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  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2007
    Thanks,Lisa! Love all your photos~your grandchild is just beautiful!You are so busy and do so much for others. How did the book drive go? Hope that you are well and have a great weekend! Where is your next trip?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Walking softly in so as not to wake those sleeping... and hoping not to surprise Peter too much. Don't want to startle him while he is on watch!
    Hope you all have had a pretty good day. As you can see, mine has been terribly long. On call tonight again and just haven't been to bed. Clyde is already stretched out on my bed, however. (Yes, we made up and he got to come back in last night about bedtime. He is such a good dog. And that is the first time ever he has messed up in our new home). I will be much more careful about putting stuff away before he gets it though!
    Vickie, although you are already sacked out, your day was longer than mine! Hope you rest well and the wedding turns out to be a good thing tomorrow. Hope the pain eases soon.
    Robin, so sorry for your pain issues. I know it can be so depressing. Know you are in our prayers. (at least everything is clean)
    I am watching a "Man vs Wild" program on the Discover channel because it is about Kimberly, Australia. Watching it in your honor, Peter! Always like to learn more... just can't remember since chemo.
    Angel.. I am assuming your daughter plays fast pitch ball since that seems to be all they do anymore. I grew up playing slow pitch and love it! An eight year old on an all star team is most awesome! What position does she play? It will be a long, hot day... but from these days are the best memories made! Enjoy. (Will Ava be going with you?)
    So many I have missed but suddenly can't keep my eyes open so I wimp out and say from Amy to Z... God;s blessings on you. (Especially Susan and Mena and Puppy and Robin). Peter.. have a good evening. Thanks for standing watch.
    Hope to be able to post more tomorrow. Pam
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    home from the movies. Transformers was FABULOUS. Another excellent comic book movie on the books. Wouldn't take any kids under 10 to see it tho.

    Nicki, your probably sound asleep right now. But woohoo on the wine and xanax. Bet you were feeling good.

    Charlene, o my gosh was it really? holy smokes. Never mind I don't want it then. Can't have the guys peeing in my flowers.
    Never look back indeed. I don't most of the time. O my up at 5:30. I'm sorry.

    Vicki, that pic is just scary. You will do great tomorrow. Just relax and point the camera in the right direction.

    denise, finished the porch already. Dang I'm impressed.

    jan, no need to read back. Just catch us up on you. Haven't seen you in a few days. Or more?

    yikes there is a really big moth buzzing around my screen.

    Good Morning Peter. Beat that cybermonster to a bloody pulp. Hope you have a fabulous day.

    ewwwww the moth is sitting on my desk and it's looking at me. yuck it's eyes are glowing. that is just creepy.

    Iris, I'm pretty sure I'll live with whatever allergies I have. Just getting really annoying.
    Yes you read correctly. Remodeling project took 4 years. But it was 4 rooms not one. Half of my house is about 100 years old. Not a nice old house. Just an old mountain cabin that someone years ago added a kitchen and bathroom to. The other half is about 15 years old. Previous owners added on to the cabin. We pretty much gutted the "old" half and made it all new, floors to ceilings. Hubby did the majority of the work himself which is why it took so long. We still have the "new" half to fix up but hubby says anymore remodeling will be done over his dead body so I guess I have to wait for the life insurance to come in.
    Mrs Hippy Magicfingers is my hero.

    Off to bed dear friends. Haven't slept well last couple of nights so popped an ambien tonight. Hubby insists I go to bed before I get loopy. Personally I think I'm pretty entertaining when I'm loopy but he says I'm just annoying. Not sure if I'll get to pop in tomorrow. Going to Home Depot in the morning, which usually turns into an all day trip, then going to the 7/7/07 party tomorrow night. So if not I'll see you on sunday. Have a great tomorrow.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2007

    Good morning everyone.

    Peter, want to let me take the watch? I'm up and got the coffee going.

    I'm a bundle of nerves. Tempers are getting short at work. I thought we were going to lose two people for the conference yesterday. They weren't happy with the staff work schedule. One just left about 2 and they other was still working at 5:15 when I left. I don't need this stress from these people. Just get on the plane and get there and do your job. Maybe it has something to do with them being the oldest (64) and youngest (24) and neither getting along with the other.

    I have to run errands today, pay some bills and get packed. We're hitting the road at 6 am tomorrow. I have just enough room in the van for our stuff. I should get FedEx pay for the delivery service I'm running to the conference. LOL

    I've caught up with everyone, but still have to send Amy to Z hugs and love.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Quick Good Morning to everyone as I have to get my butt in gear! So hard for me at this hour! lol

    Pam, You're right and I'm so glad Audrey is involved in sports. She always has been and hope always will be. She'd much rather be outside being active then sitting infront of the tv or video games! She's actually playing slow pitch! Where I live I'm told they don't get into fast pitch until age 11 or 12, although they can start at 9. I may switch her to that next year to give her an edge if she wants to do it. She actually played baseball her first two years and was among the best on her team if not the best! Decided this year she wanted to play with the girls. I think because they're more mature and more into the game and seem to have more of a team mentality, at least at this age. They have her in right center field, mainly because all the 9 & 10 year olds got to pick the infield positions. During regular season they rotated positions because it's still instruction level but she often plays pitcher or first or third. Next year she'll move up a level. She's a lefty and has a powerful swing! Ava will stay home with daddy because it's such a long day and starts way before she's even up! He may come down for one of the afternoon games. I hope so .. it's strange to me to go that long without seeing her! Well I gotta run, I'm tempting father time here!

    Love and Hugs to all

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: guess I am moving slow today as I made coffee but forgot to put the water in! So its taking twice as long to brew.

    Today is our big party! Dont know how I gonna make it through the whole day. Gonna be 95 and humid! Im bringing lots of water with me. Wont be drinking for a couple of reasons. One - cant drink when its so hot and two - I will be the designated driver.

    SoCal: That earthquake site was so great. And that big glass of wine, was certainly inviting. Ive deicded Im gonna tell my sister this whole journey is a crap shoot. If our onc is giving her a choice of tamoxifen or stopping all - then he must be confident with her situation. So Im just gonna support her decision.

    Cheri: Nice new avatar! And thanks for the update on Susan - hoping your visit was nice.

    Robin: Sorry your still having so much pain and hoping the orthopod can do something for you.

    Charlene: Im feeling better this moring. Congratulations on Audrey and baseball. I loved playing it when I was a kid. Dont know how youve got the energy to everything that you do.

    Sherloc: Colonoscopy? Ewwww! Im sue it will go fine though. I suspect my sister isnt telling me everything. She is looking more for me to give "approval" that it would be ok to stop the AI's and nottake tamoxifen. We are also going to a big 7-7-07 party!

    Denise: Hope you have fun with Suz on Sunday.

    Jan: Im laughing. Sounds like you were having a great weekend and enjoying some wine.

    Peter: Good morning to you

    Cherryl: Good to hear from you. Glad the move went well.

    Vickie: Its not just that my friend is stopping the consultation services. She was sort of nasty in a friendly way - if ya know what I mean. Made a point of telling me that lung cancer is much worse than breast cancer! Sort of just sat there with my mouth open. Then told me about how she is disconnecting herself from her sisters and all everyone wants is money. That sort of hurt cause I felt like she was putting me in that category. I never asked her for the money in the first place. I feel like I have a monkey off my back now. I know that when things seem desperate, something always happens to make things better.

    Iris: Car 54 whre are you. Ahahaha thats funny.

    Betty and Jankay: Good morning to both of you.

    Ok - gotta go. Will check back with you all later. We dont leave for the party till 2pm.

    Have a great morning

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    that's me in the window this morning! yeesh...
    Good morning sunshine sisters all...I am on the confused couch at this point as I have been so busy I have no idea what's going on with anyone but I'm gonna give it a whirl before I head out to start taking pics again.
    The pictures I got last night at the rehearsal and dinner (not in that order LOL)turned out great! What a relief. My eyes aren't what they used to be so it was hard for me to see clearly through the viewfinder or at the display on the digital.
    Cheri...he's such a cutie. I think maybe I need to finally change my avatar. The one I have is called butterfly kisses and it just felt like "me" at the time. I feel better now and maybe that little girl should go.

    Nicki...try to have some fun at the party today. It's supposed to be hot here to. The ceremony will be fairly short and the reception is indoors so I'll be in the air conditioning most of the day. Hugs to you.

    Good morning Angel...neither of my kid were ever into sports. Sarah is tall and was always so very uncoordinated and Nate is more into his books and computer. He does love to swim though. He can literally swim for hours and hiking is another favorite thing to do. I really need to slow down.

    Peter...oops...forgot to tuck you in and thank you for walking the perimeter and keeping us safe through the night. Have a peaceful nights sleep and see you in the morning...evening...?!?!? LOL are probably already on your way but hoping today is a better day at the conference. Hugs to you.

    Pam...I slept really well thank you. Woke up on time without the alarm and took half a percocet (sp?) so I can stay focused and not be holding my face in pain LOL. Hope you have a grand day today. Love ya.

    Shirley...that sounds like a pretty impressive remodeling job! Wow. I always wanted to buy an old old house (victorian style)and remodel it from top to bottom...that is, when I win the lottery. I'm pretty relaxed heehee.

    Iris...thank you and we'll miss you so come home soon!

    Boo...isn't it the greatest feeling to get an afghan...wrap yourself right up in all that love! You deserve it!

    Jankay...we'll put Rita in the center and say lots of prayers for her. Hope you have a grand day.

    Margaret...haven't seen you but I may have missed a page or two. Happy Saturday to ya.

    Shirley girl...can't wait to see the excited about that! What a wonderful project. What a grand idea...I think it should be on CNN! Seriously!

    I am missing so many and this sucks LOL. CG withdrawl. I have to shower and get ready for the big day.
    Love ya all and sending hugs all around. I'd fix breakfast but can't eat anything LOL. It's popsickles for me (my tongue is blue this morning!) won't brush off!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning....
    Hope everyone has a great Saturday
    No time this morning....need to grab the car keys and head out the door (I'm going out of town to visit back late)
    Hugs to all from A to Z
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Happy Saturday Campers! Good morning Vickie, Nicki, Angel, Jankay, Madison, and A to Z. Good night Peter...sleep well.

    Vickie, how is the TMJ? Less pain today?

    I'll be back in a bit with more. Just got up and the coffee needs amakin and the dog is sitting here with crossed legs needin to go out!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    good morning to u jas
    did u get the lizard yet?
    do u want to borrow our cat to torture the lizard.
    love janice
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Jankay...haven't found the lizard yet. The last I saw my dog chased it under the love seat about 2 days ago. So, its either dead or very very good at hiding now.

    I would get a cat too but my dog would just think I had brought her 'take out' dinner and try to munch it. I have a very unsocial dog.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Good morning all of you bright sunshine sisters. My there are some early risers here! I am at work (again) and have a good bit to do but wanted to try and post here first.
    Peter, I saw where you were released from watch duty a couple of hours ago. Good night brother. (sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite). Tucking you in. Thanks for taking the night watch.
    Betty.. Do you work for FedEx? We do vehicle maintenance on the FedEx trucks here. It is my experience that many of the FedEx employees here are a bit self focused and seem just a little bit spoiled! Hope your conference goes well.
    Jankay.. You are up mighty early...hope your day is good.
    Angel.. Wish I could go with you today. Keeping Audrey involved in team sports is a good thing, I believe. It will help instill discipline and self confidence. I hope they do well and get to play more than two games! (Even though it means for a little longer day for mom and dad). FYI.. my sister went to college on a softball scholarship.
    Nicki.. hope you can enjoy your party. The "consultant"
    position phasing out is a tough thing for you. Sounds like your friend got hurt by someone. I am sorry it caused repercussions for you. I am glad you had that going for awhile. Be a good DD!
    Vickie. Hope you get to stay in AC a good bit. Glad you slept well last night. Percocet has never been very conducive to sleep with me. Always gives me nightmares.
    Boo... glad you have an afghan. What a most wonderful, special gift.
    Marsha.. where are you? No dancing on the tables since last weekend as I recall. Missing your posts.
    Shirley, I agree with Vickie. The quilt should be on CNN!
    Madison.. hope your visit with your parents is a good one. Wishing you safe travels.
    Always Hope (such a great name).. how did you teach your dog to cross his legs? : )
    Denise.. thinking of you today and sending you hugs.
    ((Puppy)) ((Mena)) thinking of and praying for you. Is Mena back from the beach?
    Deb C.. .where are you? You have been way too quiet.
    So.. once again I am brain dead. From A to Z... wishing you all a wonderful Saturday. Hope the rain has eased up in TX and midwest. Maybe rainbows today?
    Love to all, Pam
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Good Saturday moning everyone. Another overcast day here. It's been very hot and humid with afternoon showers. I am hoping for a dry and sunny weekend so we can jump in the pool. Got to a great start this morning as I started my morning walking routine again. Took Maggie and we walked 2 miles. Yeah...haven't done that in a while thanks to Femara and Zoladex. No pinguin walk this morning!

    Sue - Dealing with insurance companies is never easy. Your son is so lucky to have you. Just keep fighting remember...the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I can appreciate your struggles, my step son is also autistic. He is now 17, and with a lot of therapy and structure is functioning very well, goes to a regular public school, and is becoming very independent. When he was smaller he completed the Easter Seal program. Today he still receives therapy for social skills and is learning to express his emotions which is a true miracle. Don't give up, keep persisting until your son gets what he needs. Feel free to drop by this circle and let us help you recharge your batteries. (((((hugs)))))

    Vikie - TMJ...ouch. I hope you feel better soon and have a great photography session. It sounds like so much fun.

    I know I'm not mentioning a lot of CG's but do send my love from A to Z. I got to run now, want to take advantage of the morning weather to work on the garden before it's too hot.

    Have a good day everyone. BBL
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning Sisters. Time for bed Peter. Was rudely awakened by the phone at 5:45. Was my dear baby boy calling to say good bye. They should be cruising out of the harbour as I type. Sniff sniff I will miss him. Probably won't get to talk to him again till December. I'm not sure if they have phones for use on the boat or not. They do have email tho so at least I won't be completely out of touch.

    Cheryl, I forgot to say welcome back last night. Glad your all hooked up and ready to go.

    Pam, On Call? What do you do?

    Betty, have a grand conference. You've worked so very hard. I am sure it will be a smashing success.

    Good Morning Jankay.

    Charlene, have a great time today. Drink lots of water. Hope Audry's team wins.

    Nicki, hahahahahh I can't tell you how many times I've done that. You can tell your sis that I am on tamox and have really no issues with it. And being postmenopausal it is supposed to be good for our bones. Have a grand time at the party.

    Vicki, JUST SAY NO to fixer-uppers!
    Have a grand time today. You will do great. Please share some of the pics when the day is done.

    Jaz, kitty take out, hahahhahhahhahahhahaahhah

    Good Morning Pam. Hope you have a great day ahead.

    Gotta get ready for the day. Hubby wants to be at Home Depot when they open and it's an hour away. Have a fantabulous day one and all. HAPPY 7/7/7
    What a great excuse for a party.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Odalys. Have a great day. Swim a lap or two for me.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited July 2007
    Good morning CG's and Peter!

    Kevin was released from the visiting nurse yesterday. He says he can swim now. Thank God! It's going to get really hot here this weekend.
    I go for my Mamogram this week. I've been having a little tenderness in the nipple area. Don't have to tell you all I am a little freaked out! Trying not to dwell on it. I do have an implant in that one so it may be that. I see the BS on 7/31.
    Sue-I know what it's like fighting the insurance companies. It can really drain you but keep at it. You are your childs best advocate but you already know that. I am thinking of you.
    Denise- you are always so sweet to ask about me and Kevin. I don't always check in everyday but I do try to read and keep up.
    Peter- I never said welcome so welcome big brother!
    I hope everyone has a great weekend.
    Hugs to all so many to mention. I am thinking of you all!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    Just checking in and up on all, will be back in a bit to post!!

    Have a great or good day!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    well this looks to be a better day. It sounds like everybody has big plans so i hope ther weather cooperates.
    charlene i am glad your daughter likes to play ball try to keep her interested, my jessica used to play basketball and she was very good.Local aau teams and optomist club teams wanted her to play. My bro-in=law even offered to pay her if she would keep playing. but she didnt want to jusssst play ball in school she wanted to do other things.
    I am lucky because when she asks to do something she usually excells in it like her guitar lessons. she has written songs to play.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    I had a nice surprise yesterday. It was tune for Missy to leave and there was a knock on the door. Missy answered it and in walked this young attractive black woman. i didnt have any idea who it was. It turns out that she was one of he new pastors at our churh. That may not seem like muxh, but i have never had a pastor come to see me from the church that i didnt request it. that may sound funny but i livc guite a distance from the church so they are not nkormally on this side of town.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Morning everyone - had a great day shopping yesterday. Got some cute things on sale. I love a bargain!

    Off to Lowe's now and then to the in-law's anniversary party. Will try to get some pics and post later.

    Hugs and prayers
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning everyone..up late..

    We are going to see our grandson play his first soccer game today, he just turned five. I am sure it will be the usual cute game with the little ones running around like a swarm of bees. I just love this age group. When my boys were growing up I was a volunteer referee for twenty years for ages 5-19 boys and gets competitve rather fast.

    ..Speaking of softball, I played in high school and college..we didn't have organized leagues back then for girls. We also didn't have divisions in college like NCAA does we played ones close univ. was small yet we played Ohio State..wipeout!! But playing team sports can be such a upper for girls and young women (even old women)

    Again when my boys were home, I was drafted to coach and manage little league the second year my oldest son played..i really enjoyed it and ended up doing it for both little league and senior league for 13 years..I always had a little chat with my parents before the first game. I told them I expected the same good sportsmanship as the boys and if they were the least bit negative...I would stop the game and collect a loss..I meant it and thru all those years I had wonderful parents (even if I had to twist their arms)

    I also volunteered to teach swimming for 35 years..I should have been a PE major in college!!! Wish I had known... next trip is to Cooperstown for the Baseball Hall of Fame inductions..our whole family may fly back east for it..My grandmother lived there so I spent all my summers growing up in Cooperstown.

    Jankay..I guess you never know who will ring your doorbell!!

    Peter..glad you kept a good watch last night..glad Pam didn't startle you.. so glad you went to a good sale..

    Betty, drive carefully now with that full van...

    Nicki..think you have the right approach for your sister..tamoxifen has been studied for years..sorry about your friend..that kind of attitude is really not helpful..

    Vickie..good luck with your photo shoot..don't forget to bring extra film or memory card...

    Have a good day everyone I missed I have to get my act in back later today..

    Hugs, SoCal
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    What a ditz brain I am! I heard something yesterday morning on the news about 070707 and assumed it was yesterday so I never even looked at a calendar. I kept wondering why people were going to parties today instead of yesterday. This morning I ran a credit card at work and marked the date paid on the invoice and when I looked at the calendar I felt like an idiot. DUH. Don't know what is going on. Chemobrain still?
    Shirley.. I work at a towing company. I believe I have said before here that we have a full service gas station, garage and wrecker service. Kinda like Wally's Garage in
    Mayberry. The guys take turns being Goob. When I am on call that means the 24 hour emergency tow line is transferred to my work Nextel radio / phone and I dispatch calls. Sometimes the phone rings all night. Others not at all. Weekends are usually a little busier. We have police calls, unlocks, jump starts, etc. Never know what you will run into. Enough about me, although I do like it when we learn more about each other.
    Jankay.. your daughter is a song writer? How wonderful! I also think it is cool you got an unsolicited visit from your pastor. Nice little surprises help make the days better.
    Anyone heard from Mena? Is she back from the beach?
    How about Puppy? Keep us posted ladies. You are in my prayers! Back to work again!! Thinking of Vickie and her photo shoot today! Pam
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    I couldn't resist reading Lisa's post before I signed off. What a great mom you are. I did some volunteer baseball and soccer stuff when my boys were little. Always so much fun before it gets competitive.

    Your trip to Cooperstown sounds awesome! I love baseball but have never been. Always been a kind of dream of mine to watch my team play in all the other ball parks. That one may never happen, but I can dream! Hope you have a great trip.
    P.S. Did you ever see the movie "A League of their Own?"
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    I did see that movie..and loved it..the beginning and the end of the film were filmed at Doubleday Field where I used to play when I was a girl(that part made me cry)...but we also lived in Grand Rapids Michigan when I was in elem school in the early forties and I just loved the "Grand Rapids Chicks" in the league I believe..

    Now I root for the San Diego Padres

    The irony is that my 38 year old still plays hardball as a catcher..he still wants me to come and see his games like I did in high school..they all went away to college so never saw any of those games. I tell him I will if he comes to watch me play tennis..hahaha
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Getting ready to hit the road. Im dressed and DH just stepped out of the shower.

    Almost had a big disaster. Air conditioning wouldnt go on. And I thought to myself - OK - this is bad karma. First my friend, then the central air. I said a big old fashioned prayer begging there would be a simple solution. Got my prayer answered. The batteries to the thermostat needed to be replaced.

    Hope everyone has a great day. I wont see ya all again til tomorrow morning.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited July 2007
    Morning all (except to Peter, good evening). Reading and catching up.

    Liz, reconstruction sounds like it is getting there. It's a long process but the end result is worth it.

    Shirley, I think the weather has cooled down; it's gray outside right now. When is your colonoscopy? Mine is the last Thursday of this month - I am not looking forward to it. Transformers got such bad reviews but I don't always listen to what they say. I have allergies too and don't know what it is. I start out almost every morning with a claritan and coffee. Our best friend is a contractor so we get his prices but we have to do it on his time; thus, my remodeling has also taken about 4 years. We don't need him for this last room, that's on hubby. When he finishes with this room, the entire house will have been redone and it's time to start the yard.

    Shokk, how did you get so lucky that your kids do things like clean the kitchen?

    Sheri, hugs to you for MIL - patience, I'm sure you will do it. My MIL was great; if only my own mother was so good.

    Sue/Gus, hope you can get the insurance issue rectified to your satisfaction.

    Cheri, Amber sure is lucky. I do think she is taking advantage though. How in the world do you watch the grandkids from a wheelchair?

    Lisa, what do you have to do for bone density testing?

    Robin, I hope your pain goes away very soon.

    Denise, I saw my mom last night - she isn't moving too well although she looks good.

    Boo/Sue glad you got an afghan.

    Went to breakfast with my sister so I'm back now, doing laundry.

    Betty, enjoy the conference.

    Vickie, I don't know where the time is going. Haven't had a chance to post lately but I think of everyone daily.

    Jankay, how are you doing this morning?
    Iris, hubby's computer is better but still getting popups, or maybe popunders. Very frustrating so someone picked up something on a website. Fortunately, no one touches my laptop.

    Jas, we're dog sitting for my daughter this weekend while she is in Vegas. She has a mini dachshound named Daphne. Daphne really is a good dog and you should see my big hubby on the couch rubbing Daphne's tummy.

    Angel, sports are so good for kids. My son played football for 3 years and when his grades dropped at the end of his junior year, the coach wouldn't let him play his senior year. He totally lost interest in school after that and we were worried that he wouldn't graduate - he did transfer to a continuation school and did graduate on time but I did have my concerns.

    Love to all from Amy to Z; will be back later but wanted to check in.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007

    xoxo Puppy
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Good afternoon all. I have a quiet week-end ahead of me, which is a good thing. Amber's working, the boys are at their dads and dh is on the road working. So here I am with the house quiet and able to watch whatever i want on tv. I must say, a day without Spongebob is a day filled with sunshine!! I hate that little sponge and all his goofy friends. We have 3 tv's in this house, including one in each of the boys room but where do they want to watch cartoons, the living room with Grandma. I hate cartoons. Although, I have to admit a soft spot for the Shrek movies. Hmm I bet the remotes are where I can't get to them. Argggg

    Charlene, a great big Congrats to Audrey! What wonderful news. You must be so proud.

    Betty, hope everything at work calms down.

    Jankay, good morning to you.

    Nickie, have a great party. Don't you just hate being designated driver? YOu'll have fun anyway.

    Jazz, good morning.

    Shirley, good mornig and happy 7/7/7. Wish I was able to go gambling today.

    Socal, don't you just love watching those little ones play sports? Until my leg got so bad I never missed a game of Ethans. He started playing soccer when he was in pre-school and he starts first grade this fall. Amber has coached all his soccer teams and then his dad coaches all his T-Ball teams. I admire you for getting out their with the kids and coaching. The first year Ethan played Amber had never even watched a soccer game much less played in one. So she watched a video and got rules off the web and we taped it and it's so cute.

    I talked to Mena this morning. She's very busy today having a yard sale. I hate it she has to sell her things but her mama has no place for it and Mena needs the money. She sounded upbeat though not like I expected. She enjoyed her time at the beach but it was cool and everyone was wearing sweaters. I told her all this time we thought she was laying in the sun. I guess she was but it was to keep warm. lol She really did sound good.

    Ok, so what's with my avatar? Some of you see Ethan which is what I worked on yesterday, others don't. I see the old pic of myself. Last night Janny & Gus saw him but Iris didn't. Anxious to see if the new one shows up today.

    Gina, come out and play. Sure wish you felt better.

    Iris, just where are you today, missy?

    Boo & Sheri so happy you both got afghans. You deserve them.

    Vickie, enjoy your day. You'll do fine with the pics. Miss you hanging around here though.

    Marsha, everything alright with you? If you want to talk, I have an open ear and a closed mouth. lol Yes, i can keep my mouth shut! I know all kinds of things about girls here that I've never told a soul.

    Janny, you gotta another party today? Since you've called the last few times and missed me I'll give you a call today.

    Peter, guess you're fast asleep, living in Australia and all. Sleep well. Rest keeps your mind sharp I hear.

    Wishing you all a wonderful afternoon. Thinking of you all from Amy to Z.
