looks pretty cute. We shall see when it comes time for me to style it myself.

    I talked to my sister for a little bit. We have the same onc and he told her he wants to take her off of her Aromasin. Says studies are showing the aromatase inhibitors are causing bone loss. Mentioned putting her on tamoxifen or just taking her off medications all together. He told her to discuss it with me of all people. ME? Im er/pr negative. Her cancer was found at a much earlier stage. She is stage 1 with an 8mm invasive component. Tubular which is good - has one of the higher cure rates. Told her I didnt know. I would have to look things up as this is the first I heard of the bone loss issues. I know I hear about all of you who are on the different aromatase inhibitors, but not being on them, I really dont know much about them.

    Having my own little pity party today. I have been blessed with having a wonderful friend who has been sending me $500 a month as a consultant. The reality is I have not really done anything to earn the money. Right when I was gonna ask her for a loan of all things. She told me this would be my last check. Now I really shouldnt complain, and Im actually greatful she has helped me out for 2 years now. But Im bummed out by it. The roller coaster of life - I just hate it sometimes.

    SoCal: I really think I am a total idiot when it comes to earthquakes. Still cant believe I didnt know that Alaska gets so many quakes. Always thought it was California. But then there is a fault over the midwest, so I guess we could be at risk for earthquakes too.

    Sue/Gus: Tired of fighting for everything. Now thats for sure. Before breast cancer it seemed easier to fight for things. Sometimes I feel like I have to suck it in and somehow find that energy in the pit of my stomach to fight for things. Its tiring.

    Vickie: TMJ - what a nightmare. Take those pain pills and good luck with the photo session.

    Sheri: A house guest for 10 days, right after coming home from vacation. OMG that sounds stressful. Glad I have xanax and wish I could send you some. Came home and took a xanax right away. Feeling much better now.

    Laura: Good news about getting you appt rescheduled.

    Cheri: Gosh, I dont know what to really say. From this end, it seems like your daughter might be taking advantage of you. Cant imagine being a baby sitter while being in a wheelchair, having a cast, and taking Percodan or any other type of pain meds. Seems like your daughter should be helping you.

    Shokk: Oh boy. Cleaning out the house and your daughters are doing it for you. Thats wonderful. Im a pak rat too. Have things from before I met my husband and that was 34 years ago. Depression - I believe its a big part of having bc. Since Im a little bummed out, Im drinking wine and dont even want to go in the swimming. Hahahah the hottest day this week. My DH told me "you need to get over this depression thing." But it just aint that easy. BTW I saw pictures on the news this morning. Black eyed Susans - one of my favorite flowers were under about 2 inches of water. Now they are tall plants. So Im really hoping this rain stops.

    Jan: Man, you are really going to enjoy that time off next week - its therapetic.

    Sherloc: With your recent hives and shortness of breath. I think you should see an allergist and a pulmonary specialist. Come to think of it have they ruled out any cardiac issues. Shortness of breath can be from so many things.

    Charlene: Yes in medical terms its called Pica. And when I was little I had it. Hahahaha really true story about eating the sparkler. You would just scream if you heard what else I ate. Elmers Paste? When I was six I loved it. Sure am glad I grew out of it.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited July 2007
    Nicki---Yes, the AIs cause bone loss but there is treatment to be done for that to keep it from getting out of hand. I'd sure rather take Actonel, or whatever, and not get a recurrance, thank you very much.

    My bone density after 18 months on Arimidex showed a 4.3% loss of bone mass and my dentist says she can see some minor bone loss in my jaw but I am still considered osteopenic---but onc put me on Actonel anyway to stay ahead of the curve.

    I'd be kinda leery of your sister's onc's line of reasoning, given the effectiveness of the AIs.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Cheri, it doesn’t matter how old our children are….we sure do worry. I do hope you have a good relaxing weekend.

    Jan.. it sure sounds like you need a vacation…..will you be able to take any bike trips soon?

    Shokk, I agree with Shirley, you really do need a break over there. Sounds like heavy-duty cleaning at your house……I tend to keep items also….(especially kitchen dishes, etc.)

    SoCalLisa, I so envy your ability to do volunteer work……it is a wonderful way to meet like-minded individuals and give back to your community.

    Sherloc…shhhh…..I had the “test” in December of last year….hey, once they knock you out you don’t know what’s happening….

    DebC, have fun with your children…summer and children equal busy-busy

    Laura, wow-fantastic that you were able to re-schedule your mammo….

    Beth, don’t envy your trip to see transformers….did my duty with kidlets-only we saw Kermit and Big Bird in that generation

    Sue, sending you big, big hugs…..I really think this is a fight you are going to win…nothing is tougher than a Mom fighting for her children

    Vickie, I didn’t know TMJ could cause so much swelling. My dear, take it easy, take your pain meds and try to get some rest. How’s the puppy? It could have been some food…my vet daughter’s lab was in ICU for a few days last year with what they think was a bad rawhide bone.

    Alwayshope….deep breath…you are working too hard

    Sheri, you just returned from vacation AND you are going to have company. You are going to need another vacation in about 2 weeks

    Nickie, get yourself a glass of good wine….you deserve it……I don’t much like the roller coaster of life either-absolute sucks sometimes. I sure do miss smoking when I am really stressed out (and don’t have a RX for Xanax)….but do have some wine at home……Wine always helps

    Gotta get back to work
    Hugs to all from A to Z
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Madison: I didnt want tell anyone, but Im having wine and took a small dose of xanax. Guess thats why Im feeling a little better.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Nickie..the earthquake website is
    It is really quite cool to see just where they are!!
    I wish you lived closer to us..would love to have you pop over for a swim...I would even give you a very big glass of wine!!

    About the aromatase inhibitors..Most of us here have done them..I did armidex for four years after one year of tamoxifen..after 18 months on arimidex, my bone density went on a downward spiral fast. I caught it in time as I insisted on getting bone density testing every six to nine months..and started fosamax. When my five year total on hormone treatments came up, I opted to stop them because of the bone thing and the fact that there is no research on the long term effects of the AIs..But we are all different and have different issues...

    Have another glass on me!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Vickie, I have TMJ, too. It only happens when I yawn and my jaw/mouth sticks wide open. It will not close just hangs open like. So embarrasing to sit in ER's with your mouth gaping and after so long the saliva begins to pour out of the opening, blot it with a box of kleenex, people staring....oh so attractive! One of my sisters has it and she ended up with surgery but she used to wear the little wire thing. Mine has luckily only occurred 3 times in my life. It gets painful after my jaw hangs wide open for a couple of hours while they try & figure out how to get it back in line,

    Nickie, oh yeah she's taking advantage...but that's my own fault for letting her. She's an only child & I've spoiled her rotten.

    Susans going to stop by pretty soon. She's putting in a job app. down here so is going to run by. I don't have to try and buzz around here in my wheelchair on my walker to straighten up, she just takes me as I am. And my house. lol She's a comfortable friend, but then all my friends are. lol

    Guess I'll mosey on over to the Cyber party thread to see if anyone knows where the Par-Tay is.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    I had TMJ back in 1965 before they had a name for it..took them a very long time to figure it out it turned out my holding the telephone receiver with my shoulder and pushing it up against my ear gradually pushed the jaw out..
    the obvious thing for me was to hold the phone with my hand. But it sure had the medical people wasn't until they xrayed my head they found it!!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007
    Cheri:tell susan I miss her bad and she needs to give me a call sometime.

    How is everyone else doing?

    My knee and shoulder is still killing me,I cant sleep at night for my knee hurting and usually end up in the recliner.I cant wait till monday when I see my onc so I can get a referral to an orthopod.

    Thank you Peter and Theresa for remembering me and thinking about my pain.

    Cant sit long at a time just wanted everyone to know I am still around.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Liz - I don't know how you keep up with everything and still have time to post! I'm exhausted just reading yours! 60 years .. that's amazing!!

    Shokk - I felt the same way you did about just being happy to get home yesterday!

    Shirley - Look again - It's actually a urinal! LOL But I understand the guy does sinks too! btw, another thing we have in common is our dx. 1.5 cm stage 1 (well, depending who you ask but that's another story). I opted out of chemo. After a ton of research I believe that my best adjuvant therapy is hormonal. For some ER/PR+ node negative women it's actually better than chemo. My oncotype test put me in the intermediate risk group so I still had to make a decision! I was most concerned about long term affects of chemo, especially with pre-existing conditions I have. Wasn't easy but as my Onc said we will never look back! You shouldn't either because nobody really knows.

    Jan - nice seeing you post. I hope you're feeling more up than you had been!

    SoCal - want more pictures of the bay .. it's so beautiful! I've never been to San Diego but I've been told it's one of the most loveliest places in America. True? Funny what one can fine online! Check out more lovely urinals here:
    I just noticed he's having an exhibit in your hometown at the Patrick Moore Gallery!

    Vickie - sorry you're in pain with the TMJ. Does Anything slow you down??

    Nicki - Wow I never knew there was such a thing! I bet your parents were glad you outgrew it as well! I'll keep an extra close eye on Ava when we have the sparklers out! Sorry you were feeling down. Wine is Always good for that!

    Gus - You Go girl! Fight them to the end!

    Gentle (((( Robin ))))) .. sorry it's so bad, really hope your onc gets you that referral and you get some relief soon!

    Cheri - Comfortable friends are the best kind!

    Well my naturally athletic 8 year old Audrey tried out for the 9 & 10 year old All Stars Softball team and made it! Only a handful of 8 year old girls did. Problem is she has a tournament tomorrow and it's an Hour away and she needs to be there at 7:30 for warmup!!! That's A.M.! So I need to get up at the ungodly hour of 5:30 A.M. so I can have my coffee and get her up and out the door with everything we'll need by 6:30 A.M!! They are playing at least four games, at 8:15, noon, 3pm and the coach wasn't sure of the fourth. It's double elimination and the first two games are to seed the team. If they don't lose the last two games they keep playing .. it may go in to Sunday so I may have to do this all over again Sunday! It's going to be a long and exhausting day. She might be tired too LOL Wish me luck, no matter what time I get her to bed lately she's up three times and still awake after midnight! Tomorrow morning is going to come awful quickly for both of us!

    We're off to dinner, going out tonight Woo Hoo!!! Don't do that very often at all. For those going there have fun in the party thread!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Afternoon ladies. Surgeons visit went well I guess. Asked me a gazillion questions. Colonoscopy scheduled for August 22.

    Beth, hubby and I are supposed to be seeing Transformers tonight. We'll see how tired he is when work is done.
    Anyone wants to add me to your myspace just ding me. My link is in Moving Beyond.

    Deb, seems to be a lot of missing posts these days.

    Laura glad they were able to reschedule with no problem.

    Socal, lovely story about the afghan. I'm sure the hugaghans mean just as must to everyone that has received them.

    Hi Jaz

    Sheri, sometimes I feel a bit guilty about not being closer to my daughter so I can help her out. But on the other hand she is a fabulous mommy and really doesn't need my help. I'm supposed to bring the 3 oldest home with me when I get home from PinkStock for a week of grammie time.

    Vicki, TMJ ouch! Is that fixable? Get the MRI. oooo and don't forget to take off the lens cap.

    Gus/Sue, go get em.

    Nicki, a new do. Woohoo! The fact that the AI's cause bone loss has been known since it was first approved. Hmmmm I'd be asking the doc why he didn't know that. Has your sister not had a baseline bone density done? If not she should. She can take one of the biophos drugs to counteract the bone loss.
    I'm sorry you are losing some income. That always stinks.
    I figured out what caused the hives. It was the sunscreen hubby keeps in his car. Heart issues have been ruled out. Had all the appropriate tests. Still haven't ruled out a blood clot completely. Last time I saw him he said if it doesn't improve he will send me for CT. Also mentioned pulmonologist but I really think I am allergic to something in my house. I have searched high and low and can't find any mold. I'm still going with the bats.
    I loved Elmers Paste when I was a kidlet. It was yummy.

    Jeannie, good to see you. I lost 30% bone mass in 9 months on arimidex.

    Madison, looking forward to the knocking out.

    Cheri, I'm sure Amber oversteps the bounds every so often but you seem to have the situation well under control.

    Whelp this has taken forever cause daughter is yapping in my ear. See ya all later.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited July 2007
    Thanks Charlene,he is going to have to get me somewhere,I have just about had all the pain I can tolerate in a lifetime.
    Gotta get shoulder and knee fixed before can get recon.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    this is an email i got from iamhere4u today.

    just wanted everyone to know what happened at the plastic surgeon visit. it looks like they are going to try what is called a wound vac pump. it is something that trys to hurry along the healing process. i have to wear it 24/7. it also has some kind of box with it that controls the pump. i guess it sucks the air and everything out of my chest and makes it adhere from what i understand...something like that. it is very expensive so the ps is trying to talk to a sales rep. to see if they cant get there hands on one and write it off. for now the hole is big but clean and free from infection. im praying for a miracle now that my treatment and steroids are all done. that was why the thing would not heal in the first place and continued to get bigger!!!! anyway i wanted you all to know what is going on. please be praying with me that this hole heals before i have to go through all of that. the ps said it would be a minimum of 6 weeks, cant even imagine how that is all going to feel on the hole they are working on trying to get one now. in the mean time we will keep doing what we did before, packing the hole and keeping it dry and clean. i want to tahnak all of you for hanging in there with me and supporting me. it means more to me than you will know!........rita </HTML>
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Evening all!

    Just got back from 'Mom Duty!' Actually the day was good, she is just getting slower and slower and tires easy....but I did drag her to a couple stores with me.

    I'm planning on meeting Suz on great is that! You know, we all have alot in common.....the Beast being the #1 thing in common........but without the Beast we wouldn't have met each other! How many people can say they have friends spread all over the Country!!

    DH just finished pouring the porch......gotta go check it out and spend some 'bonding' time! Most likely that will consist of me knitting and him watching Sci-Fi!!!!

    Thinking of each and everyone of you and wishing all a wonderful weekend!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007
    Oh crap, trying to read back and can't do it!
    Happy Friday, Circle Sisters!!!

    I am looking at my notes and can't decifer anything I wrote .

    Madison, something about Maine.

    SoCal, I don't even know!

    Vickie. TMJ. This I know about!! I had surgery about 8 yrs ago. It totally sucks! I was living on muscle relaxants. Better now!

    Charlene, I'm OK. Don't worry! Yeah! Your DD made the All Stars!! That's great.

    Nicki, again, I can't read what I wrote. Wine just sucks when you are trying to post!

    Oh, Cripes, I have to sign off now, because I can't read anything or write anything to you guys! Happy weekend to all! Love you!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2007
    I posted in the afghan thread but will repeat this here.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Love, hugs and kisses to all my sisters,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007

    Sue, did you get an afgan???? Enjoy it Girlfriend!!!

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2007
    Jan- I got a beautiful, incredible afghan. A wonderful box ful of hugs!
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited July 2007
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm finally back on line. I am not going to try to go back and read the 716 posts since I last signed off. The move went well, but had problems with phone jacks and getting back on line. Off to make dinner and will be back soon. May try to stop in the party wagon and have a few. Love to everyone.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    oh my goodness i made it home!!!!
    A 3:30 rehearsal...I get there in plenty of time...can't find anyone...anywhere. I go ask the service desk where the Lychalk party is and they said..."the gazebo"...I go back to the gazabo...nope...this is most definetely NOT the Lychalks...back to the service desk...girl says "Are you sure?"...wth...yes I'm sure...I am doing their wedding pictures tomorrow and I damn well better know who I am taking photos of! comes to the gazebo with me and say "oh...that's not the Lychalk party" shit! They didn't show up till 10 minutes after 4!!! Can you believe it. I was soooo amazed and just getting ready to leave as I figured they called the whole dang thing off or something and forgot to tell me. Well now they are having a wedding in the gazebo and we can't use it till 6pm so they decide to go to dinner first then come back and do the rehearsal...guess what time we got back...7:15!! aaauuugggghhhhh!!!! Tomorrow should really be interesting let me tell you. I got some fantastic shots though and remembered to take the lens cap off. Wasn't in any mood to be doing this tonight, just took pain meds and Lexapro so I should be just fine and dandy soon. brother used to eat everything and anything, crayons, chalk, dirt, rocks, ants, spiders, dead name it and he'd eat it. ewwww. Sorry you're feeling down...wish I had an extra 500.00 a month I could help you with.
    Wow...lots of ladies here with TMJ...Cheri...I had my jaw get stuck like that twice!!! Freaked me out pretty good. I haven't had a problem in a really long time though so I thought I was in the clear...wrong! Gotta tell ya...hurts like hell.
    Hi Jeannie girl.
    awww know we love you. You fight them dirty so and so's...they deserve it.
    Beth...heeehee...I am so totally brain dead these days. I need to check my myspace.
    Tucking you all't late and time for bed! I know I haven't made my rounds this week but man I just don't seem to have a spare second of free's making me insane.
    Peter mate, pal, big brother, assie friend...drag your sill butt outta bed...its time to take over the watch! Somebody go snatch the blankets off...oh no wait...might be naked...just tickle his nose with a feather.
    Think I've had enoug pain meds and lexapro for one night. Tryin to eat popsicles and type...not doin so well. Have a fierce case of the hiccups too. I'm in grand shape the time pickstock rolls around I'll probably look like this
    without the cigarette (which I am really craving tonight).

    Love ya all and hope you have sweet pleasant's off to lala land for me...
    see ya's in the morning before I head out to the wedding (that I hope they are on time for!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Hey Cherryl...good to see you back! You were missed.
    Peter...good morning...boy that's such a confusing statement to make at almost 10pm!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    good night all

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Night all!

    I was going to walk the perimeter for Vickie tonight, but our Sweet Brother has taken over the night watch for us! We all are safe and sound...........Thanks Peter!


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Checking in on all the CG's and Peter to wish all a Good Night and Peter a Good Morning....

    Sweet Dreams one and all

    Peter, it seems you have the perimeter watch....(there is gonna be a party at the cyber-party wagon and they are serving blue drinks....stop by there for a while. I hear those blue drinks are good for whatever ails ya.).
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Happy Friday! Hope that you will have a great weekend! I am going to be chilling out!
    Have had internet issues and workmen;missed hearing abt all of you! I,finally, came out from under all the junk and boxes… was lots easier moving the junk 20 yrs ago,go figure! Not that age and dragging in tons of junk would enter into the pic,would it? Ha! Glad this week is over!

    Denise…loved your animal photos! Ate the ice cr for you and hope that you like Reese’s and Butterfinger! Sorry that I can’t share the pounds w/you. Good for you for keeping on-track and enjoy the visit w/Suz! Proud of you and when I visit my dr in early Aug,guess who will be weighing for me??? Thank you!
    Beth…hope the “Transformers” is a good movie;funny that so many old toys keep popping up.
    Angel/Charlene…congrats to Audrey and yes,that is really early. I hope that they have a great time and what an honor! I know she is a good athlete. So sorry to read abt the pains that you are having;hope the meds and the rheumatologist are a big help. Thinking of you! Hate driving in hard rainstorms,too.
    Kristin…enjoy the trip to the Poconos! The pics always look so beautiful and serene.

    Madison…choc birthday cake and all my ice cr! We could have had a royal party.Hope it was fun! I love the birthday goodies and the ice cr is a treat this wk. Have a great wkend!
    SheriH…glad to see the memorizations;did them in the 8th grade and am glad they required them. I felt so good to be able to recite so much of the document when Gina posted it. Good for you! Congrats on the afghan;great pics.

    Cheri…good to see you! Been having comp issues and workmen;week has bn crazy. Take care! Glad that you are feeling better and I cannot see Ethan’s pic on my comp. Is it the avatar where it is?
    Carrie…good to see you and good luck w/your test. Hi to Denise! Miss seeing you here.
    Suz…hope that your trip to MI is fun and that your fam has a great vac. I know that you will have a blast w/Denise! Enjoy the trip. Your 4th sounded like a really fun day.
    Peter…cool coffee mug and loved the Garfield and his bunny slippers! Hope your wkend goes well.

    Vickie…TMJ—had that mess,too! Wore a retainer for a yr and got a night guard that I hate. Dentist thinks I grit my teeth and clench my jaws! I hate that you have it and hope it is less painful during wedding tomorr. Lovely photos of you and Nate! Your whole fam is so photogenic!
    Shirley…sorry that you are still having the allergy-type issues. I love that name abt Mrs. Magicfingers. Did I read that you said 4 yrs of some room renovations? I would have already been committed—men abt drove me insane as they piled all the closets into one rm from upstairs;can you say freak out? I have abt straightened up—quit! Take care and glad you got the colonoscopy scheduled for Aug.

    Cherryl..hi there and glad to see you! Good you got the internet up and going! Missed seeing your posts!
    Sue/Boo…glad that you received your afghan! What a nice surprise!
    Robin…hi to you! Sorry that you are still having problems w/the shoulder and glad you have dr’s appt soon.
    Jasmine…I hope that you have had some nice hot tea in the new teapot! What a lovely idea for my tired body.
    Nicki… hope that your Sat and the rest of vac is fun. I do rememb “Dragnet” and “Just the facts,Ma’am from Frank and Friday. How abt “Car 54,Where Are You?” and “Hazel” ??? TV was sure diff back then….

    Margaret…your new car sounds neat. Good you had a good flight and saved on the trip and car. Got the internet finally straightened out and the mail from the server. Still got big issues to sort as my friend “patched” it and it needs a re-boot! Yuck! How is yours now?
    Tricia…hi to you and hope things go well.
    Amy…when you coming home? Hope the vac goes well!

    Hi:Gus/Sue,Odalys,Puppy,Jankay,Betty,Laura,mb,Pam,Marsha,Liz,Laura,shokk,Jan,SoCalLisa,Deb,Jeannie and anyone else that I have missed.

    Will be gone for a while and wish all of you the best! Will try to catch-up and know I will be thinking of each of you! Take care!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007

    Good to see you Iris..hurry back now...