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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Hey Puppy, hope you are feeling better today.

    Margaret, hey to you. For one thing I taught Ethan to change Kevins diaper. And Amber leaves stuff for dinner that's simple so i don't have to try and cook. Ethan is a huge help I couldn't watch Kevin without him here. He is so tender hearted and compassionate, always asking me if I need help. He's a soft hearted child....when he's not being a little butt-head! Did I just say that?? Now the 2yr old is going to have such a surprise when Grandma is able to walk and can catch him. He stands just out of my reach yells 'shut up', points his little finger at me. Hmm. First time he did that Ethan looked over at me with big eyes cos he knows kids don't get away with that and mumbled 'kk, your gonna be sorry'. If she goes out and their home she waits until bedtime and their asleep. Now that's my kinda babysitting.

    OK, still seeing that pic of me on my avatar and Ethans should be there, what does somebody else see?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Cheri..........I still see you!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Well now do you suppose that's working? Is there anyone that sees Ethans pic as my avatar? I worked on that for a long time yesterday and even Susan tried to help when she was here.
    Thanks Neesie.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2007
    I see Ethan.

    Have a great day everyone. We're of to Home Depot and Target.

    Hugs, healing, and prayers for all from Amy to Z.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited July 2007

    Ummmm---I see Ethan. How weird is that?

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007

    I think if someone deosn't turn off and reboot their computer, they will not see hte new photo...the page has not refreshed...Someone who sees the old photo, turn off your computer and restart it and see if the photo changes. ANother thing can be if the computer has an old page stored. You can try cleaning out your old cookies and temporary internet files....just a thought

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Cheri, I see Ethan. Maybe if you cleared your cookies and restart it might change, but that wouldn't explain how Denise still sees you! Thanks for the update on Mena.
    That Ethan sounds like a real sweetheart. A former pastor's wife used to say about smart mouthed children "That's what you get for not pinching their heads off when they were born." I always hated it when she said that and I hate it worse now. But sometimes I do understand it. lol
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    i see ethan

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hey to All!

    Cheri: I think a quiet weekend is well deserved for you! I'd go nuts with all the commotion anymore! SPONGEBOB, that dude drives me crazy....crazier! Beats the heck out of Telletubbies though!
    Thanks for the Mena update and I'm glad she is sounding good!

    Madison: Hope you have a good drive and visit with your parents. Do they live very far away? I'm just betting you have crocheting materials with you!!

    Shirley: Home Depot when it first opens! My DH patience for crowds or waiting. Gotta be there first thing in the morning..and if he needs anything done with the tires on our cars, he makes sure he is there 15 minutes before they open and stand by the door so he can be the first one there!! Discount Tire must love the guy!
    I lmao reading that the 'rest of the remodel will be over DH's dead body!' I just bet you are entertaining when you get loopy!! To Funny!
    Son left....I'm feeling your loneliness and worry. Do you know where he is off to? My DS isn't in the Military, but I haven't seen him since last Sept. and it's making me crazy. He is coming home for a couple days in August though.

    Gus: Keep after that Ins. Co......Blessings to you and your Son. I hope you are having somewhat of a good weekend....and I hope you don't have to cancel your trip to PinkStock.

    Jan: You sound like you've been Busy! I have to decipher my notes and figure out what you've been doing! I was on the X-Way earlier today and about 20 bikes blew by me......was looking to see if I could find you, but no luck!

    Vickie: TAKE THE LENS COVER OFF!!!! Hope your jaw is feeling better...Hat's off to anyone with Tooth/Mouth trouble. I have a terrible mouth........(and I mean teeth!) and swear I have spent more time and money at the Dentist then anywhere.

    Alwayshope: Lizard still loose in the house.....EWWWWWWWW! Do you sit in the Love Seat or is it taped off? If all these little critters would just realize that God made a Beautiful OUTSIDE for them and they don't need to come INSIDE, that would be great!

    Sheri: Enjoy??? your visit with MIL! I got a hold of Deb and she is overnighting you some Xanax Lollipops!

    Nicki: I love the pics you come up with first thing in the morning! I hope you are having a Great time today at the party.........if you're anything like me you drag about going but once you get there you usually have a good time.
    Sorry to hear the Money Problems are only getting more complicated........wish I had a answer for you.

    Robin: Sore and Tired........Take it easy lady! Haven't read much from you lately. Evil still hanging around?

    Charlene: Yea for Audrey but Boo for 7:30am! Been there and done that.........enjoy your day proud MaMa!

    Liz: I love a bargain too! Enjoy your in-laws anniversary party and we'll see you tonight!

    Iris: Thanks for eating the ice cream for me!!!! At this point any flavor will do! Yesterday I bought some Ice Cream thingy called "Skinny Cow." Sure didn't feel skinny when I was eating it!!

    Margaret: I think your post of Son was a Mirror Image of my Boys! Son #1 played Football or his life...Junior year he got 'benched' cuz of grades. Senior year he decided he was sick of it and quit playing..........after I spent how many years freezing my arse off at games! Son#2 just wasn't very atheletic..............but after spending several years in the "gifted" student classes.......he just didn't give a rip about anything but trouble in high school. Son #1 transferred to a 'adult high school' but died 2 weeks before graduation and Son#2 wouldn't have graduated on time without doing the Continuation at 'adult high school.' He's doing well now!!!! Can we say..........."Thank God!"

    I'm trying to find where I wrote the color of paint you used. I know I've seen it recently.........but don't know where! Can you send it again? Do you know how your friend mixed it?

    JanKay: How nice was that! What a lovely visit from your new pastor!

    Cherryl: All moved in............with no help from Pinky! Hope you like your new place!

    Puppy: As always, thanks for the daily picture and prayer! How are things going for you?

    Betty: Sure hope you can relax enough to enjoy the Conference..........You have worked so hard on it.

    Laura: So glad your Center rescheduled Mammo and Onc for the same day..........I too get my Mammo results on the spot.
    Still looking for pics of the New Baby!!!!

    Pam: I was watching "Man vs Wild" last night too! Loved Australia................but drinking the pee was making me sick! (footnote)..I wasn't drinking the pee, just watching him do it.........GROSS!)

    Lisa: The more I get to know you the more I admire you and your life!! Sounds like you have very rewarding life...past and present. I, too, just love watching the little ones play soccer! AND as a bonus, I just learned that you are a fellow Michigander!!!!

    Joyce: Try not to let the Mammo appt. freak you out to much...easier said than done, I know........I'm sure all will be well. I am so happy to hear that Kevin is 'mending' so well that he no longer needs a visiting nurse and that he can Swim! Such a trooper!

    Shokk: Send the Girls to my house! I have become the biggest procrastinator in the world! Hmmm....Wonder if it has anything to do with this Computer!

    Peter: Are you awake???? Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for watching over us!!

    Odalys: Some Spanish Lesson!!!! I think I need one on one tutoring! I have to tell you that I thought your Post to Sue/Gus was Very nice!

    MB, Marsha, Boo, Deb, Beth..........Where are you????

    From A to Z....have a good day...............
    If this thing eats my don't want to know what will happen!

    Speaking of.............printers. Guess our old one bit the started printing so small it was literally unreadable, even with glasses on. So I picked up a new one yesterday..........we saw it on line and the price was real good..........anyhooooooooo this dang thing has so many bells and whistles on it that I'm scared to even look at it! Computer illiterate..............oh yea!

    Hugs to all,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    I have had a bunch of people PM and e-mail me worried because I have not been around much. I just wanted to let you know I am fine!! It is summertime in Alaska and we seem determined to use all 20+ hours of daylight

    I have had a few weird symptoms that I am trying furiously to ignore right now…some swollen glands under my chin on my “cancer” side, a swollen gland under my tongue and a weird pimple thing on the side of my tongue. I just saw my dentist (who is a genius..I just love him) about 2 weeks ago. He X-rayed and checked bone density on that side due to my Rads field actually hitting my jaw. He also did a VERY thorough exam and said my mouth, neck and upper throat looked great, no sign of any problem except a slight bone loss in my jaw. Realistically I know this is not cancer, but a 3 in the morning I can’t seem to quit poking everything. I am really ready for this damn paranoia to go away. So far I have only had this about 6 days. If it goes 2 weeks I will go see someone. I just want to find a way to quit thinking CANCER every time I get a little bump or twitch….

    Someone asked if I feel earthquakes here…yep, all the time. We get quakes big enough to feel and make hanging lights swing, etc, about 6 or 8 times a year. Usually we will get one 4+ on the Richter scale once or twice a year. Those really wake you up! You can actually hear them rumble and crack the earth…weird. After all these years they still make we sick to my stomach….hate it. I have some really wild earthquake stories. One time I was driving a tractor in the hay field and could not figure out why I couldn’t drive straight. I looked up to realize we were having a doozy of a quake and it looked like waves were rippling thought the ground across the field. You could actually see it rise and fall, making the tractor dip and climb. The rumble of the engine and movement masked the quake feeling, but it was SO weird!

    I have been trying to at least scan and try and keep up. The girls leave for camp on Sunday night (running camp for Carol, Horse camp for Katie) I will have time to catch up with everyone then,..I hope....

    I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers…

    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    So glad to see you! Sounds like we may be on the same wavelength.

    Lisa, growing up in Georgia, I am truly an Atlanta Braves fan. However, they really hurt my feelings at the end of last year when they traded my favorite player, Marcus Giles, to the Padres! He and his brother are both excellent ball players I believe. Funny connection, don't you think?

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Hey ladies...anyone who wants to see more info on earthquakes near me go to this link:

    The ones closest to me will be the cook inlet area. We had a little one at 8:55 this AM...didn't feel it though. Until they get to about 2. or 2.9, I don't usually feel them unless they are really long....

    Hugs right back at ya Pam (((((pam))))

    OK...I have to go do dishes and clean my fridge before stuff starts to crawl out

    Deb C
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Denise... Could you believe that?! I got so tickled at them blocking his "privates" out while he filled his container and then he says "Your urine is sterile if you drink it fresh from the body." Wonder if our brother Peter ever has adventures in the wild like that? (Not sure we require an answer there Peter!) Interesting show!
    (hugs) Pam
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Pam.....So glad you asked Peter that question!!!! Believe me it came to my mind, but figured I've already 'thrown' enough of my sick mind at him!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    I am home
    I am tired
    I am going to take a nap
    I think I am killing myself LOL
    I think I will just say "NO" LOL...the wedding went well...missed you all today...completely exhausted so I'm gonna snooze while Nate watches a movie and I'll be back in a bit.
    Love you all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    I must say that one of the delicious treats in my life have always been home grown tomatoes. Even as a child we'd watch them grow and turn colors and eat them right off the vine, juice running down to our elbows. lol We still wait every summer for the first red, ripe garden tomato....and I just ate it! hahahaha Simply delicious! I used to put out a big vegetable garden but i haven't been able to in years so now Ethan & "Pa" do. I've got pics of dh & Ethan dropping seeds in and planting the plants. Won't be long before the sweet corn is ready. That's Ethans pride and joy. He's getting big enough now that he understands the concept of things growing. He just struts when him and dh go out to their garden.

    Ok. I want to thank Laura, Jeannie, Deb, Pam, and Jankay for letting me know about my avatar. They all see Ethan. But this morning Nicki and Vickie saw me as Iris did last night. I shut down my computer last night and I don't know why some of you see the new one & others dont. I haven't even been able to view Ethans pic hope it turned out cute.

    til later,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited July 2007
    hehehehe..denise....its the weekend, i usually don't have computer time til i get to work..but wih pinkstock so close i check often..
    hugs and thanks for missing
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Happy afternoon ladies. I think Peter is probably still sleeping? Lowes was a blast. Really. Got pipe and gauges and all kinds of cool stuff. HAHA! It was cooler in Modesto so that was nice. Party doesn't start till 7. Think I'll veg and watch a movie.

    Joyce, good for Kevin. Exercise is the best thing for him. I have a terrible memory of when I had heart surgery when I was 6. Back in the day when you stayed in the hospital till you were healed. A couple of days after surgery I wet my bed. The nurse made me get up and help put on clean sheets. I cried and cried. Just couldn't understand why I was being punished. Now I know that was just part of getting better. Anywhos. I'm rambling. Glad Kevin was released from the nurse. Things are only gonna get better.
    Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for your mammo. I had mine last week. Haven't got a call back so I guess all is good.

    Jankay, very nice for you to get a visit from one of your Pastors. In reality it's there job but sadly it doesn't happen enough.

    Liz, I went to Lowes too. Did you see me? So what'd ya get? I love a good sale.

    Wow Socal. You are quite the athlete. I was one of those kids that ducked and covered if the ball came in my direction. I love watching my grandson play soccer. The little ones are so adorable. My kids were never interested in sports when they were little. They all did T-ball for a season and that was it. Then daughter started cheerleading when she was in middle school and both my boys got into cross country and wrestling in high school. It was good for them cause they had to keep their grades up in order to participate.

    Pam, happy 7/7/7. On Call for a tow company. I think I remember a conversation about this. Didn't you do snow plowing this winter? Yikes I bet that can make for some long nights. When hubby and I were first married he was partner in a towing company. Put in some long hard hours with that job.

    Nicki, I am so glad your prayer was answered. No a/c and I would cry real tears.

    Margaret, when it's grey on the coast it's hotter than hades over here. Tell the sun to come out at your house please. Colonoscopy is August 22. I'm so looking forward to it. I asked about the pills for prep. He said he doesn't use them cause they can leave a residue in your intestines. Bummer. But the good part is the bottles of the nasty stuff are really small so I should be able to choke them down without to much difficulty.
    I heard Transformers got bad reviews. To bad. I thought it was excellent. But then again I love comic book type movies. Tho I don't think it was ever a comic book, was it? My criteria for a movie is it has to entertain me. This one kept me entertained from beginning to end. The way the cars transformed was soooooo cool. Looked just like the toys my boys use to have.

    Cheri, I see Ethan. I love the Shrek movies too. I am sooooo glad I missed the spongebob era with my kids. Heres a funny. My youngest used to come home from high school and watch the Power Puff Girls. Now that wouldn't be to bad if my youngest wasn't a hormone infested teenage boy at the time. He loved that show. Hope you found your remotes with no difficulty.

    Laura, seems to be home improvement day here in the circle. What'd ya get?

    Deb, if I lived in Alaska I think I'd spend every waking moment out in the sun during summer.
    Whenever I get any kind of little virus I always get the bumps under my tongue. I thought I was the only odd person out there. Maybe you have a virus. Makes sense if you have a swollen gland in your neck.

    Denise, I really am entertaining when I'm loopy. My family prefers the word obnoxious tho. Son is doing "The Med Run" Have no idea what that means but do know they are going to Italy and the Persian Gulf.
    Because of my crappy ears and screwed up equilibrium I feel even the tiniest earthquake. My head is totally in tune with the earths movement. hahahahahhah I'm am so screwed up.

    Whispering......Vicki can't wait to see the pics. You are gonna share some right? I am sooooo proud of you for stepping out and taking on a wedding. I don't think I will ever get up the nerve to do one. Just the fact that there is no "do over" for a wedding scares the bejeebers outa me.

    Cheri, I am sooooo jealous. I love home grown tomatos. Can't grow them at my house cause my backyard is my leach field. Tried doing it in planters once and failed miserably.

    MB, time is flying. Before you know it we'll all be parked in your driveway.

    OK love you all to bits, gonna go watch a movie.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    OK...fool proof method for growing tomatoes in a planter.....

    Use at least a 20 gallon planter. Any smaller and the roots dry out and/or get too hot in the summer.

    Use a terminate plant. They will only grow to a certain height and then stop, unlike the ones that keep getting taller and taller. I had the best luck with plants that grow smaller fruit.

    I buy my starts from a nursery, but you can start your own in little pots. When they are about 6 inches tall it is time to plant them in the big patio pots.

    You can fill the bottom 1/3 of the pot with rocks, or if you are going to move them and want them lighter weight, use Styrofoam packing peanuts. Just make sure not to use the newer ones made of cornstarch, they melt and that kind of defeats the purpose!

    Use a good potting soil and add 1 Tablespoon of Osmocote fertilizer per gallon of soil. Also add (and this is a must unless you want to water every morning and night) a few tablespoons of Soilmoist or another brand of the same thing. It is a crystal that absorbs water and holds it for the plants to use more slowly. This stuff works great and keeps plants from drying out over and over in high heat. It makes all the difference in the world for plants like tomatoes that need even amounts of water. Here is a link…

    That’s it! I have never had this fail. We grew tons of tomatoes in planters on our deck in Michigan. It is too cold to grow them outside here. We use a greenhouse at my Mom’s house.

    Good luck
    Deb C

    Pinch off the bottom 2 leaves and plant them at least 3 inches deep. The stems will sprout more roots underground and support growth.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2007
    Ok, I've made it to Sat. night. Only 9 more days to go! So far not toooo bad, but I'm wiped out. We went out to the Perryville Civil War Battlefield today and Constitution Square where Kentucky signed it's first constitution for statehood. That's enough history for today. Then we went and had some Mexican food. Of course, they have to compare ours to Southern CA, not much comparison, but ours here is not too bad.

    I love homegrown tomatoes, too. We didn't do a garden this year and I really miss them.

    Marsha, I miss seeing you. If you are lurking, check in and say "hi".

    Hopefully I'll be able to check in, but Joe came home early from his friend's house. He'd been helping with a polocrosse tournament at his friend's mom's horse farm. The boys I think were starting to get on each other's nerves.

    Have a great evening!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters,
    Wake up's time to rise and shine.
    I am going to walk the perimeter and tuck everyone in if it kills me...somebody may have to follow me with a wheelbarrow to haul me back to my wagon cuz I am feeling 45 going on 90 tonight.
    The wedding went well...I remembered to take off the lens cap and turn the camera on! Whew. I just downloaded all the pictures and they look marvelous. I am uploading the rehearsal pictures to the Kodak site now...121 pictures...yikes. I have no idea how many wedding and reception pictures there are but you can bet there is a bunch. Totally exhausted tonight though.
    Jankay called and her computer is being worked on and hopefully will be up and running soon!
    Gotta check out what Shirley got at Lowes...I love Lowes and Home Depot (although I have a harder time finding things at Home Depot). I will share some of the pics.

    I'm sneakin through Cheri's garden to see if she missed any tomatoes! I love them too...I'm jealous. Mine just got the little yellow flowers on them so it's gonna be a while. Sweet dreams party girl.
    Denise...sick mind? Since when do you have a sick mind LOL. Hugs and sweet dreams. Oh...I bought some of the skinny cow ice's really good!
    Marsha's tent is pretty darn quiet...what do you all say we sneak in and jump on her bed and get her stirred up. I miss her witty humor. Hugs to you hon...sweet dreams.

    Deb...hugs to you...don't you just hate the bumps and lumps crap. I have a sore collarbone...hurts to touch and has for a couple of weeks so you know where my mind is. This stupid TMJ has me wondering if I'm losing bone with the Tamoxifen even though I'm taking the Fosamax????? I don't blame you for soaking up all that sunshine. I would have a very hard time in the winter though. I need sunshine or I just get down and out. Too early for you to head off to bed but know I'm tuckin you in and hoping for restful sweet dreams.

    Checking on Iris's wagon as she's gone MIA on us for a few days...making sure the alarms are set and all is well. Got my six shooter in my back pocket LOL.

    Joyce and Kevin are doing well. tucking them both in tonight. What wonderful news that Kevin can go swimming again! Hugs to you both!

    Shokk...can i borrow your girls. Not much to throw out but could use a good cleaning crew...been to busy with everything but housework lately! Later ya.

    Madisons wagon is empty and I don't see a crochet hook in sight...sneaky broad is out there crocheting up a storm while I sit her with my eyes barely open. Love and hugs to you sweet sister.

    Sheri needs Xanex lollipops...oh I have quite a supply of them LOL. YOu can have all you need.

    Stoppin in to see our Gus and give her a hug and a forehead smooch. Sweet dreams and try not to worry or will all work out in the end. Hugs to you.

    Jan...startin to miss you and your posts...what are you up too?

    Man Vs. Wild huh? Ok...not one I've heard of...sounds a wee bit gross though LOL. No Peter I do NOT want to know if you've tried that!

    Big hugs and smooches to shopmama...
    MB popped in I see. You all need to check out her "cooks" on the Pinkstock thread...go back a page or two...the are so sweet!

    Puppy...we miss you and are sending prayers daily. Love ya.

    Margaret, Sue, Angel, Liz, Susan, Christine, Jankay, Nicki, Betty, Odalys...everyone...sweet dreams and I will see you in the morning (if I can get up that is).
    You are all in my heart...I love ya we are and family we will stay!
    ok...ready for the wheelbarrow now...or you could just cover me up where I lay...I'm so tired it wouldn't matter LOL.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2007

    Please send the xanax lollipops quick!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    xanax lollipops for all in need....let Sheri go first


    Thought I would throw in a massage


    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Deb, you always come through with items in need....massage and xanax lollipops are winners

    Checking in to tell everyone nite nite....

    Peter, have a good day

    Vickie, sweet sister....we need to tuck you in are working entirely too much...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Well, shoot howdy and damn told me 'I'm no longer valid!' Pffffftt............Guess I'll just tell all to have a good night!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007

    aaauuuggghhh...can't sleep...too hot...too tired and hurt like hell. Pain meds just aren't doin it. Gonna take some old standbye. Oh...nighttime excederin...I'm so friggin tired I'll probably pass out and wet the bed LOL!

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    Been busy all day today and it took so long to catch up!

    Sherloc, we saw Transformers this morning. I almost bagged it to see Ratatouille but glad I didn't. The special effects was awesome. It had enough humor in it to keep it interesting. Took me the whole movie to firgure out the kid, Sam, is the kid from Even Stevens on Disney channel. Loved the dog, Mojo! And, I want that car and it drives itself, hehehe!

    OK, Mena, if you are reading this, I went to see it and you can hit me over the head like you told me on the phone this morning. Remember, road trip before you move to see you!

    Tgirl, Kristen, Joyce and Ishop, think we can all fit in one car for the road trip? It will be after Pinkstock but before school starts again.

    Lisa, I used to umpire for little league when my brother played and with my ds for a couple years when he was younger. He does not play anymore because his father embarassed him too many times at the games. Too long a story.

    Deb, I grew the plum tomatoes last year in a container and they were wonderful. I want to see if next year we can grow the yellow and orange ones that are lower in acid for dh. We bought them at Wegmans and loved them.

    Vickie, hope tonight is better. Yuck on the TMJ. Give Nate a big kiss for me.

    Jankay, my friend Jan said she is from Knoxville and she and her brother both went to U of T. She said she still has lots of family there but I don't know her maiden name. Will find out.

    Hi Pam, Puppy, Nicki and everyone else from Amy to Z. See you tomorrow, I hope. We have tickets to see "Carousel" at the Walnut Street theater tomorrow for a matinee, me, ds, dh and mom. Then out to dinner and take mom back to Sunrise.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Good night, dear sisters and Peter. Hope you all are resting. I am going back to check and make sure Vickie is tucked in. What a week she has had! Can't wait to see some pics!
    I haven't told you all about my girlchildren. My friend, Vicki (who used to be my neighbor) and I got divorced within a couple of years of each other. She had two girls, and I had two boys. We made our own "new family" and share the kids and every year at Christmas we have "dysfunctional family Christmas at Waffle House." (We put the fun in dysfunctional). Anyway, I have called Pamela my "girl child" for years. She used to babysit Miles and Craig and she and Miles are so very close. My girl child is getting married next Saturday and Miles is performing the ceremony! It is really almost unreal. We went to a lawn and garden shower tonight and it was fun watching them interact like they were kids again. Where does the time go?
    Denise... of course you are valid dear one. Trust me.
    Puppy.. praying for excellent results from your surgery on Monday. Keeping you covered in the center of the circle. Know we love our "Aunt Puppy," Miles sends his love too.
    Enough for tonight... From Amy to Z... God bless you all and keep you safe and free from sorrow, fear and pain. Love you !! Pam
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Vickie..glad you remembered everything for the picture the photos will really turn out well... it' the pic I mean..and about tomatoes..we just can't get them so they taste so rich here in California..I surely do miss them!!

    Madison..sure hope your visit went well..let us know when you are safely home

    Hi Jas..a little late for me to send you some coffee..

    Hi Jankay... fair working on Saturday..


    Sherloc..Med cruise sounds like a winner!!Bet they have lots of port calls..make sure he brings back a nice present for MOM..

    Joyce..good news about wonderful he can swim just the time for it too..

    Nickie..don't you just hate waiting for our DHs!!

    Margaret..about the bone density..I had a baseline DEXA scan when I started arimidex then had one every six to nine months after that I have finished my hormone treatments, I get one only once a year.I am with you about my is MINE..the other computer is OURS... the new printer going to be YOURS??

    DebC..hugs to you with all your weird hard to deal with aren't they..

    Pam..we just love Marc Giles here..he is so cute and sooo much the little peppy brother ..

    MB good to see you sneak a peak

    We had a great time watching the little ones try to play least they ran around alot..then our grandson came home with us for the day..I wish I had his energy...then my son brought our new little granddaughter here when he came to pick up GS..I just love it...six weeks old

    Beth..too bad your ex made your son's life impossible in sports..what a shame..

    Peter do you have the duty tonight??
    Time for me to hit the bed...

    Hugs, SoCal